What does the neuroimmune map show? What does an immunogram show and how to decipher it

Do you sometimes give up? Does a cold gradually turn into a serious infectious disease? Have endless treatments along with antibiotics completely destroyed the body’s ability to cope with foreign pathological substances on its own?

Perhaps, having already completed countless courses of therapy, you began to have thoughts about immunodeficiency. And since its primary type is quite rare and is a congenital pathology (and you most likely began to get sick much later than 6 months of age), we will talk about secondary immunodeficiency.

This disease is often encountered in medical practice. And there are many reasons for its development. Moreover, often suspicion does not even fall on them:

  • Disturbed nutritional balance (lack of healthy food and, as a result, healthy macro- and microelements).
  • Previous surgeries, post-burn rehabilitation.
  • Chronic course of general diseases (insufficient functioning of the kidneys and liver, diabetes mellitus).
  • Long-term use of antibacterial drugs.
  • Systematic alcohol intoxication, addiction to drugs.

But! It does not mean that you have an immunodeficiency if any of the points are present in your life. Even if there are doubts, this should be checked using an immunogram...

is a special comprehensive analysis that helps determine the state of your immune system.

After all, it is the latter that guards your health. It detects and does not allow foreign substances into the body in the form of pathological bacteria and microorganisms, prevents the degeneration of native cells, and also protects the microflora from the effects of medications.

But sometimes its protective links fail and cannot cope with the “strangers”. Then one or another system of the body remains defenseless, which threatens with numerous diseases that smoothly move in a circle and return again. But it is not enough to fully treat each of them. It is much easier to do an immunogram and identify that very “gap” in the protective system of your immune system.

But pay attention! This is not a blood test and you cannot do it for your own interest. First of all you will need your doctor's referral, which will be supported by his testimony:

  • Frequent infectious diseases that are severe, constantly worsen and practically do not respond to traditional treatment.
  • Increased temperature for a long period for no apparent reason.
  • Sharp weight loss.
  • Chronic fatigue, headaches, body aches, complete lack of desire and physical ability to work.
  • The appearance of “glands”, enlarged lymph nodes in different parts of the body.

As you can see, the symptoms are banal, but significant for further diagnosis. So why is specialist referral so necessary?

First of all, because only he can determine reason for the decline your immunity. And if it is obvious (pregnancy, allergies, HIV infection, other diseases of sexually transmitted origin), then you will not need an immunogram. It is better to spend money and energy on eliminating the real cause of your condition.

Algorithm for preparing for analysis

This can be done carefully preparing for research:

  • The analysis must be taken in the laboratory, in the morning (7-9 am).
  • If you have a comprehensive examination, it is better to take all its components in the same laboratory. This will make it much easier to decipher the results obtained.
  • The material for the study is venous blood, which must be collected on an empty stomach.
  • On the eve of the analysis, it is prohibited to drink alcoholic beverages, as well as smoke or perform heavy physical work.
  • If possible, temporarily avoid taking medications or warn laboratory workers about them.
  • Try not to be nervous; your anxiety may negatively affect the results of the immunogram.

And, most importantly, do not engage in self-diagnosis and do not expect miracles from the laboratory staff: deciphering your tests is not at all their responsibility.

What does the study show?

Since by immunogram we mean venous blood sampling and its further study, it becomes clear why this analysis is called complex. After all, 4-5 ml of biomaterial taken cannot magically create a complete picture of your immune system. How can we do without indicators, severe symptoms, previous examinations, and medical consultations?

When all this is present in your medical record, the last hope will be placed on an immunogram, which has 4 components:

Decoding the results

Before you begin to decipher only the results of the immunogram, compare its indicators with the “generally accepted” norms of Internet sources, and also give up your immunity due to an obvious discrepancy with the numbers you saw, remember one thing important rule: only a specialist should decipher the results of the study!

First of all, because deviations from the “norm” by 30-40% are its acceptable limit. In addition, each organism is individual and the state of the immune system should be judged only in conjunction with other severe symptoms of immunodeficiency. And if such are present, then the data of the 4 mentioned components of the immunogram will be highly informative. For example:

  • A low level of lymphocytes indicates the presence of a viral infection.
  • A quantitative increase in IgE means an allergic reaction or helminthic infestation.
  • Elevated leukocyte counts indicate an acute inflammatory process.
  • Reduced level of phagocytosis – processes of an inflammatory or purulent nature.

