Gynecological problems after childbirth.

The body of a woman who has become a mother needs recovery after such an important and difficult event in her life as childbirth. In the postpartum period, some problems may arise related to the consequences of the birth of a child and the beginning of breastfeeding, which, however, are not difficult to cope with.

The main health problems for women after childbirth

Pain in the lower abdomen. After childbirth, the uterus needs to return to its previous size (less than a woman’s fist), so it begins to contract. Uterine contractions are accompanied by cramping or nagging pain. When breastfeeding, these sensations may intensify, since irritation of the nipples reflexively promotes the production of the hormone oxytocin, which increases uterine contractions. As a rule, a week after childbirth, the pain gradually decreases and stops. If the pain is quite intense, you can use painkillers in consultation with your doctor. Gymnastics after childbirth also helps reduce discomfort.

Pain in the perineum. Usually occur after ruptures or incisions of the perineum. As a rule, sutures take 7-10 days to heal. However, a woman may experience some pain in the perineum even if she has not had any tears. This is due to the strong stretching of tissues during childbirth. Similar discomfort disappear on the 2-3rd day of the postpartum period. For very intense pain, you can take painkillers as recommended by your doctor.

Bloody vaginal discharge. Discharge of blood from the uterus is a completely normal phenomenon after childbirth and occurs because the uterus begins to contract, and large vessels at the site of the former attachment of the placenta gradually close.

In the first 2-3 days, the discharge is bloody, profuse and resembles menstrual discharge. From the 3-4th day after birth, they become brownish-brown in color, their number gradually decreases. By the 10-14th day, lochia acquires yellowish color. 5-6 weeks after birth, discharge from the uterus stops, vaginal discharge acquire the same character as before pregnancy. As a rule, bleeding becomes more abundant during breastfeeding. In the absence of lochia or in bright red and excessive heavy discharge with clots (you have to change several pads per hour), you should immediately consult a doctor! It is advisable to see an obstetrician-gynecologist in the same maternity hospital where the birth took place.

Haemorrhoids. During childbirth, during pushing, the woman experiences excessive tension, which can sometimes cause hemorrhoids. After childbirth, they may disappear completely, but in some cases they swell and cause pain. Decrease painful sensations you can use frozen plastic bottle ice, which is applied to the perineum for 15-20 minutes 1-2 times a day. The bottle must first be wrapped in a clean, dry cloth to avoid frostbite. At very severe pain If prescribed by a doctor, it is possible to use special suppositories.

Constipation. As a rule, stool occurs on the 2-3rd day after birth. Many women are afraid that the seams on the perineum may come apart. In reality this never happens. To normalize intestinal function after childbirth, it is recommended to eat raisins, dried apricots, and drink more mineral water. This also contributes to the implementation postpartum gymnastics. If on the 4th day after birth there is no independent stool, it is better to consult a doctor.

Lack of milk. Regularly putting your baby to the breast is a natural prevention of lack of milk. The more often the baby suckles, the more milk the mother reflexively produces. Stagnation of milk leads to a decrease in its production. Therefore, the main rule after childbirth is to feed the baby at his first request, and be sure to express the remaining milk (more about this is described in the section on breastfeeding). If, despite regular feeding, the baby does not gain weight, it means that there is still not enough milk, and you need to consult a doctor. Traditional medicine recommends that if there is a lack of milk, drink black tea with milk more often or green tea, eat walnuts up to 4 pieces per day, as well as 100 g of black radish 2-3 times a day. Good effect have infusions of nettle, oregano, fennel, dill and caraway.

Breast engorgement. As a rule, during the first 2-3 days after birth, the mammary glands produce colostrum, not milk. This is a liquid, fattier than mature milk, rich in proteins, fats, minerals, as well as vitamins, enzymes and hormones, especially necessary for a newborn baby in the first days of life. Colostrum is produced in much smaller quantities than breast milk. Therefore, when a large volume of milk comes in on the 4-6th day after birth, the mammary glands harden within a few hours, increase in volume, and become painful. The temperature may even rise slightly. If a woman continues to feed her baby despite painful sensations, then these unpleasant phenomena go away on their own in 1-2 days. Special attention it should be addressed if the temperature reaches high numbers (above 38°), the pain becomes very sharp, the skin of the mammary gland becomes red and hot to the touch. In this case, you should immediately consult a doctor! This may be a sign of advanced mastitis, which may require treatment. It is even necessary to continue breastfeeding the baby, since stagnation of milk is precisely the cause of inflammation that causes mastitis. You should not put your baby to your breast unless purulent mastitis, when droplets of pus are released from the nipple, and the mother, as a rule, is prescribed antibiotics by the doctor. Continue breast-feeding possible only after completion of the course of treatment.

