Ilyin E. P

St. Petersburg: Peter, 2004. - 701 p. — (Masters of Psychology). The book provides basic information on psychology individual differences, which are considered in differential psychology and differential psychophysiology (differences in the properties of temperament and personality, causing not so much quantitative as qualitative differences in the behavior and activities of people). The appendix provides study methods
individual characteristics of a person and an extensive list of references, which may be useful to those who want to study the issues presented in the manual in more depth. The book is addressed to practical psychologists, doctors, university psychology teachers, physiologists and teachers. Preface.
A brief excursion into the history of the study of differences between people.
The beginning of the development of ideas about individual-typical differences.
The origins of differential psychology as a science.
Differential psychophysiology as part of differential psychology.
first. Types of temperament and personality.
The doctrine of temperament.
The emergence of the doctrine of temperament. Humoral theories of temperament types.
Description of types of temperament by I. Kant.
New approach V. Wundt to temperament.
Constitutional approach to temperament.
Genetic theory of temperament types by K. Conrad.
Ideas of I.P. Pavlov and his students about the types of temperament.
Psychological (factorial) theories of temperament.
Typology of K. Jung.
Types of temperament (accentuation of character) according to K. Leonhard.
New approaches to the study of typological differences between people.
Ideas about G. Eysenck's temperament.
An approach to the study of temperament in the Perm psychophysiological school of V. S. Merlin.
A look at the problem of temperament in the psychophysiological school of B. M. Teplov.
Regulatory theory of temperament Ya. Strelyau.
Approaches of Western psychologists to the study of temperament types.
Do temperamental characteristics change with age? .
The relationship between temperament and character.
Personality types.
second. Properties nervous system as the natural basis of individual differences.
General views about the properties of the nervous system and typological features of their manifestation.
The relationship between the concepts “property of the nervous system” and “typological features of the manifestation of the property of the nervous system.”
Characteristics of typological features of the manifestation of the properties of the nervous system.
Structure and classification of properties of the nervous system.
Partial and general properties nervous system.
Characteristics of individual properties of the nervous system.
Strength of the nervous system.
Mobility - inertia and lability of nervous processes.
Balance of nervous processes.
Properties of the nervous system and hormones.
Age and gender characteristics of the manifestation of the properties of the nervous system.
Methodological issues in studying the properties of the nervous system.
“Voluntary” and “involuntary” methods for studying the properties of the nervous system.
On methods of observation and questioning when studying the properties of the nervous system.
Ways to increase the reliability of diagnostics of typological features of the manifestation of properties of the nervous system.
third. Individual differences in behavior.
Differences in the manifestation of temperament properties.
Extroverted - introverted types.
Rigid - plastic types.
Active - passive types.
Sensitive (sensitive) types.
The connection between personality traits and the properties of the nervous system.
Differences in emotional expressions.
Emotional - non-emotional types.
Emotionally stable are unstable types.
Modal emotional types.
Optimists are pessimists.
Angry and aggressive.
Jealous and envious.
Motivational differences.
Individual characteristics of motivation.
Two types of people: achievers and failure avoiders.
Differences in self-esteem and level of aspirations.
Suggestibility, conformity and negativism as individual characteristics influencing the process of motivation.
“Involvement in the task” and gambling as an individual expression of the desire to achieve a goal.
Differences in the manifestation of “willpower”.
Patient - impatient.
Tenacious and stubborn.
Differences between people in self-control.
Are there “strong-willed” and “weak-willed” people? .
Volitional qualities and properties of the nervous system.
Individuality of a person.
The concept of individuality.
B. G. Ananyev about individuality.
V. S. Merlin’s ideas about integral individuality.
Personality and individuality.
fourth. Individual characteristics and activities.
first. Abilities as a prognostic criterion for differences between people in performance efficiency.
Two approaches to considering abilities.
A brief historical overview of the study of the problem of abilities.
Personal-activity approach to considering abilities.
Functional-genetic approach to considering abilities.
Abilities and talent.
About “general” and “special” abilities and giftedness.
The connection between abilities and giftedness and a propensity for a certain type of activity.
The role of activity in the manifestation and development of abilities and talent.
The connection between abilities and typological features of the manifestation of the properties of the nervous system.
Correlation between the concepts of ability and quality.
Compensation of abilities and compensatory relationships.
Are abilities and giftedness measurable? .
second. Styles of human activity.
General ideas about the style of activity.
The concept of activity style.
Factors influencing the choice of activity style.
Activity styles and abilities.
Types of activity styles.
Activity style structure.
Ways and mechanisms of formation of activity style.
Style of activity and its effectiveness.
Professional and educational activities.
Styles of production activities.
Styles of teaching activity.
Styles of sports activity.
Activity styles of instrumental musicians.
Styles of learning activities.
Information (cognitive) styles and personality types.
Cognitive styles.
Dogmatism as an individual psychological characteristic.
Creative personalities.
Special types of higher education nervous activity according to I.P. Pavlov.
Mindset and types of thinking.
About emotional styles.
Leadership and communication styles.
The concept of leadership style.
Classifications of leadership styles.
Leadership style and personal characteristics.
The effectiveness of different leadership styles.
Attitudes of subordinates to different leadership styles.
Communication styles as a reflection of leadership style.
Self-presentation styles.
Parenting styles.
Attachment styles of children to mother.
third. Success professional activity and properties of the nervous system and temperament.
Execution efficiency various types activities and typological features.
The effectiveness of monotonous activity in connection with typological features.
Operational efficiency in extreme situations and typological features.
Operational tension and typological features.
The effectiveness of activities requiring concentration and sustained attention in connection with typological features.
The success of managers and typological and personal characteristics.
Artistic activity and typological features.
Efficiency of intellectual professional activity and typological features.
The effectiveness of group activities and typological features.
Stimulating the activities of persons with various typological characteristics.
