What causes Dopegit during pregnancy? Use in old age

Dopegit during pregnancy is prescribed to combat high blood pressure, as well as to relieve the accompanying symptoms. Its effectiveness has been proven repeatedly, and the risk negative influence per fetus is practically zero. However, the drug is still a drug, so it can only be used as prescribed by a doctor.

Dopegyt and pregnancy: features of interaction

The problem of high blood pressure worries most expectant mothers. It especially worsens towards the middle of the term. At this time, the grown fetus seriously disrupts the usual functioning of the entire body and blood supply, among other things.

With increased blood pressure, a woman experiences a general deterioration in her condition, dizziness, nausea, and sometimes vomiting. All these conditions are unfavorable for the unborn child and can prevent him from developing normally.

It is strictly prohibited to ignore the problem of high blood pressure during pregnancy, and even more so to refuse drug treatment. Since this can seriously harm a small organism.

All the time, while in the womb, the baby receives nutrients through blood. If the blood flow is disrupted, then in addition to them, his body will no longer receive required quantity oxygen. This phenomenon is fraught with the development of hypoxia, which has rather dire consequences.

The drug quickly normalizes the woman’s condition. He is able to easily overcome the placental barrier, but there is no danger in this. Harmful effects it will not have any effect on the baby. The most important rule to ensure that the pills do not cause harm is to follow the recommendations for taking the drug.

Features of the drug

The main active component, methyldopa, has a complex effect, which consists of reducing blood pressure and relieving the accompanying symptoms.

The main indications for use are:

  • increased blood pressure;
  • dizziness;
  • late toxicosis;
  • headaches;
  • nausea.

Moreover, the drug will have a calming effect, which will provide relaxation and relief to the woman emotionally.

How to take it correctly

Reception is allowed to begin only after the 20th week of pregnancy. From this moment on, the product will no longer be able to harm the baby if all precautions are followed. The dosage is set strictly by the attending physician.

The maximum number of tablets per day should not exceed 8 pieces.

Tablets should be taken with sufficient quantity clean water. The desired effect will be achieved when taking the drug both before and after meals. After the patient’s condition has stabilized, the doctor will allow the dosage to be gradually reduced in order to soon completely stop the drug.

Features of the effect on the body

In most cases, Dopegit provides soft action, dilating blood vessels. It gradually improves the well-being of the pregnant woman, and the effect lasts for a long time. Although often after taking the first tablet you may experience slight malaise and dizziness. This condition soon passes, but for the safety of the woman and her unborn child, it is better to be in a horizontal position after taking it.

Instructions for use indicate a fairly strong sedative effect drug, which once again convinces us to use the pills at home. The pregnant woman experiences drowsiness and the reaction speed decreases.

Serious dosage violations are fraught with side effects for women. Their strength and danger depend entirely on the degree of violation of the rules of admission and the individual characteristics of the woman.

The drug can negatively affect many organ systems if taken too much. large number:

  1. Digestive system. Development of colitis, pancreatitis, stool disorder.
  2. Cardiovascular. Disruptions in the blood supply to the brain, myocarditis, angina pectoris.
  3. Liver and kidneys. There may be signs of jaundice and increased swelling.
  4. Joints. Appearance pain, myalgia.
  5. Psyche. Fear attacks, panic attacks, hallucinations.
  6. Skin. Lupus, eczema, and urticaria are diagnosed.
  7. Endocrine system. Hormonal disorder, which can change the functioning of the entire body.
  8. Breath. Problems with the respiratory system, shortness of breath.

The listed symptoms appear extremely rarely and only when the drug is taken incorrectly. If a pregnant woman experiences a deterioration in her condition after Dopegyt or at least one of the above symptoms makes itself felt, she must urgently seek qualified help.

When should you stop taking Dopegyt?

Despite the apparent safety medicine not all women can use it to combat high blood pressure interesting position. There is a list of diseases for which you will have to look for a drug against hypertension among other options.

The drug has a cumulative effect, so in some cases it can become a real poison for the body of a woman and child.

  • anemia;
  • renal failure;
  • cirrhosis;
  • hepatitis;
  • myocardial infarction in the acute stage.

It is also prohibited if there is allergic reactions for any component included in the product. The first trimester of pregnancy is strictly prohibited, since the action of the active substance Dopegite will have a negative effect on the formation of the fetus.

In conclusion, I would like to add that Dopegit has been successfully fighting hypertension in women and men for more than 50 years. At the same time, its safety allowed the tablets to be used even by such an unprotected category of the population as pregnant women. The safety of the drug can only be guaranteed if the woman takes it according to the strict instructions of specialists.

