Photographs of animals in their natural environment. Beautiful photos of animals

Beautiful animal photos not so easy to do.

Why does an animal photographer pick up a camera and go to the forest, desert, mountains or the sea? He knows that there are no less secrets and discoveries here than when studying space through a telescope. Amazing, incredible animals, birds and fish described in biology textbooks, measured from tail to beak, defined in their habitats, never cease to amaze us with their perfection, uniqueness and beauty.

In the rich fauna of our planet, an animal photographer can find everything. You can find similarities between people and their brothers - smaller and larger. And in the world of insects you can find prototypes of alien monsters from science fiction films - all you need to do is take macro photography of a praying mantis or an antlion. However, photography of animals is relevant not only when observing wildlife; photography of our pets is no less important. Photographing cats and dogs is as important a genre of family photography as photographing children.

In this section you will find the best photo of animals, birds, sea inhabitants, macro photographs of the microworld - living things, frozen only for a moment to show all their beauty.

Instagram Ossi Saarinen:
Finnish wildlife

Ossi Saarinen is a talented 22-year-old wildlife photographer from Finland. Ossie takes wonderful portraits of foxes, birds, ducks, raccoons and other cute animals.

A picture is an image of one or more objects that are interconnected in meaning. It serves as an excellent visual aid that promotes better assimilation and perception of the material being studied. Especially great value play educational pictures to teach children, help them improve visual memory. Therefore, if you want to convey to your child some important information, then in mandatory Show him children's pictures or photos on this topic. In this way, he will perceive everything you tell him about much more effectively. This way you will significantly expand your baby’s inner world.


For example, beautiful pictures and photos of animals for children introduce them to the many species that exist in nature. You probably won’t meet a single child who has never seen a cat or a dog. By the way, they can live not only on the street by themselves, but also at home. It is pets that become our helpers and best friends. You can watch online or download and print beautiful cards showing pets on our website.

A dog is considered a man's best friend. Basically, a family living in a small apartment gets dogs of decorative breeds (lapdogs, poodles) because they get along well with their owners and are easy to care for. Children's pictures of animals allow you to get acquainted with some of these breeds and study the world of dogs in more detail.

For people living in the private sector, it is preferable to have service and guard dogs for the purpose of protecting private property, including home. Color photos of such dogs can also be viewed on our website.

As for cats, there are no particular breed preferences for catching mice. The main thing here is that they cope well with their responsibilities. And our smaller friends of the Persian or Angora breed are perfect as a pet. In general, dogs and cats are pets that instill in children a sense of kindness, caring for someone else, and bring peace and tranquility to the home.

The world of pets is not limited to just cats and dogs. Children's age kindergarten it is necessary to introduce other pets living in Russia: pigs, goats, cows, horses, rams. All of them are very necessary for a person. If you do not have the opportunity to show the children these animals live, use beautiful black and white and color pictures showing pets.

Wild animals

Beautiful pictures for children of animals with inscriptions also introduce them to the wild animals of Russia that live everywhere, just not in apartments with people. This is the main difference between wild animals and domestic ones. Their preferred method of obtaining food is hunting, which requires certain skills and abilities. It’s not for nothing that they say that the fittest survive in the wild. In forest conditions, cunning and dexterity are the main qualities for survival.

gray hare and forest deer:

Forest animals with names in English.

Children can learn about such animals from the pages of numerous fairy tales, which colorfully tell about their behavior and role in the wild nature of Russia. And black and white or color pictures for children about animals, which can be viewed on our website, will only contribute to their better perception and memorization.

Black and white pictures

Educational pictures about animals for kindergarten children with inscriptions allow you to study the inhabitants of the tundra - the north of Russia. Black-and-white or color cards with tundra animals introduce children to fauna they may never see in person. Children's pictures with the inhabitants of the tundra can help parents and educators in studying the topic “Wild Animals”. The north of our country - the tundra - is characterized by harsh nature, and children in kindergarten or school must know about how they eat and what kind of life the inhabitants of these regions lead.

Forest animals are also presented on our website. Forest inhabitants are not limited to the geography of the north of the country. Forest animals live in the middle zone, and even in the south.

We present pictures and photos of African animals. Educational pictures with the inhabitants of Africa will also allow you to get acquainted with representatives of the fauna, which your child will rarely or will not see in person. Africa is characterized by a hot, arid climate. The task of the teacher or parent is to tell what they eat and how lions, rhinoceroses, tigers, camels and other animals of distant Africa live.

