Certificate for good. Samples of diplomas and certificates for awards in nominations

To help class teachers when compiling texts of certificates, thanks to students, and the parent community (especially when summing up the results of the school year).

Everyone knows how hard it is to pick the right words to say goodbye to your students, to note the merits of each, to praise or encourage, to instill confidence in a successful future. I offer several samples of texts of gratitude and certificates.



1. Letter of thanks to parents.



Teaching staff

MBOU "Secondary school No...."

Expresses its gratitude to you and says a huge human “THANK YOU” for your participation inraising your son... and class life.

A person’s success, of course, is the merit of his closest people with seemingly imperceptible daily efforts, work, patience and responsibility.

We thank you for your creativity and

active life position.
We sincerely wish you good health, happiness and prosperity!


Cl. supervisor

... June 2013

2. Letter of thanks to parents.



Teaching staff

MBOU "Secondary school No...."

Sincerely thanks you and expresses deep gratitude for the upbringing of your son... who has shown himself to be a student capable of deep thinking, overcoming difficulties, showing excellent results, defeating worthy opponents.


Cl. supervisor

... June 2013

3. Letter of thanks to parents.



Teaching staff

MBOU "Secondary school No...."

Sincerely thanks you and expresses deep gratitude for the upbringing of your daughter... who has shown herself to be a student capable of deep thinking, overcoming difficulties, showing excellent results, defeating worthy opponents.

Your child’s victories are our common joy.
We wish you all the best, optimism, health, prosperity and more human warmth.


Cl. supervisor

... June 2013

4. Letter of gratitude to parents.



Teaching staff

MBOU "Secondary school No...."

expresses deep gratitude to you

for the good upbringing of your daughter (son)

We wish you good health, family

happiness, success in work and education

your children.

Thank you for your responsiveness and mutual understanding.


Cl. supervisor

... June 2013

5. Thank you letter to parents.



We express our deep gratitude to you

for your interest in academic

activities of your daughter (son) and

for participating in class activities.

We wish you good health,

family happiness, success in work and

in raising your child.

Thank you for your responsiveness and mutual understanding


Cl. supervisor

... June 2013

1. Certificate of honor for the student.


for a conscientious attitude towards the educational and creative process.


Cl. supervisor

... June 2013

2. Certificate of honor for the student.


for a conscientious attitude towards the teaching and educational process.

This is worthy of emulation!
We hope that you will continue to improve your abilities so that everyone can truly enjoy your success.
We sincerely wish you health, prosperity and new achievements for the benefit of your family and the entire Fatherland!


Cl. supervisor

... June 2013

3. Certificate of honor for the student.


winner in the “Sportsman of the Year” category.

Your achievements and victories are an example of efficiency, determination, enthusiasm and dedication.

This is worthy of emulation!

We wish you to remain a leader in the area where you succeed, never tired of learning new things, overcoming unprecedented difficulties and obstacles, defeating worthy rivals, the strongest competitors.
Thank you for proving by personal example that you can get a star from the sky!


Cl. supervisor

... June 2013

4. Certificate of honor for the student.


for active participation in sports competitions,

for courage, optimism, perseverance in achieving goals,

for the will to win and the ability to find the right decision.

We wish you to remain a leader in the area where you succeed, defeating worthy opponents.


Cl. supervisor

... June 2013

5. Certificate of honor for the student



For good studies and active participation in the life of the school.

The world depends on activists and the school here is no exception.
And the fact that our life is in full swing is your merit, without a doubt!
Let optimism never dry up and let inspiration flow like a fountain!
We present you with a certificate for endless movement!

We sincerely wish you prosperity and new achievements!


Cl. supervisor

... June 2013

6. Certificate of honor for the student



for good studies, for the kindness of soul and mind,

for courage in mastering knowledge,

for always coping with any difficult test.

We sincerely wish you health, prosperity and new achievements for the benefit of your family and the entire Fatherland!


