An exotic option for weight loss with mangoes. Mango salad with arugula

It is the African mango variety that is the juiciest and healthiest. When losing weight, sweet and sour mango is added to salads, drunk in juice, and marinated with meat. The uniqueness of citrus mango makes weight loss quick and painless, because the fruit contains components that reduce the amount of cholesterol in the blood.

Fruit brought from overseas includes protein plant origin. From mangoes the body receives fiber, vitamins, minerals, folic acid. Mango contains 25 carotenoids, which have a beneficial effect on human health. This citrus with a low glycemic index is very useful in diet menu. It is suitable for diabetics as it normalizes blood sugar levels. The potassium it contains strengthens the heart muscles, and vitamin E normalizes hormones in the blood and increases libido.

Mango is recommended to be given to older people, it improves hearing and vision, and athletes eat it to strengthen and build muscle mass. Mango is also welcome in baby food. When losing weight, you need to consume vitamin A, which can be obtained from a glass of freshly squeezed mango juice. The fruit breaks down and removes accumulated toxins from the body. B vitamins control the normal functioning of the liver and spleen. They burn carbohydrates that can be stored in the body as fat deposits. With this process of burning calories, clean energy is produced, which the body needs when losing weight.

Citrus reduces appetite due to its sweet pulp. It is filling and healthy, so a person who is on a diet needs a mango snack and needs to fill their stomach harmful products will disappear. Mango for weight loss is used in pure form. You can eat the pulp, or you can drink the juice. This mineral composition removes excess fluid from the body, thereby normalizing water balance in tissue cells. It is recommended to be included in the diet of children with poor appetite, it improves the digestive process. When losing weight, mango normalizes metabolism in the human body.

Mango is a low-calorie fruit, 100 grams of citrus contains 75 calories, therefore, as a snack, it is an excellent food.

When you want something sweet, you can eat mango and get enough sugar. Dieters have repeatedly used mangoes in their diet. Studies have shown that by consuming 150 grams of this fruit per day, they quickly lost weight and lost body fat.

Mango is a product healthy eating, which thanks to fiber normalizes work gastrointestinal tract. It contains ascorbic acid, so mango improves immune protection the body from viruses and bacteria. To be healthy and vigorous, not only diet helps. Mango combined with proper nutrition and sufficient physical activity will make the body slim and fit. The fruit is a supplement in the process of losing weight. It has a bright sunny color, so it looks appetizing and festive in salads and is ideal for meat dishes due to its sourness.

In a weight loss diet, mango can be combined with cinnamon, kiwi, bell pepper, avocado, arugula and shrimp. Yogurt with mango is tasty and healthy. People who have high acidity should pay attention to mangoes. A diet with this citrus will fill the body with useful antioxidants and a sufficient amount of vitamin C. Mango will remove from cells free radicals and will produce red blood cells, making the figure embossed.

Although the exotic mango fruit is healthy, you should not overeat it, as it can cause allergic rashes. It is better to peel the skin and eat only the pulp. The fruit cannot be used on the menu if anticoagulant drugs are prescribed. Green mangoes should not be eaten by people with latex allergies. Mango contains urushiol, which can cause dermatitis in humans.

It is not always possible to buy ripe fruit in the supermarket. If the citrus is greenish, you can wrap it in dark paper and put it in a kitchen cabinet for one week. The mango will not be able to ripen in the refrigerator; this should be done at room temperature. If a mango is stored for a long time and not eaten, it can become very soft and tasteless, as it will lose its healthy sweetish liquid.

Mango is often called the Asian apple and has sufficient amounts of calcium, iron and phosphorus. And mango leaves are used as a tranquilizer. In India, mangoes are even used for treatment. cancerous tumors that originated in the genitourinary system.

To summarize, we can say that mango is one of the tasty and healthy low-calorie fruits, which will help you lose weight and normalize your work without harming your health. internal organs, fill the body useful substances, if it is consumed in moderation and has no contraindications for consumption.

After one of the television programs talked about the miraculous ability to reset overweight without much physical activity and changing your usual diet using African mangoes for weight loss, sales of this fruit in all US supermarkets increased several times.

According to the majority, in 18 days, women and men lost up to 5-6 kg, while their waist size decreased by 4 cm. And this despite the fact that they did not use diet and.

