How often should you be examined by an ophthalmologist? Driving license and vision Who should pay special attention to regular vision testing.

Even if a person believes that his vision is completely normal, he should still visit an ophthalmologist regularly. Today, both children and adults spend a lot of time different devicesmobile phones, tablets, computers. All this leads to the fact that people are faced with visual problems, and therefore they need to be diagnosed by an ophthalmologist. The condition of the eye helps to identify many diseases, and not only those that are directly related to the eyes - for example, an ophthalmologist can identify diseases such as cardiac abnormalities, vascular problems, diabetes mellitus etc.

How often should I see a doctor?
How often should you visit an ophthalmologist? If you have good eyesight, it doesn’t bother you, then in that case it’s enough to visit eye doctor once a year. It helps diagnose numerous diseases and dysfunctions. The doctor himself will tell you the next time you need to see him.

Children, as well as teenagers, need to see an ophthalmologist much more often, because a child’s eye develops faster than an adult’s, and therefore any diseases can negatively affect their well-being and visual activity person. The frequency of examinations should be as follows. The newborn is sent to see an ophthalmologist immediately after birth. Then the next examination occurs at six months. As soon as the child turns three years old, he returns to the eye doctor's office to make sure that his vision is developing without any problems. Before going to primary class the child also visits an ophthalmologist. Finally, in each grade the child will again need to visit an ophthalmologist - this allows the disease to be identified in time and its development stopped.

If a person suffers from certain diseases or simply has some complaints about vision, then in this case the ophthalmologist already performs complex treatment. Sometimes patients are prescribed glasses, sometimes - contact lenses. In some cases, the doctor may also provide a referral for surgery. All subsequent visits to the doctor are determined on an individual basis.
A visit to an eye doctor is mandatory for women during pregnancy. This is usually limited to a one-time visit, but in some situations subsequent visits may be required. Usually, the schedule of visits to the doctor is established on an individual basis depending on the patient's condition.

Also, a separate situation that requires a prompt visit to an ophthalmologist is wearing contact lenses. Any foreign bodies that enter the retina can lead to changes in it, and lenses are just such a foreign body for the body. Once a year after prescribing lenses, you must undergo a preventive examination. This will allow you to identify the most common eye disorders - redness, discomfort, etc.

Vision should be checked periodically, even if there is no serious cause for concern. The fact is that most people often experience symptoms of visual impairment, but do not give them of great importance, attributing them to general overwork or eye fatigue after working at the computer for a long time. And sometimes vision loss is not so obvious and manifests itself in the form of increased eye fatigue and headaches, so a person may not even suspect that he should see a doctor. Timely treatment or correction can help maintain visual acuity and preserve eye health.

Why you need to have your eyes checked regularly

Even if you do not experience any problems with your vision, you should undergo an examination by an ophthalmologist. This is necessary to promptly determine whether there is a decrease in visual acuity and whether its correction is necessary. Also, regular checks will allow you to monitor whether there are any diseases or problems with the eyes. If they occur, it will be possible to begin treatment at an early stage, and therefore reduce the consequences and risks to eye health.

For those who already have reduced visual acuity, periodic checks will allow you to monitor the relevance of the prescribed vision correction and reduce further loss of vision and eye strain due to improper correction.

If there are any eye diseases or complications, regular ophthalmological examination mandatory for the treatment and preservation of eye health.

How often should your vision be checked if there are no problems with it?

It is imperative to examine children immediately after birth, at six months, at 3 years, and before entering school. Schoolchildren should have an eye test every year. Many eye diseases, visual impairments and decreased visual acuity arise in childhood, and with timely and correct treatment they can be completely corrected.

Adults aged 18 to 64 who do not have vision problems should visit an ophthalmologist every 2 years for preventive examination. And older people, after 65 years, need to have their eyes checked once a year.

How often should eyeglasses and contact lens users have their eyes checked?

If there is already a decrease in visual acuity, then it is necessary to undergo ophthalmological examination to assess the condition of the visual organs. It is important to determine whether the disease is progressing and whether vision continues to decline. In addition, annual checks ensure that the correct correction is always used. Correction means must necessarily correspond to the indicator optical power, since incorrectly selected glasses or contact lenses can lead to further deterioration of vision. In addition, when visual acuity decreases, it is important to regularly check the functioning of the entire visual apparatus, since myopia or farsightedness may be associated with any diseases.

Patients should also contact an ophthalmologist if any unpleasant symptoms and visual discomfort.

Who should pay special attention to regular eye examinations?

Please pay attention special attention Regular eye examination if:

    you have had any eye injuries or diseases, or if you have had eye surgery;

    your relatives had glaucoma or cataracts;

    you are planning a pregnancy;

    you are undergoing a long course of treatment hormonal drugs;

    you have a nervous or nervous disease vascular system;

    you have low blood pressure.

