How to get rid of a homewrecker. Conspiracy from a rival on her husband's shirt

Before you get down to the business of getting rid of your rival, answer a couple of questions for yourself, just be completely honest:

  • You are sure that the problem is with your rival, and not with your man. Maybe he is unstable by nature, flighty and carried away by every new “skirt”? If so, then this woman will soon be replaced by another, then another... Are you sure you want to spend your life getting rid of another “bitch”?
  • Maybe it's you. Analyze what preceded the appearance of your rival? Perhaps you have become too cold with your man, you pay little attention to him, or you have no common interests other than everyday life. Try to change yourself, then your rival will disappear, the man himself will leave her when he feels that your relationship has returned to its previous direction of romance.

Mistakes you shouldn't make

If you want to get rid of your rival and not lose your man, then don’t do rash things:

  • Don't make a scandal, don't be all on your nerves. Through interrogation you are unlikely to find out the whole truth and it is unlikely that a man will leave his new passion after a scandal with you. You'll only fray your nerves, and you'll look terrible in the process. Imagine: you are all “on edge”, and she is waiting for him calmly at her place, all so made up, fragrant, tender and sensual. Who do you think he'll want to stay with? With hysterics you will push him to break off relations with you.
  • Don't let yourself go. Yes, it is difficult, especially if you have small children. But keep in mind that a man always sees his rival prepared for a meeting according to full program and he thinks on a subconscious level that she is always like this.
  • Do not contact his relatives: mother, sister. If you ask them to talk to your man about his behavior and they agree, then such brainwashing will only make him angry.
  • Do not turn to black magicians and witches who promise a love spell “to the grave.” In most cases, these are swindlers, and in the minority - strong energy vampires, capable of undermining the karma not only of a rival, but also of you and your man, ruining everything later life, attracting illness and failure.

Do not use methods: intimidate, threaten, send threatening letters or call. Moreover, do not resort to assault and do not persuade anyone to save you from your rival for money in this way. All this is fraught with a criminal case, serious problems with the law and even a prison sentence.

How to get rid of your rival forever

Try following one or more of these tips and maybe things will change for the better:

  • Create the effect of novelty. Radically change your image, start a new hobby, change your lifestyle, for example, turn from a homebody into an active girl looking for new experiences and new acquaintances. The goal is to arouse your man’s interest in you, to awaken the old feelings that existed when you first met. He should again look at you with interest, be carried away by your mystery and activity. Strive for change, don't stand still.
  • Develop creatively and professionally. There should always be something to talk about with you. Imagine: a man comes home later than usual and is silent, anticipating the next scene, and instead of a scandal, you smile and tell him with passion latest news or gossip from the lives of mutual friends, drink tea together. Surely he will be surprised by such a turn and he will wonder what is happening to you and what to expect next. And then you need to act in the same vein and be sweeter and more beautiful than her.

Pretend that there is no rival at all. A man should feel that you are a self-sufficient person with your own aspirations, goals and interests, capable of living a bright and interesting life, and not an evil gray mouse who thinks and lives only for one thing: to destroy all the attractive women hovering around him.

  • Give your man pleasant romantic surprises for no reason. He will come home, and you will be covered in rose petals with a bottle of champagne, or you will be waiting for him in a bath with foam and many small candles around. Dance him a striptease, oriental dances, cook delicious food. Make him want and look forward to the next romantic evening no less than you, then after work he will rush home, and not into the arms of his mistress. Moreover, if you are waiting for him all “like this”, but he is not there and he is not there and you understand that she has him, do not cancel the “show program”! Let him come much later than you expected, don’t show that something is wrong: do everything as planned, according to the full program (dinner, bath, striptease...). If a man returns long after midnight, close your eyes and transfer the surprise to the next day. This method is not morally simple, but it should have an effect.
  • Try having an affair yourself. Go on vacation without your man or find a lover in your own city. Perhaps your man will be afraid of losing you, will understand that he “smells like something fried,” will leave his rival and beg you to come back. However, this method is fraught with the transition of relations to a freer one: systematic betrayals on both sides and life according to the principle “no one owes anyone anything.”
  • Try to talk to your man directly. Calmly discuss with him the problems of your personal life and the appearance of a rival. Say that you are offended, hurt and unpleasant. Maybe he will reveal to you the reasons that pushed him on the path of betrayal, and together you will decide to change something in your relationship, to work on it.
  • Talk to your opponent in person, write her a letter or call her on the phone. Act calmly and level-headedly. Your goal is to convey to her that a man has a family, and that destroying other people’s relationships is mean and low. Perhaps the rival is not aware that the man has a family; he did not tell her anything about you, because he considered her as a meaningless affair on the side.