Immunogram in children

Conducting and deciphering this research method in young patients deserves special attention. First of all, because children often get sick due to their visits to kindergarten and school as places of large concentration of the same small, possibly cold, comrades.

But don’t be alarmed if your pediatrician, after a long course of treatment, still gives you a referral for an immunogram. This does not mean that they no longer know what to do with your child, and the situation is so advanced. On the contrary, this is the maximum desire reduce ineffective practices treatment and find the exact cause of such pain. AND cause this can be quite banal: an allergy or intolerance to certain foods, an unbalanced diet, a bacterial infection that has become chronic.

However, first you should do a blood test. And if he shows abnormalities, especially in the leukocyte composition, a referral for an immunogram will be justified.

How to treat immunodeficiency?

Many people will call this question incorrect. And perhaps he will be right. After all, every immunodeficiency has an underlying cause for its development. And, first of all, it is necessary to eliminate it: arrange food, do a culture for pathological bacteria and eliminate them, draw up an effective plan for the treatment of chronic diseases, perhaps change the climate.

As practice suggests, such a plan of action is much more productive than a simple immunogram. In addition, if the reason for the decrease in immunity is obvious, it is better to invest in the mentioned “therapy”. Additional assistance will be provided medicines directed spectrum of actions: antibiotics, vitamin complexes, cytokines.

Also, calm your nervous system, because many ailments originate from there. And until you stop worrying about every “sneeze,” the prescribed treatment may have the opposite effect.

A child’s immunity plays a significant role in his further growth and development. The protective properties of the body remain not fully understood to date. However, it has long been known that immunity is divided into innate and acquired. The first is obtained from the mother’s body during gestation and birth. The second is formed independently during contact with bacteria and viruses, as well as other pathogens. Acquired immunity, in turn, is divided into cellular and humoral.

  • Cellular immunity consists of cell protectors and blockers responsible for fighting infectious agents. This includes leukocytes and their subtypes: monocytes, lymphocytes, granulocytes.
  • Humoral immunity is determined by the amount of immunoglobulins. Unlike guard cells, they have a protein structure. Immunoglobulin antibodies are produced in response to the activity of foreign agents entering the child’s body.

How can you test your child's immunity?

There are several ways to test a child's immunity. The simplest one parents can use at home. It involves assessing the frequency of infectious diseases with prolonged recovery. If doubts arise about the strength of the body’s resistance, then only specialists can give individual recommendations regarding more detailed tests. A blood test is usually prescribed to determine the number of leukocytes and their activity. If the results are unsatisfactory and have significant deviations from the norm, then an immunogram is prescribed - a study that allows a detailed assessment of the strength of the child’s body’s protective reactions.

Determining immunity status at home

It is not possible to reliably assess immunity status at home. However, parents are able to suspect that the protective properties of the child’s body are reduced. This is signaled by frequent colds, which often require the use of antibacterial treatment and are accompanied by complications. If a preschool child gets sick up to 8 times a year, recovers on his own and easily tolerates a cold, then there is no reason to worry.

The protective functions of the baby’s body can be weakened due to the lack of proper nutrition, physical activity, and rest. If a child grows up in sterile conditions, this is also considered a negative indicator. The body of such children rarely encounters infectious agents, and therefore does not have antibodies against them. As a result, immunoglobulins are not formed, and the protective reaction is not used in practice.

Decoding the results

A general blood test is an indicator of a child’s immunity, but only indirectly. The content of lymphocytes in the blood of children should be from 34-85%. The absolute level in infants can reach 11,000, and in children after one year it should not exceed 5,000. Immunoglobulin levels are normally 10-20 g/l. The presence of G antibodies indicates that the body has immunity to a particular disease. It will be difficult for a person who does not have a medical practice to decipher it. The state of immunity can be assessed using the following parameters.

Quite often, doctors prescribe a test called an immunogram to patients. What kind of analysis is this? How can it be used to assess the functioning of the body? How are samples collected? What is the indication for this study? These questions are of interest to many patients who are encountering such a medical prescription for the first time.

Immunogram - what is it?

The human body is constantly exposed to environmental factors and comes into contact with various living organisms, including various types of infections. And the protection function lies entirely with

An immunogram is a comprehensive study, which, in fact, helps to assess the work and condition. During the analysis, a specialist has the opportunity to count the number of blood cells, calculate their ratio, and also evaluate the functional activity of each type of protective structures. Such testing makes it possible to determine a lot of different disorders, including immunodeficiency and allergic reactions.

