Infrared sauna: benefits and harms, how often you can visit. Infrared sauna for weight loss

Staying in an infrared sauna has become no less relevant than getting a tan in a solarium or visiting a salt room. Some people prefer a new type of sauna to improve their health, some want to lose weight with its help, and some just go for the pleasure.

So is this procedure really useful? How to take it to maximize the benefits for you?

What is an infrared sauna

An infrared sauna is a small cabin in which infrared emitters installed. Its approximate dimensions are a couple of square meters. That is, the cabin can be installed anywhere. Even in an apartment. The material from which the cabin is made is natural wood.

The popularity of visiting an infrared sauna is due to a number of reasons: advantages:

  • removing toxins from the body;
  • improving digestion;
  • positive effect on the nervous system;
  • strengthening immunity;
  • destruction of viruses and bacteria;
  • improved blood circulation;
  • improvement of heart function;
  • reduction of pain;
  • excess weight loss;
  • fight against cellulite.

Is it always possible for everyone to stay in a cabin with infrared rays?

Our article discussed in detail what benefits or harm this procedure can bring.
Let's briefly repeat a number of contraindications, which it is recommended to familiarize yourself with before visiting such a sauna:

  • pregnancy;
  • being under the influence of serious medical supplies, drugs and alcohol;
  • hemophilia;
  • severe sclerosis;
  • some skin diseases(lupus, lichen pink color, some forms of psoriasis);
  • the presence of unhealed wounds that may bleed;
  • thyrotoxicosis;
  • presence of an implant in the body;
  • serious diseases of the cardiovascular system;
  • acute forms of cystitis and nephritis.

It is advisable to do this in the evening and after any physical activity. When performing exercises and work that can be called physical, harmful substances, as well as subcutaneous fat, move up to the top layer of skin to be released through sweat. During a visit to the infrared sauna, the pores open and the process of releasing substances is activated with renewed vigor.

How to prepare an infrared sauna

First you need to ventilate the cabin. This requires no more than fifteen minutes. Ten to fifteen minutes before your visit, turn on the emitters, set the optimal temperature (from forty to sixty degrees) and wait for the sauna to warm up.

How to prepare for the procedure

Long before the procedure, take care of your diet. We only allow a light snack a couple of hours before visiting the procedure. Staying there with an empty or full stomach is not a good idea.

To increase the intensity of the impact infrared rays You should thoroughly steam your skin while under a hot shower. You just have to wipe yourself dry so that the water does not become a barrier to the escaping toxins.

If there were fatty creams or other cosmetics, it is recommended to remove them. Like water, they too will prove to be an obstacle.

Stock up on a bottle mineral water before visiting the infrared sauna. It is advisable to consume at least a small amount to prevent dehydration.

What to do during the procedure

Relax and have fun- here is the answer to the question. Exercise will be superfluous, since the IR rays will do everything themselves.

When sweat appears on your body, arm yourself with a towel and try to dry yourself.

What to drink in an infrared sauna

Only mineral or purified water without gas is suitable. Sweet, sour and carbonated drinks are not suitable.

What to do after the session

After the procedure, you should rest for about ten minutes. Then you need to take a non-contrast warm shower.

Important to know
Requirements that the room for installing the IR cabin must satisfy:
The room must be dry to minimize the possibility of electric shock.
The room must have strong and level floor, since the cabin has considerable weight.
The room must have exhaust ventilation so that there are no musty odors in it.

How often can you visit the infrared bath and how long should you stay in it?

To obtain the required therapeutic results, sessions should be carried out according to the scheme. The optimal number of procedures is twelve. You should experience the influence of infrared rays no more often than every other day.

The first session should last no longer than half an hour. The maximum temperature is forty-five degrees. Then you can stay in the sauna for forty-five minutes at a temperature no higher than sixty.

How to use an infrared sauna to lose weight and get rid of cellulite

No special measures need to be taken. It’s enough just to stay in the booth and follow the recommendations.

If you are taking any weight loss products that accelerate metabolism and excretory processes, you can use them before the session in order to increase efficiency and obtain a double effect.

Sauna and cosmetology

Under no circumstances in an infrared sauna It is not recommended to use any cosmetics. Even if it is useful and suitable for you, under the influence of infrared rays the medicine can turn into poison. The most harmless cream can cause burns in combination with radiation.