To achieve what you want, expanding the range of your capabilities, you can use magic. Various rituals, prayers and conspiracies, as methods of energetic influence on the person of interest, help resolve a lot of problems, including love ones. To improve relationships with your lover, strengthen your connection with him or get rid of your rival, you can use special conspiracies. And today we will talk about them.

Love magic is a fairly popular way to arrange your personal life. And it is quite natural when a woman tries by any means to protect her family and loved one from the attacks of her rival.

If someone else appears in the life of your loved one, you can easily ward her off with the help of this plot.

By performing the ritual to eliminate your rival on the full moon, you are guaranteed to get rid of the contender for your man’s love.

To perform the ritual, determine the period of the new moon. In the clear moonlit night take bread or your lover’s favorite food. Go outside under the moonlight and place food in your palms. Read the magic words above it:

“I will get up and, without blessing or crossing myself, I will go along underground paths to the sea-ocean. There, on a blue stone, sits a merman with a crowberry. They sit with their faces apart and get angry and quarrel. So let my dear (his name) quarrel with another woman (her name) and separate. Let what I have said come true."

After completing the ceremony, return to the house. You can go to bed, and in the morning you will need to feed the charmed food to your loved one. This way you can short time eliminate another woman from the life of your loved one.

Strong rite from photo

Stronger spells from a rival are used when she has become a homewrecker. To get rid of the other woman and return your spouse to the family, you can do the following. Find a picture that shows two people - your husband and his mistress. If this is not possible, you should take a blank sheet of paper and write their names on it next to each other. In addition, to implement your plan you will need:

  • candles;
  • matches.

Determine when the full moon will be. On one of these nights, after 12 am, light the candles. Holding a joint photograph (a piece of paper with names), read the plot to eliminate your mistress:

“I’m not breaking the photograph, but the connection (say the name of the husband and rival). Not to be together, not to raise and baptize children, not to wait for grandchildren and great-grandchildren. Don’t share their happiness, don’t while away the night. I sever their feelings forever. Amen".

At the same time, tear the picture in half. On one there should be an image of a loved one, and on the other - a rival.

To ward off another woman and get your husband back, separate the halves:

  • place the part with the image of your spouse in the most secret place of the house;
  • break up with your mistress.

As you throw the pieces into the trash bin, say the words of prayer:

“I don’t just throw away rubbish, I separate it. Forever".

This conspiracy against a rival “works” not only against her influence. It energetically influences the spouse. During the first weeks, his feelings for his mistress will begin to cool. He will return home soon.

A simple ritual with salt

It happens that powerful spells are not required, since another woman who has recently appeared in the life of your loved one is only interested in him. To prevent the emergence of a relationship between them, use lighter spells on your rival.

One of these is a conspiracy that prevents your lover from developing reciprocity towards a potential mistress. To perform the ritual you will need salt. You need to speak to her with the words of prayer:

“I am conjuring salt against my homewrecker rival (her name). Let the servant of God (his name) not look in her direction and not reciprocate. Just as this salt is salty, so let it not be pleasant to him. Amen".

After repeating the magic spell three times, add salt to the salt shaker. Use the charmed seasoning when preparing food for your loved one. It is even recommended to add salt to your dishes. But in this case, you will have to make sure that the man eats the entire dish. Such conspiracies against another contender for your boyfriend’s feelings are quite effective. The more a man consumes the charmed salt in his food, the faster he will be able to get rid of his rival.

A curse on fish

To cool your rival’s feelings and remove her from your loved one’s life, you can this ritual. For this you will need to purchase fresh fish. The purchase must be made exactly on the day when you are going to perform magical actions and read prayers. It is advisable to choose one of the “men’s” days for this ritual (Monday, Tuesday, Thursday).

Bring home the fish, clean it of scales, entrails, and remove the tail and head. Take it all out of the house and give it to someone else's cat. When you return home, read the following words over the fish carcass:

“This fish has no head, no tail, no bladder. My rival (her name) will get what she wants, when this fish has a head again and a tail grows back. In the meantime, don’t share her happiness, love and bed with my dear (his name). What I said will come true. Amen".

After that, start cutting up the carcass. Fry the pieces and treat your loved one with it on the same day. You can also eat a piece yourself. Reading the text of this prayer will help you get rid of your rival.

Has a rival appeared? You can remove it from your loved one by using various conspiracies at home even at a distance.

The magic of the conspiracy will work faster if the desire is sincere and truly desired.

“Melancholy, melancholy! Go to God's servant (his name)! Let the servant of God (his name) yearn for me, as if for the clear sun - a beautiful day! Amen!".

“I am red, and you are scary. I am honey, you are ice. I mend words and knit in knots so that you don’t stand between us. Amen!".

“Exactly thirty-three crows are flying. They want to bring exactly thirty-three stones. They’ll sit on the threshold and start pecking at these pebbles, chasing away my rival. The one who brings envy into my house will take the stones for himself forever! And my word is made of stone! The castle is made of iron. The key is lost somewhere and can't be found. Amen!".