Cracked nipples. Since the skin of the nipples is very delicate, during pregnancy they need to be prepared for feeding using a terry towel, which should be rubbed daily for 1-2 minutes. If a woman has not done this, then in the first days of breastfeeding, cracks may form on them. To avoid this, you must first place the baby on one breast for 5-7 minutes, and then on the other for 5-7 minutes. You can purchase a special cream at the pharmacy to prevent cracked nipples.

Health problems after childbirth

Urination after childbirth

Don't be surprised if your urge to urinate decreases after giving birth. This problem after childbirth can be caused by several factors, including:

  • insufficient fluid intake before and during childbirth;
  • large fluid loss during labor (think sweating, vomiting, and bleeding);
  • bruises bladder and urethra arising during childbirth;
  • exposure to medications and anesthesia used during labor (these types of medications may temporarily reduce the sensitivity of your bladder and reduce your ability to feel the need to urinate);
  • pain in the perineum, which can cause reflex spasms of the urethra (the tube that carries urine from the bladder);
  • fear of urine getting on the sensitive mucous membrane of the perineum. You can restore urination by tensing and relaxing the pelvic muscles, increasing fluid intake and applying hot or cold compresses to the perineal area.

If fear is bothering you, try increasing your fluid intake, which will reduce the acidity of your urine. You can also try straddling the toilet with your legs spread wide apart and peeing while pouring water on your perineum, or - if you're really desperate - peeing in the shower.

Don't worry that you will suffer from this problem all the time after giving birth: you will soon notice that you are running to the toilet at regular intervals as your body begins to recover from childbirth and get rid of excess liquid accumulated during pregnancy.

If you are experiencing strong burning sensation after urination or strong, painful and unusual frequent urge to urinate, you may have developed an infection urinary tract. In this case, you should drink more sugar-free cranberry juice and consult your doctor about treatment.

Urinary incontinence after childbirth

Some women experience the opposite problem after childbirth - urinary incontinence. It usually goes away within the first six weeks after giving birth (especially if you exercise regularly), but it is still very uncomfortable.

Problems with bowel movements after childbirth

Lack of food during labor and a temporary decrease in muscle tone in the intestines can lead to you not having bowel movements for several days after birth. And when the urge to defecate does occur, you may find it difficult to relax and let nature do its thing for fear that it may cause pain in the sensitive perineal area and/or painful hemorrhoids or damage to the stitches.

Most best way To cope with this problem - increase the amount of fluid and fiber consumed (prunes, pears or apricot nectar, fresh fruits and vegetables, all grains), avoid foods and drinks that contain caffeine (coffee, cola and chocolate), and also be as active as possible. it's possible. This will help you. keep stools soft and regular.

Lower abdominal pain after childbirth

A few days after giving birth, you may begin to experience pain. These postpartum contractions The uterus can range from almost unnoticeable to excruciating (some women have to resort to labor-like breathing to cope with the pain.) The pain is most intense when you're breastfeeding because breastfeeding releases oxytocin, a hormone that causes the uterus to contract.

While the pain is quite mild after the first birth, it can be very severe after the birth of the second and subsequent children. If you experience severe discomfort, you can ask your doctor to prescribe a pain reliever that is safe to take while breastfeeding. Or you can grit your teeth and wait until the pain goes away on its own. (You will notice that the frequency and intensity of the pain will decrease within two days after delivery, and it will gradually disappear over the next few weeks).

Muscle separation abdominal cavity

For some women possible problems after childbirth are associated with diastasis recti (separation of the rectus muscles that run from the chest to the symphysis pubis). This muscle separation can be corrected with abdominal exercises.

Weakness after childbirth

Don't be surprised if you feel tired during the first few days after giving birth. The balance of fluids in the body changes greatly after childbirth, and cardiovascular system It will take some time to adjust to this.

