If yellow, odorless discharge appears. Yellow thick discharge

A certain amount of vaginal discharge is necessary to maintain the health of a woman's reproductive system. They moisturize the mucous membrane, contribute to the creation of proper microflora and protect the body from the penetration of pathogenic microorganisms. However, situations may arise when the discharge becomes pathological character, which, as a rule, is one of the first signals about the development of a pathological process in the organs of the reproductive system, and sometimes in the whole organism.

Causes of yellow discharge

One of the common deviations from the norm is a change in the color of the secretion secreted by the glandular structures of the vagina. Normal discharge may be clear or whitish, but a yellowish appearance is usually not an option. healthy activities iron Only in certain cases this state physiologically determined. As a rule, the changes are short-lived and are not accompanied by other alarming symptoms.

In other cases, the appearance of yellow discharge is a cause for concern and an immediate visit to the gynecologist. Among the diseases that can manifest as changes in the color of leucorrhoea are the following:

1. First of all, these are sexually transmitted diseases (STDs). In the case of the presence of one pathogenic microorganism, the risk of a concomitant infection increases significantly. Thus, with trichomoniasis, yellow foamy discharge with a greenish tint may be observed. In this case, it is mandatory to conduct an analysis to identify pathogens such as chlamydia, mycoplasma, ureaplasma and gonococci. In the latter case, the discharge becomes creamy and purulent in nature. Additional symptoms V in this case are pain when urinating, severe itching in the area of ​​the external genitalia and burning in the vagina.

2. Nonspecific bacterial vaginitis. Inflammatory processes in the vagina can also be caused by opportunistic bacteria that normally live on the vaginal mucosa (for example, gardnerella). But if favorable conditions arise, for example, with a decrease in immunity or while taking antibacterial agents, they cause considerable harm. This situation is characterized by abundant yellow discharge. It should be remembered that the development of bacterial vaginitis can also be facilitated by poor personal hygiene.

3. Another normal inhabitant of the vaginal mucosa is a fungus of the genus Candida. IN healthy body In women, it is a component of the natural microflora in small quantities, but when the same conditions arise that promote its active reproduction, it can develop very unpleasant disease, candidiasis or, simply put, thrush. The discharge can be white, with a cheesy consistency, but sometimes it also takes on a yellowish tint. Especially in the case of other infections.

4. Vaginal discharge may also indicate “deeper” pathological processes. So, with erosion of the cervix with the addition staphylococcal infection, purulent cervicitis, they acquire a yellow tint. Inflammatory diseases The uterus and its appendages can also provoke the secretion of a secretion of a similar color. It should be remembered that inflammation of this localization is dangerous not only purulent complications, general weakening of the body and the spread of infection, but also the risk of infertility.

Given the variety of reasons that can cause yellow discharge in women, any suspicion of a change in the color, smell or consistency of vaginal secretions should be examined by a specialist. This should also be done regularly once a year as a preventative measure.

Yellow vaginal discharge: diagnostic procedures

During a visit to a specialist, it may turn out that the observed discharge in a woman is physiologically determined and is not a symptom of any disease. This conclusion can be made only after a thorough history taking, a full examination and additional examinations. A yellow tint of discharge may appear due to the following non-pathological reasons:

Among diagnostic procedures In addition to examining the reproductive system directly, it is important to take a smear from the vagina to examine such important indicators such as the concentration of leukocytes, epithelial cells, determination of flora, including pathogenic ones. In a non-detailed analysis, only the level of possible thrush pathogens can be determined. For special indications, material is collected and vaginal secretions are examined for the presence of STDs and other pathogenic microorganisms.

As instrumental studies V gynecological practice the following may apply:

1. Colposcopy is a research method that allows a detailed assessment of the condition of the mucous membrane of the vulva, vagina and cervix. It is used primarily in cases of suspected dysplasia or cervical cancer, to determine the need for a biopsy.

2. Ultrasound examination pelvic organs - there are two ways to apply the sensor: transabdominal and transvaginal. The first option is shown to assess the overall picture, for girls who do not lead sex life. The second - for the purpose of a detailed examination of the cervix and uterine cavity, fallopian tubes, ovaries and surrounding soft tissues.

