Hypertension is a dangerous disease. Why is high blood pressure dangerous due to arterial hypertension?

Hypertension or arterial hypertension is the same disease that is lately is becoming more common. The pathology develops as a result of spasm of small vessels and disruption of the blood supply. Doctors believe that the disease is more common among people exposed to stressful situations, heavy users of table salt, and those who are overweight. IN initial stages development of the disease does not threaten serious consequences, but if you do not start timely treatment pathology will lead to damage to the tissues of the heart, other organs and systems. Therefore, it is important for people suffering from high blood pressure to know what hypertension is, how dangerous the pathology is and what consequences the patient’s inaction may entail.

High blood pressure - what is it?

People suffering from this pathology have experienced the consequences of hypertension. It’s not even worth saying how dangerous and insidious it is. But you still need to say a few words about the effect of the disease on the functioning of systems and organs.

Attention! Scientists have proven that even slight increase blood pressure can lead to dysfunction of target organs, that is, kidneys, eyes, brain. Therefore, people whose blood pressure rises regularly should constantly monitor it, and in case of significant deviations from the norm, contact the clinic for medical help.

Diagnosis and treatment of this disease must only be carried out by a qualified physician. Therapy of the disease is quite complex, since it requires constant monitoring of blood pressure (BP) and the condition of target organs.

Before talking about whether hypertension is dangerous and why, it is important to know how to human body blood pressure is regulated. There is no constant pressure in the vessels - it is regulated by systole and diastole. Due to the systolic contraction of the main organ - the heart - blood is released in a circle. The intensity and amount of blood flow depends on the force with which the release occurred. Diastolic pressure, known to everyone as lower, depends on the elasticity of the vascular walls and the level of their blockage cholesterol plaques. Between diastole and systole there is close connection– pressure indicators depend on the coherence of their work.

The bulbar system, which is located in the brain, controls the contractions of the heart and blood vessels. Its main mechanisms are humoral and neurogenic elements. The connection between them depends on how harmoniously the parasympathetic and sympathetic nerve fibers interact with each other.

Attention! Active contractions of the heart occur due to stressful situations, excess body weight, and in turn lead to agitation sympathetic system and to narrowing blood vessels.

Increased heart function is also observed in people with birth defects organ. To prevent the development arterial hypertension recommend sedatives herbal preparations. Why hypertension is dangerous for the heart is not a simple question, since there is simply no single answer. For example, heart rate may increase due to blockade by adrenal hormones. This situation is quite dangerous because it leads to the release of hormones produced by the adrenal glands - adrenaline and norepinephrine. Their release leads to the development of tachycardia, increased vascular tone, minute release blood.

There is no need to tell you why hypertension is dangerous. It is enough to know what changes in the body can occur under the influence of high blood pressure. Often the disease leads to the following pathologies:

  • visual impairment, blindness, narrowing retina;
  • left ventricular hypertrophy;
  • the appearance of protein and red blood cells in the urine;
  • varicose veins of the legs;
  • heart failure;
  • memory problems;
  • impaired blood supply to the brain;
  • dementia;
  • dissecting aortic aneurysm;
  • encephalopathy.

Hypertension is chronic disease, which occurs due to spasm of the walls of small vessels and impaired blood supply. The causes of the condition have not been clarified, but doctors consider the main etiological factor illnesses frequent stress, overweight and intensive consumption of table salt.

On initial stages pathology, a slight increase in pressure is formed in small vessels, which does not lead to serious clinical symptoms.

Hypertension is the historical name for arterial hypertension. The pathology most often develops against the background of atherosclerosis (deposits of cholesterol plaques in blood vessels) and becomes the main cause of mortality in our country.

Hypertension - what is it and how scary is it?

Hypertension is dangerous disease, gradually leading to damage to cardiac tissue.

Clinical studies conducted over 100 years have shown how scary high blood pressure for human life. Experiments have revealed that there is a relationship between blood pressure levels and dementia. Impairments in cognitive functions (thinking and attention) sharply increase in patients over 50 years of age due to hypertension. True, this opinion is subject to debate, since a violation has been identified mental functions in people suffering from hypotension (low blood pressure).

