Blood type 0 i positive. Characteristics of people with rare blood types

Race, blood type, hair and cornea color are all signs that distinguish us from each other. Anyone has many of them healthy person remain unchanged throughout life.

What is blood type

Blood is an actively mobile internal medium of the body, which performs huge amount vital functions. It differs in relative healthy body) constant composition and includes plasma and the suspended form elements contained in it: erythrocytes (or red cells), leukocytes and platelets.

Immunogenetic signs of the physiological composition of blood, which make it possible to classify people into certain groups based on the similarity of antigens (foreign substances that provoke the formation of antibodies) found in plasma and suspended particles - this is the blood group. The presence of one or another antigen in a person, as well as their various combinations, create thousands of variants of gene structures.

Blood type is an exclusively hereditary trait; it does not depend on race, age, or gender. It begins to form as early as early stages intrauterine development fetus

How many groups and how do they differ?

Antigens are divided into groups, which have their own meaning and name. The most common of them, used everywhere, are the ABO and Rh (Rhesus) blood group systems. Besides them, there are others, but they are less known and less commonly used in medicine, such as Kell, Duffy, MNSs.

The AB0 blood group system was discovered at the turn of the 20th century by K. Landsteiner, who, mixing the serum of some people with the cells (red blood cells) of others, noticed that the reactions were different: the blood either coagulated, forming flakes, or not. Based on the study, four groups were identified. Each of them is designated by the symbol A, B or 0.

  1. First (0). Its owners are almost 50% of the entire world population (the first one is especially common positive group). It differs in that it completely lacks foreign particles (antibodies), that is, it does not react with other groups. People with the first group are: them physiological fluid(blood) can be transfused to a person with any other group.
  2. Second (A). It reacts with antibodies of group B, so it can be transfused only to those people who do not have them - with groups I and II.
  3. Third (B). This group, on the contrary, is unstable to A-antibodies, so only people with I and III group mi.
  4. Fourth (AB0). The peculiarity is that this blood group contains antigens A and B, but it does not contain antibodies. It is interesting that only those with an identical group can accept the fourth group, while they themselves can accept any group - they are universal recipients. This is due to the absence of antibodies and the inability to adhere to antibodies received from outside. She is relatively new group blood, since it was detected later than the others.

The Rh factor is determined using the Rh blood group system. That is, the presence of a certain protein (antigen) on the surface of red blood cells. Rh blood types can be:

  1. Positive, that is, this antigen is present. 85% of the population have it.
  2. Negative, that is, there is no antigen. Its owners are 15% of people. Usually this does not cause any inconvenience. Special attention is paid only to Rh-negative women.

To indicate rhesus, simple signs + and - are used.

This factor directly depends on heredity. So, for example, if one of the parents has the first blood group, then, regardless of the second parent, the couple cannot have a baby with group IV. The table below describes the different variations in more detail.

The rarest blood phenotype is a combination of a rare group and Rh, that is, fourth negative.

Table of probability of a child's blood type (blood groups are designated using Roman numerals I - IV)

How to find out your blood type and Rh factor

A standard (simple) determination for blood type does not require special preparation. To conduct the study, you will need sera containing antigens and a drop of the subject’s blood.

Serums are produced only at transfusion stations from donor raw materials. They necessarily have expiration dates and special storage conditions. The batch number and series are indicated on the packaging. For a more accurate analysis, two different sets of sera are taken.

A large drop of each serum is applied to a flat plate (II and III are sufficient, but for control, I and IV are also taken), then blood is carefully added to them in a ratio of 1:10. The plate is gently rocked for 5 minutes, allowing the liquids to mix. The results are defined as follows:

  • if the blood did not clot in any of the samples, this is the first group;
  • if the process occurred in all samples except II, then this is the second;
  • if in all except III, then, accordingly, the third group;
  • if clotting is observed absolutely everywhere, this is the fourth.

If the reaction is unclear, then the analysis is repeated.

To determine the Rh factor you need laboratory test. Usually the analysis is ready within 24 hours. There are several main indications for this procedure:

  • pregnancy;
  • preparation for surgery;
  • the need to determine compatibility during transfusion;
  • child and mother (hemolytic disease of the newborn).