Believe me, if you show your child black-and-white or color pictures of Russian animals as a visual aid, he will understand and remember any information presented to him much faster. Listen to this recommendation, and the result will not take long to arrive. You will soon see this for yourself.

So, you can find children's pictures with pets, inhabitants of the tundra, forest and Africa on our website. Introduce children to the natural environment and teach them to take care of it!

Wild animals are either in the zoo or in their immediate habitat: forests, mountains. Unlike pets, you practically never see them in everyday life, but studying fauna necessary with a child. To help you, we offer a set of colorful pictures of wild animals to download and print.

With the help of these educational cards you can clearly demonstrate to your child what wild animals live in Russia.

Also, in addition to cards with wild animals, you can print. Study each group of animals separately with your child first. Tell us the name of the animal, where it lives, what it eats, how it “talks,” etc. After the child has mastered the material, ask the child to independently talk about each of them and sort the pictures into domestic and wild animals.

The training material is adapted for A4 paper format. Each sheet contains 2 illustrations of animals.

You can also study wild animals with the help of educational cartoons Malyshman TV

Educational cards for studying animals with children

Educational cards for studying animals with children

Educational cards for studying animals with children

Educational cards for studying animals with children

Educational cards for studying animals with children

Educational cards of wild animals for children, pictures of Wolf and Tiger

Educational cards of wild animals for children, pictures of Fox and Raccoon

Educational cards of wild animals for children, pictures of Snow Leopard and Bison

Educational cards of wild animals for children, pictures of Boar and Brown Bear

Educational cards of wild animals for children, pictures of Beaver and Hedgehog

2.1 Wyconnian technique of depicting birds and creatures

in cob classes

The creative light is even more vibrant and varied in shape and color. In early classes, these forms are usually drawn in the profile, which makes it possible to change the flow of perspective changes into the images. Initially, for painting the forms of the created world, first toys, stuffed animals, and then living nature can be used. Learn to depict the hands of birds and creatures in such a way as to smell them. Characters in literary works often depict stinks in Russia and in very complex and promising situations.

The future reader must be able to draw love to paint the folding forms of the created world: show the methods of depicting them, the sequence of painting the little ones, etc. In order to create a treasure, it is necessary to know the theory and technique of painting the forms of the created world.

Birds are a great choice for pictures. The diversity of bird species, the beauty of living forms and fab, the special plasticity and dynamics, the power of rich birds - all of this is of great interest to students. Although there is some specificity in drawing birds, the laws of realistic depiction of nature are also valid for drawing such objects.

The main goal of gaining knowledge and skills in the field of depicting birds is the systematic independent work on sketches from life (including from life). The main focus of the study of birds is the loss of drawing from life.

Anyone who wants to keep a baby from a living creature or from a stuffed animal needs to know the basic anatomical and constructive structure of his body, his skeleton and the growth of his muscles. The anatomical structure of human beings and long-legged animals is richly complex: skull, spinal column, rib cage, shoulder blades, pelvis, end bones. The musculature of creatures is also similar to that of humans in its system, the development of filthy meat masses, as well as in the ruk, which is significantly more common in creatures. The ends are connected to the body, like in humans. From behind the stench is connected through the pelvis, in front - behind the shoulder girdle, the shoulder blades are connected to the chest and the spine behind the back of the shoulder girdle, which means the ulcers of the shoulder girdle of a person.

When the human heads are aligned with the heads of various creatures, there is also a lot of mystery in everyday life: binary symmetry, brain and facial skull, upper and lower slits, eye recesses. Therefore, the images of creatures are forced to work in the same way as people - the same middle, facial lines, etc. A lot of zagalnogo and similar and in everyday life endings. You need to remember that the creature steps on the front end, which is in proper pronation. The hands of supination and pronation are: lion, witch, cat, hare, rabbit, kangaroo, in the lesser world And the dog, the hoards cannot be fed with them at all.

The hands of the ends of creatures are similar to the hands of people, basically similar - the hands are lost and unthreaded when walking, running and shaving. Hijaks have grazing arms in their front legs, which include the arms of pronation and supination. In this case, the arms of the shoulder joints are sharply demarcated; Hoarders don't have them at all.

