How to treat poor posture in children. Consequences of spinal curvature

The 21st century, like the 20th century, is not without reason called the century of sedentary man and even sedentary civilization. The development of modern transport, the formation of large urban agglomerations, the emergence of ever new machines that make work easier in production, at home and at school - all this has led to a radical change in the way we live. It is estimated that you and I sit up to 15 hours a day, consciously “turning off” one of the critical systems our body - musculoskeletal system. This inaction cannot but affect the condition and physical health skeleton and muscles. Weaker day by day, they suffer from many pathologies that are well known to orthopedists, therapists and, unfortunately, pediatricians.


Unfortunately, posture disorders or defects, including scoliosis, are quite common: according to doctors, almost 2/3 of us are susceptible to this disease to one degree or another. Scoliosis "in pure form"occurs in 10-15% of schoolchildren. By the end of school, the incidence of scoliosis increases.

There are a great many reasons for this disease. Scoliosis can occur as a result of previous diseases (trauma, rickets), as well as due to weakness of the back muscles. There are congenital forms of the disease. But in nine cases out of 10, this disease is acquired. That is, we often, without knowing it, contribute to the child developing poor posture. That is, we create an environment “favorable” for the development of the disease.

Contribute to scoliosis: improper design of the workplace, as a result of which the child sits “hunched over” for a long time (for example, small desks that are not suitable for the child’s height, or, on the contrary, a high chair), carrying heavy objects (especially in one hand), improper physical education, flaw motor activity etc.

The cause of poor posture can also be irrational clothing (tight, ill-fitting), diseases internal organs, decreased vision (as a result of which the child is forced to bend low over a book or notebook) or hearing (as a result of which children often lean forward and sideways, listening to the teacher’s voice). Less often, a child’s posture is disturbed due to severe chronic diseases. At the same time, postural defects often aggravate the course of other diseases (diseases of the spine, heart, bronchi, lungs, upper respiratory tract). At the same time, advanced defects are more difficult to treat than small ones, so it is important to pay attention to them in time.



We also present a small set of corrective exercises aimed at correcting incorrect posture. Physical exercises are intended for middle and high school students, and are best performed in front of a large mirror.

"Exercise 1". Standing against a wall without a plinth and touching it with your shoulder blades, buttocks and heels, spread your arms (to shoulder level), sliding them along the wall (palms facing forward); Slightly tense the muscles of your back and arms. Then lower your hands and relax. You must keep your head straight throughout the exercise. Breathing is arbitrary, the number of repetitions is up to five.

"Exercise 2". Standing in the same starting position as in the previous exercise, check the correct posture in front of the mirror, move away, maintaining your posture. Repeat the exercise at least three times.

"Exercise 3". Hands on the waist, fingers forward, elbows touching the wall. Sit down, sliding along the wall with your arms, shoulder blades and buttocks; stand up, maintaining correct posture. While performing the exercise, watch yourself in the mirror to see if everything is correct. Repeat 3-5 times.



Traditionally in the fall, first academic year Conscious parents have a question about how to maintain correct posture in their child and prevent the development of scoliosis. Study load for schoolchildren junior classes is increasing every year, as is the weight of textbooks that children carry daily from home to school and back.

At an early age, motor habits are formed that directly affect the formation of the baby’s musculoskeletal system, his overall health, and which may remain with him for the rest of his life. Therefore, preventing spinal curvature should be high on the list of priorities for responsible parents.

It is difficult to achieve a lasting effect with persuasion and instructions such as, for example, “sit up straight!”; it is better to try to get the child interested in a suitable sport. When choosing the type of physical activity for a child, it is worth considering that aerobic exercise or cardio exercise is undesirable for a fragile child. child's body. It is better to prefer moderate strength training, such as Pilates.

Pilates exercises

straighten the shoulder girdle,
correct posture,
improve spinal function,
prevent future back pain.

In addition, Pilates improves a child’s ability to concentrate, helps relieve mental fatigue and teaches him to move easily and gracefully without straining his muscles.