If you would like to visit a beauty salon before the procedure, notify the specialist. Some cosmetic procedures are absolutely not compatible with visiting saunas. If the specialist tells you this about your procedure, you will have to prioritize.

But, after the influence of infrared rays, the use of skin products will be effective. The pores will open, so it will not be difficult to clean them or saturate them with nutrients. Do you have a problem with dry skin? Use a moisturizer to retain moisture in the epidermis for a long time.

Is it worth going to an infrared sauna?

About the effectiveness of this procedure for certain diseases and overweight everything is said. But is it worth visiting an infrared sauna if there are no such problems? Of course, it’s worth it, because it rids your body of toxins, relaxes and strengthens your immune system. will be useful to everyone.

You can see what an infrared cabin will look like in the interior of your apartment in the video below. The products of the world-famous sauna manufacturer, the Finnish company HELO, are presented there.

Who knows the topic “through and through” and is only interested in the application - and immediately read about the features of the application.

If you want to learn more about infrared saunas (in the text below, for brevity, I will also call them: IR saunas, IR cabins) in more detail, then read from here to the end.

Infrared saunas have enjoyed deserved popularity all over the world for several decades. They are worthy competitors to traditional baths and saunas. IR cabins have become an indispensable attribute of many fitness centers, spa salons and medical institutions.

The main reason for this popularity: infrared saunas allow you to effective warming up and cleansing the human body without exposure high temperatures

The principle by which IR cabins work is based on the transfer of heat using infrared waves.

Moreover, this is not some kind of radiation associated with something “hard”. No, infrared waves are part of the spectrum of light radiation that is understandable and familiar to everyone.

Differences between infrared saunas and Finnish saunas, Turkish and Russian baths

The heat waves emanating from special emitters almost do not heat the air, but act mainly on the body, penetrating into it through the skin to a depth of 4-7 cm. At the same time, the temperature in the infrared sauna is quite comfortable and reaches approximately 40-60°C.

This is one of the significant advantages. Unlike a traditional steam room, where the temperature can rise above 100 degrees, an infrared sauna does not cause discomfort for those who cannot tolerate heat and/or high humidity.

Another important feature of infrared saunas is their independence from water communications. Thanks to this autonomy, the IR cabin can be installed anywhere in the house or city standard apartment. Wherever space allows, there will be access to a standard electrical network.

For example, this infrared sauna with ceramic heaters occupies an area of ​​only about 1 square meter.

PHOTO: For example, this infrared sauna with ceramic heaters occupies an area of ​​only about 1 square meter. Read more…

Structurally, the infrared sauna is a prefabricated structure that can be assembled within 1-2 hours, after which it is completely ready for use.

Comparing a traditional Russian or Finnish bath and an infrared sauna, I will note a significant difference in time. Just getting ready to enter a regular steam room can take a lot of time. In the sense that warming up a Finnish sauna or lighting a Russian bath takes quite a long time. Sometimes up to an hour. That is, you should prepare for a trip to the steam room in advance.

In addition, the process of traditional steaming itself occurs in several stages, and is a real ritual, the intricacies of which only true lovers of steam and brooms thoroughly understand. Entries and exits from the steam room, consumption large quantity liquids, dousing ice water after a scalding steam room, the bath procedure can take several hours. No, of course it’s just great, useful and sincere. But with today’s crazy workload, you can only afford the luxury of spending virtually half a day on yourself no more than once a week.

Entering an infrared sauna is a completely different matter. It will take no more than 10 minutes to prepare. And the procedure itself can take a little more than half an hour. However, the effect of time spent in an infrared cabin will be comparable, and in some cases even higher, than from sitting for many hours in a regular steam room.

Ceramic heaters in an infrared single-person sauna

Why higher?

Infrared heat waves affecting human body, promote profuse sweating at a fairly modest temperature. At the same time, the composition of the sweat released in an infrared sauna differs significantly from the composition of the moisture that appears on the human body in a traditional steam room. The processes of cleansing and rejuvenating the body in an infrared sauna occur more actively, this is a fact. Most likely due to the fact that in an infrared sauna, along with sweat, only 80% of the water leaves the human body, and the rest is accumulated harmful substances (the so-called “waste”: cholesterol, fat, heavy metal salts, toxins, lactic acid, etc. .p.)