3. Computed tomography and magnetic resonance imaging may be indicated if other methods are insufficiently informative.

4. Can also be prescribed X-ray methods studies, for example, metrosalpingography.

An important component of diagnostic procedures is taking a smear for cytology in order to identify possible changes mucosal cells. If there are suspicious results, taking into account the conclusion of colposcopy, a biopsy of vaginal and cervical tissue may be prescribed. Other techniques are also used additional research depending on the prescription of the attending physician.

How is yellow discharge treated in women?

After conducting examinations and making a diagnosis, the doctor prescribes prescriptions, taking into account the individual characteristics of this particular patient. If necessary, the patient can be referred for consultation to other specialists, since problems in the reproductive system often occur not as independent diseases, but as a component of a cause-and-effect chain. So, after the transfer serious illness any other localization, the condition of the body weakens as a whole, which increases the risk of developing most of the above diseases of the genital organs. In turn, a chronic focus of inflammation in the vagina, uterus or ovaries also has a detrimental effect on the body’s resistance, increasing the possibility, for example, of developing colds.

If a specific pathogen is detected, antibacterial, antiviral or antifungal therapy may be prescribed to get rid of yellow discharge. Drugs can be prescribed both in the form of tablets and intravenously or locally, for example, in the form vaginal suppositories. Various anti-inflammatory and restorative agents can also be used.

As preventive measures To avoid the recurrence of such a symptom as yellow vaginal discharge, the following recommendations should be indicated:

  • lead healthy image life: give the body regular moderate physical activity and stick to rational nutrition;
  • observe the rules of personal hygiene, while being careful with chemicals;
  • do not overcool;
  • wear comfortable underwear made from natural fabrics;
  • avoid questionable sexual relations;
  • be attentive to your health: treat any ailment qualitatively initial stages;
  • if necessary, promptly replenish the deficiency of microelements and vitamins in the body.

As a rule, bright yellow discharge in women, they are a signal that the body is infected with microbes.

Mucus is always released from the vagina of women. Normally, mucous discharge is transparent and thin, leaving no odor or bright traces. In quantity they do not exceed a teaspoon per day. Although after sex or before critical days, there may be a little more of them and their color may be pale yellow.

To avoid many incurable diseases chronic diseases in women, they need to be very careful about themselves. And they simply have to notice the color of the mucus.

If the mucus has a slightly yellow tint, but there is no feeling of discomfort, this indicates normal function reproductive system, except perhaps small deviations in her work. But its character, abundance and structure depend on many factors. Discharge unnatural color with a not very pleasant or pungent “aroma” serve as a signal of pathology in the functioning of the genital organs.

Often, the yellow color of mucus released from the vagina indicates infectious infections that are sexually transmitted, or inflammatory processes in the organs urinary system. And such a phenomenon should be a reason to visit a gynecologist. But even he will not be able to immediately say about the reasons for this phenomenon.

It is worth clearly knowing the reasons for the appearance of this color of the secreted liquid in order to understand how dangerous this phenomenon is.

To the reasons yellow discharges include:

  • sexual infections such as trichomoniasis, chlamydia, etc. With such infectious lesions, they are often accompanied by itching and burning. The mucus smells like rotten fish;
  • infection with venous diseases also often causes a change in the color of the discharge (They also have a yellow tint and a sharp bad smell, but pus is mixed with them);
  • lack of sex in women's lives;
  • prolonged nervous tension;
  • hormonal metabolism disorders;
  • long-term use of antibiotics;
  • disruption of the microflora of the vaginal mucosa of women;
  • allergies to synthetic underwear or intimate hygiene items, condoms, etc.

It's not always a disease!

Sometimes between periods, the mucus turns yellow or greenish. This phenomenon does not always become a sign of disorder in the body. Fluctuations in color occur even due to changes in diet or climate.

If the yellow color of the mucus is not accompanied by other symptoms, then maybe there is no disease either. To do this, you need to carefully “listen” to yourself, listening to the sensations within yourself. In the case when no deviations are felt, you need to observe the discharge for some time. If any changes are noticed, and the color of the mucus gradually becomes richer, you should definitely visit the antenatal clinic.

When is discharge dangerous?

A woman is generally obliged to appear in the gynecologist’s office at least once a year, and ideally more often. Brightly colored vaginal discharge is often a consequence of inflammation, especially if weakness and other signs appear. Different combinations of such signs indicate various diseases female genital organs.

In the case when the discharge is scanty and has a yellow color, which is diluted with purulent or bloody impurities after sex, accompanied by pain, we can talk about dysfunction of the reproductive system such as uterine erosion. This disease is easily treated. But it should be remembered that the disease never cures itself.

