Deep fluoridation of hard dental tissues. Description of the deep fluoridation method for the prevention and treatment of caries

A little earlier, the only way to compensate for the lack of fluoride was to use a special fluoride-containing paste for brushing teeth. Today, instead of this ineffective technique, dentists recommend deep fluoridation of teeth - a professional office procedure that allows you to restore hard tissues tooth and tooth enamel, replenish the lack of mineral components, reduce tooth sensitivity and stop reproduction pathogenic bacteria, provoking the development of caries.

Deep fluoridation is considered almost mandatory procedure for residents of those regions where the fluoride content in water and food is reduced. If this element enters the human body in insufficient quantities, the risk of early tooth decay increases many times over. This technique is of particular importance for children, since it has a positive effect on the formation permanent teeth and increases the hardness of tooth enamel by 10 times.

Deep fluoridation of teeth, as a therapeutic and prophylactic technique, is based on a series of sequential chemical reactions, during which calcium fluoride crystals are formed, filling microcracks and cavities in the tooth enamel. Dental treatment is carried out in several stages.

Before proceeding with fluoridation, it is necessary to clean the surface of the teeth from plaque and hard mineralized deposits. For this purpose, special pastes and dental instruments are used.

After professional cleaning, the surface of the teeth is dried air flow and is coated with a solution of highly dispersed calcium fluoride (magnesium fluoride), which seals the enamel. Next, the teeth are dried again with a stream of warm air and covered with a second protective layer – copper-calcium hydroxide.

During chemical reaction microcrystals of calcium fluoride are formed between the coating layers. The smallest particles of this compound easily penetrate into the deep layers of tooth enamel and fill all cavities and cracks.

In addition to microparticles of calcium fluoride, this chemical reaction leads to the formation of copper compounds, which have a pronounced antibacterial effect. As a result of interaction chemical compounds it is possible to achieve the desired goal - preventing the destruction of enamel and protecting teeth from caries.

The entire procedure is quite comfortable and absolutely painless for the patient. Since achieved effect lasts several months, it is considered sufficient to undergo fluoridation procedures once (maximum two) times a year.

  • - fluoride deficiency in the body associated with poor nutrition or region of residence;
  • - thinning of enamel;
  • - increased sensitivity of teeth;
  • — preparation for installation of braces and treatment of teeth after their removal.

The advantages of the technique are as follows:

  • The risk of developing caries is reduced by half.
  • The likelihood of developing recurrent caries is reduced.
  • Improves the condition of soft tissues oral cavity.
  • The hardness of the enamel increases 10 times.
  • The service life of fillings is extended.
  • Teeth sensitivity decreases after whitening, cleaning, and irrigation procedures.
  • The risk of tooth decay during pregnancy is reduced.
  • The possibility of white spots appearing on the surface of teeth after removal of orthodontic systems is eliminated.

In addition, the method deep fluoridation absolutely safe. Therefore, it can and should be used by children preschool age, as well as people suffering diabetes mellitus. If desired, you can use a simpler method - conventional fluoridation.

The methods of deep and simple fluoridation of teeth differ both in the method of implementation and in the materials used during the procedure. Conventional fluoridation can be carried out in two ways.

The first is that the surface of the tooth is coated with a special varnish using a brush. In order for a dense protective layer to form on the enamel, this procedure must be repeated 3-4 times.

The second method of simple fluoridation is performed using a “spoon” made from an impression of the patient’s teeth. The “spoon” is filled with gel or a special paste containing fluoride, applied to the teeth and held in this position for 15 minutes. The maximum effect of fluoridation is achieved after 10-15 consecutive sessions.

It should be noted that the number of simple dental fluoridation procedures may vary. The duration of the course is determined by the dentist.

The disadvantage of this technique, in contrast to the method of deep fluoridation of teeth, is the fact that it is impossible to penetrate crystals of highly dispersed calcium fluoride into the deep layers of tooth enamel.