Indications for the study

Of course, there are some diseases for which an immunogram is simply necessary. What kind of violations are these? First of all, such studies

carried out if the patient has undergone an organ transplant, has undergone a course of chemotherapy, or has been taking immunosuppressants for a long time, which inhibit the activity of the immune system.

In addition, the indications for the test are primary and suspicion of HIV infection. The analysis is carried out for patients who suffer from frequent pneumonia, chronic inflammatory diseases, long-term fungal infections, and pustular skin lesions. In addition, suspected cancer or autoimmune diseases are also indications.

In some cases, such tests are also necessary for pregnant women. First of all, the immune system is assessed if the mother is HIV-infected. In addition, the indication may be a permanent disruption of the tissue interaction between the organisms of the woman and the fetus. In some cases, an Rh conflict occurs during pregnancy (if the mother is Rh negative and the child is Rh positive). In such conditions, a blood immunogram is also necessary.

Also, studies are carried out in cases of frequent relapses of herpes simplex and They are required if an autoimmune disorder is present or suspected. In some cases, the indication for this is severe stress or severe emotional trauma during pregnancy.

How are samples collected?

The patient's blood is used for research and evaluation of the immune system. It is immediately worth noting that this analysis does not require any special preparations. Blood sampling is carried out in the morning, and the patient cannot have breakfast before the procedure - you can only drink a glass of water (still).

For the study, both capillary blood is taken (for this a small puncture is made on the tip of the finger) and venous blood, depending on the purpose of the analysis and the specifics of the clinic. In any case, the blood is separated and placed into two tubes at once. In the first, under the influence of the external cut, it begins to curl up. The thrombus, which is a clot of red blood cells, is removed and the composition of the plasma is analyzed. In the second test tube, the blood is mixed with anticoagulants - here it is stored in its natural liquid form.

In some cases, saliva, tear or mucus from the nasopharynx, etc. are taken for analysis.

Contraindications for analysis

There are conditions of the body in which an analysis such as an immunogram is contraindicated. What are these conditions? To begin with, it is worth noting that blood sampling is not carried out during menstruation in women.

In addition, any infectious diseases, as well as chronic inflammatory diseases in the acute stage, are contraindications. With such problems, the functioning of the immune system changes, and, accordingly, the study is unlikely to be informative. What to do in such cases? Complete the full course of treatment and wait for complete recovery.

What are they looking at during a laboratory test?

Naturally, many patients are interested in questions about what kind of studies an immunogram includes, as this analysis shows. In fact, experts pay attention mainly to three main points:

  • Cellular immune system.
  • Phagocytic activity of neutrophils.
  • Level of immunoglobulins in blood serum.

Each of these components of the study is extremely important because it helps evaluate the functioning of different immune defense mechanisms.

Cellular immune system

In order to assess the functioning of the cellular immune system, it is necessary to determine the number of T- and B-lymphocytes. The former protect tissues from certain bacteria, fungal organisms and viral particles. Moreover, it is customary to distinguish T-helpers, which produce antibodies, as well as T-suppressors, which suppress their synthesis. It is the number and ratio of these cells that is shown by the immunogram. The norm is the ratio between T-helpers and T-suppressors 1.5-2.0. The total number of T-lymphocytes should not exceed 50-70% of the total number of immunoactive structures.

B lymphocytes provide the synthesis of immunoglobulins after the cell encounters a foreign agent. Normally, their number should not exceed 6-20%.

and immunoglobulin levels

In order to assess the effectiveness of the immune system, the laboratory also determines the level of each immunoglobulin. First of all, pay attention to the following indicators:

Of course, it is important not only to determine the number of leukocytes, but also to evaluate their phagocytic activity, thereby determining the degree of their functionality. To do this, in laboratory conditions they check how quickly and efficiently blood cells capture and digest so-called “test particles” - the standard microparticles they propose (for example, latex), as well as cells of killed bacteria (most often staphylococci are used for this purpose).

By the way, sometimes during testing such important indicators as phagocytic activity (the number of phagocytes as a percentage of all counted neutrophils), as well as the phagocytic number (the average number of latex particles that an active neutrophil can absorb) are also determined.

In any case, you should immediately go to the doctor with the results of the studies, since some additional tests may be needed to make an accurate diagnosis.