Prayer - diversion of a rival from a beloved man

Recusal forever


“Most Holy Mother of God, have mercy! Jesus Christ, have mercy! Untie, I pray, the servant of God (dear name) from the servant of God (rival name). So untie them so they won't be together anymore! Never! Protect from treason! All hope is on you. Amen!".

Poppy branch


“Birds fly past the poppy. They sit at the threshold. They peck the poppy. Let the one who stole God's servant (name of the beloved) disappear from our lives as soon as all this poppy is pecked off! Amen".

  • Repeat for twelve days.

Strong conspiracies to remove a rival

  • Wait for dawn in the evening.
  • Go to the window of your room.
  • Clasp the handles in a lock.


“Let her hand never touch hubby again! I love him. Love is the strongest. Let God's Servant (his name) stop pining for God's servant (rival's name). Let him eat calmly, let him drink calmly, let him live no less calmly without the one who does not give us happiness! Amen!".

  • Collect a bouquet of weed plants.
  • Go to the cemetery to find a spruce tree there.
  • Pluck a thorny spruce branch.
  • Add it to your weed bouquet.
  • Place the resulting bouquet at the cemetery gate.
  • Wait until I bury the dead man.
  • Take a bouquet.
  • Head to the threshold of the house (apartment) where your rival lives.


“I have believed in You for a long time, my merciful Lord. I go neither to the window nor to the door, but to the white body of Your servant (beloved name). I will stand with my bare foot on his heart, I will lie down with my naked body on his liver, and with the grass of weeds I will sweep away her name from the sensual shackles! Let them bite (the name of the rival and the name of the beloved), let them swear, let them never plan to live together! Let them understand that my love is stronger than others! Let him, the servant of God (his name), belong only to me, and not to her! Amen".

  • Buy three candles (any color).
  • Wait until dawn.
  • Place them by the window.
  • Waiting for the moment when you are home alone.
  • Arrange the candles in a triangle.
  • Light the candles.
  • Separate one of the candles with a piece of paper.
  • Put out all the candles.
  • Take them out into the yard and bury them (deeper).


“Go away, rival, don’t disturb us! We want to feel our paradise on earth.”

  • Take your best photo, where you smile with sincerity.
  • Place it in a pillowcase so that the man cannot see.
  • In the morning, the next day, prepare him an over-salted breakfast.

Say (when you over-salt):

“We are the sea - the ocean, we are the cloud - the fog. We're together forever. No to everyone! To us alone - yes!”

Feedback from girls about excommunication of rivals


I'm just reading, and I'm just going to do something. But I still won’t get to some action. Either I don’t have enough courage, or time, or the strength of the stimulus is not as strong as it seemed to me before.


Oh, it’s cool that I read so much! I liked something, but I won’t tell you what exactly until I notice positive effects. I'm also afraid of the "evil eye". The effect of at least some kind of conspiracy is very important to me! But I’ll emphasize that I don’t wish anything bad for her. Let her be the happiest, but not with the one I love so much!


I would absolutely kill this little girl! Everything was so good with us, but she appeared and all the good things just disappeared, as if they had never happened! It hurts so much that I want to scream. But I hold back so as not to seem like a crazy fool. And she was also considered my golden friend - my darling! Eh, bad luck! It’s a pity that women’s tears don’t change anything! I wish they could extinguish the pain... Otherwise, so to speak, life is terribly difficult. She is a thorn in my happiness! This article caught my eye at the right time! I will review it and try it.

How to remove an obsessive rival? -

Today, “once and for all” relationships are very rare.

But every girl really wants her to be lucky, and her chosen one to be the only one with whom she will live her life only in love and harmony. Therefore, girls in most cases, when a threat appears on the horizon in the form of a pretty and arrogant lady, they try to eliminate the obstacle at any cost. And the first step on the path of local war is to find an answer to the question: “How to get rid of your rival?”.

What not to do

Indeed, not only the success of a particular operation, but also the fate of future relationships depends on the choice of the right strategy. So let’s try to figure out whether it’s possible to get rid of your rival forever and save your relationship. Of course, we are not currently considering the option “no man - no rival,” since this is too radical a method, and it also automatically cancels those very notorious relationships. Also not an option is the physical elimination of the unfortunate woman who risked coveting your betrothed. Besides the fact that this is a criminal offense, it will also have a very bad effect on your karma. And it’s unlikely that there will be a man who wants to continue living together with such an aggressive “other half.”

Another wrong way is a search for mystical help. Simply put - going to all sorts of psychic sorcerers who claim that they know how to get rid of your rival, bewitch your loved one and charge you with “rays of goodness”. Even if they help you effectively and surely get rid of something or someone, it will only be from your money and self-confidence.