The advantage of this method is the ability to carry out procedures at home. In this case, it is necessary to use only those fluoride-containing preparations that are prescribed by the dentist. Medicines They are simply rubbed into the enamel, evenly distributed over the surface of all teeth.

Similar home fluoridation procedures using special pastes can be carried out daily without fear of harming the oral organs. Additionally, the doctor may prescribe fluoride applications. In this case, the duration and number of procedures are determined for each patient individually.

Dentists recommend that all people have their teeth fluoridated regularly, starting from the very beginning. early age. Moreover, depending on the condition of the teeth and oral cavity, children can undergo both simple and deep fluoridation, without forgetting about other preventive measures aimed at maintaining dental health.

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Strong and white teeth are the key to the health of the whole body, beauty and success. Naturally, no one wants to smile if the enamel is damaged, unpleasant yellow tint or other problems. To restore its integrity and beauty, dentists today use a procedure such as dental fluoridation. What it is, what the features of the process are, you will learn from this article.

General concept

Often not proper nutrition or inflammatory processes in the oral cavity lead to the fact that the enamel loses its original functions. In this case, the patient experiences severe pain, unpleasant is present. In order to avoid such consequences or correct them, it is necessary to carry out fluoridation of teeth. What it is, you will find out right now.

So, this procedure involves strengthening the enamel using various means. Moreover, it can be carried out both in a specialist’s office and at home. The procedure allows you to enrich the enamel with fluoride. It, in turn, prevents the development of most dental diseases. It should be noted that the presented process is completely painless.

Advantages and disadvantages of the procedure

Naturally, dental fluoridation, the price of which varies depending on the type of procedure chosen and ranges from $0.10 to $6 per tooth, has its advantages. Among them are the following:


Restoring the health and functionality of enamel.

Elimination of tooth hypersensitivity.

Restoring enamel whiteness.

However, the procedure is not without its drawbacks. The following are the disadvantages of fluoridation:

1. Fluorosis and bone damage due to excessive use of substances containing this element.

2. Reduced ability of the body to absorb sugar.

Basically, no others side effects this procedure was not found. Therefore, fluoridation of teeth (you have already learned what it is) is used even in pediatric dentistry.

Indications for the procedure

Before you start, you should definitely consult your doctor. He will tell you whether you can have fluoridation or not. Indications for the procedure are:

Strong to cold and hot foods.

Pain during hygienic cleaning of enamel.

Cluster formation yellow plaque near the gum.

Presence of carious damage to the crown.

Removing braces or other structures.

What contraindications does the procedure have?

In principle, dental fluoridation (what it is is described above) may be prohibited or limited for certain categories of patients. For example, people who suffer from diabetes should not use the procedure too often. The point is that increased level fluoride reduces the body's ability to absorb sugar, which in this case increases the load on the pancreas.

Also, fluoridation should not be carried out at all for those patients who have an excess of this element in their body. In addition, it may be a contraindication allergic reaction on the drugs used. And you cannot apply the procedure if it is detected high level fluoride in the water you drink. In this case, it will not only not be useful, but can also cause harm.

Types of fluoridation

Now we should consider the question of what methods can be used to restore enamel. Fluoridation of teeth (reviews about it help to understand that it is quite useful, painless and effective) comes in several types:

-Simple. This process is done quickly. In this case, you can do all the procedures yourself. To do this, you will need a special varnish (“Difluen”), which covers the surface of the enamel, or an individual “spoon”, which should be filled with a special substance (“Bifluoride 12”) and applied to the teeth. The duration of such manipulation is no more than 15 minutes.

-Deep fluoridation of teeth. This procedure is performed in the dentist's office.

- Electrophoresis. For this purpose they are used electric current and calcium gluconate.

Features of deep fluoridation

First of all, it should be noted that the presented procedure provides maximum effect and secures positive result for a long time. For work, the dentist uses a special product - magnesium fluoride silicate. It is recommended to carry out manipulations no more than 1-2 times a year. Increased sensitivity of teeth disappears after the first procedure.

