Hilo chest of drawers. Hilo-Komod (eye drops): instructions, price, reviews, cheaper analogues

And in postoperative period. The product does not contain preservatives, the sterility of the solution is maintained by the special structure of the bottle. The drops are highly tolerable and suitable for long-term use. All this gives the drug "Hilo-Komod" advantages over other means.


"Hilo-Komod" is a sterile solution of sodium salt of hyaluronic acid. This natural substance, a polysaccharide that is in the form saline solution found in almost all tissues and fluids of the body, including eye membranes. has a special physico-chemical property- it is able to bind water in such a way that a thin film is formed on the surface of the eye. This thin tear barrier is maintained long time, is not washed off when blinking, prevents rapid drying, irritation and penetration of bacteria, thereby reliably protecting the eye.

The advantages of the drug are that it does not contain preservatives, dyes and is suitable for long-term use. Among the auxiliary components are citric acid, its compound with sodium, and sorbitol.

Release form

The drug is released in a convenient sealed plastic container with a volume of 10 ml. It is specially developed by the pharmaceutical manufacturing company. This is an original packaging with a complex system of tanks and valves (KOMOD system), which prevents air from penetrating inside the vessel. In addition, the parts in direct contact with the solution are thinly coated with silver microparticles. Thus, the solution remains sterile even when the bottle is open. A convenient dispenser allows you to use the product sparingly; the drops are the same size regardless of the degree of pressure. In total, the KOMOD system allows you to extract 300 drops of the drug from a 10 ml bottle.

The bottle is packaged in a cardboard box, which comes with instructions. Eye drops "Hilo-Komod" are dispensed from pharmacies without a doctor's prescription.

Indications for use

Eye drops "Hilo-Komod" are intended for additional hydration of the cornea and conjunctiva of the eye if the following symptoms occur:

  • excessive or frequent dry eye;
  • burning sensation;
  • presence foreign body.

"Hilo-Komod" is able to protect the thin layers of the eyes from an aggressive environment: cold, wind, ultraviolet light, cigarette smoke, office air dried out by air conditioners. In addition, it restores the protective coverings of the eyes after intensive work at the computer, microscope, camera, or prolonged viewing of TV.

Drops are also successfully used after ophthalmological operations and in cases of damage to eye tissue (cornea, conjunctiva). "Hilo-Komod" is used for comfortable wearing of hard and soft contact lenses, while the product itself is not adsorbed on their surface.

Directions for use

When using Hilo-Komod, you must first remove the colored cap from the dropper bottle. If the drops are used for the first time, then you need to turn the container with the drug over so that the dispenser is at the bottom, and remove one drop by rhythmically pressing the base. These manipulations will prepare the bottle system for operation.

When putting drops in your eyes, you should tilt your head back a little and pull back the lower eyelid. Then you should carefully close your eyes so that the product is evenly distributed. The tip of the dropper should not be allowed to come into contact with the surface of the organs of vision, skin, or other objects, and should not be taken by hand. After completing all the steps, the dropper bottle should be closed again with the colored cap.

Wearing contact lenses can be very comfortable if applied eye drops"HiloChest of Drawers". The instructions for use describe in detail the instillation process in this case. When wearing lenses, you can use the product without removing them from your eyes, or apply the composition to the lens itself before putting it on.

Dosage and duration of use

Eye drops "Hilo-Komod" are used by instillation into one eye, you need to use one drop, but if necessary, this dose is increased. The duration of taking drops in the absence of contraindications is not limited in time.

The number of drops depends on the patient’s feelings, on the recommendations of an ophthalmologist or consultant. eye lenses. If the frequency of use of the drug reaches 10 times a day, urgent consultation with a doctor is necessary. Consultation with a specialist is also necessary if, after using the drops for long period discomfort persists for some time.

After full use The bottle is not suitable for refilling, so you need to purchase a new product.


Since preservatives are completely absent from the solution, they negative influence on eye tissue is completely excluded. The sterility of the drug is maintained only due to the special structure of the bottle. Therefore, Hilo-Komod eye drops are well tolerated. According to experts, they are ideal for long-term use.

Regarding the drug "HiloKomod" (eye drops), the instructions warn about possible individual intolerance to individual components of the product and their combinations. If necessary, you should consult a doctor in advance to protect yourself from unpleasant consequences. No side effects have been recorded so far when using the drug, which indicates that Hilo-Komod is well tolerated. It can be safely used by patients who need additional hydration of the cornea.