So, if you decide to eliminate your rival and preserve the love of your companion, you need to carefully analyze not only the personality of the homewrecker, but also your own relationships. Find out what led to this situation - your shortcoming, the character of your chosen one, or whether you both became victims of an arrogant, unprincipled person who chose your loved one as a victim. Your further actions depend on the results of this analysis.

So step one is you. Take a look at your relationship from the outside. Is everything as good as you thought before your rival appeared? Perhaps, having received what you wanted, you relaxed and gave up on yourself? Have you started paying less attention to your partner? Or, on the contrary, did you “crush” him too much with your care and constant control? Please note - men are polygamous by nature, but lazy. And they may be forced to leave their usual “comfort zone” or complete absence this very comfort, or boredom and routine. So first, change yourself and your attitude towards the situation. Remember what makes your eyes shine, remember what you conquered him with at one time and - go ahead. Have a romantic weekend, show yourself in an unexpected way, become mysterious and interesting again. Pay enough attention to his hobbies, do not limit his personal space - all this will create a good basis for further steps.

Step two – rival. Study your enemy. Find out who she is, what she wants, how serious her intentions are. Please note that in 8 cases out of 10, the rival is in close proximity to your loved one - a classmate, employee, neighbor, your friend. Therefore, finding information is not difficult. And then everything depends on your imagination:

You can present the impudent woman in the most unsightly way - as if by chance telling a couple of piquant incidents from her past or present, hinting that this person is one hell of a thing - and she has men like gloves (a man always wants to be the only one, and not “one of the ").

You can “seduce” your rival on a social network - create an account with the handsome guy in the photo, start a correspondence. Knowing her desires and goals, it will not be difficult to “fall in love” with a non-existent macho man, and then force her to break ties with your beloved. But - be careful - this option requires careful attention to detail and great care. One ill-considered word - and all the work is in vain.

Another effective way - communication with a rival. If you are confident in your own irresistibility and correctness (and you are sure!) - write her a letter or talk frankly over a cup of coffee. Correctly, without aggression or humiliation, explain to her that she stuck her nose in the wrong place. And if she doesn’t come to her senses, the consequences will be very serious (this method is especially effective if the rival has a family and has something to lose).

As you can see, there are a lot of ways to get rid of your rival. But no matter which one you choose, it’s worth remembering that the success of this little war depends only on self-confidence, on your wisdom and patience. And before you rush into the flames of war, answer yourself: “Do you really want to maintain such a relationship?” After all, if you are not ready to win, then such a relationship can turn into a “suitcase without a handle” - it’s hard to carry, but it’s a pity to throw it away.

Let us consider in detail the salt plot to remove a rival - with detailed description all magical actions so that the ritual does not have negative consequences.

Rival, lover, these words evoke feelings of disgust and fear in every woman. How many broken families, nights without sleep, tears into the pillow, suffering from loneliness and betrayal of a loved one. But we cannot tolerate all this with impunity. You have to fight for your happiness, that's what they exist for magical rituals-how to get rid of your rival, how to punish her so that she doesn’t ruin the family and doesn’t seduce other people’s men. If your husband left the family, saying that he fell in love with another, you must take some action to return him to the family. Apply magical rituals to return your former love and remove your rival from your path, discourage her and punish her. There is another option that the husband was bewitched, then the love spell must be removed.

A conspiracy to eliminate a rival and return the husband to the family.

For this plot, you will need his shirt, which he wore at least several times. Place it on your marital bed, cover it with a pillow on top. After this, read the words of an ancient conspiracy that will help eliminate your rival and return your prodigal husband:

After reading the plot, take a shower and rub your entire body with the pillowcase removed from the pillow. This magical ritual has an attractive power, it will return the husband and neutralize the rival.

A conspiracy to remove a rival from your life.

How can you stop your rival from bothering you anymore? You can perform this ritual, it is performed on the waning moon. For this ritual you will need: a clean piece of white paper, a pen, dried hawthorn fruits. In legible, clear letters, on white paper, write your opponent's name. After that, cut it into small pieces with scissors. Place all the pieces of cut paper on the table, sprinkle hawthorn on top, having previously ground it into a fine powder. Read the plot three times, in a quiet voice:

After reading the plot, collect the scraps of paper and burn them. Don't tell anyone about the ritual.

A plot to get rid of your rival.

To get rid of your mistress, you need to read a plot to break up your loved one with their rival. In order to separate them, you will need: three candles, a pen and a white piece of paper, a mortar and pestle, broken glass, a handful of earth taken from the church, hair from a dog and a cat, vinegar and salt. The ritual should be performed on Wednesday during the waning moon. Open the window after covering it with a curtain. Lay a dark tablecloth on the table, preferably without a pattern. Pour broken glass into a mortar, add wool, earth, salt and a drop of vinegar. On a piece of white paper, write the words of the conspiracy:

You need to read it three times. Light a candle and burn the words of the conspiracy over the flame. Collect the ashes and add to the mortar, mix everything, cover with a black scarf and place in front of open window. Place three church candles nearby, light them, and quietly whisper the previously written plot. Leave the candles to burn out until the end. At dawn, pour the mixture into a bag, and take it and scatter it at your rival’s doorstep. Leave some of the mixture, wrap it in a rag and sew it into your husband’s clothes.

