Diagnosis of infertility. Primary diagnosis of infertility: examination for infertility in women, men and what tests need to be taken

This is a complex procedure that consists of several stages. Its success is determined various factors, starting from the professionalism of doctors and pumping up the characteristics of the woman’s health condition. Preparation for IVF is important. Compliance simple rules and recommendations from specialists will increase the effectiveness of the method and reduce the likelihood of adverse consequences.

Preparing a woman for IVF

Before proceeding with in vitro fertilization, it is necessary to determine the woman’s initial health status. To do this, a comprehensive examination is prescribed, which includes:

  • Determination of hormone concentrations in the blood.
  • Ultrasound reproductive organs.
  • Analysis of smears from the vagina, urethra, cervical canal.
  • General analysis blood and urine.
  • Determination of blood group and Rh factor.
  • Consultations with relevant specialists.

If necessary, the doctor can prescribe other diagnostic methods that will help obtain the most complete and objective information about the condition. female body. This data is needed in order to select one of the IVF protocols and identify hidden diseases. If such are diagnosed, then preparatory stage They are treated, after which a follow-up examination is prescribed.

In addition, during preparation for IVF, a woman must observe general recommendations, which include: correct and good nutrition, healthy image life, motor activity, but without heavy loads, etc. The exact list will be compiled by the attending physician individually.

How to prepare for each stage of IVF

Among the main stages in vitro fertilization The following can be noted:

  1. Stimulation of ovulation.
  2. Egg retrieval.
  3. Fertilization.
  4. Embryo cultivation.
  5. Embryo transplantation into the uterine cavity

During IVF in a natural cycle, stimulation of egg maturation is not carried out, since this process occurs physiologically. But if there are deviations in hormone levels, ovulation does not occur on its own, so it must be stimulated. For the maturation of eggs in the ovaries, a reproductive specialist prescribes to the patient hormone therapy. Preparing for ovulation involves strictly following the hormone regimen. Even minor deviations from the prescribed schedule can cause delayed ovulation or premature maturation of eggs.

The second stage is follicle collection. Performed on days 13-15 menstrual cycle. Represents surgery through the vaginal vault. Performed on an empty stomach under intravenous anesthesia and lasts no more than 5 minutes. To prepare for surgery, the patient needs to have her blood tested, have an ECG and undergo a consultation with an anesthesiologist.

The next stages - fertilization, cultivation and selection of viable embryos are performed by specialists in laboratory conditions. These manipulations no longer depend on the woman, so there is no need to prepare for them.

The last stage of IVF requires preparation - embryo transfer. The procedure is carried out 3-5 days after fertilization. The patient must undergo a blood test for hormones. Also, a woman should take a shower and drink 1-2 glasses of water to fill up bladder. If it is empty, manipulation is more difficult. The implantation is completely painless and lasts a few minutes. After this, a course is assigned hormonal drugs, which must be completed exactly with the drawn up scheme.

Preparing a man for IVF

Despite the fact that during IVF most of the manipulations are carried out on the woman’s body, preparing the man for the procedure is also mandatory. This is due to the fact that when the egg is fertilized, its sperm will be used. Traditionally, before starting IVF, a man is prescribed a comprehensive examination, which includes:

  • Blood and urine examination.
  • Spermogram.
  • Analysis of a smear from the urethra for sexually transmitted infections.
  • Ultrasound examination internal organs, if necessary.
  • Consultations of narrow specialists.

Careful preparation is required before collecting the sperm that will be used to fertilize the egg. A man should lead a healthy lifestyle, eat right, avoid overheating and follow other doctor’s recommendations.

In addition, both spouses can go psychological preparation, which in certain cases can also increase the effectiveness of IVF and make it easier to endure this difficult procedure.

According to modern disappointing world statistics, approximately 5% of families cannot have children at all. These numbers represent infertility in humans, which, unfortunately, is more difficult to correct. Diagnosis of infertility has become the most popular service.

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Sees doctors large number couples who, after examination, turned out to be absolutely healthy, but the long-awaited pregnancy still did not occur naturally. Such cases occur in about 15% of married couples in any country.

What is infertility?

We can talk about infertility when a couple cannot conceive a child for more than a year if they do not use various contraception. Unfortunately, quite a lot of married couples are now facing this problem in our country!

