Year of the Snake, what kind of people are they? Negative sides of the sign

The snake belongs to the Yang group. IN Eastern horoscope this is the sixth sign. The sign of the Snake rules the time interval from 9 to 11 am. Her season is spring, it brings her good luck in everything, and the peak of this period is May. In the European Zodiac, the Snake corresponds to Taurus. Its element is Fire. The color that brings her prosperity and happiness is green and red. Plants and flowers that bring her luck are thistles, ferns, heathers and all kinds of plants that grow among the stones. Top countries for living Snakes - Mexico, India, Saudi Arabia, Ethiopia, Southern CIS, Peru.

Years of the Snake sign in our century

  • 1905 February 4 - element of the year tree
  • 1917 January 23 - element of the year fire
  • 1929 February 10 - element of the year earth
  • 1941 January 27 - element of the year metal
  • 1953 February 14 - element of the year water
  • 1965 February 2 - element of the year tree
  • 1977 February 18 - element of the year fire
  • 1989 February 6 - element of the year earth
  • 2001 January 24 - element of the year metal
  • 2013 February 10 - element of the year water


Muhammad Ali, Antonio Berni, Heinrich Böll, Pavel Virsky, Jean Vigo, Nonna Gaprindashvili, Indira Gandhi, Vasily Grossman, Vladislav Gomulko, Lyudmila Zykina, Dmitry Zorin, Grigory Kozintsev, John Kennedy, Ferdinand Marcoe, Alexey Kozlovsky, Igor Moiseev, Artem Mikoyan , Vera Panova, Gemal-Abdel, Tigran Petrosyan, Alexandra Pakhmutova, Christian Dior, Maria Smirnova, Bob Hawke, Mahatma Gandhi, Abraham Lincoln, Jesse Jackson, Henry Matisse, Mao Tse-Tung, Pablo Picasso, Aristotle Onassis, Greta Garbo, Edgar Allan, Charles Darwin, Giacomo Casanova, Andre Gide, Nicolaus Copernicus, Charles Baudelaire, Gustave Flaubert, Johannes Brahms, Audrey Hepburn, Bela Bartok, Anna Pavlova, Gustave Doré, Denis Diderot, Johann Wolfgang, Dmitri Dostoevsky, Heinrich Heine, Nikolai Gogol , Luther King, Louis Philippe.

In Christian culture, the sign of the Snake has bad reputation, but in the East the complete opposite is revered and loved by the Snake for its wisdom, benevolence and intelligence. If, for example, in Japan, when they want to compliment a woman, they say to her, “You look like a Snake,” then in Western countries this is considered an insult. Flexible and silent, the Snake is a master of grace and subterfuge. It is present in all legends, and evokes conflicting feelings: desire and anxiety, antipathy and sympathy. The snake is a mysterious companion of the unknown. She's the personification highest degree initiation into the great mysteries of knowledge. In Eastern and Indian Yoga, and also in Tibetan Buddhism it symbolizes the flow of Kundalini energy coming from the root of the spine to the crown of the head. This energy unites life path with the spiritual. Liberation and awakening - Kundalini is the main stage of spiritual development and opens parapsychological abilities in a person - clairvoyance, levitation, telepathy and much more.

A snake can show a person mysterious dreams, directing him to mysterious worlds and also unexpectedly overtake him by surprise. The sacred goddess Ophidia was depicted in the form of a snake - this is the god of the sea and earth, an evil demon living in mud, swamps, and water. She came to us from the dark depths of our subconscious, filling our dreams with fantasies. She is associated with the culture of ancient China as the founding father of the Chinese Emperor.

When the world consisted of chaos, and everything was unorganized between heaven and earth, Pan-Ku was born. Thanks to Pan-Ku, the earth was warmed by the sun, stars and planets were born, and the moon shone. But our planet was empty until Nu-Va appeared. He was very handsome, extremely intelligent, and his body was shaped like a Snake with a human head. Crawling along the ground, Nu-Wa was intoxicated by millions of smells, and he turned them into the aromas of life. With his tail he dug the earth and kneaded this whole mass until he created a creature whose body was like that of a monkey and the head of a man. This is how the very first Chinese emperor was born.

There are many different legends about the Snake in the world. In Tibet there is a symbol of the Snake, it grabs its own tail, this means eternal renewal. In the Book of the Dead in Tibetan mythology it is written: “I am Sata, the Snake living in the distant corners of our planet, I am born, I die, I am renewed and I become younger every day.” In all religions, the Snake means a symbol of wisdom, and is also a source of excitement. Who will not be afraid of the Snake and will not retreat? There are no such brave souls, because the human reaction to a snake is disgust and fear, and if it is also poisonous, then the disgust and fear of it are limitless.

