Where is the Canary Islands located on the map of the hemispheres. The magnificent Canary Islands

The cherished dream of many travelers; one of the most popular resorts, both in and around the world. According to statistics, about 10 million people visit each year. They are included in the version of our website.

Despite the fact that they are geographically located closer to Africa, the Canaries are an autonomous province of Spain. The distance to the African coast is only 100 km, and to the Spanish mainland - more than 1000 km. Almost every major island in the resort has its own airport. Also, the islands are connected by ferry service and special high-speed vessels.

The largest island of Tenerife is located in the central part of the archipelago. In addition to Tenerife, there are six other large islands and several small ones. Gran Canaria and Fuerteventura are popular among tourists. If the first one is full of attractions, entertainment and discos, then the second one is more suitable for a leisurely, secluded holiday, as well as for surfers due to the high concentration of winds.

The climate on the islands is moderately hot and dry, which is determined by its proximity to the Sahara. Trade winds blow mainly from the northeast. The resort's landscapes are varied, from sand dunes and formidable volcanoes to lush pine forests. Also along the entire perimeter of the Canary Islands there are prehistoric monuments and other cultural sites.

In February, Tenerife hosts an annual carnival, which many people dream of attending. The smallest hotel in the world is located on the island of Hierro in the Canaries. This is also a kind of local landmark. Local beaches provide incredible pleasure to tourists, where you can sunbathe at any time of the year.

For children in the Canaries there are all kinds of water parks with attractions, and for thrill-seekers - deep-sea diving and (wind) surfing. One of the most beautiful beaches is located in the northern part of Tenerife - Playa Jardin. It is completely covered with sand of volcanic rock, which is why it has an unusually rich dark color. In the southern part of the island there are beaches of golden and light sand.

Photo attraction: Canary Resort

Las Palmas Beach

Which country does the Canary Islands belong to? IN ancient times The archipelago was inhabited by Guanche tribes, who, before the arrival of Europeans, cultivated the land and were engaged in cattle breeding. In 1334, French sailors visited the islands, and the natives had to make room. According to the laws of that time, everything again open lands fell under the jurisdiction of the Roman Catholic Church.

The Vatican, represented by Pope Clement VI, presented the Canary Islands to Count Alfonso XI, the ruler of Castile, the largest province on the island. For some time, it became clear who owned the Canary Islands. However, Alfonso XI did not know what to do with such a gift. The aborigines did not bring any economic benefit, and on the contrary, the ruler was now obliged to improve life on the islands. The count did not dare to give up the archipelago directly, but he tried, through complex negotiations, to transfer his ownership rights to other hands. The question of who owns the Canary Islands is literally hanging in the air.

Who is the boss anyway?

It would seem that the answer to the question of which country the Canary Islands belong to lies on the surface. The owner is Spain, but everything turned out to be not so simple.

Half a century later, the French decided to capture the islands. Military ships proceeded along the West African coast, which then approached two islands in the center of the archipelago - Tenerife and Gran Canaria. The local population weakly resisted the annexation.

In Gran Canaria, French troops celebrated their victory a few days later, and in Tenerife it happened a little later. This was followed by periodic landings on the Canary Islands by conquerors of all stripes, from Moroccan soldiers to the English admiral Robert Blake, who spent a brilliant time near the island of Tenerife in 1657, engaging in battle with the Spanish Armada. He emerged victorious from this confrontation, but the islands nevertheless went to Spain.

140 years later, the famous Admiral Nelson tried to capture Tenerife, but the capital of the Canary Islands, Santa Cruz, stood in his way, and he was defeated. Eventually the British abandoned their imperial ambitions.

The question of which country belongs to the Canary Islands for a long time remained unanswered until the archipelago finally ceded to Spain in 1821. In 1982, the Canary Islands were declared an autonomous region of the Spanish state, and in 1986 the province of the Canaries joined the European Union. Thus, the answer to the question of which country the Canary Islands belong to is now clear. As a result of numerous renamings and changes in status, the right decision was made. Today the Canary Islands belong to Spain.

Archipelago today

What are the Canary Islands - a country, a province or some special structure? The geographical position of the archipelago indicates its conditional affiliation with mainland Spain, but the islands have complete and unconditional autonomy.

The Canary Islands are a country in terms of social infrastructure and the availability of services necessary to maintain law and order. These are the police, courts and legal institutions. Although, on the other hand, all of the listed services are practically inactive, since the Canaries are a super-tourism zone, millions of travelers come to the blessed land to relax, have fun and temporarily forget about the hardships of civilization. In this case, no one breaks the laws.


