What to do if calcium in the blood is elevated. Increased total and ionized calcium

Probably each of us mothers early childhood They forced me to eat cottage cheese and drink milk “to keep my teeth strong.” In fact, dairy products contain a lot of calcium (Ca), a healthy macronutrient necessary for bone growth and strength. Reduced level this electrolyte negatively affects not only dental health, but also general condition body, nervous system, hair, nails, and also leads to such serious pathologies as scoliosis, flat feet, tetany (seizures). Fear of such complications often prompts people to consume excessive amounts of foods or medications containing this element, which can cause excess calcium in the body. And this condition is no less dangerous for humans than Ca deficiency.

Why does excess calcium deposits occur in the body?

Many women, especially those who have given birth to several children, believe that they are at risk of hypocalcemia (calcium deficiency) due to the fact that they “gave their reserves to the baby.” Meanwhile, it is in women and older people that excess calcium is more common. What are the causes of excess calcium deposits in the body?

Only a doctor can diagnose hypercalcemia based on the results of a biochemical blood test. Most often increased level calcium in the blood is caused by the following reasons:

  • development of malignant tumors;
  • drug intoxication with vitamin D (for example, as side effect when using Ergocalciferol);
  • hereditary diseases;
  • hormonal disorders.

Vitamin D is involved in the absorption of macronutrients, and this process is regulated by a number of hormones produced mainly by the parathyroid glands. That is why, when there is an overdose of vitamin D and an imbalance of hormones, there is a failure in the absorption of calcium, which can lead to its deficiency or excess.

Calcium overdose can also occur when uncontrolled intake calcium gluconate, some medicines For gastrointestinal tract, and also against the background of the passage radiation therapy And rehabilitation period after irradiation.

How does hypercalcemia manifest?

Can a person somehow sense excess calcium in the body? Yes, some nonspecific symptoms may indicate excess calcium in the body. These symptoms are called nonspecific because they are characteristic not only of hypercalcemia, but also of many other diseases.

One of the first signs indicating excess calcium in the blood is constipation, accompanied by pain and cramps in the abdomen, flatulence, bloating, and sometimes leading to peptic ulcer. Excess calcium in the blood can be manifested by the following conditions:

  • dizziness;
  • increased fatigue;
  • digestive problems;
  • nausea, vomiting;
  • lack of appetite;
  • dry mouth;
  • depression;
  • disorientation and confusion;
  • cardiac dysfunction;
  • renal failure;
  • causeless weight loss;
  • frequent seizures.

In addition, symptoms of excess calcium in the blood and body may include periodic heart attacks (due to the deposition of its salts on the walls of blood vessels) and the development urolithiasis.

According to some medical studies, a daily overdose of this element exceeding 600 mg can lead to cancer prostate.

All this indicates the need to remove excess calcium from the body.

How to reduce high Ca levels in the blood

Reducing the level of macroelements in the blood should be done with great caution, constantly monitoring their content using laboratory tests.

Only a doctor can determine how to remove excess calcium from the body without causing any harm to the patient.

Therefore, any decisions about prescribing medications or recommending products that remove excess calcium from the body should be made by a doctor.

What foods remove Ca

Foods that are not recommended for consumption when calcium levels are low cannot be considered as those that can be unconditionally used to reduce the level of this trace element. Some of them, by lowering the level of one element, can cause significant damage to the majority internal organs and systems. This can be said about table salt, alcohol, carbonated drinks and coffee. Excessive consumption of these foods has been and continues to be harmful and hazardous to health. But there are other products that can remove calcium from the body without much harm to health:

  • green tea, thanks to the tea caffeine it contains;
  • foods high in vitamin A, which promotes Ca leaching;
  • oatmeal porridge;
  • distilled water.

It is very important to abuse the above products, especially distilled water, even to reduce high level calcium, no!

Drink large number purified water is necessary to remove excess calcium, but distilled water must be replaced over time with boiled or simply filtered water.

What medications promote calcium excretion?

Serious calcium overdoses require drug treatment, and in these cases, diuretic (diuretic) drugs are most often prescribed, for example, Furosemide, which provide rapid elimination macronutrients in the urine, as well as calcium antagonists with a high magnesium content (for example, Veropamil). In addition, if necessary symptomatic therapy may be assigned:

  • glucocorticosteroids;
  • bisphosphonates;
  • calcitonin.

Of course, all calcium-containing medications should be discontinued at this time.

What are the consequences of an excess of Ca?