Often the discharge becomes yellow due to inflammation in the uterine tubes. In the case of a chronic nature, the disease is associated with weakening immune system, nervous tension, cold.

The disease requires complex treatment with antibacterial drugs.

Such shades of discharge are observed in cases of colpitis. Colpitis can be a consequence of injury or infection in the organs of the reproductive or urinary system of women.

There is also the appearance of discharge that has a bright yellow tint due to vaginal dysbiosis. And this is also a reason to visit a gynecologist.

To make a diagnosis and draw up a treatment plan, the doctor must determine the causative agent of the disease by conducting an examination.

Self-medication here is often deadly, but promptly contacting a gynecologist allows you to get rid of the pathology quickly enough.


A woman secretes secretions from the vaginal cavity, and this is considered a normal physiological process. But not all discharge is normal. Every woman should know for herself which of them speak of the norm and which of them indicate pathology. Therefore, let’s look at why yellow discharge appears at different periods.

Normal yellow discharge

If a woman has discharge that is slightly yellow in color, without odor or other signs of discharge, then doctors consider this to be normal.

Basic parameters of the norm:

  1. Normal light yellow discharge should not be released in large quantities. To make it more clear, the norm is no more than 1 teaspoon. Such discharge can occur during sexual intercourse, as well as during the menstrual cycle.
  2. The discharge should not be very thick or profuse. But, it should be noted that during the menstrual cycle or during ovulation, the consistency normal discharge also changes.
  3. There should be no bright yellow traces in the mass.
  4. No discharge remains on the bed linen, including the underwear.
  5. There is no smell.

Apart from this, with a normal slightly yellow tint, no additional symptoms should occur. For example, strong in the area reproductive organs, pain or other discomfort.

Causes of yellow discharge with odor

It should be noted that this sign may appear in different period time, including during lactation or pregnancy. Peculiar discharge may indicate the presence various pathologies and diseases.


  1. Detected when chlamydia, in which a rather sharp, not very pleasant odor is noted. They begin to flow down the walls, directly into the vaginal cavity, thereby additionally creating an unpleasant feeling of discomfort, burning, and often itching occurs with this disease.
  2. These signs may occur if the woman's history is trichomoniasis. On initial stage The disease is marked by white, slightly yellow discharge. As the disease progresses, the discharge becomes deep yellow, and in rare cases, greenish discharge. At the same time, the woman experiences quite unpleasant putrid smell.
  3. They may talk about the presence gonorrhea. In this case, the discharge takes on a specific color. In particular, they have a rich yellow hue; they stand out in fairly moderate quantities. In addition, bleeding also occurs with gonorrhea. Additional signs include pain syndrome, which is sharp or aching in nature. Pain occurs in the lower abdomen or on the inner thighs.
  4. At thrush similar discharge with a characteristic odor is also released.
  5. The most common cause of these discharges is the presence ureaplasmosis or talk about the presence of a woman mycoplasmosis. Characteristic features: large number discharge, such diseases are additionally accompanied by pain or burning, severe redness of the mucous membrane is noted, directly in the vaginal cavity at the moment diagnostic examination.

In addition to these reasons, these discharges also occur against the background. With this disease, the discharge takes on not only a thick consistency, but also a fishy smell. In addition, when bacterial vaginitis may be found in the main secretions, pus or blood.

In addition to the reasons described above, you need to know about other problems that cause yellow discharge, but at the same time the woman does not have such an unpleasant odor.

Yellow discharge without odor

You can detect signs of adnexitis or colpitis; a woman often produces these discharges, which do not have an uncharacteristic odor.

Also noted:

  1. May indicate the presence of cervicitis.
  2. An allergic reaction to the mucous membrane, as well as in the area of ​​the reproductive organs.
  3. After undergoing artificial

Often appear at different stages of gestation. Therefore, in order to determine whether they are normal or pathological, it is necessary to consult a gynecologist in time and undergo a comprehensive diagnostic examination.

Why does yellow-green discharge appear?

They may indicate the presence of the diseases described above.

And also there are:

  1. Due to the penetration and active reproduction of fungal microorganisms on the vaginal mucosa.
  2. If the woman has a history of illness inflammatory in nature, in which the defeat occurred urethra.
  3. In the presence of certain sexually transmitted pathologies, which are transmitted not only sexually, but also through household objects.