The skeletons and muscles of the creature must be carefully examined, learned and remembered - this is necessary for the future painting of creatures from nature and from memory. If you can’t identify your own anatomical creature, but only draw small ones based on contours, including visible bulges and depressions, you can’t see a competent and beautiful baby. Therefore, it is recommended, if possible, to draw and sketch from the skeletons of various creatures. It will be possible to figure out the hidden body of the creature, the hand of the creature, the proportions of the different parts of the body, the principle of the joint parts of the body, the division of the main parts of the body.

Between the skeleton of a human and a bird there are also many similarities: birds have a ridge especially low in the cervical part, a rib cage with a rib cage protruding forward onto the shape of the keel of the ship - here can be attached pectoral muscles that lead in the wings of the wing, which is lifted by the bird in The shoulder girdle has its own tufts (similar to human collarbones and shoulder blades), which contain the wing’s wings. The pelvis is light and thin; the tail part of the ridge protrudes from the back, controlling the tail feathers. ovane under the feathers, but along the little skeleton You can understand where the pelvic joint is located, where the knee is, where the pelvis is located and where the foot comes out of the feather, where the pelvic joint is located and how the foot is formed. In rich birds (gander, songbird, blue, etc.) the foot is only supportive, in small birds it is prehensile and therefore powerful and strong.

After becoming familiar with the anatomical everyday life of creatures and birds (either in real life - skeletons, stuffed animals, or from reproductions, illustrations in the book), you can begin to paint creatures from nature.

Begin by thoroughly creating a series of sketches and sketches using olives, vugillas, sanguine, brushes, feathers (monochrome watercolor, ink) of stuffed animals - hares, foxes, squirrels, stumps, chickens, jocks, magpies, crows, pheasant and in., and if possible, from live models.

Depending on the tasks set, the nature of the creature’s shape, its coat and plumage, not only the design technique is chosen, but also the method of breeding the baby. In image-making creativity, the latest methods of quick painting are widely used:

One lines;

Lines with one-hour design with strokes;

Vikonannya sketch iz zastosuvannymi elements of budovy schemes;

Vikonannya sketched out a diagram;

Vikonannya is written in a tone, with a “flame”.

Depending on the chosen methods, the handwriting of the wines can begin with axial, central lines, which indicate the dark flow and spaciousness of the creature, the bird, with further insets of short lines, strokes of shading , head, legs, tail, or begin with a line, stroke, what outlines the silhouette, outline, characteristic of the depicted creature. Widely expanding the method of drawing up creatures with different elements of schemes, if the outline is drawn into geometric shapes that fit into the overall shape of the creatures, and then the individual features of the creature are specified and marked, fur coat and plumage of animals and birds.

Moreover, for the proper and thorough treatment of a skin creature, it is entirely necessary to draw a few sketches and sketches of the surrounding parts (head, legs, etc.) of one creature from different points of view, from different sides. If painting is carried out with a living, moving model, it is better to stand in one place and “catch” the various creatures of nature. It’s not a problem, if one or another hand, the pose quickly changes, you need to start another hand, and if the first hand, the pose is repeated, continue the first hand, etc. The traces of the mother are respected, that in the cage, in the minds of the surrounding open spaces, there are a lot of ruins, the positions of the creatures are endlessly repeated.

In practice, students may experience difficulties if they have to pretend to be birds in the wind or fly. It is necessary to note that there are two types of flight: the crest, when the bird flaps its wings, the roc's roaring crests and the winged ones; and steamy, when the bird supports its body on the flared wings, corroded by inertia and the appropriate current of the wind.

When drawing the heads of carved birds, it is necessary to trace the difference in shapes, their proportions, and the location of the main parts. When painting birds, the student must also consider depicting objects in a painting way.

In order to properly understand the anatomical nature of animals and birds, to avoid sufficient information about the methodical consistency of their depiction, it is necessary to create a number of interesting drawings from nature.

A simple, rather trivial drawing allows you to carefully examine and analyze the structure of the body of the depicted bird, conveying the characteristic features of its appearance at the required level of detail. These drawings may be needed many times by the teacher when preparing textbooks before school lessons. It is obvious that the sketches are so distressing that they can smell both from dead and from living nature, if you realize the ability to draw a bird that spends more or less distressing hours in one position.

When working from a living nature, the drawing can be quite difficult, but as a rule, it is not possible to do so during the painting hours. The pattern with the fallen birds can be drawn many times. This allows you to depict the nature of all parts from a non-fragile model with constant lightening.