The Canary Islands are located just one hundred kilometers from the African continent and seven hundred kilometers from the coast of Spain. The archipelago adjoins Africa from the northwest (at the junction of Western Sahara and Morocco).

There are only seven Greater Canary Islands. The closest island to the African coast is Lanzarote, the next island is Fuerteventura, then there is Gran Canaria, followed by Tenerife, La Gomera, La Palma and Hierro. These are the largest volcanic formations, but there are many more minor ones.

A list that includes the most popular Canary Islands, a map of their location, directions, etc. - all this information can be obtained from tourist offices in Spain or upon arrival on the island. Tenerife.

The islands are not alike; each of them is attractive in its own way. For example, Lanzarote is ideal for lovers of a calm, measured holiday, and Gran Canaria is a paradise for surfers and divers. For tourists arriving in the Canary Islands, a map and guidebooks will help them navigate their choice best place rest. There are also hotels for every taste - more expensive, more comfortable, economy class hotels with reasonable prices.

It is difficult to say how many Canary Islands there are in the archipelago; an exact count has not been carried out. However, it is known that not all of them are inhabited. At one time, municipal authorities even opened the sale of small islands. Those who wished could purchase a small piece of land in the ocean at a reasonable price. Trade was brisk until Spanish authorities on the mainland intervened. The capital of the Canary Islands, Santa Cruz de Tenerife, was then forced to transfer part of its powers to the city of Las Palmas de Gran Canaria.

Most popular places

The best island of the Canary Islands, according to most tourists, is Tenerife. In second place in popularity is Gran Canaria. These islands are distinguished by their developed infrastructure, high-quality hotels, and excellent entertainment complexes for both adults and children.

The Canary Islands, photos of which are presented in the article, have long become one of the best places for active recreation. Tourists are attracted by the opportunity to choose and impeccable service.


The Canary Islands, the photos of which are amazing, are volcanic formations that appeared above the water millions of years ago. Until now, on the surface you can observe bizarre landscapes with solidified lava, adjacent to long sand dunes, reminiscent of Luxurious beaches washed by ocean waves, and immediately behind them begin hotel complexes with palm alleys. The warm breeze from the sea moves the green branches of the trees, vacationers feel unity with nature, and this happens throughout the day. When the time comes to part with the Canaries, no one wants to leave. The charm of this paradise remains in the memory for a long time, until your next visit.


The climate in the Canary Islands is temperate tropical, dry and hot, but not sultry. The temperature range is determined by the proximity of the African coast. Hot trade winds mix with ocean air masses. The result is a kind of airy cocktail, cool and comfortable, which spreads throughout the Canary Islands. Air masses are continuously renewed. The climate is also moderated by a permanent anticyclone over the Azores, located northwest of the archipelago.

Temperatures in the Canary Islands remain stable all year round. It is 20-30 in summer, 16-25 degrees Celsius in winter. Throughout the year, there is a relative influence of mountains and hills on climatic conditions, but temperature changes are insignificant, they do not exceed 2-3 degrees. Temperature changes occur mainly on the highest Canary Islands - Gran Canaria, Tenerife and La Palma. The climate in the rest of the archipelago remains virtually unchanged.

The water temperature in the area of ​​the islands in question is about 20 degrees Celsius. Equilibrium is achieved due to the Canary Current - quite cold, but slow. In general, the temperature regime on the islands is very comfortable and stable. The climate in the Canaries can be briefly described as follows: warm and sunny.

For tourists who come to the Canary Islands in winter, the weather in December is not much different from spring - it’s just as warm. Of course, the sudden change in climatic conditions within one day is impressive.

The Canary Islands (the weather in December is warmer than in summer in Moscow) continue to amaze visitors. The popularity of the world-famous resort has long known no bounds; millions of tourists from all continents fly to the Reina Sophia international airport and choose the island where they will spend unforgettable days.

Canary Islands. Sights, beaches

The natural attraction of the islands in question are the beaches, superbly equipped, covered with golden sand or black basalt pebbles. There are shower stalls around the perimeter, sun loungers are located everywhere in even rows, and there are wide sun umbrellas. At special kiosks you can purchase diving equipment, fins, masks and other attributes for scuba diving.

City of Los Vinos

This is the oldest settlement on the island of Tenerife. The main city attraction is the thousand-year-old Dragon Tree. Visitors to the ancient convent of San Augustine will walk through the monastic cells, get acquainted with the life of the novices, and communicate with the abbess. Then you can visit the Church of San Marcos and a garden with colonies of tropical butterflies of fabulous beauty.