Note that if this symptom occurs against the background of an inflammatory process, you must immediately take a course drug therapy. Otherwise, this may lead to chronic process or to infertility.

Yellow discharge during pregnancy

Often during this period, white or slightly yellow discharge appears. Let's consider the main reasons for their occurrence. Reasons:

  1. If incorrectly selected hygiene product for intimate hygiene.
  2. If you frequently wear synthetic underwear during pregnancy.
  3. Using sanitary pads that are impregnated with fragrances.
  4. Failure to comply with personal hygiene rules.
  5. For diseases that affect the entire genitourinary system. For example: for diseases of the uterus, tubes, as well as for diseases bladder or ovaries.
  6. Upon penetration of nonspecific pathogens, such as staphylococcus or upon penetration coli.
  7. With clarified or unclear etiology of erosion.
  8. Dysbiosis.

At 6 weeks, slight yellow discharge may also occur, and this is considered normal. But, if there is itching or additional signs, including an unpleasant odor, you should immediately contact a gynecologist to clarify the causes of the disease.

At 8 weeks they may leak in moderate amounts - this is normal, provided, of course, that there are no additional signs. Often during this period of pregnancy, during a routine examination, candidiasis is detected. The main cause of the disease is a decrease in immunity and a change in the pH of the environment in the vagina. Gentle treatment methods are prescribed for thrush.

What to do if you have yellow-brown discharge? If yellow-brown discharge occurs on early pregnancy, this is normal. Since at this moment the embryo begins to attach directly to the endometrium, therefore a small amount of blood and discharge data comes out.

But, at this moment, you still need to see a doctor. It is necessary to exclude more serious pathologies, for example: detachment of the ovum, frozen pregnancy or spontaneous miscarriage.

On later pregnancy, yellow-brown discharge indicates an abnormal location of the placenta, or when a plug is expelled after 38 weeks, which indicates a harbinger physiological birth.

Watery yellow discharge during pregnancy can mean both normal and pathological. If there is no smell, pain, burning or other discomfort, this is normal.

Pathology of watery yellow discharge:

  1. Found in genital herpes during pregnancy. In this case, the nature of the discharge is scanty. Main reason watery discharge With yellow tint consists in the formation of vesicles, directly against the background of the inflammatory process in the perineal area.
  2. Bacterial vaginosis during pregnancy. There is an unpleasant odor, pain, itching, burning and impaired urination.
  3. Often these discharges indicate leakage of amniotic fluid. There is a slight sweetish odor.

TO additional reasons watery yellow discharge can be attributed to the presence of a specific, nonspecific bacterial infection.


Before starting treatment, it is necessary to undergo an examination to identify the exact pathology of the disease. The woman is prescribed general analysis blood, carried out in gynecological office taking a smear from the vagina. If this data is not enough to make a diagnosis, then PCR diagnostics and enzyme immunoassay are prescribed.

Local and antibacterial therapy is prescribed as treatment. Additionally, a course of physiotherapeutic procedures is prescribed to improve blood circulation and normalize the microflora in the vaginal cavity.

If trichomonas vaginitis is detected at the time of diagnostic examination, then doctors prescribe the drug Tinidazole or Clotrimazole. First medicinal product has an antimicrobial and antiprozoal spectrum of action. Active ingredient tablets, is able to penetrate into anaerobic microorganisms, thereby inhibiting synthesis and disrupting its DNA.

Clotrimazole is a synthetic antifungal drug. Designed for outdoor use. Do not use if you are individually intolerant to the composition, otherwise there is a risk of side effects.

  • strong burning sensation in the genital area;
  • swelling of the mucous membrane;
  • erythema;
  • allergic reaction.
  • peeling skin in the area of ​​external organs.

If a fungal infection is detected in a woman, it is necessary to take the following drugs.


  1. Fluconazole, has fairly high activity against fungal cells. The drug suppresses their growth and reproduction.
  2. Tsiskan, is a derivative of Trizol. The drug has a good selective spectrum of action, thereby being able to inhibit the synthesis of sterols.

Can also be used as a treatment for fungal infections Orunit or Pimafucin. Before using the medicine, carefully study the instructions; each drug has its own list of contraindications and side effects.

During menopause with the above gynecological diseases, doctors prescribe vaginal tablets that contain estrogen. The drug has proven itself well Ovestin. The active component of the drug is micronized estriol, an analogue of natural female hormone. If a woman has atrophy of the mucous membrane, then the medicine helps to normalize the epithelium, which is located in genitourinary tract, thereby the inflammatory process takes place quickly.