Special instructions

  • After using Hilo-Komod, you should use other eye drops only after 30 minutes.
  • The use of eye ointments is possible only after using Hilo-Komod, and not vice versa.
  • Once opened, the product can only be stored for 12 weeks. There is a special box on the package where you should enter the date of first use. When this period ends, the drug cannot be used.
  • "Hilo-Komod" is intended for individual use only. It is not recommended to give the product to another person for hygiene reasons.
  • The drug should be stored in a place inaccessible to small children. The temperature should not reach 25 C.
  • After using the product, the dropper bottle must be disposed of.

Analogues of the drug

There are quite a few similar drugs that have a similar balanced composition without preservatives and stabilizing substances. For example:

  • "Hilozar-Komod" is a product produced by the same company as "Hilo-Komod". Both drugs are quite similar, the differences relate to some components of the composition. "Hilozar-Komod", in addition to the hyaluronic acid salt, also contains dexpanthenol, which enhances the ability to bind water.
  • "Hilo-Kea" is a drug from the same production. It has a similar composition to Khilozar-Komod and performs the function of an artificial tear.

However, there are other drugs similar to HiloKomod (eye drops). Analogues are radically different in composition, but perform the same functions:

  • "Visine."
  • "Innoxa".
  • "Ophtalik".
  • "Visomitin."
  • "Oxagel".
  • "Oxial".

Eye drops "HiloKomod". Reviews

The drug "Hilo-Komod" has clear advantages over similar medical supplies. The natural composition, the absence of dyes and preservatives are a guarantee that Hilo-Komod will not cause allergic reaction, and is suitable for daily use over a long period of time. Judging by numerous reviews, it is for this reason that most people prefer the drug "Hilokomod" (eye drops). Instructions, reviews, analogues and other information only confirm this fact.

Such a soft component of the drops as hyaluronic acid reliably moisturizes and protects vulnerable eye tissues, protects against dryness and irritation, and makes wearing soft and hard contact lenses comfortable. This is why the drug "Hilokomod" is so popular among ophthalmic drugs.

One of the ophthalmic agents used to protect and moisturize the cornea of ​​the eye is Hilo-Komod.

The product is presented in the form sterile solution without preservatives with hyaluronic acid in the composition. Hyaluronic acid– a natural component that is found in the tissues of the eye, as well as in other body fluids.

The drug Hilo-Komod is presented as a colorless solution. 10 ml of solution are placed in a special plastic container designed for this product.

The container along with instructions for use is located in a cardboard box. The container of the "chest of drawers" system represents complex system valves and reservoirs.

The container elements that interact with the solution are coated with a layer of silver, which ensures the sterility of the drug. In addition, the “chest of drawers” ​​system does not allow air to penetrate inside the container due to 100% tightness. Thanks to the properties of the container it is possible long-term use this tool without unpleasant consequences.

The shelf life of the drug Hilo-Komod is 3 years. After the specified time, the drug cannot be used. After opening the bottle (its first use), the solution can be used for 12 weeks.

For convenience, there is a box on the container label for the patient to fill in the date of first use of the product. Reusing the container is unacceptable: when the product runs out, you must throw away the empty container as regular trash.

The drug Hilo-Komod should be stored at a temperature not exceeding 25°C, out of the reach of children.

Hylo-Komod moisturizing solution from pharmacies is available without a prescription.

Composition of the drug

Main active substance Hilo-Komod contains sodium hyaluronate, its content in 1 ml of solution is 1 mg.

In addition to the main component, the drug contains excipients: sodium citrate, sorbitol, anhydrous citric acid and water for injection.

Pharmacological action of the drug

The main purpose of the drug is to moisturize the cornea of ​​the eye.

The drug Hilo-Komod has viscosity and adhesive properties in relation to the surface of the eye (“sticks” to it), which results in the creation of a uniform tear film on the cornea of ​​the eye, which for a long time remains on the membrane of the eye, does not affect visual acuity and does not decrease with blinking.

The eye remains protected from irritation and dryness caused by negative external influences or wearing contact lenses.

The use of the drug Hilo-Komod provides comfort when wearing contact lenses, and it does not accumulate on their surface, so it is possible to instill the solution without first removing the lenses.

Indications for use of the drug Hilo-Komod are:

  • feeling of discomfort (irritation or dryness) when wearing hard or soft contact lenses;
  • insufficient hydration of the conjunctiva and cornea of ​​the eye;
  • insufficient hydration of the surface of the eye after laser or surgical ophthalmic operations;
  • burning, itching and feeling of a foreign body in the eye (so-called dry eye syndrome);
  • insufficient hydration due to damage or injury to the cornea.

