Erythema, what is it? Treatment, types: nodular, exudative, migratory. Centrifugal erythema of Biette

Any changes in the child’s skin immediately attract the attention of parents. And if everything is more or less clear with pimples and rashes, then the appearance of red spots raises many questions and concerns. We will talk about what erythema is and why it appears in this article.

What it is?

The word "erythema" has Greek roots. Translated from Greek it means “red”. This fully reflects the essence of the ongoing phenomenon. Severe redness appears on the child’s skin, which is associated with pathological expansion of the capillaries.

Erythema is not an independent disease, but a symptom indicating the development of inflammation or more harmless causes.

Erythema can appear on a child’s skin after a burn, after exposure to acid or alkali, and also due to processes occurring inside the body, for example, during an allergic reaction.

Redness of the skin is not always a sign of illness.

Thus, physiological erythema can be caused by exposure to sunlight, if the child sunbathed and played in the sun, or by visiting a bathhouse or sauna, when the expansion of capillaries is temporary. Even with extreme shame or stress, a person may blush. And in medicine, such redness of the skin is also considered erythema, although it is a reflex.


main reason redness - expansion of capillaries. In children, erythema is not uncommon due to the structural features of the skin. Blood vessels in babies they are located close to the surface, to the epidermis, so any provoking factor can cause rapid expansion of small vessels and, as a result, redness skin.

Therefore, many erythemas have completely safe and natural causes provided by nature itself. So, in children, redness of the skin appears as a reaction to massage, to a strong pressing touch. Capillaries expand in response to high temperature from the outside - in a bathhouse, in a sauna. If a child plays sports, plays outdoor games, runs and jumps, the blood supply becomes more intense, and the capillaries expand under blood pressure.

Interesting fact- erythema is the most common way the body of a person of any age reacts to the suggestion of a psychotherapist during a hypnosis session.

Pathological causes redness may be associated with:

  • infectious disease;
  • thermal or chemical burn;
  • any disease that occurs against the background high temperature;
  • allergic reaction;
  • diseases of the heart and blood vessels;
  • post-traumatic changes in the skin.

There are also skin rednesses, the cause of which doctors cannot determine; such erythemas are called idiopathic.

Types and symptoms

All erythemas are divided into several types, which differ external manifestations and the cause of capillary dilatation.


This variety is also called persistent erythema. It causes ring-shaped spots to form on the skin. It usually affects the baby's torso and cheeks, as well as the shoulders. Such ring-shaped redness can appear with rheumatism, a viral or bacterial disease.

There is also a special form of ring-shaped erythema - Daria's erythema, in which, for unknown reasons, pink spots-rings appear on the skin, which rise above the skin and tend to constantly grow. Redness in the form of rings may peel off, or may not violate the integrity of the skin. Sometimes erythema appears suddenly and goes away after a few hours.

It can be inherited as well ring-shaped erythema accompanies diseases such as tonsillitis, chronic sinusitis and cholecystitis, work disorders gastrointestinal tract and even some tumor processes in the body.

This erythema is most often chronic and worsens from time to time.

Exudative multiform (polymorphic)

This variety is characterized by the appearance of redness not only on the skin, but also on the mucous membranes of the mouth, nose, and throat. Most often, rashes appear on the arms (hands) and legs (feet), rounded redness appears on the soles, shins, forearms and on the extensor side of the elbows. This erythema looks like a raised, rich pink rash with clearly defined edges.

At first, the papules are small - only 2-3 mm in diameter, but they grow quickly and can reach 3 centimeters in diameter. In the center of the formation there is a small hole - a depression. Because of this, the papule looks slightly bluish.

It is not uncommon for a watery rash or other types of rash to appear on or near these rashes., which is why the name “multiform” is present in the name of erythema. The appearance of such rashes is usually preceded by high temperature, intoxication, severe general malaise. Exudative erythema accompanies many viral and bacterial diseases, as well as allergic reactions.

The erythema itself, developing and increasing in area and size, significantly weakens the child’s immunity. He begins to get sick more often, and it takes much longer to recover.

Most often, this form of the disease occurs as a result of side effect when using various medications.


