Effective ways to self-motivate. Ways to self-motivate

If you are able to understand the essence of this phrase of mine, then in the future you will have a similar question there will never be! And yet, most people completely lack external or internal forces that will move them further.

Therefore this post for everyone and everyone for those who lack motivation in life, who have already tried a lot, but nothing has helped, for those who have no idea how to motivate themselves every day and at the right time.

Most people are not able to do something on their own every day, or decide to take any specific action, because either fear is overwhelming, or laziness takes over, or they lack exactly that zest for the sake of which they want to do something.

Is it possible to change this somehow? YES! And it’s enough to change it specifically. And to do this you just need to follow a few tips.

Ways to self-motivate

1. Set a specific goal. For frequent person has no desire to do anything when he doesn’t know specific purpose does not see the final result of his actions. Therefore, be sure to set yourself a goal before every small or large accomplishment or any work or creative process, describe what exactly you want to get from this action.

It is IMPORTANT to see this result, imagine how cool it will be when you achieve it. Personally, when I imagine and see the end result of my idea in business, I constantly want to do and do without stopping or sleeping.

By the way, I will write about how to set goals correctly and achieve them in the next article, so I advise you if you want to learn how to do it correctly and achieve success in your endeavors thanks to them.

2. The examples are inspiring. Study them. If you lack motivation to start something new, to achieve incredible heights in sports, business, relationships, creativity, then be sure to study the stories of those people who have already achieved incredible results in this area, this will serve as a stimulant for action. You will see that someone was able to do this, but you are no worse.

2.Carrot and stick method. An amazing method that I experienced on myself already once. It consists in the fact that, for example, you set a goal for yourself, and upon achieving it, you reward yourself with what you want, for example, a vacation with friends, a trip, a new purchase, and so on, but if you have not achieved the goal, you are obliged to do what is right for you I really don’t want to. By the way, this helps a lot.

For example, as I did, I said that if I don’t achieve a plan and a breakthrough in my business (I won’t write numbers, I don’t think it’s correct), then I’ll break my phone and go alone into the forest all winter night and stay there until the morning .

It is very important that both the carrot and the stick are sooo vital for you, otherwise it won't work.

There are still very good option deprive yourself of something important to you until you do it and get the result, for some it’s not playing games, for others it’s not driving a car, but taking the subway, for each to their own.

3. Find your surroundings! Being with people who are not developing in any way or are not connected with what you are doing, you will never succeed and there will be no special desire to do something. Change your environment, find those people who are already taking action and getting results, if in sports, then this is a gym, in music, a studio or music school, in business - trainings or seminars.

The best way to act effectively. While there, you won’t even need to think about how to motivate yourself; the desire will arise on its own. Therefore, it's time to take the first step.

4. Keep order around you. When everything around you, at home, in the office, at work, is scattered and there is complete chaos, the brain puts up a defense and says “no!” I won’t do anything here,” so it’s important to keep your surroundings clean and tidy so that there’s no trash in your head.

This will allow you to think more in the right direction, without thinking about unnecessary things.

When you succeed, you won’t have to look for motivation again and again, because if you have a passion for this business in your heart, then nothing will stop you from developing it.

Well, now it’s clearer to you how to motivate yourself, or do you still need methods? Write in the comments and if so, I will definitely share a few more tricks. What...? Find out in the next issues.

Self-motivation is not something abstract that sometimes comes to us and sometimes goes away. Self-motivation is what we do so that we always have the energy and desire to do what we choose to do.

Ten techniques and rules of self-motivation

1. Image of the goal. I know exactly what I'm going to get when I reach my goal, and that's something I really enjoy. I want it so much that I'm willing to work really hard to get it!

2. Positive reinforcement. I’m taking my first steps, and I like my job. I know that I am good at it, doing this business gives me pleasure!

3. Setting goals. I formulate the task in such a way that I have no resistance to completing it. I break the task down into simple, understandable steps so that progress is natural and effortless.

4. Praise. I care about my own motivation, so I praise myself for every success, and rarely criticize - solely for the purpose of motivating me.

5. Books, videos. I know there are books, movies and videos that motivate me. When I need motivation, I just turn them on and get the boost I need.

6. Excitement. I love to compete! Any business turns into a game for me, a competition either with myself or with other people. Agree, playing is much more interesting and easier than straining!

7. Ambition. Why am I worse than others? I'm better than others! I will take it and do it to spite everyone. Let others be afraid and lazy, I’m great, I’m bolder, faster, smarter and more creative! I will be the best!

8. Like-minded people. When I discuss my business with my friends, like-minded people, I feel that I am doing such interesting and important things that I already want to start working as soon as possible!