Use of the drug

In this case, you should consult an ophthalmologist or contact lens specialist to develop individual plan treatment.

It is also necessary to consult a doctor if discomfort persists when using the drug, as well as if it is used very frequently (more than 10 times a day).

The duration of use of the drug Hilo-Komod is not limited in any way due to the content natural ingredients contains no preservatives.

Use Hilo-Chest according to the following instructions:

  • Before each use, you must remove the blue cap covering the dropper.
  • Then you should turn the bottle over with the dropper down and press on the base. This way, only one drop of the product is squeezed out. Before using the drug for the first time, you need to press the bottom of the bottle several times until the first drop of solution appears.
  • To instill, you need to tilt your head back, slightly pull down the lower eyelid and press on the bottom of the container. A drop of the solution should fall into the conjunctival sac. Next, close your eyes so that the product is evenly distributed over the entire surface of the eyes.
  • After the procedure, you need to seal the container tightly by putting the blue cap back on.

If the drug Hilo-Komod is used along with other ophthalmic agents, it is necessary to maintain an interval of about 30 minutes when using them. If the use of eye ointments is necessary, they are used only after instillation of the drug Hilo-Komod.

When using the drug, do not bring the tip of the dropper directly to the eye or eyelid to avoid irritation in the future when using the product.

Hilo-Komod is an ophthalmic drug that is a substitute. The drug contains hyaluronic acid. In composition, molecular weight and rheological properties, this substance is similar to mucin, a component of tears. It is thanks to this that the drug moisturizes the surface of the eyes without disturbing the clarity of vision. Hyaluronic acid has the ability to bind moisture, thereby reducing discomfort and sensation in the eyes.

Composition, release form

The active ingredient of the drug is sodium hyaluronate (1 mg/ml). Hilo-Komod eye drops also contain auxiliary components such as sodium citrate, anhydrous citric acid, and water for injection. Eye drops are available in the form of a clear solution, colorless or slightly yellowish. Available in 10 ml containers with a protective cap. The cardboard packaging also contains original instructions to the drug.

Pharmacological action

After instillation eye drops Hilo-Komod increases the stability of the precorneal film, which has a positive effect on the epithelium. Sodium hyaluronate also increases the amount of tear fluid, improves eye hydration, and also reduces evaporation of tear fluid from the surface of the eye. Hyaluronic acid does not penetrate into eyeball, that is, it is not absorbed when applied topically.

Indications for use

Hilo-Komod eye drops are indicated for use to eliminate dry eyes resulting from various reasons. The drug has high efficiency when developing after ophthalmological operations or diagnostic procedures.

Directions for use and doses

Hilo-Komod eye drops are instilled into the conjunctival sac, slightly pulling the lower one and tilting the head back. During instillation, you should carefully ensure that the bottle with the drug does not come into contact with the skin or mucous membrane of the eye. If treatment with other topical ophthalmic drugs is required, a minimum of fifteen minutes should elapse between instillations. The standard dosage of Hilo-Komod drops is 1 drop. three times a day. If necessary, the dosage can be increased, but significant excess (up to ten times a day) should only be done under medical supervision. The drug does not contain ingredients that damage the material, therefore its use is permitted for patients using contact vision correction devices.


Hilo-Komod eye drops should not be used in case of individual hypersensitivity to the components of the drug. The same bottle cannot be used different patients, since there is a high probability of spreading the infection. When driving a car, be aware that immediately after instilling the drops it is possible short term vision. This is an acceptable effect that does not require correction. After a few minutes, vision clarity is completely restored.

Side effects

In the vast majority of cases, Hilo-Komod eye drops are well tolerated by patients. If you are intolerant to certain components, an allergic reaction may develop, which manifests itself in the form of burning, conjunctival dryness, dry eyes and periorbital area. Rarely, when using this drug, side effects such as burning, swelling of the eyelids, and eye pain are recorded. These effects go away on their own when the drug is discontinued. If any side effects It is imperative to consult with an ophthalmologist and decide on the possibility of further use of the drug or its discontinuation.


There have been no reported cases of overdose of sodium hyaluronate when applied topically. If you use Hilo-Komod eye drops according to the instructions, an overdose is unlikely.