If fatigue continues for more than a few days, ask your doctor to test you for anemia (iron deficiency). Believe it or not, even a small amount of blood loss during childbirth can lead to this condition. Fortunately, in most cases this problem can be resolved by taking supplemental iron, which is less likely to cause constipation than taking other iron supplements.

Chills after childbirth

It's quite unusual to feel chills right after you've given birth. Researchers believe this is due to changes in body temperature after you're done with pregnancy. Usually all it takes to stop the chills is to cover yourself with a warm blanket and hold your baby in your arms.

Sweating after childbirth

One of the ways your body gets rid of excess fluid accumulated during pregnancy is through sweating. You will sweat more than usual, especially at night. You can cover the sheet and pillow with a towel to absorb sweat. Scientists believe sweating is caused by a sudden drop in estrogen levels, which can make you feel menopause-like hot flashes for a week or two after giving birth.

Perineum hurts after childbirth

You can often hear the following phrase from women in labor: the first days with the baby would have been simply wonderful if it weren’t for the perineal incision. Alas, but this is a fact. Two thirds of women who had an incision or, moreover, a rupture during childbirth, have problems with the wound. They don’t know how to sit, they are scared every time they go to the toilet, and their pain never stops. However, it is quite possible to do something against these ailments.

First aid for pain in the perineum:

  1. The best course of treatment is sitz baths with tannins type oak bark(You can buy Tannolact at the pharmacy). Do not use the opportunity to take the extract with you to the hospital. The day after giving birth, ask nurse draw you a bath. After discharge from the maternity hospital, the course of treatment can be carried out in a bidet, since there is often not enough time to take a real bath.
  2. Avoid ointments and creams, they can cause additional irritation. It is better to gently massage the seam with St. John's wort oil.
  3. For washing it is better to take clean warm water, because... soapy substances cause irritation.
  4. If pain occurs when visiting the toilet, you should additionally rinse the seam area after flushing the toilet. warm water.
  5. Cooling is always helpful for inflammation. Place a few ice cubes in a damp disposable glove and cool the wound for about 2 minutes. But not longer, otherwise a blistering inflammation may form.
  6. In the first days, the inflatable ring for the seat reduces pain when sitting.

After one to two weeks, the perineal incision should heal completely. If you still have problems, contact your gynecologist immediately.

   The birth was over, the woman returned home and, it would seem, all the most difficult things had already passed. But here new ones may be waiting for mom problems after childbirth: abdominal pain, perineal pain, hemorrhoids, constipation, urination problems, sore nipples and much more.

Stomach ache

   Pain in the lower abdomen after childbirth is a normal phenomenon, you should not be afraid of it. These pains can be nagging or cramping. This suggests that the enlarged uterus contracts and gradually returns to its previous size.

   Pain becomes especially intense during lactation, since in this period Over time, the hormone oxytocin is produced, which promotes uterine contractions. Therefore, in women who breastfeed, the contraction and restoration of the uterus occurs faster. Abdominal pain may be felt from several days to one week after birth.

   In the maternity hospital, doctors sometimes recommend applying cold to the lower abdomen for 10-15 minutes after each emptying of the bladder for 10-15 minutes during the first two days after birth, and lying more on the stomach. To improve your well-being in case of severe pain, you can take antispasmodics (NO-SPA, PAPAVERINE).

   Pain in the lower abdomen also accompanies the postoperative period after cesarean section. In the maternity hospital, painkillers are used for no more than 3-4 days and strictly according to indications.

   For fairly severe pain and only in a hospital setting, it is prescribed narcotic analgesics(PROMEDOL, OMNOPOL, TRAMAL), with a weaker pain sensation - non-narcotic analgesics(KETOROL, ANALGIN, BARALGIN).

   Usually after 4-5 days, acute discomfort almost completely disappears, and the postpartum period, in general, continues the same as for women who gave birth naturally, although it takes longer to restore the uterus after a cesarean section - 2-3 weeks.

Pain in the perineum

   Pain in the perineum for several days after childbirth is also normal, even if the birth took place without tissue dissection.

   When tissue is cut, pain can sometimes persist for up to several weeks or even months, intensifying with tension.