Useful information

In fact, many people to whom doctors prescribe such a study are faced with the question of where to get an immunogram. It is worth noting that such an analysis is unlikely to be done in a regular clinic, so it is better to look for large hospitals or private laboratories. As a last resort, you can ask your doctor about this issue - he will definitely provide the necessary information.

How much does an immunogram cost? This is another interesting point for patients. In fact, the cost of the study can vary, as it depends both on the pricing policy of the clinic you choose and on the volume of research (sometimes the doctor needs to determine only a few indicators to make an accurate diagnosis). On average, the price of a study ranges from 1,000 to 9,000 rubles.


Children of school and preschool age often get sick, their immunity is reduced, so they are prescribed an immunogram. This is an analysis of the state of the immune system. It is performed on special equipment in large hospitals or private laboratories. Often indications for analysis are signs of immunodeficiency without obvious causes.

What is an immunological blood test

A special blood test allows you to assess the number of immune cells, antibodies produced and other substances that indicate the state of the child’s body’s defense systems. More often, an immunogram is performed when signs of immunodeficiency are detected without special reasons (HIV, diabetes, oncology).

The number of parameters assessed varies from 10 to 25. The more there are, the more detailed the answer the patient receives.

An extended immunogram helps to identify even hidden disorders in the body in children, which will allow timely treatment to be prescribed.

The analysis values ​​reflect the work of each of the links in the protection of the children’s body. Based on their changes, a conclusion is made about the presence or absence of immunodeficiency, the type of disorder, and the choice of therapy. Human immunity is divided into two parts - slow humoral and fast cellular.

The latter reacts to the pathogen immediately, absorbs the harmful agent, and transmits information about it to other cells. Slow (works for 2-3 weeks) receives data, starts the process of creating and releasing antibodies. They destroy pathogens, fight tumors and promote final recovery. The immunogram shows:

  • number of immune cells;
  • the amount of antibodies produced.

Sometimes the analysis in children is supplemented by studying the amount of interleukins in the blood - special substances that ensure the interconnection of different components of defense systems. If their synthesis fails, immunodeficiency states can form.

Cellular immunity

The fast cellular subtype of the immune system contains cells that perform specific functions. Their description:

  • cytotoxic T cells– recognize and destroy harmful microorganisms;
  • T helper cells– transmit information about the pathogen to other cells, form long-term immunity;
  • T-suppressors– regulate the activity of defense systems, protect the body from autoimmune reactions (when producing antibodies against healthy tissues);
  • Interleukin 2 receptor T cells– promote the production of this substance;
  • apoptosis marker carriers– control the rate of cell self-destruction.


The slow or humoral link of immunity consists of other cells. They are responsible for the following actions:

  • B cells– produce specific antibodies, promote complete recovery;
  • immunoglobulin G, antibodies– bind to a harmful agent, destroy its cell and lead to death;
  • immunoglobulins M, A– are responsible for the development of allergic reactions.

Nonspecific immunogram indicators

These values ​​reflect the work of both parts of the immune system. These include:

  • natural killer cells– NK cells provide immunity against tumors;
  • cells with HLA marker– show the activity of the immune system, are responsible for phagocytosis, recognition, absorption and transmission of information to T cells about harmful agents;
  • RTML– the reaction of inhibition of leukocyte migration, shows the work of the cellular unit;
  • NST test– assesses the activity of phagocytosis;
  • complement– prevents the formation of large immune complexes, neutralizes microbes.

Indications for the study

An immunogram is prescribed for frequent severe infectious diseases in children. Indications for its implementation are:

  • ARVI more often 5-6 times a year;
  • necrotizing tonsillitis, erysipelas, candidal nasopharyngitis, systemic herpes, atypical pneumonia, history of fungal diseases;
  • suspicion of a low level of leukocytes beyond the causes of a previous viral infection, the presence of tumors, autoimmune diseases, anemia.

How to take an immunogram test

To conduct the study, blood is donated from a vein or finger. The biomaterial is obtained in the morning on an empty stomach or after a 4-hour fast. Water and weak tea are allowed, contrasting water procedures, overheating, and hypothermia are prohibited.

The child must be healthy, otherwise the disease will affect the blood test.

After collection, the blood is placed in 2 tubes:

  1. In the first, it coagulates under natural conditions, and the resulting clot is removed and analyzed.
  2. In the second test tube it is mixed with reagents, anticoagulants and retains its liquid form.