You can have your vision checked by a professional ophthalmologist. He will assess your visual acuity and, if necessary, write a prescription for glasses or contact lenses. The salon specialist will tell you about the benefits of different brands and types of contact lenses, and will also help you choose the right glasses frame.

To maintain eye health and good vision for many years, it is very important to be regularly examined by a specialist. Almost all modern optical shops are equipped with an optometrist's office, so it is very easy to carry out a systematic check.

The frequency of vision testing depends on a number of factors: the patient’s profession, his working conditions and, of course, age. Another significant factor is general condition organism, since all processes in it are interconnected. Yes, diseases cardiovascular system affect blood supply, including the organs of vision.

Eye examination by an ophthalmologist for children

Each child, on average, until the age of sixteen, undergoes the formation of the body, and the organs of vision are no exception. That is why children belong to a separate category of patients. However, most eye diseases V childhood It is much easier to cure than in an adult.

Testing a child's visual acuity depends on his current age. Ophthalmologists recommend the following frequency of eye examinations for children:

  • from birth to three years - once a year;
  • from four to six years - two to three times a year (this is a very important period in the formation of a child’s vision; the child begins to put a strain on the visual system as he learns to read and watches TV more often or is at the computer);
  • from seven to sixteen years - once or twice a year (in the presence of high activity and chronic diseases maybe three times a year).

How often should an adult have their eyes checked?

Every adult should have their vision checked at least once a year, even with ideal eye and body health. However, there are some peculiarities.

If a person’s work involves regular use of a computer, it is necessary to make an appointment with an ophthalmologist once a year.

For example, students and teachers who spend a lot of time studying textbooks, notes and scientific projects, should monitor their vision even more carefully. Constant use of gadgets can lead to chronic spasm of the ciliary muscle, which is responsible for focusing vision. Subsequently, this can lead to deterioration of distance vision.

Drivers, especially long distance, are also at risk of getting the disease described above. Because concentrating on the road for a long time, especially in bad weather conditions, the visual system is overstrained.

Experts strongly recommend that people in professions such as builders or welders be examined every six months, this is due to the fact that they work in difficult conditions ( sharp outbursts, bright light, dust).

Remember that good vision is something that a happy and happy person cannot do without. healthy person. If you still have any violations, choose only quality products to correct it: glasses or. A good ophthalmologist will select the best treatment option for you and prescribe the right recipe. Frequent checks are also necessary in order to identify current vision parameters, since they can change for the better or for the worse.

Unfortunately, the statistics of eye diseases in children are not encouraging. More than 60% of children already have vision problems in their first ten years. Eye diseases can negatively affect not only the quality of life and development educational material, but also on health in general, because the eyes are an indicator of the condition of the whole organism.

Fortunately, pediatric ophthalmologists come to the rescue. Below we will look at when and how often children should be shown to an ophthalmologist, what a good pediatric ophthalmologist should be able to do, and what criteria does he pay attention to? when examining the condition of a small patient.

Pediatric ophthalmologists: how often to visit them?

The pediatric ophthalmologist sets himself the task prevent the development of diseases and preserve the children's vision. An eye exam is a basic procedure when undergoing an annual preventive medical examination. That is, you need to show your child to an ophthalmologist at least once a year.

It is recommended to make the first visit to the ophthalmologist when the child is one month old. At the age of up to one year, you can get tested at 2-3 months, six months and directly at one year. IN further child can be examined at 3, 5 and 7 years. Such precautions will help to diagnose many diseases in a timely manner, and as a result, preserve and correct vision, avoiding potential negative consequences. An eye examination is also necessary. before entering school or kindergarten.

But if you notice something suspicious, you need to immediately contact a specialist, even if unscheduled, since inflammatory processes in children they manifest themselves specifically and progress quickly. If treatment is taken in a timely manner, then vision problems with correct and prompt treatment are usually resolved quickly and effectively, without serious interventions.

Children need regular examinations at risk, namely:

  • Children whose parents have vision diseases;
  • Children born prematurely;
  • Children whose relatives have glaucoma.

In what cases should a child be taken to a pediatric ophthalmologist?

Besides annual inspection, if you notice any of the following circumstances in your child, better make an appointment and check again. Here they are:

What does a good pediatric ophthalmologist look for?

What should a qualified doctor be able to do?