This is an allergic redness of the skin. It is most common in newborns (up to 70% of babies are susceptible to this form of allergy). Toxic erythema manifests itself as a reaction to allergens from food, medications, upon contact with allergenic substances, household chemicals, body care products, cosmetics.

This redness is slightly hot to the touch. It begins immediately or 2-3 days after contact with the allergen (delayed allergic reaction). The appearance of the skin does not change, the integrity of the skin is not compromised. Red solid spots are enough big size most often located on the child’s cheeks and chin, on the tummy, thighs, and buttocks.

Toxic erythema never occurs on the soles and palms of a child.

After some time, small nodules and blisters form at the site of redness. This increases the likelihood of infection, joining bacterial infection. Newborn boys are most susceptible to this type of skin lesions; in girls, toxic erythema occurs several times less often.


It is caused by parvovirus B 19. This agent is transmitted by airborne droplets. Most often, this virus is transmitted to children.

The disease begins as the most common acute respiratory viral infection - the child sneezes, his nose begins to runny, and his temperature rises. After 4-5 days, rashes appear on the skin. At first they look like small red spots on the cheeks. From the outside it looks like a fresh slap in the face.

Then similar redness appears on the legs, arms, forearms, knees, and neck.

Round spots gradually grow and begin to resemble a lace pattern on the skin. Usually these pink and reddish “laces” go away within a week. If they make themselves felt later, it is only occasionally, with a sunburn, for example. They appear again for a while and go away on their own.

Erythema infectiosum of Chamera

A typical childhood disease. There is no high fever, and the redness of the skin of the cheeks in the shortest possible time becomes similar in outline to the wings of a butterfly. In many children, such sudden erythema may occur without any symptoms at all. And a person learns that it has been transferred much later, when antibodies to B19 are detected in his blood. By the way, immunity is developed for life.

Nodular (nodular)

This form of the disease has characteristic visual manifestations - nodules. They are formed not on the surface of the skin, but in its deeper layers. The causes of the occurrence are still being studied, however, most researchers are inclined to believe that an allergic reaction is to blame for the formation of a nodular rash. We are talking about an allergic reaction to the waste products of certain bacteria, for example, streptococcus.

Usually nodules appear during the course of an illness with scarlet fever, streptococcal sore throat, bacterial otitis. Also erythema nodosum may become a symptom of tuberculosis. Such a rash can accompany inflammatory processes occurring in the intestines and some oncological diseases.

The nodes themselves are quite dense, deep, varying in size - from a few millimeters to 5 centimeters in diameter. The nodules rise somewhat above the skin, the skin above them is slightly reddened, there are no clear boundaries, since there is slight swelling.

The nodules grow to a certain size and begin to reverse development - first the redness becomes brown, then yellowish. Bruises usually follow the same color sequence.

Most often, nodes appear on the legs, on the front surface of the legs. But sometimes knots form on the child’s face, hips, and bottom. In children, this form of the disease can manifest itself in nervous soil due to severe stress and fear, especially in very impressionable children.


All types of erythema can be treated at home. But this fact does not negate the need to show the child to a dermatologist or pediatrician.

Careful diagnostic test necessary to exclude the child from cancer, serious impairments in work of cardio-vascular system and other diseases that require urgent treatment.

The child may also have to visit an allergist, since a considerable part of erythema is, one way or another, associated with allergic reactions of one type or another.

For ring-shaped erythema, medications are prescribed that can affect the underlying cause of red and pink rings on the skin. Most often, antihistamines and vitamin complexes are prescribed. If there is an associated infection, antibiotics may be recommended. This one is enough simple form illness, responds well local treatments aerosols with sodium thiosulfate. Sometimes a dermatologist considers it necessary to use hormonal ointments with a small content of glucocorticosteroid hormones – "Advantan", "Triderm".

Treatment is necessary to prevent erythema annulare from becoming chronic. The child is shown dispensary observation see a dermatologist for 1 year.

With polymorphic exudative erythema hormonal treatment indicated only in the case of a chronic complex form. If a child has such an illness for the first time, he will not be prescribed hormones, but will be limited to antihistamines - "Tavegil", "Suprastin" and others. It is important to remove from the body as soon as possible what caused the skin phenomena, and therefore the child is immediately prescribed sorbents and diuretics, as well as calcium supplements.