Dopegit during pregnancy is exactly the drug that is allowed to be taken for high blood pressure. And despite the fact that most expectant mothers are afraid to take any medications while expecting a baby, high blood pressure– this is not the case when you should go against common sense.

Doctors are well aware that drug treatment it is undesirable when it develops in your tummy new life. Therefore, drugs are being developed that will be as safe as possible or cause minimal harm. side effects.

High blood pressure during pregnancy is always fraught. You want your future baby to be born healthy and develop normally in the womb. And the increase in pressure prevents him from doing this. Oxygen and others useful substances cannot fully penetrate to it through the narrowed vessels. Therefore, urgent action should be taken. And so that you can feel completely at ease, we want to tell you about such a drug as Dopegit. After all, when you have information, fear fades into the background.

Drug Dopegit

It appeared in the middle of the 20th century. And widespread in foreign obstetric practice received in the 70-80s. It is usually released in tablets. It contains components such as talc, starch, alpha-methyldop, magnesium stearate, cellulose acetate and stearic acid.

It is not prescribed to all pregnant women with high blood pressure, but in 70% of cases. Because it doesn't suit everyone.

Maximum permissible daily norm- it's only 2 grams. The effect of taking Dopegit during pregnancy is quite long-lasting – up to 2 days. Normalization of blood pressure after taking this medicine occurs after 4-6 hours.

It contains a special component that prevents vasoconstriction and reduces the heart rate. As a result, the pumping of blood volumes decreases slightly, and your blood pressure returns to normal.

When you take a pill, 50% of this medicine is quickly absorbed from the digestive tract.

Although it is allowed during pregnancy, it is by no means “white and fluffy”. Among its side effects there are mainly sedative problems - drowsiness, decreased attention, lethargy and lethargy. All this can manifest itself very clearly in the first days of admission. Then you kind of get used to it and the side effects are no longer so obvious.

When is it appointed and by whom?

As you already understand, Dopegit is prescribed during pregnancy for high blood pressure. Only a doctor can do this. He also determines the dosage. Based on the results of your tests, Dopegit may be prescribed together with another similar drug. In this case it daily dose decreases to 500 mg. If the pressure returns to normal, the dosage must be reduced.

But “normalizing” is a strong word. Your blood pressure will still be elevated, but not as dangerous. The reduction occurs by approximately 15-20%. But this is enough to prevent the development of gestosis in the second half of pregnancy.

Prescribed only in the second or third trimester of pregnancy. In the first trimester, drinking it is dangerous, because it is during this period that the fetus “settles in” in the uterus and all the essentials are laid down. But if the situation requires it, then the former is also prescribed, because it is a leader in safety among other similar drugs.

During pregnancy, Dopegit is taken in courses, and not occasionally. It is then that the desired effect will be achieved. Many expectant mothers tolerate it very well, experiencing no side effects at all. The effect is long-lasting and the action is very mild.

If you are prescribed this drug, be prepared for frequent tests. When taking it, monitoring your blood, its movement through the vessels and the condition of your liver is mandatory.

  • 5. Is taking Dopegyt dangerous during pregnancy?

Increased blood pressure causes a whole series unpleasant symptoms- nausea, dizziness, headaches and even vomiting. During pregnancy, this condition gives the woman even more worry, because she worries that changes in blood pressure can affect not only her health, but also the well-being and safety of the child. Fortunately, modern medicine has experience using many drugs that can reduce blood pressure without causing harm to the fetus. Remember that pregnancy is not the time when you can independently experiment with medications, which should only be prescribed by a doctor on an individual basis. In two out of three cases, with high blood pressure, expectant mothers are prescribed Dopegit.

Dopegit during pregnancy: instructions for use

Dopegit is widely popular among doctors all over the world. It began to be used back in the sixties of the last century, and it has been used in obstetrics and gynecology since the 70s and 80s of the twentieth century.

Given medical product belongs to the group of antihypertensive drugs. The reduction in pressure is ensured by the active substance it contains - methyldol, which is a synthetic stimulant of central alpha-2 adrenergic receptors. In addition to methyldol, Dopegit also contains auxiliary components - talc, cellulose acetate, magnesium stearate and stearic acid. The medicine is available only in tablets and can quickly bring blood pressure back to normal. Improvement in well-being occurs 4-6 hours after taking the tablets, and persists this effect throughout the day. With a long course of taking the drug, the maximum reduction in pressure is achieved on days 2 or 3. After finishing taking Dopegyt, blood pressure indicators return to their original values ​​within one to two days. In addition to lowering blood pressure, Dopegit also has a beneficial effect on the functioning of the heart muscle of a pregnant woman. It reduces the number of heart contractions and the volume of blood pumped by the heart. 1/2 of the drug is absorbed into the blood directly from the digestive system. Methyldopa binds to blood plasma by only 20%. The substance is able to penetrate the placental barrier and is also found in breast milk.

