Gbuz RM Mordovian Republican Clinical Psychiatric Hospital. Psychiatric Republican - Saransk and the Republic of Mordovia

One of the most serious challenges facing modern society, is conservation mental health nation.
Ruthless statistics claim that mental disorders occur in every fourth inhabitant of the planet at one time or another in their lives. Treatment of mental disorders is a key and most complex problem in medicine, which is the most difficult to solve, because huge amount factors influence the patient's condition. This and physical health, and social and living conditions, and numerous stresses at work and at home. That's why priority direction successful development of mental health care is integrated approach affecting all areas of the patient’s life. For many years, its own program to improve the quality of provision of inpatient psychiatric care has been successfully implemented by the Mordovian Republican State Institution psychiatric hospital».
In December 2012, GUZ MRPB is preparing to celebrate its 75th anniversary. Despite the “respectable age”, the equipment medical institution meets all modern requirements. New buildings were erected in 1983 under the direct supervision of the hospital’s chief physician, Vyacheslav Grigorievich Podsevatkin. The clinic has advanced medical equipment, a hospital with 500 beds, employs only highly qualified personnel. Medical assistance The care provided by the institution is accessible and of high quality, so patients come here not only from all over Mordovia, but also from other regions of Russia.
In the hospital 10 psychiatric departments, paraclinical services: pathopsychological, clinical; biochemical, immunological laboratories; X-ray, physiotherapy rooms; functional and ultrasound diagnostics. All departments and services are computerized and united local network. In addition to psychiatrists, psychotherapists and psychologists, the hospital employs therapists, surgeons, an ophthalmologist, neurologists, clinical immunologists, a pediatrician, an obstetrician-gynecologist, an otolaryngologist, a dermatologist, a phthisiatrician, a nutritionist and other specialists, providing the same comprehensive approach that is the basis for successful cure of patients with MRPD.
Achieve quality indicators treatment mental illness allowed developed and implemented in clinical practice fundamentally new organizational, treatment and rehabilitation technologies, including laboratory and instrumental examination and treatment, intensive care, social work, including restoration of lost social connections, documents, placement in a psychoneurological boarding school, issues of military, labor and forensic examination are resolved. GUZ specialists conduct group and individual psychotherapy with patients and their relatives, which allows patients to more easily adapt to normal life.
For the first time in Russia, the State Healthcare Institution of the Republican Hospital developed and introduced into everyday practice a unique scientific direction in psychiatry - the use in clinical practice of pathogenetic methods of treating mental illnesses of different registers, which is confirmed by seven patents for inventions. In addition, a patent was received for the invention of a new method for diagnosing immune complexes that have a toxic effect in tissues, the identification of which makes it possible to break the circle of mutually reinforcing pathological processes in the nervous, immune and endocrine systems, which significantly increases the effectiveness of therapy, reduces the length of patient stay in the hospital and promotes more stable remissions.
Another technology, used for the first time in the world in the RPB in the treatment of mental patients, is the use of a complex pharmacological drugs oxygen under high blood pressure (hyperbaric oxygen therapy), immunomodulators (selected individually by an immunologist when examining the patient’s immune status using 30 blood parameters), antioxidants that enhance the effect of psychotropic drugs.
Clear organizational structure healing process, implementation the latest methods treatment, a conscientious approach to the work of each RPB specialist makes it possible to completely and quickly stop psychopathological conditions, achieve a stable and long-lasting effect, which significantly reduces the treatment time for patients (compared to the Russian average - more than three times!).
The hospital successfully employs doctors and candidates of sciences, honored doctors of Russia and Mordovia, doctors and secondary medical workers highest, I and II categories. The clinic also serves as a base for training students of the Mordovia State Medical University, clinical residency and internship, and postgraduate education of psychiatrists, which ensures the transfer of accumulated experience to the next generation of psychiatrists.
Scientific and practical developments of the State Healthcare Institution “Republican Psychiatric Hospital” were repeatedly presented at Russian and international conferences and congresses, where they were rightfully awarded numerous diplomas from the Ministry of Health and Social Development of the Russian Federation, the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation.

Deputy Chief Physician for the Medical Unit of the Republican Psychiatric Hospital. Psychiatrist of the highest qualification category, Associate Professor of the Department of Nervous Diseases of the State Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education "Mordovian state university them. N.P. Ogarev", candidate medical sciences. Work experience as a doctor - 16 years. With the participation of S.V. Kiryukhina introduced a number of innovative methods diagnosis and treatment of patients. Svetlana Vladimirovna participates in scientific developments carried out in the hospital and at the department. She has published 135 scientific papers, including co-authorship in Federal guidelines in hyperbaric medicine, two teaching aids. She is a co-author of seven Russian patents for the invention of new methods of diagnosis and treatment mental disorders.

