Where is more vit s. Where is the most vitamin C - the ten most important foods

There are people who do not know how vitamin C acts on the body, but they know that it must be taken. The human body is designed in such a way that it cannot reproduce ascorbic acid. Supplies need to be replenished from outside.

Where is there a lot of vitamin C? Even a schoolchild will give examples of products with its content. In most cases, these will be citrus fruits and onions. However, the list is not limited to this.

Where is the most vitamin C?

Contains vitamin B plant foods– fruits, vegetables and herbs.


This berry is beneficial for the body precisely because of the presence of vitamin C. It is very useful to eat kiwi with the peel. It is not digested and absorbs harmful toxins. Then they are output naturally from the body.


A medium-sized orange weighing 150 grams replenishes the body with a daily dose of vitamin. It must be used for scurvy, vitamin deficiency, colds and flu.

Red bell pepper

Pepper is the leader among vegetables in terms of the content of this vitamin. It is best used in fresh. But even in a canned product, the content of this vitamin remains at a high level.


This vegetable contains the most stable form of this vitamin. The juice of this vegetable is used to treat ulcers, gastritis and other diseases of the digestive system.


To top up daily norm vitamin, it is enough to eat 50 grams of greens. You can make a salad or add it to first courses.

Onion greens

The bulb contains less vitamin than the feathers. In spring, green onions become a real salvation for our body. 100 grams of greens will replenish the daily requirement and relieve vitamin deficiency. In addition, it will improve the condition of hair, nails, skin and teeth.


Spinach is best suited for replenishing the body with vitamins in late autumn and winter.


There is more vitamin C in celery shoots and leaves than in its root. Salads are made from it and used as a seasoning for vegetables and first courses.


If you want to saturate your body with vitamin C using this vegetable, it is better to use late varieties.


Raspberries are known to everyone as a useful medicinal berry. Among all the components included in its composition is vitamin C. It is not for nothing that raspberry tea is prescribed for colds and flu. It strengthens the body and fights the virus.

Products containing vitamin C per 100 grams

Sweet red pepper – 250 mg;

Yellow sweet pepper – 150 mg;

Brussels sprouts – 120 mg;

White cabbage – 60 mg;

Radish – 29 mg;

Peas – 25 mg;

Radish – 25 mg;

Beans – 20 mg;

Zucchini – 15 mg;

Beetroot – 10 mg;

Cucumbers – 10 mg;

Onion – 10 mg;

Pumpkin – 8 mg;

Carrot – 5 mg;

Eggplant – 5 mg;

Potatoes – 2 mg.


Parsley – 150 mg;

Dill – 100 mg;

Spinach – 55 mg;

Sorrel – 43 mg;

Celery – 38 mg.

Fruits and berries:

Rosehip – 470 mg;

Sea buckthorn – 200 mg;

Black currant – 200 mg;

Kiwi – 92 mg;

Rowan – 70 mg;

Oranges – 60 mg;

Strawberries and wild strawberries – 60 mg;

Lemons – 40 mg;

Tangerines – 38 mg;

Gooseberry – 30 mg;

Quince – 23 mg;

Raspberry – 20 mg;

Melon – 20 mg;

Pineapple – 20 mg;

Cranberry – 15 mg;

Cherry – 15 mg;

Bananas – 10 mg;

Apples – 10 mg;

Grapes – 6 mg;

Pears – 5 mg;

Pomegranate – 4 mg.

From the above, you can make a list of foods that contain the largest amount of vitamin C. Listed in order of importance.

  1. In first place is rosehip.
  2. On the second - red bell pepper.
  3. On the third - sea buckthorn and black currant.
  4. On the fourth - sweet green pepper and parsley.
  5. In fifth place are Brussels sprouts.
  6. On the sixth - dill and wild garlic.
  7. Seventh place was shared by red rowan and cauliflower.
  8. In eighth place is the kiwi.
  9. On the ninth - strawberries, wild strawberries and spinach.

The list is completed by orange, sorrel, lemon and tangerine

To be healthy and beautiful, eat more fruits and vegetables. Replenish your body useful substances, especially since there is plenty to choose from.

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In Edinburgh in the 18th century, a medical student discovered that citrus fruits were effective in treating scurvy. Only 2 centuries later they found out that the substance that treats the painful disease is ascorbic acid or vitamin C. It was possible to synthesize it only in 1928 from.

Vitamin C (ascorbic acid) is a water-soluble vitamin. Vitamin C is important for the growth and repair of tissue cells, gums, blood vessels, bones and teeth, promotes absorption by the body, accelerates recovery (calorizer). Its benefits and value are very great for protection against infections. It acts as a stimulant for the launch of immune processes.