All methods of losing weight:

Nutrition for weight loss Products for weight loss Fat burners Drugs for weight loss

Mango for weight loss: benefits

It is worth noting that the effect of this delicious fruit was confirmed not only by researchers, but also by many people who want to lose weight, who began to actively include mango in their menu. Its main merit, thanks to which people began to lose weight, was the suppression of hunger.

This fruit contains in abundance substances that affect the hormone leptin contained in the blood. And leptin is precisely responsible for a person’s feeling of hunger.

African mangoes are available throughout the year and can be used fresh or frozen. The benefits of this fruit for our body are enormous:

  • helps reduce cholesterol, glucose and triglycerides;
  • satisfies hunger well;
  • does not lose its beneficial properties even when frozen;
  • helps to lose weight;
  • improves vision;
  • relieves nervous tension;
  • lifts the mood;
  • it is good to use to prevent bile stagnation, cancer diseases, asthma, dermatitis, constipation, diabetes;
  • increases sexual desire.
So, by trying mango, you will see for yourself whether this fruit is good for your health or not. We think the answer will be very positive. After all, this fruit contains a large amount of vitamins, minerals and acids necessary for the full functioning of the body.

Mango for weight loss: a storehouse of vitamins and minerals

Mango is rich in folic, malic, citric, succinic, oxalic acids, vitamins B, A and C, as well as magnesium, potassium, phosphorus, iron, starch and pectin. African mango contains huge amount fiber, thanks to which intestinal motility improves significantly and general work the gastrointestinal tract quickly normalizes.

The difference between African mango and other varieties is that it contains seeds, which Cameroonians called “Dika nuts” for their special taste. These seeds produce very effective extract irvingia gabonensis, which is widely used in medicinal purposes- from healing wounds to getting rid of obesity.

The only advice is when buying this healthy fruit pay attention to its origin. The market is overflowing with Chinese mangoes, which, unfortunately, do not provide such an effective effect on weight loss.


Dietary properties of mango:

Mango is the name given to a tropical plant and its fruits. The homeland of mangoes is considered to be the territory of modern India, where this tropical fruit cultivated and eaten for thousands of years.

Mango has excellent taste and unique aroma. Thanks to this, the fruit has earned considerable popularity all over the world, especially since purchasing it today is not a problem.

It is in this regard that many are interested in questions such as: what calorie content does mango have, what are the benefits of mango and what does this fruit have? dietary properties.

The calorie content of mangoes is of concern to those of us who are on a diet in order to lose weight or are simply accustomed to counting calories in our diet, caring about our appearance.

One way or another - in our article today we will look at beneficial properties mango, calorie content of this fruit and dietary properties - if any.

The pulp of mango fruits contains water, as well as proteins, carbohydrates and plant fiber. Mango is a rich source of vitamins D, C, A, and B vitamins that are vital for us. mineral composition These fruits contain calcium, phosphorus, iron, zinc, manganese, potassium, and pectin. In addition, mangoes contain organic acids, sucrose, oleoresin, and mangosteen (the latter, by the way, is extracted from the mango kernel and is successfully used as an antipyretic).

Vitamin A, present in ripe fruits in considerable quantities, has a beneficial effect on health visual organs person: helps against the so-called " night blindness", useful for dry cornea and other eye diseases. In addition, regular inclusion of ripe fruits in the diet helps strengthen the immune defense of our body and protects against infections that cause colds(for example - acute respiratory infections, rhinitis and others).

Mango, among other things, has a significant laxative and diuretic effect. These fruits are recommended to be used for inflammatory processes gums and oral cavity, as well as in case of scurvy, stomach pain (of course, if the pain is not a symptom of any serious illness), and colds.

Ripe mango fruits are quite suitable for those who want to lose weight, as they contain a large amount of vitamins and carbohydrates. There is even a so-called mango-milk diet.

How many calories are in mango?

Now about what nutritional value mango.

The calorie content of fresh mango is:

67 kcal per 100 grams of product

Proteins, fats and carbohydrates (BJU) of fresh mango in gr. per 100 grams:

Proteins - 0.5

Fats – 0.3

Carbohydrates – 11.5

Is this a lot or a little? Everything is relative. For comparison, this is more than the calorie content of raspberries, but less than the calorie content of coconut, which is 360 kcal per 100 grams. Actually, 60 kcal is not a lot at all. Moreover, along with these calories you also get many useful substances.