Rh factor and pregnancy

Even at the planning stage, parents should take care of the smooth course of pregnancy and take responsibility for the health of the unborn baby.

One of the points in preparation for conception is a mandatory analysis of the compatibility of father and mother.

For the study, blood is taken from a vein, and the result includes the groups and Rhesus of both parents and the possibility of pregnancy healthy baby. The sooner the tests are taken, the better for the whole family.

The main thing for a child is Rh compatibility. If the mother is Rh positive, then problems arise extremely rarely, since in most cases the baby inherits the woman’s blood. If the expectant mother has a negative Rh factor, then the course of pregnancy must be treated with the utmost responsibility: register early with a gynecologist or have a consultation, take the required tests on time and visit a specialist as planned. In this case, there is a possibility of developing a Rh conflict, especially if the father has a positive variant.

Rhesus conflict may occur when the parents’ indicators are incompatible. So, the antibodies that are produced female body, will strive to destroy the baby in the womb, or rather, the antigens that its red blood cells carry. According to statistics, 50% of newborns have positive blood, but during childbirth, some of the baby’s blood goes to the mother, and her body produces antibodies to the dissimilar Rhesus. This is how the body works. The second birth can be dangerous, since, accumulating, these antibodies can seriously harm the baby, eradicating its blood cells.

Fortunately, doctors can now safely prevent Rh conflicts. After the first birth, antibodies are introduced into the woman’s body, which completely destroy the positive cells of the child that have entered her body. After the procedure, the second pregnancy will pass without any problems, and the baby will be born strong.

Everyone should know their blood type and Rh factor, as this information can be useful and even save the life of themselves and another person in an emergency.

Description of the individual antigenic characteristics of red blood cells, determined using methods for identifying specific groups of carbohydrates and proteins included in the membranes of animal red blood cells. (c) from Wikipedia.

Typology of blood groups

The number of studied and characterized blood group systems is constantly growing. International Society Blood transfusion currently recognizes 29 major blood group systems. These include the two most important classifications of human blood group - the ABO system and the Rh system.

ABO system.

Human blood plasma may contain agglutinins α and β, and erythrocytes may contain agglutinogens A and B, and of proteins A and α there is one and only one, the same for proteins B and β. Thus, there are four valid combinations; then which one is typical for this person, determines his blood type:

* α and β: first (O)

* A and β: second (A)

* α and B: third (B)

* A and B: fourth (AB)

Rh system (Rh system)

The Rh factor is an antigen (protein) that is found on the surface of red blood cells. blood cells(erythrocytes). It was discovered in 1919 in the blood of monkeys, and later in humans. About 85% of Europeans (99% of Indians and Asians) have the Rh factor and are therefore Rh positive. The remaining 15% (7% of Africans) who do not have it are Rh negative. The Rh factor plays an important role in the formation of the so-called hemolytic jaundice newborns, caused by Rh conflict between the blood cells of an immunized mother and fetus.


The Kell group system consists of 2 antigens that form 3 blood groups (K-K, K-k, k-k). Antigens of the Kell system are second in activity after the Rhesus system. They can cause sensitization during pregnancy, blood transfusion; cause hemolytic disease of newborns and blood transfusion complications.

Compatibility of human blood groups

The theory of blood group compatibility arose at the dawn of blood transfusion, during the Second World War, in conditions of a catastrophic shortage of donor blood. Blood donors and recipients must have “compatible” blood types. In the middle of the 20th century, it was assumed that blood of group 0(I)Rh− is compatible with any other groups. People with group 0(I)Rh− were considered “universal donors”, and their blood could be transfused to anyone in need. Currently, such blood transfusions are considered acceptable in hopeless situations, but not more than 500 ml. Incompatibility of blood group 0(I)Rh− with other groups was observed relatively rarely, and this circumstance long time didn't pay enough attention. The table below illustrates which blood groups people could give/receive blood (compatible combinations are marked with an X). For example, an owner of group A(II)Rh− can receive blood of groups 0(I)Rh− or A(II)Rh− and give blood to people with blood of groups AB(IV)Rh+, AB(IV)Rh−, A( II)Rh+ or A(II)Rh−.