Cl. supervisor

... June 2013

7. Certificate of honor for the student



for the desire to learn better and the ability don't be discouraged

in a difficult situation,

for overcoming difficultieson scary tests

and in difficult home situations,

for the fact that you know almost everything, read, write and count,

and that patience and work will lead you to victory.


Cl. supervisor

... June 2013


Ivanova Maria

3rd grade student

for excellent studies, participation

in classroom and school events,

for kindness, attention to people,

for the ability to make friends

and active assistance to the teacher.

School director: A.Yu.Petrov


Ivanova Maria

3rd grade student

for your kindness and understanding,

You are one of the first with us.

School director: A.Yu.Petrov

Class teacher: N.I. Kulinenko.


Ivanova Maria

3rd grade student

for excellent studies, participation in class and school events,

for curiosity, attention,

for your kindness and understanding,

for the intelligent look of inquisitive eyes,

You are one of the first with us.

School director: A.Yu.Petrov

Class teacher: N.I. Kulinenko.


Ivanova Maria

3rd grade student

for the thirst for knowledge and work,

because of difficulties in studying

They only give you strength.

School director: A.Yu.Petrov

Class teacher: N.I. Kulinenko.


Novikov Egor

3rd grade student

for modesty, hard work, diligence,

for the thirst for knowledge and work,

because of difficulties in studying

They only give you strength.

School director: A.Yu.Petrov

Class teacher: N.I. Kulinenko.


Novikov Egor

3rd grade student

you read, write and count,

and that patience and labor

they will lead you to victory.

School director: A.Yu.Petrov

Class teacher: N.I. Kulinenko.


Novikov Egor

3rd grade student

for the desire to learn better

and the ability to overcome difficulties,

for the intelligent look of inquisitive eyes,

for modesty and exemplary behavior,

for what will become yours

fourth grade

the beginning of a resounding success.

School director: A.Yu.Petrov

Class teacher: N.I. Kulinenko.


Novikov Egor

3rd grade student

for active work in class,

for an inquisitive mind and ability to make friends,

because you know almost everything,

you read, write and count,

and that patience and labor

They will lead you to victory!

School director: A.Yu.Petrov

Class teacher: N.I. Kulinenko.


Ivanova Maria

3rd grade student

You have a lot of talents
Do you have time to learn everything?
You raise your hand in class -
How can I not praise you?
Are you doing successfully?
And you try your best!
And now, of course, you
We give this certificate!

School director: A.Yu.Petrov

Class teacher: N.I. Kulinenko.


Ivanova Maria

3rd grade student

You do well in any subject,
You want to study everything with interest.
And a certificate of honor for this
We have to give it to you today!
We congratulate Him on the success achieved; undoubtedly, we must respect him!
Proud of you, we wish with all our hearts,
And continue in the same spirit!

School director: A.Yu.Petrov

Class teacher: N.I. Kulinenko.


Ivanova Maria

3rd grade student

All sciences obey you,
You are a jack of all trades in every case:
And your diary was an example:
The highest score in all subjects!
Achieving something like this is not easy!
We wish you further growth,
And congratulations from the bottom of our hearts,
With important and great success!

School director: A.Yu.Petrov

Class teacher: N.I. Kulinenko.


Ivanova Maria

3rd grade student

I'm so happy to tell you:
You are the pride of teachers!
Let him wait in his studies
There are many new achievements!

School director: A.Yu.Petrov

Class teacher: N.I. Kulinenko.


Ivanova Maria

3rd grade student

With inspiration and diligence
You strive for new knowledge!
You can study well
Excel in class.
You're always fine
All textbooks, notebooks.
May there be a lot of luck, a lot of success,
The school road gives!

School director: A.Yu.Petrov

Class teacher: N.I. Kulinenko.


Ivanova Maria

3rd grade student

This certificate is being awarded today,
Because you try hard in your studies!
For every question, getting answers,
Actively strive to reach heights!
Find out about everything that is still unknown,
After all, there are still so many discoveries to be made!
Let learning always be interesting,
Granite is easy to science!

