Are there people with different eyes? Different eyes - why does this happen?

A person's eyes are the mirror of his soul. You can determine a person's character and personality by eye color. However, there are people whose eye colors are different. Different eyes- a phenomenon noted in 1% of the world's population. This phenomenon in medicine is called heterochromia. It manifests itself in the fact that one eye is partially or completely different from the other in color. This phenomenon is caused by a lower content of melanin pigment in it, compared to the other eye. It is melanin that colors a person. If a person has different eyes, the content of melanin pigment in the iris of the lighter one is significantly reduced. As a result, it becomes lighter than the other.

Why does such a phenomenon as different eyes exist? What causes a person's eyes to become different?

If a person has different eyes, this feature is often congenital. However, heterochromia can occur in a person during life. In this case, you should consult a doctor, because this may be the result of various diseases. Firstly, the reason that a person has different eyes is a lack or excess of melanin pigment. This may indicate the presence of the following diseases: glaucoma, inflammatory processes iris caused by rheumatism, influenza or tuberculosis, as well as the development in the human body benign tumor. In addition, different eyes can also appear as a person’s reaction to drugs and medications.

Another cause of heterochromia is untimely removal iron or copper splinter in case of eye injury. In this case, the iris may change its color.

It may turn blue-green or rusty brown. These are the main reasons that there are different types of iris that can be restored if heterochromia is acquired. For example, if you remove a foreign body in case of eye injuries or cure inflammatory processes.

Heterochromia has two types. It can be complete or partial. Partial heterochromia manifests itself in the fact that the human eye is immediately painted in two colors, that is, one part of the iris will have one shade, and the other will be painted a completely different color. Full of man- these are two eyes of different colors that differ from each other.

Many people think that heterochromia - different eyes in a person - can affect his health or perception of the world around him. However, this is a misconception, since, fortunately, in most cases, people with such a phenomenon as different eyes do not feel any inconvenience and do not experience health problems. However, there are exceptions when people with light-colored irises may develop a chronic inflammatory process. This process can negatively affect a person’s vision. Therefore, people even with congenital rather than acquired heterochromia need to periodically visit an ophthalmologist’s office. are perceived in the same way as ordinary ones. Women are more susceptible to the phenomenon of heterochromia than men.

Heterochromia is when a person has different colors eyes. The difference in eye color in humans is caused by an excess or deficiency of the pigment - melanin. Such rare phenomenon It occurs not only in humans, but also in animals, such as cats. Once upon a time, people with different colors eyes were considered children of the devil, witches, that is, people associated with witchcraft or black magic. They caused fear ordinary people, but now it is known that different eye colors are not tricks of supernatural power.

There are two types of heterochromia: the first is complete heterochromia, and the second is partial heterochromia. In complete heterochromia, the color of one iris is completely different from the color of the other iris. In partial heterochromia, a person has one part of the iris (eye) that is different from the rest of the iris, meaning one eye has two colors. Most often, complete heterochromia occurs in people, less often partial, in approximately 4 people out of 1 million. ,

Heterochromia is a mutation that occurs after fertilization of the egg. But you shouldn't be afraid of heterochromia. It does not affect the health of a person whose eyes are of different colors. A person with heterochromia sees and perceives colors in the same way as ordinary person, but only he has his own individual zest. By the way, heterochromia is more common in women than among the stronger sex. It also happens that heterochromia becomes acquired. Due to injury or disease (Hirschsprung's Disease, Waardenburg Syndrome), a person acquires a unique phenomenon.

What do Alexander the Great, Mila Kunis, Jane Seymour and David Bowie have in common? Besides the fact that they are all individuals whose names are well known to many people around the world, all four of them have different colored eyes. In other words, they have heterochromia - a fairly rare condition that occurs in less than 1% of the world's population. What is heterochromia - a disease or an exceptional feature?

What causes heterochromia?