Modern medicine has already been able to achieve the highest accuracy in diagnosing various functional abnormalities that result in such a health condition. However, doctors often, after examination, cannot find the problem and patients desperately grasp at any, even unimaginable, methods of treatment, in some cases surgical intervention occurs.

Causes of infertility in women and men

The most common factors in the development of the disease are various anatomical disorders, namely anomalies in the structure of the organs directly reproductive system. To identify them, it is necessary to conduct an examination of the body.

Diagnosis of infertility in women is carried out to identify possible diseases and appointments effective treatment. More often main reason are different gynecological diseases, also endocrine and infectious.

Infertility in male patients can be acquired or genetic, in some cases it can occur as a result of injury, under the influence of adverse factors (alcohol consumption, psychostimulant substances, constant smoking, stress). In addition, men may experience immunological and endocrine forms diseases, so it is necessary to conduct an examination here.

The development of the disease in many cases can be caused by the most simple problems, therefore, if a couple cannot conceive a child naturally, then first an examination and diagnosis of infertility in men should be carried out. In some cases, pregnancy may not occur due to genetic incompatibility partners or the appearance of hormonal problems.

Diagnosis of infertility at the Neo Vita clinic

The basis of treatment is an individual approach, as well as a search for the main cause. After the examination, a group of specialists carefully works with each patient of our clinic. This group includes a gynecologist, endocrinologist, urologist, osteopath, family psychologist, reflexologist, nutritionist, and psychotherapist.

We have at our disposal the most effective ways treatment. Each of them serves to achieve one goal - to harmonize the processes in the body of a woman and a man so that conception can occur naturally.

To identify the true causes of the disease, doctors use the most effective, harmonious and comprehensive methods:

Spermography. This is the main method for judging a man’s reproductive ability. Physical and chemical properties sperm, the number of live sperm and their motility. Based on this study, a conclusion is made about the man’s fertility and the factor is excluded or confirmed male infertility in pairs. The results of a spermogram may indicate certain diseases of the male reproductive system, which are often the cause of infertility.

Analysis of hormonal levels. Hormones regulate all processes occurring in the body and reproductive function is no exception. Malfunctions of the endocrine system often cause infertility in both women and men. When diagnosing the causes of infertility, it is important to find out the hormonal status of both partners.

Comprehensive 4D diagnostics. This hardware study provides a comprehensive picture of the state of the body and its functions, based on an analysis of the vegetative activity nervous system. 4D diagnostics allows you to identify hidden diseases and disorders even in the most early stages their development. The method is very informative and is successfully used in the diagnosis of infertility along with traditional types of research.

Carrying out psycho diagnostics emotional state. In some cases, psychological infertility is not an ephemeral concept, but an objective reality. Unconscious fears and internal conflicts can have a very tangible impact on the reproductive system. This is possible because the function of the genital organs is regulated by a neurohumoral method and depends on the activity of the hypothalamic-pituitary system, which is sensitive to the slightest changes emotional state of a person. Our feelings and emotions can be the cause of psychosomatic disorders that inhibit reproductive function. In such a situation, in order to treat infertility, it is necessary to combine the efforts of doctors with the work of a qualified and experienced psychotherapist.

Carrying out diagnostics by an osteopath. This specialist can identify circulatory disorders, spasms, excessive muscle tension that limits the natural mobility of organs pelvis and other pathologies that prevent successful conception. By providing a special manual effect, the osteopath activates the process of restoration of the reproductive system.

Testing for possible sexually transmitted infections. Sexually transmitted infections are the main cause inflammatory diseases reproductive organs. Long-term inflammation leads to adhesions and tubal obstruction in women. In men, some infections can reduce sperm motility and cause obstructive infertility if the epididymis is affected.

Hysterosalpingography. Highly informative patency study fallopian tubes and uterus. During the study, adhesions, endometrial polyps, uterine malformations and other pathologies can also be detected.

Diagnosis of infertility in Moscow is carried out quickly and efficiently, as the clinic employs experienced specialists.

Infertility treatment at the Neo Vita clinic

Unfortunately, doctors often offer a solution to the problem of infertility using IVF and patients agree to this unsafe procedure, without realizing the consequences of such an unsafe method of achieving results.