9. My past successes. I know that on my way there were more difficult tasks, but I completed them with an A plus! I was not afraid and came out victorious. It was so before, so it will be now!

10. Environment. I am surrounded by such purposeful people, for whom the question of self-motivation is not even an issue - they are full of energy. I see them every day, I communicate with them - I am one of them!

Conclusions: when you feel that you lack motivation, use at least two or three points from these ten, and you will see for yourself how you want to get down to business!

This is unobtrusive programming of yourself for success and achieving goals. You don't have to wait until something changes or an opportunity arises. We need to work on ourselves here and now! Moreover, such a process does not require much effort. It passes naturally and even unnoticed.

So, what are some ways to self-motivate?

1. Communicate more with children and youth. If a person is young, then from time to time he should get into the circle of teenagers or kids. A child's carefree attitude towards the world will make you remember your own childhood and positive moments without worries and problems. If a person is of a more advanced age, then, accordingly, it is useful for him to be friends with people much younger than himself. He will remember his youth and thereby become “rejuvenated.” Education and life experience often encourage people to complicate what is actually simple. Therefore, a release is needed.

2. Take pictures or other “memories” of your successes and happy moments. Photos from work, vacation, family photos and other visual sources will help you transport yourself to that period of time that brought positivity and joy. But things that remind you of failures, tragedies and pain are best thrown away if their value is low.

3. Dream more, but not just dream, but clearly picture the future in your imagination better life. You need to imagine that what you want already exists and you can enjoy it. It is also useful to go back to past mistakes and analyze them.

4. Get rid of stereotypical thinking and limitations. Often the harsh opinions of others or loved ones prevent people from changing their fate for the better. It is not always correct, but rather formed on the basis of traditions and customs. Respecting traditions and remembering the past is important, but we must understand the fact that life is not a rock. Everything is changing. And public views must change too. This is a normal historical process.

5. Do not lose interest in learning new things and studying. There is a saying: “A smart person studies all his life. But a fool teaches all his life.”

6. Unselfishly help people, try to give more rather than take, and then the good will definitely return a hundredfold.

7. Install correct mode day, don't waste your time. If you don’t have work, you can watch an educational film and just listen to your favorite music.

8. Communicate with successful people, especially colleagues. Their professional experience and advice will be invaluable in achieving your own goals.

9. Get plenty of rest. If a person has driven himself into the framework of a workaholic and sees nothing but work, he risks seriously undermining his physical and mental health. But the work of a well-slept and rested person will be more enjoyable and fruitful. It is very useful to take a walk in the evening fresh air. It's better than wasting two hours on unnecessary computer games.

10. Be interested in biographies famous people. Analyze their ups and downs. It is better to learn from the mistakes of others than from your own.

11. Praise yourself, but do not over-praise. It is important to be able to appreciate your own personality, talents and abilities. Believing in your importance and being needed by people is a powerful engine of success. However, it is important to maintain the necessary level of self-criticism and always strive for more. He who does not go forward moves backward. There is no such thing as a standing position!

12. Constantly enrich your worldview, do not hold too tightly to old beliefs. Humanity changes with the flow of time. Perhaps what was relevant and necessary 20 years ago has now become useless...

13. Eradicate pride. In Christianity it is believed that pride is the basis of all sins, and this is not without reason! It should not be confused with pride. Pride is good quality, but pride is a product of the human ego. It prevents you from communicating, forgiving, and also developing yourself. A person who thinks too highly of himself stops growing, while other “simpler” people move further and further on their way to the top.

14. Do not waste energy on empty disputes and conflicts. It is better to spend this energy and time on self-improvement. There is no need to prove your opinion to the point of exhaustion to people who will not agree with it anyway. They say that arguing helps you discover the truth. This happens, but not always. A normal discussion is one in which each participant can freely express his thoughts and receive respect for it. But a verbal skirmish in which opponents get personal will not lead to anything good.

15. Set yourself an optimistic attitude, do not dramatize things in which you can find something good. We must remember that any, most difficult situation, can be wrapped in such a way as to extract goodness and benefit from it.

Thousands and millions of people on the planet do not have the opportunity to live, move and work in peace, or even admire the sunset. The reasons for this are different: wars, diseases, natural disasters. Therefore, every person needs to appreciate all the good things that exist in his life, to thank fate for every day he lives. And believe that the best is still ahead of him.