If you put aside superstitious fear and start observing the Snake, then you can see aesthetics and beauty in it. This is a shiny and thin animal, paralyzing and poisoning, endowed with magical powers. In the Bible, the Serpent brought chaos to life by tempting Eve in the Garden of Eden, but let's not forget that this is the appearance in which Satan was. This is all appearance, because of it we condemn the Snake, its appearance is a very heavy burden. The same analogy from the Bible was used in Chinese mythology. She is depicted in it as a Seducing Serpent who has powerful hypnosis that is difficult to resist. The Snake is the only sign of the zodiac that is difficult to resist, it has an inner light that cannot be ignored.


People of the Snake sign are happy if they were born in a hot summer. They love wild and dry spaces under sunny skies. A Snake born on a hot afternoon will be happier than a Snake born on a cold night. If she was born in winter, and even on a night of severe frost, then various dangers will await her in life. She feels great in the heat and does not like rain or cold.

The Snake usually has a happy childhood, but only in a good and warm family. Her youth also passes without problems, but as she grows up, she has various troubles on the emotional plane and various temptations.

In old age, the Snake gains wisdom, but the fire of love always remains, and can bring them a lot of anxiety.


People born under the Snake zodiac sign are well-mannered and elegant people. They look sophisticated and have something exciting about them. They are polite, very communicative and always friendly. Snakes are charming and romantic in society and always attract attention. They have great feeling humor, excellent conversationalists, this is how they concentrate attention on themselves. They know how to talk to people, attracting them with their mystery. These people have a good combination of thoughtful thinking and good looks, which makes them simply irresistible. These are extravagant people who have their own taste and love to dress beautifully.

People under the sign of the Snake have the ability to learn; they grasp everything instantly. These people are intelligent, deep and thoughtful. By nature they are thinkers and philosophers. People under the sign of the Snake love to read and use their knowledge well. These people take great pleasure in exchanging knowledge and thoughts in heated discussions, while they need dialogue like air, and their interlocutors are very pleasant. They have a rare deep mind, they are very smart and always give wise answers. Their judgments cannot be said to be superficial.

Snake people do not like anger and avoid noisy people and vulgarity. They love music very much, they really need applause and adore honors, and when they are deserved, they are very proud of themselves. Snakes will never waste time on gossip.

Snakes at birth have an internal gift of intuition, which borders on clairvoyance. They see through people and penetrate their subconscious. They trust their inner instinct more, pay attention to their own sympathies and feelings, rather than to facts and other people’s opinions. They often learn from their own mistakes, but they rarely make mistakes.

In life, people born under the sign of the Snake behave peacefully, calmly, love stability and harmony. They can easily adapt to any environment and quickly settle down. They have an iron will that protects them without hesitation and makes them fight for their moral and material goals. In this matter, they know how to react instantly, showing their poisonous teeth. Snakes do not really like unnecessary body movements, and therefore, if possible, they doze.

They know how to work very efficiently and quickly; they do not like to put off work until tomorrow what they can do today. They value their time very much, and when they have a free minute, they devote it to their favorite activities. These people's favorite pastimes are: repairing, rearranging things, relaxing outside the city; after finishing their business, they can sleep for a long time. But if they set a goal, they can remove any obstacles. They make decisions instantly, and as a rule they do not change them again.

Years of birth of a person according to the sign of the Snake: 1905, 1917, 1929, 1941, 1953, 1965, 1977, 1989, 2001, 2013

In the East, the Snake is a symbol of miraculous powers, levitation, telepathy and clairvoyance. It is also a symbol of renewal, the opportunity to conquer space and time.

General characteristics of the sign of the year of the Snake

Those born in the year of the Snake will be pleased to know that the Snake is incredibly lucky. It is believed that men born this year are sentimental, and women are flirtatiously beautiful.

The Snake is one of the most mysterious and extraordinary signs of the Eastern horoscope.

The Japanese have long treated the Snake with respect, but at the same time, with caution, since this creature has eternal life. The expression “to change the skin of a snake” means to begin new life. Most families perceive the snake as a deity, the guardian of rice fields, mountains and the hearth. The snake also signifies fertility and healing power.