Whether the work is based on the image of birds, from the living or from the dead, it is necessary to carry out sequentially, completely directly, taking into account the characteristics of the depicted object and the task to stand in front of the studies. The sequence of working on a drawing of a bird from nature or from a tree can be formulated as follows: depending on the compositional idea and the format of the sheet, it is necessary to see the cordons of the image, with light strokes to outline the shadowy outlines of the bird’s shape, according to its rukhiv, following this, so that the figure is firmly posed. Then determine the relative parts of the body: install the length of the coat and find its width, the size of the head, mark the paws and tail.

For different parts of the body, starting with the largest parts, it is necessary to carry out work from the first to the specific, from the head to the next row, from large parts to small ones, paying attention to the integrity of the drawing. In this case, attention is paid to the shape of the head, chest, coat, wing and tail.

It is necessary to note where the entire tube is bent to the surface of the ground and to the neck, on which the bird sits, where the axes are directly in relation to the tube, and how the axes of the legs are located in relation to the axis of the tube. If the hidden forms of the bird are found, then proceed to clarify them further. The specific features of the forms of the coat, head, wings and tail, legs are indicated. The shape of the coat of most birds is egg-shaped, which extends straight to the tail. The character of whose character lies in the form of the bird that is being drawn. Different species of birds have very different head shapes and necks.

I’ll teach you how to draw the shape of the sheepskin coat, how to place the wings and tail in the drawing, how to shape the head, neck. Having obtained the final shape of the body of the bird, it is necessary to clarify the surrounding parts and details of the drawing. Analyzing the nature, it is clear that the skin form of the creature is shaped to the middle in which it lives. Thus, the main form of the body of the fish is shaped to float lightly near the water and suggests an oval, which when there are visions and complications from both ends iv.

Having drawn the shape of the coat, head, fins, and the dimensions of the surrounding parts of the fish, proceed to its image. The spine is carried out on the axis to determine directly the body and the direction of the fish. Then mark the length and greatest width, determine the location and size of the head, coat, tail and fins. Having checked the proportions and perspective position of the body, proceed to identify the shape and paint the details of the fish.

Perspective images of fish are already painted in the 1st grade during thematic painting lessons (“Fish in an aquarium among the seaweed”), when students try to paint fish such as the smell they smelled of - in Russia and in other promising situations. That is why the current teacher is guilty of noticing small fish in various open spaces.

Looking at the forms of different birds, it is noted that the main shape of their coat resembles an egg - the shape in which the skin bird was molded for the beginning of its life. The shapes of the head, neck, and chest of birds are extremely varied and crowned.

Drawing a bird from a living model is, without a doubt, very important in Russia. The best models for developing these forms in nature are initially toys, and then stuffed birds and living nature. To make it easier to depict the folded form of birds and creatures, follow the design diagrams, which make it easy to move on to a real depiction of nature.

I’ll try to put the stuffed bird in the profile. Having placed the nature, analyze its structural form, clarifying it. There is a renewed respect for the shape of the bird, its proportions, the smoothness of the transition of the shape of the coat, neck, and head. For example, during the analysis of the stuffed pigeon, they pay respect to those who have an oval-shaped coat with a fringe back, a round head with a straight downward bend, and legs with a fringe in front. Using light strokes, indicate on the paper the original dimensions of the bird and the proportions of the crown, the head with the chin, the tail, the legs and paint its original shape from life. Then paint the details and convey the overall shape of the stuffed animal.

Then compose the task by turning the stuffed animal forward in front of the person painting. Images of birds on themed little ones reinforce the knowledge and skills in painting them in the open air.

Painting animals, such as birds, must begin with toys and stuffed animals in the profile. The babies begin by placing the image on the paper's arch, the value of the lateral size and the body proportion of the creatures. Axial lines indicate the position in the space of the coat, the head, and the legs of the creatures, depicting their shape in a regular manner.

Having verified and specified the proportions of the body in nature, their mutual connection, paint the necessary details and reveal the volume of the shape in lightness. A lot of important details include the image of a model of the creature, placed in a turn, and in Russia it is clear to who is painting. Particular respect is given to the perspective of each baby, the transfer of individual characteristics of the creature, the identification of its shape and the transfer of texture.

As the hour allows and the reader of the teachings that the children are obsessed with painting the creatures, it’s already funny to see another year for creating quick sketches from the nature of a living rabbit or other creatures (guinea pigs, squirrels, etc.). For this purpose, we first need to contact the biology teacher (as there is a living bundle at school) or some of the students who are engaged in rabbit breeding, in order to bring a living nature to the school for the drawing of sketches.