What are the causes of spinal curvature in children? Muscles and bones grow, their shape changes slightly in the process and we need to constantly adapt to this, which we do not pay attention to.

Parents are not able to monitor the baby’s actions around the clock, but at home, preventative exercises can be carried out that will help maintain his correct posture. What exercises will help correct poor posture and what exercise equipment can stimulate posture correction?

The child is inclined to repeat the actions of his parents, because these people are an authority and an ideal. Work on your posture and your baby will want to study with you. And posture exercises can easily be turned into a fun game.

After 4 years, the child spends more and more time at the table, school is just around the corner. It is necessary to prepare your back for the additional stress that you will have to face later.

We offer a set of exercises to correct posture, by performing which the child will ensure correct posture and a straight back.

Keeping one hand on the belt, straighten the other and make circular movements (back and forth), gradually increasing the speed of action. Then change your hand.

Feet together, hands shoulder-width apart. Perform tilts left and right.

Raise your arms up and stretch your fingers to the sky, straightening up as much as possible, then slowly swing, alternately bringing your shoulders forward.

Bend your left arm, then raise it up. Lean to the right 8 times. Do the same with your right hand.

Place the child in your arms and ask him to walk on his palms, while the adult should hold the baby by the legs. Performing this action promotes expectoration and is recommended for coughs and bronchitis.

Crawling forward while lying down. You need to stretch out like a cat and stretch your arm first, and then your leg.

Walk on all fours, alternately pulling your knees in the process, then turn in one direction and the other. There is no need to arch your back.

Walking on your toes and squats with a book on your head is helpful. Ride a bike (without slouching). Walk on a log and perform a swallow.

These are simple and at the same time very useful exercises for the child's posture. Below you will find a whole set of exercises to strengthen the back and eliminate slouching in children, which will help correct poor posture and strengthen the child’s muscles. You will also find information about what a posture corrector is, how to choose the right one for a child and what types of correctors there are.



Correcting human posture involves using the following principles:

Correct organization of the bed;
Accurate selection of shoes for the child’s feet;
Elimination of immobility;
Refusal of pathological walking stereotypes;
Constant control of the load on the spine;
Daily therapeutic exercises at home.

Proper bed organization for children should include a hard mattress and an orthopedic pillow. A hard mattress prevents the back muscles from relaxing during sleep. However, it cannot be used in the presence of spinal deformities with lower back pain.

The width of the pillow should be equal to the size of the shoulder girdle. It is advisable to purchase a special orthopedic pillow according to the age of the child. It will ensure proper functioning cervical spine spine.

Shoe correction involves not only selecting the correct size, but also preventing limb shortening in children. This condition is observed with flat feet and club feet. To correct your posture with these pathological conditions, the height should be adjusted lower limbs.

A sedentary lifestyle contributes to blood stagnation in the vessels and inflammatory changes in the muscular-ligamentous system. Include daily walks for 1-2 hours in your treatment regimen for poor posture in children.

Children love to stand on one leg; while sitting, they take an incorrect position (a hunched back and different positions of the shoulder girdles). Teach your child to sit correctly on a chair or at a desk.

Poor posture is caused by wearing backpacks on one shoulder at school age. The effect of the weight of the portfolio on spinal deformity should also be taken into account.



The formation of posture is a long process, it begins from the first year of life and is completed only by the age of 20-25.

Correct posture is considered to be a body position in which the head is slightly raised, the shoulders are turned, the shoulder blades are close to the spine, do not protrude, and the abdominal line does not go beyond the line chest. In children up to school age there may be a slight “bulge” of the abdomen of 1-2 cm.

During the period of rapid growth in preschoolers at 5-7 years old, and in adolescence for girls at 11-13 years old, and for boys at 13-15 years old, it is especially necessary to carefully monitor the child’s posture and create all the conditions for the prevention of its violations.

Furniture is selected in accordance with the age and individual characteristics of children. The design of the table and chair should provide, firstly, support for the torso, arms and legs, and secondly, a symmetrical position of the head and shoulder girdle.

