If you drink raw tap water. Boiled water - benefits and harm to the health of the body

For many, heat treatment has been and remains the only way to purify water from harmful impurities and microorganisms. Some people, trying to increase the degree of purification, bring the life-giving moisture to a boil two or even three times. We will tell you in our article why you can’t boil water twice and how it threatens your health.

Why does the body need water?

Almost everyone knows: the human body is 80% liquid. But few people know that its volume ranges from 30 to 50 liters depending on age: the older the person, the smaller its share.

Water was given the magical power to become the juice of life on Earth. Leonardo da Vinci

Most water is contained in cells: the volume of intracellular fluid is approximately 28 liters. In second place in terms of water content is free liquid - up to 10 l, followed by blood, intestinal and gastric juices, lymph, cerebrospinal fluid, bile and saliva.

Water, constantly circulating throughout the body, takes part in all metabolic processes. With its help, toxins, dead cells, viruses and bacteria are eliminated through sweat and urine. We have already written “How much water do you need to drink to be healthy”, so now we will not touch on this issue, but will dwell on why you cannot boil water twice.

Why is it believed that water cannot be boiled twice?

Boiling is perhaps the only way to disinfect water available to everyone without exception. Many people use it to disinfect tap water, and almost everyone uses it when brewing coffee and tea. Sometimes we are too lazy to replace the liquid once brought to 100 °C with a new one, and then we hear from our mothers that You can't boil water twice. Let's see if this is true.

How does heat treatment affect the quality of a liquid? Any water, unless, of course, you are dealing with distilled water, in addition to hydrogen and oxygen, contains a lot of impurities, including:

  • calcium and magnesium salts, which settle on the walls of the kettle during boiling, but do not pose a particular threat to the human body;
  • heavy metals: strontium, lead, zinc, capable of high temperatures form carcinogenic compounds, causing oncological diseases;
  • chlorine, which has irritant effect on the skin and mucous membranes and provokes the appearance of cancer cells;
  • viruses and bacteria, both pathogenic and completely harmless.

During boiling, H2O evaporates, but heavy metal salts do not disappear, and their concentration in the liquid increases. True, scientists assure that they are still not enough to cause significant harm to the body.

In addition, during heat treatment, “light” hydrogen evaporates, but “heavy” (hydrogen isotopes) remains. Moreover, its density increases, and "living" water turns into “heavy”, saturated with deuterium. Regular use such water leads to death.

Deuterium (Latin “deuterium”, from the Greek δεύτερος “second”) is heavy hydrogen, denoted by the symbols D and ²H, a stable isotope of hydrogen with atomic mass, equal to 2. The nucleus (deuteron) consists of one proton and one neutron. Wikipedia

However, according to research conducted by academician I.V. Petryanov-Sokolov, getting 1 liter is fatal dangerous water, 2163 tons of tap water will be required. In other words, the concentration of deuterium in twice-boiled water is so low that it is not worth worrying about.

As a result, of all the consequences of double boiling, the following can be identified as harmful:

  • change in the taste of the liquid is not for the better;
  • “living” water, losing during heat treatment necessary for a person microorganisms turns into “dead”, i.e. useless;
  • the formation of chlorine-containing carcinogens and an increase in the concentration of heavy metals.

This is why you cannot boil water twice; however, one-time heat treatment leads to the same results.

How to get “living” water?

Not everyone has the opportunity to drink spring water or clean your tap water using expensive filters. There is a simple way for them to obtain usable life-giving moisture.

Pour water into a jar and, without closing it with a lid, let it sit for 24 hours. During this time, most of the chlorine will evaporate. Then freeze it in the refrigerator (just keep in mind that when water freezes, water expands, and the jar, if it is overfilled and closed, may burst), but not completely: let a puddle remain on the surface. This is "dead" water high content deuterium - it turns into ice last. Drain it, after which the ice can be defrosted and drunk.

Listen to some more advice from a nutritionist who knows how to purify water at home:

Take it for yourself and tell your friends!

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Tries to take care of his body and maintain wellness. Drinking is an integral and vital function. If a person can go without food for about five or seven days, then the lack of water will begin to negatively affect well-being within 24 hours. This article will tell you about the harm and benefits of boiled water. You can find out which liquid is best to drink and in what quantity. You will also draw conclusions about useful and harmful properties boiled water. It is worth studying in detail each factor influencing the state of drinking fluid.