School director: A.Yu.Petrov

Class teacher: N.I. Kulinenko.


Ivanova Maria

3rd grade student

For good studies -
This certificate is from us!
Let there be many discoveries
Day after day, hour after hour!
Always try to win
Strive for new knowledge!
Be an example for everyone in the class,
Great study!

School director: A.Yu.Petrov

Class teacher: N.I. Kulinenko.


Ivanova Maria

3rd grade student

Your hard work is a harbinger of success!

You overcome any obstacles with a smile.

There are many reasons to be proud of you,

You will be able to achieve the desired heights!

School director: A.Yu.Petrov

Class teacher: N.I. Kulinenko.


Ivanova Maria

3rd grade student

As a reward for your knowledge you receive a diploma,

For being able to achieve your intended goal.

Do you want to learn a lot of new things in life?

you know how to find answers to everything.

School director: A.Yu.Petrov

Class teacher: N.I. Kulinenko.


Ivanova Maria

3rd grade student

To the one who worked hard,

strived to reach the top,

I sat behind a book and was not lazy,

We would like to give this certificate.

Let the world reveal its secrets

Bright events await

And knowledge leads to new successes,

And they lead to new victories!

School director: A.Yu.Petrov

Class teacher: N.I. Kulinenko.


Ivanova Maria

3rd grade student

Great willpower is always needed

To behave with dignity.

We know that we succeeded not only at school,

For politeness, for self-control,

Perseverance, respect for others,

For kindness, participation, attention,

We want to reward you now!

School director: A.Yu.Petrov

Class teacher: N.I. Kulinenko.


Ivanova Maria

3rd grade student

The world stands on activists

And the school here is no exception.

And the fact that our life is in full swing -

Your merit is without a doubt!

Let optimism never run out

And inspiration flows like a fountain!

We present you with a certificate,

For endless movement!

School director: A.Yu. Petrov

Class teacher: N.I. Kulinenko.


Ivanova Maria

3rd grade student

For good studies and active participation in the life of the school.

Sometimes it's hard to get through

Through the jungle of formulas and equations.

But the more difficult it is to understand,

The brighter the joy of achievement!

Who believes that anything is possible

He is brave, decisive, desperate!

For your success in complex science,

We are presenting a certificate today!

School director: A.Yu.Petrov

Class teacher: N.I. Kulinenko.


Ivanova Maria

3rd grade student

For good studies and active participation in the life of the school.

For the fusion of labor and talents,

Tirelessness, thirst for knowledge

And amazing discoveries,

The ability to be in the center of events!

For observation and liveliness,

An inquisitive mind and insight.

A creative approach to learning

And conquering heights!

School director: A.Yu.Petrov

Class teacher: N.I. Kulinenko.


Ivanova Maria

3rd grade student

For exemplary discipline

You get a reward!

Both teachers and parents,

We are very proud of you!

School director: A.Yu.Petrov

Class teacher: N.I. Kulinenko.


Ivanova Maria

3rd grade student

For good studies and excellent behavior!

This diploma is very honorable and important,

And not everyone in the class gets it.

Only the one who deserves such a reward

Who behaves the same way as you at school?

An example in behavior, in studies - in everything,

We are proud of you and present you with a diploma!

School director: A.Yu.Petrov

Class teacher: N.I. Kulinenko.


Ivanova Maria

3rd grade student

For success in creativity!

For all your success in your work,

A well-deserved certificate is awarded!

Good luck in any endeavor,

Let new talents be discovered!

Well, now friends and teachers,

We wish you great happiness from the bottom of our hearts!

Confessions on the chosen road,

Let fresh ideas inspire!

School director: A.Yu.Petrov

Class teacher: N.I. Kulinenko.

On behalf of educational institution a letter of gratitude may be written to the student. It can be drawn up on behalf of class teacher or school management. A letter of gratitude is usually drawn up on a form specifically designed for this purpose. You can use the school's letterhead.