Differential psychophysiological aspects of becoming a professional.
The role of typological features in the development of a professional.
Differential psychophysiological aspects of professional guidance and selection.
Personality characteristics and job satisfaction.
Differential psychophysiological aspects vocational training and training.
Professional adaptation of persons with various typological characteristics.
Success of educational activities and typological features.
Typological features and academic performance.
Typological features and success in performing various mental actions.
Techniques and methods of teaching and upbringing and typological features.
Methodology for studying the connection between the effectiveness of activity and the typological features of the manifestation of the properties of the nervous system and temperament.
Refusal to divide the typological features of the manifestation of the properties of the nervous system into “good” and “bad”.
The need to identify typological complexes.
Adequate understanding of the connections between the properties of the nervous system and the effectiveness of activity and behavior.
Taking into account the types of statistical connections between the properties of the nervous system and the efficiency of activity and behavior.
Taking into account the stage of mastering professional skills.
Using a systematic approach to study the connection between typological features and performance efficiency.
Principles of predicting the effectiveness of activities based on typological features.
fifth. Health and individual characteristics.
Differences in coping strategies (overcoming behavior) and in the use of defense mechanisms.
Coping strategies.
Types of psychological defense mechanisms and individual characteristics of their use.
Typology of personalities according to Kellerman-Plutchik according to the use of a defense mechanism.
Types of response to frustration.
Individual characteristics and pathology.
Personality types predisposed to certain diseases.
Personality characteristics and health.
Types of people's attitudes towards their illness.
Appendix I. Dictionary of basic psychological and physiological concepts.
Appendix II. Methods for studying individual characteristics.
Methods for identifying types and properties of temperament.
Questionnaire of formal-dynamic properties of individuality (OFDSI) (V. M. Rusalov).
Methodology “Determination of the predominant type of temperament.”
Methodology “Rating scale for measuring student reactivity” (Ya. Strelyau).
Questionnaire “Study of the psychological structure of temperament” (B. N. Smirnov).
Methodology “Properties and formula of temperament”.
Hex questionnaire for determining the characterological characteristics of a person.
Test “Temperament and Sociotypes” (Heymans).
D. Keirsey's technique.
Response form to D. Keirsey's questionnaire.
Test questionnaire for diagnosing the properties and type of temperament (EPQ, form A) (G. Eysenck).
Questionnaire by G. Eysenck (adolescent).
Methodology for determining the level of personal anxiety (C. Spielberger).
Methodology “Diagnostics of rigidity” (G. Eysenck).
Questionnaire to identify the severity of Machiavellianism.
Questionnaire for assessing the level of infantilism (psychopathy) of a person.
Questionnaire by V. Gerbachevsky to identify the level of aspirations.
Methods for studying individual characteristics emotional sphere.
Four-modality emotional questionnaire (L. A. Rabinovich).
Methodology “Determination of emotional excitability” (P. V. Simonov).
Methodology “Emotional excitability - balance” (B. N. Smirnov).
Methodology “Definition of emotionality” (V.V. Suvorova).
Self-assessment test “Characteristics of emotionality” (E. P. Ilyin).
Methodology “Diagnostics of the level of empathy” (I. M. Yusupov).
Methodology “Diagnostics of the level of empathy” (V.V. Boyko).
An experimental method for studying empathy.
Methodology “Optimist - pessimist”.
Test "Pessimist or optimist."
Optimism-activity scale.
Methods for studying individual characteristics of the motivational sphere.
Methodology “Cognitive orientation (locus of control)” (J. Rotter).
“Impulsivity” technique.
Methodology “Motivation for success” (T. Ehlers).
Methodology “Motivation to avoid failures” (T. Ehlers).
Methodology “Motivation for success and fear of failure” (A. A. Rean).
Methodology “Measuring Rationality”.
Methodology “Value orientations” (M. Rokeach).
Questionnaire for diagnosing gaming addiction (gambling).
Methods for studying individual behavioral characteristics.
Interpersonal Diagnosis Questionnaire (T. Leary, R. L. Laforge, R. F. Suchek).
Methodology for measuring shyness.
Methodology “Tendency to exaltation” (V.V. Boyko).
Sensation SeeKing Scale by M. Zuckerman (1978).
Questionnaire by H. Smishek “Diagnostics of types of accentuation of character traits and temperament according to K. Leonhard.”
Test "Egocentric associations".
Methodology “Conscientiousness Scale”.
Questionnaire “Auto- and heteroaggression” (E. P. Ilyin).
Methodology “Diagnostics of a tendency to aggressive behavior” (A. Assinger).
Methodology “Conflict Personality”.
Methodology “Personal aggressiveness and conflict” (E. P. Ilyin, P. A. Kovalev).
Methodology “Aggressive behavior” (E. P. Ilyin, P. A. Kovalev).
Experimental psychological methodology for studying the type of frustration reactions.
Methodology “Tidthiness-Shyness Scale”.
Methodology “Indicator of coping strategies” (D. Amirkhan).
Methods for identifying connections between individual characteristics and diseases.
Diagnosis of types of attitude towards illness (TOBOL).
Questionnaire to identify Type A people.
Methods for studying individual characteristics of the volitional sphere.
Questionnaire for self-assessment of patience (E. P. Ilyin, E. K. Feshchenko).
Methods for experimental study of perseverance.
Methodology “Unsolvable problem”.
Methodology N.V. Witt.
Questionnaire for self-assessment of perseverance (E. P. Ilyin, E. K. Feshchenko).
Questionnaire for self-assessment of perseverance (E. P. Ilyin, E. K. Feshchenko).
Methodology for studying patience while holding the breath (M. N. Ilyina, A. I. Vysotsky).
Dynamometric method for studying patience (M. N. Ilyina).
Methodology for identifying the level of courage (G. A. Kalashnikova).
Experimental methods for studying determination (I. P. Petyaykin).
Schubert's Risk Readiness (RSK) technique.
“Social Courage” scale.
Methods for studying the typological features of the manifestation of the properties of the nervous system.
Methods for studying the strength of the nervous system.
Methods for studying the mobility of nervous processes.
Methods that determine functional mobility through lability.
Methods for studying the balance of nervous processes.
Methods for identifying styles of perceptual-intellectual activity.
Methodology “Analysis by a teacher of the style of his teaching activity.”
Methods for identifying cognitive styles.
B. Kadyrov's questionnaire to identify the relationship between two signaling systems.
Methodology of E. A. Klimov for identifying the relationship between signal systems.
B. B. Kossov’s technique for diagnosing specifically human types of higher nervous activity.
Methods for studying leadership styles.
Methodology “Self-assessment of management style”.
Methodology “Leadership Style” (A. L. Zhuravlev).
Methodology “Tendency towards a certain leadership style” (E. P. Ilyin).
Methodology for assessing the level of democratization of management based on style characteristics.
Methodology “Diplomatic and authoritarian styles of behavior at a business meeting.”
Methodology "Management style".