Repeated boiling of water is most often done in the same container as before. The resulting deposit on the walls of the kettle or pan heats up again and reacts with the collapsing molecules of the liquid. All this is not only not beneficial, but can also be very dangerous for humans.

How to protect yourself when drinking boiled water?

If you still prefer to drink heat-treated liquid, then you need to do it correctly. Observe the following conditions:

  • drink water immediately after it boils, do not wait until it cools completely;
  • after processing, pour the contents of the kettle into a separate container (preferably glass);
  • never store water in the container in which you boiled it;
  • Wash the kettle regularly to remove scale and deposits;
  • do not consume the liquid 2-3 hours after boiling, but rather prepare a new portion;
  • Drink raw, purified liquid periodically.

Summary and conclusion

So, you now know what boiled water is (the benefits and harms of the product are described above). Having concluded, we can say that raw liquid is less dangerous than heat-treated liquid. So what kind of water should you drink? Processed or not?

It all depends on the region in which you live and the condition of the tap fluid. Find out what your boiled water is. Benefits and harms of this product can be tested in a special laboratory. IN lately Cleaning filters have become very popular. They rid the liquid of harmful compounds and fill beneficial properties. Drink only good water and always be healthy!

Any thrifty housewife knows that water intended for drinking can be boiled no more than once. However, the physicochemical mechanism of this prohibition can only be explained in the field of molecular physics and chemistry. Despite the preservation of the organoleptic characteristics of the liquid during the boiling process, its structure and composition of substances change. Why can't you boil water twice? scientific fact confirmed by experiments. This phenomenon is caused by several reasons.

Physico-chemical characteristics of water

The structure of a water molecule is known from the course school chemistry. It consists of two hydrogen atoms connected to one oxygen atom. The chemical formula of water is H2O. The liquid is colorless, transparent, tasteless and odorless. Tap and natural water (river, lake, spring) contains many dissolved mineral chemical impurities, most of which are harmful to the human body. In addition, natural water contains complex high-molecular organic compounds, microflora and microfauna.

Why you can't boil water twice - this is a scientific fact

The main purpose of boiling water is to destroy harmful and pathogenic microorganisms that die when the temperature of the liquid increases.

Without denying the correctness of all the above scientific facts, a completely legitimate question arises - why can't you drink distilled water? ? There are no prohibitions here, but it has been noted that the distillate, which has neither taste nor smell, also negatively affects human health. Moreover, there is no consensus among scientists about the reasons for this phenomenon. According to some scientists, in distilled water, which has gone through the steam stage and then condensed again, the direction of the charge changes and the magnitude of the dipole moment changes. To restore its original properties, some healers recommend distilled water, which has high degree cleaning and, from a chemical point of view, absolutely harmless to humans, freeze. It is recommended to use melted liquid for drinking and cooking.

You can boil water several times, but it is not necessary. The main factor in the benefits and purity of water is not the amount of boiling, but the degree of quality of the original liquid. Therefore, before use, it is important to purify the water using any existing method.

By the way, it is also not recommended to use bottled water, since there is no uniform standard or requirements for the quality of such products. In addition, plastic containers have a negative impact on the contents.

In everyday life, it is better to use standard tap water, but before use, purify it using filters or other available and effective methods. And in this article we will look at whether it is necessary and possible to boil water several times.

Harm from tap water

The water that we pour into the kettle from the tap contains both beneficial and harmful elements. On the one hand, it contains such important substances as calcium and magnesium, oxygen and carbon dioxide. On the other hand, it contains dangerous uranium and barium, bleach, fluorine and nitrates. Such components can cause serious harm and damage to human health.

Regular use of untreated tap water over a long period of time causes the formation of stones in the gallbladder and kidneys, worsens the microflora in the intestines and the condition of the mucous membranes, contributes to the occurrence and development of an allergic reaction.

Poor quality tap water after purification with bleach has bad taste and impairs the taste of prepared foods and drinks. Impurities in its composition can easily spoil the value of tea and coffee.

In addition, tap water is often hard, which deteriorates the quality of clothes after washing. It makes the material rough and unpleasant to the touch, leaving stains and streaks on clothes. To prevent such harm, you need to purify and soften the water.

