The dignity of a gentleman or Korean male rules. Korean guys are more handsome than Korean girls Why do Korean guys look like girls

Netizens discussed 10 qualities that girls with special charm have.

In Korea, "maeryuk", which translates to "unique attractiveness", is considered as important a trait as beauty or kindness. The boundaries of this uniqueness can range from manifestations of masculinity, femininity, charm, and other qualities that make you stand out from the crowd.

The original post appeared on Pann, In it, netizens have compiled a list of qualities in a girl that can turn a guy off.

“10 qualities in girls that repel guys,” below you will find the translation of the article and user comments.

“1. Girls who are not easy to talk to. When a man tries to interest them in a conversation, the girls have fun themselves and don’t even know how to answer. They don’t even know how to start and continue a conversation correctly.”

“2. Shy girls think that they are not interesting because they are not sociable and do not know how to be funny in communication. But this is all wrong, girls without “maeryuk” cannot know why men are not interested in them.”

“3. Girls who think there are no men around them because they have a cold heart and are too chic, when in fact they just don’t have that special trait.”

“4. Girls who have no sexual attractiveness and who don’t know what men want from a relationship. They just think that all men are the same and they need the same things.”

“5. Girls who think that just positive reactions to guys' conversations make her special. But they don’t understand the difference between them and the popular girls around.”

“6. Girls who don’t understand or don’t want to understand what makes them unique. They just blindly believe that they have some attractive feature.”

“7. Girls with too high demands. The guy must be at least 180 cm, attractive, with a good body and kind. They don’t care what the men around them think of them and naively believe that they fit above average standards.”

“8. Girls who complain to everyone around them about relationship problems. Everyone has their problems, but these girls are just driving everyone crazy with theirs. And they don’t even understand what they’re doing.”

"9. A girl who thinks that if a guy looks at her, it means he likes her. Girls make this mistake all the time. Some attractive girls can tell guys' signs from mere glances, but these girls can't.”

“10. Girls who are proud or stubborn even in small things. And when people try to express their opinion to them, they don’t even know how to listen to advice and simply ignore it.”

[ +284 / -3] Are you talking about me now? You're just describing me... That's probably why there aren't any guys around me

[ +197 / -3] When I read articles like this... I wonder what my unique feature is...

[ +59 / -2] But do people have to be funny? ? People with the same interests always find each other. I will be respectful and keep the conversation going, but I won't seek out someone who isn't right for me just to talk to someone. I want to find someone who will appreciate me for who I am, because sooner or later they would recognize the real me. Like, for example, the author of this post doesn’t want to date a girl who isn’t funny, but I want to meet someone who looks a little deeper. I think that as long as there is chemistry between people, that's enough to keep the conversation going. I think it's personal preference.

[ +55 / -7]Guys who don't have an attractive feature = guys who write articles like this

[ +48 / -4] Another offensive post... First think about whether there is something special about you

Every girl who is into K-pop has ever dreamed of dating a Korean guy. Of course, few people will be lucky enough to start a relationship with an Asian, but if you finally decided and sold your soul for a cute Korean, then you should know all the pros and cons of such a relationship.

Happy reading hehe~



Let's start with the positives.


1. Next to you is the second Lee Minho.

Well, if not Minho, then some Korean fashion diva for sure, because on every date your boyfriend will look like he stepped off the cover of a magazine a couple of seconds ago. And it doesn’t matter at all where you and him are going: sit in a cafe, take a walk in the park or wander along the river bank. Don’t be surprised by your hairstyle, foundation, colored contact lenses, or even special insoles that increase your height by several cm. And don’t flatter yourself too much, because all these sacrifices are not so much for you, but for yourself, your loved one and those around you. (but still nice: sweet_smile:)


2. You are constantly in touch.

And this is true. What do our Russian guys do? They only write when they accidentally remember you. A Korean guy will remember you 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. You will communicate constantly! Over time, this begins to get boring, but don’t forget - this is how they show, first of all, care.


3. Oppa will do anything.

In Korea, age determines how people should address each other. That's why when a guy is older than a girl, she calls him "oppa." But in fact, it doesn’t matter at all how old you are, because if a guy is truly interested in you, he will one way or another behave like an oppa, that is, he will take responsibility for you onto his shoulders: they will protect you, feed you and not give you be sad. In addition, I noticed such a funny thing... Koreans themselves really like to call themselves “oppa”. For example, instead of saying "I'll buy you dinner," he'll say "oppa will buy you dinner." In general, hanguks are very well trained in manners in terms of communicating with girls.


4. Special holidays for couples.

This is perhaps the strangest and, at the same time, coolest thing about dating a Korean. After all, there are a million such holidays! Let me list a few main ones:

22nd day since the beginning of the relationship, 100th day, 200th day, 300th day, year, two, three, Valentine's Day, White Day, Christmas, Couples Day, Rose Day, Peperro Day, Kiss Day, Hug Day, Birthday and so on further.

And for each of these holidays, the guy is obliged to give something to his beloved. As a rule, these are sweets, a teddy bear and a bouquet.


This is where the advantages end. Let's move on to the negative aspects of “meetings” with Koreans.


5. No personal life.

You will be checked. Always. Everywhere. In everything. Forget about personal correspondence on social networks - he will study every dialogue from cover to cover. Forget what it’s like to go out with your friends at night - they won’t let you go. And if they let you go, you will regret it, because you will be obliged to answer calls (thousands of calls), SMS (tens of thousands of SMS) or even take photographs of your clothes and everything that surrounds you.