Two-thirds of the drug is excreted unchanged in the urine, the rest is excreted through the intestines. The active substance is completely eliminated from the body 36 hours after administration.

How does the drug affect the body?

The mechanism of action of Dopegit on the body is as follows:

  1. Reduces total peripheral resistance blood vessels, as well as renin activity, leveling blood pressure.
  2. Replaces the biologically active substance dopamine, which increases blood pressure.
  3. Reduces the tone of the nervous system.

Indications for use during pregnancy

Dopegit is prescribed to pregnant women in the following cases:

  • it is necessary to improve general well-being;
  • it is necessary to stop the development of existing cardiovascular diseases and prevent their complications and the development of gestosis;
  • to provide all the necessary conditions for the full development of the fetus;
  • to lower blood pressure.

Taking into account the fact that Dopegit has a mild effect on the body, it is often supplemented with other medications.

How to take Dopegit during pregnancy?

The maximum daily dose of the drug taken should in no case exceed 1 gram.

If a woman takes Dopegyt as part of complex therapy, which includes drugs of similar action, the amount of Dopegite must be reduced to 500 mg per day. If a persistent improvement in the condition is observed when using the drug, then the dosage should be gradually reduced. It is not recommended to abruptly stop taking Dopegyt, as this can lead to surges in blood pressure. You should take the tablets before or after meals with plenty of clean drinking water.

When taking the drug, you may experience side effects:

  • lethargy, inhibition of reactions;
  • drowsiness.

Such symptoms are rare and continue throughout the first days of taking Dopegyt. After the body gets used to the action of the drug, its sedative effect decreases and disappears completely.

Other unwanted side effects are also extremely rare:

  • from the outside cardiovascular system: increased angina pectoris, myocarditis, pericarditis, heart failure, peripheral edema and weight gain caused by edema;
  • from the central nervous system: peripheral paralysis facial nerve, decreased intellectual capabilities, insufficiency cerebral circulation, various mental disorders (nightmares, depression, mild psychosis), headache, increased fatigue, decreased libido;
  • from the respiratory system: nasal congestion;
  • from the digestive system: vomiting, diarrhea, colitis, nausea, tongue staining, pancreatitis, constipation, bloating, colitis, jaundice;
  • from the outside skin: eczema or rash;
  • from the musculoskeletal system: mild joint pain, myalgia;
  • from the outside endocrine system: hyperprolactinemia, gynecomastia, amenorrhea, galactorrhea;
  • from the outside immune system: vasculitis, drug fever, lupus syndrome.

Dopegit - enough strong drug, therefore, there are a number of contraindications for its use:

  • acute hepatitis and cirrhosis of the liver;
  • liver diseases observed earlier;

Anastasia, please tell me, did you take Dopegyt from the beginning of pregnancy until...? It’s just that I’ve been hypertensive myself since I was 14 years old, this is my first pregnancy, but I don’t know how dopegyt will affect the baby, whether it will harm me. I really want a baby, we are now 8 weeks old New February 20, 2012, 10:28

I drank with all three daughters until the birth, it didn’t affect the children in any way, but with the first one I didn’t drink. and I lost it at 12 weeks, but it wasn’t just the pressure that was to blame. when my blood pressure jumped in the third trimester, I took 4 tablets a day, even those whose blood pressure jumps have children who mature earlier, this is my manager. The prenatal center said when I gave birth to my youngest. Have an easy pregnancy! New20 February 2012, 10:34

Yulechka started drinking it and her blood pressure returned to normal! safe drug for blood pressure for pregnant women, be sure to drink it! I will drink it until the end of pregnancy! With my first pregnancy, my blood pressure was constantly jumping and my tests were bad, but now Dopegyt helps! New November 30, 2011, 10:01

They prescribed it to me too, but it didn’t help. The pressure was jumping before taking dopegide, and continues to jump to this day. NewNovember 30, 2011, 10:20

Just from the therapist. I was prescribed 0.25 2 times a day for blood pressure above 135. I don’t know how it works, I haven’t experienced such pressure so far. NewNovember 30, 2011, 10:31 am

Throughout my pregnancy I drank from 8 weeks, 1 t. 3 r. per day, after 30 weeks it was stopped gradually, the blood pressure was normal even when dopegide was stopped, there were no side effects.