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The book provides basic information on the psychology of individual differences, which are discussed in differential psychology and differential psychophysiology.

Special attention devoted to: various approaches to generalized individual characteristics of a person - types of temperament and personality; features of the manifestation of the properties of the nervous system; individual differences in behavior; the effectiveness of human activity depending on his individual characteristics; connection between individual characteristics and predisposition to various diseases.

The appendix includes methods for studying individual human characteristics and an extensive list of references, which may be useful to those who want to study the issues presented in the book in more depth.

The publication is addressed to practical psychologists, doctors, and psychology teachers at universities. It will be of interest to physiologists, as well as teachers, since it allows us to understand the natural foundations of students’ abilities and behavior, and the need for an individual approach to them in the process of training and education.

Evgeniy Pavlovich Ilyin

Psychology of Individual Differences


The book presents basic information on the psychology of individual differences, considered in differential psychology and differential psychophysiology. The problems of differential psychophysiology were outlined by me in my previously published book “Differential Psychophysiology” (2001). This book was partially included in this textbook, although in a restructured form and with some additions and abbreviations, which was dictated by the volume of the latter. Thus, the “Psychology of Individual Differences” does not include part 5 “Functional asymmetry as a problem of differential psychophysiology”; Those interested in this problem can refer to the above publication. Differences between men and women are also not addressed. This problem received fairly complete coverage in my other book, “Differential psychophysiology of men and women” (2002).

New chapters of this teaching aid mainly devoted to issues that are considered in differential psychology.

It should be immediately clear what individual differences will be discussed in this book. These are differences in the properties of temperament and personality, which determine not so much quantitative as qualitative differences in the behavior and activities of people. Qualitative differences are an expression of quantitative ones, but the latter are often so great that people, being at different poles of the continuum (that is, when one or another psychological or psychophysiological parameter is manifested in them to a different extent), behave and work differently.

At the same time, despite the existing differences, a qualitative (typical) similarity of people is also revealed - in the degree of expression of certain parameters, in the way of behavior, in the style of activity and communication, etc. Being individual, inherent in a particular person, these qualitative differences are also characteristic of others individuals, i.e. they can be called


They talk about typical differences when people are divided into strong and weak, kind and greedy, emotional and unemotional, etc. However, for example, quantitative differences are also observed among the strong: one person is strong, but not to the same extent as another, and that one is not like the third, etc.

