The main rules of life. The most important rules of life

Surely many have noticed that in lately It has become very fashionable to write about all sorts of rules of life that contribute to success. So I decided not to lag behind, and today I will bring to your attention some basic rules of life that you need to know, understand and apply in order to minimize situations when life “hits you in the head.”

I would like to make a reservation right away that all the proposed life rules will be quite tough. And this is not just like that... Achieving success in life is a truly difficult process that requires certain human qualities. One of the key ones I identified was the following: success requires sacrifice! The path of life is never simple, rather the opposite. Therefore, in order to successfully pass it, you need to be tough in some ways, and most importantly, understand that you are surrounded by equally tough people. To prevent this from becoming a “pleasant surprise” later, you need to not be offended and always act proactively.

Rule of life #1. For every person, his personal interests are above all. And for yourself as well (at least, that’s how it should be). Even if a person is actually very sincere, kind, sympathetic, caring, or if he seems so, in any case, first of all, he thinks about his own interests.

How to apply it? Let's look at a few examples. When a seller of a product or service “with all his soul” meets you halfway and provides it, it is not because he is so good and you are so important to him, but because it is beneficial for him. When a bank employee asks you to special conditions” - he only thinks about fulfilling his sales plan and receiving a bonus. Even when your loved one does something to you pleasant surprise, for him, what is primarily important is his own emotions, which he will experience from your joy.

Therefore, never delude yourself that someone is doing something for you. Think too about your own interests and what you can gain from the actions of others for yourself.

Rule of life No. 2. They will take from you as much as you allow. Moreover, this will always be not enough. If you are too kind, sympathetic, always ready to help everyone, a reliable person, then others will definitely use this to your detriment, and you yourself will suffer from it.

How to apply it? I'll start with examples again. If you work harder than other members of a team, you will always be burdened with more work than others. Even if everyone's salary is the same. If you in the family are ready to do everything for the sake of your other half, without demanding anything in return, sooner or later they will definitely “sit on your neck”.

You must be able to defend your interests, stand up for yourself and try to achieve reciprocity in everything, an equivalent return, be it work, business partnership or personal life. Don't let others take advantage of you, be reciprocal.

Rule of life No. 3. You will never be able to please everyone. And there is no need to try to do this - a completely useless and pointless undertaking. There will always be people who will criticize and condemn you, no matter how good you really are, no matter how correctly you do everything. Each of them will have various reasons for this, but they will definitely be there.

How to apply it? Let's look at examples. If you work the worst, you’re a loser; if you work best, you’re an upstart; if you work like everyone else, you’re a gray mass who aspires nowhere. If you live alone, it’s time to get married; if you get married, you’re henpecked. Etc.

In no case should you strive to be good for everyone, and generally depend on the opinions of others. Do what you need, and don’t care what others think or say about it.

Rule of life No. 4. Nobody owes you anything. Except for those with whom you are bound by certain contractual obligations. Many people mistakenly believe that if they are so good (at something), then they are entitled to more of something than others. “I deserve more” – is this position familiar? So, this is an absolutely dead-end belief.

How to apply it? Let's say you get a job and think that you should be hired only because you have a diploma in your specialty. And you get very upset when “your” place is taken by, say, a candidate with a non-core education. Or you work better than anyone, exceed the plan, but the choice of a candidate for promotion again does not fall on you. Or (a generally common situation) you, and you think that the bank should make concessions to you and almost forgive the debt, for example, because “I am alone with a small child.” These are all huge misconceptions...

Remember the most important rule of life: no one owes you anything. You must achieve everything yourself. No amount of your past achievements guarantees you privileges. There is no need to be offended if someone “didn’t appreciate you.” Move forward, prove that you are the best here and now!

Rule of life #5. There are no excuses for anything. Surely you have noticed a lot of people who are always missing something, who always find some kind of excuse, perhaps even a very significant one. Or maybe you yourself are just such a person? Do you always look for the reason why something didn’t work out for you and justify yourself with it?

How to apply it? Let's say you don't have enough money to... Or there is not enough time to arrange the garage. Or are you afraid to meet beautiful girl because they are unhappy with their appearance. All these are excuses. If you want to do something, you will do it and get at least a chance, if you live with excuses, then you will never even have a chance.

No excuses! and move towards her. There is no need to feel sorry for yourself and complain that you are missing something. You will never get ideal conditions: take it and act right now!

Rule of life #6. The problem will not go away on its own. In most cases, this life rule works. If you are worried about a problem, it is more likely to get worse than to “resolve” on its own. Therefore, you should never start a problem and hesitate to fix it.