Regarding infectious diseases, then in this case it is necessary to take more aggressive medications.


  1. Hexicon in the form of candles. The drug has an antiseptic and disinfectant spectrum of action. With its help, the development of harmful microbes is inhibited, thereby causing death pathogenic microflora. The course of treatment depends on the severity and type of disease, but usually lasts from 7-10 days. If necessary, the course of therapy is extended to 20 days.
  2. Terzhinan is a fairly strong drug, as it belongs to the group of antimicrobial, antiseptic, and also antifungal agents. You can use Terzhinan for vaginitis, trichomonas vaginosis, dysbiosis, or another type of vaginitis of unknown etiology. The drug is often prescribed as a treatment for chronic recurrent colpitis.

In addition to drug therapy, doctors may prescribe traditional methods treatment. Decoctions for douching, tinctures for internal use from chamomile, string, sage and other herbs.

Important! During pregnancy, if even minor discharge, you should not use medications and traditional methods of treatment on your own.


Preventive measures will help prevent the development of the disease.

  1. Maintain intimate hygiene.
  2. Give preference to natural underwear.
  3. Change sanitary pads or tampons more often.
  4. Be careful during promiscuous sexual intercourse.
  5. Do not use scented intimate hygiene products.
  6. Eat right.
  7. Increase immunity.
  8. Contact your doctor promptly. Get examined by a gynecologist every six months.
  9. Do not take medications on your own during menopause to eliminate symptoms.

If yellow discharge with an uncharacteristic odor occurs, you should immediately consult a doctor. Only comprehensive diagnostics will help determine the type of disease and doctors, based on the data obtained, will prescribe adequate treatment methods.

What's in the article:

Discharge is a normal physiological phenomenon, but not every girl knows about it. Today Koshechka.ru decided to talk to you about yellow discharge in women.

The quantity, consistency, and color of vaginal discharge are influenced by natural hormonal fluctuations, from which no girl is immune. Menstrual cycle, the onset of pregnancy or menopause affect the nature of the discharge.

But this is only one side of the “coin”. After all, discharge also occurs due to gynecological and urogenital diseases. Let's take a closer look at in what situations there is no reason for special concern, and when a visit to the gynecologist is urgent.

Normal indicators

Vaginal discharge is also called leucorrhoea. They are characterized as follows.

  • The normal color is transparent white, creamy. Sometimes women have very faint yellow odorless discharge, and this is also a variant of the norm. There are no very noticeable marks left on the laundry.
  • Pale yellow discharge - in a small volume, no more than a dessert spoon in volume. During ovulation, before menstruation, before intimacy and after, exceeding this volume is permissible.
  • The consistency is homogeneous, the leucorrhoea is liquid. In the middle of the cycle, viscous mucus may be released, thicker, but not consisting of clots.

The causes of yellow discharge in women without a distinct odor, but with a sour aroma, may be associated with the activity of fermented vaginal flora.

If you are worried about itching and burning, then you should be wary.

Why is there yellow discharge?

When leucorrhoea is yellow, this may be the first sign of pregnancy. But sometimes, especially if there is an odor or itching, the causes of yellow discharge in women are inflammation processes.

  • In the ovaries. Then the leucorrhoea is not just yellow, but rich, profuse, tormenting with pain in the lower abdomen. Unpleasant pain it intensifies when urinating and during intimate contact.
  • Erosion. Leucorrhoea is dirty yellow, and after intimacy may pull the lower back, there will be bloody streaks in the discharge.
  • In the external genitalia. Then the discharge is yellow, and the vagina also swells a little, causing itching.

For urogenital infectious processes discharge has bright color, the smell is extremely unpleasant.

Sometimes the reasons lie in allergic reaction. And she can do anything. Remember if you bought at lately new synthetic underwear, maybe I tried intimate cosmetic products. A reaction can also occur to condoms, pills and vaginal suppositories.

The smell should be alarming!

If your vaginal discharge has an unpleasant odor, the site warns that you may need to treat:

Strong odors can also raise suspicions of gonorrhea and chlamydia.

Mucous discharge yellow-green in color

If the mucus is not pale yellow, but has greenish tints, then this indicates the presence of pus, that is, it indirectly indicates a high probability of urogenital infection: chlamydia, trichomoniasis, gonorrhea, mycoplasmosis, ureaplasmosis.