Before carrying out this procedure, a specialist must carry out professional cleaning of the enamel. Next, dry your teeth thoroughly. Only now, using a brush or swab, a special liquid can be applied to the surface of the enamel. Next, you should wait a few minutes, dry your teeth again and blend the liquid using a solution of copper and calcium hydroxide.

Please note that this fluoridation does not remove calcium from the crowns, so they are not damaged. This method eliminates not only increased tooth sensitivity, but also caries, as well as other minor damage to the crowns.

It must be said that you can enrich your teeth with fluoride at home. To do this, it is enough to use special enamel cleaning pastes that contain this element. However, you should not use them constantly.

Features of fluoridation of children's teeth

You have already found out that the presented procedure is safe and painless. Therefore, fluoridation is practically no different from the procedure for adults. At the same time, you can strengthen both milk and permanent crowns. Manipulations should be carried out annually. This will give you a better chance of keeping your enamel healthy and strong.

Naturally, before carrying out any manipulations, the doctor is obliged to carefully examine little patient. After all, it may be necessary additional treatment. In addition, he will have the opportunity to find out exactly what type of fluoridation needs to be applied.

Please note that the presented procedure is not a panacea. The child must be able to properly care for his teeth. In addition, his body requires natural sources of the element presented. Therefore, provide your baby with proper nutrition and, if necessary, take multivitamins.

Fluoridation of teeth in children is very effective way, which allows you to protect the enamel from destruction, as well as strengthen it on for a long time. These are all the features of this procedure. But don’t forget to brush your teeth twice a day and use mouthwash. Be healthy!

Tooth enamel is the hardest tissue in the human body, but it also tends to wear out, which leads to an increase. Also, when the enamel is damaged, bacteria begin to actively multiply, which leads to the formation of caries.

And if until the middle of the last century it was almost impossible to prevent the wear of enamel and the appearance of caries, then with the discovery by dentists beneficial properties fluoride, a new procedure has emerged - dental fluoridation.

dental procedure, in which special drug with a high fluoride content to strengthen and protect hard tooth tissues and prevent the development of caries.

Types of dental fluoridation

Simple fluoridation of tooth enamel– performed using mouth guards with fluoride gel or varnish applied. This procedure is carried out from 10 to 15 times, since fluoride acts only on the upper layers of tooth enamel, closing cracks and other damage. With simple fluoridation active substance with fluoride is applied to the teeth (sometimes on a mouth guard), after which the dentition is covered with a mouth guard for 15 minutes.

Deep fluoridation– is carried out using enamel-sealing preparations, which are applied in stages to the surface of the teeth. During this procedure, fluoride is deposited in the tooth tissues, which helps not only prevent the development, but also.

Teeth fluoridation methods

Depending on the technology of fluoride’s effect on tooth enamel, dentists distinguish several fluoridation methods. But for all methods there is one common element - an initial examination of the oral cavity and, if necessary, professional cleaning from plaque and tartar.

  1. Quick method. After the examination, the doctor takes impressions of the dentition, on the basis of which elastic mouth guards are made. The cavity of the aligners is filled with a preparation with a high fluoride content and placed on the patient’s dentition for up to 15 minutes. For fluoridation to be successful, you need to undergo full course of 10 procedures that are carried out at a certain interval, depending on the patient’s response.
  2. Electrophoresis– more effective way fluoridation than the first. Electrophoresis takes place in two stages. At the first stage, electrodes are impregnated with a 10% calcium solution and applied to the teeth to saturate the hard tissues with the mineral. At the second stage, the electrodes are impregnated with a 4% sodium fluoride solution. The course of treatment consists of 10 procedures.
  3. Fluoride varnish. This method strengthening tooth enamel is considered outdated, but no less effective. Fluoride varnish is applied in a thin layer to tooth enamel, creating a protective thin but strong film. It is necessary to coat your teeth with this substance 2 to 5 times a year.
  4. Deep fluoridation. The tooth enamel is coated with a sealing solution that contains magnesium fluoride silicate. Magnesium fluoride silicate has small molecules that penetrate quickly into the hard tissues of the tooth. Fluoride accumulates in stages, so this method of fluoridation is considered the most effective. It is recommended to carry out the procedure no more than twice a year.