How to apply it? And again examples. Let's say you keep putting off checking your computer for viruses. And at some point the virus destroys files that are very important to you. They put it off... Or, a typical example, when something starts to hurt you, you don’t go to the doctor and don’t attempt treatment until the pain becomes simply unbearable. Also, the problem does not disappear on its own, but only gets worse.

If you have any problem, you need to solve it. The faster, the better for you. Delay in solving a problem can have a very serious consequences in any matter.

Rule of life No. 7. There is no strong busyness, there is a lack of desire. I decided to highlight this moment as a separate life rule, because it occurs quite often. If someone does not do something that you expect from them, citing a lack of time, then the matter is not at all about time, but about: your business is not at all of the first importance and urgency for him.

How to apply it? Let's say someone promised to call you back, but doesn't call you back. And when you call yourself, he complains to you about the lack of time: “I remember, but I’m very busy...”. This only means that calling you is not a priority for him at all. Or it’s possible that he didn’t want to call you at all. Or the girl does not agree to go on a date with you, citing the fact that she is busy. Yes, but she might be busy with you...

If someone refers to being very busy, having a lot of other things to do, lack of time, etc. - it just means that you are not a priority for him. And nothing more.

These are the rules of life I suggest you remember and follow in practice. By applying these life rules, you can move through life easier and achieve best results because they show real life, such as it is, without embellishment.

I hope this information was useful to you. Stay on where you will find many more valuable advice to achieve success and financial independence. See you again!

Life is an interesting thing. And complicated too. She often teaches us, often beats us, and thereby educates us. I won’t say that I live by any special rules. But some standard situations require an appropriate attitude. At least that's what I decided for myself.

Never cry about work

There was a time when things weren’t going well for me at work, and I was very worried about it. Often it brought me to tears. And then I firmly decided for myself: never again would any situation at work make me cry.

Work is a very important area of ​​life, but worrying about it is not for me. The main thing for me is that everything is in order in the family. And you can change your job. Which, by the way, is what I did.

Don't be offended

Time passes, and I don’t want to waste it on grievances. No, no, I don't offer my other cheek for a blow. I just don't let the feeling of resentment torment me. Difficult, you say? Yes, sometimes it’s not easy not to be offended when you are betrayed, and sometimes it still hurts. But this is due to the fact that you lose the person you are used to.

If the person who offended me is very dear to me, and I don’t want to break off relations with him, then what’s the point of being offended? It’s better to just talk and find out the reasons, understand the motives and, maybe, put yourself in his place. It may turn out that this is my fault too.

I know two sisters who have been quarreling for many years. They lived nearby and often met each other on the street. They passed by without saying hello. A completely absurd situation, in my opinion.

Best friend - pillow

Therefore, I learned to tell myself “stop” when my tongue asked: “just don’t tell anyone.” No one means no one. After all, there is another correct proverb: “What two people know, a pig knows.”

Don't worry about material losses

Here again comes to mind the folk wisdom: “Money is manure. Today it’s not, but tomorrow it will be.” Everything happened: they deceived, lost, miscalculated. Nothing, they didn’t go around the world.

One day my husband lost his wallet with quite a decent amount of money. I didn’t worry and tried to calm him down. What's the point of worrying if nothing can change anyway? You can always figure out which purchase you can safely refuse at the moment. Money will be earned if you are healthy. That's what we'll take care of.

Don't complain

My husband and I's parents think that we never quarrel. Because neither he nor I, in our entire life together, complained about each other or talked about our quarrels. These are only our problems, and we must solve them. But friends, parents and other relatives are not able to help here. I'm sure of this.

These are my rules of life. They help me not to get discouraged, not to become limp, not to feel sorry for myself and to always move forward.

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Life principles- these are the rules of life. When you have a clear life principle, it guides you towards how you would like to behave in life. specific situation. As long as you stay true to your life principle, you'll know you're doing the right thing. When you don't stick to your principle, you may experience feelings of guilt, anxiety or even stress. You are not the only one who benefits from your life principles, other people do as well, as they are offered guidance and guidance on how to how to interact with you. We may not always agree with each other's principles, but when we know each other's principles in life, we can better manage the relationship to ensure working together to achieve mutual benefit. When you regularly communicate your principles to those you interact with, they know how you might respond in a given situation. They won't ask you to do what they know contradicts your life principles. For example, I expect to be notified if someone fails to fulfill a commitment they have made. If someone is late, I expect a text or phone call to let me know. People who don't inform me know that if they are a few minutes late, I may no longer be there when they arrive. I value my time, so I refuse to waste it endlessly waiting for someone who is not ready to offer me reciprocal courtesy. I send them a message saying I can't wait any longer. This may seem harsh, but few people make this mistake twice.