Today it is clear that other antigen systems can also cause undesirable consequences during blood transfusion. Therefore, one of the possible strategies for the blood transfusion service may be the creation of a system for the advance cryopreservation of one’s own blood cells for each person. I'm for it!

Plasma compatibility

In plasma group antigens Group I red blood cells A and B are absent or their number is very small, so it was previously believed that group I red blood cells could be transfused to patients with other groups in any volume without fear. However, group I plasma contains agglutinins α and β, and this plasma can be administered only in a very limited volume, at which the donor agglutinins are diluted by the recipient plasma and agglutination does not occur. Group IV(AB) plasma does not contain agglutinins, therefore group IV(AB) plasma can be transfused into recipients of any group.

Inheritance of blood groups

There are several obvious patterns in the inheritance of blood groups:

1. If both parents have blood type I, then their children can only have group I.

2. If both parents have blood group II, then their children can only have group II or I.

3. If both parents have blood type III, then their children can only have group III or I.

4. If at least one parent has blood type IV, a child with blood type I cannot be born in such a marriage, regardless of the group of the second parent.

Phenotype A (II) can be in a person who has inherited from his parents either two A genes (AA), or genes A and 0 (A0). Accordingly, phenotype B (III) - when inheriting either two genes B (BB), or B and 0 (B0). Phenotype 0 (I) manifests itself when two 0 genes are inherited. Thus, if both parents have blood group II (genotypes A0 and A0), one of their children may have the first group (genotype 00). If one of the parents has blood type A (II) with a possible genotype AA and A0, and the other has B (III) with a possible genotype BB or B0, children can have blood groups 0 (I), A (II), B (III ) or AB (IV).

The probabilistic percentages of blood group inheritance given in the table are taken from an elementary combinatorial calculation.

The Rh factor is inherited according to a recessive-dominant type of inheritance. Positive Rh is a dominant trait, negative is recessive. The Rh+ phenotype appears in both homozygous and heterozygous genotypes (++ or +-), the Rh- phenotype appears only in homozygous genotypes (- only).

A Rh- and Rh- couple can only have Rh- children. A pair of Rh+ and Rh-, as well as a pair of Rh+ and Rh+, can have both Rh+ and Rh- children, or only Rh+, depending on the genotype of the Rh+ parents.

It's funny, but if you ask me what my blood type is, I might get confused, either the second or the first, and what is the Rh factor? We must remember - the first one! Rh factor is positive!

The blood types that humanity has arose gradually. The oldest group is considered to be the first group, whose owners were hunters and miners. With the advent of agriculture, a second one arose, belonging to people with a sedentary lifestyle. The third blood group was formed when a person realized that he could travel. Its owners to this day strive to conquer the unknown.

The blood plasma of the third group contains an antigen - agglutinin α, and erythrocytes - agglutinogen B. The group is designated Bα (III).

History and character

There are about 11% of people on Earth who have this blood type. Researchers associate its appearance with mutations of the Mongoloid race, prone to nomadism. Another version of the origin of this blood group is the exodus of the Jews from Egypt and their population of the Promised Land. It is among Jews that many carriers of the third group are found.

Psychological and physical features people of the third group were formed in conditions of wandering. They are wise, cunning, selfish, but have creative potential. They are characterized by emotionality, the ability to speak and subordinate people to their interests. They are called individualists and are prone to nervousness and mood swings. At the same time, these people can be tolerant of others, can sympathize and resolve issues through diplomacy.

Despite their emotionality, representatives of the third blood group are successful in professions and occupations related to technical precision. They can be surgeons, economists, bank employees, lawyers, pharmacists, customs officers, police officers, jewelers, accountants. Emotionality helps them in social activities.

In family relationships, these people strive for novelty, are emotional, and do not like routine. If a man has the third group, and a woman:

  1. The first is that they are looking for novelty in relationships, although friction in the family is possible. Family and national traditions help maintain marriage.
  2. The second is that the man in this couple dominates and is always ready to experiment.
  3. The third is a stormy combination that can be restrained by traditions and foundations (often observed in Jewish families). Partners love each other, but temperament may prevent them from being together.
  4. The fourth is an emotional union, which is a team where the man is prone to authoritarianism.