Modern man is often plagued by laziness. Scary and rebellious, she follows us around and puts us to sleep. At work and at home, wherever we are, we are not in much of a hurry to get down to business. Maybe it's all about our nature? Really? During early development of humanity, when we had no roof over our heads except the high vault of caves or in wild forests, where ferocious predators lay in wait everywhere, we were hardly bothered by laziness. Most likely, every moment of our lives we were on guard, not counting the time of sleep. It is now, when we no longer have to survive, hide from predators and get food, in the hope that we ourselves will not become prey, that we allow ourselves to lie on the couch. Warm and safe. Of course, we cannot exclude the factor of being busy in uninteresting work, which drains all our strength and negates all enthusiasm. In this case, why not think about changing your field of activity? Having carefully planned the transition to an interesting job, having acquired the necessary knowledge and skills, we could allow ourselves to do what we love and forget about laziness forever. Although... to achieve this, you again need motivation! This article will provide several self-motivation techniques that will help you on your journey.

1. Act despite resistance. Just force yourself to approach your workplace and start working, despite laziness and inertia. Disconnect from everything that may distract you, ignore any thoughts that arise about entertainment instead of work. Try to start an activity that is important to you immediately and force yourself to work for at least 10-15 minutes. Typically, this approach puts us in a working mood, dispels extraneous thoughts and fills us with the energy required to continue working.

2. Use pain and pleasure. Your goal is to associate your inaction with negative consequences and your activity with positive ones. You can do this in various ways. For example, imagine how full your body will become if you continue to lie on the couch watching TV, and how slim you will be if you start doing exercises. Visualize the results for your actions and inactions vividly and emotionally, try to imagine as many positive and negative consequences depending on what you are doing now. Imagine two possible options events for periods of 10, 15 or 20 years, so that the difference is noticeable.

3. Set a reward. If instead of working you prefer to surf the Internet, watch a movie or read interesting book, nip this desire in the bud. Promise yourself that you will watch a long-awaited movie or play computer game on a day off, with the condition that the work will be completed. Give yourself any other reward that you would like to receive. There is no need to promise yourself millions in a year or two of your work; this may not work at the moment; it is better if for each short period of time you assign a small but attractive reward for you.

4. Apply NLP techniques. Neuro-linguistic programming, quite interesting direction practical psychology, or the psychology of success. NLP allows you to replicate the success of other people by copying their way of thinking, beliefs and behavior. In addition, many of the existing NLP technologies can be adapted to self-motivation techniques. In particular, you can use the state anchoring technique to increase your performance and motivation to act. In the near future, we will post articles on NLP self-motivation techniques on our website so that you have the opportunity to verify their effectiveness in practice.

5. Diversify your environment. Environment can have a significant impact on your motivation levels. Order, for example, increases the desire for order in thoughts and actions; disorder, on the contrary, contributes to the dispersion of your attention and demotivates. If you want to increase your motivation to work, try to create an appropriate environment. Remove everything unnecessary from sight, eliminate everything that distracts you, create an environment in which you would enjoy working. Place a sign with a motivational quote on your desk or other prominent place. Take care of the lighting. Warn your loved ones not to disturb you while working.

6. Play motivational music. What music makes you the most active, gets you going, or, let’s say, inspires you to do great things? Rock, techno, instrumental music or maybe classical? When starting work, turn on music that will make you work with full enthusiasm. Focus on your previous experience, and if you are in doubt about your choice, experiment. Make a selection of your favorite songs, maybe in different directions, most conducive to your activity rather than relaxation. Turn it on at a volume level that is comfortable for you, not too loud or it may cause irritation, but not too soft so that you don't have to listen to it.

7. Set a goal and get a complete picture of it. Having a clear, definite goal, devoid of doubts and hesitations, serves as an excellent motivating tool; the absence of a goal, on the contrary, demotivates and fuels the tendency towards laziness. Without a goal, you even seem to have less energy. For example, it has been noted that certainty and focus on results contribute to the concentration of your internal resources to achieve it, you become more focused and attentive. With all this, it is important to have a purpose for every aspect of your life, so that when you wake up in the morning, you know for sure what you are getting up for. So that nothing can lead you astray from your path.

8. Choose what interests you. It is difficult to motivate yourself to do work that is not at all interesting to you; moreover, such activity can become a real torment for you. Ask yourself: Do you really need this? If so, then you will have to work on your beliefs and outlook on life so that, at a minimum, work does not cause you great inconvenience. If not, just change your field of activity to something that really interests you. To do what you love, you won’t have to force yourself, persuade yourself, or look for ways to motivate yourself, you’ll just do it and enjoy the process.