The snake is the personification of wisdom and beauty. Therefore, people born in the year of the Snake adopt its character traits: natural wisdom, insight, high demands not only on themselves, but also on others. In society, the Snake demonstrates impeccable taste and ability to behave. She is usually dressed to the nines, knows how to skillfully maintain small talk, and with her diplomatic remarks is able to defuse the situation or extinguish an impending conflict. She has a polish and an inner core, which makes others treat her with respect and some caution. Despite all this, for a real “socialite” she has a too serious view of the world and does not like empty chatter. People born in the year of the Snake are laconic even with their loved ones. Because of this character trait, it is difficult for people to guess what is going on in her soul. The Snake has excellent control over his emotions and can experience both intense joys and deep sorrows deep in his heart.

People born in the year of the Snake have an increased thirst for knowledge, determination along with restraint, tactfulness and the ability to keep other people's secrets. It is worth noting that the Snake approaches knowledge pragmatically. She deeply analyzes every smallest situation and detail. Ultimately, her accuracy and insight simply amazes the imagination of those around her. Those close to her often believe that she has a very developed sixth sense. Many Snakes have a tendency towards demonstrative behavior, which they justify by their integrity and spiritual purity.

People born in the year of the Snake live at their own rhythm. They often take much longer than others to achieve their goals. In addition, such people can be lazy and slow, overly philosophical and self-critical. In other people he looks for motivation and an incentive to action, but often at the same time feels the need for calm and discipline.

If a person born in the year of the Snake finds his niche in life, he will easily be ahead of all competitors. He is often called the quiet leader. By the way, it should be said that the affairs of the Snake are not always clean. She knows how to skillfully and quietly take advantage of the situation, people, their feelings, in order to achieve her goals.

Throughout its life, the Snake trusts its intuition more than logic. And, as a rule, it doesn’t let her down. Often the Snake’s abilities border on extrasensory. In addition, she has a clear, sober, analytical mind and has the gift of persuasion. The Snake is valued as an employee in responsible leadership positions, as well as in areas where extreme precision, organization and attention are required. For example: science, medicine, banking, etc.

A person born in the year of the Snake is infinitely faithful to his ideals. He goes towards the intended goal, but at the same time he can show extraordinary flexibility. Sooner or later, he will still achieve his goal. And from the outside it may seem that money itself sticks to the lucky Snake, so easy is it usually for her to find a well-paid job. However, only the Snake herself knows how much work and sleepless nights lies behind this apparent ease.

In love, the Snake chooses its own life partner. Almost always shows impatience and jealousy, even if the feelings have already faded. Has a tendency to wrap itself around a partner, shackle him and leave him no freedom. This especially applies to men born in the year of the Snake.

The Year of the Snake corresponds to Western classical astrology.

Metal Snake: 1941

People born in the year of the Metal Snake extremely rarely allow someone into their souls. They prefer to work alone. They are quiet and inconspicuous and independent. But they are excellent at navigating any situation and easily find a way out. difficult situations. They attract lucrative offers like a magnet and get down to business with enviable determination. They have the ability to successfully invest money. The Metal Snake loves luxury and comfort, appreciates art and good music. As a rule, she has a small circle of loyal and devoted friends, and is very generous and magnanimous towards her loved ones.

Water Snake: 1953

The Water Snake has a great understanding of people and knows how to control them. Has a wide range of interests and continues to study throughout his life. He has an excellent memory and is well versed in business and financial matters. Unlike other Snakes, the Water Snake is very attached to family and close people, although he does not show it. People born in the year of the Water Snake have a mystical mindset and are highly susceptible to emotions. Sometimes they are difficult to understand, since words and actions are not subject to ordinary everyday logic.

Wooden Snake: 1905, 1965

People born in the year of the Wood Snake have good character, harmonious and thorough. She does not have such qualities as vanity and suspicion, characteristic of other Snakes. The Wood Snake is sociable, witty, intelligent and ambitious. She usually has many friends and a variety of hobbies. She easily comes up with new ways to have fun. He prefers a quiet, stable life and work. Appreciates art and loves collecting antiques and paintings. Her advice, particularly of a personal nature, is greatly appreciated and taken into account. People born in the year of the Wood Snake can become talented engineers, as well as excellent administrators and officials who defend the interests of their business no matter what the circumstances.

Fire Snake: 1917, 1977

People born in the year of the Fire Snake have a complex character. The Fire Snake is the least harmonious of all types of Snakes. She is vain and aggressive, but at the same time, energetic and active. She wants to fly, not crawl. She is ambitious, self-confident, and the role of an inconspicuous intellectual does not suit her. Of course, she has all the qualities of a leader and outstanding oratorical talent. The Fire Snake has the ability to convince the most stubborn and unshakable opponents. She is often very harsh with those she dislikes. However, despite her difficult character, she evokes respect and admiration from many. The Fire Snake usually has a good sense of humor and many friends. She enjoys an active social life and travel.