So that the creature feels calm in front of the class, there is a demonstration place on the raised place: the bottom is covered, and three sides of the table are covered with cardboard and a thick paper is blocked. Give the creatures their favorite grub, so that the yakkomoga collapses less.

The process of capturing drawings from living creatures is very complicated, and even faster. It is only in Russia that the character of the creature, the plasticity of its natural body, is most clearly revealed. On the other hand, in learning with special activity, vigilance, caution, and victorious technique vibrate. The painting of living creatures from nature is richly complex. First of all, in this day and age, creatures are mostly found in the zoo, which is quite insignificant from the looks of it as an educational bastard. In other words, the creatures are even dead and it is very important, sometimes impossible, to depict them at one, fixed point of view. Therefore, it is imperative to use a variety of quick sketches and sketches from the nature of living animals, birds, fish, and domestic creatures. Vikonanna and trival works (little ones in olives, vugillas, watercolors) are primarily carried out with stuffed animals.

Most birds and creatures are very fragile, and it is therefore important to ensure that the model remains in the position for a long time, which is necessary for the execution of the intended drawing. You have to wait patiently for the moment if the rotation phase is selected for the image and you can continue to chew the robot. A lot of intelligence and activity are required to successfully draw birds in Russia. In such incidents, it is advisable to vikorize Swedish sketches. In addition to laconic features, they convey the smut itself, which is characteristic of one or another object.

The outlines are the most condensed, economical about the details of the conversation about education. In a trivial sketch you can show the nature in more detail, give more respect to the detailed details. Ale and such a handwriting is liable to become too short.

The stages of the outline are as follows: firstly you need to be amazed at the nature, evaluate it further, understand your goals and the final result of the work. And all this needs to be done at the most efficient time, as soon as possible. In this way, instead of writing, seeing the essential elements, achieving the integrity of the image is the responsibility of the student. As a result of systematic work, there is the necessary evidence and consistency that will allow you to further compose notes at a high level.

In order to master the principles of working on animalistic themes, students need to carefully master the correct methods of drawing, use different materials and techniques for drawing, and achieve a truthful and expressive representation of nature. You need to get into the habit of following the sequence of work: quickly and easily compose the images, noticing the boundaries with light notches, then establish the main proportions of the object, characterize the birds’ movements and carry out indirect clarification of the form, achieving truthfulness, clarity and integrity of the style. In most surges, all events occur very quickly (div. Fig. 1).

It is important to make detailed methodical inscriptions from working on the sketches due to the diversity of the order that arises when drawing different representatives of the world of birds. However, you can notice certain patterns of such work, along with recommendations for its implementation. First of all, ensure that the consistency of the drawing, the drawing from the general to the specific, from the large, head parts to the larger, in-line, the need to achieve the integrity of the image - this is the main responsibility principles that are followed in any topic as in in the same way as in the sketch. In the end, all this is going on smoothly, completely.

The developments are of great importance due to the greatest difference, typical in the skin model. It is possible not to convey any details, but it is impossible not to note the main and in nature, which constitutes individual characteristics and is important for the overall characteristics.

The depiction of birds in Russia is of great importance and at the same time considerable difficulty, since the characteristic features of their plasticity are most clearly manifested. Such essays are distinguished by their special real-life truthfulness and expressiveness.

I need to learn to get the hang of drawing small-flying birds. Step by step, the themes of the essays and work can be arranged and varied.

It is important to grasp such a possibil- ity of drawings: when drawing a bird in any Russia, it is necessary to change the place according to the change in its position, fluttering after it and continuing the drawing in fact from one and the same point of view. You can also work on sketching the birds in different positions on one sheet of paper, drawing parallel lines of sketches, working on each position hour after hour, while rotating the birds in different positions. Constructing such sketches is better than standing ones, they are also more fragile, and you have more ability to choose the required points of view.

In your sketch, it is important to convey the subtle outline of the bird’s body, its head and the proportions of its arms. Even different body positions, when the characteristic shape of birds is especially clearly visible, often show a profile. In this case, the peculiarity of its silhouette and basic proportions are well reflected. However, do not separate the images of only the profile positions of the parts. It is necessary to observe and draw them from different points of view.

When writing such strokes, fluidity and ease of pressure are required. The diagram of the structural basis of the body, the additional lines, as a rule, do not follow the same lines, the main focus is on the nature of the contour lines, which indicate the peculiarities of life, the proportions of creatures, the nature of ruins, etc. A subtle touch is placed especially in the most shady places.