Get your husband away from your rival.

Walking down the street and seeing animal excrement on the ground, say the following words:

After reading the plot, spit three times and leave without looking back.

An effective conspiracy will get rid of your rival forever.

If your husband has a mistress, it can be very difficult to get rid of her. And if the spouse is also in love, it is almost impossible to keep him. But there are very strong conspiracies, here is one of them. For it you will need: a green glass bottle, vinegar, salt, mustard, black pepper, a photograph of a homewrecker. On back side photographs of your rival, write her name nine times, adding the words of the following spell:

Place the photograph in the bottle, as well as all the other ingredients, and fill it all with vinegar. Close tightly and shake the bottle nine times, while reading the words of the previously written conspiracy. Bury the bottle in a place where no one will find it. After this, your husband will return to you, and you will get rid of your mistress forever

A very strong conspiracy to eliminate a rival. Not to death.

This conspiracy is cast on your husband’s mistress, so that she disappears from your life forever and does not spoil family relationships. After reading, the husband will definitely return to the family. For this magical ritual, you will need: a bunch of grass from the cemetery, red twine, a black plastic cross, holy water, a candle taken from the church, a nail and a hammer. The ritual is very complex and will require your utmost attention when performing it. Go to the cemetery, pick up dry grass there. When the time comes and the moon wanes, weave a doll out of dry grass, tying it with red twine. If you managed to get some of your rival's hair, weave it into the doll. This is very important - the doll trudges without hands. Decorate the bottom of the doll in the form of a skirt. The finished doll needs to be placed on the cross, light three candles and sprinkle with holy water three times, cross to cross. For each cross, read the plot:

Then remove the doll from the cross and say:

After this, make a cross from twigs from the cemetery, tying them with red thread. When the sun begins to set, take a nail and a hammer with you and go with the doll to the church. Place the cross near the fence. Place the doll on the cross and hammer a nail into it. Read the words of the conspiracy nine times:

Read the plot so that last word coincided with the last blow of the hammer. Throw the doll with various rubbish, go home and don’t look back. The result will not keep you waiting long and will meet all your wishes.

A plot to break up a husband and his mistress.

To make your husband and his mistress quarrel and tear apart, read the following plot:

After such a conspiracy, the result will come immediately.

Plot for a falling out, read on the trail of your rival.

Take the soil from your rival’s footprint and sew it into a linen bag. Place three on the table church candles, put the bag next to it and read the words of this conspiracy:

Put the bag in a secluded place so that no one can see or find it.

A conspiracy to remove a rival from a loved one

Thanks to practical magic, a person becomes literally omnipotent - you can cure a disease, attract money to your home, influence relationships with family and friends. But perhaps the most popular area of ​​​​magic is love spells. From time immemorial, girls have used them to bewitch a loved one or eliminate a rival. The female sex has possessive natures, and this is absolutely normal; When a rival appears on the horizon, an understandable desire arises to save one’s own family.

The essence of rituals against a mistress

There are quite a few ways to break the connection between your man and a stranger. The principle of operation of most of these rituals is to cool the connection between two people, in particular sexual passion. They often also create lasting, long-lasting enmity. If the guy has already left to live with another woman, then after the lapel ritual it will be necessary to also perform a love spell.

Lapels are not complex rituals, they are subject to even beginners in matters of magic, so any girl can try to perform them without fear of negative consequences. Let's first look at rituals performed using food.

Food spells

Prepare a delicious dinner for your loved one with your own hands, imagining his appearance in every detail. It is better that this is his favorite dish - if the food does not bring pleasure, then the spell will not work. Say a prayer addressed to the patron saint of your husband/boyfriend, and then bend over the food as low as possible and say the following words:

I'll go to the blue sea, to the black stone,

The goblin sits in that pit, and quarrels with the goblin.

And Satan himself sits on them and quarrels with the Satan.

And above them a wondrous wonder sits and looks into the water.

I will drive them all away and look at the sky.

And in heaven there are angels and saints, and Jesus and the Virgin Mary.

I will ask them for forgiveness and pray for protection.

Do not refuse my request, be kind! Amen!"

There is another method related to food; it involves casting a spell on bread and then feeding it to the birds. On bread you need to read the same words, but at the end you also need to say:

“Birds fly higher, bring the news to your loved one that they are waiting for him at home, that love has not cooled down.”

This is best done at dawn; and the birds must peck off the treat, leaving nothing behind.

