Glucophage 850 for weight loss how to take. Contraindications for use and side effects

Glucophage and Glucophage Long: find out everything you need. Find out how to take these pills to treat type 2 diabetes and lose weight. They are also used (still unofficially) to slow down aging and prevent age-related diseases, especially those associated with obesity. On this page you will find written in clear language. Find out indications, contraindications, dosages and side effects. There are also numerous real reviews patients.

Read the answers to the questions:

Glucophage and Glucophage Long: detailed article

Find out how Glucophage Long differs from regular tablets. Compare patient reviews of this drug and its inexpensive Russian analogues.

Instructions for use

Pharmacological actionA diabetes medicine that lowers fasting and postprandial blood sugar, as well. Partially blocks the production of glucose in the liver, as well as the absorption of eaten carbohydrates in the intestines. Increases tissue sensitivity to insulin. At the same time, it does not lower blood sugar excessively and does not cause hypoglycemia, unless the recommended dosage is exceeded. Helps people who are overweight lose weight.
PharmacokineticsThe active substance is excreted from the body by the kidneys and urine. It is not metabolized in the liver, although it affects its function (see below). Does not accumulate in the body, except in people who have severe renal failure. Glucophage Long tablets are absorbed more slowly, but they last longer than the regular Glucophage drug.
Indications for useFor patients with type 2 diabetes - in addition to following a diet and physical activity. Read more. The drugs Glucophage and Glucophage Long, as directed by your doctor, can be combined with other diabetes medications and insulin injections. Many people take them for weight loss, to treat polycystic ovary syndrome in women, and as a cure for old age.

ContraindicationsPatients who had diabetic ketoacidosis, coma due to very high blood sugar. Impaired kidney function, rate glomerular filtration(GFR) below 45 ml/min. Liver failure. Fatty hepatosis (fatty liver) is not a contraindication. Acute infectious diseases. Dehydration. Severe heart failure. Alcoholism. Upcoming surgery or X-ray studies with the introduction of iodinated contrast agent.
Special instructionsIf contraindications are ignored, lactic acidosis may occur. It's deadly dangerous complication, in which acid accumulates in the blood, its pH drops to 7.25 or lower. Symptoms: weakness, nausea, vomiting, shortness of breath, abdominal pain, coma. If there are no contraindications to taking Glucophage and you do not exceed the maximum daily dose, then the risk of lactic acidosis is almost zero.

While taking Glucophage (metformin), you need to follow a diet.

Read more about healthy eating:

DosageThe maximum daily dose of Glucophage is 2550 mg (three tablets of 850 mg), Glucophage Long is 2000 mg. Reception begins with a minimum dose of 1 tablet of 500 or 850 mg per day. Then it is increased once a week if the patient tolerates the treatment well. Glucophage Long is recommended to be taken once a day at night. Regular Glucophage tablets - 1-3 times a day, with food.
Side effectsPossible diarrhea, nausea, loss of appetite. These are common but not dangerous side effects. They go away on their own after the body gets used to the medicine. To alleviate them, start with 500 mg per day with meals and do not rush to increase the dosage. Also possible itchy skin, rash. At long-term treatment Vitamin B12 deficiency may develop in the body.

Pregnancy and breastfeedingRegular and extended-release Glucophage tablets are contraindicated during pregnancy. They do not help with gestational diabetes. Women often take them with PCOS to increase their chances of conceiving. If you did not immediately find out that you were pregnant and continued to be treated with metformin, it’s okay, it’s not dangerous. You can study in Russian. Do not take Glucophage during breastfeeding, because the active substance penetrates into milk.
Interaction with other drugsStudy them and do not take them together with Glucophage. If you inject insulin, be careful to avoid hypoglycemia. The following drugs may increase the concentration of metformin in the blood: furosemide and others loop diuretics, nifedipine, amiloride, digoxin, ranitidine, triamterene, vancomycin. This list is not complete, please discuss with your doctor.
OverdoseCases of overdose have been described in which the maximum daily dose of metformin was 40 times or more exceeded. An excessive decrease in blood sugar was not observed, but the risk of lactic acidosis was high. Emergency help are provided in a hospital hospital. Conduct symptomatic treatment, as well as dialysis to quickly remove the medicine from the body.
Release form, shelf life, compositionGlucophage - tablets of 500, 850 and 1000 mg. Glucophage Long - extended-release tablets of 500 and 750 mg. Store out of the reach of children at a temperature not exceeding 25°C. Shelf life - 3 or 5 years. Active ingredient - . Excipients- povidone or carmellose sodium, hypromellose 2910, hypromellose 2208, microcrystalline cellulose, magnesium stearate.

Below are answers to questions diabetics often ask about this medicine.