Loro Park

Initially these were aviaries with parrots. Nowadays this place is even more amazing. Now the park contains the rarest breeds of tropical parrots, which coexist with orchids that bloom all year round, planted throughout the territory (the most beautiful specimens can be admired in the Orchid House). Also in Loro Park there is a huge aquarium with a whale shark, dolphins, sea lions and other inhabitants of the ocean. A special place is occupied by the penguinarium with an artificial arctic climate.

Teide Park

This is alpine entertainment complex, deployed at an altitude of two thousand meters. The temperature there remains at forty degrees Celsius. In the center of the park is the crater of an extinct volcano, the diameter of which is 48 kilometers. You can get to its top by lift (climbers climb on foot).

Hell's Gulch

In the southern part of the island of Tenerife is the only natural waterfall of the Canary archipelago, an oasis in the middle of a dry and barren plain. This cascade of silvery streams is called Hell's Gorge. Tourists can experience the full power of the unbridled elements by going under the rock from which the waterfall falls.

Guimara Pyramids

These are religious buildings, repeating man-made elevations in Peru, Mexico and ancient Mesopotamia. At first, the pyramids in Guimara were mistaken for piles of stones piled up by Spanish settlers when clearing land for plowing. However, later a group of researchers, among whom was the famous traveler, came to the conclusion that the six piles of stones are nothing more than pyramids.

In addition, in the Guimara Park there is a museum of ethnography "Chaconne House", which exhibits a life-size architectural model of the palace of King Ra II.

Giant's Cliffs

Huge sections of the coast of the island of Tenerife are occupied by grandiose rocks, closely standing near the water, and in selected places- ledges descending into the ocean. The rocks are considered sacred; their constant desire to plunge into the abyss is similar to a divine ritual.

You can only get to the enchanted cliffs from the sea by ship or motor boats.

Anaga Mountains

The magnificent hills of Tenerife offer a vast botanical world. The mountain plateaus called Anaga are an example of ecological purity. There you can meet local residents living in caves.

The Canary Islands, whose attractions rank with world masterpieces of nature and ethnography, attract millions of tourists. Airlines work with full load, planes land and take off every minute.

Seven islands as seven wonders of the world

A wonderful and unique archipelago in the Atlantic Ocean and its pearl - the island of Tenerife. Spain, the Canary Islands are the best holiday destination in the whole world.

Lanzarote is an island of dormant volcanoes. Entire fields of solidified lava, unusual landscapes on the plains and mountain slopes, multi-colored petrified streams recreate picturesque panels of extraordinary beauty. National Park The island of Lanzarote called Timanfaya can be perceived as a permanent vernissage of natural art. And the hotel infrastructure seamlessly merges with natural scenery. The island of Lanzarote is a biosphere reserve surrounded by unspoilt nature and a volcanic landscape.

Fuerteventura is an island of endless enfilade of magnificent virgin beaches, completely empty, allowing you to enjoy the ocean views in complete solitude. Nowhere in the world is there such freedom as on the beaches of Fuerteventura. The sea water is surprisingly clean and warm, it glows turquoise. The island is ideal for those who prefer a romantic pastime, a vacation away from the hustle and bustle of civilization. Throughout the day you can feel like Robinson, staying in silence and complete solitude, and in the evening return to a comfortable hotel for dinner.

The island of Gran Canaria is famous not only for its magnificent golden beaches, but also for its extensive infrastructure. Adding to the overall picture of prosperity is the nature of the island, striking in its diversity. Deep forested ravines alternate with green peaks, and everything comes together in a grandiose panorama. The central part of the island of Gran Canaria is covered with a luxurious carpet of vegetation, in the south there are gentle shores with beaches, and in the north, cliffs rise into the sky, bordering small coves with azure water. Any sport is held in high esteem on the island - horse riding, golf and tennis, fishing and spearfishing.


The largest and most comfortable island. Its nature is unique, the variety of relief is amazing. In the center is the snow cap of Teide, in the north there are green areas, the southern part is all golden sand, the beaches are lined up in a neat row. The island of Tenerife has a unique tourist infrastructure, there are restaurants serving dishes national cuisines almost all countries of the world, health centers, sports and gyms, all kinds of excursions by land and sea are organized. All this makes your holiday in Tenerife unforgettable.


An island famous for its relict vegetation. The natural exoticism of La Gomera is available to tourists arriving from Tenerife by ferry.