The color of a person's eyes is determined by the iris, or iris. Depending on the content of melanin pigment in its cells and the nature of its distribution, the iris can have a color from light blue to almost black. The color shade of the iris develops during the first months after the baby is born, the final color of his eyes is established in the first or second year of life, and the amount of melanin determines how dark the eye color will be. The less melanin, the lighter the eyes will be, and vice versa. In some cases, when the concentration of melanin and its distribution are heterogeneous, a condition known as iris heterochromia can occur.
Heterochromia (from the Greek ἕτερος - “different”, “different”; χρῶμα - “color”) is a different color of the iris of the right and left eyes or unequal coloring of different parts of the iris of one eye. It is the result of some excess or deficiency of melanin in different eyes, where one eye may be less pigmented, the other more. Heterochromia is a fairly rare phenomenon and occurs in less than 1% of the world's population. It can be hereditary or acquired as a result of eye injury or the development of certain diseases. Many people believe that multi-colored eyes make a face unique. If one eye is blue and the other is brown, the difference is immediately noticeable. Seeing that one eye is gray and the other blue is more difficult, and only by looking closely can you tell the difference.

Types of heterochromia

Depending on the type of coloring of the iris, several types of heterochromia are distinguished: complete, in which both eyes have a different color (Fig. 1); partial, or sectoral, when the iris of one eye contains several different color shades at once (Fig. 2); central, when the iris has several full-fledged colored rings (Fig. 3). The most common type is complete heterochromia, where, for example, one eye is brown and the other is blue. The second type, partial heterochromia, is in some cases a consequence of inherited diseases such as Hirschsprung's disease and Waardenburg's syndrome. In women, heterochromia is more common than in representatives strong half humanity. IN medical practice forms of heterochromia are known that arise as a result of damage to the iris: simple - abnormal coloring of the membrane of the eye with congenital weakness of the cervical sympathetic nerve; complicated - uveitis with Fuchs syndrome ( chronic disease, which is characterized by damage to one of the eyes, expressed by a change in the color of the iris).
Some people have developed heterochromia after injury to the eye with an iron or copper foreign body, when it was not removed in a timely manner. This process is called metallosis of the eye, and when it occurs, a number of symptoms characteristic of inflammation appear eyeball, and in addition, the color of the iris changes. Often with metallosis of the eye, the iris becomes brown-rusty, but it can also be green-blue.
Is it possible to restore the color of the iris? At congenital heterochromia medical treatment won't help, but level it out visible color eyes are capable of color or tint contact lenses. With metallosis, eye color can be restored after successful removal foreign body, and in case of inflammation of the eye - with complete cure.

Heterochromia in animals

In animals, the phenomenon of heterochromia is more common than in humans (Fig. 4). This anomaly can be seen in cats, dogs, horses, cows and even buffaloes.

Rice. 4. Animals with complete heterochromia

Most often, complete heterochromia occurs in cats with a partial or complete white color, for example, in the Turkish Angora and Turkish Van breeds. According to legend, the favorite cat of the Prophet Muhammad, Muizza, had eyes of different colors. Among dogs, heterochromia is often observed in breeds such as the Siberian Husky. Horses with complete heterochromia usually have one brown eye and one white, gray or blue eye, with heterochromia of the eyes occurring in piebald animals.
As a rule, complete heterochromia occurs in animals: one eye is blue or blue-gray in color, and the other is yellow, copper or brown. Partial heterochromia among animals is a rarer phenomenon; it is characterized by a partial inclusion of a color different from the main color of the iris. More often than in other animals, partial heterochromia occurs in dogs of the Australian Shepherd and Border Collie breeds.
Heterochromia is a condition whose gene is inherited; it does not cause any complications or inconveniences for the animal. Its presence does not affect visual acuity and light sensitivity, and the pupil reacts to light with a sharp constriction, as in ordinary animals. However, breeding animals with heterochromia is not recommended; it is considered a defect in the breed, although some animal lovers specifically select odd-eyed pets for themselves.

Should you worry if you have heterochromia?