In a regular steam room, sweat is 95% water, and only 5% consists of solids, which must be disposed of regularly.

One more thing:

When in an infrared sauna, the human body temperature reflexively rises to 38.5°C. The body imitates a natural reaction to infections, while the vital activity of possible viruses and bacteria is suppressed.

What does a person get as a result of regular visits to an infrared sauna?

Regular visits to the infrared sauna will not only help general strengthening and healing of the body, but will also give a pronounced cosmetic effect.

Cleansing skin, which occurs under the influence of infrared rays, will rejuvenate the skin. Improving blood circulation will open up free access nutrients to the surface of the skin. Procedures in infrared cabins are recommended as a means to combat overweight. Heavy discharge sweat will help “burn” extra calories and help you lose unnecessary pounds.

And now straight to the topic of the article:

How to properly take procedures in an infrared sauna

I almost forgot about the important advantage of IR cabins. This is a much smaller number of contraindications than for baths and traditional saunas. And, even moreover, sessions in infrared saunas can be prescribed by a doctor for the treatment of certain diseases.

However, remember and keep in mind that a single visit to an infrared sauna will not give a tangible result. You should go through a series of procedures.

Depending on your goals.

The course may consist of 5-20 sessions, which can be carried out several times a week.

The duration of procedures should be increased gradually as the body adapts to infrared exposure.

Starting with 5-10 minutes, you can significantly increase this time (up to 45 minutes) by the end of the course.

If you have serious problems health problems, before starting treatment in an infrared sauna, you should consult with your doctor.

Rules and recommendations that must be followed when visiting IR booths:

— you should not eat immediately before visiting the sauna, however, it is not recommended to go to the procedure hungry;

Single infrared cedar sauna

- before, after and during the session, try to drink as much fluid as possible (water or tea), this will help maintain water balance in the body;

— the amount of sweat produced can be significantly increased by taking a hot shower before the sauna. Using a scrub during a water procedure will help achieve greater sweating;

— before a session in the infrared sauna, you should not use creams and body lotions;

- if you feel unwell during the procedure, you must stop the session immediately;

— please note that the temperature in the sauna should not exceed 60°C;

- be sure to remove sweat from the surface of the skin; for this you should take several towels with you. Water interferes with infrared radiation, and the effect of the procedure will be reduced;

— increase the time you spend in the infrared sauna as you get used to it. However, I already talked about this.);

— after finishing the session and leaving the infrared sauna, try to remain still for a while. Increased sweating and increased blood circulation should gradually return to normal, so you should not make sudden movements, so as not to cause negative consequences;

- if your body is oversaturated with toxins, then at first you may experience significant difficulties with sweating. Sufficient consumption of liquid, such as herbal teas or just water, will help reduce intoxication of the body and increase the volume of sweat produced. Sometimes it may take 5 to 10 sessions before your body can produce large amounts of sweat;

— after the procedure in the infrared sauna, you should take a warm shower to wash off the sweat. Don't get carried away with contrasting water treatments- your body was not overheated, but was simply cleansed under fairly mild conditions.

TO medical institutions, SPA salons, sports clubs and even Russian homes have recently received a pleasant and useful service - an infrared sauna.

Some people, knowing how a sauna is heated, worry whether this method is dangerous.

Some people are sure that it has a healing effect on the body, while others worry that it brings not only benefits, but also harm. How does an infrared sauna actually work and what are its advantages and disadvantages?

Impact of infrared radiation on the body

The soft heat in such a sauna primarily heats objects, not the air. Therefore, radiation in infrared saunas is a deep heating of tissues.

This means that such penetration of heat waves into the body has beneficial influence, because it warms up the muscles, tissues and joints.

Due to this effect, the functioning of organs, tissue nutrition and blood circulation are improved.

IR therapy will help improve metabolism, strengthen the immune system, improve nutrition of the muscular system and supply body tissues with oxygen. Since the air is not humid, the fabrics warm up due to natural sweating. Together with sweat, waste and toxins come out.

The final result depends on the radiation intensity, wavelength, duration of the session and the volume of the area of ​​influence. The benefits of an infrared sauna depend on the following factors:


Every object or body heated to a specific temperature will emit infrared waves. Even the human body continuously emits invisible infrared rays, the wavelength of which ranges from 6 to 20 microns.

During the research, it turned out that when the length of the waves arriving to a person corresponds to the length of human ones, that is, their own, they will be perceived by the body and act positively.