If a woman has the third group, and a man:

  1. The first is an active union in which opposites complement each other.
  2. The second is a sensual union, in which both partners are reasonably reasonable and try to solve any problem.
  3. Fourth, the partners are completely satisfied with each other, although they have less physical contact.

Morbidity and blood issues

Nomadic life has developed powerful immunity in the carriers of the third group. They survived epidemics, including the plague, emerging from them unharmed. Women and men in this group have the highest concentration of sex hormones, which determines their fertility.

However, these people sometimes have to experience diseases inherent in this blood group:

  • osteochondrosis;
  • pneumonia;
  • infection during the period after any operation;
  • joint diseases;
  • chronic fatigue;
  • autoimmune diseases;
  • depression;
  • complications after childbirth in women;
  • sclerosis.

The third blood group has only one of the antigens - B. In order for a child to adopt this blood group, one of the parents must be a carrier of the B antigen. The third group can be inherited only if both parents have the third, fourth or mixed blood groups. Consequently, representatives of the first and second groups cannot have a child with the third. This fact is used in forensic medical examinations to establish paternity.

If there is a problem with transfusion, it is recommended that the carrier of the third group receive the same blood. IN as a last resort The first one is suitable, but before that they do an analysis and check individual compatibility, taking into account Rhesus affiliation. A person with positive Rh blood will do the same group with a negative one.

Problems during pregnancy in women can arise when the Rh factor does not match. Blood type does not matter. The danger is when a woman has negative Rh and a man has positive Rh. If the fetus is also Rh negative, the pregnancy proceeds safely. A rejection reaction is possible if the child is Rh positive. In this case, the woman needs to be given anti-Rhesus globulin.

Rh conflict appears towards the end of pregnancy. To avoid complications, gynecologists send the woman and man for tests to determine their Rh status. If the first pregnancy with Rh-conflict can pass without consequences, then the second and subsequent ones are at risk. If both partners have positive Rh blood, compatibility issues do not arise.


A moderate diet is an opportunity for people of this blood type to normalize their health. Since historically nomads were accustomed to eating any type of food, third blood carriers can eat almost anything.

Especially useful for them:

  • meat (lamb, poultry, rabbit);
  • fish (pike, cod, sardine);
  • low-fat dairy products (cheese, especially goat cheese, milk);
  • mayonnaise;
  • walnuts;
  • legumes in red shades;
  • liver;
  • eggs;
  • any vegetables, especially cabbage;
  • green tea.

It is not recommended to overeat or abuse fatty and meat products. You can drink brine, cranberry or cucumber juices, which will perfectly replenish vitality. Cocoa and herbal infusions help maintain vital energy.

It is allowed to consume in moderation:

  • beef, liver, turkey meat;
  • cheeses, animal oils;
  • bread made from rye flour;
  • wine;
  • black tea and coffee.

As for vegetables, you need to be careful with potatoes, pumpkin, onions, garlic; for fruits - with cherries, peaches, apples, pears, and currants.

  • poultry, pork;
  • seafood, crayfish;
  • tomato juice;
  • corn, pomegranate, persimmon;
  • baking;
  • from legumes - lentils;
  • buckwheat, millet, barley;
  • ice cream;
  • strong alcoholic drinks.

From medicinal plants can help:

  • raspberry;
  • parsley;
  • ginger;
  • mint;
  • sage.

Allowed for use:

  • strawberries;
  • yarrow;
  • chamomile;
  • oak bark;
  • birch buds;
  • valerian.

Completely contraindicated:

  • aloe;
  • coltsfoot;
  • linden;
  • hop;
  • clover.

As physical activity used for cycling, running, swimming. To lose weight for this group of people, special dietary complexes are being developed.

People of the third blood group are quite emotional and at the same time precise in their actions. They know how to achieve goals. The uniqueness of their character is supported by the fact that almost half of all millionaires have this blood type.