Some typical life principles

Below are 14 life principles by which I try to live and work. Some of them may seem harsh, but I believe that each principle has served me well in life. I present these life principles of mine only for illustrative purposes. You choose those principles that will satisfy you most. In addition, I suggest that you read the article.
  1. I don't lend money

  2. Many disputes begin with money. I am not a bank, and it is not my role in life to give money to others. If good friend or a family member needs a small amount of money and I can afford it, I'll just give him the money. I have found that over the years this evens itself out, but I don't keep score and they don't keep score. So we have nothing to worry about because none of us ever feel like we owe anything.
  3. I don't work with people who don't take responsibility.

  4. If you want something, you must first take responsibility for your life. You must understand that it is you who must make the necessary changes. There is no need to blame someone else, you must determine for yourself what you can change and make those changes. Trying to help someone who doesn't want to accept responsibility rarely brings joy and pleasure, but regularly brings frustration and stress.
  5. Try it yourself before asking for help

  6. If you want to learn and grow in any area of ​​life, you need to take on new tasks that are outside your comfort zone. When you encounter a problem, it is important to first try to solve the problem yourself before asking for help. With resources like Google or Yandex, you can describe the problem and find someone who has dealt with the same problem before. Trying to solve a problem yourself first is an important principle in life and what I expect from myself and from others.
  7. I value my time and allocate it based on its importance

  8. , and I choose to appreciate and protect it. If something is not that important to me, I don't make time for it. This may seem harsh to some, but I believe that I can best help myself and others by focusing my time on the things and activities that I consider important.
  9. You need to say "No"

  10. Based on the last life principle, if you don't think something is important, It's okay to say "No". You may be wary of the reaction of those you say no to, but most people actually understand. When people don't understand your need to say “No,” the problem usually lies with them. If you want to make the most of your life, you must be able to prioritize.
  11. Silence equals consent

  12. If I don't approve of something, I have to mind. I can't expect people to understand that I have a problem if I haven't made the proper effort to let them know. If I don’t object, then by my silence I agree. The same goes for other people. If they do not inform me of their objection, I will assume that they agree. It should be noted that for effective application This principle must also apply the previous life principle, that is, it must be normal for a person to say “No”. Staying silent when you want to say “No” can lead to passive aggressive behavior, which can cause serious problems.
  13. I do not take work outside of my area of ​​expertise

  14. Over the years, I have seen too many people in my profession take on assignments in areas where they have little to no understanding of the subject matter. In my opinion this is dishonest and they are doing a disservice to their client. I understand that people may experience financial difficulties at times, but I value too much for that. honesty and integrity.
  15. If I'm going to be somewhere I'll be there

  16. This is a life principle that I took from my friend. It's not just about physical presence, I also have to be mentally present. The next time you have a large gathering of visitors, see how many people are present but their minds are elsewhere. Their presence does not help anything. If you are dedicating yourself to something, whether it is with one person or many, give it your full attention. Be there 100%.
  17. If I need to renegotiate an agreement, I do so immediately

  18. There are times when we have to change our plans, or something is delayed through no fault of ours, and this can affect other people. It's a natural part of life. What should be equally natural is that we inform people immediately that we must change our plans. The application of this life principle first of all characterizes you as responsible person.
  19. It's okay to make mistakes

  20. An error is usually a sign that someone trying to do the right thing. Where this is true, I try to praise the effort and instead of berating the person, I use it to determine how to do things differently next time.
  21. Learn something new every day

  22. I love to study. It helps me feel more enthusiastic about life. Every day I try to learn something that I can apply to my life or my business. When you study a little every day, it makes a big difference quickly. Small daily goals that will help you achieve your larger goals is a fantastic way to keep moving forward without feeling overwhelmed.
  23. Tomorrow starts today

  24. This principle is absolutely fundamental for me. Whatever life you plan for the future, that life is built with the actions you begin to take today. It won't be that you wake up one morning to the life of your dreams; such a life will begin to be built through your daily actions. The sooner you make this decision, the sooner your ideal life will be created. Therefore, start doing it today.
  25. Treat people the way you would expect to be treated.