B. M. Teplov pointed out the need

Evgeniy Pavlovich Ilyin

Psychology of Individual Differences


The book presents basic information on the psychology of individual differences, considered in differential psychology and differential psychophysiology. The problems of differential psychophysiology were outlined by me in my previously published book “Differential Psychophysiology” (2001). This book was partially included in this textbook, although in a restructured form and with some additions and abbreviations, which was dictated by the volume of the latter. Thus, the “Psychology of Individual Differences” does not include part 5 “Functional asymmetry as a problem of differential psychophysiology”; Those interested in this problem can refer to the above publication. Differences between men and women are also not addressed. This problem received fairly complete coverage in my other book, “Differential psychophysiology of men and women” (2002).

The new chapters of this textbook are mainly devoted to issues that are considered in differential psychology.

It should be immediately clear what individual differences will be discussed in this book. These are differences in the properties of temperament and personality, which determine not so much quantitative as qualitative differences in the behavior and activities of people. Qualitative differences are an expression of quantitative ones, but the latter are often so great that people, being at different poles of the continuum (that is, when one or another psychological or psychophysiological parameter is manifested in them to a different extent), behave and work differently.

At the same time, despite the existing differences, a qualitative (typical) similarity of people is also revealed - in the degree of expression of certain parameters, in the way of behavior, in the style of activity and communication, etc. Being individual, inherent in a particular person, these qualitative differences are also characteristic of others individuals, i.e. they can be called typical. They talk about typical differences when people are divided into strong and weak, kind and greedy, emotional and unemotional, etc. However, for example, quantitative differences are also observed among the strong: one person is strong, but not to the same extent as another, and that one is not like the third, etc.

B. M. Teplov pointed out the need quality approach to individual differences. It is the qualitative typical and individual differences between people that are discussed in this book. At the same time we'll talk and about their genesis (origin): what is their conditionality - genetic or social, as well as about their influence on behavior and the effectiveness of human activity. Accordingly, based on the individual-typical characteristics of a person as an individual and a person, it is possible, with a certain degree of probability, to predict the characteristics of his behavior, the effectiveness of his activities and create optimal conditions for each person that contribute to such effective activities. This is practical significance this section of psychological science, obvious to the luminaries of Russian physiology and psychology I. P. Pavlov, B. M. Teplov, V. S. Merlin.

I will give an excerpt from the preface by E. A. Klimov to the book by V. S. Merlin “Essay on an integral study of individuality” (1986).


When B. M. Teplov’s laboratory plunged into questions of the physiology of types of higher nervous activity (Boris Mikhailovich himself threw out the phrase that in questions of typology he was now more of a physiologist than physiologists themselves), V. S. Merlin used to say something like this: “Well done, Boris Mikhailovich! He is criticized for moving away from practice, from school, even from psychology, but he is deeply right, because without knowledge of the real foundations of individual psychological differences, it is truly impossible to move into practice” (p. 12).

When writing the book, I adhered to the principle of historicism, that is, I described the stages of development of the doctrine of individual differences in people in sequence, as it actually happened - starting from the study of general characteristics (types of temperament and constitution) to the consideration of particular individual ones (properties of the nervous system , temperament and personality), then returning again to the generalized - individuality. It would seem more logical to present the material in a different way - to move from the description of particular characteristics to the presentation of generalized ones, but this path has its drawbacks. In particular, it seems impossible to show the difficulty of forming the positions of scientists of different generations on the problem of individual differences; it would also be difficult to highlight not only the discoveries of psychologists, but also the mistakes they made.

The book consists of five parts. The first one looks at different approaches to generalized individual characteristics of a person - types of temperament and personality. The second part is devoted to the peculiarities of the manifestation of the properties of the nervous system, which represent natural basis individual differences. The third part deals with individual differences in behavior.

The fourth part examines the effectiveness of human activity depending on his individual characteristics. This part consists of three sections. The first is devoted to the fundamental problem of differential psychology and differential psychophysiology of abilities and giftedness, on which the effectiveness of an individual’s activity largely depends. The second section concerns styles of activity and leadership in which individual characteristics of a person are manifested. The third section contains rich empirical material about the influence of typological features on the success of various types of human activities. In addition to purely theoretical significance (the problem of the relationship between biological and social in human development), knowledge of these facts is also of great practical importance, since on their basis the selection of people for various fields professional and sports activities, the optimal teaching and training methodology for a given subject, and style of activity are selected.

The fifth part of the textbook concerns the connection between individual characteristics and predisposition to various diseases. This issue is little covered in the specialized literature. At least not a single book on individual differences even mentions this.

It should be especially emphasized that the proposed manual is intended for those who are already familiar with the basics of psychology, physiology of the nervous system and psychophysiology. Therefore, an unprepared person may have some difficulties when reading this book.

I tried to show the problem of individual differences not in the form of axiomatic propositions, but to illuminate it in all its complexity, without hiding the contradictions and erroneous judgments that exist in the history of science, in order to encourage the reader to think, to actively think, and, ultimately, to find his own points of view on the problem under consideration. Large number references to literary sources are due to my desire to give scientific validity and argumentation to the positions expressed in the book.