6. Jealousy.

90% of arguments in a couple with a Korean will arise because you looked at the other guy, talked to the other guy, thought about the other guy, breathed next to the other guy, and so on. Therefore, everything that concerns other guys (even those shown on TV) is taboo. Unconditionally.


7. "We won't remain friends"

In Russia, it often happens that after breaking up, a guy and a girl remain friends. This is unacceptable in Korea. The fact is that there is a clear rule “there is no friendship between opposite sexes” and Koreans strictly observe this rule.


8. Well, the creepiest thing. Meeting his friends.

Be prepared for the fact that, once in his company, you will be examined from all sides, discussed, questioned and looked for flaws. For his friends, you must be ideal: obedient, quiet, sweet, modest, have never smoked in your life, do not know what alcohol and obscene words are, in addition, your makeup should be natural, and your clothes should look like you are presenting news on federal channel.


All information taken

It's true... But it's not that they are more beautiful... just more well-groomed. There are often not very handsome guys here, but at the same time, they are neatly and stylishly dressed, combed and even with makeup on their faces... lip liner, toner, and even mascara will not surprise anyone here.

I already told you once in in your public that the younger generation of Koreans are tall and have a more toned physique. Later, I will write a separate article about this, but it was precisely this “phenomenon” that caused the appearance in society of many idol-like, slender, well-groomed guys with the manners of true “drama gentlemen”.

But there is also the other side of the coin, read about it further...

One day, I was drinking tea in a cozy, quiet coffee shop, and then a young beautiful couple comes in... the girl comes up to the order counter, and the guy sits down at the table, takes out his smartphone and begins to fix his hair, stretch out his lips and examine his beautiful face - in short, a typical Narcissus.

While they were sitting, the girl talked more, and the guy periodically nodded, assented and laughed. Of course, you might think that this is an isolated incident... however, they later explained to me that girls here often invite guys on dates and pay all the bills themselves.

Another interesting incident happened on the subway, when I was on my way to Myeongdong to eat some delicious Korean street food, and then a young guy comes in, sits down and starts putting makeup on his face. Without being embarrassed by anyone, I took out a mirror, mascara and other cosmetic items... and over the course of several stops I “diligently” applied my makeup. Perhaps he is LGBT, or perhaps not, Koreans don’t care in this regard - as long as they don’t break the law. By the way, there is a whole area popular with LGBT people, Itaewon - there are many gay clubs there, but I will write about that separately.

I want to immediately note that Korean women are very beautiful! Most of them also take very good care of their appearance! You can often meet a plump, but very attractive girl - plumpness or thinness here is not an indicator of beauty, because even among celebrities there are many girls who are plump by nature, but they are popular with handsome guys.

By the way, many Korean women look like Uljan - it’s like a subculture that means “the art of being beautiful.” Therefore, Korean women already know how to use cosmetics from an early age.

However, as I said at the beginning, guys are really more well-groomed than girls. Here you can more often meet a girl in a baggy sweater, loose hair and no makeup than a guy dressed sloppily, with no hair and no makeup.

By the way, in Korea it’s quite common to meet a handsome guy who dates a cute, but for example chubby girl... I’ll also tell you why this happens, but in another article.

But this is my personal opinion based on personal observation. Although I haven’t been in Korea for long, I often walk around and have already visited several cities in Korea.

Thank you for your attention, look forward to my new publications!

It's quite rare to see a Korean guy dating a girl of a different nationality. Some believe that this is because Korean guys are against interracial dating and therefore choose only a girl of their own nationality. However, this is just a misconception and the truth is that Koreans, for the most part, are very shy. And even if they are interested in you, their timid nature may make them hesitant to show any interest.

What can you do? If you notice that the Korean guy you like is afraid to make the first move, don't be afraid, make him the first. But before you decide to go on the hunt to catch your love, here are some things you should know.

  • They like it when you call them oppa

As you know, all Koreans are united by the fact that they love being oppas. They will even say to themselves in the 3rd person, “Oppa will take care of you,” “Oppa loves you.” They will appreciate you more if you allow them to take on this role.

  • They like to be the same

From the same clothes to the same phone, your Korean boyfriend will most likely give you the same things, and of course expect you to use them. They are not afraid to show that someone has appeared in their life, on the contrary, they love to show off.

  • They like to celebrate small anniversaries

It is known that Koreans love to celebrate the first month, 100 days, 200 days, 300 days, first year together. Also, every month on the 14th, in Korea it is considered a holiday for lovers. Of course, if it's February 14th, it's Valentine's Day, but there is also a rose day, a kiss day, a photo day, etc. He may appreciate that you want to celebrate these days with him and only him.

  • They are good at communication

Korean guys never forget about you if you are far away. They will call and text. This is normal for them and of course they will expect the same from you. If you're not used to this type of relationship, it can be a little overwhelming and unfamiliar for the first time.

  • They are jealous

One of the hardest things when dating a Korean guy is their low tolerance when dating the opposite sex. Most Koreans believe that there is no such thing as friendship between a man and a woman. While this doesn't mean you can't have guy friends, you may need to take time to "calm him down" and reassure him that he's the one for you.

  • They take care of themselves

The best thing about Korean men is that they dress really well. From great clothes to great haircuts. You should try to look the part.

  • They will feed you

Food is a very important part in Korean culture. In Korea, food is offered everywhere and always, for example, after passing an exam or getting a new position. One of the most popular questions your Korean boyfriend will ask you is “Have you eaten yet?” Nothing will make him happier than sharing a big portion together. Start your practice with chopsticks and kimchi. He will appreciate it.

Tell me, have you ever met a Korean? Share your thoughts and ideas in the comments.