The method of fluoridation of teeth can only be prescribed by an experienced dentist. The choice of method depends on both the patient’s age and health status.

Who can have dental fluoridation?

Fluoridation is often prescribed during the transition of teeth from milk to permanent ones. During tooth eruption, the enamel is very thin and susceptible to negative impacts. For the enamel to become strong, like that of an adult, that is, fully formed, it takes 1.5-2 years. Therefore, pediatric dentists recommend simple fluoridation of teeth to strengthen tooth tissue and prevent caries.

For teenagers fluoridation of tooth enamel is prescribed during hormonal surges, when the body needs more minerals. During puberty, adolescents experience increased viscosity of saliva, which negatively affects the enamel. In addition, there is a rapid appearance of plaque. Fluoridation will help further protect tooth tissue.

Teeth fluoridation procedure adults patients may be prescribed due to hypersensitivity teeth. The doctor himself determines the method of treatment based on the individual characteristics of the patient.

Quite often, fluoridation is prescribed to pregnant women because there is a surge of hormones, which negatively affects the condition of the teeth. Pregnant women undergo only simple fluoridation using solutions, gels and varnishes.

Indications and contraindications

Fluoridation is prescribed in the following cases:

  1. Prevention or when observing multiple and frequent spread of caries.
  2. Low fluoride content in water.
  3. After teeth whitening, when the enamel is weakened and most sensitive to external influences.
  4. After treatment of malocclusion with braces or other orthodontic structures.

Contraindications include:

  1. Allergic reaction to fluoride or other components of the drug.
  2. Fluorosis – chronic disease tooth enamel, which appears as stains on the surface of the tooth. This disease is observed in people who have consumed food or water with a high fluoride content for a long time (most often since childhood).
  3. Increased fluoride content in water.

Fluorine – necessary element for healthy and strong teeth. After fluoridation, tooth sensitivity noticeably decreases, and all microcracks and minor damage to the tooth surface are sealed, which prevents microbes and bacteria from further destroying the enamel.

How much does fluoridation cost?

The price for a fluoridation procedure can vary significantly depending on the treatment method and the drugs chosen. In addition, much depends on the status of the dental clinic itself.

Simple fluoridation of teeth, in which the drug is applied to one tooth or to the entire dentition, it may cost from 50 to 200 rubles for one tooth.

Deep fluoridation, as a more effective way to strengthen enamel, is more expensive - from 1500 to 4000 rubles.

Fluoridation of teeth is a procedure aimed at additional strengthening of tooth enamel. Dentists at the CELT clinic recommend it for patients with a predisposition to the development of caries or hyperesthesia (increased tooth sensitivity). Since fluoridation of tooth enamel is absolutely painless, in our clinic it is often performed even on small children.

The process uses special means, which allow you to saturate tooth enamel with fluoride ions. The latter is one of essential minerals, “responsible” for the strength of tooth enamel. After fluoridation, teeth are not only reliably protected from the destructive effects acidic environments, but will not accumulate on themselves large number bacteria.


According to numerous reviews, dental fluoridation is effective when it is necessary to restore and strengthen tooth enamel. Indications for its use are as follows:

  • prevention of caries;
  • completion of treatment with braces;
  • after the whitening procedure;
  • with increased tooth sensitivity;
  • as the last stage in dental restoration;
  • children with insufficient hardness of the tissues of milk teeth.


The procedure is not carried out only in extreme cases:

  • individual intolerance to the components of fluoride-containing drugs;
  • fluorosis resulting from the consumption of water with a high fluoride content.