In an infrared sauna, heaters deliver rays with a wavelength of 7 to 14 microns. This means that such radiation fits into the natural range for humans, and in fact, should not harm. It all depends on whether the person follows the regime and duration of stay in the IR cabin.

Duration of the procedure

Any therapy can have a bad effect on a person, and an infrared sauna is no exception. This type of sauna has a more intense effect on the human body than other baths or saunas.

Doctors advise not to stay in them for more than 20-30 minutes. And if there are pathologies of the heart or brain, then you can stay in the infrared sauna for 5-10 minutes. In this case, the best thing would be several short visits rather than one long one.

Individual characteristics of a person

There are those who are unable to withstand intense heat radiation. This may be due to illness or individual characteristics.

When the patient enters the cabin, you need to take care of yourself and if you feel a burning sensation in the skin and nasopharynx, your eyes start to water, you need to leave immediately.

It is better not to sit in the sauna forcefully, because this will not bring any benefit, and even, on the contrary, can lead to bad consequences.

In addition to individual intolerance, there may be contraindications from doctors, in which prolonged exposure to heat is harmful.

Differences from a regular sauna

An infrared sauna has characteristic differences from a regular sauna, and it is due to them that the body does not bear such a strong load on the cardiovascular, respiratory and nervous systems. Therefore, when a person leaves an infrared sauna, he feels light, relaxed and energized.

Main differences:

  1. An infrared sauna heats up in 10-15 minutes, and a regular one in 1-2 hours;
  2. A regular sauna heats the air and then the body, while an infrared sauna passes through it and immediately heats the human body. Therefore, in an infrared sauna, 20% of energy is spent heating the air, and in a regular sauna - 80%;
  3. Heat penetrates approximately 4 cm deep into the body, thanks to the length of infrared waves, which makes it possible to warm up all tissues. And in a regular sauna the body warms up only by 3-4 mm;
  4. The temperature in an infrared sauna is 45-60ºС, and in an ordinary sauna – 80-110ºС;
  5. The optimal time spent in an infrared sauna is 20-30 minutes, while in a regular sauna it is 1-2 hours;
  6. Sweat is released 2-3 times more in an infrared sauna than in a traditional one. Thanks to this, the pores open wider, and impurities and toxins are removed more efficiently;
  7. In a traditional bath, a person sweats by losing 95% of water and 5% of toxins with subcutaneous fat. In an infrared sauna, 80% of water and 20% of toxins with fat are then released.
  8. The cabin does not have steam, which improves the session. Therefore, unlike the Finnish sauna and Russian bath, the infrared sauna can be visited after 50 years and has a minimum of health restrictions;
  9. A cabin with infrared rays does not require a large stove or thick walls. Thanks to this, the design is compact.

Features of a session in an infrared sauna

Since an infrared sauna is different from a regular sauna, it also has its own characteristics. Infrared wave emitters are placed in the room.

They are arranged at the bottom and sides of the cabin in order to generate maximum heat, acting on the body.

In order for a visit to such a booth to be beneficial, it is advisable not to interrupt this short-term therapy. The best thing is to sit down, relax, straighten your back, lower your legs and stretch your arms to your knees.

It is recommended to take the procedure on an empty stomach. But it is better to eat a little and drink water half an hour before the session, so that severe degreasing does not occur during the session.

The cabin is first ventilated and then heated. Enter it only after heating. It is not advisable to take something with you to the sauna for reading and work; it would be nice to take a player with music to relax.

Do not use any cosmetic products because their composition may cause allergic reaction. Sweat released during therapy must be wiped off.

You should not take a cold shower immediately after the session, because the body does not consider such exposure to heat as overheating.

But it would be nice to rinse yourself warm water to wash away sweat from the body. Since the human body has lost enough fluid, it is necessary to compensate for it by drinking mineral water.


When infrared saunas were invented, scientists immediately began to conduct a lot of research, and to this day many of its advantages are known, and it is also known for whom it is contraindicated. An infrared sauna provides benefits in two main areas: cosmetic and therapeutic.

Cosmetic effect

A large amount of energy goes into sweating, and this, in turn, causes the burning of calories. Chinese scientists have calculated that visiting an infrared sauna once burns almost as many calories as running 10 km.