What is the difference between Glucophage and metformin?

Glucophage is trade name drug, and - its active substance. Glucophage is not the only type of tablet whose active ingredient is metformin. At the pharmacy you can buy this remedy for diabetes and weight loss under many different names. For example, Siofor, Gliformin, Diaformin, etc. However, Glucophage is an original imported drug. It is not the cheapest, but is considered the highest quality. This medicine has very affordable price, even for pensioners, so the site does not recommend experimenting with its cheap analogues.

What is the difference between regular Glucophage and Glucophage Long? Which drug is better?

Glucophage Long is a tablet with a slow release of the active substance. They begin to act later than regular Glucophage, but their effect lasts longer. It cannot be said that one drug is better than another. They are designed for different purposes. Extended-release medication is usually taken at night to next morning was normal sugar in the blood on an empty stomach. However, this remedy is less suitable than regular Glucophage for controlling sugar throughout the day. For people for whom regular metformin tablets cause severe diarrhea, it is advised to start taking it with a minimum dose and not rush to increase it. If this does not help, then you need to switch to daily use of Glucophage Long.

What are the benefits and harm to the body from these tablets?

What diet should you follow while taking this medicine?

This is the only true solution for patients with obesity, prediabetes and type 2 diabetes. Study and completely eliminate them from your diet. Eat tasty and healthy, you can use it. A low-carbohydrate diet is the primary treatment for type 2 diabetes. It must be supplemented with the medication Glucophage, and, if necessary, also with low-dose insulin injections. A low-carb diet helps some people lose weight, while others don't. However this the best remedy, which is at our disposal. The results of using a low-calorie, low-fat diet are even worse. By switching to a low-carb diet, you will normalize your blood sugar, even if you do not lose significant weight.

Read more about the products:

Does glucophage increase or decrease blood pressure?

Glucophage definitely does not increase blood pressure. It slightly enhances the effect of hypertension pills - diuretics, beta blockers, ACE inhibitors and others.

In diabetics who are treated using the site's methods, blood pressure rapidly drops to normal. Because that's how it works. She deduces excess liquid from the body, eliminates swelling and increased load on blood vessels. Glucophage and medications for hypertension slightly enhance each other's effects. It is highly likely that you will need to completely stop taking blood pressure medications. This is unlikely to upset you :).

Is this drug compatible with alcohol?

Glucophage is compatible with alcohol consumption in moderate doses. Taking this medicine does not require maintaining a completely sober lifestyle. If there are no contraindications to taking metformin, then you are not prohibited from drinking alcohol a little. Study the article “”, it contains a lot useful information. You read above that metformin has a dangerous but very rare side effect - lactic acidosis. In normal situations, the likelihood of developing this complication is almost zero. But it increases with strong drunkenness. Therefore, you should not get drunk while taking metformin. People who cannot maintain moderation should abstain completely from alcohol.

What to do if Glucophage does not help? What is the strongest medicine?

If Glucophage does not help you lose at least a few kg of excess weight after 6-8 weeks of use, take blood tests for hormones thyroid gland, and then consult an endocrinologist. If hypothyroidism (lack of thyroid hormones) is detected, you need to be treated by taking hormonal pills prescribed by a doctor.

In some patients with type 2 diabetes, Glucophage does not lower blood sugar at all. This means that the pancreas is completely depleted, the production of its own insulin has stopped, and the disease has turned into severe type 1 diabetes. We urgently need to start injecting insulin. It is also known that metformin tablets cannot help thin diabetics. Such patients need it immediately, without paying attention to medications.

Let us remember that the goal of diabetes treatment is to keep sugar constantly within 4.0-5.5 mmol/l. For most diabetics, Glucophage lowers sugar, but still not enough to bring it to normal. It is necessary to determine at what time of day the pancreas cannot cope with the load, and then help it with low-dose insulin injections. Don't be lazy about using insulin in addition to taking medications and following a diet. Otherwise, complications of diabetes will develop, even with sugar levels of 6.0-7.0 and above.


Reviews of people taking Glucophage for weight loss and treatment of type 2 diabetes confirm high efficiency these tablets. They help better than inexpensive analogues Russian production. Best results achieved by patients who comply while taking pills. Patients with type 2 diabetes manage to lower their sugar to normal and keep it consistently normal, like healthy people. Many people also boast in their reviews that they manage to lose 15-20 kg of excess weight. Although a guarantee of successful weight loss cannot be given in advance. The site guarantees diabetics that they will be able to take control of their disease, even if they cannot lose significant weight.