Erythema infectiosum (fifth disease) is a group viral diseases, the causative agent of which is type B19. The etiology of the disease is not completely known. Symptoms of erythema are similar to those of any other infection, which makes diagnosis difficult. Treatment is prescribed depending on the form of the disease. We'll look at the details in the article.

What is erythema infectiosum?

A group of viral diseases caused by parvovirus B19 is called erythema infectiosum. Characteristic features The disease is fever, large redness. A person suffers from erythema once. Next, the body provides lifelong resistance to the virus. Children aged 4-12 years are at risk. They tolerate the disease more easily. Adults get sick less often, but more severely.

Causes of infection

There are different opinions about the ethology of the virus. There are suggestions that the “fifth disease” occurs against the background of the development of rheumatism, tuberculosis, and tularemia, as a response of the body. Animals can be carriers of the B19 virus. There are known cases of infection with erythema infectiosum through cat scratches. B19 is a complex DNA virus with incredible resistance to physiological factors. At a temperature of 56 degrees, it can exist for about an hour.

The location of the virus is cells bone marrow. The infection is transmitted through the air and during blood transfusion from an infected person, as well as from mother to fetus through the umbilical cord.

Thus, the main causes of erythema infectiosum are:

  • contact with a carrier of the virus;
  • complications from previous infectious diseases;
  • side effect from taking sulfa drugs.
People with hypersensitivity and weakened immunity are more likely to get sick.

Clinical forms and symptoms

The life span of the virus lasts from 1 to 4 weeks. An infected person remains sick for 7-21 days. Erythema in a complicated form lasts up to 1.5 months. The entire group of diseases is similar in symptoms, but there are some differences. In medicine they distinguish some clinical forms"fifth disease":
  • Sudden erythema. It is characterized by a sharp increase in body temperature - up to 38-39 degrees. In this case, intoxication of the body occurs in a moderate form. After 3-4 days, signs of fever are observed with the simultaneous appearance of large spots in individual areas of the body. The rash disappears as quickly as it appears after 3 days.
  • Erythema Chamera. In this case, the rash appears immediately. In this case, the body temperature is no more than 37 degrees. Intoxication does not manifest itself in any way. Red spots are concentrated on the face in the form of a “butterfly”. If the virus develops against the background respiratory diseases, the rash may appear several times. In adults with this form of the disease, mild arthropathy is observed - vascular damage. Children cope with the disease easily.
  • Erythema of Rosenberg. This is a more severe case. From the first day, fever appears against the background acute intoxication body. On days 4-5, red spots appear, merging together in the areas of joint extension and buttocks. There is no rash on the face. After the temperature normalizes on days 4-5, the spots disappear.
  • . The virus develops against the background of infectious diseases. Fever with high degree intoxications are present from the first day. The lower limbs and forearms are covered in symmetry with painful red spots with compactions inside in the form of nodes. As you heal, the redness changes to a yellowish tint. The rash lasts up to 21 days.

  • . This is a complicated form of Rosenberg. Against the background of the same symptoms, bubbles with a clear liquid inside appear. A complication of this form of erythema is Steven-Johnson syndrome. Vesicles form on mucous membranes. Ulcers strike oral cavity, throat, genitals, eyes, anus. After recovery, roughness and sores from the vesicles remain on the skin for some time.

Erythema infectiosum is generally characterized by the following symptoms:
  • increase in body temperature from 37 to 39 degrees;
  • characteristic redness on separate parts bodies;
  • decreased appetite;
  • general malaise.

An increase in temperature is a determining factor in the development of any virus. It is necessary to seek help in a timely manner.


Erythema infectiosum virus is not always recognized immediately. The disease is quite rare. The symptoms are comparable to diseases such as - measles, erysipelas, scarlet fever, cutaneous leishmaniasis, leptospirosis, typhus, lupus erythematosus and others. The symptoms of such diseases appear almost identically.