Fortunately, Ca is not so toxic that an overdose could lead to fatal outcome. In any case, medicine does not have data on the lethal dose of this macronutrient. However, excess Ca can lead to serious consequences, requiring long-term treatment, and sometimes surgical intervention(for example, in severe cases of aortic valve calcification).

The most commonly observed consequences of hypercalcemia include:

  • arterial hypertension - increased blood pressure caused by the deposition of calcium salts on the walls of blood vessels;
  • gout is a disease of tissues and joints caused by metabolic and salt imbalance and characterized by the accumulation and difficulty of excretion of uric acid by the kidneys;
  • calcification – deposits of calcium salts in organs or soft tissues, accompanied by characteristic painful formations on different areas bodies;
  • hyperparathyroidism is a disease endocrine system, caused by an excess of parathyroid hormones due to impaired salt metabolism.

In addition, with hypercalcemia, the excitability of nerve fibers and skeletal muscles is inhibited, tone decreases smooth muscles, such useful microelements such as magnesium, phosphorus, zinc, iron, the blood thickens, kidney stones form, bradycardia and angina develop, acidity increases gastric juice, which can cause hyperacid gastritis and peptic ulcers.

Given the vagueness of the symptoms of hypercalcemia, one should not hope that independent measures to remove excess calcium will quickly produce noticeable results. For example, hypercalcemia caused by an overdose of vitamin D can be observed in the blood even several months after stopping the vitamin-containing drug. Therefore, when carrying out measures to reduce Ca, you should regularly donate blood for biochemical analysis, monitor the level of its Ca content in it and be observed by a doctor. This will allow you to restore as efficiently as possible salt balance and general well-being.

Blood calcium levelimportant indicator, since this macroelement is involved in many processes in the body: it is necessary for the formation of bone tissue, participates in the work of muscles, nerves and cardiovascular system and is important for metabolism in general.

Blood calcium level: indications for analysis

  • Diagnostics endocrine disorders(hyperthyroidism)
  • Cardiovascular diseases (arrhythmia);
  • and duodenum;
  • Malignant neoplasms;
  • Kidney diseases (urolithiasis);
  • Convulsive syndrome;
  • Polyuria: more than about 2 liters (sometimes more than 3 liters) of urine are excreted from the body instead of the daily norm of 1-1.5 liters;
  • Muscle hypotension.

The analysis is also carried out if a disease is suspected musculoskeletal system: for bone pain; frequent fractures, etc. Diagnosis and monitoring also require testing for calcium levels in the blood.

Conditions for taking the analysis

On the eve of taking a test for calcium levels in the blood, you should avoid physical activity and do not drink alcohol. It should also be taken into account that (especially milk, cottage cheese, legumes, nuts) may somewhat distort the results of the analysis. Blood is drawn in the morning on an empty stomach, preferably after 8-12 hours of fasting.

Normal blood calcium level

Calcium levels are also measured in mg/100 ml. Conversion factor: mg/100 ml x 0.25 = mmol/l.

What is important to know when interpreting test results?

Reduced levels of calcium in the blood may be due to a deficiency of this macronutrient and vitamin D. Reduced levels of calcium in the blood can also be caused by impaired absorption of substances, kidney and liver diseases, endocrine and other disorders. Low blood calcium levels may result from taking certain medications anticonvulsants, antitumor agents, neomycin, etc.

The level of calcium in the blood cannot be the only clear criterion for osteoporosis, since it does not indicate the calcium content in bone tissue. If the body does not receive enough of this macronutrient or it is lost due to reduced levels female hormone estrogen, calcium begins to be washed out of the bones to compensate for the deficiency in the blood. That is, the bone tissue suffers so that other organs - the brain, heart, nerves, muscles - can work normally.

Elevated levels of calcium in the blood often indicate hypervitaminosis D. Elevated levels of calcium in the blood can be a consequence of taking a number of medications (containing lithium, thiazide diuretics). An increased level of calcium in the blood may also indicate more serious disorders - hyperthyroidism, hyperparathyroidism, severe osteoporosis, malignant neoplasms, etc. Let's briefly look at the main reasons for deviations from the norm in this indicator.