Ritual performed with fish

In the morning before performing the ritual, purchase recently caught fresh fish. Clean out the giblets and toss them stray cat. Then, continuing to hold the fish in front of you, say:

“This fish has no intestines, no bladder, no head, no fin and no tail. When my rival (name) gets what she wants, the guts of this fish will grow back, the fins will begin to float, the eyes will open. But until then, she will not become happy, she will not gain the love of (man’s name). What is said will come true. Amen".

Having finished performing the ritual, the fish must be fried and eaten in the company of your beloved husband.

There is also a very powerful spell for ordinary salt, which allows you to forever quarrel between your rival and your spouse. All you need is a handful of coarse salt, and a curse pronounced on it:

So that my beloved also loves me.

Not a day passes, not an hour passes, not a minute passes.

He would still follow me and admire me.”

Getting rid of your mistress using photography

You will need three photographs - all three participants in the love triangle, as well as a red woolen thread and a package of new needles with large eyes. It is advisable to perform the ritual during the full moon, during this period everything magical rituals especially effective. Close all doors and windows, turn off the lights, light candles and place photographs in front of you.

Next, using a needle and pieces of thread, connect each image with the others to form a triangle. Place your hands above him, palms down, and focus on what you want - thoroughly imagine how a man rejects his mistress, and she finds another love. The latter is mandatory - the ritual must be imbued with good wishes towards both.

Now break the thread between the photos of yourself and your opponent by saying:

“I don’t ask anything from you! And don't take mine! Amen!"

After that, he came to break the thread between her and the guy, saying:

“Whoever is appointed by me is forever doomed to happiness! Don’t encroach on it, don’t break our destinies! Amen!"

Let the image of your mistress burn in the candle fire, and put the two remaining photographs facing each other and sew them together over the edge. After this, do not pull out the needle, but leave it as is. The ashes remaining from the burned photo must be scattered in the wind.

Conspiracy with an egg

This ritual will help cool the feelings of the girl-lover herself. If you know her name, then move it over your husband's face while sleeping raw egg while saying the following phrase:

“Don’t love him, servant of God (name)! Forget him, leave him! Amen!"

There are light rituals intended not for turning away, but simply for the purpose of protecting your family life from someone who likes to flirt with married man. But the same effect will be from a romantic evening and a passionate night of love. It is also worth keeping in mind that husbands usually have an extremely negative attitude towards women’s experiments in the field of magic. Upon learning of this, a man may be quite offended or cause a scandal.

There is also a so-called “white” love spell, performed using holy water and a church candle. Place a container filled with holy water in the middle of the table surface. Place a church candle behind it, and put a photograph of your loved one on the table in front. Create a visualization of how fire conveys its power to your soul, promising to easily resolve trouble. Then look carefully at the burning flame, say this spell three times in a row:

“Just as I, your servant of God (name), cut and break my nails without any pity, without pain, I don’t speak, I don’t cherish them in my soul, I don’t remember them, so would God’s Servant, (name of husband), my evil homewrecker and I didn’t remember my rival, didn’t feel sorry for her, didn’t love her, didn’t exchange my beauty for falling in love. I don’t hold any grudge against my husband, but I return what was given by God to its place, I return what was due, blessed by the Lord. The words are not crowned, not twisted, righteous and okay. Amen!"

Having finished saying the spell, you need to drip a little wax from the candle into a bowl of water, then lower the candle itself into it. Take it out, wipe it, wrap it in a light cloth, and pour the liquid into a bottle. The next morning, throw out the charmed water into a pond or other nearby body of water, and bury the candle in a safe place near the house.

What needs to be determined before executing the plot?

Rituals are a rather serious matter, and this issue must be approached with cool head. There are several questions that can help you sort out your thoughts. First of all, ask yourself - what exactly are you planning to fight for? Is it worth the effort? Maybe everything that is not done is for the better? What is the basis for the desire to return a man? Is your rival at fault?

Much in life depends on his attitude and perception. The appearance of another woman by a man may well be due to your constant jealousy and fear of losing him. After all, in this way you set the Universe up for this turn of events. We urgently need to throw all these feelings away. Leave in yourself only happy, joyful thoughts and a positive attitude. You must sincerely wish that everything in life will work out in the best possible way for all three of you. No one can resist such a powerful force of suggestion.

Keep in mind that the magic will only work if there are real strong feelings between you and the guy and a desire to start a fire of passionate love from almost extinct coals. Forced love can result in catastrophic consequences for everyone affected by the conspiracy. When pronouncing a curse, never express wishes for illness or death to other people; It is advisable, in general, not to say bad things about your mistress.