Letters of gratitude are usually written to a student after significant achievements in educational activities, participation in an intellectual, sports or creative event (quiz, Olympics, relay race, festive event).

Such letters with warm words of gratitude and appreciation are usually very pleasant for the student and contribute to further active work.

Below we offer several options for writing the text of a thank you letter for a schoolchild from the school principal and class teacher.

Examples of thank you letter texts to a student

1. Sample text of a thank you letter to a student for participation in the Olympics.

We express gratitude to Andrey Nikolaevich Kournikov, a student of grade 9, for his successful participation in the city Olympiad in physics. Thank you for taking 3rd place at the Olympiad.

We wish you further success in your studies and achieving new heights in life!


Director of school No. 83 Serov K.M. Serov

2. Text of the letter of gratitude to the student for participation in a sporting event

We express gratitude to Lidia Konstantinovna Smirnova, a student of grade 10 B, for her active participation in the sports relay between schools in the city of N-Ska. Thanks to their focus on winning, their activity and perseverance, the team took 1st place.

We wish you further success not only in sports, but also in comprehending new sciences and knowledge!


Director of school No. 432 Tikhonov R.M. Tikhonov

3. Sample thank you letter to a student on the occasion of graduation

We express gratitude to Vyacheslav Petrovich Chesakov for his responsible attitude towards educational process. Thanks to the thirst for knowledge, perseverance and determination in comprehending new sciences demonstrated over the years of study, Vyacheslav managed to prove himself as an intelligent, capable and active student.

There are many difficulties and obstacles ahead, we wish to overcome them with ease, defeating our competitors with dignity.

We wish you to improve your abilities, develop new capabilities, acquire new knowledge and enjoy the success achieved!

We sincerely wish you health, prosperity, perseverance and patience! We wish you to pass your time with dignity life path, step by step climbing higher and higher on the steps of success!


Poetic texts of certificates that can be useful for rewarding students at graduation.


for excellent studies, participation

for kindness, attention to people,

for the ability to make friends

and active assistance to the teacher.

for excellent studies, participation

in classroom and school events,

for your kindness and understanding,

You are one of the first with us.

for excellent studies, participation

in classroom and school events,

for all your efforts

they helped you with your studies,

for the most difficult tasks,

what you decide on your way.

for excellent studies, participation

in classroom and school events,

for curiosity, attention,

and perseverance in achieving goals.

for excellent studies,

for the kindness of soul and mind,

for courage in mastering knowledge,

for always making it through

with any of the difficult tests.

for good studies

(for the desire to learn better)

on scary tests

and in difficult home situations,

for the intelligent look of inquisitive eyes,

for becoming fifth grade

the beginning of a resounding success.

for the desire to learn better,

for your inquisitive mind and kindness,

for being in a fight with oneself

learned to find the right solution

and manage your behavior.

for the desire to learn better

for the intelligent look of inquisitive eyes,

for courage in making decisions,

for becoming fifth grade

a stepping stone to new achievements.

for the desire to learn better

for the kindness of soul and readiness

for the desire to learn better

and the ability to overcome difficulties,

for the intelligent look of inquisitive eyes,

for modesty and exemplary behavior,

for becoming fifth grade

the beginning of a resounding success.

for the desire to learn better,

for the kindness of soul and readiness

come to the rescue difficult moment,

for the intelligent look of inquisitive eyes,

for the sound of joyful laughter,

for becoming fifth grade

the beginning of a resounding success.

for the desire to learn better

and the ability to overcome difficulties

on scary tests

and in difficult home situations,

for the intelligent look of inquisitive eyes,

for the sound of joyful laughter,

for becoming fifth grade

the beginning of a resounding success.

for the desire to learn better

and the ability not to lose heart in a difficult situation,

for the kindness of soul and readiness

come to the rescue at any moment.