As food additives denoted as .

Ascorbic acid is an organic compound related to glucose in the form of a white crystalline powder with a sour taste. Performs biological functions reducing agent and coenzyme of some metabolic processes, is an antioxidant.

Vitamin C is easily destroyed by cooking foods, light and smog.

Loss of vitamin C can occur due to improper food processing and long-term storage of prepared foods. food products. The preservation of vitamin C is ensured by proper culinary processing of vegetables and fruits. Vegetables should not be left peeled and cut in the air for a long time; when cooking, they should be placed in boiling water immediately after peeling. Frozen vegetables should be immersed in boiling water, as slow thawing increases the loss of vitamin C.

With hypovitaminosis (deficiency) C appear following symptoms: cardiac weakness, fatigue, shortness of breath, decreased resistance to various diseases(calorizer). In childhood, ossification processes are delayed.

With an acute deficiency of vitamin C, scurvy develops.

Scurvy is characterized by: swelling and bleeding of the gums, loosening and loss of teeth, frequent colds, varicose veins veins, hemorrhoids, excess weight, increased fatigue, irritability, poor concentration, depression, insomnia, early education wrinkles, hair loss, blurred vision, hemorrhages in muscles, skin, joints.

Excess vitamin C in the body

Vitamin C is considered safe even in large quantities, as the body easily eliminates unused vitamin residues.

But still, excessive consumption of vitamin C can lead to...

The benefits of vitamin C on the human body cannot be overestimated. We need this substance like air and water. With its deficiency, extremely unpleasant and dangerous diseases, including scurvy. So that the body receives necessary substances, including ascorbic acid, you need to properly organize your diet and diet. Of course, during cold periods it is best to take vitamin complexes, but you shouldn’t give up foods containing vitamin C. So what foods contain vitamin C?

What foods contain vitamin C?

As you know, the most vitamin C is found in vegetables, fruits and berries. Some of these products exceed 100 grams, sometimes several times, read more!

For convenience of consideration, we will take the amount of ascorbic acid in mg per 100 grams of product.

In fact, the content of vitamin C in products has a very wide range: from 1 to 1500 mg per 100 g of product.

For example, with meat we practically do not get vitamin C: the content of ascorbic acid in products of animal origin is minimal - the same 1 gram that we mentioned just above. More ascorbic acid is found in beef, chicken and pork liver - about 33 mg. To provide the body with the required daily intake of vitamin C, you need to eat an unrealistically large amount of meat and meat products. By the way, some peoples Far North They receive a sufficient portion of ascorbic acid from meat; due to the lack of vegetables and fruits, they are forced to eat mainly meat and fish in quantities that are unlikely to be tolerated by residents of the European side of Russia. True, northern peoples have the opportunity to feast on unpretentious berries of cranberries, lingonberries, blueberries, bearberries, cloudberries, which contain the daily requirement of ascorbic acid.

Which vegetables and fruits have a lot of vitamin C?

Fruits are very rich in vitamin C, but many vegetables are ahead of them in terms of its content in their composition. Guava is the leader in the amount of vitamin C per 100 grams of fruit: 230 mg. The daily requirement of ascorbic acid for children (45 mg) contains 100 grams of kiwi, pineapple, melon, papaya, apples, mango.

But the berries, which are very common in our country, are much richer in vitamin C. Sea buckthorn and black currant each contain 200 mg, which is the approximate norm for pregnant and lactating women, and people of both sexes who have a cold.

Is lemon the richest food in vitamin C?

There is an opinion that the most ascorbic acid is found in lemons and oranges. But this is nothing more than a delusion. Despite the fact that tea with lemon is very beneficial for our body, citrus fruits are not record holders for the content of “ascorbic acid” in their composition. You could even say that in the list of foods that contain vitamin C, citrus fruits are almost at the tail end. Of course, there are products that contain much less ascorbic acid in their composition than is contained in lemon; in some products this vitamin is completely absent. But the fact remains: 100 grams of lemon contains about 45 mg of ascorbic acid (with the average daily requirement for a person being 70 grams). In addition, it is rare to eat a whole lemon like an apple. Most often, we put a small slice of this fruit in tea, therefore, the dose of vitamin C entering our body with lemon is very small. In this sense, even oranges are healthier. In them more content ascorbic acid - 65 mg, which is the daily requirement ordinary person. We recommend reading the article linked above to find out what the daily value for an adult is, depending on a number of factors.