In this case, proper drinking of water and moderate use of the sauna will lead to weight loss.

If you add normalized physical activity to all this, this will remove cellulite, because infrared radiation tends to break down subcutaneous deposits.

If you regularly go to a sauna with infrared radiation, you can get rid of the following skin diseases: acne, blackheads, dandruff, etc.

It’s also good to visit an infrared cabin before a massage; it will relax and warm up your muscles and you won’t need to use warming ointments.

It is important not to forget that excessive use of a sauna with infrared radiation can harm your health, so as a preventative measure it is enough to visit it about once a week.

Therapeutic effect

Infrared waves and an increase in body temperature help improve the functioning of the human body and can even help cope with certain diseases.

Which one healing effect does an infrared sauna provide?

  • Strengthening nervous system, will help overcome, relieve tension and understand the mood, creating a feeling of comfort and coziness;
  • Infrared rays, penetrating deep into the tissue, warm up the muscles, this leads to increased heart rate and pulse. This effect is an excellent method for stimulating the heart vessels and improving their elasticity;
  • The walls of blood vessels are strengthened, cholesterol levels are reduced and blood circulation improves. An infrared sauna reduces the risk of blood clots and other diseases of the heart and vascular system;
  • By increasing the flow of oxygen to the brain, memory improves, brain parts work better and blood pressure is regulated;
  • Infrared rays increase the number of leukocytes, and the body better fights diseases. And this is also a prevention against;
  • Supports the body during menopause, and in rare cases, restores a woman’s cycle;
  • Damaged ones are regenerated soft fabrics and bones. Cuts, burns, bruises, fractures, sprains heal faster;
  • Various pain syndromes. If you select correct dosage, you can get rid of headaches, joints, menstrual and other pains;
  • Provides good help for joint diseases - scoliosis, rheumatism, etc.;
  • If there are disturbances in digestion and metabolism;
  • Rather, the body becomes toned and gains strength after sports training. Physical activity lead to the filling of lactic acid in the muscles, which leads to pain and heaviness. And infrared radiation just helps to remove it and eliminate bad sensations. In addition, due to oxygen saturation and improved blood circulation, the athlete quickly gains vigor;
  • A man recovers from chronic diseases ENT organs, gall bladder, joints;
  • Through sweating, a person not only loses weight, but also removes toxins, which helps improve health. general condition body and the functioning of internal organs.


Although there are many positive things in such therapy, it is important not to forget that not everyone can take a steam bath in it. After all, ignoring this can not only worsen the general condition, but also cause a number of diseases.

In one of the articles, I already talked about what a home portable infrared sauna is:

If you have in your hands a miraculous device called an infrared sauna, which you purchased or assembled with your own hands, then you still need to learn how to use it correctly. This is the only way to get maximum pleasure and benefit while minimizing the number of operational problems. website

Before starting a bathhouse at home, you should definitely consult a doctor, since it still has contraindications. As for the number of sessions, you can use the sauna either twice a week or three times a day, changing the duration of each session, depending on your own feelings. It is best to visit an infrared sauna early morning or before bed - the benefits will be much greater. Before use, the sauna warms up for 10-15 minutes.

Your goal is to maximize sweating. To do this, you need to take a warm shower before the session. It is better to be in the cabin either completely naked (nude) or in swimming trunks or a swimsuit. Take several towels with you, one of which is placed on a shelf, and the other is used to wipe away the sweat that will actively flow down your body. Additionally, you can take water to restore lost moisture as it is lost. After leaving the bathhouse, jumping into the shower is not recommended. This is not your ordinary bathhouse. The effect of infrared rays extends much deeper, as a result of which you will sweat for some time even after you leave the infrared sauna.

To maximize your sauna experience, as well as to protect yourself during your sauna session, I recommend using the following tips:

During the session, use self-massage techniques that allow you to relax the muscular system.

To improve the condition of your hair, it is recommended to use aromatic oil before starting the session, after which you need to wrap your head in a towel.

Infrared treatments can be combined with shaving, which will be easier, even if you do not intend to use shaving gels or emollients.

Don't sit motionless. If you want to achieve maximum effect, your muscles should work continuously during the session. Extend and bend your limbs, massage your neck and feet. This will help warm up remote areas of the body.

You may feel that a certain part of your body needs more heat. Be sure to bring it close to the emitter and keep it close until it gets too hot.