Studies have shown that any deviation from the norm is fraught with damage to target organs (kidneys, eyes, brain). To prevent disturbances in them, you should be careful about your blood pressure levels. Not only measure it with a tonometer, but also undergo periodic neuropsychological testing. Using the latest test, in some European countries it is possible to establish hypertension in the initial stages, when there are no pronounced clinical symptoms.

When describing how terrible hypertension is, you need to pay attention to the damage to target organs during the disease. The most frequent complications arterial hypertension:

  • Hypertrophy of the ventricles of the heart;
  • Rupture of fundus vessels;
  • Damage to the glomeruli of the kidneys;
  • Diabetes mellitus;
  • Pancreatitis;
  • Thinking disorders.

Hypertrophy of the heart muscle due to the disease occurs due to overcrowding of the chambers of the heart with blood. In such a situation, it cannot cope with “pumping” the liquid and expands compensatoryly.

Impaired or loss of vision due to hypertension is observed in most patients. The cause of this condition is the rupture of small capillaries in the retina. The changes are not reversible, so it is better to treat the disease in the early stages.

Hypertension (arterial hypertension)
- persistent increase in blood pressure from 140/90 mm Hg. Art. and higher.

Hypertension, or arterial hypertension- one of the most common diseases cardiovascular system. It has been established that 20-30% of the adult population suffer from arterial hypertension. The prevalence of the disease increases with age and reaches 50-65% in people over 65 years of age.

People often ask: what pressure is normal? In people of different ages normal pressure varies over a fairly wide range.

The table below shows the indicators normal pressure for different age groups.

Blood pressure indicators correspond to the contraction of the heart walls - systolic pressure (upper indicator) and relaxation of the heart walls - diastolic pressure (lower indicator).

For an adult, a blood pressure of 120/80 mm is considered normal. rt. Art., in older people these values ​​may be slightly higher.

For some people, the norm is low blood pressure - 100/70 - 100/60 mmHg. or increased – 150/100 – 140/110 mmHg.

Signs of hypertension:

The first signs of hypertension are often attributed to ordinary fatigue and mild malaise. There are episodic headache, dizziness, tinnitus, spots in front of the eyes, memory loss, fatigue.

Headaches with hypertension are pressing, bursting in nature and are described as a feeling of “hoop”, heaviness or fullness in the frontal and or parietal lobes, temples or back of the head. Sometimes the pain intensifies when severe cough, tilting the head, straining, may be accompanied by slight swelling of the eyelids and face

Over time, the symptoms of hypertension become more pronounced, sweating, redness of the face, swelling and bags under the eyes in the morning, puffiness of the face, swelling of the hands, swelling of the ankles and ankle joints appear.

Symptoms of hypertension:

  • headache, which does not have a clear connection with the time of day, can occur at night or early in the morning, after waking up;
  • pain in the heart area that occurs at rest or during emotional stress;
  • visual impairment, in which fog, veils, and “spots” appear before the eyes;
  • tinnitus, dizziness;
  • nausea, vomiting associated with headache and bringing some relief;
  • sometimes - nosebleeds.

Degrees of hypertension:

There are 3 degrees of hypertension:

Hypertension 1st degree . Light form. Systolic pressure is in the range of 140-159 mmHg. Diastolic – in the region of 90-99 mmHg. Stage 1 hypertension is characterized by an abrupt change in blood pressure. It can return to normal on its own and then rise again.

Hypertension 2 degrees . Moderate. Blood pressure has the following indicators: systolic - 160-179 mmHg, diastolic in the region of 100-109 mmHg. Stage 2 hypertension is characterized by a longer increase in blood pressure. To normal values rarely falls.

Hypertension 3 degrees . Severe form. The patient's blood pressure is above 180/110 mmHg. With grade 3 hypertension, the pressure remains stable in the area of ​​pathological indicators.

Together with the degrees, risk factors that can lead to complications of the cardiovascular system are assessed.

Why is hypertension dangerous?

Hypertension is dangerous because with high blood pressure there is an additional load on the heart and blood vessels, which leads to their expansion and deformation, which in turn can lead to acute or chronic heart failure, development of heart attack or stroke. Patients with hypertension are at high risk of developing a condition such as hypertensive crisis .