Earth Snake: 1929, 1989

People born in the year of the Earth Snake are harmonious, honest, sincere and friendly. She takes her work responsibly, but she is not characterized by ambition, so she can easily cancel urgent matters in order to talk with friends or go for a walk.

People born in the year of the Earth Snake do not like to take risks, and believe that only honest work and prudence will bring happiness and material well-being. Earth Snakes are great workers and intellectuals. They make excellent scientists, researchers, philosophers and analysts. Also, Earth Snakes are good financiers. They accurately calculate, analyze and invest their money profitably.

Year of the Snake - advantages and disadvantages

Positive aspects of the Snake personality

The snake is not afraid of any work, of course, with the exception of that which involves risk. Responsible, wise, demanding of herself and the people around her, always ready to help.

Negative aspects of the Snake personality

When turning to the Snake for help, you should take into account the fact that it can go to extremes. Helping others captures her completely. And already she is becoming more obsessed than useful. Instinctively, she wraps herself around the person indebted to her and tries to strangle him. Snakes are also characterized by a desire to deceive, stubbornness, and a hot temperament that explodes over little things.

Career and money of the Snake sign

People born in the year of the Snake achieve professional success in almost any field of activity with relative ease. They can do whatever their heart desires. This could be weaving flowers from beads, big business, or even politics. If she has found a job she likes, she will never leave it, will not turn away from the path, but will only climb higher and higher on the career ladder. In this she is helped by her natural flair, insight and diplomatic talent.

The snake can take on any hard work if it pays well. She knows her worth very well and will not work for pennies. In general, when it comes to money, the Snake is lucky. She practically doesn't worry about money, she will always find it as soon as she needs it. He rarely experiences need, as he knows how to use finances wisely. She spends a lot, but still earns. Therefore, as a rule, he always has a solid bank account. The snake is very rational and practical. If she spends a large amount of money on a beauty salon and on fashionable clothes from boutiques, it is only because she knows that she is greeted by her clothes, especially if she has to conduct business negotiations.

Life periods of the Snake

The life of a Snake largely depends on when it was born: in summer or winter, day or night, and even on what the weather was like at that time. If it was summer and warm, then life will be more fortunate, and if it is winter, and even a blizzard, bad weather, squally wind, then life circumstances will be appropriate. Very happy are those Snakes who were born in hot tropical countries. If there is a storm on the day the Snake was born, then her whole life will be full of dangers.

In general, the first two phases of the Snake’s life will be relatively calm. But the third phase should be given special attention. It was during this period that her sentimental and passionate character, her taste for adventure, could play a cruel joke, instead of providing her with a calm old age.

Snake stones: hematite, emerald, bloodstone, malachite, opal, jade, peridot, topaz, jasper.

Plants: heather, fern, thistle and other plants growing among the stones.

Time of day: from 10 to 11 am.

Time of year: spring (May).

Colors: green, red

The Year of the Snake is the sixth in the cycle eastern calendar. However, since each year the year of the Snake is influenced by a certain element, each time we are dealing with a new Snake. Star cycles endow snakes with different qualities, rewarding them with advantages or strengthening their weaknesses.

People born in the year of the Snake make excellent spiritual leaders, analysts, jewelers, scientists, sociologists, nutritionists, astrologers, magicians, researchers, artists, musicians, that is, creative and intellectual individuals. Collage: Kirill Belan. The Epoch Times

The inner world of the Snake

People born in the year of the Snake have a number of characteristic traits. For example, these people are often introverted and have good intuition. They are usually graceful, outwardly non-emotional and prone to contemplation. They are also not easily angered. They can appear cunning and secretive, and sometimes just appear very modest. Snakes love to plan and scheme to get things done exactly the way they want.

When it comes to home furnishings, Snakes are elegant and graceful individuals. They often focus on their comfort. They like muted colors and prefer to have one very expensive chair rather than three for the same amount. As we know, snakes love peace and tranquility, so a relaxing environment or sounds of nature from a record player help them. Snakes do not deprive themselves of luxury, but at the same time they are thrifty and economical.

At work, snakes are quite conscientious and diligent. However, if they are not interested, they quickly become bored and can easily quit. They are organized and precise. Snakes can solve problems very quickly and use a creative approach. Sometimes they like to work alone, which leads to secretiveness. The Snake can be successful if he does not lose his cool mind and avoids unplanned expenses. Although, in principle, they themselves understand this.