The magic of love is an incredibly powerful tool. Thoughtless use will lead to harm not only to the mistress, but also to the man, as well as to the deceived wife herself. It is better not to read the texts of rituals from a piece of paper or a phone screen, but to learn them by heart. If it is too long and difficult, you can write it down beautifully and large on a large sheet of paper. The main thing is not to get confused while pronouncing. And you cannot tell anyone about the ritual itself or the results that followed it - this can bring all efforts to naught.

One of the main conditions is that when performing a ritual, you must believe in it with all your heart. Under no circumstances use rituals just for fun. IN best case scenario it simply won’t work; at worst, it will have the opposite effect.

What to do if you yourself have undergone a ritual?

First, carefully analyze the situation, understand the causes and consequences of relationships between people. If it turns out that you have actually become an obstacle to someone else’s happiness, it would be better to leave. The wife will accept this as a ritual, and your health, well-being, and perhaps even life, will remain safe.

In particular difficult cases Consultation with a professional magician may be required. Tell him in detail about the situation and your thoughts, ask him to help you. Most likely, the magician will perform a ritual of cleansing from the conspiracy, but it is still better to refrain from using magic against magic, this can lead to unpredictable consequences. It is recommended to visit the temple, take communion and go through the confession procedure. God's protection is stronger than any damage.

A conspiracy to remove a rival

A woman will begin to look for a way to protect her boyfriend from third-party relationships as soon as another woman appears on the horizon vying for his attention.

This reaction is normal, and magic can help protect your happiness. Magical methods are varied and very effective; many women have been kept or returned to the family by a spouse who has been on a spree.

However, think a thousand times before using magic. There is a huge difference between strengthening real feelings and trying to rebuild the fire of love from the cooled ashes. Love does not accept violence, and the conspiracy will turn into a disaster not only for your rival, but also for you.

Features of the conspiracy that are worth remembering

You can remove your rival as quickly as possible with the help of a conspiracy and improvised means, which can be anything - from a red-sided bulk apple purchased at the market to completely free moonlight. For example, a ritual performed on the waning moon, which promotes parting and separation, will be very effective.

Don't wish for death by plotting against another person. You shouldn’t even just talk bad about your rival or wish harm.

Love magic is a powerful tool, and using it improperly will be disastrous for everyone involved. love relationship. It is unlikely that you will be able to punish her without harming yourself.

It is better to learn the text of the conspiracy by heart, and if it is too long or complex (for example, it is very strong conspiracy, designed not only to discourage the husband, but also to punish him new woman) - write beautifully and clearly on a piece of paper.

Don’t talk about the conspiracy, its results - you shouldn’t even talk about the fact of its commission even to your closest people - the consequences will be quick and negative.

A conspiracy, no matter how strong it may be, will be able to remove your rival from the path or punish her only if you really believe in it. For everything to go as planned - believe it, if you can’t believe it - you shouldn’t even undertake to read a conspiracy from your rival.

You can get rid of your rival using magic in several ways, different in the type of action: cooling the feelings of both people, cooling the rival towards your man, cooling the feelings of the man. A conspiracy to get rid of a rival is usually carried out not just against a homewrecker - its effect is usually consolidated love spell- to tie your loved one to you.

What are the rituals?

A conspiracy from a rival is a powerful and popular tool for insecure women, and can be carried out in different ways. The text is read based on food, for example, an ordinary apple or table salt. So, in order to cool a man’s sudden feelings for another woman, you need to read the words of the spell with a handful of salt, then generously salt the food with salt and serve it to the man.

Don’t overdo it: for the ritual to work, he must eat every last crumb!

To cool the mutual feelings of your husband and rival, you need a photograph of them together (if it does not exist, write their names on a blank sheet of paper). By candlelight after midnight, tear the photo in two, separating images or names. When tearing, repeat the words of the conspiracy, and when tearing, hide the image or written name of the man in a secret place.

Tear the image of the woman into small pieces, repeating “I throw away, separate, divide!”, and throw it away.

You can also cool the feelings of your rival. To do this, find out her name, and move a chicken egg over the head of a soundly sleeping man, while reading the words of the conspiracy.

This method is well suited for cases of an initiative and arrogant rival, when the husband does not show much interest.

Repeat the words twelve times, and leave the egg under the bed overnight, on your loved one’s side. The plot will take effect in a couple of weeks.

The consequences of magically eliminating a rival

There is a fundamental difference here: does your man love you, or are there no more feelings? If you are happy in your family life, and a woman is simply flirting, without having a real chance of winning love from your man, then a simple conspiracy will protect your family life. A stormy and passionate night or a romantic evening will also protect her - the husband must remember that he already has a loved one.

In addition, you should be very careful when performing the ritual - if a man finds out about this, you will not be happy.

But if you are trying to use magic on an apple or using other methods to resurrect faded love, while interfering with a man’s new sincere feeling, the consequences will not keep you waiting and will be catastrophic for you. God forbid you try to eliminate your rival physically, damage her, or cause death. Such a sin will be immediately punished, and very severely.