Types of fluoridation

Superficial – carried out using casts of the client’s jaw. Based on them, a mouthguard is created, which is applied to the teeth. It is pre-filled medicinal composition with a high concentration of fluorine. The procedure is performed at least 10 times and lasts up to 20 minutes.

An alternative to this method is to coat the enamel with dental varnish using a brush. You can achieve excellent results in 4 procedures with a specialist.

Deep – helps create a strong protective layer on the teeth, which protects them from calcium removal and helps protect against bacteria. The procedure is performed in 6 stages:

  1. Teeth are cleaned of soft and hard plaque, remove dirt between them using a thread and an irrigator.
  2. The surface is dried and complete removal drool from the enamel.
  3. Medicinal drug with fluoride, apply to the teeth and rub in gently for 3 minutes.
  4. The preparation is dried if it is not completely frozen.
  5. The surface of the teeth is shaded using calcium hydroxide and copper (they form microcrystals of calcium fluoride). Tuning ensures accelerated transport of minerals into the pores. At the same time, the fluorine concentration is 7 times higher than with surface coating.
  6. Rinse the mouth with filtered water.

What is simple fluoridation?

Simple fluoridation of teeth can be done in two ways:

  • The first involves the use of wax impressions of teeth, which are made individually. To carry out the procedure, they are filled with a fluorine-based preparation - for example, sodium fluoride. After this, the impression is placed on the teeth and kept for ten to fifteen minutes. To achieve the desired effect, the dentist will have to visit from 10 to 15 times;
  • The second method uses a special varnish, which is applied to the tooth enamel with a brush. In order to achieve the desired effect, the procedure is carried out at least 3 times.

Teeth fluoridation price in simple ways lower than the cost of deep fluoridation.

What is deep fluoridation?

When carrying out deep fluoridation of teeth, calcium fluoride penetrates deep into the pores of the tooth enamel, thereby providing it with proper nutrition. This procedure will make your teeth stronger and stronger. The procedure itself is carried out in several stages:

  • Preparation for the fluoridation procedure - cleaning teeth from plaque;
  • After this, the teeth are dried with a stream of warm air, followed by application of an enamel-sealing preparation. After a few minutes, the teeth are dried again;
  • Teeth shading is the treatment of their surface with milk, which contains copper and calcium hydroxide. Subsequently, microscopic crystals of calcium fluoride are formed from it, capable of penetrating even into the deepest layers of tooth enamel.

Fluoridation of teeth at home

Despite the fairly high price of dental fluoridation in Moscow, it is better to carry out the procedure in a dental office. This is due to the fact that excessive intake of fluoride into the body can lead to very unpleasant consequences, including serious poisoning. Savings in this case can result in much higher treatment costs! At the same time, there are a number of products that are approved for use at home. They are presented in our table:

Fluoridation in children

Fluoridation of teeth (Moscow) can be performed at any age. Dentists recommend it:

  • For children during the change of milk teeth to permanent ones, to prevent the appearance superficial caries;
  • For adolescents during a period of intensive development, to provide auxiliary protection and the growing body’s need for mineral elements.

The price of dental fluoridation for children in Moscow depends on how it will be carried out: superficial or deep.

Benefits of the procedure:

  • Reduced tooth sensitivity to hot, cold and sour;
  • Strengthening tooth enamel, its immunity to acidic environments;
  • Destructive processes slow down significantly;
  • The risk of developing caries is minimized;
  • Tooth enamel gets everything it needs nutrients, becomes stronger.

Dental care after fluoridation

  • Strengthen your immune system.
  • Brush your teeth 2 times a day, use floss and irrigator.
  • Stop smoking.
  • Use vitamin and mineral complexes with a balanced composition.
  • Limit the quantity sweet food(especially those high in sugar).
  • Visit your dentist 2 times a year for a diagnosis.

It is not necessary to take additional fluoride if it is found in high concentrations in your tap water in your city. Additional intake may cause an excess of the mineral.