A few days ago, on the way to lunch at a cafe, my colleague noticed an interesting pattern: people with the first blood group cannot live without meat. Remembering my friends with blood type L, I thought that this was really true. And people with blood type ll love more plant foods. And I am a person with blood type A, I never understood how you can fanatically consume meat when I, for example, can easily live without it. I very rarely have the desire to eat meat.

It turns out that it really is! Food preferences directly depend on blood type. And as it turns out, not only food preferences, but even some character traits depend on blood type. If we in Russia are asked: “What is your zodiac sign?” - then in Japan - “What is your blood type?” According to the Japanese, blood determines the character and individual characteristics of a person to a greater extent than distant stars. Carrying out tests and recording blood type is called “ketsu-eki-gata” here and is taken very seriously. HR managers use “ketsu-eki-gata” when hiring employees,

O (l) blood type


The oldest and most widespread appeared 40,000 years ago. The ancestors led the lifestyle of hunters and gatherers. They took what nature gave them today and did not care about the future. Defending their interests, they were able to crush anyone, regardless of who he was - friend or enemy. The immune system is strong and resilient. This oldest blood type was present in all people at a time when people ate exclusively meat.

Character qualities

Doctors called people with this blood type “HUNTERS”.

Every person with blood type 0 is genetically endowed with strength, toughness, independence, courage, intuition and inexhaustible optimism. The first “carriers” of this group were the embodiments of purposefulness, assertiveness and possessors of a pronounced instinct of self-preservation, a focus on success and having pronounced leadership qualities.

According to the website

Former US President Ronald Reagan is a typical representative of the “carriers” of type O blood. The period of his reign was characterized by certainty, balance and unremitting optimism when looking to the future. You never felt that Reagan was tormented by doubts. He persistently moved forward, good or bad, and also loved to take risks - this is the lot of all those with type 0 blood. You probably know that Reagan was popularly nicknamed the “Teflon President”, because this audacity never brought him harm.

He, of course, did not show harshness, uncompromisingness, bordering on brutality, which are characteristic of other leaders (at least publicly). But I am not horrified or surprised that, for example, various famous mafiosi had blood from this particular group. Did she run in the veins of Al Capone? Here is an example of an extreme thirst to lead.

Speaking about risk-takers, one cannot help but recall the desperate gambler, gambler and swindler Jimmy the Greek - he had type 0 blood. The same goes for former USSR President Mikhail Gorbachev - he is one of the most notable people of our time who was not afraid to take risks.

Britain's Queen Elizabeth II has type 0 blood, as does her son Charles, Prince of Wales. I consider it interesting to note that in the families of representatives of the Windsor dynasty that has ruled in England since 1901, blood clotting disorders were often encountered. It is quite possible that this fact has some connection with blood group 0 (I).

A (ll) blood type


This blood type emerged between 25,000 and 15,000 BC, after animal populations declined and people were forced to change their eating habits and the way they obtained food. Those with this blood type are called “farmers” and also “the first vegetarians.” Each individual was required to be able to get along, get along, and cooperate with others within a densely populated community.

Character qualities

They are very sociable and easily adapt to any environment, so events such as changing their place of residence or work are not stressful for them. But sometimes they show stubbornness and an inability to relax. Very vulnerable, hard to bear insults and grief.

People with blood group A from the very beginning adapted to living in areas with high density population and to the stresses inherent in city life. In the bodies of these people, who had to put up with the demands of an environment crowded with people, peculiar physiological characteristics and character traits.

The most striking qualities are the ability to live in society, in plain sight, neatness, neatness, modesty, decency, discipline, law-abidingness and self-control.

From an article on the Internet...

Early “carriers” of A-type blood had to show intelligence and ingenuity, cunning and resourcefulness, passion and ardor, and also have a keen sense for dealing with the problems that were abundant in an increasingly complex life. However, all these qualities were destined by fate to exist and develop within certain limits within a certain system. This is perhaps the reason why people with blood type A, even today, are prone to closer relationships, to more tightly “connected” structures. They hide their anxieties, worries and fears (what else can you do if you are trying to get along with others), but when will they break through? watch out! The antidote to such terrible internal stresses, as already discussed, are hatha yoga and tai chi chuan, calming, contemplative, relaxation exercises.