9. Move more. Laziness contributes to an increase in laziness, and prolonged inactivity leads to a decrease internal energy and activity in general. Especially noticeable from inaction is your level of motivation decreases, so it will be difficult for you to force yourself to get down to work, after long period stagnation On the other hand, regular physical activity, playing sports and even a simple morning workout increases your desire to do something useful. Along with physical exercise, your self-confidence will increase, your head will think better, more useful thoughts will appear, and your actions will become more effective.

10. Make work a habit. This applies not only to the work you need to do, but to work in general. Make regular activity a habit; work all the time when you are not resting. It will be much easier for you to sit down at your desk and do something necessary, since your hands will be drawn to work, your thoughts will wander around an important matter. This will save you from having to constantly motivate yourself. Just don’t take things to the point of fanaticism; healthy rest is just as necessary as work.

Doesn't seem complicated? Decide what interests you, set a goal, and begin to act, simultaneously applying the self-motivation techniques above. I cannot guarantee that they will work in your case, try it, and perhaps with the help of these techniques you will finally be able to move forward. Everything is in your hands, success!

9 ways to motivate yourself

1. First and most important point Self-motivation is the realization that nothing will work out right away. It doesn’t happen that you wanted it and got it the same hour. To do this, you need to go through life stages, go through a certain period of time. The complexity of the task depends on the complexity of the goal, perseverance and, again, motivation. Any goal, project, etc. requires an investment of time and effort, realize this and be ready to put in this effort.

2. Divide the entire period of the project/business into several stages, in other words, go up one ladder, and don’t jump over it at once, otherwise you might stumble and fall, but you won’t have the strength to get up. Completing each stage, overcoming each step is a victory, a victory, first of all, over oneself.

3. Don't limit your possibilities. Don't make plans that you can easily accomplish, otherwise you will lose interest and excitement for future plans. But you also need to build real dreams, and not those that cannot be fulfilled, otherwise they are no longer dreams, but mirages. You consciously set limits for yourself and stick to them. By taking on large/complex projects/assignments, you expand your personal horizons, and this is followed by the acquisition of invaluable experience. The law of metaphysics about material thought will give you everything you need, provided that your desire does not disappear. This is what many call luck, but accidents are not accidental.

4. Fear of any business is such a normal thing, like morning boner in men. It's natural physiological need, V in this casedefensive reaction. Fear will arise in front of any important event or a solution, you need to learn how to overcome it. How can I get rid of it? - Eat different methods, here are a few of them: a wedge, a wedge knocks it out. They will plunge into an atmosphere of fear and risk, meet him one-on-one and he will disappear. Most easy way- this is pronouncing the “miracle of the word” - affirmations. For example: “I successful person” or “I’ll have a great time,” etc. Don’t forget, the subconscious mind doesn’t know the negative particle “not”, so don’t use it.

5. In moments of “weakness of spirit” and low level self-motivation, good charge of the new one, positive energy will serve previously accumulated positive reviews about your work, and they will be there anyway. Write them down in a notebook or on a computer, where you can easily read them and read them when you give up and the desire to continue what you started drops to zero. It's like charging old batteries.

6. If you have a low level of self-motivation, you can use competition with yourself, those. instinct of confrontation, in this case, with oneself. Or with competitors. What's the benefit of this? – To succeed, in other words, to win, means to receive a dose of motivation and the desire to continue in order to achieve maximum satisfaction and the ultimate goal of the task. Each such victory produces an enzyme in the brain similar to the effect of heroin - it causes euphoria, happiness, etc. This is why people who have made themselves do not use drugs, they do not need them, they are already happy and satisfied with themselves. And those who were born under “ lucky star”, are already ready for everything, often suffer from depression, apathy, devaluation and social frustration; They have everything, they have nothing to strive for, so they find joy in drugs.

7. Another way is to look at yourself from the outside. When your condition is terrible, you don’t want anything, your former passion and joy have sunk into oblivion, then you need to look at yourself from the outside. You will see how pathetic you look and you will understand that you can’t continue like this, you need to change radically, recover from the fall and rush into battle again.

8. Don’t live by one business/idea. Otherwise, the flow of energy will dry up sooner or later, and there is nowhere for it to be replenished; accordingly, the level of motivation will drop to zero, and a bunch of other negative things. Take time for your family, girlfriend, parents, friends, in the end! This also includes leisure and recreation. Don’t be scrupulous, work on holidays or worse, all summer long. Work will suck you in like a whirlpool, chew you up and spit you out, crushed and squeezed, like a lemon.

9. Do what you love! Otherwise, sooner or later, and sooner rather than later, you will get tired of something that does not bring you aesthetic satisfaction. And when you do what you want and like, it brings doubly pleasure, and you also get money for it, so in general - a miracle of miracles.