for active work in class,

for an inquisitive mind and ability to make friends,

because you know almost everything,

you read, write and count,

and that patience and labor

they will lead you to victory.

excellent duty,

for the desire to learn better

and the ability not to lose heart in a difficult situation,

for the kindness of soul and readiness

come to the rescue at any moment.

for active participation in class life,

for neatness, neatness,

for the thirst for knowledge and work,

because of difficulties in studying

They only give you strength.

for participation

in classroom and school events,

for overcoming difficulties

on scary tests

and in difficult home situations,

for neat notebooks,

diligence and perseverance in achieving the goal.

for participation

in classroom and school events,

for all your efforts

brought you to success

for intelligence, activity, good knowledge

and for the ability to make friends.

for modesty, hard work, diligence,

for the thirst for knowledge and work,

because of difficulties in studying

They only give you strength.

Your first grade has ended, Your very first year. You will remember more than once The year of joyful worries. Everyone around you is proud of you And everyone praises you. Now you are the school’s best friend, Now you are friends with her! Congratulations on finishing 1st grade. Difficult first grade, of course! That’s why it’s interesting! And there are a lot of successes, And your home school has become. You’ve made new friends at school. The first year was great! Just super! First-class! Summer has arrived, you can safely relax. Gain strength and health - Get ready for second grade! To a student at the end of the school year

  • for excellent studies, participation

in class and school events, for kindness, attention to people, for the ability to make friends and active assistance to the teacher.

  • for excellent studies, participation

in class and school events, for curiosity, attention, kindness and understanding, for the intelligent look of inquisitive eyes, you are one of the first with us.

Sample signatures of certificates for children

  • for excellent studies, participation

in class and school events, for the fact that all your efforts helped you in your studies, for the most difficult tasks that you solve on your way.

  • for excellent studies, participation

in classroom and school events, for curiosity, attention, and perseverance in achieving goals.

  • for excellent studies,

for the kindness of your soul and intelligence, for your courage in mastering knowledge, for the fact that you can always cope with any difficult test.

  • for good studies

(for the desire to study better) and the ability to overcome difficulties on scary tests and in difficult homework, for the intelligent look of inquisitive eyes, for the ringing sound of joyful laughter, for the fact that fifth grade will be the beginning of resounding success.
Runnova Irina Borisovna March 20, 2015 miscellaneous Certificates and diplomas Filyushina Yuliya Aleksandrovna March 20, 2015 miscellaneous Certificates and diplomas Filyushina Yuliya Aleksandrovna March 20, 2015 miscellaneous Certificates and diplomas Filyushina Yuliya Aleksandrovna March 20, 2015 miscellaneous Certificates and diplomas of students GORYAEVA SAGLAR SARANGOVNA 2 0 Mar 2015 miscellaneous Diplomas and Certificates Khrabrova Natalya Alekseevna March 21, 2015 miscellaneous Certificates and diplomas Tatyana Dmitrievna Kladova March 21, 2015 miscellaneous Diplomas and certificates Shishlova Natalya Alekseevna March 21, 2015 miscellaneous My certificates and diplomas Nadezhda Vladimirovna Platonova March 30, 2015 miscellaneous certificates and diplomas.


Texts of letters and letters of thanks. Thank you letter to parents. I express my gratitude and say a huge human “THANK YOU” for your participation in the upbringing of your child and the life of the school.

A person’s success, of course, is the merit of his closest people with seemingly imperceptible daily efforts, work, patience and responsibility. I thank you for your creative approach and active life position. With all my heart I wish you good health, happiness and prosperity! I express the hope that your creative activities for the benefit of our school will continue in the future!!! Director's letter of thanks to parents.

Dear... I sincerely thank you and express my deep gratitude for the upbringing of (full name), who has shown himself to be a student capable of thinking deeply, overcoming difficulties, showing excellent results, defeating worthy opponents.