Dopegit during pregnancy

In the second trimester, the pressure began to rise to 140/100. The gynecologist referred me to a cardiologist. She prescribed (after ECG, ECHO and SMD) dopegit 1t*3r.d. But I forgot to ask if the pressure is normal 120/80, should I drink it or take breaks so as not to lower it even further? True, yesterday the pressure jumped to 150/110. I was terribly scared and almost went to the hospital. But today I’m like an astronaut. And now I’m sitting thinking whether to drink or not to drink?

  • Photo album
16.12.11 12:09
In the second trimester, the pressure began to rise to 140/100. The gynecologist referred me to a cardiologist. She prescribed (after ECG, ECHO and SMD) dopegit 1t*3r.d. But I forgot to ask if the pressure is normal 120/80, should I drink it or take breaks so as not to lower it even further? True, yesterday the pressure jumped to 150/110. I was terribly scared and almost went to the hospital. But today I’m like an astronaut. And now I’m sitting thinking whether to drink or not to drink?
  • # 71758800
  • Photo album
16.12.11 15:28
Is there a way to get used to it? And about the fact that after giving birth you won’t have to just sit on it all the time?
  • # 71766483
Did you have problems with blood pressure during B, or did you have them before B? For many, blood pressure rises during B, and then everything goes away. Accordingly, you don’t need to drink anything afterwards.
  • Photo album
19.12.11 15:56
Before pregnancy there were problems (about a year ago they started from cervical osteochondrosis). But after three courses of treatment, everything went away and the pressure no longer bothered me. In the first trimester I suffered from low blood pressure, but now it’s 140/100. Moreover, at the last ultrasound at 23 weeks they saw a bad placenta and a small fetus. I got nervous and my blood pressure went up! Now I've calmed down a little. If you don’t get nervous, your blood pressure doesn’t increase, but I don’t live in a vacuum and I take everything VERY close to my heart. Therefore, I finally decided to drink dopegit, but for now only in the morning and evening. Plus, the doctor also prescribed chimes (in the first trimester I walked around like a sleepy fly - I think it’s from him). Now I’m drinking chimes again (I can fall asleep sitting at my desk!!) HORROR!!! Plus, the heart rate rises above 100 beats (I think with chimes or dopigit - I don’t know yet...) And I don’t see the doctor until Wednesday. Which medicine should I quit? By the way, the pressure even drops to 116/70!!!

It’s such a shame that I trusted the doctors, but it turned out even worse. So I’m worried about the baby, I filled him with extra pills

:mir: Author, I sympathize with you, but next time you will be more careful. At first B. I also trusted the doctor with everything, in the end I had constipation, headaches, nausea, and all this was because of the medications. About dopegyt, they also prescribed it to me at this hospital, although my blood pressure is normal, but my pulse is always about 100 beats. I didn’t drink anything, I don’t drink anything at all that the doctors prescribe for me, not even vitamins. Moreover, all the analyzes are wonderful. Another case, the doctor didn’t really like the smear - she prescribed some suppositories and some pills, and also told her to undergo treatment together with her husband. Again, I didn’t treat anything. As a result, the other day I had a smear “after treatment” and, strangely enough, it turned out to be good. How cool and fun you have here. Can I go already? Ekaterinburg I want to become a mother :) well, in general, when visiting a therapist, dopegit was prescribed only when the blood pressure increased to 130/80, if it was less, then don’t drink... I came to the gynecologist, she yelled at me, like who am I listening to and why did I stop drinking these pills?! And after I answered about the therapist’s diagnosis, I was shocked. The gynecologist said: “What does the therapist know about pregnancy?! she deals with general issues! You need to listen to me! I’m pregnant and I know better.” %) And after that I was in a stupor: should I take pills or not?! and since due to family circumstances my blood pressure became high at home, I started drinking. P/S now everything is back to normal at home, but I messed up my blood pressure, now my blood pressure is jumping from 103/66 to 150/100, up and down, before this it was always stable Message was changed by the user 05/24/2011 at 21:41 In the shower... spring In the eyes... happiness... In the heart... love...