Hypertensive crisis:

Hypertensive crisis is a condition characterized by a sharp increase in blood pressure. Typically, a hypertensive crisis occurs against the background of developed hypertension and is accompanied by quite severe symptoms.

Hemodynamic changes during a hypertensive crisis can cause the development of myocardial infarction, pulmonary edema, and ischemic stroke.

Symptoms of a hypertensive crisis:

Patients with a hypertensive crisis may experience quite varied symptoms:

  • dizziness, severe headache;
  • pain and discomfort in the abdomen, nausea, vomiting;
  • chest pain;
  • sweating;
  • blurred vision;
  • shortness of breath, cough;
  • weakness in the legs;
  • lethargy, stunnedness;
  • increase in body temperature.

Causes of hypertensive crisis:

Among the factors for the development of a sharp jump in blood pressure against the background of hypertension, experts identify:

  • use large quantity salt;
  • drinking large amounts of alcoholic beverages;
  • excessive physical activity;
  • excessive emotional shock;
  • PMS in women and girls;
  • climacteric syndrome in men and women.

Diagnosis of hypertensive crisis:

  • examination of the patient;
  • auscultation of the heart;
  • blood pressure measurement;
  • conducting an ECG study.

Treatment of hypertensive crisis:

To treat hypertensive crisis use:

  • antihypertensive drugs;
  • distracting treatments, such as hot foot baths;
  • sedatives;
  • vasodilators;
  • symptomatic therapy.
You can relieve a hypertensive crisis before the ambulance arrives with the help of drugs" dibazole" (0.02 g) or " clonidine"(0.00075 g, or 0.075 mg), taken once. Do not take clonidine against the background of alcohol intoxication.

Treatment of hypertension:

Permanent treatment of hypertension is usually done with medications" ednit", "enalapril"There are a number of combination drugs available to treat hypertension, such as tablets viscaldixa containing two drugs - visken And clopamide, drug cinepres, which includes three components - reserpine, hydrochlorothiazide And ergot alkaloids, and many others.

One more combination drug is hypothiazide- diuretic and apressin - vasodilator. Unfortunately, hypothiazide removes not only water and sodium from the body, but also completely necessary for a person potassium, so it can only be used together with potassium-containing drugs, for example asparkam. However, the combination reserpine And hypothiazide gave a popular drug adelfan. The addition of potassium salts to it led to the emergence of the drug trirezide-K. Based on rattlesnake venom, it was created captopril (capoten, capryl) - effective modern remedy to reduce pressure.

All patients with hypertension, in addition to blood pressure-lowering medications, are advised to take potassium-sparing medications. diuretics, and also panangina or asparkama.

In women taking hormonal contraceptives , hypertension develops more often (this is especially noticeable in obese women, smoking women and older women). With the development of hypertension while taking these drugs and biologically active additives they should be cancelled.

Treatment of hypertension at home:

have long been used to treat high blood pressure folk remedies. Herbal medicine (herbal treatment) can be of great help. Mainly used sedative herbs which have a calming effect. These include hawthorn, valerian, chamomile, peppermint, lemon balm.

Traditional treatment for hypertension is aimed at lowering blood pressure. To reduce pressure use honey, citrus, rose hips and green tea.

Traditional recipes for the treatment of hypertension:

  • Mix half a glass of lemon and beet juice, mix with a glass of linden honey and give the patient one-third of a glass one hour after eating.
  • In the morning you need to eat one glass of cranberries and take 5-10 drops of hawthorn flower tincture.
  • Add three tablespoons of powdered sugar to two glasses of cranberries and grind. Eat daily one hour before meals in one sitting. This recipe is used for stage 1 hypertension.
  • Mix 4 cups of honey and beet juice with one hundred grams of marsh herb, add 500 g of vodka. The components are thoroughly mixed and infused for 10 days, in a cool, dark place in a tightly closed container. After 10 days, the mixture is filtered and squeezed. Take 1-2 tablespoons three times a day, about half an hour before meals. This mixture is used for hypertension of 1 and 2 degrees.
  • In a glass mineral water You should dissolve one tablespoon of honey and add the juice of half a lemon. The drug is drunk on an empty stomach in one dose. Treatment must be continued for 7-10 days. This mixture is used for hypertension, increased excitability and insomnia.

