What to do if your dog has a bloated belly. Bloating in a dog

Bloating in a dog is a symptom of problems in the animal’s body. Bloating occurs due to too much gas in the stomach, causing it to expand and begin to interfere with the normal functioning of the rest. internal organs. Blood pressure decreases, blood does not reach the heart. It is important to understand that this is fraught with rupture of the walls or volvulus of the stomach. If you notice that your dog has a swollen or gurgling stomach, it is advisable to immediately take it to a veterinarian, who will determine the cause and prescribe the appropriate treatment.

Bloating in a dog and the main symptoms

Symptoms do not always appear all at once. Even one characteristic sign of bloating is enough to immediately begin to act. Vomiting in the animal (every 5-30 minutes), especially with the release of foam - bad sign. Instead of a urge, a cough may appear.

If the dog whines, squeals, walks restlessly, cannot sit in one place, curls up, arches his back, then there are problems with his stomach. serious problems. The abdomen tenses, spasms form, swells and becomes tense, the heartbeat quickens, it becomes difficult for the animal to breathe, and shortness of breath appears. The dog is unable to defecate, observed loose stool. She swallows stones and other things hard objects, refuses food partially or completely. Often, a dog's bloating is accompanied by blue gums.

Causes of flatulence in dogs

One of the most common causes of bloating is an unhealthy diet, especially overfeeding. Dogs, like other predators, should not eat flour and sweet foods, as well as vegetables containing fast carbohydrates. Every time you feed your pet a cookie or a piece of pie, you disrupt its natural metabolism. Fermentation begins. The bacteria that cause this unpleasant process feed on sugar and produce gas, which accumulates in bubbles. The longer the process of food digestion occurs, the more gas bubbles form in the animal's stomach.

Another reason for bloating is eating too quickly. This happens when the owner feeds two dogs at once, and each of them tries to eat as much as possible.

Stress associated with moving, participating in an exhibition, changing lifestyle, or excessive physical activity before eating adversely affects its digestion. Too little physical activity also has a detrimental effect on the animal's stomach.

Some dogs are genetically predisposed to these problems. Possibly from a pet congenital disease pancreas. Bloating is observed in males, less often in females. Large dogs suffer from such problems more often than small ones.


If your dog has a swollen belly, is breathing heavily and whining, you should immediately seek help from a veterinarian. The specialist will test the animal’s blood and feces, perform an ultrasound or x-ray of the internal organs.

IN in case of emergency Operations are performed under anesthesia: the dog’s stomach is pierced with a needle, gases are removed and, if a volvulus has occurred, the stomach is fixed in the correct position. A probe is inserted for emptying. After the operation, the animal is rehabilitated for 10 days, it is stitched. If the situation is not critical, the veterinarian determines the cause of the swelling and prescribes special drugs, for example, adsorbents. Sometimes treatment does not help, and then the specialist flushes the animal’s stomach.

The veterinarian must prescribe a diet for the dog. After surgery, the animal should not be fed solid food for several days. It is recommended to exclude dry food from the diet and replace it with homemade food. An alternative is to soak it in water. The dog is forbidden to give flour foods, sweets and spices; this can lead to the fact that it starts drinking a lot of water.

After giving birth, the dog has a different diet

A good way to treat chamomile infusion. Chamomile should be brewed and given to your pet (if its weight does not exceed 15 kg) half a teaspoon per day. Large animals are given a tablespoon of decoction once a day. If your pet refuses to drink, you can inject the infusion with a syringe (without a needle) into the food or into the oral cavity.

Doctors say that animals that are fed food homemade are undergoing a rehabilitation process better than dogs eating prepared food.

If your dog has a swollen belly and sides, under no circumstances should you give it activated carbon, a laxative or an enema. You should also not put pressure on your stomach: this will only make it worse.