Of course, heterochromia is an anomaly, but its presence does not necessarily mean the presence of hidden health problems. However, there is evidence that heterochromia may accompany some hereditary diseases. One example of such diseases is Waardenburg syndrome, in which children develop the following clinical signs: congenital hearing loss varying degrees, a gray strand above the forehead and heterochromia. Another example is a disease such as neurofibromatosis, which affects many organs and even entire systems. Externally, it is accompanied by the presence on the skin of many coffee-milk-colored spots, neurofibromas and pigmented hamartomas of the iris (Bream nodules). Experts recommend that not only children, but also adults with congenital or acquired heterochromia undergo an annual medical examination.
If you notice a sudden change in the color of the iris, the appearance of heterochromia, this may be due to a health condition. In this case, you need to consult an ophthalmologist who will conduct a thorough examination and identify any problems.

Diagnosis and treatment of heterochromia

Let us say right away that heterochromia itself is not a disease. However, it may be a consequence of some serious illnesses and therefore requires medical examination from an ophthalmologist. If pathologies are found during the examination, the doctor will give directions for tests and other laboratory tests. Depending on the type of pathology identified, medication or surgical treatment. If the disease is completely cured, eye color can be restored. At congenital pathology You can change the shade only with the help of.

Famous people with heterochromia

The media pay special attention to the description of appearance famous people- actors, singers, athletes, politicians, looking for the slightest deviations from the norm. The British version of Wikipedia, when asked, will give you a whole list of celebrities with one or another type of heterochromia.
Thus, partial or complete heterochromia was noted in the Hollywood actress Mila Kunis: her left eye is brown, her right eye is blue; British actress Jane Seymour: right eye - a combination of green and brown, left eye - green; American actress Kate Bosworth: left eye - blue, right - blue with brown; Canadian actor Kiefer Sutherland has sectoral heterochromia in both eyes - a combination of green and blue in British actor Benedict Cumberbatch; acquired heterochromia after an injury in a fight was noted in the British rock musician, singer and producer David Bowie (Fig. 5). Many other celebrities also have heterochromia.

Rice. 5. A whole list of celebrities with one or another type of heterochromia has been compiled.
In the photo (top down) Stars: Kate Bosworth, David Bowie, Jane Seymour, Mila Kunis

The fact that Alexander the Great had complete heterochromia is mentioned by the Greek historian Arrian, who described Alexander as a strong, attractive commander, one of whose eyes was black as night, and the other blue as the sky.
There are many examples of heterochromia among famous literary characters: Woland (“the right eye is black, the left for some reason is green”) from “The Master and Margarita” and Lieutenant Viktor Myshlaevsky from “The White Guard” by Mikhail Bulgakov, tank commander Vasily Semenov in Janusz Przymanowski’s book “The Four tank driver and dog."
Different eye colors always attract attention, but after reading this article, you will understand that this is most often just an abnormal deviation from the norm, hereditary or acquired.

1 See: Heterochromia iridum // Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. URL: (access date: 09.22.2014).
2 See: Heterochromia // Wikipedia - the free encyclopedia [Site]. URL: %C3 %E5 %F2 %E5 %F0 %EE %F5 %F0 %EE %EC %E8 %FF (access date: 09/22/2014).
3 See: Neurofibromatosis // Medical portal[Website]. URL: (access date: 09.22.2014).
4 See: Heterochromia, or People with different-colored eyes // Educational magazine [Site]. URL: (access date: 09/22/2014).
5 See: What causes different colored eyes? // essilor. URL: (access date: 09/22/2014).
6 See: List of people with heterochromia // Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. URL: (access date: 09.22.2014).
7 See: Alexander the Great // Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. URL: (access date: 09/22/2014).

Olga Shcherbakova, Veko magazine, 8/2014

Heterochromia of the eyes can be not only a kind of unique decoration of the look, but also a symptom of the development of some serious diseases.

The mysterious look of people with different eye colors is not the only thing that is the result of heterochromia. In some cases, this phenomenon may indicate the presence and development of serious pathologies in the body.

What is ocular heterochromia?

Heterochromia refers to a rare phenomenon when the colors of the iris of the right and left eyes are different or the iris of one eye is not the same and, in some cases, unevenly colored.

IMPORTANT: According to statistics, only 1% of people have partial or complete heterochromia. In this case, the most common cases are the color of one eye blue or blue, and the other in shades of brown.

Why people's eyes are different colors: reasons

Heterochromia occurs as a result lack or excess of melanin in the iris or part thereof. The less it is, so lighter color. And vice versa - the more melanin, the darker the eyes.