Boiling to purify and soften water

The benefit of boiling is that it destroys dangerous bacteria and makes the water softer. This is the easiest and most affordable way to cleanse at home. If you boil water for 15 minutes along with steam, harmful chemical compounds. But along with these elements, the concentration of calcium and other useful minerals. At the same time, bleach and non-volatile substances remain in the composition. In boiled water they turn into more dangerous carcinogens.

The longer and more you boil water, the more useful substances goes away, the more useless it will become. In addition, after boiling, salt deposits and stains remain on the walls of the dishes, and scale forms. At the same time, the level of dangerous pollutants in the water is low enough that it will not cause serious harm to health.

If you use an electric kettle, it turns off quickly and the boiling time is short. Therefore, repeated or even repeated boiling will not be harmful. However, many experts still do not recommend repeating this procedure and consider it unnecessary. Let's figure out why you can't boil water twice.

Is it possible to boil water twice?

It is not recommended to boil water again. With repeated and subsequent boiling, harmful elements turn into carcinogens that are dangerous to humans. This can lead to cancer and neurological diseases, problems with the heart, loss of vascular elasticity, impaired development and growth of children.

Note that the danger lies not in the number of boils, but in the duration of the procedure. The longer the water boils, the more active the production of negative and harmful substances.

With prolonged and repeated boiling, the hydrogen isotope settles and deuterium is formed. It disrupts material metabolism in the body and impairs the absorption of vitamins. This is a scientific fact that explains why you should not boil water twice.

In addition, boiled water takes on an unpleasant taste. And with each new boiling it gets worse. The reason for this process is that harmful impurities in water at a temperature of 100 degrees react and become active, as a result they give an unpleasant taste.

Six reasons why you shouldn't boil water again

  1. After you boil water in a kettle, especially repeatedly, it first loses its taste and then acquires an unpleasant aftertaste;
  2. When heated to 100 degrees, chlorine interacts with organic substances, which forms carcinogens that are harmful to the body and human health. Each subsequent boiling increases the concentration of the latter;
  3. The more often heat treatment occurs, the more beneficial substances and properties the water loses. As a result, it becomes useless and “dead”;
  4. When reheated, oxygen leaves, water evaporates, and the content of salts and impurities increases. Such water is no longer suitable for preparing broths and soups, tea and coffee, or cooking pasta;
  5. If after the first boiling the water becomes softer, then after the second and subsequent boiling it becomes heavier. This will lead to advanced education scale in a kettle or pan, deterioration in the quality of linen after washing, the taste of cooked food and drinks;
  6. When water is boiled again in a kettle or other container, a hydrogen isotope called toxic deuterium precipitates. It gradually accumulates, which is dangerous to human health.

How to purify tap water

To get high-quality, healthy and tasty water, it is enough to settle the contents before use. Half an hour is enough for the harmful chlorine to disappear. Before boiling, it is better to stand for several hours so that harmful gases and compounds evaporate. If you pour the contents into a thermos, leave it open for a few minutes and only then close the lid.

For each boil, it is healthier and safer to use new, fresh water. Do not boil the liquid again and do not add fresh water to the water that remains after the previous boil. To make tea or coffee, boiled water can be slightly heated without bringing the liquid to a boil again. Do not do this in the microwave as it kills all the beneficial elements.

Today there are practically no people who drink “raw” tap water. The condition of city water supply systems and the environmental situation in the country leave much to be desired. To protect themselves, people buy bottled water, use filters for purification, or simply boil it. In this article we will look at what happens to water after heat treatment, and also answer the question, is boiled water good or bad?

From this article you will learn:

    What does boiled water bring: benefit or harm?

    Twice boiled water - benefit or harm

    What do experts think about boiled water?

    How to do boiled water more useful

Boiled water – benefits and harms?

Before we begin to describe the beneficial and harmful properties of boiled water, let’s say a few words about its processing. Most often, water is exposed to heat in a kettle or pan. Boiling of water is possible only at a temperature of +100 °C. Signs of boiling are bubbles and a bubbling consistency on the surface of the water.

More from school course physicists know that boiling is defined as a change in the phase state of a liquid, its transformation into a vapor state upon reaching a certain temperature. H2O (water), which is familiar to us, transforms into this state at a temperature of +100 °C.