Some people are disappointed that Glucophage does not cause fast weight loss. Indeed, the effect of taking it becomes noticeable no earlier than two weeks, especially if you start treatment with a low dose. The more smoothly you lose weight, the higher the chance that you will be able to maintain the achieved result for a long time. The drug Glucophage Long is less likely than all other metformin drugs to cause diarrhea and other side effects. It helps people who want to lose weight. But this drug is not very suitable for controlling blood sugar in diabetics after meals during the day.

Negative reviews about Glucophage tablets are used by patients with type 2 diabetes who do not know about a low-carbohydrate diet or do not want to switch to it. , overloaded with carbohydrates, increase blood sugar and make you feel worse. Metformin medications and even insulin injections cannot compensate for them harmful effect. Diabetics who follow a standard low-calorie diet have consistently poor treatment results. It should not be assumed that this is due to weak action medicines.

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Fruits for diabetes

Published: Medicines for diabetes

53 comments to "Glucophage and Glucophage Long"

  1. Julia
  2. Yuri Stepanovich
  3. Oksana
  4. Natalia
  5. Rimma
  7. Irina
  8. Natalia
  9. Natalia
  10. Irina
  11. Svetlana
  12. Victoria
  13. Irina
  14. Irina
  15. Natalia

Today, nutritionists, taking into account the increased need for drugs that regulate metabolic processes, have increasingly begun to recommend Glucophage Long 500 for weight loss. At the same time, Glucophage is not positioned by manufacturers as a drug for weight loss. It is primarily a hypoglycemic agent for the treatment of diabetes. And losing weight is just a pleasant thing side effect.

Description of the drug and instructions Glucophage Long 500

History of appearance

For the first time, the active ingredient of the drug Glucophage Long 500 is metformin was described in 1921., but only in 1956 the properties that allowed it to be used as a weight loss drug were investigated. This was done by a diabetologist from France, Jean Stern, and he named the product “Glucophage” (translated as “glucose eater”). The drug appeared on the shelves of pharmacies in England one year later. In Canada, this product was approved for sale in 1971; in America, such a decision was made only in 1993.

Release form

Glucophage Long 500 is manufactured in the form of biconvex and oblong white capsules, on which the number 500 is stamped on one side and the name of the Merck company on the reverse. Main active component is metformin hydrochloride.

One capsule contains:

  • Metformin hydrochloride – 500 mg;
  • Additional items– magnesium stearate, hypromellose and carmellose sodium.

Manufacturer: MERCK SANTE s.a.s. (Produced in France).

How does Glucophage Long 500 work?

The hypoglycemic effect is explained by the following work of Glucophage:

  • Metformin acts on receptors and increases their sensitivity to insulin. As a result, the breakdown of sugars by cells accelerates. Their number is decreasing;
  • Does not increase the formation of insulin, its amount remains at the same level.

That is, the drug does not affect the amount of glucose found in the blood of a healthy person. In this case the drug:

  • significantly enhances and accelerates oxidation fatty acids;
  • activates adipose fat: reduces the amount of triglycerides, low-density lipoproteins and cholesterol;
  • reduces the ability to absorb carbohydrates by the digestive organs, as well as accumulate and produce glucose in the liver, increases the activity of glycogenesis.

Indications for use

Major diseases conditions for which the use of Glucophage Long 500 is indicated:

  • During monotherapy (treatment with one drug, without combinations with other hypoglycemic drugs);
  • Diabetes of the second type. Its use is especially recommended when diet therapy and increased physical activity are ineffective. Moreover, when we are talking not about excessive excess weight, but about obesity;
  • For children from 12 years and up adolescence when diagnosing diabetes mellitus. Can be used as monotherapy and in combination with insulin (with chronic forms);
  • In combination with insulin therapy and other types medications. This option is used for persons over 18 years of age.

Basic principles of Glucophage Long 500 for weight loss

Glucophage Long 500 for weight loss works like this:

It is necessary to take into account the peculiarity of using Glucophage Long 500 for those who want to lose weight, which is that with an increase in general acidity the activity of the drug decreases. Therefore, you need to select “ golden mean» in activity physical activities which increase the amount of lactic acid in the blood. You don’t need to completely give up physical exercise, but you shouldn’t get too carried away either. Although the statement about a high amount of acid in the blood during exercise is confirmed in some sources, and refuted in others.

Standard usage scheme

Glucophage for weight loss is characterized by the fact that its formula creates gradual absorption from the stomach, a longer process of absorption and preservation of this product in the body. Therefore, often every day one capsule is enough to maintain the concentration of the drug in the blood for quite a long time.

An important factor is bioavailability of the product, it is 50%. The largest volume of the prolonged form reaches after use after 8 hours, due to rapid absorption into the stomach.

The distribution time in the body is quite high, and the drug does not combine with blood cells. The utilization of the product by the liver is almost zero; it is excreted in the urine. Accordingly, if the functionality of the kidneys is insufficient, the drug is retained in the body.