For research, you can also take saliva, lacrimal fluid, cerebrospinal fluid, and mucus from the nasopharynx.

Contraindications for an immunogram are infectious or inflammatory diseases in the acute stage. Otherwise, a repeat study is carried out.

Deciphering the immunogram in children

A blood test for immunity in a child includes many indicators. Their values ​​in the table:


Norm, indicator =X*10 9 pcs. per liter

Cellular immunity

Cytotoxic T cells

T helper cells


T cells with a receptor for IL-2

Apoptosis marker carriers

Humoral immunity

Immunoglobulin G

Immunoglobulin M

Immunoglobulin A

Immunoglobulin D

Non-specific indicators

Natural killers



Phagocytic indicator

Phagocytic number

6-9 units

RTML with specific antigen

RTML with phytohemagglutinin

RTML with concavalin A

NBT test spontaneous

NST test activated


Assessment of deviations from the norm

When deciphering the immunogram, the level of deviation of indicators from the norm is assessed for further regulation:

  • less than 34%– minor violations;
  • 34-66% – moderate impairment, therapy required;
  • more than 66%– severe immunodeficiency.

When immune dysfunction requires correction

There is no unambiguous interpretation of the analysis map. An immunogram in children helps to correct an immunological defect, if present, and can serve as a basis for replacement therapy:

  • If a deficiency of immunoglobulins G and M is detected, drugs from donor blood are administered intravenously.
  • If defects in T-lymphocytes are detected, preparations from calf thymus tissue are used (cells are differentiated and activated).

Plasmapheresis is sometimes used as a method of eliminating (eliminating) accumulated immune complexes from the blood. It is accompanied by an immunogram. Taking into account its dynamics, it is possible to treat allergic and infectious diseases.

To assess the external condition of the patient, count the number of diseases per year, taking into account the assessment of their severity.

Using an immunogram, one can judge the work of the humoral and cellular components and evaluate the effectiveness of therapy. For this, the index formula is used: ((pathological indicator/norm)-1)*100%. The number of B cells, cytotoxic forms, and T helper cells is often used for analysis.

An immunogram is one of the types of human blood tests that are carried out quite often. But since this analysis is usually carried out in combination with others, patients do not always know what kind of study it is and why it is necessary. What is an immunological blood test and what does its interpretation mean? What parameters of the body’s functioning does it study, and what diseases can be identified with its help? In addition to these questions, the patient also needs to know whether there are contraindications and how to properly prepare for the study.

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The answer to this question lies in the name of this analysis - it is a study of the functioning of the immune system. Protective functions are the most important and complex system of the human body. How successfully the immune system copes with its work determines whether a person gets sick, how severe and long the disease will last, and what are the chances of successfully and completely overcoming it.

The main task of the immune system is to neutralize viruses and infections that enter the body from the environment. If it is weakened and does not work at full strength, harmful organisms easily penetrate tissues and organs, causing inflammatory processes and serious illnesses. To assess and understand how successfully the immune system copes with its work and whether it needs help, an immunogram is prescribed.

The main “defenders” of health and derivatives of the immune system are leukocytes or white blood cells. During the analysis, the laboratory technician will be able to determine whether their quantity corresponds to the “norm” parameter and assess how successfully they cope with their task. Thanks to this study, it is possible to diagnose a large number of different disorders in the functioning of the human body, especially allergies or immune deficiency. data-lazy-type="image" data-src="https://grafas.ru/wp-content/uploads/2016/04/imunnogramma_2.jpg" alt="allergies" width="640" height="480"> !}

For what symptoms is an immunity test prescribed?

There are a number of diseases and disorders for which an immunological blood test is mandatory and priority. First of all, an immunogram is the first study performed after a human organ transplant, especially in children. Normal immunity is also important after a course of chemotherapy or radiation in patients who have had cancer. If a person has been treated with immunosuppressants for a long time, the normal functioning of the patient’s defense system may also decrease, and an analysis of its strength is also included in the list of mandatory examinations.

Diagnoses that require regular immunograms include primary and secondary immunodeficiencies, existing human immunodeficiency virus or suspicion of its presence. Often, a blood test for immune status is performed on people who often suffer from serious illnesses that weaken their health. Such diagnoses include:

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  • chronic inflammation;
  • persistent fungal infections;
  • pustular lesions of the skin.