Other signs of an STI include:

  • pain and itching during intimacy,
  • admixture of blood in vaginal mucus,
  • pulling painful sensations in the lower back, abdomen, thighs,
  • pain when urinating,
  • foamy nature of the discharge,
  • copious vaginal clots,
  • swelling, redness of the female genital organs.

By the way, yellow-green discharge without a noticeable odor in women can be due to mycoplasmosis or ureaplasmosis. And although there is no smell, there is redness and a burning sensation in the genitals.

The names of infections listed above are not a signal to diagnose and treat them yourself. The doctor should prescribe a treatment regimen after making an accurate diagnosis.

If left untreated, there is a high risk that the disease will develop into chronic form and will cause complications in the future. For example, the inability to conceive a child.

Prevention measures and important actions

Sometimes vaginal discharge are not a reason for treatment antibacterial agents, douching or other similar measures. It happens that discharge, not accompanied unpleasant sensations, pain, requires the following measures:

  • maintain intimate hygiene,
  • choose underwear not made from synthetics, but only from natural fabrics.

The discharge may become yellowish in color and those who overexert themselves may have an unbalanced diet. But a girl can be 100% confident in her health only when she doesn’t just use barrier contraception or is sexually active only with a partner who can be trusted. It is also important to consult a gynecologist once every six months or a year, even if nothing worries you, to have vaginal smears, and sometimes, if necessary and as prescribed, smears for PCR, cytology, and undergo other examinations.

There is no need to worry and guess - it’s better to make sure once again that your health is in order!

Slight white or light yellow discharge in women during the intermenstrual period is considered normal, unless there are other signs (pain, pain during urination, redness of the mucous membrane). Leucorrhoea cleanses the genital tract of dead epithelium and microorganisms and maintains normal vaginal microbiocenosis. But the color change natural secretions can talk about various violations in the body, including infectious and inflammatory processes and sexually transmitted diseases.

Types of yellow discharge

Light without odor or with it. Moderate, slightly yellow discharge in women, not accompanied by redness of the vulva, itching and burning, can be considered normal. Intermenstrual leucorrhea is actually light, but on a panty liner it has a slightly yellowish tint. Light, odorless yellow discharge in women increases slightly in the middle of the cycle (during ovulation) and a few days before menstruation. During this period, it is necessary to carefully monitor the quality of personal hygiene and use thin diaries.

Abundant with or without unpleasant odor. Such discharge indicates the development of an inflammatory process in the organs. reproductive system. A woman may complain of burning, itching in the vulva and others unpleasant symptoms. The discharge may have pungent odor and a yellowish-green tint.

Possible causes of heavy yellow discharge

Vaginosis. The disease usually occurs in women of reproductive age. The disease is based on a non-inflammatory process, in which the number of lactoflora representatives decreases and the number of anaerobic microorganisms increases. Vaginosis can occur with virtually no symptoms. A characteristic feature is an unpleasant yellow vaginal discharge with a fishy odor.

Colpitis. The basis of the disease is inflammation of the vaginal walls with the appearance of itching, burning, signs of an acute inflammatory process, which can spread to the uterus and appendages, causing reproductive disorders. A symptom of colpitis is white or yellow vaginal discharge with a rather unpleasant odor.

Inflammation of the ovaries and fallopian tubes. Inflammatory process in the appendages can occur as a result of urogenital infections, hypothermia. Inflammation of the tubes and ovaries is accompanied by intense pain in the lumbar and lower abdomen, and the appearance of yellow vaginal discharge. Breakthrough uterine bleeding is possible.

Sexually transmitted diseases . Sexually transmitted diseases pose a serious threat to women's health. They often lead to inflammation of the appendages, the formation of adhesions and the development of infertility. Sexually transmitted diseases are accompanied by pathological yellow discharge with an odor, severe swelling of the vulva, painful urination, itching and burning in the perineum and genitals.

What to do if yellow discharge appears

Abundant white-yellow and yellow discharge with or without odor is a reason to consult a gynecologist or venereologist. Regardless of the diagnosis (thrush, ovarian inflammation, etc.) and the prescribed treatment, a woman should pay special attention intimate hygiene. To make daily care easier, you can use thin CAREFREE® daily sheets, which keep your laundry clean and feeling fresh. Delicate daily diaries are securely attached to the underwear, quickly absorb discharge, without leaving a feeling of discomfort in the intimate area.