The book contains an appendix that provides methods for studying individual characteristics of a person and an extensive list of references, which may be useful to those who want to study the issues presented in the manual in more depth.

I hope that the book will be useful for practical psychologists, physicians, as well as for university psychology teachers and will help bridge the existing gap between the physiological and psychological knowledge obtained by psychologists. At the same time, it may also be of interest to physiologists who study humans, helping them to understand the psychological manifestations of physiological processes. The book can also be useful for teachers, since it allows us to understand the natural foundations of students’ abilities and behavior, and an individual approach to them in the process of learning and education.

1.1. The beginning of the development of ideas about individual-typical differences

The origin of differential psychology was due to human experience accumulated over centuries. Over time, it became clear that people have individual differences in behavior. Naturally, this forced us to systematize the observed differences, to give them a certain scientific explanation. And it is no coincidence that already in Ancient Greece philosophers have discussed this problem. Plato in his book “The Republic” wrote that two people cannot be exactly the same: each differs from the other in his abilities, therefore one should do his own thing, and the other should do his own thing. Moreover, Plato proposed, as they would say now, a test for professional suitability for military service.

"Ilyin E.P. - St. Petersburg: Peter, 2011. - 701 e.: ill. - (Series “Masters of Psychology”).

The book provides basic information about the psychology of individual differences. which are considered in differential psychology and differential psychophysiology.

Particular attention is paid to: various approaches to generalized individual characteristics of a person - types of temperament and personality: features of the manifestation of the properties of the nervous system; individual differences in behavior; the effectiveness of human activity depending on his individual characteristics; connections between individual characteristics and predisposition to various diseases.

The appendix includes methods for studying individual characteristics of a person and an extensive list of literature that may be useful to those. who wants to study the issues presented in the book in more depth.

The publication is addressed to practical psychologists, doctors, and psychology teachers at universities. It will be of interest to physiologists, as well as teachers, since it allows us to understand the natural foundations of students’ abilities and behavior, and the need for an individual approach to them in the process of training and education.

Preface........................................................ .......10

Chapter 1. A brief excursion into the history of the study of differences between people ... 13

1.1. The beginning of the development of ideas about individual-typical differences................................13

1.2. The origins of differential psychology as a science...................14

1.3. Differential psychophysiology as part of differential psychology................16

Part one. Temperament and personality types

Chapter 2. The doctrine of temperament.................................20

2.1. The emergence of the doctrine of temperament. Humoral theories of temperament types...................20

2.2. Description of types of temperament by I. Kant....................................24

2.3. V. Wundt's new approach to temperament....................................25

2.4. Constitutional approach to temperament....................................26

2.5. Genetic theory of temperament types by K. Conrad...................34

2.6. Ideas of I.P. Pavlov and his students about the types of temperament.....38

2.7. Psychological (factorial) theories of temperament......46

2.8. Typology of K. Jung...................................................51

2.9. Tina's temperament (character accentuations) but K. Leon guard.........53

Chapter 3. New approaches to the study of typological differences between people...............55

3.1. Ideas about G. Isaac's temperament...................................55

3.2. Approach to the study of temperament in the Perm psychophysiological school of V. S. Merlin.........57

3.3. A look at the problem of temperament in the psychophysiological school of B. M. Teplov...................59

3.4. Regulatory theory of temperament Ya. Strelyau.................................63

3.5. Approaches of Western psychologists to the study of temperament types........64

3.6. Do temperamental characteristics change with age?............69

3.7. Correlation of temperament and character.................................70

3.8. Tina personalities........................................................ 75

Part two. Properties of the nervous system as the natural basis of individual differences

Chapter 4. General ideas about the properties of the nervous system and the typological features of their manifestation ...................89

4.1. The relationship between the concepts “property of the nervous system” and “typological features of the manifestation of the property of the nervous system” ....................................89

4.2. Characteristics of typological features of the manifestation of the properties of the nervous system.................................. 92

4.3. Structure and classification of properties of the nervous system................95

4.4. Partial and general properties of the nervous system...................................99

Chapter 17. Leadership and communication styles..........................325

17.1. The concept of leadership style...................................325

17.2. Classifications of leadership styles...................................326

17.3. Leadership style and personal characteristics...................333

17.4. The Effectiveness of Different Leadership Styles...................................336

17.5. Attitudes of subordinates to different leadership styles.........339

17.6. Communication styles as a reflection of leadership style......340

17.7. Self-presentation styles...................................................344

17.8. Parenting styles...................................346

17.9. Attachment styles of children to mother...................................349

Section three. Success of professional activity and properties of the nervous system and temperament

Chapter 18. Efficiency of various types of activities and typological features...........352

18.1. Efficiency of monotonous activity in connection with typological features.........352

18.2. Effectiveness of activities in extreme situations and typological features.................................357

18.3. Operational tension and typological features.....361

18.4. The effectiveness of activities requiring concentration and sustained attention, in connection with typological features... 362

