Hygiene of the nervous system. Hygiene of the child’s nervous system

Almost all functions nervous system are carried out through the interaction of excitation and inhibition processes. As a rule, excitation in some centers is accompanied by inhibition in others, and vice versa. Braking plays a protective role, protecting nerve cells from overvoltage and destruction. IN healthy body these processes are clearly coordinated and ensure optimal functioning of the body. However, even healthy people Any form of activity inevitably leads to fatigue after a certain time. Fatigue- this is a temporary decrease in the body’s performance, which is associated primarily with changes in the central nervous system. Fatigue is usually accompanied by a feeling of tiredness. It can even appear in the morning during the first lesson at school or while staying at home. The cause of fatigue may be bad night sleep or the monotony and monotony of the work performed. The first sign of fatigue is general motor restlessness, which over time turns into lethargy and drowsiness.

Chronic (long-term) fatigue leads to overwork. In this case, perception, memory, attention are impaired, headaches, insomnia, and loss of appetite may occur. Overwork weakens the regulatory function of the nervous system and can trigger the occurrence of a number of diseases: mental, cardiovascular, gastrointestinal, skin, etc.

Favorable conditions for the normal functioning of the nervous system are created with the correct alternation of work, rest and sleep. Cheerful mood, interesting work cause positive emotions, make work less tiring. Physical fatigue and nervous fatigue disappear when switching from one type of activity to another. This fact was proven by the Russian physiologist I.M. Sechenov and is one of the leading methods effective recovery performance.

Smoking, drug and alcohol use, and inhalation of toxic substances cause irreparable harm to the nervous system. Alcohol causes chronic depression of the nervous system. Although toxicity ethyl alcohol Incomparably lower than potassium cyanide, a person drinking alcoholic beverages receives so much poison that all his organs and systems suffer from poisoning. The products of incomplete oxidation of ethyl alcohol enter the brain and disrupt the activity of neurons, even to the point of their death. Irreversible processes occur in the body that change personality and lead to the development of dementia.

Alcohol that enters the body is not eliminated immediately, but after several days. Therefore, people who drink even low-alcohol drinks every day almost never recover from a state of chronic poisoning. It has been proven that systematic intake of, for example, beer carries the risk of developing a serious illness - beer alcoholism. Alcoholism is characterized by a condition in which a person experiences an irresistible craving for constant drinking. This condition manifests itself physically and mental dependence from alcohol, mental and social degradation.

No less harmful influence toxic substances and nicotine affect the nervous system. In teenagers they can cause weakness, headache, nausea, sweating, muscle pain.

Alcohol, nicotine, and toxic substances destroy not only the central but also the peripheral nervous system. The sensitivity of the body is distorted, many reflexes weaken or completely disappear. In critical situations, paralysis may occur.

The nervous system perceives stimuli acting on the body, conducts and processes the resulting excitation, and forms adaptive responses. It regulates and coordinates all functions of the body in its interaction with the environment. The main structural and functional element of the nervous system is the neuron. Neurons connected by synapses are capable of transmitting excitation from one cell to another. A neuron can be in two states: resting and active. These neuron states determine the ability to transmit information from one nerve cell to another.

The simplest functional combination of neurons is reflex arc. It serves as the basis for all body responses to external influences or changes in its internal state. Control of heart function internal organs and digestive glands is carried out by sympathetic and parasympathetic departments autonomic nervous system.

Brain, including cortex cerebral hemispheres, evaluates the received information. It forms teams that control the body’s activities, aimed at solving biological and social problems (constancy of the internal environment and behavior, respectively).

Thus, the highest regulatory department of the nervous system is the brain. It is under his control that the work of internal organs and human behavior is carried out.