Teacher Tatyana Pisarevskaya

Certificate of honor for a student Awarded…..For good studies and active participation in the life of the school. The world rests on activists and the school here is no exception. And the fact that our life is in full swing is your merit, without a doubt! Let optimism not dry up and inspiration flow like a fountain! We present you with a certificate for endless movement! We sincerely wish you prosperity and new achievements! DirectorCl.
manager... June 2013 6. Certificate of honor for the student Awarded.....for good studies, for the kindness of soul and mind, for courage in mastering knowledge, for always coping with any difficult test. We sincerely wish you health, prosperity and new achievements for the benefit of your family and the entire Fatherland! DirectorCl.

manager... June 2013 7.

Texts for certificates, thanks, diplomas

I hope that you will continue to improve your abilities so that everyone can truly enjoy your success. I sincerely wish you health, prosperity and new achievements for the benefit of your family, our school and the entire Fatherland! Letter of gratitude to the teacher Please accept my sincere gratitude for your success in the field of school education, for your high professionalism and competence, dedication and hard work! Your inherent efficiency, focus on achieving the final result, ability to make decisions, sociability, goodwill, patience, willingness to answer any questions admires his students. I hope that your many years of experience and the unquenchable fire of sincere dedication to your work will serve further development spiritual and intellectual level of the younger generation.

How to sign certificates, diplomas, gratitude

Home / Primary classes/ Miscellaneous Samples of signing letters, diplomas, thanks Author: Dyakova Tatyana Vladimirovna Similar materials Type Name of material Published miscellaneous How to sign certificates, diplomas, thanks Dyakova Tatyana Vladimirovna January 23, 2016 miscellaneous Certificates, diplomas and thanks Voloboeva Olga Vladimirovna March 20, 2015 miscellaneous Certificates, diplomas. thanks Koblova Svetlana Nikolaevna March 31, 2015 miscellaneous Diplomas, certificates, thanks...

Texts for certificates and letters of gratitude for parents

Awarded...to the winner in the “Sportsman of the Year” category. Your achievements and victories are an example of efficiency, determination, enthusiasm and dedication. This is worthy of emulation! We wish you to remain a leader in the field where you succeed, never tired of comprehending new things, overcoming unprecedented difficulties and obstacles, defeating worthy opponents, the strongest competitors. Thank you for proving by personal example: you can get a star from the sky! DirectorCl. manager... June 2013 4. Certificate of honor for the student. Awarded...for active participation in sports competitions, for courage, optimism, perseverance in achieving goals, for the will to win and the ability to find the right solution.
We wish you to remain a leader in the area where you succeed, defeating worthy opponents. DirectorCl. manager... June 2013 5.

Invalid request error 400

Lyubimova Tatyana Evgenievna March 31, 2015 miscellaneous Diplomas, thanks, certificates Bitz Marianna Georgievna 1 Apr 2015 miscellaneous Diplomas, certificates and thanks Alyabyeva Marina Ivanovna 1 Apr 2015 miscellaneous Certificates and thanks Galakhova Tatyana Aleksandrovna 1 Apr 2015 document Diplomas and thanks Omarova Gulnara Kavyevna 15 Sep 2015 miscellaneous Diplomas, certificates, gratitude Oleg Ivanovich Agapov March 2, 2016 miscellaneous Diplomas, certificates and gratitude Elena Sergeevna Agapova March 2, 2016 miscellaneous Diplomas and certificates of competitions Marina Vitalievna Kharcheva March 20, 2015 miscellaneous Diplomas, certificates Oksana Vitalievna Travkina March 20, 2015 miscellaneous Diplomas, certificates, diplomas.

Text for certificates for elementary school students

Letter of gratitude to parents. Dear... The teaching staff sincerely thanks you and expresses deep gratitude for the upbringing of your son... who has shown himself to be a student capable of thinking deeply, overcoming difficulties, showing excellent results, defeating worthy opponents. The victories of your child are our common joy. We wish you all the best, optimism, health, prosperity and more human warmth. DirectorCl. manager… June 2016 3. Letter of thanks to parents.