Contraindications for use

Before you use medicinal product Glucophage Long, you need to undergo examination and consult with a nutritionist and endocrinologist. The required dosage will be selected based on your health condition.

Need to take into account contraindications taking this drug:

Side effects of Glucophage Long

Side effects this tool smoother than regular Glucophage. This is due to the longer time of absorption and entry into the blood. But they still exist, and are similar to side effects when using metformin.

Gastrointestinal organs:

  • nausea;
  • diarrhea;
  • bloating;
  • aversion to food and metallic taste in the mouth.

If indigestion and persistent nausea occur immediately after using the product, you should urgently reduce consumption simple carbohydrates , namely, flour products and sugar.

According to reviews, these problems may appear immediately after starting to use the product. As a rule, they go away without taking any medications. If the symptoms are quite persistent, then you can take a remedy with an antispasmodic effect to relieve pain, spasms and colic. You can also use antacids. If symptoms do not go away, you should consult a doctor.

Lactic acidosis is very rare but can have significant consequences. This side effect was observed in people with renal failure . With this diagnosis, weight loss with Glucophage is prohibited. If signs appear (hypothermia with possible coma, acidotic shortness of breath, rapid breathing, muscle pain, loss of consciousness and confusion), you should stop using the drug and consult a doctor immediately. Removal of such a side effect is possible only in a hospital using hemodialysis.

Dangerous combinations with other medications:

  • Should not be taken during treatment with neuroleptics and glucocorticoids;
  • It is prohibited to drink alcohol and take alcohol-containing drugs;
  • Do not take with hypoglycemic agents.

Diet while taking Glucophage Long

To lose weight with the help of Glucophage Long 500, you must definitely follow a diet that involves reducing the consumption of “fast” carbohydrates.

The basic principle of the diet:

  • the indispensable presence in the menu of food containing plant coarse fibers - grains, peas, beans;
  • lack of foods high in glucose. These are figs, grapes, bananas, dried fruits, potatoes, honey, dates, etc.
  • Diet happens:
  • Unbalanced. The carbohydrate content is quite high, but the food has almost no lipids;
  • Balanced. With this type dietary nutrition food has all the required elements for reduced quantity calories.

Advantages and reviews of the drug Glucophage Long 500 for weight loss

Long lasting formula has many advantages, unlike other forms of metformin used for weight loss:

Today, many people use the drug Glucophage 500 to lose weight. And reviews indicate mixed opinions about the benefits and harms of this product. A clear advantage of this drug is the reduction, according to studies of foreign institutes, mortality from stroke – by 41%, from heart attack – by 40%, from diabetes – by 42% .

I would like to recommend that those who want to lose weight should definitely consult a doctor before taking medications that are medical supplies. Glucophage is a hypoglycemic drug that leads to a decrease in sugar, so you need to be examined and find out whether these tablets can be used. Moreover, the examination must be comprehensive. Only after the doctor’s permission can you be sure that you will get the desired effect and will not cause harm to the body.

Elena, Moscow

Those who dream of a “magic pill” that can make them slim should not forget that this panacea pharmaceutical industry haven't created it yet. Any drugs taken for weight loss must be combined with physical exercise and diet.

In this case, we are not talking about exhausting sports, you just need lead active image life. As for the diet, it must be balanced. That is, the body must receive all the required substances in the right quantities. Count calories, eat more low-carb foods. Be sure to include fruits and vegetables in your diet, except those that have large number Sahara.

Marina Kirov

I would really like to advise those who have decided to lose weight and become attractive and slim to change their figure and definitely go in for sports. Then, when you consult with your doctor and decide to use Glucophage Long 500 for weight loss, determine the dosage and duration of use, be sure to follow these recommendations. You do not need to make your own decision about whether or not to use the drug. Only an endocrinologist can help you determine the appropriateness of use and dosage. If you do not neglect these recommendations, the drug can help you lose weight and not harm the entire body.

Glucophage Long is intended to regulate sugar levels in diabetes, but it is also used to reduce overweight. Giving up sweets is stressful for the body, which some people decide to overcome with alcohol. Therefore, the question becomes relevant: is it possible to combine the drug with alcohol?

Glucophage Long and alcohol

Glucophage Long is a popular drug from the biguanide group. It has a hypoglycemic effect, reducing blood sugar levels. The difference between Glucophage Long and standard dosage form- more long period absorption of the active substance.

Indications for use of Glucophage Long are:

  • diabetes mellitus type II in children over 10 years of age ( complex treatment or monotherapy);
  • insulin-resistant diabetes mellitus type II in adults;
  • obesity;
  • diabetes mellitus type II (for additional regulation of sugar during insulin therapy).