As for health, the Snake needs to get enough sleep and rest in order to live a long and healthy life. Snakes are easily stressed and should avoid busy schedules or noisy environments. From this they will not get an adrenaline rush, but a banal headache. They must live a calm and quiet life in order to prosper and prosper.

Since snakes are picky in choosing a life partner, they quickly get used to it and consider it their property. Therefore, they can be very jealous and obsessive, but they can also be reserved.

People born in the year of the Snake make excellent spiritual leaders, analysts, jewelers, scientists, sociologists, nutritionists, astrologers, magicians, researchers, artists, musicians, that is, creative and intellectual individuals.

To better imagine the character of the Snake, let's remember famous personalities who were born under this sign. Muhammad Ali, Indira Gandhi, Lyudmila Zykina, John Kennedy, Artyom Mikoyan, Alexandra Pakhmutova, Christian Dior, Mahatma Gandhi, Abraham Lincoln, Edgar Allan Poe, France Schubert, Charles Darwin, Nicolaus Copernicus, Johannes Brahms, Denis Diderot, Fyodor Dostoevsky, Johann Wolfgang Goethe, Nikolai Gogol, Martin Luther King.

All these people were born in the year of the Snake, but they can hardly be “put on the same level.” The fact is that each year is also associated with one of the Five Elements (U-Xing). The character of people born in the year of the Snake is influenced by Metal, Water, Wood, Fire and Earth, forming a general cycle of 60 years. Over the past hundred years, the Year of the Snake has occurred in 1905, 1917, 1929, 1941, 1953, 1965, 1977, 1989, 2001. However, each of them was influenced by a certain element.

Snakes are different

The Metal Snake fell in 1941 and 2001. The Metal Snake is a very cunning person who will stop at nothing to achieve his goals. She pays attention to material values ​​because money gives her opportunity and influence.

The Wood Snake was encountered in 1905 and 1965. The Wood element gives the snake a bit of solidity and foundation. Vanity is not her style. The Wood Snake has a strong group of friends and family members with whom he enjoys spending time. However, she rarely comes to her loved ones for advice, preferring to overcome life's difficulties alone. Kindness and family ties - two key characteristics this snake.

The year of the fire snake fell on 1917 and 1977. These snakes have a bright and dynamic character, fueled by the element of Fire. Of all the snakes, they usually have the most pronounced amount of extroversion. These people also have great wisdom. They are interesting conversationalists and can captivate anyone with their stories. Fire snakes can make even the most stubborn people change their beliefs. This can make them a little selfish. They can manipulate people to achieve success.

The Earth Snake appeared in 1929 and 1989. These snakes are the calmest of all. They lead measured life. Therefore, they usually seem friendlier, which puts others at ease. They also avoid unnecessary risks, but sometimes they can relapse. They believe that their common sense and ethics will pay off, bringing them happiness and material satisfaction.

The Year of the Water Snake fell in 1953 and the coming year 2013. The Water Snake is often influential and insightful. She is able to manage other people well and is generally an ideal leader. Water snakes are quite motivated and intelligent, determined and determined to succeed. They strive to get what they want, despite the circumstances. They are affectionate with their family members and friends, but rarely open up to colleagues or business partners.

The stars give snakes precisely these qualities, but this does not mean that they cannot work on themselves. Education, high aspirations and self-confidence can help change even the most stubborn aspects of character. If you think you have something to work on, go for it.

Men and women born in the year of the Snake are endowed with attractiveness and charm. They stand out for their deep wisdom and incredible calm. But emotional storms do not bypass these people either. Their mystique stems from secrecy and secrecy. They have a limited circle of close people whom they can completely trust.

What traits does the Year of the Snake give to men and women? The characteristic of the sign says that “snakes” are distinguished by their sexuality and hypnotic influence on others. They charm with intelligence, eloquence, and elegance.

Characteristics of those born in the year of the Snake

In Asian countries, the snake is a symbol of wisdom, fertility and intelligence. Those born this year are distinguished by developed intuition, contemplation, and a sharp mind. They can be selfish and frugal in their spending. But they will never look disdainfully at those who are less fortunate in life.

The year of the Snake endows people with wisdom and determination. The characteristics of men and women born during this time period are quite interesting: seemingly different people are connected by special luck, luck in life. Their instinct always suggests the shortest path to achieving their goal.

Such people do not like to be pushed around or tried to be controlled. Snakes know how to fight back, protecting their inner world. They are hardworking and patient. They often reach career heights with the help of intelligence and charm (if they can overcome natural laziness).