If your pet is prone to bloating and other stomach problems, you need to provide him correct image life. Adhere to the following rules:

  1. Walk your dog at least once a day.
  2. If you have already had problems with bloating, purchase medications for gas formation and those medications prescribed by your veterinarian. Always have them on hand.
  3. Do not overfeed your dog, even if it begs for it. Adult dog 3 meals a day are enough, for a puppy – 4-5.
  4. Feed your dog after a walk.
  5. To prevent air from entering the stomach, do not give the animal water immediately after a walk. The dog should also not consume liquid before eating.
  6. Include about 30% meat and other foods containing fiber in your natural diet.
  7. Purchase special herbs intended for dogs at a pet store.
  8. Choose food that contains a minimum amount of grains and carbohydrates.
  9. If you are switching your dog from one food to another, do it gradually.
  10. Allow the animal to eat food slowly and calmly.
  11. Keep your pet away from all situations that may cause stress.

What do you prefer to feed your pets?

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    Porridge with various additives 46%, 7426 votes

    Dry food only 26%, 4165 votes

Bloat is especially dangerous for large dogs.

Etiology of the pathological condition

It is impossible to unequivocally answer the question of why bloating develops in animals.. According to veterinarians, the main provocateurs of this dangerous condition should be considered:

  • sudden movements;
  • eating food that causes fermentation;
  • an active walk immediately after feeding.

Walking vigorously immediately after feeding can cause bloating.

Specific symptoms

In the first few minutes, the stomach swells with food and gases. This is a reversible phenomenon that goes away quite quickly.

Against the background of volvulus, the stomach twists around the esophagus. This leads to the formation of a sealed container. Gases continue to ferment and accumulate in large quantities. This leads to a sharp increase in pressure in the stomach.

A photograph of a dog's gastric volvulus.

In a relatively short period of time, the stomach becomes like balloon. This causes it to put pressure on nearby organs. In this case, the movement of the diaphragm is significantly hampered. All this leads to respiratory failure.

Physical condition of the dog

  • Shock and blanching of the mucous membranes are observed.
  • A weakened, rapid pulse is palpable.
  • Sometimes you can feel an enlarged spleen. This is due to blood stagnation.

When a dog is bloated, a rapid pulse is observed.

If help is not provided on time, the stomach will rupture.

This leads to the disappearance of bloating. The animal feels better for a few minutes. Over time, against the background of shock, it is observed.

Main signs and symptoms of bloating

TO specific signs should include:

  • change in animal behavior;
  • appearance frequent urges to vomit;
  • weakness.

Weakness is one of the signs of bloating.

The animal becomes restless can't find a place for himself . It may whine or moan. No vomiting is observed. Increased breathing becomes shallow.

Other underlying diseases

One of common reasons The reason why the dog has bloating is infection with helminths. This is especially true for those animals that were taken home from the street.

Worm infestation can cause bloating.

To avoid unpleasant consequences, deworming should be carried out every 3 months.

To others pathological reasons bloating should be attributed to:

With ascites There is an accumulation of fluid in the dog's abdominal cavity. It is a tissue effusion. Dogs suffering from chronic liver, pulmonary, renal or cardiac pathologies are more likely to develop ascites. This dangerous condition, which can lead to death.

Under peritonitis development is understood acute inflammation, which is accompanied by a release in abdominal cavity pus or blood.

Pyometra occurs only in unsterilized females. This disease is characterized by the development of a purulent inflammatory process. With false estrus, the cervix opens. Against this background, the infection easily penetrates the animal’s body.

How can you help?

In case of bloating and simultaneous volvulus of the stomach, it is necessary immediately Seek help from a qualified veterinarian.

If swelling occurs, contact your veterinarian as soon as possible.

From the appearance of the first signs to surgical intervention the real survival limit is about 9 hours.

What is prohibited!!!

  • give your dog activated charcoal;
  • massage the abdomen;
  • give laxatives;

Activated charcoal should not be given to a dog if it is bloated.

All this only contributes to the deterioration of the clinical picture.

Establishing a diagnosis

  1. Veterinarian conducts necessary research and eliminates the lack of digestive enzymes, as well as the development of intestinal pathologies.
  2. After this, the dog’s blood and feces are taken for analysis.
  3. If necessary, the animal is sent for x-rays.

To make a diagnosis, a blood test is taken.

Helping a dog

The main goal in the treatment of bloating is the relief of gastric bloating. A specialist washes the organ using a special probe. After this, sorbents are introduced into the dog’s stomach.