Prices for fluoridation of teeth in Moscow depend on the chosen method. You can find out the cost of dental fluoridation in our clinic on our website or by calling us.

Deep fluoridation method.ProposedA. Knappvost ’om (university professor, doctor of physicochemical and medical sciences. Institute of Physical Chemistry with the Department of Biophysical Chemistry and scientific research in dentistry", Hamburg, Germany)


Thanks to the so-called deep fluoridation, which initiates a strong and long-lasting remineralization process, including in problem areas, not only prevention, but also non-invasive or mildly invasive therapy has become possible. This therapy is based on the developed theory of caries remineralization, initially called the theory of the protective layer, which has now received such great development, which makes it possible to give clear characteristics of remineralization as a process opposite to demineralization.

Microstructure of the softening zone of tooth enamel

Let's imagine the structure of enamel in an area measuring 1000 angstroms - 1 angstrom is approximately equal to the diameter of 1 atom. The data was obtained using the X-ray method using a radioactive isotope (Ca 40). Let's imagine a tiny section of an "enamel prism". The enamel is permeated with keratin fibers, to which prismatic apatite crystals about 250 angstroms long and about 50 angstroms thick are attached chemically and epitactically on one side. There is reason to believe that all apatite crystals of enamel are thus fused with keratin fibers. This means that with an average apatite crystal thickness of about 50 angstroms, the distance between the fibers is 100 angstroms (2 apatite crystals). According to the results of our research, the acidic agents of dental plaque do not act on the enamel frontally, but diffuse into the fibers and laterally peel off the apatite from them. The result is a very narrow corrosion funnel with a maximum entrance diameter of about 100 angstroms. With prolonged exposure to acids, the sides of the funnels collapse. As measurements have shown, the depth of the funnels is 10 microns. The corrosion funnels are extremely narrow and become even more tapered with distance. This surface zone, about 10 microns thick, is the softening zone. In it, the processes of dissolution and remineralization occur more or less periodically in such a way that in the remineralization phase, physiological restoration of the enamel occurs with the assistance of fibers as centers of crystallization.


According to the theory we developed, remineralization occurs if the saliva in dental plaque is oversaturated with ions that form apatite (calcium, phosphate, hydroxide or fluorine). As observations show, the concentrations of Ca and PO 4 ions in saliva remain fairly constant at a sufficient level, while the concentration of OH - ions can decrease 1000 times, for example, at pH 4 in the interdental region. The processes of remineralization - demineralization are regulated by OH - ions. Fortunately, they can be replaced by structurally similar fluorine ions. As measurements show, at the usual concentration of fluoride in saliva, therefore, at a fluoride content in drinking water of about 0.2 to 0.3 mg per liter, the limiting pH value in saliva in dental plaque is 5.5 (critical pH of remineralization). Above this boundary, the process of remineralization occurs, below - demineralization. When the pH of saliva in dental plaque is below this value, it is possible to direct the process towards remineralization by compensating for the lack of OH ions with fluoride ions. The resulting apatite has a significantly higher fluorine content. Using radioactive phosphate, it was proven that the anti-caries preventive effect of fluorine is carried out only according to this scheme, and is not the result of replacing OH-ions with fluorine ions in solid apatite.