Posts: 128 I answer everyone at once. To avoid unnecessary questions, I am a cardiologist, candidate of medical sciences, with 12 years of experience. The safest treatment for hypertension during pregnancy (regardless of whether blood pressure was high before pregnancy or not) is dopegit. BUT - it is very weak and really “ancient” and therefore in routine practice, except in situations with hypertension in pregnant women, is not used. To achieve the desired effect (i.e., lowering blood pressure), you need to take dopegit 3, or preferably 4 times a day, the average dose is about 2000 mg per day (i.e. 8 tablets), the maximum is up to 4000 mg (ONLY under the supervision of a doctor !!!). It can be used throughout the WHOLE pregnancy, but in the third trimester other possibilities arise, especially since dopegyt is often not enough to achieve the required pressure (at rest it should not be higher than 135/85 mm Hg). The second drug that can be taken throughout pregnancy is clofelline. BUT: he central action(i.e., it affects the vasomotor center of the brain), has a bunch of side effects, is difficult to overcome addiction - therefore, STRICTLY if it is impossible to cope with high blood pressure with the help of dopegyt and magnesium injections, but it is difficult to imagine who can withstand 3-4 injections of this magnesia in the ass throughout pregnancy?!. In the third trimester, b-blockers and blockers appear in the doctor’s arsenal calcium channels, but only a doctor can prescribe them for you) and coping with blood pressure becomes easier with their help) The most important thing is that the risk for a child from high blood pressure is IMMENSEURLY higher than from taking the above medications. So don't be afraid of anything! And. if the blood pressure is high, medications need to be taken REGULARLY, and not only when the blood pressure has increased - because high blood pressure is already affecting your baby and you cannot always measure the pressure, and therefore find out what it is - for example, at a meeting, during climbing stairs, emotional conversation, in transport, etc. — it is unrealistic to measure blood pressure, but during these periods the pressure is EXACTLY higher than at rest. The pressure must not be allowed to rise!!!

While expecting a baby, except emotional state, physical well-being also changes greatly. And if some unpleasant symptoms can be tolerated, then it’s better not to joke with high blood pressure. Arterial hypertension most often appears after the 20th week of conception, but in some cases it can accompany the entire gestation process. The number one remedy for this problem is considered to be Dopegit blood pressure pills, which are most often prescribed first during pregnancy.

Dopegit began to be used for pregnant women since the end of the last century. The drug so successfully normalized the condition of the patients, and the side effects were so insignificant that Dopegit quickly took first place in the list of antihypertensive drugs for pregnant women.

Release form: grayish-white round tablets without a pronounced taste, 50 pieces in a dark glass jar. The instructions for use indicate that each tablet contains 250 mg of the active ingredient - methyldopa. Auxiliary ingredients: magnesium stearate, stearic acid, ethylcellulose, sodium starch glycolate, corn starch, talc.

When methyldopa enters the body, it causes the following effects:

  • reduces and normalizes blood pressure;
  • acts as a mild sedative;
  • reduces nausea;
  • equalizes heart rate;
  • reduces the severity of headaches;
  • reduces dizziness.

Why is it prescribed to pregnant women?

Hypertension in pregnant women is considered to be an increase in readings to 140/90 or higher. With such numbers, medications must be prescribed to bring the condition back to normal. However, the list of medications for women in an “interesting” position is very limited. The first number of approved substances for the treatment of hypertension in pregnant women is methyldopa - the main active substance Dopegita.

The medicine improves the condition different types pathologies:

  • Chronic arterial hypertension– if pressure surges were observed before pregnancy or appeared in the first trimester.
  • Gestational, occurring after 20 weeks. However, the woman does not have proteinuria ( increased amount protein in urine).
  • Preeclampsia (severe form of gestosis) is a combination of edema, loss of protein in the urine and hypertension.

Dopegit is prescribed to prevent complications, to improve the mother’s well-being, to ensure normal development fetus

Contraindications and side effects

The instruction states that no clinical evidence was found during the treatment of pregnant and breastfeeding women harmful influence to the fetus or newborn. Despite the lack of information about the teratogenic effect on the fetus, Dopegit should be prescribed by a doctor during pregnancy and only if the expected health benefits outweigh the potential risks and threats.

The list of contraindications for use includes the following conditions:

  • hypersensitivity to the ingredients of the product;
  • various liver pathologies;
  • acute renal failure;
  • state of anemia;
  • cardiac pathologies.

Possible side effects:

  • lethargy, severe fatigue, dizziness, decreased performance.
  • nasal congestion;
  • nausea, vomiting, impaired intestinal motility;
  • allergic reactions.