Our specialists always proceed from the fact that infertility treatment consists primarily of eliminating all causes that prevent the natural occurrence of pregnancy, even if this is required long time, because in most cases, you can help solve the problem using gentle methods that do not harm the health of the woman and the fetus.

The Neo Vita clinic has developed a number of unique techniques, with the help of which our doctors have been helping women for many years to get rid of such common causes of infertility as cervical canal stenosis, endometriosis, uterine fibroids, incompatibility of vaginal mucus with partner’s sperm, psychological infertility. The experience of our specialists shows that there are very few cases where IVF is the only solution for the treatment of infertility, mostly these are complete obstruction or absence of the fallopian tubes, which is quite rare.

At the Neo Vita clinic, a gynecologist-endocrinologist, the creator of unique proprietary methods for treating infertility, as well as uterine fibroids and endometriosis without surgery, performs free consultations on these problems. As a result comprehensive examination Individual treatment is developed that combines effects on each identified factor.

The purpose of our consultations is to help as much as possible more women to identify the disease in time and receive maximum information on the most correct, harmonious treatment.

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from anywhere in the world. The cost of consultation is 3,000 rubles.

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July 9
The author's program for treating infertility without IVF was presented in the New Book

On July 7, in Novy Knizhny on Malaya Sukharevskaya Square, a seminar was held by a gynecologist-endocrinologist from the Neo Vita clinic, candidate medical sciences Volkovinskaya Natalia

Diagnosis of infertility includes:

Initial medical history collection of an infertile couple
. general physical examination
. hormonal examination
. reproductive system
. examination for
. tubal patency
. spouse's spermogram
. Shuvarsky test (compatibility of spouses)
. examination

Diagnostics female infertility - taking into account the capabilities and equipment of the clinic “ New life“, in 2-3 months you can identify the cause, develop an effective treatment plan for a married couple, and prepare for pregnancy.

Patients who have already undergone examinations in other clinics bring the conclusions of previous examinations and treatment.

Basic criteria for assessing the fertility of a married couple:

Regular menstrual cycle
- presence of ovulation (ovulatory menstrual cycle),
- fertile sperm from the husband/partner (more than 20 million sperm in 1 ml. Motility more than 50%, no more than 85% deformed sperm)
- patent fallopian tubes, normal form uterus, absence of endometrial pathology.

That’s probably all you need to get pregnant on your own.

However, if you have been trying to get pregnant for a whole year, calculating ovulatory days, doing tests, but pregnancy does not occur, then it is better for you to contact our clinic.

Initial appointment with an obstetrician-gynecologist (reproduction specialist) to diagnose infertility:

Collecting anamnesis of the examined couple (questioning about past diseases, operations, development in childhood, heredity, etc.)
. Physical examination (height, weight, examination and palpation of the mammary glands, percussion, palpation, etc.),
. Gynecological examination - examination in mirrors on a chair, bimanual examination of the pelvic organs,
. Hormonal examination (in order to identify or exclude endocrine factors),
. Immunological examination (if indicated, immunogram, HLA typing of histocompatibility class 2, etc.),
. Ultrasound of the pelvis,
. Examination of smears for purity, latent infections, culture, cytological scraping from the cervix and central canal,
. Study of fallopian tube patency (hysterosalpingography, echography),
. husband/partner,
. Blood test for antibodies to viruses (both spouses)

These studies will help assess the condition and functioning of the reproductive organs.

Diagnostics- is more complex and lengthy than that of, this is due to the fact that some studies are carried out on certain days of the menstrual cycle.

For example, we cannot conduct and test tubal patency during the same menstrual cycle.

We cannot see the egg visually because it is very small, whereas sperm analysis can immediately determine a man's fertility.

Diagnosis of male infertility- if any abnormalities in sperm parameters are detected, the man must undergo examination by.

If a married couple regularly has sex for a year and does not use protection, but pregnancy does not occur, the reason may be infertility of both the man and the woman. It often happens that both spouses are to blame. Timely contact medical institution will help not only to find out the cause of infertility, but also to eliminate it. Women are examined by an endocrinologist and gynecologist at a district consultation or specialized medical center. Clinics dealing with reproduction problems conduct diagnostics by examining two spouses. Men go to an andrologist, who examines them and refers them to various tests and examinations.