Each of us has at least once observed the process of boiling water. First, the walls and bottom of the container in which boiling occurs are covered with small bubbles. Over time, the number of small bubbles increases, the water begins to become cloudy, then turn white, and finally large bubbles form, bubbling vigorously and splashing the liquid.

Any person, when answering the question about the need to boil water, will most likely give three main arguments:


    getting rid of impurities;

    softening “hard” water.

A temperature of +100 °C can kill most pathogenic bacteria and purify water. But few people take into account the fact that the boiling process should take some time. Typically, to achieve maximum effect You need to boil the water for 10–15 minutes. But, admit it, we very rarely leave the kettle for such a long time.

The process of getting rid of impurities is used more often. The scale that forms on the walls of kettles and saucepans is chlorine and mineral salts, previously dissolved in water. But we rarely remember that it takes a long time for all the crystallized deposits to settle. Along with boiling water poured into a cup of tea or coffee, we also add a significant proportion of chemicals(draft). Such an “additive” is 100% likely to settle in the kidneys and after a while turn into stones.

Crystallization of calcium and magnesium salts can soften hard water. But such a process has its pros and cons. The most beneficial for humans is water of medium hardness, the composition of which is balanced.

Boiled water – benefits and harms according to research

Opponents of boiling emotionally describe the process of bringing water to +100 °C. They claim that part of it is converted into heavy water. In the chemical formula of such a substance, hydrogen (H) is replaced by its isotope, deuterium (D). Large quantity D 2 O in the body is fraught with dire consequences. However, the Soviet academician Petryanov-Sokolov in his research showed that to obtain one liter of water containing high percentage D 2 O equal to at least 0.15 (ten times greater than that obtained in a kettle at normal conditions), it would be necessary to boil a volume of water three hundred million times the mass of planet Earth.

Harm from boiled water

The benefits and harms of boiled water for the body depend on the duration temperature influence. Not all microorganisms die at temperatures below +100 °C or during short boiling. The harm of water containing pathogenic microbes is obvious.

During the boiling process, water loses the oxygen necessary for the human body. The molecules of this gas are able to attach other substances to themselves and deliver them to the blood and cells of the whole body. Water without free oxygen does not cause harm, but there is no benefit after such boiling.

Doctors speak differently about the benefits and harms of boiled water. For example, pediatrician Evgeny Komarovsky highlights the fact that boiled water is unnatural for living organisms. Among the diversity of species on our planet, not one drinks such water. This once again confirms that boiled water is not necessary for life.

Scale on the walls and bottom of the kettle is harmful to health. But even if all boiling conditions are met (duration and temperature), as well as careful filtration from scale particles, frequent use is harmful to human health. Boiled water washes mineral salts from bones and other tissues and does not nourish them with any other microelements. This situation can only be corrected by constant intake of microelements and vitamins in the form of food supplements.

The benefits of boiled water

This is not to say that boiled water does not benefit the body. Thermally treated liquid, like any other product, has its pros and cons.

All of the above contributes to weight loss. These methods are most effective when combined with exercise and proper nutrition.

Warm boiled water helps relieve sore throats and get rid of nasal congestion. In the case of a neutral composition of the liquid subjected to boiling, improvement of the condition is impossible.

Drinking a glass of boiled water on an empty stomach ensures a quick awakening of all body systems and allows you to quickly transition to a working state. Such morning habit benefits digestion, nervous and endocrine system, and is also useful for skin and muscle tone.

Based on the above arguments, we can conclude that boiled water is healthy! Maximum benefit is achieved by boiling not tap water, but bottled spring or artesian water.

Twice boiled water: benefits and harms

To make coffee and tea, on the advice of doctors, you should use only water that has been boiled once, that is, before each meal you need to empty the kettle and fill it with new water.

But why don't doctors recommend re-boiling? What are the benefits and harms of boiled water that has been cooked twice for the body? This will require consideration of both physical and chemical properties life-giving moisture. Let's see what harm repeated boiling can do.

Why do you need to boil water repeatedly? After all, even during the first boiling, all bacteria die. There is no need for repeated heat treatment. Is laziness to blame for everything when you don’t want to fill the kettle again? We will look into these issues.

  1. Water becomes tasteless after boiling.

When boiled repeatedly, water becomes completely tasteless. Some will say that raw water also has no taste. But let's do a little experiment.