   After cutting the perineum, doctors do not recommend sitting for a month, but on the 5-7th day you are allowed to sit on the toilet, on a hard chair on the buttock opposite to the direction of the incision: the woman should find out from the doctor which side the incision was on.

   Hygienic procedures should be carried out daily, 2 times a day, the seam area can be washed with baby soap, chamomile or calendula decoction. They have antiseptic and anti-inflammatory properties. It is also allowed to use special means For intimate hygiene.

   If there is discharge, you need to change sanitary pads in a timely manner - at least once every 3 hours. If the discharge is accompanied by an unpleasant odor, the pain in the perineum has become significantly stronger, the body temperature has increased, nausea or vomiting has appeared, then you should immediately consult a doctor.

Hemorrhoids after childbirth

After the birth of a baby in a family, life changes completely, from the daily routine to the intimate relationships between parents. Pregnancy also imposed some restrictions on sex, especially later, and returning to a normal rhythm can sometimes be extremely difficult. The body and psyche of a woman who has carried and given birth to a baby undergoes changes that are important to take into account when trying to resume intimate life in a couple.

Timing of sexual activity after childbirth

After the birth of a baby, large-scale involutionary processes occur in the female body, and they especially affect the uterus. The placenta, which was attached to the entire pregnancy inner wall organ, after exiting it leaves behind a large wound surface. It is the blood from it that is part of the lochia - postpartum discharge, which also contains remnants of fetal membranes and water. Until the placenta is completely healed, it is a risk zone - there is a high probability of infection penetrating through the not yet closed cervix, developing inflammatory process and other complications. This is why doctors recommend sexual rest after childbirth for at least 4–6 weeks - during this period, most women’s discharge completely disappears and the defect in the uterus heals. At the end of lochia, the woman is recommended to visit a gynecologist, and if the examination does not reveal any pathologies, then sexual activity can be resumed just 1–2 months after delivery.

Sex life after caesarean section

Delivery by cesarean section allows you to leave the muscles of the vagina and perineum unchanged, so many people mistakenly believe that sexual rest can take less time than during natural childbirth. But even despite not being involved birth canal, the recovery period cannot be less than a month, and in most cases it is even longer. The risks related to the wound surface of the placenta remain relevant, and new ones associated with the suture on the uterus are added. You can resume sexual life only if healing is successful and there is no pain; the period in such a situation can range from 4–12 weeks.

The presence of a suture after a cesarean section can lengthen the period of sexual rest after childbirth

Sex after childbirth: possible problems and ways to solve them

Renewal process sex life in couples after childbirth it often becomes real problem, since the changes that have occurred in the female body can be a source of pain and even psychological discomfort. The more difficult the birth was, the more difficult the recovery will be, so for some women even talking about sex in the first months is unpleasant. But do not despair - despite some difficulties in resuming intimate life, after a while the sensations will not only become as before, but also with high probability will improve significantly.

Lack of natural lubrication

The primary cause of discomfort during sex for all young mothers is a lack of natural lubrication. Due to a sharp decrease in estrogen, mucus production in the vagina is reduced, and the problem may remain relevant throughout the entire period of breastfeeding. The solution to this problem is the use of artificial lubricants, lubricants, which are sold in intimate goods stores and pharmacies. When choosing, you should pay attention to several aspects:

  • the lubricant should be water-based so as not to cause irritation or have negative influence on barrier agents contraception;
  • the composition should not contain hormonal components;
  • it is better to give preference to the most simple options, without additional additives and flavorings.

Using a lubricant will help neutralize the problem of insufficient natural lubrication after childbirth

It is enough to apply the lubricant to the penis or vaginal opening before sexual intercourse; if necessary, use an additional amount of the product during the process.

Restoration of intimate muscles

During natural birth the vaginal muscles undergo strong stretch, and their resources are not always enough to independently return to their original position. Women are advised to do special exercises Kegels, which will help significantly strengthen muscle tissue intimate area. The complex should be carried out after feeding the baby and at least an hour after eating. The essence of the exercises is to squeeze and relax the muscles of the perineum in a sequential order. To begin with, it will be enough to hold the muscles for a few seconds, repeating for 5 minutes a day. By constantly increasing the fixation time, excellent results can be achieved.