18.5. The success of managers and typological and personal characteristics.........363

18.6. Artistic activity and typological features.........364

18.7. Efficiency of intellectual professional activity and typological features................................365

18.8. Effectiveness of group activities and typological features.................................368

18.9. Stimulating the activities of persons with various typological characteristics...................369

Chapter 19. Differential-psychophysiological aspects of becoming a professional...............370

19.1. The role of typological features in the development of a professional.... 370

19.2. Differential-psychophysiological aspects of vocational guidance and selection.......................... 371

19.3. Individual characteristics and job satisfaction.........376

19.4. Differential psychophysiological aspects of vocational education and training.........376

19.5. Professional adaptation of persons with various typological characteristics...................379

Chapter 20. Success of educational activities and typological features ..........382

20.1. Typological features and academic performance.................................382

20.2. Typological features and success in performing various mental actions.........387

20.3. Techniques and methods of teaching and upbringing and typological features.........390

Chapter 21. Methodology for studying the connection between the effectiveness of activity and the typological features of the manifestation of the properties of the nervous system and temperament.........394

21.1. Refusal to divide the typological features of the manifestation of the properties of the nervous system into “good” and “bad”..................................394

21.2.1 The need to identify typological complexes............397

21.3. Adequacy of understanding of the connections between the properties of the nervous system and the efficiency of activity and behavior.................................... 399

21.4. Taking into account the types of statistical connections between the properties of the nervous system and the efficiency of activity and behavior.................................... 401

21.5. Accounting for the stage of mastering professional skills......404

21.6. Using a systematic approach when studying the connection between typological features and performance efficiency........405

21.7. Principles of predicting the effectiveness of activities based on typological features.................................................... 407

Part five. Health and individual characteristics

Chapter 22. Differences in coping strategies (overcoming behavior) and in the use of defense mechanisms.......................412

22.1. Coining strategies...................................................412

22.2. Types of psychological defense mechanisms and individual characteristics of their use.........416

22.3. Typology of personalities according to Kellerman-Plutchik according to the use of a defense mechanism....................................425

22.4. Types of response to frustration...................................428

Chapter 23. Individual characteristics and pathology.................432

23.1. Personality types predisposed to certain diseases......433

23.2. Personality characteristics and health...................................438

23.3. Types of people's attitudes towards their illness...................................439

Appendix I. Dictionary of basic psychological and physiological concepts........... 442

Appendix II. Methods for studying individual characteristics.....449

1. Methods for identifying types and properties of temperament................449

Questionnaire of formal-dynamic properties of individuality (OFDSI) (V. M. Rusalov).......449

Methodology “Determination of the predominant type of temperament”..........

461 Methodology “Rating scale for measuring student reactivity” (Ya. Strelyau)............463

Questionnaire “Study of the psychological structure of temperament” (B. N. Smirnov).......464

Methodology “Properties and formula of temperament” ...................................466

Hex Questionnaire for determining the characterological characteristics of a personality.................................470

Test “Temperament and Sociotypes” (Heymans) .................................471

Methodology of D. Keirsey................................................... 475

Response form to D. Keirsey's questionnaire....................................481

Test questionnaire for diagnosing the properties and type of temperament (EPQ. form A) (G. Eysenck)...................482

Questionnaire by G. Eysenck (adolescent).................................484

Methodology for determining the level of personal anxiety (Ch. Seilberger). .

Methodology “Diagnostics of rigidity” (G. Eysenck)....................................487

Questionnaire to identify the severity of Machiavellianism................................488

Questionnaire for assessing the level of infantilism (psychopathy) of a person.... 489

Questionnaire by V. Gorbachevsky to identify the level of aspirations...........489

2. Methods for studying individual characteristics of the emotional sphere 492

Four-modality emotional questionnaire (L. A. Rabinovich).....492

Methodology “Determination of emotional excitability” (P. V. Simonov). . 495

Methodology “Emotional excitability - balance” (B. N. Smirnov).................................................. ..........495

Methodology “Definition of Emotionality” (V.V. Suvorova)............496

Self-assessment test “Characteristics of emotionality” (E. II. Ilyin). . 497

Methodology “Diagnostics of the level of empathy” (I. M. Yusupov).........................498

Methodology “Diagnostics of the level of empathy” (V.V. Boyko)................................499

Experimental method for studying emnathia...................................501

Methodology “Optimist - pessimist”.................................502

Test “Pessimist or Optimist”................................................504

Optimism-Activity Scale...................................................506

3. Methods for studying individual characteristics of the motivational sphere 509

Methodology “Cognitive orientation (locus of control)” (J. Rotter)......509

Methodology “Impulsivity” ...................................................511

Methodology “Motivation for success” (T. Elsrs) ..............................512

Methodology “Motivation to Avoid Failures” (T. Ehlers)................................513

Methodology “Motivation for success and fear of failure” (A. A. Rean)............515

Methodology “Measuring Rationality” ...................................516

Methodology “Value Orientations” (M. Rokeach)....................................518