What is the calorie content of cooked mango? in different ways? And here it is:

Mango calorie table, per 100 grams of product:

And the nutritional value of mango prepared in different ways is as follows:

Table of nutritional value of mango, per 100 grams of product:

Product Squirrels, gr. Fats, gr. Carbohydrates, gr.
dried mango 1,5 0,8 81,6
mango juice 0,0 0,0 13,5
mango puree 0,2 0,3 14,0
mango thai 0,6 0,3 17,0
candied mango 1,1 0,0 64,8

Recipe? Recipe!

Well, what can you prepare from this fruit at home? Here is one of the recipes:

Mango with banana and orange:


  • Mango - 1 piece
  • Bananas - 1 piece
  • Oranges - 1 piece

This fruit juice is first prepared using a juicer, and then poured into a blender and blended with banana to form a thick and tasty nectar. It goes perfectly with wholemeal toast. The pit is removed from the mango fruit, but the peel remains. Cut the mango into quarters and put it through a juicer. The orange is peeled and broken into pieces.

It is also passed through a juicer. Then both resulting juices are poured into a blender and blended together with banana pulp. That's all! Drink for your health, especially since the low calorie content of mango in this drink will prevent you from gaining extra pounds.

What are the benefits of mango for weight loss?

Is it possible to lose extra pounds with mangoes? Can!

When consumed, the production of the hormone leptin increases, which regulates fat accumulation in the body.

Adding mango to dietary nutrition, improve the breakdown and removal of fats.

The B vitamins present in this fruit stimulate the liver, helping to burn and remove carbohydrates that are stored as fat.

Citrus activates the removal of fats from the body, that is, it has the ability to convert fats into clean energy and thereby increases the burning of more calories.

And the active components of citrus can reduce appetite and the desire to eat more, which will help you avoid unnecessary snacks during your diet.

And thanks to pectin and plant fiber, it improves digestion and metabolism, which is also important when losing weight.

The main advantage is its low calorie content. In 100 gr. mango is only 67 Kcal.

Those who want to lose weight can safely test a very balanced seven-day mango-milk diet for themselves. One juicy, ripe fruit should be eaten at each of three meals and washed down with a glass of low-fat milk.

There is another option for a short mango diet: for five days you should eat only light meals with a low calorie content: dietary soups, vegetable salads and smoothies. At the same time, you must eat mango at every meal.

These two methods will help you lose a couple of kilograms and centimeters in a short time.

Special instructions for eating mango

Overeating ripe mangoes may cause stomach and intestinal disorders, as well as acute urticaria.

The skin of this fruit is quite allergenic, so allergy sufferers should use gloves when peeling it.

Overeating unripe fruits leads to inflammation of the mucous membranes of the stomach and colic.

Mangoes should not be combined with alcohol.

Mango is one of the exotic fruits that grows in South and Central America, Arabia and Africa, India and Burma. Regardless of how far its homeland is from you, almost every inhabitant of the planet can appreciate the taste of this fruit. Mangoes are now sold in almost every supermarket or online store.

There are quite a lot of varieties of mangoes, but the most consumed all over the world is the African one, which is considered the juiciest and healthiest. The pulp of the fruit has a pleasant sweet and sour taste, and a slightly tart note gives the juice a pleasant piquancy and uniqueness.

The overseas fruit is incredibly healthy, as it contains proteins of plant origin, sugars, fiber, minerals, vitamins, beta-carotene, folic acid and twenty-five different carotenoids that have a beneficial effect on the body.

Beneficial properties of mango

  • Has low glycemic index, which is very useful for diabetics.
  • Strengthens the heart muscle, as it has a lot of potassium.
  • Vitamin E present in mango improves the condition hormonal levels and increases libido.
  • It has a positive effect on hearing and vision, as it contains carotenoids.
  • It contains many proteolytic enzymes that help digest proteins, which contributes to the strengthening and growth of muscle mass.
  • Normalizes blood sugar levels.
  • A glass of freshly squeezed juice will fully provide a quarter daily norm vitamin A.
  • Lowers cholesterol.
  • Doctors' studies have shown that mangoes contain an enzyme that inhibits the growth of cancer cells.
  • This fruit contains glutamic acid, which can improve memory and stimulate the functioning of brain cells.
  • Recommended for anemia, as it contains a lot of iron.
  • It contains quite a lot of enzymes that help improve digestion.
  • Reduces high acidity.
  • Has antioxidant properties.
  • Thanks to great content Vitamin (C) helps remove free radicals from the body and improves the functioning of the immune system.
  • Stimulates the production of red blood cells.