The size of the furniture should correspond to the height of the child: the length of the chair seat is the length of the hips, the height of its legs is the length of the legs. It’s good if the back of the chair has a slight tilt back, which allows you to lean back, relax, and give your spine a rest. Feet should be on the floor.

The bed should not be too soft, the pillow should not be large. The length of the bed is 20-25 cm longer than the child’s height, so that he can stretch out freely.

The child’s posture in any of his activities should always be the focus of adults’ attention.

During sleep, a child can often change the position of his body (after all, children sleep 1.5-2 hours during the day and 10-11 hours at night). The baby should not be allowed to sleep curled up with his legs pulled up to his chest. In this position, the shoulder blades are displaced, the upper ribs in the chest cavity are compressed, and the spine is bent. The entire weight of the body falls on two points - the shoulder and hip joints, and the spine sags between them. The ligamentous-muscular system is overstretched.

It is best if the child sleeps on his back, his head on a small pillow, the mattress is flat and dense.

If the child is standing, you need to ensure that the load from the weight of the body is evenly distributed on both legs. In a natural position, the legs are slightly apart (this makes it easier to maintain balance), the toes are slightly turned outward. The habit of standing with support on one leg causes an oblique position of the body and an incorrect bending of the spine.



Gymnastics is suitable for children with a predisposition to lateral - scoliotic - curvatures of the back. They are the most widespread, and not kyphosis and lordosis.

First, you should make several useful movements from the starting position lying on your stomach:

Place your hands under your forehead back side upward, alternately slightly raise your elbows and make a couple of springy swings with them.

Holding your hands in the same way, raise your upper body and lower your forehead after lifting, either to your left elbow, or to your right. During the exercise, your eyes should look at the floor.

The brushes are still under the forehead. You need to lift the top of your body, looking forward, and as you rise, turn in one direction and the other.

Without changing the position of the hands, pull the corresponding leg to the elbow to the maximum possible level. Repeat the same for the other side.

Raise your arms and alternately stretch them upward.

Throw your arms straight behind your head and tense in an extended position. Turn the body left and right.

Sit down and spread your legs wide. Then in this position:

With your arms outstretched, quickly draw circles in the air in opposite directions.

The right palm is on the back of the head, left hand extended to the side. Bend to the left side and stretch your fingers towards the floor. Make a similar movement to the right.

From the kneeling pose, arms forward, squat sideways, first to the right, then to the left. Stretch your fingers in the opposite direction.

Get on all fours:

Stretch one arm forward and slightly tilt the body in the appropriate direction. Swing this arm back and forth three times. Change hand.

Bring your forearms together and press them to the floor. Move your butt to the right and look at your right thigh. Now - in the other direction.

Stretch one arm forward at the same time as the corresponding knee. Bend in the opposite direction, trying to reach your forehead to your other knee. And vice versa.

Sit cross-legged:

Press the back of your palms to the back of your head, make rhythmic turns of the body to the side, without moving the lower part of the body.

From the position as in the previous exercise, do lateral bends.

Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart:

Lean forward with a round back and hang with your arms dangling.

If possible, reach your fingers to the floor; pull one hand to the side and up, rushing your body behind it, and continue to touch the floor with the other.

Place your palms behind the back of your head, lean forward and turn your upper body left and right.

Bend your arms at your chest so that your elbows are higher than your hands, and make several springy kicks - jerks with your elbows. You can combine them with turns.

Raise your hands and draw circles in one direction. Then change direction.

At the end, the child must crawl several meters around the room on his belly. This guerrilla exercise usually impresses the boys very much.

Each exercise is performed six to twelve times. You can start with a minimum number of repetitions, and then gradually increase the duration of the gymnastics.


Traumatologist-orthopedist highest category. Adult and children's specialist, Mgmu, 1998

Poor posture in preschool children is a common problem and occurs in 16-17% of all children under 7 years of age. Many parents do not consider this a serious problem and it is completely in vain.