  26. It's an old life principle and it's general principle but unfortunately this is a principle that is often ignored. I admit that I have sometimes failed to apply this important life principle. When I failed, I felt guilty and regretful.
  27. Understand before you act

  28. Whether you're trying to offer help, sell a product or service, or resolve a dispute, it's easier to do so if you first take the time to understand the other person's needs. Listen first, then you will have a much better chance of achieving a positive outcome.
Life principle is a guide to how you want to behave in a particular situation. Principles allow you to live and work to your full potential while allowing others to understand best way interaction with you. When you behave in accordance with your life principles, you feel confidence and strength. You know what you believe and who you are. Each person has different principles in life, and these will likely be different from the principles of the people with whom he regularly interacts. There are no right or wrong principles But if we have the courage to share our principles in life with each other, then we will have a better chance of enjoying harmonious and mutually beneficial relationships.
  1. No one will give you a comprehensive answer to the question of how to be happy and successful. The Internet is full of articles giving advice on achieving happiness and success in business. Some of them are even based on real stories of very worthy people. But not a single such article, not a single course gives a guarantee that the methods and methods outlined will work for you personally. There is no universal recipe that works for everyone, alas.
  2. Not always the best easy way is correct. We are told from all sides that we only need to study what our heart desires. However, the most pleasant activity is not always the right and useful one. It's better to go slow necessary things than to quickly and happily engage in nonsense. The path to the goal often lies through rough roads and bumps and is not at all like a pleasant trip on the freeway.
  3. The opinions of others can be destructive. No, don't completely ignore people, but don't let it uniquely shape your mood and agenda. Just take note of it, but nothing more.
  4. Your inner circle can make you strong or sink you. No matter how strong, smart and strong-willed a person you are, you will be able to achieve little without support. Re-read the biographies of great people, and in the shadow of each one you will find a spouse, a colleague, or even an entire team that helped him. Select people into your inner circle with the greatest care and care.
  5. Principles are inconvenient. Following your principles and rules will not make you the most popular, nicest, and gentle person. Sometimes not only you yourself, but also the people you love can suffer from your principles.
    Principles are like a hard bed, which is uncomfortable to sleep on, but which forms a good spine.
  6. You will always be incredibly imperfect. But this is not a reason to give up.
  7. Comfort kills dreams. There is nothing wrong with wanting to provide yourself with a comfortable and full of pleasures life, but you should remember that this is it. So you have to choose one thing.
  8. If you want to achieve something, then you need to make an effort. If you want something new, then you must stop doing something old. If you want something you've never had, then you have to do something you've never done before. The point is that you will never be at another point as long as you stand still.
  9. Our life is the result only of our choice. The difference between multiple futures lies only in the choices you make. You are not a product of circumstances, you are a product of your own decisions. Sometimes it’s difficult to admit and you really want to shift the responsibility to someone else. But in reality, it is you and your decisions that are the root cause of everything.
  10. The only link between desire and possession is action. This law of life acts inevitably, like the law of universal gravitation, and no one has ever been able to deceive it.
  11. If success has not been paid enough for, it has no value. Only the effort expended and the obstacles overcome make your achievement truly important. The world is full of people who became such by birthright, but who is interested in them? But everyone admires people who have achieved something through their efforts, even if their success looks rather modest.
  12. Challenges are part of every success story. If you have problems, that's good. This means you are moving forward. This means you are learning and growing.
    The only people who don't have any problems are the ones who do nothing.
  13. Focus is everything. You can break through a wall only with your palm clenched into a fist, directing all your strength to only one place. There is no need to randomly flail your hands in the air: it may look impressive from the outside, but it certainly won’t bring any results.
  14. What you want and what you will achieve are not always the same. All success stories are drawn to us as a two-dimensional graph of growth and decline. The hero clearly sees the goal and steadily moves towards it, overcoming obstacles. But really anyone life path rather like a tangled labyrinth with many traps, branches and dead ends. And we don’t always come to exactly the exit that we outlined at the beginning. And many generally choose a convenient dead end and decide to settle in it.
  15. You are exactly where you should be at this very moment. Even if something doesn't go the way you would like. Even if you went to the wrong place and want to start all over again. Each and every step is necessary.
  16. You can't change yesterday, but you can take care of tomorrow today. Live in the present. But don’t forget that it is what shapes the future.

Life, by and large, is a series random events, which we can only influence indirectly. But it is precisely this influence that ultimately turns out to be decisive.

Don't miss the opportunity to focus on what really depends on us, and don't regret what is beyond our control.

Don't look back. Just take the right course and confidently move forward. We have no way of knowing what exactly awaits us over the horizon, but this is what makes the journey even more exciting!