Particular attention needs to be paid to the psychological preparation of students before the end of the century, because the first sketches, as a rule, often turn out to be short-lived, and children can be rather disappointed with the inheritance of their heritage. In order to be successful in your studies, this assignment can be declared competitive by having an exhibition of short essays in the office.

The tonal preparation of the little thing begins with the application of strokes to the tone in the plots, shaded in the shade (weather shade, light shade, falling shade). Then the tone becomes stronger, more intense, and thereby the form, the volume of the surrounding plots of the figure of the creature, the body, the turn of the neck, the back, the shoulder blades, etc. are instantly clarified and specified.

It is important to transfer the texture of the fur coat of a creature, a feathered bird, directly to its breeding ground. With this method, it is necessary not to rush to look at the “roof”, straight wool, plumage on the surrounding plots of animals, birds, understand its patterns and, through additional shading and shading, convey softness, plasticity, the brush of the skin of some creatures and the fluffiness of others.

After completing a series of sketches and drawings, you can move on to the tatty little ones from nature (sheep and watercolors), stuffed animals and birds: owl, hare, foxes, hedgehogs, dogs, cats, goats, jocks, magpies, rogues, and pigeons in. Creatures are depicted both individually and in a group.

If the little ones paint with watercolors, you can use watercolor paintings any way you like. Ale on the very cob, with the viconan of the first plants, it’s still better to vikoristovvat with the method of step-by-step infusion of color, the method of wood, robots “in the dry”. It is also necessary to remove more of the quick watercolor studies that omitted the creatures and their details.

The main task, how to stand before studying when working on pictorial sketches and quick sketches is this: if possible, briefly for the help of everyday illustrative methods, give secret information about the shape and color of the bird and its main details.

In painting, the representative features are beautiful colors, the use of warm and cold shades of colors. The pictorial handwriting can be embossed by making a marking on the front of the sheet with olive.

Colorful sketches and sketches are guilty of expressing clever, thoughtful decisions, conveying the heady, authentic features of nature, and the subtle shadows of the depicted. A very handy material for carrying out such work is watercolor. She has great imaginative abilities, is efficient in the hands of a teacher, is extremely simple in writing, and is quite important in the creation of simple sketches and sketches. Watercolor ensures the diversity of technical techniques in a wide range of paintings.

While looking at the treasure trove of picturesque images of birds, it is necessary to focus on certain moments. One of these moments is the great diversity, the richness of color of the depicted nature, the difference in the characteristic barbed surface of the surface, like piers.

At the beginning stage of the work, a preparatory drawing is completed, on which the outline of the bird’s coat is established, and the main parts are outlined. At the last, final stage of the work, the refinement of color and shape is completed. The additional overlap of thin balls of watercolor farbs achieves the complexity of color nuances and active color and tonal harmoniousness.

The practice of the teacher of the creative mystique and the dossi has such a traditional type of graphic activity for the school, like a little kid on a school board. This is explained by the availability and cost-effectiveness of this material. The cool kid and the kid are in any school, with their help the teacher can quickly illustrate his explanation. It is easy to erase the details of the image, change any part of it, or add other elements. This is necessary in these cases if it is necessary to reveal the dynamic process of work before the study, to show the ability of a rich child with details or the principles of correcting problems. Vikorist kreida with a head rank to create laconic linear-contour drawings on the classic board.

If necessary, it is possible to create detailed details of the little ones with a sharpened characteristic of tonal lines and the volumetric shape of objects. In such cases, in shady places, the little ones will completely deprive the surface of the board of a pure dark color, and The light is interpreted with the help of the finishing touches of different versatility and with different forces of pressure on Creid, ensuring the required balance of light and shade.

There is no need to spend an hour on folding little things that are assembled with glue or in a combination of other materials, as they require a significant investment of time for your project. Estrate, they reach with such tanks, can be bouti for forgetting for the short -willed clinos, laconic drawings, vigorous vugilles, sangye, pastell, aquirell, gouache, a hard -thorough foil on the great sheets of a papero.

It is worth noting that the little ones are less creative in their abilities than the sketches compiled with the help of other materials that are widely used in the creative practice of artists. For example, it is easier to transfer light-colored relationships to the creative image due to the negativity of the image. In addition, such a baby is more intelligent (white outlines of objects on a dark background) and is less able to guess the primary visual symptoms. Because of the well-prepared, skillful artists-teachers, they will be able to successfully reconcile the little ones in the best way possible. The introduction into practice of the work of readers of the creative mystique of materials suitable for the creation of pedagogical little ones is an area of ​​creativity, but does not include them entirely from the arsenal of the artist-teacher.