Increased calcium levels (hypercalcemia)

  • Hypervitaminosis D;
  • Overdose of certain drugs;
  • Benign and malignant neoplasms of the parathyroid glands;
  • Malignant tumors (with metastasis of cancer of the lungs, breast, kidneys, ovaries, uterus);
  • Hemoblastoses (leukemia, lymphoma, hematosarcoma) are tumor diseases of hematopoietic and lymphatic tissue;
  • Thyrotoxicosis;
  • Adrenal insufficiency;
  • Kidney diseases, acute renal failure;
  • Sarcoidosis;
  • Idiopathic hypercalcemia (more often develops in children of the first year of life between the 5th and 8th month);
  • Williams syndrome;
  • Hereditary hypercalcemia;
  • Hypercalcemia caused by immobilization during injuries and diseases.

Decreased calcium levels (hypocalcemia):

  • Vitamin D deficiency;
  • Taking certain medications
  • Hypoparathyroidism (primary or secondary) insufficient function of the parathyroid gland;
  • Pseudohypoparathyroidism ( hereditary disease);
  • with pancreatic necrosis;
  • Pathologies of the kidneys or liver (chronic renal failure, liver failure);
  • Violation of acid-base balance.

When conducting a biochemical blood test, the amount of ionized calcium is also checked, which shows the level of a microelement not bound to proteins. According to these indicators, hypocalcemia or hypercalcemia can be detected. These conditions are pathological and dangerous to human health, because calcium is involved in many vital processes occurring in the body.

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    Ionized calcium is a very important trace element in regulating metabolic processes. He is only 1% of total number mineral. Up to 99% of calcium is found in teeth, bones, hair, etc.

    This microelement is responsible for the following functions:

    • growth and development of bone tissue;
    • blood clotting;
    • conductivity of nerve fibers;
    • regulation of enzymatic activity;
    • hormone production;
    • contraction of muscle fibers and cardiac muscle.

    Calcium ions help strengthen the walls of blood vessels, increasing the body's resistance to infections and allergic irritants.

    For these reasons, biochemical analysis for ionized calcium is one of the most common in medical institutions. Assessing its level allows us to clarify important information By mineral metabolism both an adult and a child.


    An analysis of the level of ionized calcium is carried out in the following cases:

    • signs of insufficiency or increased amount of calcium in the body;
    • preoperative preparation;
    • malignant tumors;
    • diseases of the urinary system;
    • convulsive manifestations;
    • pain in muscles and bones;
    • pathology cardiovascular system;
    • decrease in protein levels in the blood.

    If the patient is undergoing therapy with intravenous administration blood products and glucose-saline solutions, then the level of the mineral is monitored daily.

    Rules for submitting biomaterial

    To obtain a reliable result, you must comply with the following basic requirements:

    • exclude heavy physical activity before taking the analysis;
    • do not drink alcohol or fatty foods during the day;
    • do not smoke for an hour;
    • do not eat for 12 hours (test is taken on an empty stomach);
    • do not submit biomaterial after instrumental methods examinations and physiotherapeutic procedures.

    Ionized calcium levels can be affected by various medicines. Therefore, 1-2 weeks before the scheduled examination, it is recommended to stop taking medications. It is advisable to consult with your doctor about discontinuing medications. If temporary cancellation is not possible, then when submitting the biomaterial, the patient must indicate the medicine and in what doses it is taken.

    What should the Ca level be?

    When determining normal level take into account the individual characteristics of the patient and many other factors. However, we can give averages:

    If its level is elevated, carry out reanalysis, since the results may be the result of an incorrectly performed blood test. The ionized calcium content can be affected by prolonged contact of the biomaterial with air. If a repeat analysis shows the same thing, then additional diagnostic procedures are performed.

    Increased rate

    At increased quantity calcium in the blood, hypercalcemia is diagnosed. This condition is dangerous because an excessive amount of this microelement settles on the walls of blood vessels, liver and kidneys. As a result, heart failure, pathological condition of the liver and biliary tract, urolithiasis.

    An increase in the level of ionized calcium in the blood can be recognized by the following symptoms:

    • chronic nausea and vomiting;
    • decreased ability to work;
    • feeling of thirst;
    • convulsive syndrome;
    • violation heart rate, shortness of breath;
    • weakness.

    To normalize the amount of microelement in the blood, it is necessary to establish the causes of hypercalcemia. If she's provoked poor nutrition, then adjust the diet. In the case of any pathologies, it is necessary to urgently begin treatment of the underlying disease.

    Reduced rate

    A reduced level can be identified by the following clinical manifestations:

    • slow blood clotting;
    • destruction of nails and teeth;
    • increased heart rate;
    • hair fragility;
    • nervous excitability;
    • dry skin;
    • headaches and muscle pain;
    • dizziness;
    • fractures even with minor injuries or stress.