1. Do not shift responsibility for the events that happen in your life onto another person. The easiest way is to blame someone else for your own troubles. You will gain strength only when you understand that you are the author of your own failures and the creator of your own successes.

2. Don't expect to be able to change another person. It is a great misconception to think that thanks to the influence of others you can change a person. A person cannot change after persuasion and according to your desire. Only events and circumstances can influence this.

3. The past must remain in the past. It is important to understand that the past cannot be returned, and worries about this are inappropriate. Our future depends on us, on the thoughts and actions that we now perform.

4. Society needs strong people. When we lose strength, get tired and exhausted, we become useless to anyone. This is human nature. Therefore, do not become weak, be strong, so that there are people like you around you.

5. Every action has consequences. Before you commit any action, you need to think about what will follow. This way you will avoid many mistakes.

6. Don't waste your precious time on people who don't love you and don't care about you. There are many people around us with whom it is exciting, interesting and pleasant to spend time and live. Let go of those who don't need you. You deserve better treatment!

7. Do those things that you consider important. Don’t waste your life in pursuit of illusions and success, enjoy the own life. Take action and do the things that you consider important, and success is guaranteed.

Communication skills are the foundation on which your relationships with other people are built. There are things that people do unconsciously, not realizing how much they harm their own reputation and business success. There are several rules that can help you interact with others. Although they may seem obvious, not everyone follows them.

Rule one. Leave grudges behind

The ability to forgive is very important. Often people keep grudges in their souls for many years. They hoard them, covering them with a mask of indifference and feigning a smile. Getting rid of grievances is important, first of all, for yourself. Negative emotions, if experienced for a very long time, slightly change the algorithm of brain functioning. If you do as many push-ups as you can every morning, your results will steadily improve every day. It’s the same with grievances. By paying attention to them, you spend your mental and emotional resources on them, and your mind gets used to thinking in a negative way.

Rule two. People around you don't have to understand you

Everyone is different, and often someone does not share your point of view on important issue. Try to take this easier. Firstly, it is not a fact that you are actually right. Secondly, there are situations in which there cannot be an absolutely correct opinion. Be open to other people's beliefs and opinions.

Rule three. Do good selflessly

If you undertake to help someone or want to make someone happy, do not expect that person to do the same for you in return. What you do is necessary, first of all, for yourself. Even if you are asked for help, then provide it without expecting anything in return. Otherwise, this is not good or help, but a transaction or exchange. By expecting nothing in return for your good deeds, you will not be disappointed.

Rule four. Don't judge

You can only judge someone “from your own perspective.” You will never fully understand how another person feels, why he does what he does. Even if you think that someone is fundamentally wrong, do not waste your energy wasting words criticizing him. In addition, a person who is openly criticized will first begin to defend himself. Your words will not reach his ears, he will only understand that he is being attacked and will begin to defend himself.

Rule five. There's no point in arguing

Disputes are a pointless waste of time, since no one can ever prove anything to anyone. People sometimes get so excited that things get personal, while the understanding of the subject of the dispute does not change in anyone’s head.

Let people build their own lives. Believe me, they know what they are doing. Despite the call to learn from other people's mistakes, most people still prefer to make their own. Unsolicited advice can only make things worse. Moreover, any forced display of love and care is actually an aggressive attempt at control.

Rule seven. Let others be themselves

Everyone is different. Don't try to change someone around you. Be grateful to have such wonderful people around you. If you are unhappy with your environment, change it, find something new, but don't try to change people. It still won't work.

To fill your life with meaning, just follow nine simple rules.

You need to find three different hobbies. Your first hobby will bring you money. The second should help keep your body in good shape. The third should realize your creativity.

Stop constantly thinking about your every move and start taking action. Hours of analysis will not bring you results, nor will it give you a 100% guarantee that you will avoid mistakes.

Be confident, but not overly confident. If you are too timid, you may miss out on many opportunities that will open up for you in life.

Rely primarily on your own point of view and opinion. People around you will always criticize you, so don't pay too much attention to their gossip. Live your life according to your script.

Don't have 100 friends, but have one real one. Pay attention special attention when choosing your environment, spiritual qualities. The number of people around you is not so important as their moral principles and views.

Watch your thoughts and words. Try to nip negative thoughts or remarks in the bud. This will save you energy and allow you to see the positives even in the most hopeless situation.

Constantly improve. As soon as you stop, you will move backwards. The learning process should never stop.

Don't become dependent on another person and always love yourself first. You shouldn’t completely dissolve in someone else’s life, especially if such sacrifice is not particularly valued.

Set global goals and boldly act to achieve them.