Many of my friends were very afraid that after giving birth their vagina would become very stretched, and sex would not be enjoyable for them or their partners. In none of the cases was the “bucket” effect, as it was called, observed - the muscles themselves were restored under the influence of hormones (involution affects them too), plus special exercises, and by the time sex was allowed, almost everything fell into place .

Do this exercise always and everywhere!!! There will be no harm, only benefit. 4 sets of 8 times different intensity. This is the same physical exercise only for the vaginal muscles. There are only advantages, I did it before giving birth. And then it really helps to tighten everything up there, otherwise everything was squishing, it was just terrible.


Pain and blood during sex

Often there is a resumption of sexual activity and bleeding. The reasons for this phenomenon may be:

  • cracks and seams - they may not heal completely, and friction during the act caused bleeding and pain;
  • lochia that has not yet ended - the uterus has not been completely cleansed and restored, and sex has caused additional stimulation;
  • the presence of growths of granulation tissue at the site of application of suture material;
  • postpartum complications, including erosions on the walls of the vagina.

If a woman discovers blood after sexual intercourse, she should consult a doctor to eliminate the possibility of dangerous complications.

Sex with seams and tears

Having stitches after tears and episiotomies can make it much more difficult to return to sexual activity. Usually, within two months of sexual rest, they are completely overgrown, but this does not exclude the possibility of unpleasant sensations. The fact is that in place of the sutured tissue defects there is still for a long time will remain less elastic for a long time, so some positions or active movement during sex may cause the seams to feel pulled. You shouldn’t ignore this; it’s better to adjust your partner’s position and try to find the most comfortable one, or try to have sex even later.

Carrying out an episiotomy during childbirth imposes additional restrictions on sexual life after - you need to wait until the stitches are completely healed

Sex during fucking

Lochia is present during the entire period of recovery of the uterus after childbirth, respectively, their presence indicates that the wound from the placenta has not completely healed. Even despite the reduced volume of discharge, if there is any, then you should not have sex. In such a situation, it remains high risk infection and development of the inflammatory process, which is best avoided.

Libido after childbirth

After childbirth, many women experience a significant decrease in sexual desire, and this is due not only to fatigue and the state of the body, but also to natural hormonal changes. The process of breastfeeding is due to the active production of the hormone prolactin, which blocks ovulation. There is no ovulation - there is no possibility of getting pregnant, and accordingly there is no need for sex at the physiological level, because from the physiological side, the main task of sexual contact is conception.

Psychological problems

In resuming sexual life after childbirth great value has the mental state of a young mother. Many people face such a problem as postpartum depression when even the desire to eat may be absent, not to mention sexual urges. Difficulties may arise from the following aspects:

  • fear of re-pregnancy. This is especially true for women who have suffered severe and long labor. For them, sexual intercourse can remain a subconscious taboo for a long time - it is better to refuse sex than to face the agony of childbirth again;
  • fear of pain. The presence of sutures in the vagina, uterus, and perineal area increases anxiety in this matter;
  • feeling unattractive to your partner. It takes some time to restore shape after pregnancy and childbirth; many people experience stretch marks on the body, and the breasts invariably change their shape due to lactation;
  • fear that a man will lose sexual interest in his woman after seeing her in labor.

Deal with everyone psychological problems it is possible, and most of them are solved with patience, attention and a gentle attitude of the partner. The participation of the father will also help minimize the risk of depression - the young mother should be given the opportunity to take a break from household duties and the baby, and help with caring for the child. You need to properly prepare for your first sexual intercourse, taking care of contraception, a calm environment and comfortable sensations.

Correct positions for sex after childbirth

Even if during childbirth it was possible to avoid ruptures, during sex, especially in the first months, painful sensations may occur in the perineal area. For this reason, it is necessary to carefully select positions, minimizing pressure and controlling the depth of penetration. One of the most dangerous is the “doggy style” position, in which a woman stands on all fours and a man enters her from behind. In this case, the pressure on the perineal area and the depth of penetration of the penis are maximum. Positions in which translational movements are limited will be preferable; it is better to pay more attention to rotational entries. Let's consider three main positions that can reduce discomfort to nothing:

  • “missionary” - the woman lies on her back with her legs spread, and the man enters her from above. In this situation, the partner has the opportunity to correct the friction by bending and lifting her legs;
  • “Cowgirl” - the man lies on his back, and the woman sits on top of him, fully controlling the depth and frequency of penetrations;
  • “on the side” - both partners lie on their sides, the man with his legs closed, and the woman with one leg raised up. This position is the safest, since in this case the depth of penetration of the penis into the vagina is minimal.