Diagnosis of the “fifth disease” is made by the nature of the redness. The rash is deep red in color and large in shape. The spots can “spread” over the face, which is why the disease is sometimes called “slapped cheek disease.” On the arms and legs, the rash looks like lace, rings, half rings, solid circles.

The patient undergoes general tests. In the laboratory, viral DNA is isolated using polymerase chain reaction (PCR). By using enzyme immunoassay availability is determined acute infection or light form. In some cases, erythema infectiosum is diagnosed at the stage of completion of the development of the virus.

If erythema multiforme, in particular Steven-Johnson syndrome, is detected, a consultation with a dermatologist is prescribed.

Treatment and prognosis

If erythema infectiosum is detected, the patient is prescribed home bed rest. Inpatient therapy applies only to children. An adult must be hospitalized in case of a severe form of the virus and the development of complications.

Pregnant women infected with the “fifth disease” are placed in a hospital for safekeeping. Treatment is carried out under the supervision of doctors and ultrasound monitoring of the fetus.

Pregnant women who do not seek treatment in a timely manner are at risk of losing the fetus.

Elimination of infection is carried out through medicinal effects on the symptoms of the disease. Appointed medicines popular groups:
  • antihistamines;
  • antipyretics;
  • antibiotics (if microbes are present);
  • antispasmodics.
In severe cases they are used steroid hormones wide range actions. Consequences after skin rashes eliminated by external means on the recommendation of a dermatologist. During illness it is recommended to drink a large number of water and avoid sunlight.

The prognosis for identifying erythema infectiosum is positive. Before the first rash appears, the patient is isolated from contact with healthy people. Once spots appear, the virus is no longer dangerous. At the right approach“fifth disease” is easily treated.

Possible complications

During the course of erythema infectiosum, the generation of red blood cells is temporarily suspended. Healthy people will not be harmed by this. Patients with poor circulation are at risk of developing anemia.

The presence of the B19 virus in the body causes complications on the kidneys and liver. During diagnosis, an increase in their size is observed. If there are health problems in this area, they may get worse.

The most complex cases noted in children suffering

Toxic erythema is a disease, as a result of the progression of which a polymorphic rash appears on the human skin. The disease most often affects newborn children, but its occurrence in adult patients is possible. Erythema toxicum of the newborn develops in 50% of babies in the first few days of their life. This condition reflects the child’s adaptation process to environment, as well as to external factors.


There are two types of toxic erythema:

  • congenital. This form of pathology begins to develop in the prenatal period;
  • acquired. Develops under the influence of certain external factors.

Depending on the cause:

  • endogenous. In this case, the disease develops due to various changes in the newborn’s body;
  • exogenous. Develops due to environmental influences.


Clinicians distinguish two forms of this disease:

  • physiological erythema. It is also called physiological catarrh of the skin. The pathology develops as a result of the erasure of vernix lubrication from the child’s skin;
  • toxic erythema. This condition is a peculiar reaction of the body to the influence of an allergic agent.


  • chemical. At this stage, production occurs active substances, which are “activators” of an allergic reaction;
  • physiological. It is characterized by the development of immunological changes in the child’s body. This usually occurs due to a disruption in the functioning of the intestines, due to its damage by pathogenic microorganisms, as well as due to hypothermia of the child’s entire body.


The reasons for the development of this disease have been studied in detail by scientists. There are many factors that can trigger the progression of toxic erythema, but it is worth highlighting the main ones:

  • fetal hypoxia;
  • natural removal of vernix lubrication from the child’s skin;
  • adaptation processes occur in the child’s body;
  • allergy to various components of mother's milk ( common reason progression of toxic erythema);
  • unfavorable influence of external and internal factors on the baby;
  • severe overheating of the body;
  • various complications during childbirth;
  • skin irritation;
  • skin pathologies of various etiologies.


Symptoms of the disease depend on the type that the child developed. In some cases they are more pronounced, but sometimes the pathology is “erased.”

Physiological erythema

  • peeling of the skin;
  • redness of the skin. As a rule, it appears due to dilation of blood vessels;
  • the location of the areas of redness is the hands and feet.