Crooked posture is not just an unsightly defect, but is also a very real basis for the development of diseases of the spine and musculoskeletal system. However, all changes in posture identified at an early age are reversible and can be eliminated using various procedures and measures, which will be discussed in this article.

First of all, posture depends on the shape of the spine, which, of course, cannot be straight as a stick. The curves of the spine allow us to maintain balance and absorb shocks and shocks during movement. The spine of a newborn baby looks like an arch.

After the baby learns to raise and hold his head, the first spinal deflection begins to form.

The child develops, learns to sit and crawl - at this stage the second curvature of the spine begins to form - thoracic kyphosis.

At the age of approximately 10 months, children gradually learn to stand and walk, as a result of which, under the influence of gravity, the abdominal muscles protrude forward and the angle of inclination increases. pelvic bones and lumbar lordosis is formed.

The process of posture formation ends with the formation of the arched shape of the foot bones at the age of 3-4 years.

Spinal curvature in preschool children can be either congenital or acquired. TO congenital causes include:

  • Birth injuries, specifically, subluxation of the cervical vertebra - displacement of the surfaces of two adjacent vertebrae;
  • Connective tissue dysplasia;
  • Torticollis;
  • Anomalies in the intrauterine formation of the spine (wedge-shaped vertebrae, vertebral deformity).

These disorders are found in approximately 5 out of 100 children with postural deformities. All the rest received acquired curvature of the spine.

The reasons for its occurrence include:

  1. Excess body weight;
  2. Physical inactivity – modern children have begun to move less, often preferring outdoor games to watching TV and electronic gadgets. The reason follows from this in the line below;
  3. Underdevelopment of muscles;
  4. Unbalanced diet;
  5. Erroneous actions of parents (planting/standing up too early);
  6. Incorrect furniture for the child or too soft mattress. An uncomfortable, too high or low table and chair force the child to take an incorrect posture while drawing or other activities. Children slouch, sway, trying to take a comfortable position and damaging their posture;
  7. Some previous diseases (rickets, tuberculosis).

If you notice deviations in your child’s posture, do not close your eyes to this problem, because spinal deformation can lead to compression of internal organs and disruptions in their functioning, decreased concentration of memory and attention, and increased fatigue.

How to identify postural deformation in a child

Ask your child to undress down to his underpants and stand up straight.

Front view:

  • Shoulders should be on the same line;
  • The angle between the shoulder and neck should be the same on both sides;
  • The chest should be flat, without depressions or protrusions.

Side view:

  • The abdomen is retracted, the chest is raised;
  • The spine has smooth physiological curves;
  • The pelvic tilt angle is 35 degrees in boys and 55 in girls;
  • Legs are straight.

Rear view:

  • The shoulder blades are located evenly, on the same line and equally distant from the spine;
  • The subgluteal folds should be symmetrical.

Place your child in a level position with his back against the wall. Heels, calves, buttocks, shoulder blades and the back of the head should touch the surface of the wall, and the distance between it and the body in the neck and lower back should be 2-3 fingers.

It would also be a good idea to conduct a test for the development of the spinal muscles. The child is placed on a table or other hard, elevated surface so that the part of the body above the lower back is suspended. The legs should be held by the parent, the child's arms should be extended at the seams and rest on the waist.

A preschooler should normally maintain a horizontal position for about 30-60 seconds.

If you find your baby has deformed posture or underdeveloped muscles, this is a reason to consult a doctor.

The specialist will prescribe additional studies to most accurately determine the extent of changes - radiography, computed tomography, and will also additionally refer you to a pediatric orthopedist or surgeon.

Types of postural curvature

Violations can occur in two planes - frontal and sagittal. The main types of curvatures in the sagittal plane:

  1. Stooping – protruding “wing-shaped” shoulder blades, protruding chest, bent head;
  2. – gait on half-bent legs, wing-shaped shoulder blades, protruding stomach;
  3. Round-concave back - increased thoracic and lumbar curves, gait on bent legs;
  4. Flat back – the spine is straight, without physiological bends. The stomach sticks out, the chest is pushed forward;
  5. Flat-concave back - flattening of the thoracic region, the pelvis is shifted back, wing-shaped shoulder blades;
  6. Scoliosis – curvature spinal column, violation of body symmetry.