The product is available in two types of tablets for oral administration, which differ only in the content of the active substance metformin (500 mg or 1000 mg). 500 mg is the minimum dosage, but if the effect is insufficient, the doctor increases it.

Glucophage Long was originally developed to treat diabetes mellitus in patients who are unable to reduce their blood sugar through diet. The drug regulates the production of glucose in the liver, improves its uptake and utilization by muscles. Additionally, the active substance stimulates fat metabolism, including lowering the concentration of cholesterol in the blood.

Now endocrinologists are increasingly prescribing Glucophage Long to their patients for weight loss. Extra pounds are associated with impaired metabolism, since fats are deposited when the body cannot break them down.

Glucophage Long normalizes the production of glucose and insulin, restoring metabolism. Unlike other hypoglycemic agents, Glucophage Long does not reduce blood sugar or increase insulin levels in healthy people.
Video review of the drug Glucophage:


The drug is quite capricious in combination with other substances. Among other things, the instructions indicate that both types of tablets - 500 mg and 1000 mg - are prohibited from being combined with alcohol. This applies not only to alcoholic beverages, but also to any drugs that contain ethanol.

Alcohol penetrates the blood very quickly and reacts with metformin. It triggers the synthesis of lactic acid, and an increase in its level leads to lactic acidosis. For the development of such a reaction, a dose of the drug of 500 mg and the minimum amount of ethanol present in any medicine is sufficient.

In addition, alcohol in large quantities causes acute intoxication body. This is a provoking factor in the development of lactic acidosis in insulin-dependent patients. Especially in cases where people are on a low-calorie diet or suffer from liver failure.

Alcohol also inhibits the functioning of certain liver enzymes. As a result, hypoglycemia develops - a decrease in plasma glucose. The same effect is achieved by taking Glucophage Long, so it is better not to combine ethanol with the drug.

Consequences of interaction

The main risk for patients who drink alcohol simultaneously with Glucophage Long, even as part of medications, is the development of lactic acidosis. The disease is serious and requires medical intervention.

Lactic acidosis is characterized by a sharp increase in the acidity of the body due to excessive release of lactic acid. Under such conditions, tissue cells stop breaking down or removing the lactate with which they are soaked. At the same time, the liver and muscles further increase the release of lactate into the blood due to impaired acid metabolism.

The disease develops over several hours. Usually there are no previous symptoms, and lactic acidosis appears suddenly with a whole bunch of symptoms. Among them:

  • abdominal pain;
  • vomit;
  • paresis;
  • loss of reflexes.

Lactic acidosis progresses rapidly without emergency assistance physicians leads to collapse, urination problems, hypothermia, thrombosis and coma. Liver dysfunction and low-calorie diet are factors that aggravate the condition of lactic acidosis. The number of deaths from this disease is more than 50%.

Another danger is the development of hypoglycemic syndrome, which is characterized by impaired regulation of plasma glucose levels.

Its symptoms include:

  • arrhythmias;
  • inappropriate behavior;
  • dizziness and double vision;
  • pale skin;
  • hypertension;
  • nausea with vomiting;
  • acute hunger;
  • general weakness;
  • amnesia;
  • respiratory and circulatory disorders;
  • fainting;
  • coma.

Without the influence of alcohol, Glucophage Long does not provoke hypoglycemia. This even applies to cases of drug overdose.

How to combine

Glucophage Long is effective for approximately 7 hours. Accordingly, this time must be waited to prevent “mixing” of the drug and alcohol.

However, the absorption time of alcohol can be significantly longer - for example, if a person drinks on a full stomach. Therefore, if you cannot do without alcohol, it is recommended to skip 2 doses of the drug after drinking it.

On the other hand, during long break Between doses of the medicine, your blood sugar will be unstable. Alcohol will lower it, but then it will increase if left untreated. Acetone will be detected in urine and blood.

As a result, short-term decompensated diabetes will develop. Therefore, skipping medication doses is not recommended. Moreover, you cannot combine it with alcoholic drinks.

In addition, Glucophage Long is used in the treatment of diabetes mellitus, and alcohol is contraindicated in principle for people with this disease. The same goes for people who take the drug to combat overweight. Alcohol is high in calories, so it does not fit into any diet.

35683 3

Metabolic syndrome, the main features of which are obesity, type 2 diabetes mellitus and hypertension– this is a problem of the current civilized society. An increasing number of the population of favorable countries are suffering from this syndrome.

How can you help yourself restore your body’s condition with the least energy expenditure? In fact, the majority of obese people do not want or cannot exercise, and diabetes is, in fact, an insurmountable disease. The pharmaceutical industry is coming to the rescue.