The influence of sex on lactation

Many women delay resuming intimate life for fear of stopping the milk production process. In fact, sexual intercourse does not affect lactation in any way, and normally cannot have a negative impact on it. However, it has been proven that during orgasm, the production of hormones such as oxytocin and prolactin increases in a woman’s body. Increased production of these substances leads to increased activity of the mammary glands. For this reason good sex may even help women experiencing low milk supply.

Contraception after childbirth

The first danger that lies behind unprotected sexual intercourse after childbirth is a high risk of infection, especially if the woman’s ruptures have not yet healed and the lining of the uterus has not been restored. The second aspect is the possibility of attack new pregnancy. There is such a thing as lactational amenorrhea. Its essence is that when breastfeeding, a woman’s body produces a large amount of the hormone prolactin, which in turn blocks the maturation of the egg and ovulation. Obviously, during such a period, unprotected sex will not result in pregnancy. But there is one subtlety - when exactly menstrual cycle recovery is unknown, this can happen either 2 months or a year after birth, so it is extremely difficult to predict when it is still safe to make love without contraception. For this reason, contraception is necessary, and it is better to use barrier methods. Installation of a contraceptive device in the absence of contraindications is possible only 4 months after birth.

Condoms - best method protection in the first time after childbirth, as they protect not only from pregnancy, but also from infection

It is believed that the body fully recovers after childbirth within a year, at the same time many women finish breastfeeding. As for a caesarean section, after it you need a break of at least 2-3 years so that a fresh scar does not become a problem during gestation and delivery. Therefore, experts recommend using contraception during the recovery period, otherwise an early pregnancy can be difficult for a fragile body.

Video: sex after childbirth - how to solve problems

For many, sex after childbirth becomes a real problem, which is accompanied by pain, discharge, and psychological discomfort. The main thing is to understand that all these phenomena are temporary, and the right approach they are quickly resolved, and intimate life takes on new colors.

To talk about postpartum problems, you need to have a good idea of ​​what the postpartum period is in a woman’s life, besides the endless hassle. This period, starting immediately after the birth of the placenta and lasting, on average, 6-8 weeks, is as unique in its physiology as pregnancy, and is also different from the “normal” state of a woman. During this period, the uterus, weighing about 1 kg after birth, with an extensive wound surface (the entire inner layer), will constantly shrink, decreasing in size and purifying itself through the release of lochia - postpartum discharge. By 6 - 8 weeks the uterus will reach normal sizes, a normal mucous lining will form inside it, and if the woman does not breastfeed, the ovaries begin to function normally - menstruation begins. In order for the postpartum period to proceed without complications, it is necessary that nothing interferes with uterine contractions and the outflow of lochia.

Otherwise, complications may develop - bleeding or uterine infections who bring the woman to the hospital. Promotes contraction of the uterus, firstly, breastfeeding - at first, while sucking, a woman may feel quite strong cramping pain in the lower abdomen and increased discharge, even the discharge of bloody clots - this is absolutely normal. Secondly, regular emptying of the bladder and intestines promotes contraction. The first time after childbirth - 2-5 days - lying on the stomach is good for the outflow of lochia.

The special vulnerability of a woman during this period dictates special rules of intimate hygiene. Lochia - postpartum discharge, last 3-8 weeks, the first days - 3-7 they are quite abundant, bloody, gradually they become more and more scanty, at first bloody, pale pink, then mucous, transparent whitish. In women who are breastfeeding, lochia stops faster, because... The entire process of reverse development of the uterus goes through faster, in those who have undergone C-section, everything happens more slowly.

If you have acquired lochia bad smell , have become purulent, or after bloody discharge has started again - immediately go to the doctor, this is a sure sign of the development of complications, which, unfortunately, do not go away on their own. Do the same if bleeding continues for more than 15 days. Entire period bloody discharge, especially if you have stitches on the perineum or in the vagina, wash yourself after each visit to the toilet: both “big” and after urinating. Toilet soap is inappropriate; it is best to use either baby soap or laundry soap (that terrible brown soap) - they dry the skin well, preventing allergies and weeping. Every time after using the toilet, the pad is also changed, which is replaced, at most, after 4 hours (you can buy it cheaper, because absorbency does not matter here). If you don't be lazy - 90% of the time you won't inflammatory complications. The pad should not “plug” the vagina tightly; there should be free access of air.