If a doctor suspects a patient has a malignant tumor or an autoimmune disease, then the level of immunity is also examined through laboratory tests.

It is possible to conduct an immunogram while waiting for the baby. During pregnancy, deciphering the immune analysis will tell you about the health status of the expectant mother if she suffers from HIV infection. Also, indications for conducting a study on the state of immunity are such pathologies during pregnancy as repeated disruption of the interaction between the tissues of the female body and the fetus itself. An immunogram is also required in case of Rh conflict between mother and child (positive in the fetus, negative in the mother).

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In this case, the level of antibodies is examined monthly, and if necessary, the mother is given a special serum that normalizes the functioning of both organisms.

Mandatory indications for testing for immunity status are:

  • frequent relapses of herpes infection;
  • cytomegalovirus infection;
  • strong emotional shocks;
  • prolonged depression;
  • prolonged postpartum depression;
  • emotional trauma in women while expecting a baby.

How is an immunity test performed?

To study the state of the patient’s defense system, venous blood is taken from the ulnar vein. The immunogram does not require any complex or special preparations; standard preparation is sufficient.

You need to take the test in the morning; before the procedure you should not eat, smoke or drink strong coffee or tea; it is better to limit yourself to clean water without gas. In some clinics, capillary blood (taking biomaterial from a finger) is sufficient for diagnostics, but more often venous blood is used. After taking the plasma, it is divided into two tubes and tested. In one test tube, the blood clots naturally after some time. The resulting clot is taken out of the test tube and examined.

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The second part of the blood is combined with special reagents so that it does not clot and remains in its natural state. Sometimes laboratory technicians may need to collect other human fluids - saliva, tears, spinal cord fluid, nasal mucus, etc.

Contraindications to the immunogram and its results

Unlike other blood tests, an immunogram has its contraindications. For women, these are critical days during which a strong hormonal release occurs, affecting the examination results.

This is due to the fact that during this period of time all the body’s forces are aimed at fighting harmful microorganisms, which means that the leukocyte rate is increased and the decoding will be incorrect.

To conduct an immunity test, the patient must undergo a course of treatment, recover, and then come to the laboratory. For women, it is enough to simply postpone the test date to a few days later.

The results of the analysis for the strength of immunity combine three key parameters.

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Each of these parameters is very important, both individually and in interaction with each other. By assessing these keys together, the doctor gets an overall picture of the state of the immune system.

When studying the first parameter, the norm of two types of lymphocytes is taken into account. T lymphocytes are responsible for stopping certain types of bacteria, fungi and viral cells. The ratio of T - and B-lymphocytes is reflected in the results of the analysis, while the norm of the former should be in the range of 50-70%, and the second: 6-20%; the task of B-lymphocytes is to start the process of synthesizing immunoglobulins that destroy the virus as soon as they encounter him in the human body.

The next task of the laboratory assistant studying the patient’s blood serum is to study the activity of each immunoglobulin and establish their norm. There are several types of immunoglobulins and they are responsible for the destruction of a certain type of harmful microorganisms. Thus, immunoglobulin A (IgA) neutralizes toxic substances and is involved in strengthening the mucous membranes of internal organs. Its norm in a healthy body is 0.5 to 2.0 IU/ml. During pregnancy, the expectant mother's body produces immunoglobulin M, which is also known as “early antibodies”, synthesized by the developing fetus.

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Phagocytic activity is a kind of connecting component between the first two parameters. If the first ones determined the amount of antibodies, then this functionality evaluates how effectively they cope with their task. To do this, in laboratory conditions, viral cells are “injected” into the blood, and then they observe how quickly leukocytes detect “strangers” and at what speed they begin to produce the corresponding immunoglobulins.

As soon as the patient receives the test results, he should immediately contact the attending physician who ordered the test. The doctor will correctly interpret the data, make a diagnosis and, if necessary, prescribe additional examinations and diagnostics.

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Once all procedures have been completed and their data deciphered, the final diagnosis will be made and therapeutic therapy will be selected. Usually, to strengthen the immune system, immunomodulatory drugs, physical procedures, and maintaining a correct lifestyle are prescribed. If weak immunity is the result of a disease, then the final restoration of the body’s defenses is possible only after the existing disease has been cured.

You can take an immunogram at a local clinic or at any private laboratory. In the second case, the results will be received earlier, but the analysis will be paid.