It may seem that A-people are poorly adapted to the turbulent, troublesome and stressful life of a leader, which is so easy for a “carrier” of blood type 0 to master. But it cannot be said that they cannot become leaders if they instinctively reject the principle of modern leaders “man to man? wolf". Once at the very top, they tend to show patience and a desire to “untangle the knots” in search of the right (peaceful) way out of any unpleasant situation.
Former Presidents USALyndon Jackson, Richard Nixon and Jimmy Carter? representatives of people with type A blood. Each person brought undoubted brilliance and enthusiasm to this position; But all three suffered from a fatal flaw: when the stress was too great, they became preoccupied, obsessive, and self-important, rather than seeking advice from anyone. Ultimately, it was precisely these reactions to stress, characteristic of A-people, that were the reason that the above-mentioned men were unable to remain in that position for long.

Probably, among all the other owners of A-type blood, Atsoyaf Hitler is the most famous to mankind. Most may associate him with type 0 blood due to his obsession and cruelty, but Hitler's overriding personality trait was his extraordinary hypersensitivity, which ultimately drove him to madness. He was an anomalous being, and the manic idea of ​​a genetically isolated society was nothing more than the nightmarish ravings of a mutant with type A blood.

B (lll) blood type


10 - 20% of people have this blood type. It represents nature's desire to establish a balance between increased mental activity and demands immune system. The blood type appeared more than 10,000 years ago and was formed among people leading a nomadic lifestyle.

People with this blood type are called “nomads.” They have a very stable digestive system, so their diet can be quite varied. People with blood group B (III) are recommended to consume dairy products.

Character qualities

They are open and optimistic. Comfort does not appeal to them, and everything familiar and ordinary brings boredom. They are drawn to adventure, and therefore they will never miss an opportunity to change something in their lives. They prefer not to depend on anyone. They do not tolerate unfair treatment: if the boss yells, they will immediately leave work. writes the following about people with blood type B:

The first “carriers” of the blood group In the course of human history, he was called upon to populate new lands, adapt to previously unfamiliar climatic conditions, and face problems arising from mixing different races, and therefore, for the sake of survival, these people needed to show ingenuity (creative, constructive abilities) and flexibility (cunning). Your distant B-ancestor, to a lesser extent than the sedentary owners of A-type blood, required a tendency towards social harmony, livability in society, a willingness to obey established orders, but also to a lesser extent he needed the determination of a hunter, characteristic of organisms with 0-blood .

All this is still true today. Unlike “carriers” of blood types O, A or AB, purely biologically, people of type B are more flexible and less susceptible to many common diseases. Those of you who correctly combine work, physical activity and nutrition represent the flower of humanity that has survived on the formidable face of the Earth.

People with blood type B often have all the best that is given to man. They are inherent mental activity And increased sensitivity. B-type people are more tolerant, more contactable in relationships with any other individuals, because by their genetic nature they are better balanced and, therefore, less prone to defiant behavior, confrontation, are able to understand a different point of view, and are able to sympathize and empathize.

Here's an interesting statistic: only 9% of the total US population has type B blood, but 30-40% of self-made millionaires have blood type B!

The Chinese, Japanese and many other nations of Asia include significant number people with blood group B. Chinese medicine- ancient, natural, complex - special attention devotes the right combination physiological and emotional status of the body. Boundless pleasure, unbridled joy, unbridled fun (in the West these are very common goals in everyday life) are considered by Chinese healers as dangerous for the balanced functioning of the heart. Balance and harmony of these words have the right place on the banner of medicine created by B-people.

In traditional Jewish populations, blood type B is dominant, regardless of where they live. Jewish religion and culture are a fusion of rationality, sincerity and efficiency. In Jewish traditions, education, spirituality and peacefulness coexist side by side with a powerful will, physical strength and readiness for battle, which often seems contradictory. But in fact, this is the harmonic energy of B-people in action.