La Palma

The most blooming and green of all the islands of the Canary archipelago. The infrastructure is poorly developed, but La Palma has ample opportunities for rural tourism. Lovers of rural landscapes and a relaxing holiday should visit this island.


The smallest of the islands of the Canary archipelago. For centuries it was perceived as the most mysterious place on the planet. The end of the world - this is how Hierro is characterized. Those who want to be far from civilization cannot find a better place.

The Canary Islands are washed by the waters of the Atlantic Ocean, which have become a fashionable vacation for millions of tourists from all over the world.

The Canary archipelago includes 7 large islands

  1. Tenerife
  2. Gran Canaria
  3. Fuerteventura
  4. Lanzarote
  5. La Palma
  6. La Gomera
  7. Hierro

Tenerife and Gran Canaria are especially loved by Russian tourists..

Together with 6 other small islands (Allegranza, Graciosa, Lobos, Montagna Clara, Roque del Oeste and Roque del Este), the Canary Islands stretch for 450 km along the coast of Morocco. Geographically, the 13 Canary or otherwise “dog” islands are located on the African continent, although they belong to the European country of Spain. Only 96 km separates the island of Fuerteventura from the coast of Morocco.


Tenerife is the largest and most populous island in the center of the Canary archipelago with an area of ​​2057 km². The island has long been on a par with the most privileged and popular resorts in the world.

The unique natural and climatic features of Tenerife gave it title "Island of Eternal Spring". A network of tourist routes running along the coastline with extensive open beaches of black and golden sand, steep and rocky areas forming small bays and grottoes, allows the traveler to see the wonderfully beautiful specially created unique parks and natural areas, as well as visit large resort centers islands and picturesque villages.

The southern part of Tenerife is protected from the cold trade winds blowing from the northeast by the high mountain range, thanks to which the south is bathed in sun all year round. The beneficial and surprisingly warm microclimate determined the development of resort tourism.

Such famous resort towns as Playa de Las Americas, Playa de Los Cristianos, Playa de Fanabe, El Medano and Playa Paraiso offer a wide range of services in hotels, high level comfort and a lot of water activities.

The north of Tenerife has a more humid climate, which contributes to the lush growth of subtropical vegetation and the fertility of the valleys. Most Tenerife's first resort and main city Valle Oratava – Puerto de la Crus has long been considered a recognized center of international tourism.

Those who are lucky enough to travel to this island should definitely visit specialized parks that contain interesting exotic representatives of flora and fauna.

  • Loro Park in Puerto de la Cruz,
  • Siam Park in the south of the island,
  • Las Aguilas del Teide,
  • Tenerife Zoo and Cactus Park in the vicinity of Arona,
  • Octopus water park 2 km from Playa de Las Americas,
  • The astronomical observatory in the capital of the island, Santa Cruz de Tenerife, and much more can diversify the beach holiday of vacationers, adding bright and memorable moments to memory and electronic media.

An overview of the most popular resorts in Tenerife: Puerto de la Cruz, where we talk about the history of the resorts, hotels and beaches, entertainment and shopping.


The second largest island of the Canary archipelago with an area of ​​1660 km² is the most unusual of all the Canary Islands.

The Harmattan wind, bringing the breath of the Sahara Desert here, has created unique landscapes reminiscent of Africa. But there is no African heat here, and the climate is even more comfortable than in Tenerife.

Many Russian tourists began to prefer this island because of its longest sandy beaches of all the Canary Islands, the width of which in some places exceeds 1 km. The Atlantic Ocean is special here - its waters are shallow, with crystal clean water turquoise color.

The diverse underwater world attracts diving and spearfishing enthusiasts. In the strait that separates Africa from the Canary Islands, fishermen never leave empty-handed - here you can catch sardines, tuna and even swordfish.

The unabated wind and constant waves made the island is an ideal place for windsurfing and on its territory the World Cup stages in this sport are held.

The island's capital, Puerto del Rosario, is not attractive to tourists due to the lack of attractions and interesting amusement parks.

Tourists choose the main resort centers for their holidays - the Jandia Peninsula and Corralejo. Also from the small village of Morro Jable, located in the south, you can take a boat to the shores of the island of Gran Canaria, and in the north of the island you can go to Lanzarote or take a fascinating excursion to the volcanic island of Lobos.

The third largest island with an area of ​​1560.1 km² and the second most populous island is located in the heart of the Canary archipelago. Only 60 miles separate the island from the coast of Africa.

Sunny days throughout the year, a mild climate, warm gentle waters of the Atlantic Ocean and the unique natural landscape of the island of volcanic origin, rising from the ocean, explain the unique charm of the island and make it possible to compare it with the continent in miniature.