Questionnaire for diagnosing gaming addiction (gambling)...519

4. Methods for studying individual behavioral characteristics.........522

Interpersonal Diagnosis Questionnaire (T, Leary, R. L. Laforge, R. F. Suchek)................................................. ....................522

Methodology for measuring shyness...................................526

Methodology “Tendency to exaltation” (V.V. Boyko)............530

Sensation SecKing Scale by M. Zuckerman (1978). . . 530

Questionnaire by H. Smishek “Diagnostics of types of accentuation of character traits and temperament according to K. Leonhard”......532

Test “Egocentric associations” ...................................536

Methodology “III kala conscience” ....................................538

Questionnaire “Auto- and heteroaggression” (V. G1. Ilyin) .................................... 538

Methodology “Diagnostics of a tendency to aggressive behavior” (A. Assinger)................................539

Methodology “Conflict Personality”................................................541

Methodology “Personal Aggression and Conflict” (E. P. Ilyin, P. A. Kovalev).........................543

Methodology “Aggressive behavior” (E. P. Ilyin, P. A. Kovalev).......546

Experimental psychological methodology for studying the type of frustration reactions......548

Methodology “Tidthiness-Shyness Scale” ....................................553

Methodology “Indicator of coping strategies” (D. Amirkhan)................554

5. Methods for identifying connections between individual characteristics and diseases................................556

Diagnosis of types of attitude towards illness (TOBOL).................................556

Questionnaire to identify Type A people...................................572

6. Methods for studying individual characteristics of the volitional sphere.....574

Questionnaire for self-assessment of patience (P. P. Ilyin, E. K. Feshchenko) .... 574

Methods for experimental study of perseverance......574

Methodology “Unsolvable problem” ....................................575

Methodology of N.V. Vntt................................................... ..575

Questionnaire for self-assessment of perseverance (E. P. Ilyin, E. K. Feshchenko).......576

Questionnaire for self-assessment of perseverance (E. 11. Ilyin, E. K. Feshchenko). . . 577

Methodology for studying patience while holding the breath (M. I. Ilyina, A. I. Vysotsky).......578

Dynamometric method of studying patience (M. N. Ilyina).......579

Methodology for identifying the level of courage (G. A. Kalashnikova) ....................580

Experimental methods for studying determination (I. P. Petyaykin) 581

Schubert’s “Risk Readiness” (RSK) technique.......................................581

“Social Courage” scale...................................................582

7. Methods for studying the typological features of the manifestation of the properties of the nervous system......584

Methods for studying the strength of the nervous system...................................584

Methods for studying the mobility of nervous processes......595

Techniques that determine functional mobility through lability................................602

Methods for studying the balance of nervous processes...................................603

8. Methods for identifying styles of perceptual-intellectual activity 613

Methodology “Analysis by a teacher of the style of his teaching activity” ... 613

Techniques for identifying cognitive styles...................................617

Questionnaire by B. Kadyrov to identify the relationship between two signaling systems................................620

Methodology of E. A. Klimov for identifying the relationship between signaling systems 627

V. B. Kossov’s technique for diagnosing specifically human types of higher nervous activity.................................................627

9. Methods for studying leadership styles...................................628

Methodology “Self-assessment of management style”................................................628

Methodology “Leadership Style” (A. L. Zhuravlev)....................................629

Methodology “Tendency towards a certain leadership style” (E.P. Ilyin)...............635

Methodology for assessing the level of democratization of management based on style characteristics.................................638

Methodology “Management style”................................641


The textbook is addressed primarily to educators: teachers, preschool teachers, college and university teachers. Particular attention is paid to psychological information. relevant for practical pedagogy and absent from most textbooks on educational psychology.

The manual includes five sections: “Psychology of teacher activities.” “Psychology of education”, “Psychology of education”. " Psychological characteristics teachers”, “Preschoolers and students as subjects of play and learning activities and as objects of teacher activity”. At the end of the book there is an appendix in which there are two sections on methods for studying the characteristics of the activities and personalities of teachers and methods of studying psychological characteristics pupils and students. The publication contains an extensive list of literature related to this issue.

This textbook provides a systematic presentation methodological foundations differential human psychology. The results of numerous empirical studies carried out using this branch of psychology are presented. The possibilities of correct practical application of differential psychological knowledge using the proposed methods are considered.

The publication is intended for students of psychological and pedagogical profiles, as well as for university teachers and practical psychologists.

Evgeniy Pavlovich Ilyin

Psychology of Individual Differences


The book presents basic information on the psychology of individual differences, considered in differential psychology and differential psychophysiology. The problems of differential psychophysiology were outlined by me in my previously published book “Differential Psychophysiology” (2001). This book was partially included in this textbook, although in a restructured form and with some additions and abbreviations, which was dictated by the volume of the latter. Thus, the “Psychology of Individual Differences” does not include part 5 “Functional asymmetry as a problem of differential psychophysiology”; Those interested in this problem can refer to the above publication. Differences between men and women are also not addressed. This problem received fairly complete coverage in my other book, “Differential psychophysiology of men and women” (2002).