How to get rid of witchcraft?

If you yourself have become a victim of a conspiracy, analyze the situation very carefully. Build a diagram of cause-and-effect relationships between events, feelings and people, and if you really ruin someone else’s happiness, leave. Let the conspiracy work (this is how the wife will explain to herself), it will protect you, your health and life.

In other cases, you should consult a specialist, explain the current situation in detail, and ask for help. You can perform any ritual of cleansing from a hex - but it is better to refrain from this, the mechanical use of magic is dangerous and is categorically not recommended! It’s better to visit church, confess and take communion. Those who are under God's protection are not afraid of any conspiracies.

Spells that will help you get rid of your rival

A correctly executed spell from a rival will help you get rid of misunderstandings in personal relationships. It is on women’s shoulders that the responsibility lies to protect the family hearth, including from infidelity. There are often situations when traditional methods do not help get rid of the problem of annoying rivals. In this case, we advise you to turn to folk magic rituals on how to get rid of your rival. It’s quite simple to do them, and the results will not be long in coming.

If a similar problem has occurred in your personal life and another woman is trying to take your man away, do not panic. Family life is often quite thorny, but every problem can be solved. People's conspiracy how to remove your rival will help you quickly and effectively return your family life to its previous course.

Features of the ritual

If you have already verified the effectiveness of such conspiracies and even chosen a ritual, do not rush to begin the ritual itself. You should first learn some of the features of such lapels so as not to end up with an unexpected result.

Conspiracy from a rival - basic rules for execution:

  • It is best to carry out the ritual from a rival during the outgoing month phase. In this case, his strength will contribute to the effectiveness of the ritual.
  • No matter how much negative feelings you have towards another woman, you should under no circumstances wish her harm or harm. This can backfire both on the integrity of your energy and on your man. Therefore, it is necessary to clear your thoughts of negativity in advance and only after that proceed to the ritual itself.
  • The words of the prayer should be memorized so that there is no need to be distracted during the ritual.
  • Under no circumstances tell other people, even those very close to you, about the ritual. Also, you should not disclose its results, especially if they turned out to be very effective.
  • You should only start a conspiracy to remove your rival if you are absolutely sure of its effectiveness.
  • It will be very good if you get a photo of your rival.

Types of conspiracies

The basis of any conspiracy from a rival is the suppression of the feelings of one of the parties. Depending on who exactly the ritual is aimed at, conspiracies can be divided into the following types:

  • A ritual that is intended to cool the feelings of both your loved one and his passion. It is carried out only based on a joint photo.
  • A ritual that will help your man get rid of addiction and feelings for his rival.
  • A conspiracy that can cool another woman’s ardor.

Before you begin the ritual itself, analyze the situation and select the appropriate ritual. In addition, in any case, one should not forget to comply with all established rules similar conspiracies.

Ritual of breaking

Such a conspiracy will help to cool the feelings of both members of an unplanned union at once, which means it is much more effective. Therefore, this ritual is somewhat more popular among customers.

You will have to find a photo in advance that shows your loved one and your rival together. If this is not possible, then you can use a sheet of paper on which they will be written. full names. You will also need wax candles.

The ritual should be performed immediately after midnight during the waning moon phase. Light the candles and pick up the photo. You need to tear it apart in such a way that your husband remains on one half, and the homewrecker remains on the other half. This action should be accompanied by the words of the conspiracy:

“I’m not tearing up the photograph, but the feelings of God’s servants (names). So that they don’t be together, don’t baptize children, don’t wait for grandchildren! They won't see happiness together, won't see sunrises, won't while away the nights! I'm tearing it apart! I'm tearing it apart forever! Amen!"

After this, you need to tear off the part of the photo that shows another woman with the words:

“I’m throwing it away! I'm cleaning it up! I’m separating!”

Throw the remaining pieces down the drain. Hide the second half of the photo in a hiding place where your family cannot find it.

Ritual for a man

With the help of this conspiracy, you can make a man lose interest in another woman and return to the family. To carry it out you will need a small handful of salt.

Take the salt in your palm and read the following words on it three times:

“I speak salt against the homewrecker, so that the servant of God (name) does not look in her direction, so that he does not go to her, so that he does not know happiness with her! Let all feelings for the toadstool pass away from him And just as salt is salty, so he doesn’t like it! Amen!"

This charmed seasoning should be used when preparing dishes for your husband. You should add as much salt as possible, but at the same time so that he eats everything with pleasure. Soon he will turn away from the homewrecker forever.

Rite for a rival

But this ritual will help the woman herself turn away from your significant other. The ritual is quite effective, but to carry it out you need to know her name. You will also need chicken egg, preferably fresh.

Late at night, when your loved one is sleeping, pass this egg over his head, accompanying your actions with the following phrase:

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