Las Palmas de Gran Canaria (Las Palmas de Gran Canaria) - the capital of the island, with almost endless streets stretching along the ocean, is surprisingly harmoniously woven into the surrounding landscape.

The southern part of the island is characterized by excellent beaches with magnificent golden sand in Playa del Ingles (Playa del Inglés - from Spanish “beach of the English”) and dunes, oases in Maspalomas (Maspalomas). Playa de San Augustin (San Augustin), located east of Playa del Inglés, together with Maspalomas, forms the largest tourist center on the Spanish island.

The distance from San Agustin to the capital is 40 km, to Gran Canaria Airport – 20 km.

The distance from Playa del Inglés to Las Palmas de Gran Canaria is 55 km, to the airport – 30 km, from Maspalomas to the capital of the island – 60 km, to the airport – 36 km.

Public transport on the island is provided by two bus companies, one of which operates in the south of the island, the second in the north.

The capital has the main bus terminal, from where buses regularly run to all tourist centers, including Puerto Rico and Palatavaca.


The fourth largest island of the Canary archipelago with an area of ​​795 km² called the "island of volcanoes".

A third of the island today, after eruptions that lasted 6 years, remains covered with lifeless ash and basalt, which is not conducive to agriculture and growing many crops.

The busiest tourist area is in the Tias area, where visitors to the island are struck by the striking contrast between the black volcanic rocks scattered in abundance throughout the island and the light sand.

The island of Lanzarote is simply made for relaxation- endless sun, silence, fresh sea breeze and the whisper of the ocean - all this attracts tourists seeking solitude and peace.

You should definitely visit the capital of the island - Arrecife, which is the commercial and administrative center of the island, and its streets breathe centuries of history and reflect the unique maritime character of all of Lanzarote.

Tourists also flock to one of the the greenest places on the island - the Valley of a Thousand Palms, where unique fire palms and unusual tropical plants grow.

Do you want to try wines made from grapes growing on fields with solidified lava and other Canarian cuisine? Then you.

In this case, don’t hesitate, the holiday season is open.

We will help you find a resort in Spain that meets your requirements.

La Palma

The fifth largest island of the Canary archipelago with an area of ​​795 km² is rightly called isla bonita (beautiful island).

The island was declared a World Biosphere Reserve by UNESCO in 2002.. It is also called isla verde (green island), due to its vast territory covered with laurel and pine forests.

The island was formed 2 million years ago during the eruption of an underwater volcano. In the south of the island, the tourism sector is poorly developed, as several volcanoes remain active, which does not attract hotel business owners to build hotels and equip pristine beaches.

However, tourists can be advised to relax in a small nice resort - Puerto Naos with the longest beach on the island, covered with black sand.

It is noteworthy that this particular beach has proudly carried the blue flag of one of the cleanest beaches in Spain for many years.

Along the beach there is a chain of numerous shops, restaurants and cafes, where you should definitely try Canarian cuisine and young wines.

The picturesque sandy beach of Charco Verde is ideal for a family holiday., located 2 km south of Puerto Naos.

Attractions La Palma

A trip to the capital of the island, Santa Cruz de la Palma, is recommended for fans of a rich excursion program.

Plaza de España, Avenida Marítima embankment, Constitution Square, 16th-century town hall. (Aiantamiento), Dali Street, the Salazar Palace of the 17th century, the Church of the Holy Light of the 16th century, the House of Tobacco and many other attractions of the capital can satisfy lovers of exciting history and architectural monuments of the Middle Ages.

La Gomera

One of the most beautiful islands of the Canary archipelago With an area of ​​369.76 km², it is the sixth largest Canary Island.

You can get to the island with the unique vegetation of Monteverde - laurel forests by ferries departing to La Gomera from Tenerife from the port of Los Cristianos.
Travel time varies from 35 minutes to 1 hour 20 minutes.

The cost also ranges from 21 to 30 €. This discrepancy in time and cost is explained by the types of ferries and their speed.

In addition, the island has direct air connections with the islands of Gran Canaria and Tenerife.

Tourism on the island is not as developed as on other popular islands of the Canary archipelago. The bulk of tourists are represented by German citizens vacationing in Valle Gran Rey (“Valley of the Great King”), which is resort complex of coastal villages:

  • Vueltas,
  • La Puntilla,
  • La Playa,
  • La Galera.

The Spanish land has given the world the most extraordinary creative people, and among them great architect - Antonio Gaudi.