One of the most harmless reasons for the appearance of heterochromia is heredity.

IMPORTANT: If a child has relatives with eyes of different colors, then there is a high probability of developing heterochromia. Most likely, parents will notice the anomaly in the baby before the age of two.

Other common causes of heterochromia may be:

  1. Inflammation of blood vessels in the eyes with Fuchs syndrome. A change in the color of one or two eyes is often accompanied by blurred vision, deterioration, and, over time, total loss vision.
  2. Eye injury. Eye contact with graphite, metal shavings, or other foreign objects and their untimely removal can lead to a change in the color of the injured eye. As a rule, light eyes darken, acquiring brown or green shades.
  3. Neurofibromatosis.
  4. Effect of medications used to treat glaucoma.

Video: Why do people have different colored eyes?

Central heterochromia of the iris in humans

It is characterized by a change in color only in the area of ​​the pupils. Typically, a small distance around the pupil itself is darker, mostly brown, while the rest of the iris is light.

Owners of eyes with central heterochromia are proud of their unusual expressive gaze and do not realize that this phenomenon is described in medical textbooks.

IMPORTANT: Central heterochromia is not a reason to panic and look for diseases. However, a visit to the ophthalmologist will not be superfluous.

Partial or sector heterochromia of the iris in humans

At partial (sector) heterochromia The iris is not fully colored due to insufficient melanin. As a result, one eye can be “divided” into several unique color segments.

In the middle of the darker color there may be light spots: blue on a background of brown, gray on a background of blue.

Sector heterochromia

What is acquired heterochromia of the eyes?

Acquired heterochromia is almost always the result of serious illnesses, severe inflammatory processes or injuries and can lead to disastrous consequences. People whose color in one or both eyes suddenly begins to change should consult an ophthalmologist as soon as possible.

Reason acquired heterochromia May be:

  1. Siderosis– a disease in which iron deposits occur in the eyes.
  2. Glaucoma treatment drops that provoke excessive melanin production.
  3. Tumor diseases of the eyes.
  4. A iris trophy, manifested in its gradual discoloration.
  5. Neuroblastoma or melanoma– malignant tumors.
  6. Inflammatory process of the blood vessels of the eye membranes, which can cause blindness.

Glaucoma drops can cause heterochromia

Heterochromia of the eyes: how to get sick?

IN modern society The phenomenon of heterochromia is treated as a certain feature that gives the owner of different-colored eyes a magical look.

Creators computer games and anime, rewarding their heroes with heterochromia, try to emphasize the mystery and greatness of these characters. Perhaps this is why a peculiar fashion for multi-colored eyes arose.

Young people often try to deliberately change their eye color, achieving the effect of complete heterochromia.

If the desire to have eyes of different colors is too great, only multi-colored lenses can help. It is impossible to intentionally get sick or become infected with heterochromia of the eyes.

IMPORTANT: In cases of acquired heterochromia, eye color is often restored after the cause that caused this phenomenon is eliminated. If heterochromia is congenital, the eyes will have the colors given by nature until the end of a person’s life.

Why are the eyes different colors? What do they mean?

Eyes of different colors. There are people whose eye color is very difficult to believe. We are talking about people who have different eyes. Yes, yes, exactly. Perhaps when you meet such people, you think they wear contacts. Not logical: What is the point of wearing lenses of different colors if you can be proud of the natural “multi-color” of your eyes? By the way, people with such eyes are rare. If you met one of these little people, consider yourself lucky with a capital L.

Eyes of different colors(photo).Different eyes are cool, stylish and unusual. More often this “phenomenon” occurs in animals. For example, I had a Persian cat whose eyes “shine” with orange and blue. The combination looked beautiful. It took a long time to get used to it.

If people have different colored eyes, then there is something to be said about “different-eyed” people. People with different eye colors- unpredictable, extraordinary and fearless. They are not lacking in politeness and generosity: those around them are simply shocked by how “different-eyed” people differ in these qualities.