AB (lV) blood type


Scientists have called this group a “mystery” because it is the youngest blood group and little is known about it. AB-type people can boast that Jesus Christ had type AB blood. The proof, they say, is the analysis of blood found on the Shroud of Turin. The so-called Shroud of Turin, in which, according to legend, the body of Jesus Christ was wrapped, is an original dating back to the first century AD, and not a later fake. This is the main conclusion that a group of FSB forensic experts made as a result of a whole series of experiments. A report on these studies was provided to Russian President Vladimir Putin and Patriarch of Moscow and All Rus' Alexy II (the article can be read by following the link

Character qualities

People with the fourth blood group are quite rare. They are distinguished by a soft and meek disposition. Always ready to listen and understand others. They can be called spiritual natures and multifaceted personalities.

What writes about this type of people.

AB-type people appeared as a result of the fusion of irritable, sensitive A-natures with more balanced, focused, stable B-characters. The result is a spiritual, multifaceted, but sometimes scattered personality who strives to “embrace the immensity” (that is, to embrace, learn, try everything in life), without being particularly concerned about the consequences, never sweating over details, without attaching importance to trifles and details.. This clearly indicates that a person is a “carrier” of type AB blood.

The immune system of the AB organism is the “best friend” of almost any virus, almost any disease that exists on our planet. Figuratively speaking, if the immune system of 0-people is equipped with powerful gates with high-tech monitoring, warning and blocking devices, then on the flimsy doors of the immune system of AB-people there is not even the simplest latch.

Of course, every person likes it when he is greeted with open arms, when no grudge or malice is held against him even in case of disappointment, when in any situation he is spoken to in the most diplomatic tone. This makes people with blood type AB attractive and popular. They easily win the sympathy of others. Is it any wonder that many healers and spiritual guides have this kind of blood?

But the medal also has reverse side. Observing this promiscuity in relationships with people (which is similar to the excessive tolerance of the immune system), one can suspect that in fact it is an immense indifference to external events, that in AB people it is vain to look for loyalty to some idea, party or conscience. Rumor has it that Benedict Arnold also had blood of group AB (who remembers the history of the United States knows that this desperate hero of the War of Independence, the general, the military commandant of Philadelphia, became a traitor and traitor, offering the British the secrets of Fort West Point for 20 thousand pounds sterling, escaped and went to England, where he died, despised by everyone, in 1801).

An undeniably positive fact is that people with AV blood are almost always among the most charming and interesting personalities. Unfortunately, the charisma and talent bestowed upon them by nature often turn into pain in the soul and lead to a dramatic (sometimes even tragic) ending. John Fitzgerald Kennedy and Marilyn Monroe had the blood of your group; although both have long been gone from this world, the universal love for them was so great that to this day it is subconsciously preserved in the mentality of every American. But for all the brilliance of their fame and charm, they had to pay the most expensive price. Thus, if initially all people on earth had the first blood group and blood group is the process of human evolution, then, say, after the next 15,000 years, blood group V, called the Indigo type, will appear on earth. And the owners of this blood group will be completely new people.

Has the first blood group greatest number people on our planet. The first blood group is the most ancient of all groups. The conducted research proves that for a long time people in the world only had the first blood group. During the migration of peoples, this group spread to all parts of the world. The primitive life of the ancestors, who waged the most brutal struggle for survival and were dexterous and aggressive hunters, left a mark in the blood of the first group.

It has been proven that in stressful situations is released into the body of a person with the first blood group large number catecholamines and reduced quantity monoamine oxidase inhibitors, which affect the speed of the response to stress. This feature is distinctive feature the first group, which was inherited from ancestors for whom a quick reaction was equal to the ability to survive in difficult conditions.

Characteristics of a person of the first blood group

Sometimes its designation is written as blood group 0. This is explained by the fact that there is an AB0 system, which determines the ratio of agglutinogens (antigens) to each of the blood groups. The type of plasma is written as follows:

The first or zero blood group with a negative or positive Rh factor will have the following designations:
  • 0(I) Rh-: zero (first) blood group Rh-negative;
  • 0(I) Rh+: zero (first) blood group Rh-positive.