The instructions also describe swelling, drowsiness, discomfort and joint pain, and bradycardia (severe decrease in heart rate) as side effects with a low probability of occurrence.

How to take Dopegit during pregnancy

For pregnant women, the dosage regimen according to the instructions will be as follows:

  • They start with one tablet, that is, a daily dose of methyllopa of 250 mg.
  • The amount of the drug is gradually adjusted to the dose that will effectively maintain normal blood pressure. According to the instructions, the maximum dosage during pregnancy is no more than 2 g per day; the dosage must be selected by the doctor individually for each patient.

  • The first time the tablet is usually taken at night;
  • The optimal frequency of administration is three or four times a day;
  • It should be borne in mind that the effect of taking the medicine lasts from 10 to 24 hours;
  • At the beginning of the course, increased lethargy and drowsiness are possible, disappearing 2-3 days after the start of treatment.
  • They leave the course by gradually reducing the dose to the lowest that can affect hypertension.


In case of overdose, the instructions indicate the following: possible consequences such as hypotension, immobility, weakness, lethargy, decreased heart rate, decreased motility and intestinal tone (constipation).


Analogs prescribed if taking Dopegit for some reason is impossible can be the following:

  • Clonidine (Clonidine), the effect of which manifests itself faster (in an hour or two), but lasts less (6-8 hours).

  • Nifedipine 10 mg, which also helps to reduce excessive uterine tone.
  • Labetolol in tablet form or intravenously.
  • in the form of droppers to relax muscles and vessel walls, remove excess liquid and normalization of pressure.


Hope I took the drug almost the entire time. Nadya did not feel any particular physical discomfort from hypertension, but since doctors warned that her condition was dangerous for the child, Nadya obediently took the medicine. True, half the dose was enough for her, since whole tablet acted too strongly, leading to a semi-fainting state. According to Nadya’s observations, the effect of Dopegit during pregnancy at this dosage was felt 4 hours after administration, and the resulting effect lasted for a day.

Masha I also took the minimum dose of medication. The increase in her blood pressure was accompanied by deterioration in her health, dizziness, severe headaches, and tinnitus. To relieve unpleasant symptoms and prevent late toxicosis, the doctor prescribed Dopegit. We started with one tablet and then reduced the dose to half. At the beginning of the reception there appeared severe drowsiness, but then the condition returned to normal. After a month of taking it, her health finally improved and Masha calmly reached the point of giving birth. Now Maria recommends the medicine to her friends, of course, only as prescribed by a doctor. The woman believes that if various natural ways To bring the condition back to normal, you should not endure it, but take medications approved by your doctor. During her first pregnancy, Masha had to take it for allergies and everything also ended well - feeling good mother and the birth of a healthy baby.

Ira considers it a big plus that the drug has been used for several decades. During this time, some negative consequences for the fetus would become apparent. And since they are not there, then Dopegit can be considered a safe and proven medicine for lowering blood pressure in pregnant women. Therefore, Irina calmly took the drug even in the first trimester, since the woman suffers from chronic hypertension. Thanks to the pills, both mother and child were spared from arterial surges, and the pregnancy ended successfully. As a side positive effect remedies Ira notes that she has become less nervous and worried during therapy, so the woman considers Dopegit good.

Pressure Karina Normally before pregnancy it was 100/60. Therefore, when in the second trimester the indicators rose to 130/80, the woman felt very bad: she had a headache, was overcome severe nausea. The doctor prescribed Dopegit to combat blood pressure, explaining that in Karina’s case the rule “plus 30-plus 15” applies. That is, regardless of the final numbers, if the usual pressure has increased by 30 and 15 points, then measures are necessary to eliminate hypertension. One pill and two weeks of therapy were enough for Karina to return her condition to normal and feel good until the birth.

Dasha had a very negative attitude towards taking any medications, believing that they could potentially harm the child. The woman did not recognize any symptoms and endured unpleasant symptoms, making do with home remedies. The only thing Dasha allowed herself to do was take vitamins and. However, when the doctor said that Dashino high blood pressure brings discomfort not only to her, but also harms the child, Dasha agreed to take the minimum dose of Dopegit. To combat hypertension, one tablet a day was enough for her - and her condition gradually returned to normal.

Types of hypertension: video

Watch a mini-lecture by an obstetrician-gynecologist about the types of hypertension and treatment methods in pregnant women.

During pregnancy, every woman hopes to do without medication, because it is not known how this will affect the baby. To minimize risks, you need to take it in advance preventive measures. Write in the comments what measures helped you or someone you know avoid pregnancy hypertension, and how you coped if the pathology did arise.