But the leader in the content of ascorbic acid in the composition is rose hips, or more precisely, the fruits of this plant. Moreover, dried fruits contain as much as 1500 mg of vitamin C, and fresh ones - 700 mg. Therefore, rosehip is very useful for colds, for increasing immunity, for healthy skin, hair, nails and most different systems human body.

Vegetables and mushrooms containing vitamin C

List of vegetables containing vitamin C large quantities, much wider than a similar list of fruits. This includes peppers (hot, red, sweet), and Brussels sprouts, white cabbage, broccoli, cauliflower, even pickled, and lettuce leaves, and greens. These products contain daily norm ascorbic acid for an adult. The record holder on this list is all types of peppers - they contain 200 mg of vitamin each. Therefore, during the cold season, they will be especially useful. fresh salads with a lot of pepper.

Mushrooms also contain a lot of vitamin C, and in the dried form of this product there is more ascorbic acid than in the fresh form.

Table of foods containing vitamin C

The list of foods containing vitamin C is endless. For convenience, we will provide a table displaying this data in a convenient ascending order.

Product Vitamin C mg/100 g
Meat 0,1-1
Seafood 1,3
Milk, cottage cheese, river fish 2
Cheese 2-3
sea ​​fish 2-3
Peanuts, pistachios 5
Watermelon, carrots, cucumbers, grapes, eggplant, pear 5
Beef kidneys, avocado, pomegranate 10
Peaches, bananas, beets, plums, boletus, onions 10
Cherries, sweet cherries, cherry plums, honey mushrooms, lettuce, zucchini 15
Potatoes, lingonberries, quince 20
Radishes, green beans, asparagus 20
Pork liver 21
Chicken liver 25
Radish, red tomato 25
Green peas 25
White sauerkraut, patison 26
Apples, porcini mushrooms, rutabaga, garlic, mango 30
Fresh white cabbage, chanterelles, leeks 36
Tangerines, green onions 30
Beef liver 33
Melon 40
Lemon, grapefruit, strawberry 40-45
Red cabbage, spinach, pineapple 50
Red and white currants 50
Sorrel, cranberry, strawberry 30-50
Orange, kohlrabi, papaya, pomelo 50
Green onion 60
Cauliflower, rowan 70
Longan 80
Broccoli 90
Dill, kiwi 100
Brussels sprouts, horseradish 120
Sweet bell pepper 140
Dried white mushrooms, cloudberries 150
Parsley 166
black currant 190
Sea ​​buckthorn 200-500
Dried boletus 220
Red pepper (sweet and hot) 250
Chili pepper 220
Guava 230
Cilantro 500
Fresh rosehip 500-700
Dried rose hips 1200-1500

When compiling your diet based on a list of foods containing a lot of vitamin C, remember: an overdose of ascorbic acid is no less dangerous than its deficiency. True, in order to regularly receive huge doses of ascorbic acid from foods, you need to eat a lot of rose hips, peppers and herbs combined.

Vitamin C (ascorbic acid) can rightfully be called driving force human body- it performs so many important functions. The deficiency even has a negative impact on your mood. In order to ensure daily dosage(from 75 to 130 mg), it is important to have an idea of ​​which foods contain vitamin C in the right amount.

A big plus is the fact that the rich ascorbic acid There is no need to import berries and vegetables from abroad - most of them grow in almost all regions of Russia, and they can be prepared for future use over the summer.

Barbados acerola cherry

100 g of these exotic berries contains the most vitamin C - up to 2500 mg, and according to some reports, up to 3300 mg. But it is practically never found on sale fresh, more often as part of pharmaceutical preparations.

Rose hip

Rose hips are the leaders among available products in terms of the amount of vitamin C - about 1250 mg per 100 g. To replenish daily dose enough 15 dried berries. To preserve all the vitamin in the fruits, you do not need to boil them or leave them for longer than 12 hours.

Sweet pepper (bell pepper)

100 g of red fruits contain about 250 mg of vitamin C, with the main concentration in the area of ​​the stalk, which is usually cut out. This vegetable contains a small amount of enzymes that destroy ascorbic acid, so a significant part of it is retained even after heat treatment.

black currant

A small handful of black currant berries is enough to provide the body with vitamin C for a day (200 mg per 100 g of fruit). Fragrant healthy tea can be brewed from twigs and leaves (they contain more “ascorbic acid” than fruits).

Sea ​​buckthorn

The fruits of this tree are called “golden berries” and not only for their color. Sea buckthorn has a mass healing properties, and the vitamin C content in it is not inferior to black currants. In order not to destroy valuable substances, this berry can be:

  • dry;
  • freeze;
  • squeeze the juice and pasteurize it (it cannot be sterilized);
  • sprinkle with sugar and store in the refrigerator.