It is for this reason that the use of panties was previously strictly prohibited in maternity hospitals. Now there are less “strictness”. But try to take off your panties as soon as you lie down on the bed so that the discharge flows freely. During the entire postpartum period, you should not use vaginal tampons or douche under any circumstances - infection can easily be introduced this way. For the same reasons, you cannot be sexually active - for most peoples this period is “forbidden”, and a woman is “unclean”. The onset of sexual activity, preferably, should not be abrupt - the mucous membranes are too vulnerable. Try to use, oddly enough, a condom with lubricant - it will protect against infection (not from sexually transmitted infections, but from common coli, staphylococci, etc. - “harmless” during normal sexual life, after childbirth, gaining the opportunity for active growth and a “fertile” wound surface - can cause problems), and in addition, a condom with lubricant will provide additional moisture.

All postpartum problems can be divided into 2 large groups - serious complications, requiring, as a rule, hospital treatment and “little things”. The latter are found in one form or another in almost everyone. “Little things” not only complicate the already hard life, but can also “flow” into more serious problems.

In the first days after childbirth, problems with urination and going to the toilet “in a big way” are in first place in terms of the number of inconveniences and troubles. The volume of the abdominal cavity has changed dramatically, the woman often does not feel the urge to empty the intestines and bladder, especially since every visit to the toilet is accompanied by raw pain. In the first 4-5 days, you need to urinate at least every 4-5 hours, even if it is unpleasant and there is no desire - the body gets rid of accumulated fluid and nothing interferes with the correct contractions of the uterus. To stimulate urination, you can turn on a stream of water - the sound of a “falling drop” reflexively relaxes the bladder sphincters. If urinating hurts because of the stitches, you can try urinating in the shower or running water warm water. Taking a bath during the postpartum period is unacceptable! If you are concerned about urinary incontinence, its involuntary release when laughing or sneezing, perform simple muscle exercises daily pelvic floor- which ones exactly, the attending physician in the maternity hospital will tell you. All problems associated with urinary incontinence with regular exercise should resolve within 3 months. If you leak urine when jumping in place after 3 months- go to the doctor, he will determine further tactics.

Constipation is another common postpartum problem.. An overcrowded “lazy” intestine also causes discomfort, interferes with the proper contraction of the uterus, and toxins from it are actively absorbed into the bloodstream, penetrating into the milk. Constipation should be fought primarily with diet - foods rich in fiber - dried apricots, wholemeal bread, nuts, high-quality pasta, prunes, beets, bran - stimulate intestinal function. Remember that if you are breastfeeding, the same foods can cause loose stool in your baby, so try not to stimulate the stool “in a rush.” Promotes intestinal activation and physical exercise, And drinking plenty of fluids. An enema is one of the options for stimulating stool, but under no circumstances should it become a habit; this is a “one-time” procedure. Laxatives, even the most “innocent” ones, like everyone else medicines, during breastfeeding are prescribed only by a doctor.

During pregnancy and after childbirth, they “crawl out” quite often. hemorrhoidal veins. In the acute period, cold compresses (applying ice cubes) will help, stool - only with a softening suppository with glycerin. Replace toilet paper cotton wool, be sure to wash yourself cold water after every visit to the toilet. After using the toilet in the area anus you can leave a cotton swab with olive or sea ​​buckthorn oil. The stool should be “soft”, this is achieved by using large quantity vegetables and fruits, and the same vegetable oil. Special anti-hemorrhoidal suppositories can only be used after consultation with a doctor - many contain potent drugs that penetrate into milk.