Diagnosis of infertility in women accurately determines the reasons for lack of pregnancy. Timely diagnosis and timely treatment enable a woman to give birth to a child on her own. There are various ways, with the help of which a diagnosis is made and treatment is prescribed. It could be laboratory test, Ultrasound - diagnostics, laparoscopy and hysteroscopy.

Diagnosis of infertility is a chance for a woman suffering from this disease to identify the cause of the disease in time and be cured.

How is infertility diagnosed?

At the first consultation general examination. An endocrinologist-gynecologist pays attention to the presence of secondary sexual characteristics: pubic and armpit hair, breast shape and size, and woman’s height. He looks at the body type and the distribution of subcutaneous fat. State skin and presence on the body excess quantity hair indicates malfunction endocrine system. Information about changes in body weight and the characteristics of the menstrual cycle is also very important. During the initial examination, the doctor examines the front of the neck and palpates the thyroid gland.

After an external examination, an examination is carried out on a gynecological chair. It is needed to assess the development of the external and internal genital organs. Diagnosis is carried out using special gynecological manipulations.

The doctor needs to know whether ovulation is occurring. To do this, a woman will need to keep a daily measurement schedule for several cycles. basal temperature in the rectum. They also use it for this special tests which confirm ovulation. They are bought at the pharmacy and used as recommended in the instructions.

Diagnosis of the presence of sexually transmitted infections in the body

After the initial examination, the woman must be tested for the presence of sexually transmitted infections and venereal diseases. To do this, blood is donated from a vein, from a finger and a smear from the vagina for bacteriological culture.

Infertility is often caused by:

  • gonorrhea;
  • chlamydia;
  • mycoplasmosis;
  • trichomoniasis;
  • herpes;
  • cytomegalovirus.

All these infections pass with little discomfort and become the cause inflammatory processes, after which the formation of adhesions in the pelvic organs begins. Fallopian tube obstruction is one of the common reasons female infertility.

Human papillomavirus types 16 and type 18 cause the development of cervical dysplasia. Developing pathological processes due to damage to the epithelium by the human papillomavirus can lead to infertility and the development of cervical cancer. Testing for the presence of the virus is included in mandatory list procedures.

Hormonal examination

Hormonal testing is carried out using a blood test for sex hormones. Their excess or deficiency often causes infertility. The presence of such important hormones in the serum as:

  • progesterone;
  • prolactin;
  • estradiol;
  • testosterone;
  • DEAS;
  • 17-OR.

An immunological examination is carried out, which allows you to determine the immunological incompatibility of sexual partners.

Ultrasound as a method of examination for infertility

Ultrasound examination is a fairly effective, safe and affordable diagnostic method. Ultrasound allows the doctor to assess the size and structure of the uterus and its pathology. Uterine fibroids and polyps inside them are diagnosed during this type of study. It is quite effective in diagnosis pathological processes internal genital organs:

  • neoplasms of the uterus;
  • polycystic ovary syndrome;
  • intrauterine pathology of the endometrium.

Also, using ultrasound and hydroecholocation, the patency of the fallopian tubes is checked. In this study, they inject into the uterine cavity sterile solution and observe with the help of an ultrasound monitor whether it enters abdominal cavity through the fallopian tubes.

If during examination pathologies were discovered in the internal genital organs, then laparoscopy or hysteroscopy is used to further diagnostics and removal of pathologies.

Hysteroscopy and laparoscopy - diagnosis of the condition of the uterine cavity and its tubes

Laparoscopy and hysteroscopy - endoscopic methods. These are the most informative examination methods, during which you can accurately assess the condition of the pelvic organs. During diagnosis, it is revealed pathological changes, which are immediately eliminated. Endometrial hysteroscopy is mandatory diagnostic procedure when polyps are detected during an ultrasound examination. If there are polyps inside the uterus, blind curettage of the uterus can lead to injury to the walls. Hysteroscopy makes it possible to determine the exact location and remove it along with the leg. Hysteroscopy is performed to confirm the pathology of the endometrium, cervix, and endometrial hyperplasia. With it you can see the presence adhesive processes in the uterine cavity, fibroids and endometriosis.

With the help of laparoscopy, it is possible not only to diagnose the disease, but also to eliminate its symptoms. It is used to remove polyps, cysts, fibroids and other tumors.