The importance of the state of the nervous system for the normal functioning of the body. The human nervous system functions continuously day and night. The coordinated work of organ systems is carried out under the constant influence of the nervous system. With any reflex, excitation is carried out to the cerebral cortex. Numerous reflexes, unconditioned and conditioned, constantly ensure the interaction of our body with environment. Distinction between stimuli perceived by different receptors is carried out in the cerebral cortex.
The complex nervous processes occurring in the human brain are the basis of its conscious activity, which manifests itself in all aspects of social life. Any human work - in production, in various fields of science, culture, art, schooling and others educational institutions- associated with manifestations of higher nervous activity, starting from the simplest conditioned reflexes and ending with complex thought processes. Therefore, with any type of human activity, fatigue develops mainly in the central nervous system.
The normal functioning of the body largely depends on the state of the central nervous system and especially the brain. That is why overwork of the central nervous system causes disruption of a number of vital functions of the body, leading to a sharp decrease or even loss of ability to work.
The development of fatigue in the central nervous system is largely delayed by the processes of inhibition that constantly occur in it.
The protective role of inhibition. Inhibition is one of the body's defense mechanisms. It prevents the rapid increase in fatigue in the central nervous system.
You already know that the occurrence of strong excitation in any part of the central nervous system causes the development of inhibition in other parts of it. Excitation does not pass through the inhibited areas, and during this time they restore their performance.
But if a person does not follow the rules of hygiene, then inhibition in the central nervous system can cause harm to it. For example, some people talk and read while eating. These extraneous stimuli cause inhibition of unconditioned and conditioned food reflexes.” Then the secretion of digestive juices weakens, the wave-like contractions of the esophagus and intestines become sluggish. All this greatly stimulates the digestive processes.
Physical hygiene. Physical labor usually involves prolonged work of the same muscle groups. Therefore, certain areas of the central nervous system that regulate the activity of these muscles remain in a state of excitation for a long time. Over time, they begin to develop fatigue. To prevent excessive fatigue, it is useful to carry out industrial exercises during breaks in work. During its execution, the main load is transferred to those muscles that are little involved in the work, which leads to the excitation of new areas of the brain. In those parts of it that were excited during work, inhibition develops. During this time they restore their performance.
Nowadays, mechanization and automation of labor-intensive processes are being widely introduced into production, which makes the work of workers easier. In those sectors of the economy where production has not yet been fully mechanized, great value gains rationalization of labor. As a result of rationalization, unnecessary movements of workers are eliminated and a favorable work rhythm is established. various groups muscles. This rhythm provides alternate excitement! and inhibition of areas of the brain that regulate muscle function at a pace beneficial to the nervous system. This helps prevent her from becoming overburdened.
Hygiene of mental work. Mental work is associated with activity huge amount cortical cells that are involved in complex processes, which determine thinking. Prolonged mental work causes an increase in fatigue in the central nervous system. Inhibition in it begins to prevail over excitation. During mental work, inflamed areas of the central nervous system need rest. A good remedy such recreation is gymnastics or other physical activity during breaks at work. Classes in educational workshops and at the school site not only prepare us for future work, but also prevent the development of fatigue in the central nervous system. In those areas of the brain that were excited during classroom lessons, inhibition develops. Physical education lessons at school and five-minute breaks for gymnastics in institutions have the same importance.
The alternation of physical and mental labor is of paramount importance to protect the human central nervous system from increasing fatigue.

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Almost all functions of the nervous system are carried out through the interaction of the processes of inhibition and excitation. As a rule, excitation in some centers is accompanied by inhibition in others, and vice versa. Inhibition plays a protective role: it protects nerve cells from overstrain and destruction. In a healthy body, these processes are clearly coordinated and ensure optimal functioning of the body. However, even in healthy people, any form of activity inevitably leads to fatigue after a certain time. The first sign of fatigue is general motor restlessness, which over time turns into lethargy and drowsiness.

Long-term (chronic) fatigue can result in overwork. In this case, perception, memory, attention are impaired, headaches, insomnia, and loss of appetite may occur. Overwork weakens the regulatory function of the nervous system and leads to a number of diseases: mental, cardiovascular, skin, and gastrointestinal.

Favorable conditions for good functioning of the nervous system can be created with the correct alternation of rest, work and sleep. A cheerful mood and interesting work evoke positive emotions and make work less tiring. Physical fatigue and nervous fatigue disappear when you change the type of activity.

Smoking, drug and alcohol use, and inhalation of toxic substances cause irreparable harm to the nervous system. Alcohol causes chronic depression of the nervous system. Although the toxicity of ethyl alcohol is incomparably lower than that of potassium cyanide, a person, when drinking alcoholic beverages, receives so much poison that all his organs and systems suffer from poisoning. Irreversible processes occur in the body that change personality and lead to the development of dementia.

Alcohol that enters the body is not eliminated immediately, but after several days. Therefore, people who drink even low-alcohol drinks every day almost never recover from a state of chronic poisoning. It has been proven that systematic intake of, for example, beer carries a risk of developing serious illness- beer alcoholism. Alcoholism is characterized by a condition in which a person experiences an irresistible craving for constant drinking. This condition manifests itself in mental and physical dependence from alcohol, social and mental degradation.

Toxic substances and nicotine have an equally harmful effect on the nervous system. In adolescents, they can cause weakness, headache, sweating, nausea, and muscle pain.

Alcohol, nicotine, and toxic substances destroy not only the central but also the peripheral nervous system. The sensitivity of the body is distorted, many reflexes weaken or completely disappear. In critical situations, paralysis may occur.

Our nervous system is the basis of all body activity. That's why nervous system hygiene very important for our health and well-being.

Evolutionarily, the nervous system appeared later than other systems, but it united all our organs, feelings, emotions, mind, consciousness into a single whole and gave us the opportunity and ability to understand the environment and the world, ourselves and our entire lives. As we see, the nervous system is simply a royal gift to man from nature (or the Creator). We must certainly take care of her “well-being.” And to do this, let’s get acquainted with what our nervous system likes and doesn’t like.

What does she like?

If “about eating,” then she loves simple food containing wholemeal bread, cereal porridges, especially buckwheat and oatmeal, legumes, fish, mushrooms, meat and offal (liver, kidneys, heart), vegetables and fruits. All of them are rich in vitamins, especially B vitamins and nicotinic acid, very important for normal operation neurons.