To warm up your legs along with your torso, hold them as high as possible during the session.

It is better to visit the sauna on an empty stomach. Otherwise, heaviness may occur. Cosmetics must be washed off before the procedure, ridding the body of excess. By the way, the same rule applies to going to the toilet.

If you take infrared baths before going to bed, then this same sleep will be as healthy and sound as possible.

Run to the sauna at the first sign of illness. Just a couple of sessions and you can stop the virus in the bud. Your health is improving right before your eyes!

From all of the above, we can conclude that an infrared sauna is a very real and feasible dream. Make a small investment that will be an investment in health and comfort.

How to use an infrared sauna to lose weight and get rid of cellulite?

The fight against cellulite can be carried out not only in a standard sauna, but also in an infrared sauna, which at the same time helps fight excess weight. The device, which is gaining great popularity, is now available in almost all modern fitness centers. Against cellulite this method very effective, as evidenced by numerous reviews. The procedures are most effective not only for the process of losing weight, but also for general health. The sauna is also a great way to recover from both injuries and normal physical activity.

The difference between an infrared sauna and a regular bath

Unlike standard baths, infrared saunas heat up human body, not air. The heat penetrates 2-4 centimeters deep, which helps directly affect fat deposits and cellulite. Everyone knows that heating increases sweating. And with sweat, all kinds of waste come out of the body. You won't believe it, but in a sauna you will lose more calories in half an hour than after an hour of intense sports. In fact, a person can lose up to 1 kilogram in one session overweight, which indicates the maximum efficiency of the infrared sauna. Positive Feedback from those who have already used this device speak for themselves.

You can adjust the heating temperature according to at will. The average number of calories leaving the human body per session is 600 kcal. For the most part, weight is lost through excretion excess liquid, however, at the same time, broken down fat and toxins are removed from the body, which the high temperature will take care of.

How to improve the effect of using an infrared sauna?

Infrared sauna sessions can be made as effective as possible if certain conditions are met. For example, if you take a hot shower before the session, you will sweat more profusely. It is not recommended to eat before the procedures. The shower and session should alternate with each other. Before the session, it is prohibited to use lotions and creams. During the heating process, you need to dry yourself frequently with a towel. In addition, drinking still water helps, both before and after the session. Some people even recommend drinking directly during the session to compensate for salt and water losses. You will need to remain at rest for some time after the procedure as your body continues to cleanse itself. Give your muscles relaxation, and they will thank you for it with good work and lack of pain. Also, a state of rest will help restore the functioning of the heart muscle and the entire circulatory system.

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  • Choosing a screen for the bath - materials, manufacturers, types and types.

  • Choosing a double-circuit wall-mounted gas heating boiler for your home.

  • How to choose a fan, types and types of fans.

  • Home portable infrared sauna: general information, tips and recommendations.

Therapy, treatment, contraindications, visiting the sauna

What diseases does an infrared sauna treat?

The operating principle of infrared saunas is based on the ability of infrared radiation to heat the human body. By itself, heating the body is not able to cure any disease (like medicine), but it can help speed up the treatment of certain diseases, increase immunity and general health person. An increase in body temperature during a session to 38.5˚C, simulates defensive reaction body and helps immune system suppress pathogenic microbes. But this is just help, not a cure for diseases. . Please note that infrared saunas are not medical devices.

What are the contraindications for taking sessions in an infrared sauna?

The absence of hot air and high humidity significantly narrows the list of categorical contraindications that are typical for traditional baths and saunas. For example, people with high blood pressure (hypertension) are prohibited from visiting regular baths, however, people with such a disease can safely visit an infrared sauna. Moreover, during the session, blood pressure in an infrared sauna decreases.

However, there are a number of absolute contraindications, such as: acute inflammatory and purulent diseases, insufficiency cerebral circulation. . . fear and negative attitude to visiting a sauna, psychosis and psychopathy, epilepsy.

If you have any concerns about visiting an infrared sauna, it is better to consult a doctor familiar with the effects of infrared saunas.

How often can you use an infrared sauna?

In principle, you can visit an infrared sauna at least daily. The only condition is that you must remember water balance body.

Can a child use an infrared sauna?