The tasty fruit not only improves your well-being and health, but also affects your slim figure.

Benefits of mango for weight loss

  • When consumed, the production of the hormone leptin increases, which regulates fat accumulation in the body.
  • By adding mango to your diet, the breakdown and elimination of fats improves.
  • The B vitamins present in this fruit stimulate the liver, helping to burn and remove carbohydrates that are stored as fat.
  • Activates the removal of fats from the body, that is, it has the ability to convert fats into clean energy and thereby increases the burning of more calories.
  • And the active ingredients reduce appetite and the desire to eat more, which will help you avoid unnecessary snacks during your diet.
  • The potassium content of mangoes is much higher than that of bananas. This mineral eliminates delay excess liquid in the body.
  • And thanks to pectin and plant fiber, the fruit improves digestion and metabolism, which is also important when losing weight.
  • The main advantage is its low calorie content. 100 g of mango contains only 75 kcal.

All these properties make it possible to have excellent achievements in weight loss and transition to healthy looking nutrition. Also, mango can satisfy your need for sweets without extra calories during your diet.

Delicious and no calories Read more about What is more effective: exercise or switching to proper nutrition? Massage, running or fasting?

Is it possible to eat mango on an empty stomach?

Fruits are digested much faster by our digestive system than most other foods, so it is better to eat them before meals than after.

However, mango belongs to the list of high-carbohydrate fruits, so not everyone can benefit from eating it on an empty stomach.

  • The fruit has an average value according to the GI table (55 units). Therefore, it can cause a sharp spike and drop in blood sugar levels.
  • It is not recommended to eat in the morning on an empty stomach when increased acidity stomach.

Doctors' opinion on the effect of mangoes on weight loss

Research was conducted at the University of Cameroon and its results showed that the fruit has a positive effect on the process of losing weight, since the components it contains slow down the growth of fat cells. Another experiment showed that those people who consumed one hundred and fifty grams of mango per day for a month significantly reduced their weight and fat deposits.

However, the fruit is not magic remedy from losing weight. It can be more confidently classified as a healthy food product rather than a weight loss product. Like any other type plant food, mango has a positive effect on accelerating metabolism and improving performance digestive system(due to the presence of fiber).

I would also like to note the effect of mango on immunity. Studies have shown that the fruit contains a sufficient amount ascorbic acid, which increases the body's resistance to various diseases.

You can lose weight from mangoes, but not due to the fat-burning qualities of the fruit, but due to its beneficial effect on the entire body as a whole. And, of course, together with proper nutrition and in an active way life.

Mango goes well with meat, seafood, and can be added to salads, cocktails, smoothies, and mousses. Here are a few recipes for mango salads and drinks that can be used in weight loss diets:

Diet mango salads

Recipe No. 1

Mango – 1 pc.
Cinnamon - a pinch
Kiwi – 2 pcs.
Sugar – 1 tbsp. lie
Banana – 1 pc.
Fresh pineapple – 1/4 pcs.
Lime juice – 3 tbsp. lie

Peel the fruit and cut into small cubes. Mix lime juice with sugar, add to chopped fruit, sprinkle with cinnamon and mix everything. You will get a delicious vitamin salad.

Recipe No. 2

Mango – 1 pc.
Sweet bell pepper – 1 pc.
Mint leaves - a handful
Cucumber – 1 pc.
Chicken breast – 200 g
White onion – 1 pc.
Lime juice – 4 tbsp. lie
Sugar – 1 tsp.

Boil chicken breast and cut into cubes. Also chop the mango and vegetables. Mix lime juice and sugar. Next, combine all the ingredients and mix gently. As a result, we get an excellent low-calorie salad.

Recipe No. 3

Mango – 1 pc.
Avocado – 1 pc.
Red onion – 1 pc.
Arugula – 150 g
Shrimp – 150 g
Salt, pepper - to taste

Chop mango, onion and avocado, add arugula and shrimp. Season with salt and pepper and stir.