Future parents are always interested in which group their child will inherit. So, when a baby is born, the probability of inheriting the first group of one of the parents will be:

Thus, a woman with the first blood group will be suitable for a partner with the second, third or fourth blood group.

During pregnancy, it usually plays a role in the compatibility of the mother’s Rh with the baby’s Rh in order to avoid a conflict of Rhesus. This problem is solved by the introduction of anti-Rhesus immunoglobulin serum, which reduces the risk of developing a Rhesus conflict.

Since the first negative blood does not have antigens, then it is considered universal and, therefore, transfusion can be performed (for example, in emergency situations) to any person, if absent donor blood his group. However, for a carrier of the first group, only blood of his group and the same Rhesus is suitable, since antigens will certainly cause an intolerance reaction, which can worsen the recipient’s condition. Positive aspects The human body with the first blood group has a strong immune and digestive system. The entire composition of blood protein is aimed at keeping the body intact, hence the special endurance of these people. However, typical pathologies for this group are:

  • hypertension;
  • dysfunction of the thyroid gland;
  • hemophilia;
  • allergies;
  • respiratory diseases;
  • joint damage (arthritis, arthrosis).

It is safe to say that people with the first blood group owe their stamina and strong-willed character to their ancestors. Thanks to primitive people the beginning of civilization was laid, and man took the place of leader in the animal world. There was no place for pity or persuasion, only tough pragmatism. Hunting was the main activity, which made people physically stronger.

According to the Japanese theory, which characterizes people by blood type, those in the first group are strong-willed and purposeful people, but quick-tempered, cruel and even aggressive. The character of these people shows firmness and ambition, but they are inclined to constantly search for the meaning of life.

Men with the first blood group are jealous and strive to find a companion who knows how to submit. And women with this group, on the contrary, have such a characteristic as a love of submission. People with the first group prefer physical work. These people love communication and new acquaintances, but to be good friends What hinders them is that they do not accept any criticism of themselves.

One of the characteristics of people with the first blood group is a reduced metabolism. This feature is explained by the need to accumulate energy for physical activity, which was passed on at the genetic level from the ancestors (energy for hunting). Therefore, the main goal of nutrition for a person with such a group is to eat foods that will increase the metabolic rate. This primarily concerns the consumption of red meat. At the same time eating disorders they suffer much less often, but have problems with high cholesterol. Due to problems with blood clotting, a person with the first group should consume more products containing vitamin K and vitamin B. In this case, it will be useful to take fish oil, which will improve blood coagulability. Besides, digestive system It is highly acidic, which leads to stomach ulcers, so people with the first blood group are better off abstaining or limiting the consumption of fermented milk products.

When selecting balanced nutrition For the first group, the following must be taken into account:

Useful to use: Limit consumption: Do not use:
Veal, lamb, beef, turkey, meat by-products. Rabbit meat, duck meat. Pork, lard, goose meat.
Sturgeon, halibut, salmon, herring, hake, trout, cod, mackerel, sardine, seaweed and seaweed. Squid, carp, flounder, shrimp, pike perch, tuna, eel. Caviar, catfish, smoked or marinated fish, salted herring.
Legumes, broccoli, lettuce, spinach, radish, daikon. Carrots, pumpkin, asparagus, parsley, dill, chili pepper. Corn, white cabbage, avocado, potatoes, lentils
Any sweet fruit Any sweet fruit Citrus
Pineapple juice, herbal teas, rosehip infusion, green tea. Beer, red and white wine, chamomile and ginseng tea. Coffee, black tea, strong drinks, infusions of aloe, St. John's wort, echinacea.
Homemade cheese, butter. Full fat milk processed cheese, kefir, yoghurts with additives, cottage cheese. Ice cream.
Olive oil, flaxseed oil. Sunflower oil, margarine. Peanut oil, corn oil and soybean oil.

Will be useful fasting days with the consumption of vegetables, boiled fish or meat. It is recommended to eat the food boiled or baked.

In addition to balanced diet a person with the first blood group should not neglect physical activity.

Exercises for the first blood group should be intense so as not to gain overweight with slow metabolism. Suitable for people with blood type O the following types sports: skiing, skating, swimming, running, strength training in the gym.