Piercing abdominal wall a special needle helps rapid elimination gases

To assist the dog, gases are removed from the body.

If the dog acts in a very in serious condition, a decision is made regarding intensive treatment. It is carried out through peristalsis stimulants, as well as by maintaining the vascular and cardiac systems.

Carrying out surgery

  1. Conducted infusion therapy, is entered intravenous anesthesia. After this, surgical intervention is performed within 2–3 minutes.
  2. The abdominal cavity is opened for 5–10 minutes. After this, the stomach is put in place and a special probe is inserted. This is necessary for successful emptying.
  3. The most important point of surgical intervention is gastropexy. Carrying out this manipulation stops the relapse.

Before surgical intervention The dog is given anesthesia.

The success of the surgical intervention depends on how quickly the animal was delivered to the veterinary clinic.

Any delay may cause the dog to die. operating table even before the administration of anesthesia.

Features of the postoperative period

The most important stage in the treatment of an animal is the postoperative period.

The owner of the animal undertakes:

  1. Treat seams every day.
  2. Place an IV every 3-6 days.
  3. Do not give water for 24 hours.
  4. Do not give food for 48–72 hours.
  5. Give antibiotic drugs.
  6. Give antacids.

After surgery, the dog is given a drip every three days.

Medicines are given in a course. Its duration varies from 5 to 9 days. Additional appointments depend on how well the four-legged patient feels.

  • Feeding is carried out in portions . The consistency of the food should be semi-liquid. It is allowed to give ground meat or boiled rice. You can give no more than 120 ml per dose. such food.
  • Food must be given hourly . Gradually, the time interval between meals can be increased. The same applies to the size of portions.
  • You cannot feed your dog carrots, milk, cabbage, bread and flour products. .
  • It is forbidden to give cheap easily fermented feed

    Preventing the development of flatulence is quite simple. To do this, you need to give your dog quality food. This is especially true for Molossians and other large dogs.

    • The diet of an animal at risk should consist of easily digestible foods.
    • Food should be divided into small pieces. This helps to avoid swallowing air masses.
    • It is advisable to give food after the street, 3 times a day.
    • You cannot give your dog water immediately after active games.
    • Experimenting with food is highly undesirable.
    • The transition to a new diet should be gradual.

    Proper nutrition is a preventive measure.

    Video about gastric volvulus in dogs

Bloating in a dog best case scenario indicates an unsuitable diet, at worst, incurable disease. A dog is a predator, so flour and sweet foods cause fermentation in the intestines. The bacteria that cause fermentation love sugar. When microorganisms consume carbohydrates, they release gas. The longer food is digested, the more gas accumulates in the cavity of the stomach and intestines. A strong dog who eats some sweets gets rid of trouble naturally. What to do if your dog is constantly “farting”?

On initial stage, you can help your pet yourself. Give children's anti-bloating medications: Espumisan or Disflatil. Hilak Forte will help activate the intestinal microflora at the rate of 5 drops per 5 kg of weight. Smecta and Enterosgel can relieve swelling and irritation. Duphalac will gently cleanse the intestines. If the symptoms have disappeared, all that remains is to review the dog’s diet and eliminate the product that is not suitable for the pet by elimination.

If your dog's symptoms of bloating worsen: excessive drooling appears; the stomach is very distended; the dog is tense hind legs, whines; unsuccessful vomiting is observed. If your dog starts vomiting, watch him and drink Regidron to prevent dehydration. If the pet vomited 1-2 times, then it became easier - the body found a way out of the situation.

Vomiting repeated more than 4 times per day, the masses have a sharp putrid smell, yellow or they foam a lot - go to the vet!

By stretching, the stomach and intestines displace the ligaments that secure the internal organs. By going for a walk, jumping off the sofa, or climbing the stairs, a dog can provoke a change in the position of the stomach or intestines in the abdominal cavity - volvulus - acute condition requiring urgent surgical intervention!

Pyometra - purulent inflammation uteri of unsterilized animals. During an “empty” estrus, the cervix opens slightly, which can serve as an “entrance ticket” for infection. In addition, regular hormonal imbalances weaken the immune system. As a result, in the uterine cavity, it begins inflammatory process and the formation of pus. Exudate, over time, completely fills the uterus, stretching its walls, and leaks from the loop.