It is necessary to emphasize the importance of the up-to-date methodical sequence of teaching pedagogical little ones. The schoolchildren closely guard the teacher’s activities. It is impossible to practice unsystematically, without respect for the principles of sequential breeding of babies adopted in the method: from the back - to the partial, from the head - to the next. To explain, demonstrative painting, which is carried out by the teacher, actively flows onto the students, and to conclude such painting is evidently, in fact, that the entire process of working on the child, every stage of it, is a pedagogical activity. One can notice the particular dynamism of the pedagogical little ones, which lies in the fact that over the course of almost an hour the teacher has been gradually creating the little ones in the presence of the students, who carry out the whole process of painting in dynamics: from the first strokes to the remaining ones.

When raising pedagogical babies, it is necessary to take care of the children’s age, the level of their development, interests, and abilities. And on the right there is not only a place in the order, transferred to the program for this or that fate. It is also important that the little ones of the teacher, in terms of the quantity and complexity of the educational information contained in them, and their creative components, in their purposeful orientation, are different for the skin eyelids groups of students For example, in the little ones intended for schoolchildren of the younger classes, the world of simplicity of the image can be much greater than in the little ones designed for demonstration to older students. Apparently, in the skin group, the relationship between the spluttering cob and the rationally logical material in the little readers may change.

It is not too late to replace the pedagogical little things that lie ahead of those lessons and the initial material that is illustrated, which can be clearly expressed figurative characteristics or a related humorous interpretation of the image. In these cases, if instead of explanatory little ones the material is of a methodical nature (for example, a demonstration of the sequence of the creation of an image or methods of the voluminous form of some object), the principle of presenting educational material will be with the importance of logical elements over emotional ones.

The teacher-artist is obliged to use advanced pedagogical tact, to respect the artist’s senses, so as not to over-emphasize his explanation, an imaginative display of the initial material through geometricization, so as not to transform the process of the beginning, from the occupation of paintings into piles Zhenya methodical schemes.

The reader’s little one is an authoritative confirmation of the correctness of these methodological positions, as the reader explains in the hour of clear explanation. Such a little one transforms schoolchildren into the pain and completeness of learning, in the need for creative creative activity. Pedagogical painting, skillfully and efficiently wins the teacher's authority.

An important role in the youthful mastery of Swedish painting is played by the development of sensual memory and the ability to create patterns on the basis of short-lived enemies, captured as a result of the short-term guarding of nature. You have the right to be of interest in the Swedish painting. One of these has the right to be carried out like this. For 1-2 weeks, carefully look at the subject of your current sketch, identify its main characteristic features, the principle of inspiration, and then, having tidied up the subject or come out of it, create a concise drawing from memory. For example, you can again look at the model to appreciate the level of objectivity of the image. Over the course of the year, the creation of sketches behind the guards becomes a straightforward process, and their creation does not present any significant difficulties.

One of the warehousing skills of quick painting is the ability to create extremely laconic sketches, to feel the image to the fullest extent of the image. Whoever has this type of personality has the right to do so: after painting some tattered little thing or a ground-breaking drawing from nature, it is necessary to create a neat outline on this topic from memory. choose the most important thing, achieve the desired peace simplicity and laconicism of the image. During such work, details are revealed, detailed modeling is not carried out, the details of the objects are revealed, uninformative signs are shortened, and the image of the object is revealed.

There is a clear appreciation of nature, ensuring the proportional and tonal interrelation of parts of the image, identifying the figurative essence of the model, establishing various graphic features to convey the artist’s idea, laconicism and expressiveness This sketch - everything has an important meaning in the rich painting, for which Volodya the artist is thoroughly guilty - teacher

The development of visual memory is of great importance for the artist-teacher. Paint skillfully and successfully, relying on visual memory, and both the linguistic and successful work of the teacher. support the creative activity of schoolchildren, suggest and show This is how we paint different stories and stories. The work is neat, efficient and professional.

The themes of children's little ones are rich and varied, they often intertwine reality and fantasy. The inquisitive intelligence of children and their activity are often expressed in imaginative creativity. When conducting classes with schoolchildren, the teacher often improvises, provides evidence for unplanned meals, there is little difference in the various tasks and positions. I remember the dawn, the richness of the dawn, the mother’s significant stock of the dawn’s manifestations. These fruits are brown and in the special creative work of the teacher.