Secretive, cautious, distrustful - these are people born in the year of the Snake. The characteristics of the house in which they will choose to live are reliability and comfort. They should pay more attention to rest - they easily make up for the lack of energy by being in a calm, relaxed state.

Those born in the year of the Snake are looking for new opportunities and ideas. Their characteristics (a man and a woman, despite the opposite sexes, are similar in this regard) say that these people are kind to their family and friends. They can be quick-tempered and unrestrained when defending their interests. They can always accurately and correctly assess the current situation.

At the Snake's perfect compatibility with Bull and Rooster. AND complete absence mutual understanding with the Tiger and the Pig. In vector relationships, the Snake is the master of the Monkey and the servant of the Goat.

Man under the influence of the Snake

The Snake man has a strong-willed and very complex character. He sees through a person and intuitively feels his weak points and pain points. Research activities are attractive to such a man. He is constantly expanding his range of interests.

The Snake man is talented and ambitious. He knows how to please others, despite his coldness, conservatism, and pragmatism. He has few friends. Only the closest people can he trust and open up. Such a person does not like to take risks, preferring to calculate his moves several steps ahead.

Everyone born in the year of the Snake dreams of a friendly and strong family. The characteristic (a man can be gloomy and depressed) of this sign of the eastern calendar is that he himself suffers from mood swings and a stormy temperament.

The Snake man can wait a long time, but always delivers a single, precise blow. However, he rarely attacks first. Most often, this reaction is a response to provocation from other people.

Year of the Snake: characteristics of a woman

The Snake woman is smart and reasonable. Her external beauty hides observation and penetrating qualities. She cannot stand criticism and responds to it with hidden aggression. She is often emotional and prone to thoughtless words and actions. The Snake Woman is cunning and assertive. But, like a reptile, it hides it under the mask of deceptive calm and gentleness.

She has developed logical thinking. And if she curbs her laziness, she will be able to show the world her talents and creativity. Like a man, she prefers material and physical pleasures.

The Snake Woman believes in her higher purpose. Her high self-esteem either gives her self-confidence or is shattered by the opinions of others. The snake psychologically correctly knows how to “wrap itself” around its partner. Over the years she becomes a wise and patient wife.

The year of the Snake gives grace and attractiveness to the daughters of Eve. The characteristic of a woman born at this time is to be friendly and sociable. She knows how to give wise advice. Possesses cunning and cunning. Knows how to be grateful and vengeful.

Aries character

The characteristic of Aries born in the year of the Snake is their energy and contradiction. They can remain in a calm, peaceful state for a long time. But at some point, an explosion of emotions takes over, and the impulsive Aries amazes those around him with his temperament. His energy and confidence allow him to captivate people.

Aries-Snake quickly learns not to show his emotions. Wise and sociable, he becomes invulnerable to sarcasm and provocation. And hard work and perseverance will help him achieve success.

In marriage, this is a calm sign that prefers stability and does not tolerate surprises. Over the years, he begins to avoid sudden changes, enjoying comfort and wisely contemplating life. Aries-Snake is a great esthete. But even his extravagance will not force him to buy a beautiful item if it cannot be used in everyday life.


What features will the Year of the Snake add to Taurus? The characteristic of the sign consists of perseverance and constancy. This is a tenacious, insightful person who acts very carefully (especially in financial matters).

Such a Taurus lacks an adventurous streak. He fully calculates and verifies all his words and actions. This down-to-earth nature creates a good foundation for a strong relationship. Taurus-Snake will be faithful to the chosen partner.

Sometimes he is stingy with emotions. He has no creative potential. But the ability to negotiate and intuition will help Taurus make a dizzying career in the field of finance or communications. He is open to new ideas and views. And his boundless elegance delights those around him.

Gemini character

The year gives this sign powerful energy and speed of reaction. The Gemini Snake (characteristic consists of directly opposite traits) is dynamic, sociable, and dexterous. This zodiac combination gives the ability to calculate your most spontaneous reactions. Such a Snake knows how to stop even before moving, if it is beneficial.

Geminis will never harm themselves by acting only in their own interests. They may take years to achieve their goal, but they will definitely achieve it. Peace-loving and sociable, they, however, know how to fight back in time and stand up for themselves.

Such Geminis have high demands on their partners. It takes a long time to choose a life partner; they rarely have affairs on the side. The family is cared for with love and tenderness. They have a sense of humor and extraordinary charm in communication.