Bloating in dogs small breeds or protruding “hematoma” in large, elevated temperature body, uncontrolled water consumption and purulent discharge from the genitals indicate pyometra. Treatment most often involves removing the uterus.

Peritonitis– an acute inflammatory process accompanied by the release of fluid, blood or pus into the abdominal cavity. The reasons are very diverse - from trauma to exacerbation of “secret” chronic disease. Don’t guess how to treat peritonitis, especially don’t make a diagnosis yourself. The dog has a chance to survive if carried out comprehensive examination and timely provision of professional assistance.

Ascites- not a disease, but a consequence - fluid constantly accumulates in the animal’s abdominal cavity - effusion from the surrounding tissues. A dog chronically suffering from diseases of the heart, kidneys, lungs, liver, or any system or organ, eventually “comes” to ascites or death. The root cause of ascites is difficult to identify; years pass before it appears, and at the time of detection, the heart, liver and kidneys are “worn out” to an extreme degree.


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doctor intensive care

Owners often pay attention to the gradual increase in abdominal volume, but do not always give this great value, thinking that his animal had simply gotten better.
However, a gradual increase in abdominal volume can be a sign of various diseases.
Let's talk about the most common ones.

  • Enlarged abdomen due to accumulation of free fluid in the abdominal cavity(ascites).
    Typically, ascites is a sign cardiovascular diseases or liver disease, less often kidney disease, gastrointestinal tract. The belly of such animals looks saggy. If you lift a dog by its front paws, the fluid moves down and the belly becomes pear-shaped.
  • At oncological diseases abdominal organs, an increase in abdominal volume is associated with tumor growth. When examining such an animal, you can sometimes feel a dense formation, and if you look at the animal from above, you can often notice the asymmetry of the abdomen.
  • Female dogs often have a disease called pyometra.
    With this pathology, the uterine cavity is filled with purulent contents, and the amount can be so significant that it leads to an increase in the shape of the abdomen. This disease usually occurs shortly after estrus, and it characteristic feature is increased thirst. Treatment in this case is only surgical, and the sooner this disease is diagnosed and the sooner treatment is started, the greater the chance for the animal to recover faster after surgery.

All these conditions can, for the time being, occur against the background of the relative well-being of the animal. The dog owner should clearly know that a gradual increase in the abdomen can be a normal option only in case of pregnancy (obesity is not considered as a normal option).
Therefore, if you notice that your abdominal volume is lately your pet has increased, it is better to visit veterinary clinic in the near future.

In order to understand why there is an increase in the volume of the abdomen in your dog, in addition to the usual examination, the doctor has methods in his arsenal visual diagnostics(ultrasound of the abdomen and heart, x-ray) and a well-equipped laboratory.
In addition, to clarify the diagnosis, the doctor uses additional methods diagnostics
For example, for ascites, the doctor must perform a puncture in the abdominal wall (laparocentesis) to take a sample of ascites fluid for laboratory research.
If the dog’s condition leaves much to be desired, it is lethargic, and has shortness of breath, the doctor will remove some of the fluid from the abdominal cavity by puncturing the abdominal wall. This is necessary to alleviate the patient’s condition and normalize the functioning of the heart, lungs and other vital functions. important organs until the cause of ascites is determined. A final diagnosis may require consultation with a specialist: cardiologist, oncologist, surgeon.
In controversial cases, when it is not possible to supply accurate diagnosis(usually this happens with oncological diseases of the abdominal organs), it may be necessary to diagnostic operation. This most often happens with tumor diseases of the abdominal cavity. The operation is used to surgically cure the patient (if possible), clarify the diagnosis, or take a biopsy.

Remember! The cause of your dog's enlarged belly can be simple or difficult to figure out. But she cannot be frivolous. If a dog has an enlarged belly, there is a serious disorder in its body. Don't wait for a miracle, seek help as quickly as possible. Your dog will be grateful to you, because all of the above diseases are better and more effectively treated in the early stages.

Belyakov Denis Alexandrovich
intensive care doctor