Interaction with other tools

Any local ophthalmic agents cannot be used simultaneously with Hilo-Komod drops. There must be a break between instillation of drugs - at least 15 minutes. If eye ointments are used, they should be applied last.

Storage conditions and special instructions

The container with the drug should be stored out of the reach of children, protected from ultraviolet rays place at room temperature. Once opened, the bottle cannot be stored for more than six months. Before opening, the bottle is good for three years.

No studies have been conducted on the use of this medicine in pregnant women, however, topical application of sodium hyaluronate is not accompanied by absorption and does not have any effect systemic action, does not lead to disruption of fetal development.

Instructions for use

Hilo-komod moisturizing solution for eyes 10ml instructions for use


sodium hyaluronate 1 mg

Excipients: anhydrous citric acid, sodium citrate, sorbitol, water.


Solution for moisturizing the cornea. It is a polysaccharide consisting of repeating disaccharide chains connected by glycosidic bridges. It is a natural substance that is present both in the tissues of the eye and in other tissues and fluids of the body. Sodium hyaluronate molecules have a pronounced ability to bind water molecules.

Hilo-Komod has the necessary viscosity and high adhesive properties in relation to the cornea, due to which it forms a uniform tear film on the surface of the cornea that persists for a long time, which is not washed off when blinking and does not cause a decrease in visual acuity.

Thus, the eye remains protected for a long time from harmful effects upon contact with environment.

The use of Hilo-Komod solution makes wearing contact lenses more comfortable, while it does not accumulate on the surface of the lenses.

Hilo-Komod does not contain preservatives, which ensures its good tolerability even with long-term use

Moisturizing ophthalmic solution

Side effects

Selling Features

Without a license

Special conditions

Thanks to the special design of the valves of the container in which the solution is placed, there is no penetration of air from the outside, the same size and speed of extraction of the drop, regardless of the degree of force applied.

Metal parts and valves of the container in contact with the solution are partially covered thin layer silver, which, together with the absolute tightness of the system, ensures the sterility of the solution in the absence of preservatives.

Before each instillation of the Hilo-Komod solution, you need to remove the colored cap covering the container dropper. Before using Hilo-Komod drops for the first time, you must turn the container with the dropper down and press on its base several times until the first drop of solution appears at the tip of the dropper. After this, the dropper is ready for use.

When instilling Hilo-Komod solution, it is necessary to hold the container with the dropper down, quickly and vigorously pressing on its base. In this way, only one drop of the drug is extracted. After completing the procedure, you need to tightly put a colored cap on the dropper.

When instilling Hilo-Komod solution, avoid contact of the tip of the dropper with the surface of the eye and skin.

If, after using the Hilo-Komod solution, discomfort persists for several days, or if very frequent (more than 10 times a day) instillation is necessary, you should consult an ophthalmologist.

When using Hilo-Komod solution together with other ophthalmic drugs, an interval of at least 30 minutes should be observed between instillation of Hilo-Komod and the use of eye drops. Eye ointments should be used after instillation of Hilo-Komod solution.


For additional hydration of the anterior surface of the eye (conjunctiva and cornea) with a feeling of dryness, burning, foreign body sensation;

To moisturize the anterior surface of the eye after ophthalmic surgical operations, as well as for damage and trauma to the cornea;

To eliminate discomfort when wearing hard and soft contact lenses.


Hypersensitivity to the components of the drug.

Directions for use


Hilo-Komod is instilled 1 drop into the conjunctival sac of each eye 3 If necessary, you can instill more often. The frequency of use of the solution is set individually, as needed and according to the recommendations of an ophthalmologist or contact lens specialist. There are no restrictions on the duration of use of the Hilo-Komod solution.

When wearing hard and soft contact lenses, it is possible to instill the drug into the conjunctival sac without removing the lenses.

A classic remedy for the treatment of dry eye syndrome

Tears are more than just water...

The tear film on the surface of the eye is indeed a very complex formation. It consists of a thin outer lipid layer that prevents the rapid evaporation of tears. Beneath it is the aqueous layer, which plays such an important role in supplying the cells of the surface of the eye with oxygen and nutrients. Inner layer The tear film consists of a layer of mucus called the mucin layer, which is securely attached to the cells of the cornea and conjunctiva of the eye (see Figure 1). Thanks to this, the tear film is evenly distributed over the ocular surface.