What do different colored eyes mean to a person? There are no people without shortcomings. Perhaps the most main drawback people with different eyes – selfishness. They love attention very much and are not shy about demanding it. They love when people notice them and are nearby. It can be very difficult with them. If, for example, they are told that they cannot be met at a given moment in time, peculiar hysterics and scandals begin like “how can something be more important than me.”

Despite the fact that they love loneliness (more precisely: they are accustomed to it), these people have a small circle of loyal and reliable friends, infrequent meetings with whom bring them unearthly joy.

Women – « odd eyes“They are usually prone to being overweight, so they almost always stick to diets. No, they are not offended by their appearance and love themselves very much. But they believe that everything in them should be as close to ideal as possible.

The life of such people is not very rich in variety. But those moments that are remembered will never disappear from their memory. They love holidays and they organize them to perfection. It is so important for them that their family and friends share their joy.

They are patient. And they mostly get work that requires a lot of patience. They never complain that they are not satisfied with their salary. They can only tell their closest friends that she is not very tall. They are not used to complaining at all. They are one of those people who are happy with what they have, and their failures and " bad moods“We’re used to worrying alone.

D girls with such eyes love to dance, sing, read, go to gyms. They are even happy that they were able to find the song they had been looking for for quite a long time.

In love they are fickle until they meet the one. Before meeting him, they usually lead a wild life. When He appears, women change dramatically. Who would have thought... They live for the loved one and for the sake of the loved one. Their selfishness is sharply “dulled.” For the person with whom odd-eyed people are in love, they try to do everything: cook deliciously, do laundry cleanly…. They are excellent housewives. You can learn a lot from these women. By the way, they teach this “much” with great pleasure. Especially those who quickly succumb to their “teachings”.

People with different eye colors. - Unfortunately, they have a tendency towards alcoholism. But they hold on. Among these women there are fans of smoking. This is a nightmare: they tried to quit many times, tried to escape from nicotine addiction how much literature have you read? And all - to no avail: smoking does not want to “let go” of them. By the way, they don’t mind smoking an expensive coke when the opportunity arises.

AND Women with different eyes cannot think only about home life. They love to take care of themselves, so they always have a variety of creams, shower gels, shampoos, perfumes, samples, and ointments in their collection. In general, a store can be opened with such reserves. There is something to be proud of.

People have eyes of different colors. They are distinguished by stubbornness and capriciousness, although they try not to talk about the fact that they have these qualities. Another feature that makes itself felt is slight rudeness. But they are rude only to those people who really deserve it, not understanding the “other language”.

They are on good terms with their parents, but do not find as much time for them as they would like. When between them "is born" conflict situation, they become uncontrollable. The fact is that such people are “invincible conflict generators.” They believe that they are right in everything and always, even when they are not.

Odd-eyed people- very touchy. Therefore, you must always speak to them carefully and watch every word you say. Of course, such women know how to forgive, but they will remember any offense for a long time. They don’t know how to give hints, and they don’t consider it necessary.

Honesty is always with them. Better the truth, which is unpleasant, than a lie, which can brighten up everyday life.

I'll tell you a secret: I am very close to the “different-eyed” girl. We've been friends for a very long time. And I was always surprised and amused by how colorful her eyes were. There was a time when I thought for a very long time about why they were different. I’ll tell you sincerely: such eyes look natural and beautiful. And they don't look like lenses at all. I remember showing photos of her to my friends, and they asked: “Why is the camera looking so weird on this particular girl?” When I explained that this was indeed the color of her eyes, no one believed it. And I would believe, if I saw such eyes even in stranger. Our world is full of various wonders and unusual things. In my opinion, there are few things that can surprise one hundred percent anymore.

Why are the eyes different colors? Natural phenomenon or genetic shift?

Z It’s wonderful if people are born with eyes like these. It is very bad if “multi-coloredness” is not an innate, but an acquired phenomenon. The reason for this “multi-color” is heterochrony. This is an excess or deficiency of a pigment such as melanin.

Here is a list of those people who suffer from a deficiency or abundance of this pigment:

  1. People with glaucoma.
  2. People with eye injuries.
  3. Those people who develop a tumor (benign).
  4. “Colorfulness” as a reason for a person’s reaction to medications.

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