It will take the doctor about six months to make a diagnosis and find out all the causes of infertility. During this time, all studies will be completed, tests will be submitted and the results will be ready. Next, the woman will undergo a course of infertility treatment, and doctors will eliminate the reasons that interfere with the fertilization of the egg in the natural cycle. If all the instructions of the attending physician are followed, more than half of the women recover. After treatment, they can conceive and give birth to a child naturally. Artificial insemination solves the problems of families who cannot get pregnant in any other way.

The birth of a baby is the most important event in the family. But not everyone is able to have children due to diseases of the reproductive system. Modern medicine has learned to overcome these problems; now doctors have a whole arsenal of remedies to drug therapy to “heavy weapons” in the form of assisted reproductive technologies. IVF procedures are not only a serious test for the female body, but also a very expensive service. In pursuit of profit, many “fertility clinics” do not even try to use other treatment methods, immediately moving on to the most expensive service - IVF. Doctors at the Vitalis Clinic specialize in restoration reproductive function without in vitro fertilization. We try to use gentle methods of treating infertility and recommend that couples use ART only in cases where this is truly the only way to achieve pregnancy. Our doctors help couples cope with the diagnosis of infertility and become parents.

  • Factors influencing reproduction in men
  • Factors influencing reproduction in women
  • Diagnosis of infertility in men
  • Diagnosis of infertility in women
  • Treatment of infertility in men
  • Treatment of infertility in women

How common is the problem?

According to WHO (World Health Organization) criteria, a 15 percent rate of infertile couples of reproductive age is considered a threat to the country's national security. In Russia this figure is 17-20% and has a negative trend. This dry statistic means that every fifth family among our friends and acquaintances is faced with the problem of infertility.

When is infertility diagnosed?

The official WHO definition states: “Infertility is the failure of a sexually active, non-contraceptive couple to achieve pregnancy within one year.” Of course, there is a chance of getting pregnant later, but the highest chances of pregnancy are in the first year (provided that the couple is not protected), then the chances decrease every year. If you were unable to get pregnant in the first year, do not waste precious time and seek help from a doctor.

Causes of infertility

Although the wording of the diagnosis refers to the couple's inability to achieve pregnancy, it is a common misconception that the cause most often lies with the woman. This is not surprising, since 10 years ago even doctors did not consider the “male factor”. Medical centers Often, even now, the treatment of infertility refers to the treatment of women, and men draw a direct connection between their “male strength” and the ability to reproduce (note, completely unfounded). According to the European Association of Urology, in 50% of cases, the absence of pregnancy is due to problems in the man. Therefore, it is better for a married couple to come to the clinic together for the first consultation. This will significantly reduce the time to find out the cause of infertility in your particular case.

What examinations are needed?

To choose the right tactics for the upcoming treatment, it is extremely important to find out the exact cause of infertility, for which it is necessary to conduct a diagnosis. Typically used as a baseline survey ultrasound examination reproductive system, hormonal tests blood, check for infectious diseases. However, a number of different laboratory and instrumental studies may additionally be prescribed.

Get tested and pass everything necessary tests You can do it in our clinic. If you have the results of previous examinations, take them with you.

Infertility treatment

The method of treatment depends on the identified cause of infertility and can range from drug therapy to surgical interventions and the use of ART. Correctly performed diagnostics and a correctly established diagnosis allow you to choose the optimal treatment option for a given case and achieve the highest possible effectiveness.

It is also worth considering that treatment in men is a longer process than in women, which is associated with different durations of the maturation cycles of sperm and eggs (the process of spermatogenesis takes almost three months, unlike the usual 1 month for women).

The main task of the doctors at the Vitalis Clinic is to thoroughly understand the problem of a particular married couple and solve it in the most gentle way possible. People often come to our clinic with complex cases who already have unsuccessful treatment experience and have gone through unsuccessful IVF attempts. We know how to cope with difficult tasks and are sincerely happy when we manage to help such families.

Doctors at the Vitalis Clinic specializing in the treatment of infertility

Cost of infertility treatment services at the Vitalis clinic

Specialist consultations

  • 5950 rub.
  • 4950 rub.
  • 5150 rub.
  • 4540rub
  • 7150 rub.
  • 6050rub
  • 7420 rub.
  • 6170 rub.