  • Register correct treatment, based on the principles of evidence-based medicine and modern scientific works.
  • Select contact lenses or corrective glasses after first determining the child’s visual acuity.
  • Correctly interpret the symptoms that appear. For example, mucus in the corners of a baby's eyes does not necessarily confirm the presence of conjunctivitis; there is a possibility that this is dacryocystitis of newborns, in which obstruction or narrowness of the lacrimal canal appears.
  • Promptly detect the disease and take action. In some cases, the child’s complete recovery will depend on this and full warning negative consequences in the future. For example, timely diagnosed and relieved accommodative spasm will not turn into a more serious stage - myopia. Glaucoma stopped at a young age will not worsen vision beyond mature age. In addition, in childhood, ophthalmological operations are more effective and less traumatic.

How to choose the best pediatric optometrist?

It is impossible to say for sure which ophthalmologist Suitable for child better because a lot depends on the specialization. Some doctors are experts in working with newborns ( congenital cataract, retinopathy, and so on), others successfully use hardware vision correction (for strabismus and amblyopia), others are specialists in the field of correction of eyelid pathologies, and so on. That is, you need to choose a doctor based on the existing problems.


It is recommended to visit a pediatric ophthalmologist at least once a year, as well as in front of the school and kindergarten. However, in educational institutions a full medical examination is carried out annually, and a visit to an ophthalmologist is mandatory by default. Until the child is one year old, it would be useful to be examined at 2-3 months, and then at six months.

Children at risk (those with diseases that can affect negative impact eye problems, as well as parents and relatives with eye pathologies), should visit an ophthalmologist more often. If there is the slightest sign of eye problems, complaints from a child or suspicion of injury you should immediately go to a pediatric ophthalmologist, since timely treatment will help avoid serious consequences in the future.

I wonder how often you need to go to the ophthalmologist to check your vision, considering that we communicate with the computer every day. You need to visit an ophthalmologist regularly. An ancient proverb says that “our eyes are the window to the soul.” Based on the state of the organ of vision, you can learn about the health of the body as a whole. The first signs of diabetes mellitus and diseases of the cardiovascular system often appear in the eyes long before classic symptoms appear. List somatic diseases, the manifestations of which can be diagnosed by the condition of the eyes, are very extensive.

Who needs to pass comprehensive examination vision?

To all children.

In children visual analyzer develops and is formed, therefore vision examination is required regularly in order to promptly detect and correct emerging anomalies in the development of the child’s eyes. A child's vision should be checked at the following ages:

    Soon after birth;

    about 6 months;

    at 3 years old;

    before school and at school every year.

People with good eyesight.

If everything is fine with vision, it is enough for adults and children to undergo full diagnostics vision for preventive purposes 1 time per year. If problems are discovered, the doctor will tell you after the first consultation how often you will need to have checks subsequently.

For everyone whose eyesight is failing.

In this case, it is not enough to specify the number of diopters for selecting glasses, since there are diseases whose symptoms are similar to myopia and farsightedness. We need to find out what exactly is the reason for the loss of vision. This can only be shown by a comprehensive examination.

For those who wear contact lenses.

Lens – foreign body for our eyes, it can cause changes that are subtle at first. Improper processing and storage, exceeding the wearing period, sleeping in contact lenses not intended for this purpose can lead to serious consequences(for example, vascular ingrowth into the cornea).
Vision diagnostics are also important so that your doctor can make sure that you can wear contact lenses. Few people know that there are contraindications for wearing lenses in patients with pathological changes on the cornea of ​​the eye, inflammatory ocular processes, allergic intolerance to drugs included in the storage solution, etc.

To all women planning pregnancy.

Those who have myopia or retinal problems should pay special attention to their vision and undergo regular examinations before and during pregnancy. An ophthalmologist will determine whether it is necessary to carry out preventive strengthening of the retina using a barrier laser coagulation. This procedure significantly reduces the risk of vision problems.

Every person over 40-50 years old, even those who do not have vision complaints

At this age, the risk of age-related eye diseases (cataracts, glaucoma, etc.) increases significantly. To prevent or detect early stages these and other diseases, it is necessary to pay special attention to the state of vision. A With diseases such as diabetes and hypertension, regular vision diagnostics are simply necessary.

Also, examination is important...

· If among your relatives (including distant ones) someone had glaucoma or cataracts;

· People with nervous and cardiovascular diseases;

· People with reduced (relatively age norm) blood pressure;

· People who have suffered eye injuries, inflammatory diseases(uveitis, iridocyclitis, etc.) eyes, eye surgeries;

· People with high degree myopia, farsightedness;

· Undergoing a long course of treatment with hormonal drugs.

Unfortunately, many do not follow the recommendations of ophthalmologists to undergo regular examinations. visual system, while most eye diseases in the early stages of development are practically asymptomatic, and without timely detection can lead to very serious visual impairment, and often to blindness.

That is why every patient medical center"Okomedson" has the opportunity to undergo diagnostics of the visual system, as a result of which vision features are identified and the causes of vision deterioration are determined.