The nervous system also loves long walks. fresh air. After all, the brain simply needs oxygen. Despite the fact that the brain weighs 2.5% of the body weight, it absorbs 18 - 25% of the oxygen we inhale. This is significantly more than other organs and tissues of approximately the same weight.

Deep and restful sleep. During good sleep the nervous system is well restored and strengthened. Yes, you yourself have experienced this more than once.

Any water procedures, from swimming in ponds and pools to taking a daily shower, our nerves simply adore. After all, in water, muscles relax, tension is relieved, and all this has a beneficial effect. In the evening, while taking a shower, order that everything that has “stuck” on your body throughout the day (“sideways glances” from strangers, or their thoughts and negative energy, as well as all physical “dirty tricks”: dust, radiation, etc.) with water washed off, and your body became clean and renewed. (well, this is for those who want to, I just do it myself).

Who will argue that physical education is the best remedy in the fight against Engage in those sports that bring you joy and pleasure. Practice to the best of your ability, taking into account your age, do not try to set records.

Form a pleasant social circle for yourself, create a favorable spiritual atmosphere. Your loved ones and your good acquaintances and friends are best protection from stress.

What does the nervous system not like?

Any infectious diseases- influenza, acute respiratory viral infections are the primary enemies of our nervous system. The infection “tries” in every way to penetrate the nerve cells. Through blood, sinusitis, otitis, stomatitis, tonsillitis, it happens that it gets into meninges, causing purulent meningitis.

Any blows accompanied by concussions are of course harmful to the brain. After all, the blood vessels of the brain are quite fragile and are the first to suffer during a concussion. This can lead to mental disorders, paralysis, and even death.

You need to protect yourself from overheating and sunstroke. Stay out of direct sunlight long time, especially with bare head. Overheating the body is very harmful and dangerous. Of course, we wait for warmth and sun all winter, but we shouldn’t put our health and lives in danger.

Well, of course various types stress: mental, physical, communication and caused by an excessive amount of negative information - our nervous system does not like all this. Try to avoid this as much as possible.

Our nervous system is the basis of all body activity. That's why nervous system hygiene very important for our health and well-being.

Evolutionarily, the nervous system appeared later than other systems, but it united all our organs, feelings, emotions, mind, consciousness into a single whole and gave us the opportunity and ability to understand the environment and the world, ourselves and our entire lives. As we see, the nervous system is simply a royal gift to man from nature (or the Creator). We must certainly take care of her “well-being.” And to do this, let’s get acquainted with what our nervous system likes and doesn’t like.

What does she like?

If “about eating,” then she loves simple food containing wholemeal bread, cereal porridges, especially buckwheat and oatmeal, legumes, fish, mushrooms, meat and offal (liver, kidneys, heart), vegetables and fruits. All of them are rich in vitamins, especially B vitamins and niacin, which are very important for the normal functioning of neurons.

The nervous system also loves long walks in the fresh air. After all, the brain simply needs oxygen. Despite the fact that the brain weighs 2.5% of the body weight, it absorbs 18 - 25% of the oxygen we inhale. This is significantly more than other organs and tissues of approximately the same weight.

Deep and restful sleep is very important for her health. During sound sleep, the nervous system is well restored and strengthened. Yes, you yourself have experienced this more than once.

Our nerves simply adore any water procedures, from swimming in ponds and pools to taking a daily shower. After all, in water, muscles relax, tension is relieved, and all this has a beneficial effect. In the evening, while taking a shower, order that everything that has “stuck” on your body throughout the day (“sideways glances” from strangers, or their thoughts and negative energy, as well as all physical “dirty tricks”: dust, radiation, etc.) with water washed off, and your body became clean and renewed. (well, this is for those who want to, I just do it myself).

Who would argue that physical education is the best remedy in the fight against... Engage in those sports that bring you joy and pleasure. Practice to the best of your ability, taking into account your age, do not try to set records.

Form a pleasant social circle for yourself, create a favorable spiritual atmosphere. Your loved ones and your good acquaintances and friends are the best protection against stress.

What does the nervous system not like?

Any infectious diseases - influenza, ARVI - are the primary enemies for our nervous system. The infection “tries” in every way to penetrate the nerve cells. Through blood, sinusitis, otitis, stomatitis, tonsillitis, it sometimes enters the meninges, causing purulent meningitis.

Any blows accompanied by concussions are of course harmful to the brain. After all, the blood vessels of the brain are quite fragile and are the first to suffer during a concussion. This can lead to mental disorders, paralysis, and even death.

You also need to protect yourself from overheating and sunstroke. Avoid being in direct sunlight for long periods of time, especially with your head uncovered. Overheating the body is very harmful and dangerous. Of course, we wait for warmth and sun all winter, but we shouldn’t put our health and lives in danger.

And of course, various types of stress: mental, physical, communication and caused by an excessive amount of negative information - our nervous system does not like all this. Try to avoid this as much as possible.