Recipe No. 4

Mango – 1 pc.
Red pepper – 1 pc.
Tomatoes - 2 large
Salt, pepper - to taste
Olive oil – 3 tbsp. lie

Cut mangoes, peppers and tomatoes into cubes of the same size. Mix everything with olive oil, salt and pepper.

Recipe No. 5

Mango - 1 pc.
Orange – 1 pc.
Banana – 1 pc.
Low-fat natural yoghurt – 100 ml

Peel and cut the fruit. Combine them in a salad bowl and pour yogurt on top. Diet salad ready.

Diet drinks, smoothies, cocktails

Mango and passion fruit smoothie

Mango – 1 pc.
Passion fruit – 1 pc.
Orange - 1 pc.
Instant coffee – 1 tsp.
Low-fat milk - 5 tbsp. lie
Honey – 1 tsp.

Peel the passion fruit and mango and chop. Mix in a blender. Squeeze the juice from the orange and add to the crushed fruit. Add honey and milk and coffee there. Beat everything with a mixer.

Mango and orange smoothie

Mango (finely chopped) – 1/2 pcs.
Mango juice – 50 g
Vanilla yogurt – 50 g
Lime juice – 1 tbsp. lie
Orange juice – 50 g

Beat all ingredients in a blender. The end result is a nutritious, low-calorie smoothie.


Mango – 1 pc.
Egg – 1 pc.
Sugar – 1 tsp.
Vanilla - a pinch

Blend the mango with sugar and yolk in a blender. Beat the whites separately until stiff. Then mix everything carefully.

Mango, pineapple and honey cocktail

Mango (ripe) – 1 pc.
Pineapple (fresh) – 1 ring
Low-fat yogurt – 1 cup
Lime juice – 1 tsp.
Honey – 1 tsp.

Mango and pineapple peel and cut. Blend in a blender along with honey and lime juice. Then add yogurt to this mixture and stir. This great cocktail is prepared immediately before consumption. And it may well replace a diet breakfast.

Mango and mint dessert

Mango – 2 pcs.
Juice of one lime
Muscat – a pinch
Brown sugar – 2 tbsp. lie
Fresh mint – 3 sprigs

Finely chop the mango pulp and puree in a blender. Add sugar and mint, then lime juice and nutmeg. Ideal for dieting as it contains only one hundred and fifty calories.

How to choose the right mango

There are many varieties of mangoes. Its color can vary from red to bright orange. The riper the fruit, the darker its color. If the fruit is ripe, it has a fragrant, sweetish smell.

The skin must be intact, without damage or cracks. Should not be taken if there is a lot on it dark spots, this indicates its overripeness.

And if you already bought an unripe fruit, then its ripening can be accelerated by placing it in a paper bag with an already ripe fruit. The average weight of a good mango is one hundred to two hundred grams.

How to properly store mangoes

Unripe mangoes need to be stored at room temperature until they ripen, which will take a few days. And ripened fruits should be kept in the refrigerator (they can be stored in the cold for up to two weeks).

But before eating, take the mangoes out of the refrigerator and leave them to warm up to room temperature. This is done to restore their natural taste.

  • Mango, of course, is very healthy, but this does not mean that the fruit should be included in your diet in large quantities and constantly, since if abused it causes an allergic reaction.
  • Also, you should not eat mango peel, it contains a lot of coarse fiber, which makes digestion difficult. The seed contains a concentration of oils and is high in calories.


  • You should not eat the fruit if you are taking anticoagulants.
  • People with allergic reaction Fruit is not recommended for latex, especially if it is green.
  • Contained urushiol may cause dermatitis.

By including mango in your diet, you can reduce weight without much effort and fasting and provide your body with essential vitamins and nutrients.

Enjoying the exotic has become accessible. Among the abundance of fruit, mango is a regular guest on Russian shelves. The piquant, delicate taste of this fruit is good for health, and it is also attractive for those who want to lose weight. Mangoes are actively used in various diets, the effectiveness of which has been proven. We will tell you in detail about the wonderful properties of this fruit.

The benefits of mango

This fruit has a royal history dating back more than 4 millennia. India is considered the homeland. There, mangoes are still consumed at all stages of development. The fruit is considered one of the main ingredients of numerous traditional medicine recipes.

Eating mangoes, rich in vitamins and beta-carotene, strengthens the immune system and eyesight, lowers cholesterol levels, and relieves many liver problems.