Cancer, born in the year of the snake, strives for comfort and loneliness. His characteristics are quite positive: he prefers safety and workarounds, never acts ahead, but first studies the situation from all sides. Such a person avoids active actions, he always has backup options.

He is emotionally stable and self-confident. He looks for complete dedication in a partner. But he himself is ready to fight for love. This is a reliable, predictable sign. He avoids unnecessary risks and difficult situations.

Cancer-Snake has a hypnotic effect on people. And he is able to achieve goals not by actively moving forward, but by slowly processing a situation or person. It is difficult for such a Cancer to resist, and people succumb to his arguments and beliefs. He is an intuitive psychologist, but will never use his abilities to harm people.


What will the Year of the Snake give to Leo? The characteristics of people of this sign are a combination of greatness, calmness, and confidence. Leos born in the year of the Snake do not tolerate fuss. They do everything measuredly, thoughtfully, with awareness of their strength and kindness. The Lion-Snake never finishes off a defeated enemy - he knows how to forgive.

He hides selfishness and pride under external goodwill. Hot temper and capriciousness often lead Leo to unexpected turns of fate. Having gained fame and wealth, he can lose everything in an instant.

He is a good family man, ready to give his loved ones joy and reliability. He demands full support from his partner for his projects and plans. Over the years, prudence and optimism come to the surface - they will help smooth out contradictions in character. Such a Leo can shine in company or be alone. He always tells the truth and comes to the rescue in difficult times.

Virgo character

Virgo-Snake produces every second of her life accurate analysis and assessment of the surrounding situation. It is difficult to confuse her - she knows how to painstakingly collect information and compare facts.

Such a Virgo spends a lot of energy on thinking and mental training. It is almost impossible to deceive her. And intelligence and prudence will not allow you to get into a difficult situation. He does not like to conflict, but quickly fights back and can harbor a grudge for a long time.

Virgo-Snake has some nervousness because she keeps herself under control all the time. Her circle of acquaintances is stable - she is constant in her affections. She will be devoted to her chosen partner and family. He takes his words seriously and keeps his promises. Such a Virgo knows how to quickly adapt to new conditions and achieves success thanks to unconventional thinking.


What traits does a Libra have? The Year of the Snake and the characteristics of the sign promise such people apparent lightness and openness. They envelop those around them with magnetic charm, forcing them to fulfill their whims and desires. At the same time, Libra-Snakes clearly know what they want from life and make far-reaching plans.

Sincere, sociable, smart, they easily find a non-standard way out of any situation. Such people know how to attract even enemies to their side. But their hidden, psychological pressure on loved ones leaves behind a painful feeling.

They prefer stability in the family, but can tightly control their partner. The veiled desire to command is balanced by responsibility for family and friends. Such Libras are not ambitious; they prefer to work for pleasure. They carefully protect their inner world from the encroachments of others.

Scorpio character

The characteristics of Scorpio, born in the year of the Snake, attract people with their mystery and inner strength of personality. The magnetism of the sign is enhanced by wisdom and enormous sexual potential.

You should not conflict with such a Scorpio - his blows are accurate and merciless. In friendship, these are fair, intelligent people with a wide range of interests. They do not give in to emotions, so all reactions are accurately calculated and predicted.

In marriage, such a Scorpio is faithful and demands the same from his partner. His jealousy and sense of possessiveness can cause great inconvenience. Leadership qualities, if they do not find a way out in work, will be introduced into family relationships. Scorpio-Snake says only what they want to hear from him. And even those closest to him don’t always know what he really thinks.

Sagittarius character

The mood of the Sagittarius-Snake ranges from joyful euphoria to gloomy depression. But this sign does not hide its temperament. He is open, friendly, and sociable. And inside he conducts constant analytical work.

Sagittarius knows how to clearly assess the situation and waits for the right moment to achieve the goal with decisive actions. Such people are distinguished by original thinking and have their own scale of values. They surprise others with the scale and brightness of their personality.

Sagittarius-Snake loves travel and external gloss. Pays great attention to the status of people. Can be fickle in marriage. Does not seek stability, preferring spontaneity. He has many claims against his partner, imposing his will and vision of the world on him. Such a Sagittarius is in search of new sensations. But interests usually boil down to expanding financial wealth.


Which distinctive features will Capricorn born in the year of the Snake receive? The characteristic of the sign is characterized by a penchant for solitary reflection. Such a Capricorn is not looking for friends and communication. He observes, compares, as if he were maintaining within himself a certain catalog of situations and people.