1. Surface lipid layer
2. Water layer
3. Mucin layer
4. Surface of the cornea

When the tear film breaks

When the composition of the tear film is disrupted or lacrimal glands produce too little of this fluid, which is so important for the eyes, the tear film breaks (Fig. 2). As a result, the cells located in this area of ​​the eye stop receiving oxygen and nutrients. Patients notice the effects of cell damage in the form of itching, burning in the eyes, or a foreign body sensation. These symptoms are often accompanied by quite serious painful sensations. For more late stage Superficial damage to the cornea and conjunctiva may occur.

Hyaluronic acid provides optimal hydration

Hyaluronic acid is a natural substance found in the human body that is optimal for long-term and intensive hydration of the eye surface. Thanks to its chemical structure, hyaluronic acid binds and retains water in an amount many times greater than its own weight. Hyaluronic acid has excellent adhesive properties to the eye surface, forming a stable and uniform moisturizing film

Preservative-free solution in a unique dispensing device (®)

Preservatives, which are supposed to protect eye drops from microbial contamination during storage and use, damage cells on the surface of the eye. These substances destroy the natural tear film and can also cause poor tolerance. Therefore, modern ophthalmic moisturizers must be completely free of preservatives. The unique multi-dose container (KOMOD system) ® protects the sterile HILO solution CHOMOD ® from contamination by microorganisms.

HILO-KOMOD ® – repeatedly proven action

  • Eye drops in the original container () with 0.1% sodium hyaluronate solution.
  • Compatible with all types of contact lenses.
  • Does not contain preservatives, has a citrate buffer.
  • Can be used within 6 months after first opening the package.

Scope of application

  • For additional hydration of the anterior surface of the eye (cornea and conjunctiva) with a feeling of “dryness”, foreign body sensation, burning in the eyes
  • For moisturizing the anterior surface of the eye after ophthalmic surgery, as well as for damage and trauma to the cornea
  • To eliminate discomfort when wearing hard and soft contact lenses


HILO-KOMOD® drops are a sterile aqueous solution containing no preservatives in the original container. The composition of HILO KOMOD® drops includes a substance that is found both in the tissues of the eye and other tissues and fluids of the human body. A special physical and chemical property of HILO-KOMOD® drops is their pronounced ability to bind water molecules. Aqueous solution HILO-KOMOD® has the necessary viscosity and high adhesive properties in relation to the anterior surface of the eye (cornea), due to which the drop forms a uniform, long-lasting pre-corneal tear film on the surface of the cornea, which is not washed off when blinking and does not cause a decrease in acuity vision. Thus, the eye is protected for a long time from the feeling of dryness and irritation that often occurs when in contact with the environment, as well as when wearing contact lenses. The use of HILO-KOMOD® drops makes wearing hard or soft contact lenses more comfortable, while the substance itself is not deposited on the surface of the lenses.

It is recommended to instill HILO-KOMOD® 3 times a day into the conjunctival sac of each eye, 1 drop. If necessary, HILO-KOMOD® can be instilled more often. The frequency of instillation of HILO-KOMOD® is set individually depending on your feelings and according to the recommendations of an ophthalmologist or contact lens specialist. The KOMOD® system contains and allows you to extract 10 ml of HILO-KOMOD® solution, this corresponds to approximately 300 drops of solution. There are no restrictions on the duration of use of HILO KOMODA® solution.

Before using HILO-CHOMOD® for the first time, turn the container with the dropper down and press on its base several times until the first drop appears at the tip of the dropper. After this, the system is ready for use. When instilling HILO-KOMOD®, hold the container with the dropper pointing down, pressing quickly and vigorously on its base. Thus, the dropper mechanism is activated and only one drop of the drug is extracted. Thanks to the special design of the valves in the KOMOD® system, the same size of the extracted droplet and the speed of its extraction are ensured even at very high temperatures. strong pressure to the base of the container. Tilt your head back a little, slightly move your lower eyelid with your finger and drop one drop into the conjunctival sac. Slowly close your eyes, allowing the drop to spread evenly over the surface of the eye. After completing the procedure, tightly place the cap on the dropper. When instilling, avoid contact of the tip of the dropper with the surface of the eye and skin. When wearing soft and hard contact lenses, it is possible to instill HILO-KOMOD® into the conjunctival sac without removing the lenses. The KOMOD® system is intended for individual use.

Interaction with other tools

In case of combined use with ophthalmic drugs, it is recommended to maintain a pause of at least 30 minutes between instillation of the HILO-KOMOD® solution and the use of eye drops. Eye ointments should always be used after instillation of HILO-KOMOD® solution.