High blood pressure causes a number of unpleasant symptoms - nausea, headaches and even vomiting. During pregnancy, this condition gives the woman even more worry, because she worries that changes in blood pressure can affect not only her health, but also the well-being and safety of the child. Fortunately, modern medicine has experience using many drugs that can lower blood pressure without causing harm to the fetus. Remember that pregnancy is not the time when you can independently experiment with medications, which should only be prescribed by a doctor on an individual basis. In two cases out of three, with high blood pressure, expectant mothers are prescribed Dopegit.

Instructions for use

Dopegit is widely popular among doctors all over the world. It began to be used back in the sixties of the last century, namely in obstetrics and gynecology it has been used since the 70s - 80s of the twentieth century.

This medication belongs to the group of antihypertensive drugs. The reduction in pressure is ensured by the active substance it contains - methyldol, which is a synthetic stimulant of central alpha-2 adrenergic receptors. In addition to methyldol, Dopegit also includes auxiliary components - talc, cellulose acetate, magnesium stearate and stearic acid. The medicine is available only in tablets and can quickly bring blood pressure back to normal. Improvement in well-being occurs 4-6 hours after taking the tablets, and this effect persists throughout the day. With a long course of taking the drug, the maximum reduction in pressure is achieved on days 2 or 3. After finishing taking Dopegyt, blood pressure indicators return to their original values ​​within one to two days. In addition to lowering blood pressure, Dopegit also has a beneficial effect on the functioning of the heart muscle of a pregnant woman. It reduces the number of heart contractions and the volume of blood pumped by the heart. 1/2 of the drug is absorbed into the blood directly from the digestive system. Methyldopa binds to blood plasma by only 20%. The substance is able to penetrate the placental barrier and is also found in breast milk.

Two-thirds of the drug is excreted unchanged in the urine, the rest is excreted through the intestines. The active substance is completely eliminated from the body 36 hours after administration.

How does the drug affect the body?

The mechanism of action of Dopegit on the body is as follows:

  1. Reduces total peripheral resistance of blood vessels, as well as renin activity, equalizing blood pressure.
  2. Replaces the biologically active substance dopamine, which increases blood pressure.
  3. Reduces the tone of the nervous system.
  4. Has a slight calming effect.

Indications for use

Dopegit is prescribed to pregnant women in the following cases:

  • it is necessary to improve general well-being;
  • it is necessary to stop the development of existing cardiovascular diseases and prevent their complications and the development of gestosis;
  • to provide all the necessary conditions for the full development of the fetus;
  • to lower blood pressure.

Taking into account the fact that Dopegit has a mild effect on the body, it is often supplemented with other medications.

How to take

The maximum daily dose of the drug taken should in no case exceed 1 gram.

If a woman takes Dopegyt as part of a complex therapy, which includes drugs with similar effects, then the amount of Dopegyt should be reduced to 500 mg per day. If a persistent improvement in the condition is observed when using the drug, then the dosage should be gradually reduced. It is not recommended to abruptly stop taking Dopegyt, as this can lead to surges in blood pressure. You should take the tablets before or after meals with plenty of clean drinking water.

Side effects may occur when taking the drug:

  • lethargy, inhibition of reactions;
  • drowsiness.

Such symptoms are rare and continue throughout the first days of taking Dopegyt. After the body gets used to the action of the drug, its sedative effect decreases and disappears completely.

Other unwanted side effects are also extremely rare:

  • from the cardiovascular system: increased angina pectoris, myocarditis, pericarditis, heart failure, peripheral edema and weight gain caused by edema;
  • from the central nervous system: peripheral paralysis of the facial nerve, decreased intellectual capabilities, cerebrovascular insufficiency, various mental disorders (nightmarish dreams, depression, mild psychosis), increased fatigue, decreased libido;
  • from the respiratory system: nasal congestion;
  • from the digestive system: colitis, nausea, tongue staining, pancreatitis, bloating, colitis, jaundice;
  • from the skin: eczema or rash;
  • from the musculoskeletal system: mild joint pain, myalgia;
  • from the endocrine system: hyperprolactinemia, gynecomastia, amenorrhea, galactorrhea;
  • from the immune system: vasculitis, drug fever, lupus syndrome.

Dopegit is a fairly strong drug, so there are a number of contraindications for its use:

  • acute hepatitis and cirrhosis of the liver;
  • liver diseases observed earlier;
  • depression;
  • acute myocardial infarction;
  • pheochromocytoma;
  • hypersensitivity to the components of the drug;
  • age up to 3 years;
  • joint therapy with MAO inhibitors.