Head of the Department of the State Institution "Republican Psychiatric Hospital", Assistant of the Department of Nervous Diseases and Psychiatry of the State Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education "Mordovia State University named after. N.P. Ogarev." In 1990 he graduated from the Faculty of Medicine of Moscow State University. N.P. Ogareva. Completed an internship in psychiatry. Since 1991, he has been working as a psychiatrist at the State Healthcare Institution of the Republican Hospital. In his work he successfully solves the problems of diagnosis and treatment of patients suffering from mental disorders, using modern methods. For honest and conscientious work he was awarded a diploma of honor from the Government of the Republic of Mordovia.

Head of the department of the State Healthcare Institution “Republican Psychiatric Hospital”, doctor of forensic psychiatric examination, candidate of medical sciences. In 1999 he graduated from the Faculty of Medicine of the State Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education “Mordovian State University named after. N.P. Ogarev”, completed an internship in the specialty “psychiatry”. Work experience as a psychiatrist - 10 years. Has knowledge of the clinic, differential diagnosis, modern achievements pharmacotherapy of mental disorders, skills in conducting and completing forensic psychiatric examinations in criminal and civil cases. Participates in scientific developments carried out at the hospital, co-author of four Russian patents for the invention of new methods of treating mental disorders, and has repeatedly presented a report on his own scientific developments at Russian and international conferences and congresses.

Head of the department of the Republican Psychiatric Hospital, psychiatrist of the first qualification category, assistant of the Department of Nervous Diseases and Psychiatry of the State Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education "Mordovia State University named after. N.P. Ogarev." In 1999 she graduated from the Faculty of Medicine of Moscow State University. N.P. Ogarev, then an internship in psychiatry. In 2006 she completed training at the Russian medical academy postgraduate education in the specialty “psychotherapy, medical pathology, psychological counseling.” Actively introduces new treatment methods in the field of psychiatry and psychotherapy into her work, creates a favorable therapeutic atmosphere in the department.

If there is a hell on earth, this is it. It is unlikely that my review will affect anything, but I want people to know what they are dooming their loved ones to by placing them in the hands of MRPH doctors. On the doctor’s recommendation, my father was admitted to Ward 5 with memory disorder and dementia; he is 55 years old. He is quiet, timid, calm, never raises his voice, and very thin. We went there by public transport, no problems, and in appearance he did not differ from the usual one healthy person, talked to us, discussed minor topics about the weather and so on. PHYSICALLY he was completely healthy! They left it there. We visited every day and talked to the doctor every day. Every day there was a noticeable deterioration in his condition. Three days later, he stopped talking to us; if he said anything, his tongue would not obey, he looked at the floor, gradually refused to eat and no longer recognized us. The doctor said that he was being treated with phenazipam. It will not be difficult to find out that this medicine is INCOMPATIBLE with dementia, it gives the opposite effect, including hallucinations and delirium tremens. To all our requests to review the treatment, head. department Podsevatkin D.V. said "don't interfere." For five days, visiting him every day, on the fifth, one might say, they brought him out to us, dumped him on a chair, he no longer ate at all, did not speak. It was a vegetable. Not a person. And we decided to take him home, since he was not far from intensive care, and he might not return from there.

Since there were no special circumstances to keep him forcibly in the hospital, he must be returned to his family without hindrance. In law. I don’t know how we survived that night; when we arrived there in the morning, we said that we wanted to take him home. To which Podsevatkin said “NO.” Then we asked that he be taken out to visit us, but he was not taken out. An hour or two passed. He was not taken out. The thoughts were the most terrible, what happened to him? and is he even alive? They still didn’t want to give it or show it to us. The police arrived at our call. By the way, the number of the head of the doctor that hangs on the issuance of passes does not exist, just as the numbers on the website are all wrong. After another three hours of proceedings, after a meeting of doctors, they decided to give him to us, there is no right to hold him, so why should the matter go to the police? Why don't they know about this? or did they hope that we would leave him there to die? The doctors, about 6 of them, tried to persuade us to leave him, they just didn’t want to give him to anyone, they said that they were selecting treatment. They pick up))) people have one foot in the next world and they pick up everything. We stood our ground until the last moment, and they gave it to us. Before this, he was given a drip for a couple of hours, purely by chance I heard Podseratkin shout to the medical staff in the department - “wash him!” We will no longer know what was behind closed doors.

THE MOST SHOCKING THING WE FOUND AT HOME. There was a terrible stench from it. Although he was washed. Lost even more weight, green skin. The eyelids are half open and the tongue is almost hanging out. It's a reaction to the medication, obviously. But everything else??? - Wrists and ankles covered in black bruises from being tied to the bed. There are huge bedsores on the buttocks. And this was for 4 days, I remember that after about 4 days he could hardly sit in a chair. So they are tied up and they lie and rot in their own shit. Severe cough, pneumonia, nose full of bloody snot, had difficulty breathing. The temperature was about 40. I lay there and writhed in pain like a piece of wood, moaning all night for several days. I couldn't walk. Well, how can you bring a physically healthy person to this point in 6 days?! HOW?! This is a hospital, this is not a prison, not a torture chamber, if only we knew...

There are different rumors. But we went through this ourselves, I subscribe to every word, there are photos and all this is a terrible reality. That's it in a nutshell.

We saved him. They went out. Take care of your loved ones. And rely only on yourself.