The diverse creaturely light is an essential part of our natural nature, which is closely connected with human life. Animalistic themes are an important component of the creative activity of artists. Teachers of the guilty nobility depicting animalistic scenes, knowing the principles of anatomical living creatures and birds, and understanding their painting. The main focus of the lesson is sketches from nature, which are carried out in a zoo, in rural areas, in a forest, etc. In addition, it is necessary to complete a number of drawings from scratch.

The plastic beauty of creatures is most clearly revealed in dynamics, as the skin develops its own characteristics. Thus, the process of walking or running is made up of elements that are consistently developed (permanently hanging legs, moments of support, free movement, etc.). The skin phases are governed by their own laws. Knowing this particularity, the artist can expressively convey his passion for nature and his creative thoughts.

Learn how to be a beginner in educational activities in the experimental classroom. At the end of the experimental investigation, it became obvious: in the process of developing the refined methodology we developed for the formation of beginner painting in creative arts lessons in the experimental class, there was a significant improvement compared to the control level. Even the development of basic skills and skills (...

Developmental activities with preschoolers give results only with correctly selected visual material. Drawings of objects, people, pictures of animals are irreplaceable for the learning and development of children. Speech therapists use such images both in group and individual work. How to do it right?

General operating principles

If you want to get the maximum benefit from using visual material, then you need to follow several important rules:

  1. It is important to select images taking into account age characteristics pupils. Children (up to 3 years old) need to be shown cards of domestic animals and birds only with those fauna inhabitants that the children can meet in person.
  2. The drawings should show real forest dwellers, animals of the seas and oceans, pets, and farm inhabitants. Avoid stylized images of wild animals and their domestic counterparts. The color of the coat and parts of the body should be natural, just like in nature. Not all children's pictures can be used in classes. For example, drawings of cartoon animals are completely inappropriate.
  3. It is important to choose images only with a light background, it does not distract attention.
  4. Cards with images should be attractive and durable enough. If you couldn’t buy good flashcards, you can glue the pictures onto cardboard yourself or laminate them.

Series of pictures “Domestic animals and their babies”:

Types of pictures

All cards for speech therapy sessions can be divided into several groups.


Small cards, with one picture (an animal) on each. For example, in the series “Wild animals of our forests” there will be a wolf, an elk, a badger on them.

Kit “Animals of the North” will consist of drawn walruses, arctic foxes, and seals.


Illustration paintings with several characters and a plot. They help children write detailed, detailed stories using nouns, adjectives, and verbs. One plot picture allows you to discuss several topics at once: what benefits do pets bring, who cares for them, where they live.


A set of drawings depicting some kind of story, a plot in development. For example, some animals look different in winter and summer. An image of a squirrel in a gray and red coat, for example, allows a child to compose a story about the change of seasons and the preparation of animals for winter.

Drawings of wild animals and their babies allow you to come up with a story about the childhood of a small animal.

Coloring pages

Outline images are another opportunity for the speech development of babies. High-quality coloring books help you master many new concepts and learn to use descriptive adjectives and prepositions. They also additionally stimulate the speech center (through regular training). Simple coloring pages can be used for children from 3 years old.

Coloring pages “Wild animals”

Examples of games and activities with pictures of animals

  • "Who am I talking about?"

Cards with images of domestic animals and birds are laid out in front of the players. The presenter describes one of them without naming him; the first one who guesses who he is talking about takes the card for himself. The one who collects the most pictures wins.

  • "Who is this?"

Ask your child: “Which wild animals of our forests change their coats in winter? (they hibernate, eat berries, are not afraid of water). He must select cards, explaining his choice.

  • "Compare and Tell"

You need to select two images. These can be any wild or domestic animals and birds - very similar or completely different. The child is asked to name as many common or distinctive features between them. The younger the children, the less similar the animals should be.

  • "Remember and find"

If you take paired pictures of animals and their babies, you can play one of the “memory” options. The cards need to be turned face down and then shuffled. Each player can open only two pictures. If a pair is formed, then the player takes it for himself. The winner is determined by the number of cards collected.

  • “Our animal friends, domestic and forest”

Invite your child to take cards from the pile, talking about the habits of the selected inhabitant of the forest or farm.

Drawing animals can be an excellent speech therapy tool. It is easy to choose a suitable picture from a book, but it is better, of course, to use special card sets.

Fedorova Ekaterina

speech therapist-defectologist