Often, along with the arrival of milk - on days 3-5 - a woman is overtaken by depression. ITS development is also associated with a sharp hormonal changes, and with the stress of birth. Firstly, do not blame yourself for weakness, dislike for the child, etc. Negative emotions they visit a lot of people, there is nothing “shameful” here, especially since postpartum depression in 99% quickly resolves on its own. Secondly, do not hesitate to talk about your condition to your loved ones - a “third-party” reasonable opinion usually allows you to look at the situation from a slightly different angle and understand that nothing terrible is happening. Thirdly, if you feel that nothing is going away on its own, do not be afraid to consult a doctor (obstetrician - gynecologist) - no one will put you on a special register, and such depression is treated, as a rule, not with psychotropic drugs, but with female hormones.

At first, women are discouraged by their appearance- the figure does not immediately become the same as before pregnancy, and in itself to “ original level“Your appearance is unlikely to return - this requires some effort on your part. Performing lungs gymnastic exercises will restore a good figure and well-being within 2-4 months if you gained less than 12 kg during pregnancy. There is no need to do anything “in a hurry”, it is better to do little by little and more often - dedicating 10 minutes 2 times a day to yourself is quite possible even with the most “problematic” baby. A set of exercises will be suggested to you in the maternity hospital.

Usually, after giving birth, a woman stays in the maternity hospital for at least 4 days, try to use this time with maximum benefit. If you are lying separately with your baby, get some sleep, then this opportunity will not arise. Ask the doctor, midwife, pediatrician as many questions as possible, even “stupid” and boring ones - the first month after discharge you will not have time to familiarize yourself with the specialist literature, and a lot of problems, even small ones, will accumulate.

What gynecological problems after childbirth can lie in wait for young mothers? How serious are they and what causes them?7

IN postpartum period the woman pays all her attention to the child, his nutrition, health, family, she gets used to the new routine of life. There is often simply no time to pay attention to your own health problems; the topic of visiting a doctor comes up only when the situation becomes acute. One of current issues During this period, there are differences between normal physiological phenomena and gynecological problems after childbirth. Attitude towards women's health the postpartum period should be the most serious.

Lochia as a gynecological problem after childbirth

In fact, suckers are physiological secretions that appear in women after childbirth, absolutely normal condition for a young mother. When the uterus contracts, mucosal tissue is rejected, so this organ female body is being restored. Over the course of 7-8 weeks, the uterus decreases in size, cleanses itself and returns to its normal state, and prepares to perform its functions again. At this time, the woman may begin to ovulate again. Breastfeeding mothers are also not immune from this, although it is believed that while the baby is breastfeeding, a second pregnancy is not possible.
A mother should take care of her body after childbirth in the same way as during her period, i.e. It is advisable to wash your face several times a day, change pads, and wear loose, natural underwear. Breastfeeding promotes faster release of lochia; it causes cramping pain in the lower abdomen, during which tissue rejection occurs.

During the first week, lochia may be bloody and profuse, like menstruation; gradually it decreases and becomes more and more mucous and transparent. In total, this phenomenon plagues mothers for about one to two months. This gynecological problem after childbirth occurs individually for everyone; the amount and duration of discharge depends on the characteristics of the health condition female organs, how to breastfeed and much more.

Lochia is a natural phenomenon, but if blood clots appear after a period of calm or an unpleasant odor, you should visit a gynecologist. Sex life during discharge is not advisable, since there is a possibility of infection, but is not prohibited, however, during contact it is necessary to protect yourself with condoms.

Urinary incontinence as a problem after childbirth

In the first time after the birth of a child, urination can give a woman discomfort. If necessary, you can get into the shower or pour warm water on your lower abdomen, this will help relieve pain.
Difficulty urinating can also occur due to relaxed abdominal muscles. Only this already reverse side The question is when urinary incontinence occurs when jumping or laughing.

Time and exercise will help you cope with this problem. A few months after giving birth, the muscles will become toned, and the problem will lose its vivid relevance. A set of elementary exercises will help you get rid of residual effects, allowing you to practice while sitting, lying down and standing. The little one doesn't have time to carry them out. With daily exercise, significant improvements will occur in two to three months.

Pain in the lower abdomen as a gynecological problem after childbirth

Minor nagging, cramping pain in the lower abdomen may be present during the postpartum period in many women. It is worth paying attention to them only if they do not go away, do not decrease, or even intensify over time. A visit to the doctor will help clarify this issue: if the worries are in vain, and everything is normal, the mother will calm down and take care of the baby, but if the anxiety is justified, then timely treatment will speed up recovery.

Anastasia Ilchenko