In terms of the amount of vitamin C, parsley is in the top ten - 150 mg per 100 g of leaves. The greatest effect for the body is achieved if the greens are eaten fresh, but cut and stored in the freezer have the same composition. Summer frozen parsley contains 2 times more ascorbic acid than winter greenhouse parsley.

Hot pepper (chili)

The vegetable is aggressive, but it contains a lot of vitamin C - 144.6 mg per 100 g. It is used both in folk medicine, and as a seasoning for dishes.

Brussels sprouts

Brussels sprouts are excellent dietary product, rich in nutrients and fiber. 100 g of small heads of cabbage contain 120 mg of ascorbic acid.


This spicy herb is actively used as a seasoning, as well as in salads. A 100 gram bunch of greens contains 100 mg of vitamin C. Dill will not lose beneficial properties, aroma and taste neither in ice cream nor dried form.


The shoots of this plant taste like garlic, so they are often used in various blanks. But the main value of wild garlic is in its composition: together with vitamin C (100 mg per 100 g), the stems contain a lot necessary for a person microelements.


Sweet juicy fruits are pleasant and tasty to eat, which simplifies the task of providing children with ascorbic acid. Contrary to the opinion established since Soviet times that citrus fruits are the fruits containing the most vitamin C, this group is not at all in first place.

Rich in ascorbic acid (approximate content per 100 g):

  1. “Chinese gooseberry”, also known as kiwi. In yellow fruits there is up to 182 mg, in green fruits – up to 80 mg.
  2. Guava (guava) contains 125 mg.
  3. Papaya – 94 mg.
  4. Oranges contain up to 74 mg.
  5. In lemons and tangerines up to 40 mg.

The problem with overseas fruits is delivery and storage. They are removed unripe and treated with fungicides, otherwise their presentation is lost very quickly.

Over six months of storage, the amount of vitamin C in any fruit is reduced by half, even if they are grown and collected according to all the rules. Moreover, regardless of what warehouse conditions are created.

PreparationBenefits and features of receptionDosage
Kiddy PharmatonAn active complex of vitamins and minerals, which is prescribed to increase protective properties body and elimination of hypovitaminosis. One of the ingredients of the drug is lysine (an amino acid that promotes bone formation).15 ml per day.
Alphabet SchoolboyAll vitamins and minerals are divided into categories based on compatibility and absorption. Nourishes the body essential vitamins and minerals. There are no dyes, flavors or preservatives in the composition. Recommended for children who have high mental and physical stress.Take 3 chewable tablets different colors. The order doesn't matter.
JungleContains 10 vitamins. The manufacturer decided to please children and made the drug in the form of animals. Prescribed for frequent acute respiratory viral infections and viral diseases.1 tablet 2 times a day.
Multi-Tabs JuniorThe supplement contains 7 minerals and 11 vitamins. The product has a raspberry or fruit flavor, and there are no artificial colors or preservatives. Contains iodine, so it is used during serious exercise.Once every 24 hours – 1 tablet.
Pikovit Forte 7+Contains 10 vitamins and 6 microelements. The tablets have a pronounced tangerine taste. Please note that the product contains a high dose of B vitamins. There is no sugar.You should take 1 tablet per day.
VitaMishkiThe supplement is a chewable stick containing 13 vitamins and 2 minerals. Prescribed to improve memory and attention. Does not contain synthetic substances.1 record per day
Vitrum JuniorThe complex consists of chewable tablets that have a fruity taste. Excellent for strengthening the body's resistance during the cold season, improves vision, and normalizes the body's condition during high intellectual and physical stress.Tablet per day
CentrumContains 18 ingredients that are great for children school age cope with increased loads. Used for iron and calcium deficiency. The tablets contain no sugar or dyes.1 tablet per day
Children's formulaThe supplement contains 14 vitamins and 14 minerals. An excellent solution for children who have recently started school, as the drug improves performance and reduces drowsiness.1 tablet in the morning and at lunch

How to preserve ascorbic acid

Vitamin C, no matter what products contain, tends to be destroyed upon contact with oxygen, so leave them cut into for a long time not worth it. The same applies to lettuce leaves and greens.

For the normal functioning of the body, a person needs to saturate it every day with proteins, fats, carbohydrates, amino acids, and, of course, vitamins. Vitamins, in particular vitamin C, are involved in all vital important processes, provide us strong immunity and give us energy. Separately, the Eco-Life website focuses specifically on products that contain the most vitamin C, since this is one of the most important components healthy eating a person whose absence can lead to significant problems in work internal organs and body systems.