    Calcium deficiency is detrimental to a child during his development. This trace element is very important for the formation of the spine and bones. If there is a deficiency, children may have bent limbs and poor posture.

    For successful treatment deficiency of this microelement should also identify the root cause. As a rule, patients are prescribed special diet or vitamin preparations.

    Reasons for promotion and demotion

    There are several main reasons why the level of ionized calcium may be elevated:

    • oncological diseases;
    • increased vitamin D content;
    • chronic enteritis - inflammation in small intestine(typical for children);
    • increased levels of growth hormone;
    • endocrine diseases;
    • metabolic disorders;
    • abuse of foods containing calcium.

    Causes of hypercalcemia

    Calcium deficiency can indicate certain pathologies in the body:

    • kidney diseases;
    • lack of magnesium or vitamin D;
    • pancreatic diseases;
    • infectious diseases;
    • consequences of the operation;
    • diseases of the gastrointestinal tract;
    • endocrine diseases.

    Often low level ionized calcium is diagnosed after 50 years in women, in menopause. This is due hormonal changes. Patients who abuse diets for weight loss often suffer from its deficiency. During pregnancy, a deficiency of this microelement is also often observed. Calcium can be washed out of the body when taking diuretics or consuming salty foods.


    If you receive a blood test result with a low or high level of ionized calcium, your diet is adjusted. Products containing this microelement are added to or excluded from the diet, respectively.

    Calcium rich foods

    Even with adequate consumption of foods rich in this mineral, its absorption is dependent on vitamin D and magnesium. Therefore, it is necessary to simultaneously eat foods containing them.

    Magnesium Rich Foods

    There are 4 ways to eliminate hypercalcemia:

    • decreased microelement absorption by the intestines;
    • increased excretion of calcium in urine;
    • removal of excess by dialysis;
    • reduced bone destruction.

    The medications and treatment regimen are selected strictly individually by the doctor.

Modern medicine knows many conditions and pathologies in which calcium levels in the blood increase, although possible reasons This phenomenon is still being studied to this day. Hypercalcemia, which is what high calcium levels in the blood are called, usually does not have pronounced symptoms, so it is usually diagnosed during a laboratory test of blood taken for analysis.

Why is the level of this increased in the blood? chemical element, what does this mean, why is it dangerous, what is the treatment for this condition, how to reduce calcium? Let's talk about this on this page of the Popular About Health website.

Forms of hypercalcemia

There are three forms:

Light: up to 2.0 mmol/l;
- average: up to 2.5 mmol/l;
- severe: up to 3.0 mmol/l.

What does it mean? Why is high calcium in the blood dangerous??

You need to understand that if the calcium content exceeds 2.55 mmol/l, this is a sign of the development of hypercalcemia. In this case, it is very important to undergo a thorough examination to identify the cause of the increase.

The fact is that when a person is healthy, calcium levels are usually within normal limits. If its level is not normal, that is, it begins to increase, most likely a pathological process is developing in the body.

And yet, an increase in its level in the blood of this substance provokes the development various violations the work of the stomach, kidneys, as well as the heart and nervous system.

Causes of hypercalcemia not related to pathology:

Very often this occurs when there is an excess intake of calcium from food. In particular, with a passion for whole milk and dairy products.

Calcium is often elevated in people long time, taking calcium supplements without medical prescription. IN in this case Reducing its level is not difficult. You just need to stop taking the drug and that’s it.

Abnormal calcium levels will be detected due to long-term use medications containing lithium and theophylline. And for those taking thiazide diuretics and thyroid hormones.

An overdose of vitamin D activates and increases the absorption of calcium by the intestine, which also increases its level.

Forced immobility, in particular in case of fractures, burns, paralysis, injuries and diseases, when the patient is prescribed long-term bed rest, provokes the gradual destruction of bone tissue. The bones lose calcium and it passes into the blood. As a result, the calcium test is not normal.

Often the described condition develops in older people and patients who have undergone radiation therapy in the neck.

Increased calcium as a sign of developing pathology

Very often, a significant excess of the norm in adult patients is the first symptom of the development of a malignant tumor localized in the area of ​​the parathyroid glands. Less often, this indicates the presence of a malignant tumor in the parathyroid gland area.

In general, many patients with malignant tumors are diagnosed with hypercalcemia. In particular, it is detected in patients with oncology of the kidneys, lungs, ovaries, as well as the prostate and breast.