Erythema toxicum

  • in children, red spots appear on the skin, and other elements may also appear - blisters or pimples;
  • localization of the rash - near the joints, on the head, on the face, buttocks;
  • the elements of the rash have a dense structure;
  • local and general allergic reaction appears;
  • all elements of the rash completely disappear after a few days. On average this happens after three days. In some clinical situations, the skin rash may reappear. It lasts a little longer - maximum 4 days;
  • temperature rises;
  • children, as a rule, are restless, cry and are capricious;
  • there is an increase in regional lymph nodes;
  • observed in rare cases;
  • splenomegaly;

In the case of the development of an unexpressed form of pathology, the following signs are observed in children:

  • elements of the rash are localized on the extremities, as well as on the back and buttocks;
  • the rash becomes erythematopapular in nature.

Separately, it is worth highlighting the generalized form of toxic erythema. The fact is that this particular form of pathology is especially difficult in children. Her treatment should be carried out only in a hospital setting, as there is a possibility that the child’s condition may worsen. It is worth noting that this form mainly affects newborn boys.

The pathological process begins with an increase in body temperature to high numbers. The child himself becomes lethargic, but at the same time shows severe anxiety, is capricious, and refuses to eat. Multiple rash elements appear on the skin. The rash is represented by vesicles and pustules, which tend to merge. Manifestations of the disease disappear after a few days.


If a child exhibits symptoms that may indicate the progression of toxic erythema, then you should immediately make an appointment with a dermatologist, pediatrician and allergist. A standard diagnostic plan includes:

  • study of the composition of mother's breast milk;
  • allergy tests;
  • microscopic examination of the stratum corneum of the child's epithelium.


As a rule, specific therapy for the treatment of toxic erythema in children is not necessary. In the majority clinical situations, after a few days, from the onset of the development of the pathology, self-healing occurs.

Treatment of all forms of this disease includes the use of the following drugs and procedures:

  • lactobacterin;
  • The child should be completely undressed for a while. This therapy is called air bathing;
  • physiotherapy;
  • take special care of the elements skin rash, which are located in the umbilical region. They are lubricated with brilliant green or potassium solution;
  • It is necessary to treat not only the child, but also his mother. And the first thing to do is to completely eliminate foods containing allergens from her diet;
  • antihistamines are prescribed. This treatment method is used if the allergic reaction persists for a long period of time;
  • vitamin therapy.

Redness of the skin in medical terminology is designated by the word erythema. It can be caused by natural harmless factors - increased air temperature, swimming in hot water or physical force. But a change in the color of the skin to red for no obvious reason is a signal of pathological processes in the body that require seeking qualified medical care.

This term of Greek origin (“erythros” - red) refers to pronounced redness of the skin due to dilation of capillaries. These small vessels are located directly in the skin, so the rush of blood to them is clearly visible externally. It can be one of the symptoms of an infectious-inflammatory process in the body, but often has purely physiological causes, not related to any diseases.

Erythema should be divided into active, caused by acute inflammatory process and passive, associated with blood stagnation (venous stasis).


Normally, redness of the skin is a temporary phenomenon, quickly passing after the irritating factor is eliminated (for example, caused by an emotional outburst). Pathological forms are characterized by persistence and duration; their main causes are:

  • inflammatory and infectious diseases of viral or bacterial origin;
  • skin burns (sun, radiation, chemical);
  • allergic erythema is a consequence of exposure to allergens;
  • autoimmune diseases (systemic lupus erythematosus).

Physiological factors for redness include ingestion or topical use of certain medications (for example, warming ointments), physical impact such as spanking or massage, and UV irradiation in the sun preceding tanning. A reflex change in skin color is caused by strong emotions (shame, anger), orgasm, and sometimes by hypnotic suggestion.

Development mechanism pathological process determined by the action of the irritating agent. Viruses or bacteria provoke inflammation and general intoxication, accompanied by fever and a rush of blood to small vessels. With burns and allergies, redness appears due to the release of histamine into the bloodstream, which dilates the capillaries and promotes stagnation of blood in them.