Mango is recommended for colds and stomach diseases, inflammatory processes in the oral cavity and gums. Regular use relieves tension, helps overcome stress and improves sexual performance. Nutritionists advise eating fruit with fatty foods. Thanks to the ability of this fruit to protect the liver and bile ducts from fat, you can forget about heaviness in the stomach and heartburn. Known wide application mango in cosmetics.

Green (unripe mango) - the most valuable source of pectin. It contains a lot of starch, succinic, malic, oxalic, and citric acid. The unripe fruit is rich in niacin, vitamins C, A, B1 and B2. The fruits have an antiscorbutic and tonic effect, have astringent properties. Using unripe fruits you can get rid of diarrhea, constipation, hemorrhoids and dysentery. For these purposes, the pulp of the fruit is consumed with salt and honey. If you add honey-mango mixture instead of salt and pepper you will get excellent remedy, preventing stagnation of bile.

Sweet and tasty ripe mango - an abundance of vitamins and sugars. The fruit improves hair structure and complexion, it is an excellent diuretic, laxative, and strengthening agent. Used for prevention and treatment eye diseases. Ripe fruits are considered ideal for weight loss.

Mango fruit diet. Ways to lose weight

Mango is a low-calorie fruit (67 kcal/100 grams) and is an active participant in the most different diets. This fruit has another important advantage: its consumption gives a feeling of fullness and dulls the feeling of hunger. This happens thanks to substances that stimulate the production of leptin, this hormone is responsible for appetite. Nutritionists classify the mango diet as a gentle weight loss method. The obvious benefits and composition of mango make this fruit irreplaceable, both for fasting days, and for long-term diets. The result is guaranteed in all cases and depends on how responsibly those who want to lose weight treat their diet and the duration of the diet. Among the most popular are the following:

Weekly mango milk diet

For a mango-milk diet that significantly reduces weight, only ripe fruits are suitable. They are eaten in the morning, at lunchtime and before bed. In this case, the fruit is always washed down with milk. These are perfectly combined products, and the diet itself is considered one of the most balanced and effective. Having made a choice in its favor, be attentive to the body, monitor its reaction, since there are no clear recommendations regarding the composition. Approximate proportions: mango (3-4 kg), milk (4-5 l). Mango diet with milk is calculated for 7 days, during this time you can get rid of 5-9 extra pounds. Milk can be alternated with cottage cheese, yogurt and cottage cheese.

Two week mango diet

With such a diet, the same menu is assumed, that is, a certain set of products recommended for weight loss. Weight loss can be up to 8 kg. You can try a combination of the following:

Five day diet

This option is interesting for those who urgently need to lose a few kilograms. The essence of the mango diet is to combine the fruit with light, low-calorie dishes. It could be smoothies vegetable salads, dietary soups. Each meal of such food should be accompanied by the consumption of mango. Tasty, healthy, effective!

For weight loss, fresh, always ripe fruits are selected. The skin should be shiny, no defects or dents. Fruits do not store for long; it is advisable to use them immediately after purchase. For greater effectiveness, moderate physical activity: swimming, jogging, aerobics, brisk walking.

Mango diet. Cons and contraindications

List of disadvantages m angodiets small, however, there is one very significant disadvantage. Lost kilograms can return. To prevent this from happening, you should not overeat when finishing your diet. The result may disappear as quickly as it appeared. You should return to active nutrition gradually, practicing frequent meals with small amounts of food. Be prepared to shell out some cash, this exotic is not cheap, and the diet requires the use of large quantity mango is one of the main components.


Be sure to consult your doctor; mangoes may cause allergies. Don't get carried away, remember the limitations. Indiscriminate consumption, especially of unripe fruits, can lead to problems: colic, constipation, stomach blockage, fever. Mango is not friendly with alcohol; their presence in the body together is unacceptable and can lead to unpleasant health consequences. And also, take into account such a concept as adaptation to the exotic. You should not overeat and saturate your diet with mangoes if your body is not very familiar with it. It takes time to get used to.

In addition to the excellent taste and health benefits of mango, its ability to easily improve tone and mood has been proven. And if you consider that parting with extra pounds for those losing weight - great achievement, the mango diet can safely be considered one of the most effective, enjoyable and short-lasting. Weight loss plus taste pleasures, why not try it!

Mango diet: benefits and contraindications