Glucophage for type 2 diabetes

One of the drugs that reduce blood glucose levels and help lose weight is glucophage. According to the research data provided, taking this drug reduces the mortality rate from diabetes by 53%, from myocardial infarction by 35% and from stroke by 39%.

Composition and release forms of the drug

Metformin hydrochloride is considered the primary functional element of the drug. The additional components are:

  • magnesium stearate;
  • povidone;
  • microcrystalline fiber;
  • hypromellose (2820 and 2356).

The medicinal product is available in the form of pills, tablets with a dosage of the main constituent substance in a volume of 500, 850 and 1000 mg. Glucophage biconvex diabetes tablets have the shape of an ellipse.

They are covered with a protective layer of shell white. There are special marks on both sides of the tablet, one of which shows the dosage.

Glucophage Long for diabetes mellitus

Glucophage Long is a particularly effective metformin due to its long-term therapeutic results.

Special medicinal form This substance makes it possible to achieve the same effects as when using ordinary metformin, however, the effect remains long time Therefore, in most cases, consuming Glucophage Long once a day is enough.

This significantly improves tolerability medical product and quality of life of patients.

The special development used in the manufacture of tablets allows the functioning substance to be emancipated into the lumen of the intestinal tract evenly and uniformly, as a result of which the optimal glucose level is maintained around the clock, without any surges or changes.

Externally, the tablet is covered with a gradually dissolving film; inside there is a base with elements of metformin. As the shell slowly dissolves, the influencing substance itself is gradually released. At the same time, contraction of the intestinal tract and acidity do not affect great influence on the course of metformin release, in connection with this good result occurs in different patients.

One-time use of Glucophage Long replaces constant repeated daily use of ordinary metformin. This allows you to exclude unwanted reactions from the gastrointestinal tract, which occur when taking regular metformin, due to an acute increase in its concentration in the blood.

Mechanism of action

The drug belongs to the biguanide group and is produced to reduce blood glucose levels. The principle of glucophage is that, while lowering the level of glucose, it does not lead to a hypoglycemic crisis.

In addition, it does not increase insulin production and does not affect glucose levels in healthy people. The peculiarity of the mechanism of influence of glucophage is based on the fact that it increases the sensitivity of receptors to insulin and activates the processing of sugars by muscle cells.

Reduces the accumulation of glucose in the liver, as well as the absorption of carbohydrates by the digestive organs. It has an excellent effect on fat metabolism: it reduces the amount of cholesterol, triglycerides and low-density lipoproteins.

The bioavailability of the product is at least 60%. It gets sucked through the walls pretty quickly gastrointestinal tract And greatest number substances enter the blood 2 and a half hours after oral administration.

The functioning substance does not affect blood proteins and quickly spreads throughout the cells of the body. It is absolutely not processed by the liver and is excreted from the body in urine. There is a risk of inhibition of the drug in tissues in people with reduced kidney function.

Who should not take this drug?

Some patients taking Glucophage suffer dangerous condition– lactic acidosis. It is caused by a buildup of lactic acid in the blood and occurs most often in people who have kidney problems.

For most people suffering from this type of disease, doctors do not prescribe this drug. Additionally, there are other conditions that can increase your chances of getting lactic acidosis.

These apply to patients who:

  • liver problems;
  • heart failure;
  • taking incompatible medications;
  • period of pregnancy or breastfeeding;
  • Surgery is planned in the near future.

Glucophage and children

The side effects of taking the drug in children under 10 years of age have not been studied; the drug successfully helps children aged 10 to 16 with type 2 diabetes.

Side effects of Glucophage

In rare cases, Glucophage can lead to a serious side effect - lactic acidosis. This usually happens in people who have kidney problems.

According to statistics, approximately one in 33,000 patients who took Glucophage for one year suffers from this side effect. This condition is rare, but can be fatal in up to 50% of people who have it.

If you see any signs of lactic acidosis, you should stop taking the drug immediately and consult your doctor.

Signs of lactic acidosis are:

  • weakness;
  • muscle pain;
  • breathing problems;
  • feeling cold;
  • dizziness;
  • sudden change in heart rate - tachycardia;
  • discomfort in the stomach.

Common side effects from taking Glucophage:

  • diarrhea;
  • nausea;
  • indigestion.

These side effects usually go away with long-term use. About 3% of people who take this drug experience a feeling metallic taste when taking medication.

What other drugs affect how Glucophage works?

Talk to your doctor about taking medications at the same time as Glucophage.

Simultaneous use the following medications c Glucophage can cause hyperglycemia ( high level blood sugar), namely with:

  • phenytoin;
  • birth control pills or replacement hormonal therapy;
  • diet pills or medicines to treat asthma, colds or allergies;
  • diuretic tablets;
  • heart or hypertension medications;
  • niacin (Advicor, Niaspan, Niacor, Simcor, Srb-niacin, etc.);
  • phenothiazines (Compazin, etc.);
  • steroid therapy (prednisolone, dexamethasone and others);
  • hormonal drugs for the thyroid gland (Synthroid, etc.).