Diagnosing one of the many types of erythema is quite difficult, since the characteristic redness of the skin and associated symptoms characteristic of many diseases. For example, when , or . After making a preliminary, primary diagnosis, the dermatologist prescribes specific tests:

  • a serological test to detect the presence of antibodies to the virus that causes the disease;
  • general analysis blood to determine the number of formed elements;
  • allergy tests;
  • taking exudate from pustules, if any.

It is also necessary to first exclude physiological reasons erythema and perform differential diagnosis.

Erythema - photos, symptoms and treatment

There are more than two dozen varieties of this disease, and each of them has its own causes and external Clinical signs. The type of redness and accompanying symptoms allow the dermatologist to fairly reliably diagnose one or another type of erythema during the initial examination.

Highlight following forms:

  1. Symptomatic (emotive)
  2. Persistent
  3. Ramirez's persistent ashy dermatosis (dyschromic erythema)
  4. Palmar - erythema of the palms (palmar congenital, “liver palms”)
  5. Polymorphic
  6. Erythema multiforme exudative (+ Stevens-Johnson erythema)
  7. Physiological
  8. Viral
  9. Infectious
  10. Erythema Chamera
  11. Centrifugal erythema of Biette
  12. Centrifugal erythema of Daria
  13. Solar (ultraviolet)
  14. Ultraviolet
  15. Fixed
  16. Ring rheumatic
  17. Knotty
  18. Nodose
  19. Cold
  20. Thermal
  21. Erythema Miliana
  22. Radial
  23. Hammel's tortuous erythema
  24. Bordered

The principles of treatment for a particular type of disease depend on the causes that caused it, the severity of the disease, the age of the patient and some other factors. In addition, physiological forms go away independently and quickly; they do not require therapy.

The second name is emotive, which indicates its origin. Redness of the skin is caused by strong emotions such as anger, shame or stressful situations. It manifests itself as a transient change in the color of the skin of the face, chest and neck to a pronounced red or crimson color. In this case, the vessels dilate briefly due to chemical reaction stimulation of cholinergic receptors.

Photo of symptomatic erythema

Persistent erythema

ICD-10 code L95.1. It is also known as Crocker-Williams erythema or Crocker-Williams erythema. Quite a rare variety unknown etiology: the causes can be vasculitis, infections, or heredity. The disease begins with the appearance of small papules, which subsequently merge into large (up to 7 cm in diameter) foci of uneven outline with ridges along the edges. The color varies from pinkish to deep red, the surface is initially soft, then thickens and may peel off. NSAIDs, heparins, vitamins, antiplatelet agents, and angioprotectors are prescribed. Large lesions are removed using cryotherapy.

Photo of a persistent towering era.

Ramirez's persistent ashy dermatosis (dyschromic erythema)

Rare red variant lichen planus, accompanied by the appearance of ash-gray spotty rashes.

No treatment has been developed. Independent spontaneous regression of the rash is possible.

Photo of dischromatic era.

ICD-10 code L53.8. Characteristic symptom– pronounced redness of the palms. Pathological variety This phenomenon is most often caused by liver diseases, leukemia, rheumatoid arthritis, bacterial endocarditis and other pathologies. Acquired palmar erythema is also called the liver palm sign.

It is sometimes observed in pregnant women, usually in the second trimester. The photo of palmar erythema shows that predominantly the palmar eminences and fingertips turn red. Subsequently, hyperemia covers the entire palm.

Subjectively, sensations of itching and pulsation are likely; when pressed, the skin turns pale for a short time, then returns to a state of hyperemia. Treatment is prescribed in accordance with the cause of palmar erythema - cirrhosis, jaundice, arthritis.

Liver palms
Erythema of the palms (palmar)

Congenital palmar erythema is hereditary in nature and is caused by the expansion of capillary palmar anastomoses. The disease is not accompanied by other symptoms and does not require treatment.

ICD-10 code L51. Acute illness, often relapsing or taking a chronic form. The causes can be both infections and toxic-allergic reactions of the body. It manifests itself as polymorphic rashes on the mucous membranes and skin, and they begin to appear strictly symmetrically on the extremities (the dorsum of the feet, legs and forearms). Blue spots with a pink border up to 3 cm in diameter and small papules form. Soreness and itching appear, and sometimes general health worsens. The border of the lips is also involved in the process, with the formation of bloody crusts subsequently. The rash lasts for about a week, after which the blisters dry out and the spots disappear.