In case of defeat bone marrow(myeloma) the process of destruction of bone tissue begins and, as a result, the level of calcium in the blood increases. This is also typical for other pathologies that cause bone destruction, or when bone tissue loses calcium, in particular with Paget's disease.

Treatment methods

If hypercalcemia is detected, the patient is sent for examination, based on the results of which treatment for the identified disease is prescribed. At the same time, measures are taken to reduce calcium and also cleanse the body of its accumulated excess.

If its level is below 2.9 mmol/l, the patient is increased drinking regime, and also prescribe diuretics, for example: Furosemide, Hypothiazide or Torsemide. However, potent diuretics, in particular Furosemide, are prescribed with caution. In the presence of renal or heart failure, its use is contraindicated.

The mild form is usually treated well and quickly and calcium levels can soon be reduced, that is, its levels return to normal.

If hypercalcemia is more severe and the “not normal level” varies within 3.7 mmol/l, the patient is hospitalized and more serious treatment.

In particular, they introduce saline solution(drip), carry out other procedures. Drug therapy prescribed individually for each patient. This depends on the severity of his condition, existing diseases, as well as possible side effects appointed remedy and the presence of contraindications for its use.

Diuretics are also prescribed individually. If there is a need to preserve calcium in the bones, corticosteroids and bisphosphonates are prescribed. Your doctor may recommend taking Calcitonin. This remedy enhances the excretion of calcium in the urine.

In very severe cases it is possible surgical treatment, in which the affected tissue of the parathyroid glands is removed. After surgery, calcium is normalized in the vast majority of patients.

Hypercalcemia in cancer patients is treated much worse. As the tumor enlarges, medical measures aimed at reducing calcium are ineffective.

In conclusion, we note that, of course, calcium is one of the most important elements, vital for the body. However, if the results laboratory research indicate elevated levels of this substance, be sure to undergo a complete medical examination to find out the reason.

Remember that early detection of pathology and timely treatment almost always guarantee complete recovery. If some indicator is not normal during a blood test, then you need to find out why, and not expect that everything will return to normal on its own.

Calcium plays a vital role in the human body, because this element performs a huge number of physiological functions, is one of the main extracellular components involved in blood clotting processes. Everyone knows that calcium is essential for building a strong skeleton and teeth, but besides this, it is an indispensable assistant during heart contractions and nerve impulses, as well as in the functioning of the endocrine glands.

The adult human body contains approximately 1.5 kg of calcium, and 99% of the total is concentrated in bone tissue, and only 1% is present in the blood.

To determine the concentration of the element in the blood serum, a person undergoes a biochemical blood test for calcium. This study is necessary if a specialist suspects a disturbance in Ca levels that leads to various diseases and destabilization of many important processes in the body. In this article we will look at all the details regarding this analysis, what it is needed for, what the normal level of calcium in the blood should be, and what deviations may indicate.

Why do you need a blood calcium test?

To understand the whole point this study, it should be noted that calcium in the blood occurs in 3 states:

  • in a free state, it is called ionized calcium;
  • in combination with anions (lactate, phosphate, bicarbonate, etc.);
  • in combination with proteins (usually albumin-whey protein).

Prerequisites for prescribing an analysis to determine Ca levels may be a suspicion of osteoporosis, as well as some pathological conditions musculoskeletal system. An analysis can also be prescribed for specific patient complaints of aching bones, muscle pain, excessive tooth decay or brittle nail plates, or frequent fractures of the limbs. A calcium test is also carried out before surgical operations.

Most often, an analysis is performed for total calcium in the blood and ionized calcium. The second option is more informative, since the element “in a bundle” does not affect the functionality in the body as much as free particles of this thing. Although a blood test for ionized calcium will be more expensive, determining its level will be a more reliable indicator for diagnosis various diseases.

Only a doctor with the appropriate level of qualification should decipher the test results. The specialist analyzes the patient’s condition, taking into account not only blood indicators, but also clinical picture, existing symptoms and medical history of the person.

Therefore, we can only consider the average statistical norms for calcium levels in the blood of healthy person.

When taking an analysis to determine general level Ca, the following values ​​are considered normal:

  • for children from 0 to 12 months - 1.9-2.6 mmol/l;
  • for children from one to 14 years old - 2.3-2.87 mmol/l;
  • for adults - 2.2-2.55 mmol/l.

Standard values ​​for different age categories will vary slightly, but on average it is considered normal to range from 2.16 to 2.6 mmol per liter.