This list is not complete. Other drugs may increase or decrease the effect of Glucophage on lowering blood sugar.

Frequently Asked Questions

  • What happens if I miss a dose?

Take the missed dose as soon as you remember (be sure to take the drug with food). Skip the missed dose if you have a short time until your next scheduled dose. Not recommended for use additional medications to make up for the missed dose.

  • What happens if you overdose?

An overdose of metformin can cause lactic acidosis, which can be fatal.

  • What should I avoid while taking Glucophage?

Avoid drinking alcohol. It lowers blood sugar and may increase the risk of developing lactic acidosis when taking Glucophage.

Siofor or Glucophage: which is better for diabetes?

The active substance of Glucophage is metformin. Metformin is not a trade name, but an international one generic name. is the industrial name of metformin from Berlin Chemie. Therefore, Siofor and Glucophage have the same active substance.

Glucophage for diabetes: reviews

To compile a general picture of the course of diabetes mellitus under the influence of Glucophage, a survey was conducted among patients. To simplify the results, the reviews were divided into three groups and the most objective ones were selected:

  • Efficiency: high

I went to the doctor with the problem of rapid weight loss despite the lack of diets and physical activity, and after medical examination I was diagnosed with severe insulin resistance and hypothyroidism, which contributed to my weight problem. My doctor told me to take metformin maximum dose, 850 mg, 3 times a day and begin thyroid treatment. Within 3 months, the weight stabilized and insulin production was restored. I was prescribed Glucophage for the rest of my life.

Conclusion: regular use of Glucophage gives positive results at high dosage.

  • Efficiency: average

My wife and I took Glucophage 2 times a day. I missed an appointment a couple of times. Lowered my blood sugar a bit, but the side effects were terrible. Reduced the dose of metformin. Together with diet and exercise, the drug lowered my blood sugar levels by, I would say, 20%.

Conclusion: Skipping medication causes side effects.

  • Efficiency: low

Prescribed about a month ago, recently diagnosed with type 2 diabetes. Took it for three weeks. The side effects were mild at first, but got so bad that I ended up in the hospital. I stopped taking it two days ago and am gradually regaining my strength.

Conclusion: individual intolerance to the active substance

Glucophage– a drug that has a lowering effect on blood sugar. Recently, it has been actively used in the fight against extra pounds. Available in tablet form different dosages(500, 850, 1000 mg). The dosage regimen is prescribed by the doctor. Active substance The drug is metformin, which acts as a barrier against the penetration of carbohydrates into the blood from the gastrointestinal tract. According to reviews, glucophage is quite effective for weight loss, but its uncontrolled use is dangerous to health.

Operating principle

Undigested food leaves the body in a natural way without giving insulin a chance to transform glucose into fats.

Among the advantages of metformin is its multifunctional effect on the functioning of organs as a whole. Each individual human mechanism perceives the effects of glucophage in its own way, but cases of deterioration cardiovascular system, gastrointestinal tract and psycho-emotional state were not noticed.

By suppressing the feeling of hunger, the drug does not injure the psyche, and the usual rhythm of a person’s life is not disturbed.

The action of the drug is aimed at reducing the secretion of glycogen by the pancreas and liver. If the body's sensitivity to insulin increases, an increasing feeling of hunger appears.

In order to avoid an uncomfortable state, a person begins to consume food beyond the calorie standards. As a result, the secreted hormone is powerless to break down and digest such an amount of food. Impaired metabolism provokes the deposition and accumulation of fat, which leads to obesity.

Taking glucophage not only improves the metabolic function of organs, but also promotes the absorption of glucose by muscles. The absence of constant urges to eat normalizes the flow of nutrition into the body and gives time to process food according to the regime.


Alina, 39 years old:

“I’ve been trying to correct my figure for years. All fat accumulations are formed only in the abdominal area. Restrictions on flour products and fatty meat did not give results. On the advice of my friends, I started working out my abs every day. But apart from slightly tightened skin I didn’t notice any changes. A month ago at the clinic I heard about glucophage.

Of course, I didn’t take it into account at first. And after meeting with a thinner relative, I heard about the drug again. And then, according to the regimen developed by the doctor, I began to take pills. In 3 weeks I lost 5 kg. Maybe for some this is not much, but for me, after grueling workouts and diets, this is a real first achievement. I will continue taking the second course after a break.”

Sofia, 29 years old:

“After giving birth and maternity leave, it became difficult to get in shape. If you helped before fasting days on kefir, now there was no effect. I heard about glucophage and became interested.