Multiform exudative era. on the elbows

In some cases, the disease occurs in a vesiculobullous form (Stevens-Jones erythema), characterized by a severe course and high risk lethal outcome.

Stevens-Johnson erythema Er. Stevens-Johnson on the face

Erythema multiforme

Synonymous with erythema multiforme. Characterized by multiple rashes different types: papules (nodular rash), vesicles (small fluid-filled blisters), hemorrhages - pinpoint intradermal hemorrhages and others. Their appearance is accompanied by symptoms of general intoxication.

The reason is usually negative reaction body on medicinal product in case of intolerance. The progression of the disease leads to spread to the mucous membranes and fusion of rashes with the formation of large blisters. Treatment involves discontinuation of the allergen drug, administration of antihistamines, glucocorticoids, wound-healing drugs, and vitamins. Cardiovascular syndrome is treated if it is present.

Physiological erythema

ICD-10 code P83.1. From the name it is clear that this phenomenon does not mean painful condition, passes quickly and does not require treatment. In adults it appears due to physical impact on the skin or reflex nervous reactions. There is also physiological erythema that appears in infants a few hours or days after birth (sometimes with minor gray-yellow rashes). It is explained by the peculiarities of adaptation of the child’s body in the postpartum period.

The cause of physiological erythema in newborns is, first of all, the difference in temperature: in the womb it is higher and constant, so its decrease leads to increased peripheral blood circulation and, accordingly, temporary redness. It does not require treatment because it goes away within a day. The second factor causing erythema on days 2 or 3 may be addiction to nutrition through the gastrointestinal tract and the entry of allergens into the body through this route. It also usually does not require therapy unless infection is detected. Antihistamine drops are sometimes prescribed to relieve itching.

Physiological era. newborns

The occurrence of toxic erythema in an adult or child is characterized by the appearance of rashes of an allergic nature on the skin. In severe cases, the disease can cause a depressed state of the body. To treat it, you should consult a dermatologist or pediatrician.

Symptoms of toxic erythema

Experts highlight following symptoms toxic erythema:

  • redness of the skin;
  • expansion of capillaries;
  • increase in body temperature;
  • the occurrence of acne in the chest, face, abdomen, buttocks;
  • formation of pinkish spots;
  • general weakness, lethargy;
  • peeling of the skin;
  • the appearance of pustules;
  • the appearance of a dense rash;
  • the appearance of blisters and pimples filled with transparent contents.

Erythematous rash

In accordance with the form, the disease can have different variants of erythematous rashes:

  • Red spots of varying sizes occur in the spotted form.
  • The papular variant involves the formation of nodules or plaques that protrude above the skin.
  • Small pimples may appear, which then turn into crusts. This process is characteristic of vesicular erythema.
  • With the nodular form, the formation of hyperemic nodes occurs, which have unclear boundaries.

Causes of toxic erythema

The occurrence of the disease is associated with the expansion of capillaries in the skin. This process occurs when an allergen enters the human body. The reaction can be aggravated by an innate predisposition to allergies and contact with several aggressive substances at the same time. The causes of toxic erythema may be the following:

  • In the autotoxic type, damaging allergens are formed directly in human body. The reason is metabolic failures.
  • Taking some medical supplies may provoke a drug-induced type of disease.
  • Alimentary erythema occurs when eating certain foods.
  • The contact form appears when the skin and mucous membranes interact with substances that cause an allergic reaction.

Erythema toxicum of the newborn

The reason why toxic erythema of newborns appeared may be the entry of a foreign protein into the baby’s body. The child's immune system perceives it as an allergen. The disease most often affects children who are on breastfeeding, since in mother's milk contains components that can cause such a reaction. There are a number of factors that can increase the risk of erythema in newborns:

  • infection of the fetus with intrauterine infection;
  • complications during pregnancy;
  • finding expectant mother in a poor environmental situation;
  • toxicosis during pregnancy;
  • the woman has hormonal diseases or a tendency to allergic reactions;
  • child hypoxia;
  • After the baby was born, a long period passed before he was put to the breast.