Blood pressure measurement:

Blood pressure is measured using an electronic tonometer in a calm state. If a person was physically active before measuring blood pressure, you must wait 15-20 minutes. Before measuring blood pressure, you should not drink coffee, smoke, or drink alcohol. Ideally, blood pressure should be measured in the morning, on an empty stomach, with a control measurement after 10 minutes.

Normal blood pressure numbers depend on age. For example, from 16 to 20 years old the following indicators will be considered normal: 100/70, 120/80, 120/70 mmHg. Between 20 and 40 years, the numbers may be higher - 130/80 mmHg. At the age of 60 years and older, a blood pressure of 140/90 mm Hg can be considered normal.

Diet for hypertension:

For patients suffering from high blood pressure, a gentle diet is recommended with the exception of:

  • alcohol;
  • large amounts of liquid;
  • salty and spicy foods.

Prevention of hypertension:

>>Hypertension is dangerous

Hypertension ( ) is one of the main risk factors for the development of atherosclerosis and, conversely, atherosclerosis is most often the cause of hypertension. The heart has to work with an ever-increasing load. With hypertension, the speed of blood flow accelerates, turbulence increases and the number of destroyed platelets increases, the walls of blood vessels are injured. The heart, brain, and kidneys are especially affected. Thus high blood pressure increases the likelihood of developing atherosclerosis and brings its dire consequences closer. Moreover hypertension can worsen not only the course of atherosclerosis itself, but also the diseases that it provokes.

In turn, atherosclerosis provokes the development hypertension. The close interdependence of atherosclerosis and hypertension proven and beyond doubt. Special attention focuses on the effect of hypertension on the development of atherosclerosis coronary arteries women's hearts.

Arises hypertension as a result of a combination hereditary factors and unfavorable external influences: nervous overstrain, excess body weight, excessive salt intake. In hypertension, there may be various symptoms: rapid heartbeat (tachycardia), sweating, redness of the face, a feeling of pulsation in the head, chills, anxiety, internal tension, spots before the eyes, swelling of the eyelids and puffiness of the face in the morning, swelling of the hands and numbness of the fingers. However, what is very important is hypertension may also be asymptomatic. As doctors say, the presence of hypertension in a person sometimes becomes known in intensive care.

Therefore, every person should measure their blood pressure from time to time. If you suspect atherosclerosis or are already sick, this must be done and done regularly. After all, even a moderate increase in pressure several times increases the risk of stroke and myocardial infarction in the future.

To know for sure whether you have hypertension, you need to purchase a tonometer - a special device for measuring blood pressure in order to measure it in a calm environment. The fact is that some particularly sensitive patients react with increased blood pressure even to visiting a doctor. Of course, in this case it is quite difficult to understand how things really are.

Ideal blood pressure is 120/70. Indications 130/80 are considered by the World Health Organization (WHO) as upper limit norms, but if your blood pressure goes beyond 140/90 at least 2-3 times at rest, you already need treatment. Let me note in passing that the pressure should not fall below 100/60. Hypotension also does not add health to a person.

Unfortunately, our society does not pay enough attention to the problem of hypertension. Many women consider high blood pressure to be a necessary evil and do not see a doctor until they begin to faint when the pressure goes beyond 220. This is extremely dangerous. Remember that hypertension is not only harmful in itself, but also increases the risk of developing many diseases, in particular atherosclerosis.

In the case of a stable increase in blood pressure, be sure to consult a doctor who will prescribe the appropriate treatment.

If a person often experiences high blood pressure, the doctor will diagnose hypertension. This problem worries men and women after 40 years of age. Influence arterial hypertension(hypertension) on vascular system a person and on his heart is extremely destructive. To normalize blood pressure, the patient is prescribed special medications.

The danger of hypertension

Why is hypertension dangerous: against the background of this pathology, a person may experience the following health problems:

  • decreased heart performance;
  • impaired blood circulation in the brain structures;
  • blurred vision;
  • renal failure;
  • persistent problems with erection;
  • cardiac asthma;
  • pulmonary edema;
  • violation of the metabolism of fats and carbohydrates in the body.