This man left behind priceless cultural creations. Created by him - business card Barcelona.

The last one The charming village was named Montmartre due to its many expensive boutiques and restaurants.- the name of one of the districts of Paris. Russian tourists prefer to come to the island on a one-day excursion, which starts from the capital of the island - San Sebastian de la Gomera.
A city with only 9 thousand. residents rich in attractions:

  • This is Plaza de las Americas
  • Church of Virgen de Asuncion, where, according to legend, Christopher Columbus prayed before continuing his sea voyage,
  • Gothic tower of Torre del Conde,
  • Historical fortress of Christopher Columbus, etc.
  • After visiting the capital, tourists go to the outskirts of the island, where the pristine nature with gorges, mountain peaks and endless laurel forests will take your breath away.

With its 450 species of rare trees and plants, it was included in the UNESCO World Heritage List in 1986.
Guides take travelers to Laurisilva, an ancient laurel forest where trees reach 20 meters in height.

Beautiful photos can be taken from the Mirador de Agando observation deck, near which there is a children's playground and a good restaurant.

Waiting for tourists during the meal traditional show silbo gomero ("Homer whistle"). In ancient times, when there were no telephones at all, the inhabitants of the island, who were mainly engaged in cattle breeding, exchanged the language of whistling. They could whistle to warn of danger, of some joyful event, and even report news, and maybe even gossip.

A whole Silbo dictionary, which has become a national treasure. Today the whistling language is taught in schools on the island. Practical Application this language does not, but as an entertaining show for tourists it will exist for a long time. So tourists don’t have to worry - their great-grandchildren will also be able to hear Silbo Gomero.


Square the smallest of the seven main Canary Islands is only 277 km². Like all the islands of the Canary archipelago, Hierro is an island of volcanic origin.
More recently, in 2011, an underwater volcano erupted near the town of La Restinga, from where residents were evacuated.

The tourism industry has barely affected the island, as there are no sandy beaches on the westernmost island. However, the islanders and a few tourists enjoy beach holiday in Tamadosta - a quiet cove located 10 km from the capital of the island - Valverde. Also 8 km from the capital is the beach of Pozo de las Calcosas with convenient backwaters for swimming and many bungalows made of steep stones.

Playa de Verodal - the most beautiful beach on the island, covered with volcanic sand and located at the foot of a high cliff. Due to poor access road, the beach is almost empty.
Diving enthusiasts flock to La Restinha, one of the popular resort centers on the island, having the status of a marine nature reserve. A large hotel, numerous bars, restaurants and shops along the Avenida Marítima promenade attract tourists.

Fans of excursions have practically nothing to gain here. Worthy of attention in the capital the only historical monument is the Church of Santa Maria de la Concepción, the date of construction of which dates back to 1767.
A complex of shepherd's huts, which have been reconstructed and furnished from different eras, can be found in the ecological museum located in Casas de Guinea, an ancient Norman settlement of the 15th century.

Intrepid travelers can check out Lagartario, a nature reserve home to one and a half meter rare breeds of lizards.

Because public transport on the island at all, then the only way to travel around the island is to rent a car.

Of the 6 small Canary Islands, only one is inhabited - Graciosa(27km²). It is located just 2 km north of Lanzarote. They are separated by the narrow El Rio Strait.
In the port village of Caleta del Sebo and the fishing village of Pedro Barba there is not a single hotel, only a few boarding houses.

According to ancient legend, There are countless treasures buried on the island. They were never found, and among the local population there are no treasure hunters, only friendly and smiling fishermen with very weather-beaten and tanned faces.

In the Canary Islands everything is covered in flowers,
And the Canary Islands are drowning in the ocean.
I was in the Canary Islands in pink dreams
And there he declared his love to Marianne.​

Ensemble "Jolly Guys"

Canary Islands (Spanish: Islas Canarias, English: Canary Islands, Canaries, Canarias) - common name for an archipelago of a dozen volcanic islands located 115 km off the northwestern coast of Africa. They belong to and are one of the autonomous communities of this country. They have two capitals on different islands - Santa Cruz de Tenerife and Las Palmas de Gran Canaria. The total area is 7447 sq. km. Population: 2,119,000 people.

The Canary Islands include 13 islands, of which 7 are main and inhabited: Lanzarote, Palma, Gomera, Hierro. The first four are the most popular and touristy. We also inhabit the small island of Graciosa. No one lives on the small islands - Alegranza (10 km²), Montaña Clara (1 km²), Lobos (6 km²), Roque del Oeste and Roque del Este.