The effect of infrared radiation on a child’s body is no different from the effect on an adult’s body. An example is children and adults being on the beach on a sunny day. Of course, it must be remembered that the skin of a child is more delicate than the skin of an adult, so measures should be taken to reduce the flow of infrared energy that affects it. This can be done in several ways: reduce the output power of the emitters using a regulator, or simply move a greater distance away from the heaters. The height of the rear heaters is designed for an adult, so to reduce the heating of a child’s head, we recommend wearing a hat.

Please tell me what is the difference from the Russian and Finnish baths in the physical sense (feelings). Does the body warm up faster than in Finnish or Russian baths? Is it possible to use a broom?

The operating principle of an infrared sauna is significantly different from a traditional bath and sauna. For more details, see First of all, there is the absence of hot air and humidity, so in an infrared sauna it is much easier to breathe and there is no discomfort from hot air, while profuse sweating is observed. A 30-minute session in an infrared sauna can be divided into 3 stages.

    The first stage is the accumulation of energy by the body. You sit quietly in a warm atmosphere, while your body accumulates internal energy. Sweating is mild to moderate.

    10 minutes after the start of the session and when the body temperature reaches 37.5˚C, profuse sweating begins. The duration of this stage is about 15-20 minutes.

    The third stage is a decrease in sweating. Body temperature reaches 38.5˚C. At this moment you will feel slightly tired. Once you reach this stage, you can end your session.

The use of a broom is excluded, because... The technology for conducting a thermal session in an infrared cabin differs significantly from traditional baths.

I decided to purchase an IR cabin, but the choice is too large for a non-specialist. As I understand it, you have branded all IK booths that are not of your production. If I didn’t understand correctly, I apologize in advance, but is there a company offering decent quality? The company HARVIA called the world of saunas - they swear that they use an infrared emitter. What exactly you need to look at, ask in order to definitely know which emission is used.

Unfortunately, you did not correctly understand the main idea of ​​the article about panel cabins.

1. The fact is that not all infrared saunas can be called “infrared” - it all depends on the heaters used, and more precisely, on the temperature of the heating elements. At a temperature of the heating element of 60 degrees C, the heater is not able to produce the necessary flow of energy to warm up the body, and in this case, the air is heated first, and only then the person from this air. Only heaters with a heating element temperature of more than 230 degrees C are capable of directly heating a person. It's like with incandescent lamps - the more powerful the lamp, the brighter the light it gives and the more large area can be illuminated.

If we talk about IR saunas, then only cabins with tubular heaters have the right to be called “infrared”, and all the rest are heat cabins. Real infrared saunas are produced not only by our company, but also by a number of other companies (including Chinese ones, for example Infradoc). It is quite easy to distinguish an infrared sauna from a heat cabin - by the type of heaters. If large flat panel (film) heaters are installed, or they are hidden under the cabin skin, then these are thermal cabins. If several separate tubular heaters are installed, then these are real infrared saunas. Thus, when purchasing a cabin, you need to ask which heaters are installed: flat panel (film) or tubular.

2. It would be very strange to hear from sellers that the cabins they sell are not IR saunas - otherwise they would not sell anything. Naturally, they will convince you that they have IR saunas and give various arguments in favor of their products, and our company not only produces IR equipment, but also conducts tests
both our own products and other products on the market. The materials of our research are published on the pages of our website.

3. In point one we talked about human heating technology. As for the manufacturing quality of the cabins, not everything is so simple here either... The fact is that there are two branches of cabins on the market: domestically produced and Chinese. Domestic cabins are made, as a rule, durable and reliable (one might say “for centuries”), but somewhat “rustic” (by hand). This is due to the lack of necessary machine equipment and high-quality material, and most importantly, the lack of production culture, for example, for several years we have been talking about the fact that the cabin floor and seat must be treated against the penetration of sweat, and there are many such “little things” in the design, but not enough Which manufacturers listen to our advice. The result is very unsightly stains on the floor and seats, underheating, etc. Chinese cabins are the opposite: they look great from afar and in pictures, but the design is rather weak and flimsy. This is understandable - the Chinese are accustomed to saving. By the way, Harvia products are also made in China.

In general, to understand the current situation on the infrared cabin market, we can give the following example: both a horse-drawn carriage and a car are means of transportation (transport). But no matter what horse is harnessed to the cart, it will never become a car. But the situation is the same among cars - there are their own classes: BMW cars are significantly different from KIA cars, which, in turn, are significantly different from Zhiguli, etc. etc.