The new chapters of this textbook are mainly devoted to issues that are considered in differential psychology.

It should be immediately clear what individual differences will be discussed in this book. These are differences in the properties of temperament and personality, which determine not so much quantitative as qualitative differences in the behavior and activities of people. Qualitative differences are an expression of quantitative ones, but the latter are often so great that people, being at different poles of the continuum (that is, when one or another psychological or psychophysiological parameter is manifested in them to a different extent), behave and work differently.

At the same time, despite the existing differences, a qualitative (typical) similarity of people is also revealed - in the degree of expression of certain parameters, in the manner of behavior, in the style of activity and communication, etc. Being individual, inherent in a particular person, these qualitative differences are also characteristic of others individuals, i.e. they can be called typical. They talk about typical differences when people are divided into strong and weak, kind and greedy, emotional and unemotional, etc. However, for example, quantitative differences are also observed among the strong: one person is strong, but not to the same extent as another, and that one is not like the third, etc.

B. M. Teplov pointed out the need for a qualitative approach to individual differences. It is the qualitative typical and individual differences between people that are discussed in this book. At the same time, we will talk about their genesis (origin): what is their conditionality - genetic or social, as well as their influence on behavior and the effectiveness of human activity. Accordingly, based on the individual-typical characteristics of a person as an individual and a person, it is possible, with a certain degree of probability, to predict the characteristics of his behavior, the effectiveness of his activities and create optimal conditions for each person that contribute to such effective activities. This is the practical significance of this section of psychological science, obvious to the luminaries of Russian physiology and psychology I. P. Pavlov, B. M. Teplov, V. S. Merlin.

I will give an excerpt from the preface by E. A. Klimov to the book by V. S. Merlin “Essay on an integral study of individuality” (1986).

When B. M. Teplov’s laboratory plunged into questions of the physiology of types of higher nervous activity (Boris Mikhailovich himself threw out the phrase that in questions of typology he was now more of a physiologist than physiologists themselves), V. S. Merlin used to say something like this: “Well done, Boris Mikhailovich! He is criticized for moving away from practice, from school, even from psychology, but he is deeply right, because without knowledge of the real foundations of individual psychological differences, it is truly impossible to move into practice” (p. 12).

When writing the book, I adhered to the principle of historicism, that is, I described the stages of development of the doctrine of individual differences in people in sequence, as it actually happened - starting from the study of general characteristics (types of temperament and constitution) to the consideration of particular individual ones (properties of the nervous system , temperament and personality), then returning again to the generalized - individuality. It would seem more logical to present the material in a different way - to move from the description of particular characteristics to the presentation of generalized ones, but this path has its drawbacks. In particular, it seems impossible to show the difficulty of forming the positions of scientists of different generations on the problem of individual differences; it would also be difficult to highlight not only the discoveries of psychologists, but also the mistakes they made.

The book consists of five parts. The first examines various approaches to generalized individual characteristics of a person - types of temperament and personality. The second part is devoted to the peculiarities of the manifestation of the properties of the nervous system, which represent the natural basis of individual differences. The third part deals with individual differences in behavior.

The fourth part examines the effectiveness of human activity depending on his individual characteristics. This part consists of three sections. The first is devoted to the fundamental problem of differential psychology and differential psychophysiology of abilities and giftedness, on which the effectiveness of an individual’s activity largely depends. The second section concerns styles of activity and leadership in which individual characteristics of a person are manifested. The third section contains rich empirical material about the influence of typological features on the success of various types of human activities. In addition to the purely theoretical significance (the problem of the relationship between the biological and the social in human development), knowledge of these facts is also of great practical importance, since on their basis the selection of people for various spheres of professional and sports activity is carried out (or should be carried out), and the optimal one for a given subject is selected teaching and training methods, style of activity.

The fifth part of the textbook concerns the connection between individual characteristics and predisposition to various diseases. This issue is little covered in the specialized literature. At least not a single book on individual differences even mentions this.

It should be especially emphasized that the proposed manual is intended for those who are already familiar with the basics of psychology, physiology of the nervous system and psychophysiology. Therefore, an unprepared person may have some difficulties when reading this book.

I tried to show the problem of individual differences not in the form of axiomatic propositions, but to illuminate it in all its complexity, without hiding the contradictions and erroneous judgments that exist in the history of science, in order to encourage the reader to think, to actively think, and, ultimately, to find his own points of view on the problem under consideration. The large number of references to literary sources is due to my desire to give scientific validity and argumentation to the positions expressed in the book.

The book contains an appendix that provides methods for studying individual characteristics of a person and an extensive list of references, which may be useful to those who want to study the issues presented in the manual in more depth.

I hope that the book will be useful for practical psychologists, physicians, as well as for university psychology teachers and will help bridge the existing gap between the physiological and psychological knowledge obtained by psychologists. At the same time, it may also be of interest to physiologists who study humans, helping them to understand the psychological manifestations of physiological processes. The book can also be useful for teachers, since it allows us to understand the natural foundations of students’ abilities and behavior, and an individual approach to them in the process of learning and education.