Evaluation of different fluoridation methods

Fluoridation of drinking water, often considered as an effective measure worthy of widespread dissemination, can, together with food fluoride, increase the concentration of fluoride ions in saliva to a maximum of 10 to the minus fifth power of mol/l, which is equivalent to OH ions pH 9. This concentration of fluoride can In the best case, compensate for the deficiency of OH ions in a very thin layer of dental plaque on the smooth surface of the tooth. To compensate for the deficiency of OH-ions in thicker layers of plaque in problem areas, for example, in the interdental space with pH4, oral fluoride intake is insufficient and the intake of iodized table salt is absolutely insufficient. At first glance, the so-called local fluoridation with simple fluorides, such as sodium fluoride or amine fluoride, seems much more attractive. (This does not, however, apply to slightly soluble calcium fluoride). Treatment of enamel with these salts, which are part of varnishes or gels, leads to a chemical reaction with the enamel and the formation of relatively coarse-crystalline calcium fluoride, which lies freely on the surface of the enamel. Due to its very low solubility, the saturation concentration of ions on the enamel surface is 10 to the minus third power of mol/l. It is sufficient to compensate for the deficiency of OH ions at pH4. However, since these crystals are loosely located on the surface of the enamel, they are quickly removed by abrasion or rinsing of the mouth. The crystals do not penetrate inside the funnels of the softening zone, since they are much larger than the diameter of the funnel entrance. The effect of these fluorides is therefore too weak and short-lived to effectively stimulate the remineralization process.

Deep fluoridation

Deep fluoridation is understood as the chemical formation of highly dispersed calcium fluoride with an average particle diameter of 50 angstroms and having a significantly higher solubility in the pores of the softening zone. When treating enamel with sodium fluoride, no deep fluoridation occurs. Deep fluoridation is observed only as a result of sequential wetting of the enamel with a weakly acidic solution of magnesium fluoride silicate and subsequent quenching with an alkaline suspension of copper-calcium hydroxide. Subsequently, the fluorosilicate complex spontaneously decomposes to form crystals of fluorosilicate and polymerized silicic acid. Crystals of calcium fluoride lie deep in the pores in the silicic acid gel, protected from leaching. They release fluoride in high concentrations for a long time (more than 1 year), which promotes reliable remineralization, including in problem areas. In this case, apatite is formed, clearly enriched with fluorine, which, if the keratin fibers are intact, leads to full restoration carious area. If demineralization has gone so far that the edges of the corroded funnel are erased, the resulting defect reaches medium wavelengths of visible light (about 5000 angstroms). This is how the famous chalk spots appear. With keratin fibers still existing, even in these cases, remineralization apatite may grow on them. After deep fluoridation, the disappearance of chalk spots is often observed. As a result of the studies, a significant difference was noted in the effect of deep fluoridation with an enamel-sealing preparation with copper-calcium hydroxide from local fluoridation with a fluoridating preparation based on sodium or calcium fluoride.

The role of copper ions

Inorganic copper compounds play a very important, but unfortunately very little known role in dentistry, for example as an additive to phosphate cements. Among other aspects, its use in endodontics during depophoresis with copper-calcium hydroxide is relevant. According to Effinger research, copper ions exhibit strong bactericidal properties, especially against anaerobes. In addition, they extremely powerfully suppress the proteolytic activity of microorganisms. Particularly important is the longevity of their action, due to the catalytic oxidation of the resulting copper sulfide. How great the activity of copper ions is against microorganisms that cause caries of enamel and dentin is evident from the vast experience gained in the use of copper amalgam (Rebel), which was especially widely used in pediatric dentistry. Currently, amalgam is not used due to the release of metallic mercury. In these amalgams, metallic copper in solution was a base component in relation to mercury and formed with saliva a sparingly soluble alkaline salt of copper, which protected not only the tooth with a copper amalgam filling, but also adjacent teeth from caries. Copper ions also protected dentin from caries. Today, due to the negative attitude of people towards metals, it is necessary to draw the attention of patients that copper, like iron, although it is a heavy metal, is at the same time an essential trace element that plays an important role in metabolism. The concentration of copper in serum is approximately the same as iron, and it is an equally weak allergen. The liquid used for deep fluoridation of enamel contains copper fluoride silicate. The liquid for deep fluoridation of dentin contains copper in a significantly higher concentration. The combination of the effects of deep fluoridation, namely strong long-term remineralization and protection of keratin fibers from proteolysis, represents a non-invasive or, in case of advanced caries, mildly invasive caries therapy. This is especially important for baby teeth - gentle treatment of the dental substance and effective protection of the pulp.