He has a complex character and high demands on loved ones. In a partner he looks for commonality of views and interests. Capricorn's enormous will, coupled with determination, helps him achieve success in his chosen field.

This is an emotionally cold person. He strictly doses feelings in accordance with the chosen actions. At the same time, succumbing to inspiration, he is able to conquer the highest peaks in work or personal life. Capricorn-Snake is a charming intellectual who is looking for a partner with an equally high level.


Aquarius-Snake is an excellent organizer and social activist. But his violent energy creates internal tension. As an Aquarius, such a person would like to learn everything new and interesting. Like the Snake - stay alone and think. Therefore, for a few days a month, it is better for him to abandon his numerous plans and hobbies and relax quietly in solitude.

A talented Aquarius is always in the thick of things. He knows how to unite and captivate people. At the same time, he prefers non-binding, easy communication. This person has very few close friends to whom he could pour out his soul.

In marriage, he is capable of small affairs, but requires loyalty and constant approval of his actions from his partner. Despite his chaotic nature, he knows how to stop in time and think about the situation. Such an Aquarius is capable of processing large amounts of information and being responsible for their decisions.

Pisces character

How do Pisces born in the year of the Snake behave? The characteristic of the sign is soft calm, wise relaxation. And magnetic charm encourages others to fulfill all the whims of such a person.

Such a Snake is not distinguished by generosity. The enemy will be haunted by her vindictiveness - she will not spare anyone in the event of a serious offense. But she herself does not attack first, trying to resolve conflicts peacefully.

This person has enormous internal resources - they will find a way out in creativity. In work, much depends on the emotional depth of experience. Such people should learn not to be distracted by external environment, but to completely immerse yourself in what you love. In a partner they look for trust, reliability, and financial wealth. High demands will definitely lead to success (in work and personal relationships) in the second half of life.

Pros and cons of those born in the year of the Snake

  1. Elegance and sensuality.
  2. Honesty and self-sufficiency.
  3. Decisiveness and insight.
  4. Wisdom and compassion.
  5. Tactfulness and discretion.
  1. Cruelty and power.
  2. Dishonesty and envy.
  3. Uncertainty and suspicion.
  4. Calculation and isolation.
  5. Indifference and pessimism.

1989 who? 1989 is the year of which animal? According to Chinese horoscope Those born in 1989 are under the auspices of the Yellow Earth Snake. These people are characterized by some slowness of reactions and slowness in making important decisions. Outwardly, they give the impression of extremely thoughtful people who know how to hide their personal ambitions and plans well. Usually such people can build a successful career, because they think through their every next step.

Mistakes and miscalculations in business are possible only when the Earth Snake gets carried away with something new and loses its former vigilance. The Yellow Earth Snake of 1989 endows its representatives with hospitality and generosity. Such people always treat their home with care, trying to create a unique atmosphere of comfort in it. Since the Yellow Earth Snake's nature is quite down-to-earth, those born in 1989 greatly value material things and tend to accumulate money.

Often they manage not only to achieve a good financial position, but also to maintain it for a long time. One more distinguishing feature for such people is the desire for constancy and stability. The Yellow Earth Snakes of 1989 react extremely painfully to any serious changes in life, as well as to a sudden change of environment.

It is for this reason that representatives of this sign do not like to travel a lot, preferring the comfort of home. They love to spend time in familiar surroundings and are sensitive to changing their place of residence.

Yellow Earth Snakes are accustomed to sharing their savings with loved ones, but sometimes those around them may suffer from manifestations of their excessive frugality of financial resources. Those born in 1989 behave passively in love affairs; they usually need time to closely study the object of their adoration.

The main reason for their suspicion is that they are very afraid of being rejected. They open up to their partner only after they are confident in his decency and sincerity of feelings. It is then that representatives of the Yellow Earth Snake become gentle, romantic and passionate. In society, such people are distinguished by caution and attentiveness.

Earth Snakes - good friends, which in conflict situations always strive to reach mutual understanding. These are sensitive and tactful people, ready to provide support to many in difficult situations. One of the disadvantages of Yellow Earth Snake representatives is that they do not like to listen to other people's opinions. Such a Snake is the most important in comparison with other Snakes.

Usually these people know not only their desires, but also the limits of their capabilities. Before making even the smallest decision, Yellow Earth Snakes weigh all the pros and cons. They often don't like to be rushed into doing anything.

Overall, the 1989 Yellow Earth Snakes are charming individuals who are always calm and collected. Such people value their reputation and do not like to spoil the first impression of themselves. Yellow Earth Snakes need approval and want to feel appreciated.