At the same time, taking vitamin C in tablets is often at least unwise. Indeed, in some cases there is a need to purchase ascorbic acid, but it is this vitamin that is easiest to “obtain” from food - it is found in many products and in considerable quantities, so it will not be difficult to replenish the reserves of this vitamin if desired.

Vitamin C performs several important functions at once:

  • Its participation is necessary for the production of certain hormones;
  • It is necessary for synthesis immune cells, which is especially important during periods of colds;
  • In addition, vitamin C is a powerful antioxidant that prevents the formation free radicals, which means preserving our beauty and youth.

The body's daily need for this element is 70-100 mg. At the same time, our body is not able to synthesize it on its own. Therefore, we need to replenish our vitamin C reserves every day so that we do not lack it. To do this, it is important to know which products contain maximum quantity of this substance, and how much you need to eat it per day to fully provide the body with important vitamin WITH.

Where is the most vitamin C?

  • Rosehip is in the leading position. In 100 gr. This product contains approximately 650 mg of vitamin C. It can be consumed fresh or dried, but it must be remembered that compotes and decoctions contain slightly less vitamin C than rose hips that have not been thermally treated.
  • Red pepper contains significantly less vitamin C - 250 mg per 100 g. product.
  • Sea buckthorn and black currant. There is already 200 mg of vitamin C here. For 100 gr. product.
  • Green peppers and parsley contain 150 mg each. per 100 gr. product in each.
  • Fresh dill can enrich our body with 100 mg. vitamin C, if you eat 100 grams. this seasoning.
  • In addition, the list of foods that contain the most vitamin C includes strawberries, cabbage (white and cauliflower), and, of course, citrus fruits - 60-70 mg each. per 100 gr. product.

Of course, this means seasonal vegetables grown in natural conditions. Winter “waxy” vegetables and greenhouse greens are not our option.

IN winter period, when fresh vegetables and herbs cannot be found in any domestic garden bed, plants such as will help maintain the amount of vitamin C:

  • Sea ​​buckthorn. It is collected just in the first severe frosts, and stored for the winter in the form of jam, juice and even wine. Largest quantity vitamins will be preserved if these berries are simply ground with sugar and frozen. In 100 gr. The vitamin C content of the product corresponds to 200 mg.
  • Kiwi. It is during our winter that sweet kiwis ripen in hot countries. Even 1 fruit will be enough to replenish the daily requirement of vitamin C. This element contains up to 92 mg per 100 grams of product.
  • Sauerkraut - great way save vitamin C in winter. Here it is in 100 grams. can be found up to 30 mg.
    Ginger can help increase the amount of vitamin C in the body. Its content in 100 g of product is up to 12 mg

At the same time, in order to get all the vitamin C from products, you should not store it for a long time or process it thermally.

Any of the listed products can be eaten in unlimited quantities; the body will not be oversaturated with vitamin C - all the “excess” will leave the body along with urine.

For whom is vitamin C especially important?

Of course, each of us needs vitamin C, but there is a group of people whose need for this element is slightly higher than everyone else, and therefore they will have to consume foods that contain the most vitamin C in increased doses (if they Of course, they won’t give up their bad habits).

This category includes people who regularly smoke a pack of cigarettes (or more) per day. In such an organism, the process of absorption of vitamin C occurs much worse, and the cells “get” only 20% of the standard norm.

The same applies to those who abuse alcoholic drinks. First of all, in such an organism the liver suffers, and there is a direct relationship between the amount of vitamin C and the rate of removal of alcohol from the blood.

Patients with diabetes and cardiovascular diseases should additionally receive vitamin C in multivitamin complexes. This is necessary, since the process of saturating cells with vitamin C in such organisms is much worse.

Old rusty water pipes (the vast majority of our citizens) may also be a reason to increase the daily consumption of foods that contain the most vitamin C. In the water that flows through these pipes into our homes, it forms harmful element cadmium. Ascorbic acid can neutralize its effect and protect our body.

Fears, emotions and stress also have a detrimental effect on the content of vitamin C in the human body. So, if you always perceive any information too emotionally, carry with you a small plate of fruits and vegetables)

Without a doubt, vitamin C is very important element for us, and maintaining its amount in the body at the proper level is simply necessary. Moreover, all products rich in ascorbic acid are absolutely accessible and familiar to us.

Svetlana Frantseva “Products that contain the most vitamin C” especially for the Eco-Life website.