I got acquainted with the composition, features of action and decided to try it. After a month of taking it, the result was not encouraging. I only lost 2 kg. But after a while I decided to continue and did not regret it. After the second course I lost 7 kg. The body began to react. Interestingly, I did not experience any feelings of discomfort or depression. Time passed, as usual, in household chores. I will continue to keep in shape!”

Anna Nikolaevna, 46 years old:

“To say that I was skeptical about the drug Glucophage is an understatement. She herself repeatedly told her colleagues about the dangers of various diet pills. It seemed to me that this was just some kind of Stone Age. But after positive result Colleagues broke down and secretly tried it.

At 46 years old, losing even a couple of kilograms is difficult. And here, after 4 weeks of taking it, the result is minus 9 kg. Overweight I still have enough, but without the nine that were thrown off it’s already easier. I’ll continue drinking and share the results later.”

Irina, 34 years old:

“An endocrinologist prescribed me Glucophage 1000. In 3 weeks I became 4 kg lighter. But what surprised me more was the pressure. It has returned to normal! I haven't taken a single pill in 3 weeks. This is a record for me.”

Natalya, 31 years old:

“After the endocrinologist prescribed the drug, I take it for 5 weeks. The first week I felt nausea and loss of appetite. I literally forced myself to eat food. After frequent visits toilet wanted to interrupt the course, but then it began to improve. Without much effort, I lost 7 kg in the first month.

I have a moderate appetite, a normal rhythm of life, and I don’t limit myself when it comes to sweets. But everything is within normal limits! I recently learned that glucophage is used in European countries to treat other diseases. There is a trusting attitude towards the drug.”

Maria, 42 years old:

"WITH early years I am distinguished by curvaceous forms. I consider weight stabilization, that is, its control, to be my only achievement in life. The extra 30 kg I had when I was 20 remained the same. A month ago, the doctor recommended a course of taking Glucophage 1000. In 4 weeks, I lost 8 kg, and for me this is a huge victory. Now I will maintain a new level.”

Doctors' opinion

It is important to start taking the drug, according to doctors, with the prescription. Recommendations should be based on diagnostic results and test results. Self-use is prohibited!

Like any medicinal substance, glucophage has indications and contraindications. Side effects identified by scientists and doctors are listed in the instructions, and the doctor warns about them. The dosage, quantity and time of administration are calculated only by a physician, taking into account the characteristics and capabilities of the body.

In many countries, studies are being conducted on the drug to determine its actions and consequences. Scientists have not reached a consensus on the use of glucophage for weight loss. Each doctor has accumulated many years of experience in monitoring the effects of the drug, but no cases of disruption of the functioning of individual organs or the cardiovascular system have been recorded.

The main thing is to take into account all contraindications for use and during the period of use, consult with a specialist about any side effects that may arise.

How does it affect the body?

The effect of metformin on the functioning of organs and the body as a whole is being studied by researchers in many countries. It was revealed that after absorption of food, tissues actively absorb glucose, transforming it into fat deposits. Under the influence of the drug, fatty acid is oxidized, which promotes rapid breakdown. At the same time, undigested carbohydrates leave the intestines naturally.

After the appointment medicine, constant feeling hunger ceases to haunt the subconscious. Eating food according to the regime brings both benefits and the result is lost kilograms.

Advantages and disadvantages of application


  1. Positive influence on metabolic processes in the body. The organs perform all functions in a natural way; excess glucose and carbohydrates are not stored in fatty layers.
  2. Regulating insulin production keeps blood sugar from rising.
  3. Controls cholesterol levels, reducing the risk of cardiovascular diseases.
  4. Transports glucose to the muscles, helping to absorb it.
  5. Preparation promotes restoration and metabolism of lipid cells.
  6. Helps the breakdown of fats, oxidizing them.


  1. For heart diseases, liver, kidney use is contraindicated.
  2. Not recommended apply to pregnant and lactating women.
  3. Weakened body unable to respond adequately to glucophage. This postoperative period, transferred serious illnesses, rehabilitation after injuries, chronic alcoholism.
  4. People actively involved in sports taking the drug is prohibited.

How to use?

The dosage, course and regimen of taking the drug are prescribed only by a specialist. Under the supervision of a doctor, the patient undergoes a course for an average of 22 days, after which a break is prescribed.

For weight loss, glucophage is taken 3 times a day with or after meals. Daily dose determined by the doctor, usually it is 1500 mg/day. The tablet is swallowed whole and washed down with a small amount of clean water.

About the arisen side effects it is necessary to inform the attending physician. Although such cases are rare, we should not neglect frequent nausea, pain in the kidney area and other symptoms.