At renal failure the drug is prescribed with caution, adjusting the dosage adequately.

Is it dangerous to take during pregnancy?

Manufacturers of the drug claim that it does not have a teratogenic effect on the fetus. The results of clinical studies indicate that the use of Dopegyt in the second and third trimesters did not cause any negative consequences for a child.

No comprehensive studies have been conducted in the third trimester, so doctors recommend taking it during this period only if absolutely necessary.

Observation of children born to mothers taking Dopegyt, starting from the 26th week, showed that undesirable consequences There was no significant impact on their health after taking the drug. In addition, the fetal condition was better in those women who took Dopegyt in the third trimester of pregnancy than in those who did not take it when indicated.

Since Dopegit is well tolerated by women during pregnancy, many doctors consider it an ideal drug for lowering blood pressure during this period, which can be taken for a long time. The medicine does not provide negative influence on kidney function, does not impair uteroplacental circulation. However, its use should be under strict monitoring of the pregnant woman’s blood condition and medical supervision. Subject to correct dosage Dopegit can be taken at any stage of pregnancy.

When is it necessary to combine Dopegit with other drugs?

If Dopegit does not completely reduce blood pressure, it can be prescribed together with Reopolyglucin, Heparin and others medicines to reduce high blood pressure.

Dopegit in comparison with others antihypertensive drugs is safer for the baby. A pregnant woman tolerates the drug normally, it has a long-lasting and mild effect, so it can be used constantly. After taking it, it is necessary to take a blood test for control to find out whether Dopegit has affected the pregnant woman’s liver.

Rules for taking Dopegyt for pregnant women

Experienced doctors say that it is best to lower the blood pressure first by safe means that won't do any harm. Dopegit can be taken by expectant mothers only under the supervision of a doctor. It is best to avoid this serious therapy. In order to prevent high blood pressure, it is necessary to eliminate the main provoking cause:

  • Avoid products that contain caffeine: strong coffee and tea, dark chocolate.
  • Walk outdoors as much as possible.
  • Walk calmly, don't rush anywhere.
  • Follow breathing exercises which will help you relax and relieve stress.
  • Check out yoga.

The effect of Dopegit on the body of a pregnant woman

  • Helps reduce vascular resistance, thus equalizing blood pressure.
  • Is biologically substitute active substance Dopamine, which increases blood pressure.
  • Calms the central nervous system.
  • Significantly reduces the tone of the central nervous system.

When should a pregnant woman take Dopegit?

  • To improve your well-being.
  • If you want to stop the progression of cardiovascular disease, prevent further complication gestosis.
  • When it is necessary to provide necessary conditions for fetal development.
  • To lower blood pressure.

Side effects of Dopegyt

It is important to consider that the drug has a large number of different side effects:

  • Problems with the cardiovascular system: myocarditis, angina pectoris, pericarditis worsen. There is also a large amount of peripheral edema, and the pregnant woman gains excess weight.
  • Problems with the central nervous system: facial paralysis, decreased intelligence, lack of blood circulation in the brain, mental disorder, severe headache, lack of libido.
  • Problems with respiratory system– constantly stuffy nose.
  • Disorder digestive system– diarrhea, colitis, vomiting, jaundice, constipation, pancreatitis, severely swollen abdomen.
  • Skin problems: rash, eczema.
  • Joints ache, myalgia is observed.
  • , gynecomatia, amenorrhea.

Contraindications of Dopegyt for pregnant women

Please note that Dopegit is a potent drug, so it must be used with extreme caution. Consider the following contraindications:

  • Cirrhosis, acute form hepatitis.
  • Depressive state.
  • Heart attack.
  • Anemia.
  • Pheochromocytoma.
  • Hypersensitivity to various components of the drug.

It is prohibited to combine the drug with inhibitors. The drug is also carefully prescribed to pregnant women with kidney problems.

Can Dopegit harm an unborn child?

A number of studies have shown that Dopegit does not lead to various pathologies fetus If indicated, it must be taken in the second and third trimester of pregnancy. Clinical studies showed that women who took Dopegyt with high blood pressure gave birth healthy children. But those who refused to take Dopegit had serious problems, so it is important to listen to your doctor.

Thus, high blood pressure is a serious problem during pregnancy. Not only the woman suffers from it, but also the unborn baby. To alleviate the condition, one of the options is Dopegit. It can be taken only according to strict indications, without exceeding the dosage, taking into account all the side effects.