In the past, the Canary Islands were considered an elite and expensive resort, but nowadays they are quite affordable. What attracts tourists here so much? Warm and cool summers, mild winters, green hills and valleys, unusual rocks, amazingly beautiful beaches with volcanic sand, a rich underwater world, natural and man-made monuments of various eras, good conditions for surfers, air accessibility, a large selection of fruits at any time of the year, excellent service, low prices in stores compared to Europe (due to the fact that there is a free economic zone), varied cuisine, which is a mixture of Spanish, African and Latin American dishes - the list is possible continue indefinitely. Each island has its own characteristics and unique flavor. Moving from one place to another, you will never get bored and will always discover something new and exciting.

The name "Canary Islands" comes from the Latin Canariae Insulae, meaning "Isles of Dogs". Two dogs can also be seen on the coat of arms. According to one version, in the past there were many dogs here, which local tribes considered sacred, and according to another, this refers to sea dogs or sea lions that had colonies on the islands.


A few facts

The official language is Spanish.

Currency - euro.

To visit you need a Schengen visa and.

Time zone - UTC+00:00 (winter) and UTC+1 (summer). It differs by 2 hours from Moscow in the summer (when it is 12 o’clock in Moscow, 10 o’clock in the morning on the Canary Islands) and by 3 hours in the winter. Daylight saving time switches to the last Sunday in March at 1 a.m., and back to the last Sunday in October at 1 a.m.

Brief history

The Canary Islands have a very rich history. The first settlements here were founded by the primitive tribes of the Guanches and Bimbaches. In ancient times, they were visited by the Phoenicians, Greeks and Carthaginians, but no cities were built here.

The first French sailors visited the islands in 1334, which 10 years later were donated to Castile (this is a historical region of Spain). At the beginning of the 13th century, colonization and displacement of local tribes began. It took only 2 years and in 1404 the Castilian king Henry III proclaimed Jean de Betancourt king of the Canaries. But for almost another century there were wars with the Guache tribes on the island of Tenerife. Only on September 29, 1496, Alonso de Lugo announced the complete subjugation of the Canary Islands.

During his first voyage in search of India, Christopher Columbus made a stop on the island of La Gomera. Later the archipelago becomes the most important point on the way from Europe to America. Because of this, heated debates flare up, which lead to clashes. Attempts to capture the islands were made by the Dutch and the British. They did not escape the attacks of pirates. But Spain emerged from all conflicts with honor and left the archipelago behind itself.

In 1982, the Canary Islands became an autonomous region of Spain, and all its residents were full subjects of the Spanish crown.

Why go to the Canary Islands

Who should go to the Canary Islands? The answer will be short - everyone! It's hard to pinpoint any specific group that might not like it here. First of all, people come here because of the mild climate: in summer it is not as hot as in European resorts, and in winter it is quite warm - you can even swim, which is unlikely to happen in the Mediterranean Sea. And no rain will spoil your holiday, since there is very little of it in any of the seasons.

Nature lovers will find a lot of greenery here, tropical forests, palm oases, vineyards, olive plantations, and numerous volcanoes.

Of course, there are also beaches for lovers of the sea and relaxing on a sun lounger. There are both wild places (including nudist ones) and civilized ones with all the infrastructure. Many of the beaches have been awarded the Blue Flag. From the exotic - beaches with volcanic dark sand.

The rich excursion program will not leave anyone indifferent. There are attractions here for every taste, which were left by ancient tribes, ancient and medieval settlers. Well, there is no need to talk about the many natural attractions.

Married couples with children can also safely go to the Canary Islands. Children won't be bored. An amusement park called Siam Park with water slides and attractions for all ages was built for them. There are also many parks on the islands where you can get up close and personal with unusual animals and birds.

Divers will find many caves and grottoes, sunken ships, rich flora and fauna in the sea. You can dive here all year round, since the water temperature, even in winter, rarely drops below +20 degrees.

Fans of active pastimes can enjoy water activities, ocean fishing, windsurfing, yachting, parachute jumping, golf, tennis, safari, karting, rock climbing, shooting, cycling, horseback riding and much more.

Entertainment lovers will find numerous discos and clubs, which are most numerous in Tenerife. Every month, several holidays and festivals take place in the archipelago.

Lovers of silence can retire to uncrowded beaches or settle away from major tourist sites (they are on any of the islands).

Canary Islands on the world map

You can buy air tickets as profitably as possible using special search engines that collect data from all airlines.