Hypertension is associated with increased production adrenaline. This substance stimulates the vascular walls, causing them to constantly be in good shape. The lumen in the arteries narrows, because of this the person suffers from high blood pressure.

A hypertensive crisis is a stern warning that the body cannot cope with the increased load.

As long as a person's vascular walls are strong, they can withstand pressure surges. Long-term hypertension leads to wear and tear of the vascular walls, making them vulnerable.

Sooner or later there will be a danger of violating the integrity of the vessel. If the disease is not treated, the situation may result in disability or death of the patient. Heart attacks and severe brain damage (stroke) often occur in hypertensive patients.

There are risk factors for hypertension over which a person has no control. This does not mean that the only way is to accept the problem and wait for health to deteriorate. Knowing that you are in the crosshairs for hypertension can help you minimize the adverse circumstances that are in your control.

The likelihood of developing hypertension (syndrome) is associated with various factors risks that are a problem for people of both sexes.

  • Hereditary tendency. If your parents, grandmother, aunt or uncle suffered from hypertension, you are also at risk for this disease.
  • Kidney diseases (nephritis, pyelonephritis).
  • Diabetes.
  • Neoplasms in the tissues of the adrenal glands.
  • Tumor formations in thyroid gland.
  • Inflammatory process in the thyroid gland. It may be temporary or chronic, but harmful influence such a disease on the patient’s body will be significant.
  • Elevated levels of calcium in the blood.
  • Excess sodium in the body.
  • High blood viscosity. If the blood is too thick, the heart cannot move it smoothly through the arteries and capillaries.

Risk factors include atherosclerosis. The relationship between this disease and hypertension is very close. The formation of cholesterol deposits inside blood vessels provokes hypertension. It also happens that high blood pressure contributes to the development of atherosclerotic changes.

People over 60 years of age are significantly more likely to suffer from vascular diseases than young boys and girls.

There is no mysticism in this. In older patients, blood vessels become less elastic, which reduces their endurance.

Acceptable pressure values

Blood pressure readings from 100/60 to 140/90 are considered normal. These values ​​vary throughout the day, even for a person in excellent health.

Situational pressure surges are familiar to everyone. When you're stressed at work or running to catch the bus, your blood pressure rises. IN difficult situation the brain causes the adrenal glands to intensively produce adrenaline. Entering the human blood in significant quantities, adrenaline activates the heart. Muscle contraction occurs and blood pressure rises.

The body mobilizes its reserves to save itself (find a solution, win) in difficult conditions. When the situation turns in your favor (you have passed a difficult project at work, you are resting after a workout in the gym), the level of adrenaline in the blood decreases and blood pressure indicators return to normal.

If your blood pressure monitor regularly reads 140/90 or higher, you have hypertension. Blood circulation in your body is impaired.

In women and men, blood pressure can be increased due to other pathologies: kidney disease, malfunctions thyroid gland, but in such situations, hypertensive symptoms are an addition to the main ailment. High blood pressure is often observed in women carrying a child. If the pathology develops independently, the doctor speaks of hypertension.

Hypertension is characterized by a synchronous increase in systolic and diastolic pressure. In men, the course of the disease is more complex than in the fair sex.

Eliminating unfavorable circumstances

Therapists and nutritionists remind that some factors contributing to the development of hypertension are created by a person himself: by his character, incorrect eating habits. This means that people can eliminate unwanted life scenarios.

Circumstances that bring you closer to hypertension:

  • addiction to strong drinks;
  • smoking;
  • drug use;
  • low physical activity;
  • lack of vegetables and fruits in the diet;
  • frequent nervous shocks;
  • abuse of fatty, fried foods and smoked foods;
  • habit of not getting enough sleep.

Obesity – serious problem complicating work important organs person. Sometimes extra pounds are a bitter gift of illness ( metabolic processes in the body are disturbed, and the patient rapidly gains weight). This doesn't always happen. Not only can it make a person obese hereditary disease, but also his lack of food culture.