Try drinking water from the tap, water from a filter, once boiled and repeatedly boiled at equal intervals. All of these liquids have different tastes. When you drink water that has been boiled several times, an unpleasant aftertaste (metallic taste) remains in your mouth.

  1. Boiling “kills” water.

The more often water is boiled, the less useful it is. Oxygen evaporates, disrupting normal chemical formula H 2 O. Therefore, such water is called dead.

  1. Boiling does not remove impurities and salts from water.

What happens to water when it is reheated? Along with oxygen, water also leaves. For this reason, the salt concentration increases. Such changes are not immediately felt by the body.

This drink is low toxic. But heavy water slows down all reactions. The isotope of hydrogen (deuterium) accumulates in the body, and this can cause harm to it.

  1. Chlorinated water is most often boiled.

The heating process to +100 °C causes chlorine to react with organic substances. The result of this interaction is the formation of carcinogens, and frequent boiling leads to an increase in their concentration. Such substances are harmful to the human body and lead to the development of cancer.

Already at the first boiling, water is not very useful, and repeated boiling makes it even more harmful. Should be guided simple rules:

    completely refresh the water in the kettle each time;

    don't allow reboiling and do not mix boiled water with tap water;

    let the water sit for several hours before boiling;

    when cooking medicinal drinks, close the lid of the thermos only after a while.

How to make boiled water less harmful

If the water is not boiled “properly,” then a white foam forms on top of a glass of tea. Some attribute its appearance to a short boiling time, but in fact it is oxygen that has managed to leave the water. For this reason, fish cannot live in an aquarium filled with boiled water. In such conditions there is no oxygen, there is nothing to breathe, there is no food.

In the case of re-boiling cooled boiled water, the top will again form. white foam, which is surprising. It turns out that the water picks up oxygen, and we drive it out again when boiling. To prevent this destructive process from repeating, it is recommended to heat the water to desired temperature, but do not boil. Today, many manufacturers offer a large selection of kettles, thermoses and coolers that allow heating to the desired temperature.

In order for a carrot seed planted in the ground to begin to grow, it must be watered. Why is this happening? Any cell or organism, be it a carrot or a human, requires water for its development. Water provides the body's cells with essential microelements. Carrots contain a lot of manganese, and beets contain a lot of copper. Carrot DNA attracts more manganese and for this reason it grows like carrots and not beets. Water helps send a signal to the soil telling it to grow.

Each vegetable combines the substances it requires, regardless of where it grows (on or above the ground). It's the same with us. If we feed the body the same way, then instead of 250 types of cells we will have only 150. This is similar to the fact that we sow different vegetables, but only one carrot grows.

Raw water benefits cells in the form of nutrients and this necessitates its use.

The presence of free, active water in the body, not bound by waste, allows food fragments to easily enter the cell. At the same time, the cell is saturated and performs its function, or doubles to remove any waste substance from the body. To transport an enzyme or hormone created by a cell, freely circulating water is needed.

Most problems in the body are solved with water. Our skin is also capable of absorbing water, which means water treatments also provide benefits to human health. Water reserves can be partially replenished by simply taking a bath with clean water body temperature for 10–15 minutes. Therefore, if you cannot force yourself to drink a lot of water, then make water procedures – a bath and a swimming pool – a habit. Plus, such procedures perfectly relieve tension and stress and can be done as often as you wish.

Drink good water and stay healthy. To purify water at home, you can use not only boiling, but also various filters. On Russian market There are many companies that develop water treatment systems. It is quite difficult to choose one or another type of water filter on your own, without the help of a professional. And even more so, you should not try to install a water treatment system yourself, even if you have read several articles on the Internet and it seems to you that you have figured it out.

It is safer to contact a filter installation company that provides a full range of services - specialist consultation, analysis of water from a well or well, selection of suitable equipment, delivery and connection of the system. In addition, it is important that the company provides filter maintenance.

Our company Biokit offers a wide selection of reverse osmosis systems, water filters and other equipment that can return tap water to its natural characteristics.

Our company’s specialists are ready to help you:

    connect the filtration system yourself;

    understand the process of choosing water filters;

    select replacement materials;

    troubleshoot or solve problems with the involvement of specialist installers;

    find answers to your questions over the phone.

Trust water purification systems from Biokit - let your family be healthy!