Almost all of the Canary Islands have asphalt roads. Buses run between popular settlements. You can always get to any place by taxi; the drivers are well versed in the location of hotels and main tourist attractions, although they do not always speak English.

Motorcycle and bicycle rental is quite developed. All popular islands of the archipelago offer cars of all brands for rent. You can rent a car both at the airport and at most popular resorts. The doors of such well-known global companies as Avis, Budget, Europcar, Hertz, La Palma 24 are open for you. We recommend purchasing a card highways, since in large cities there are many one-way streets, and the road system is also quite confusing. If you don’t want to look for rental offices on the spot, you can do it in advance. Then it will be waiting for you at the airport and you will immediately begin your journey, without any further distractions.

No matter what island you vacation on, you can always organize an interesting excursion program for yourself.

For example, on is ancient city Galdar with the remains of indigenous settlements. In Lanzarote you can see an ancient fortress from the 16th century, which is now a museum. In Tenerife there are pyramids in the Guimar desert. On the island of La Palma it is worth seeing the Caldera de Taburiente volcano and the Columbus Museum. And these are only the most important attractions of the Canary Islands.


Each island of the archipelago is unique and has its own characteristics.

The most developed in terms of tourism with good infrastructure. Steep, rocky shores alternate with volcanic sand beaches, mountains with dense tropical foliage give way to desert areas, and steep ravines give way to valleys of banana plantations. Perfect for a relaxing holiday, many of the beaches here have white sand. Lanzarote is famous for its volcanoes, of which there are more than three hundred.

The beaches on the Canary Islands are very diverse. Their total length is more than 1500 km. Most of them are of volcanic origin, which is why the sand on them is black. But many Tenerife beaches are covered with white sand imported from Africa. There are also pebble coasts.

There's something for everyone here. If you want to be closer to all the infrastructure and entertainment, then you should stay, for example, in the Las Americas area.

The most famous beaches of Gran Canaria are El Ingles and, in Tenerife - Playa de Taganana and Las Teresitas, in Fuerteventura - Playa de Corrallejo and El Reducto.


The climate of the Canary Islands varies and depends on the location of a particular place. It can be quite cold in the mountains, but in coastal areas the climate is similar to dry tropical and subtropical. In summer +25...+30 during the day and +20 at night, in spring and autumn about +20 during the day, in winter it rarely drops below +15. There is little precipitation, practically none at all in summer. The weather here is one of the best among all European resorts, with a record number of sunny days.

The Canary Islands belong to Spain, but they are an autonomous region. There are 2 capitals in the Canary Islands, which transfer their title to each other every 4 years. These are the cities of Santa Cruz de Tenerife and Las Palmas de Gran Canaria.

The Canary Islands consist of 20 islands of volcanic origin. The largest of them, Tenerife, is famous throughout the world for its beaches, hotels and nature; it is adjacent to 6 more fairly large islands. But the remaining 13 islands are too small and therefore they are still uninhabited. The total area of ​​the islands is just under 7.5 thousand sq. km.

Tourists different countries fly to the Canary Islands to enjoy surfing, diving and mountaineering. Beautiful nature and inviting waves await everyone.

The Canary Islands' closest neighbors by sea are Morocco and Western Sahara in Africa, Cape Verde to the southwest and the Portuguese island of Madeira to the north.

The smallest island in the Canaries, Montaña Clara, covers an area of ​​only 1 square km.

Geographically, the Canary Islands archipelago is located in the Macaronesia group of islands along with the Azores and Cape Verde Islands, Madeira and Selvagenes. The Canary Islands are located off the northwestern coast of Africa. Because of this position of the islands, the wind from the Sahara Desert, the Sirocco, often blows on them, bringing with it heat and sand. But cool air currents blowing from the northeast soften the effect of the desert winds.

On the island of Yero in the Canary archipelago, the smallest hotel in the world, called Punta Grande, has opened, although it is difficult to stay in it - rooms are booked several months in advance.

History of the conquest of the islands

Since ancient times, the Canary Islands belonged to Spain. But the Canary Islands were opened to Europe by Christopher Columbus. After that, so beautiful they became the dream of many countries; they were attacked by both Dutch and British fleets, but the islands always remained under the influence of Spain. They speak mainly Spanish on the islands, because more than 80% of the population are native Spaniards. The rest are foreigners, usually Africans, trying to escape to the New World.

There are hypotheses that the Canary Islands are part of the sunken Atlantis. Therefore, confirmation of the existence of the island is constantly being sought on the islands. Scientists are interested in still unsolved ritual structures on the islands of Tenerife and Guimar.