Medical studies have shown that fat deposits formed in the abdominal area ( abdominal obesity), negatively affect general condition body. This adipose tissue more aggressive than subcutaneous fat. There are a lot of hormones in the deposits that are present in the abdominal area. The main hormonal substances: insulin and cortisol. If their level in the blood increases sharply, the patient begins to have problems with blood pressure.

Obese people not only suffer from high blood pressure, but also often have immune problems.

It has been noticed that residents of megacities suffer from manifestations of hypertension much more often than rural residents. This is due to two circumstances.

  1. Pollution environment, familiar to cities.
  2. The inability of city residents to properly relax and disconnect their thoughts from everyday problems. It is much easier for a person who sees the beauty of nature (a river, a blooming garden, a forest) every day to think about pleasant things than his peer who lives among the bustle of the city.

The hormonal changes created by fat are unusual for the body. In representatives of the stronger sex who have folds on the abdomen, the level male hormone testosterone is reduced.


In the initial stages of hypertension, the patient may feel almost no discomfort. The first manifestations of the disease: heavy head, weakness, spots before the eyes. Some people ignore changes in their health, thinking that they are associated with a cold or overwork. If you are regularly bothered by such oddities, you should measure your blood pressure daily.

The first degree of hypertension will manifest itself with pressure indicators of 145-159/92-99. By contacting a doctor and conscientiously following his instructions, you can count on getting rid of the disease.

The second degree of the disease is manifested by the following symptoms:

  • headaches;
  • difficulty remembering information;
  • constant fatigue;
  • puffy face;
  • frequent dizziness;
  • swelling of the limbs in the morning;
  • increased sweating;
  • facial redness.

Average blood pressure readings for second-degree hypertension are 165/100.

The third degree of the disease is characterized by a significant deterioration in health. Patients complain that the heart is pounding and stabbing, and the head hurts excruciatingly. Blood pressure is consistently high (180/100 and above).

Prohibited actions for hypertension

If your doctor has diagnosed you with hypertension, you should take care of your health. Sharp increase physical activity, smoking and drinking alcohol can lead to a hypertensive crisis.

In case of hypertension, risk factors are the following situations:

  • lifting weights;
  • violent clarification of relationships in the family and at work (scandals);
  • eating salty foods;
  • prolonged exposure to the sun;
  • refusal of daily walks in the fresh air;
  • work that involves human interaction with harmful substances(gasoline, mercury).

The main engine in the body is the heart; it does not like extremes. Constant passivity harms him no less than excess activity.


With the problem of high blood pressure, people turn to a therapist. After asking you about your ailments, the doctor will prescribe the following examinations:

  • blood test;
  • urine test;
  • electrocardiogram;
  • assessment of the functioning of the heart muscle using ultrasound;
  • arteriography - this x-ray method diagnostics allows you to find out about the condition of the patient’s arterial walls;
  • Ultrasound examination of the kidneys and adrenal glands.

In addition to the above diagnostic measures, the patient needs to consult an ophthalmologist. With hypertension, the organs of vision undergo undesirable changes. Examination of the fundus will help the doctor see how dilated the retinal veins are.

Treatment of high blood pressure

Some people think that arterial hypertension should be treated only in cases where the deterioration in health is very severe, and when it is tolerable, you can do without pills. This is a misconception. Don't let hypertension wear out your blood vessels. Otherwise, you risk becoming a victim of a heart attack.

To eliminate the painful symptoms of hypertension and reduce the risk of stroke, minimize negative changes in the heart muscle, your therapist may prescribe you alpha-blockers. In case of illness, diuretics (drugs that reduce the level of sodium in the blood) are prescribed.

Experts advise older people to regularly take blood thinning pills.


Arterial hypertension is a disease in which a person’s blood pressure regularly increases. The main reasons for the development of the disease: smoking, frequent consumption of fatty and salty foods, love of alcoholic beverages, lack of exercise, anxiety, scandals. People retirement age are more likely to face the problem of high blood pressure than young boys and girls.

Consequences of hypertension: vision problems, cardiac asthma, stroke. To alleviate the patient’s condition, the doctor prescribes drugs that reduce the production of adrenaline. For hypertension, patients should take diuretics.