It should be noted that the level of calcium in the blood of women during pregnancy and lactation decreases, since part of the substance goes to the development of the bones of the fetus and child. But at the same time, the body’s need for this element increases, therefore daily norm calcium for pregnant and nursing mothers is very high and ranges from approximately 1000 to 1300 mg.

When ionized calcium in the blood is checked, the norm should be within the following limits:

  • in babies under one year old - 1.03-1.37 mmol/l;
  • in children under 16 years old - 129-1.31 mmol/l;
  • in adults - 1.17-1.29 mmol/l.

The reasons for the level deviation must be identified, since too low or too high calcium in the blood entails certain pathological changes in the body. A repeat analysis may be prescribed to refute or confirm existing abnormalities, and then further examination, diagnosis and appropriate treatment measures will be prescribed.

Increased calcium in the blood, what does this mean?

The condition when an increase in the concentration of a trace element of more than 2.5-2.6 mmol/l is detected is called hypercalcemia. If calcium in the blood is significantly elevated, this should be a significant cause for concern. There are quite a lot various conditions and pathologies in the body that provoke an increase in Ca levels.

Most likely following reasons increased calcium in the blood, all of them are quite dangerous for the body.

  1. Primary hyperparathyroidism

The essence of the disease is the appearance of tumors on the parathyroid (or also called parathyroid) glands, which are responsible for stabilizing the level of calcium in the blood.

These glands are capable of detecting the concentration of calcium in the blood and, if there is a deficiency of this element, releasing parathyroid hormone, which increases the level of calcium in the blood due to the destruction of bone tissue with the release of calcium or due to more intense absorption of calcium in the kidneys and from the intestines. When tumors appear on the glands, parathyroid hormone begins to be released, even if there is normal calcium content in the blood. Thus, bone structures break down, releasing excess calcium into the blood.

  1. Malignant neoplasms and other tumor diseases.

Any tumor formations have a significant impact on bone tissue including, as a result of which cytotoxins are formed. An increase in calcium in the blood in women often occurs with the development of cancer in the ovaries or mammary glands.

  1. Excessive consumption of foods high in Ca, as well as an excess of vitamin D in the body, which promotes good absorption of the microelement, leads to disruption of calcium metabolism, slows down its excretion and increases the content of the cation in the blood.

Total calcium in the blood can be elevated in the following pathologies:

  • for acute renal failure;
  • for gastrointestinal ailments, including low levels of gastric juice production;
  • with spinal tuberculosis;
  • when dehydrated;
  • Ionized calcium can be increased even with a sedentary, “sedentary” lifestyle and prolonged immobilization (no load on the skeleton), usually this only applies to older people; in infants, this indicator usually increases as a result of genetic or hereditary abnormalities.

Symptoms of excess calcium in the body

Hypercalcemia may be asymptomatic, but the patient may exhibit some specific signs this state, For example:

  • headaches;
  • nausea or vomiting;
  • constant feeling thirst;
  • constipation;
  • absent-mindedness, emotional instability, sometimes mental disorders up to hallucinations;
  • with chronic hypercalcemia, the patient often has lumbar pain and stomach pain, swelling of the limbs, and problems with urination.

What is dangerous about increased calcium in the blood, and how to remove excess calcium from the body?

An excess of the mineral in question in the human body is often a consequence of prolonged use of certain medications, as well as the development of certain diseases. This fact should not be ignored.

The fact is that excess calcium is not excreted by the body. naturally, which means it will concentrate in the kidneys and subsequently provoke the development of urolithiasis. Also, this chem. the microelement is able to settle on the walls of blood vessels, contributing to the development of stenosis and cardiovascular diseases. Muscles also suffer from hypercalcemia. In advanced cases, a person experiences mental and emotional disorders.

It should be noted that the question of how to lower calcium in the blood must be resolved by a highly qualified specialist. You can independently improve your condition and normalize the indicator; a person can only do so by changing his diet and lifestyle. Since calcium enters the body exclusively with food, first of all it is necessary to exclude or minimize the consumption of foods with high content Ca, to a greater extent it is:

  • cheese, kefir and cottage cheese;
  • sardine;
  • wheat bread;
  • halva;
  • sesame and sesame oil;
  • almond;
  • dark chocolate.

Now you know the main purpose of calcium; its excess, as well as its deficiency, can harm the body, so maintaining calcium levels in the blood serum is important for health. But, it should be remembered that if deviations in the indicator are detected last word When making a diagnosis, it must be left to a specialist; only a doctor can help find out the cause of this condition and suggest measures to normalize it.

Listen to yourself and take care of your health!