In newborns, symptoms of erythema of toxic origin may appear in the first 2-3 days of life. The disease is determined by the following signs:

  • Redness on the skin of newborns that looks like mosquito bites. Each formation in the central part has a bubble of liquid or a tubercle.
  • Characteristic rashes are localized on the scalp, bends of the limbs, abdomen, and back. Erythema does not appear on the palms, soles and mucous membranes.
  • New rash formations may appear within a couple of days.
  • Redness in newborns is accompanied by itching, causing restless behavior in the child.
  • If the rashes are profuse, the baby may have a fever and enlarged lymph nodes.
  • Relapse of the disease may occur within 14 days.

Forms of toxic erythema

Experts know several bases for classifying the disease. Forms of toxic erythema:

  • Physiological erythema (transient, skin catarrh) is defined as an allergic reaction of unknown etiology. It forms spontaneously and is expressed in the appearance of rashes over the entire area of ​​the skin, excluding the feet and palms. The duration of the disease is about 3 days. Probable cause Doctors call this reaction the loss of the intrauterine membrane, which protects against harmful effects when the fetus is in the mother's body.
  • Pathological form is regarded by doctors as a reaction of the baby’s adaptation to the environment, due to the complete loss of lubricant that is formed during childbirth.

Based on the reasons for its occurrence, erythema of toxic origin is divided into the following forms:

  • Endogenous - it is the result of unfavorable changes that have occurred within the body.
  • Exogenous - the disease is formed under the influence of the environment.

By clinical manifestations Erythema is classified into two forms:

  • Limited (not expressed) - a rash is formed that does not affect the overall physical state person.
  • Generalized (severe) - rashes in this form tend to merge, bringing anxiety and a lethargic state.

Treatment of toxic erythema

If a child or adult has symptoms for a long time, you should consult a dermatologist or pediatrician. To determine the cause of the disease, you should consult an allergist. Before prescribing treatment for erythema toxicum, the doctor makes a diagnosis using following methods:

  • general blood analysis;
  • study of the content of allergens in breast milk;
  • blood tests for allergic reactions;
  • examination of the stratum corneum of the skin under a microscope.

Treatment of erythema nodosum in adults

If you go to the hospital, the doctor will prescribe treatment erythema nodosum in adults according to the following scheme:

  • It will be necessary to determine through analysis which substance caused the adverse condition; contact with the identified allergen is prohibited.
  • An appointment is scheduled antihistamines to relieve allergy symptoms (Cetirizine, Loratadine, Fenistil).
  • To quickly remove waste and toxins, diuretics and laxatives are used.
  • If generalized erythema of a toxic nature is diagnosed with severe course, treatment is carried out in a hospital under the supervision of a doctor.

Treatment of toxic erythema of newborns

In most cases, the disease is not dangerous children's health, since normally all symptoms should disappear after a week. To help the baby cope with the disease, after examination by a doctor, you need to begin treatment for toxic erythema of newborns. To improve the condition, the doctor may recommend the following measures:

  • ensuring exposure of the baby’s skin to air (walks, air baths);
  • compliance with the correct drinking regime;
  • the mother must follow a strict diet, since the most important contraindication is the entry of allergens into the breast milk, which forms the basis of nutrition for young children;
  • you need careful care of the baby, which will include proper hygiene;
  • in case of a prolonged illness, topical anti-allergy medications (creams, ointments) are prescribed, which are used to treat the affected areas: legs, arms, back, buttocks, tummy;
  • Lactobacterin should be used to cleanse the intestines;
  • you will need to take vitamins C, E and B6;
  • baby clothes should be made from natural fabrics;
  • In order to prevent the development of a pathological situation, the child is prescribed physiotherapeutic procedures.

The prognosis for such allergies is favorable. Often all symptoms go away within a week or two, and medical intervention may not be required. However, there are times when complications arise. This happens in the absence of proper care for the baby. Manifestation of erythema in at a young age indicates that the child is predisposed to atopic dermatitis, so you should carefully monitor his diet.

Photos of erythematous rashes

Video: erythema in newborns