Deformities in the frontal plane are not divided into types and can be caused by muscle hypertonicity in one part of the body, which causes curvature of the spinal column.

This phenomenon is called a scoliotic arch and should not be confused with true scoliosis.

Scoliosis occurs due to untimely treatment and correction of this condition and has 4 degrees of severity:

  • Stage I. Minor changes in posture. Spinal curvature can only be detected by radiography, and it does not exceed 30%;
  • Stage II. Postural deformation is more pronounced and visible to the naked eye. Curvature level 30-60%;
  • Stage III. Pronounced deformation, wedge-shaped vertebrae. Curvature can reach 90%;
  • VI stage. The percentage of curvature is more than 90%.

Grades 3 and 4 scoliosis usually lead to disability of the child.

Consequences of postural deformation

Poor posture is not considered a disease, but it requires compulsory treatment. Deviations in the formation of the skeleton lead to pathologies of the spine, improper distribution of the load on the joints, which leads to problems such as their premature wear and deterioration in the functioning of internal organs.

The consequences of untreated crooked posture also include cardiac and pulmonary failure, osteochondrosis, scoliosis, intervertebral hernia.

That is why it is so important to identify violations in time and begin correcting this condition.

Methods for correcting crooked posture

Treatment of deformed posture most often responds to conservative therapy, without the participation medicines. However, in severe cases - congenital or acquired back deformities with progressive development, surgical intervention may be required.

The classic method of treating curvatures involves a whole range of measures, including:

  1. 1. Medicinal physical culture. Balanced and competent physical activity capable of showing good results, strengthening the muscle corset and correcting the consequences of curvature development. This procedure should be systematic and not one-time. The set of exercises includes the load on different groups muscles - back, abs, chest. To increase efficiency, sports equipment can be used - a ball, a stick, dumbbells. Below are given simple exercises which the child can do at home, under parental supervision:
    • Walking in place with knees raised, hands on the belt;
    • Walking on tiptoes, hands on the belt;
    • Bend to the sides, hands on the belt;
    • Squats, back straight;
    • Raising straight arms with light dumbbells in a sitting position;
    • Reduction and extension of the shoulder blades in a sitting position.
  2. A massage that should be performed by a competent specialist. Removes muscle tension and strengthens them, improves metabolic processes, restores microcirculation, improves blood flow and lymph flow;
  3. Corset that corrects posture. One of the most effective methods for correcting curvatures in preschoolers and students primary school. It is an orthopedic device that relieves stress from the spine, aligns it and teaches the child to keep his back straight. Can be used from the age of six; the need to wear a corset is determined by a doctor.

Parents must remember that they have the responsibility and concern to ensure that the child always keeps his back correctly and straight. Teach your baby to correct posture while sitting on a chair and at a table. The elbows should lie on the surface and not hang down, the shoulders should be symmetrical to the table, the feet should be fully on the floor, the knees and hips should be bent at right angles.

Carefully monitor that the child does not cross his legs, does not lie down on the table with his chest, does not bend his legs, or sit sideways to the table. Furniture should be selected individually for the child, in accordance with his height.

Your child should develop the habit of correct posture, which will greatly help him throughout his further education at school, when he will have to sit for long hours at a desk and prepare homework.

Diversify your child's diet, giving a special role to fresh vegetables and fruits, as well as foods rich in calcium - cheese, cottage cheese, sesame seeds, fish. Dishes such as jellied meat and jelly are also very beneficial for joints.

Minimize your consumption of sweets, flour and fast food. Remember that overweight creates excessive stress on the skeleton.

Involve children in active games and walks in the fresh air by your own example. Believe me, there is nothing more interesting for them than playing football with dad or running races with mom. All these activities contribute to the development and strengthening of muscles.

Additionally, you should consider enrolling your child in a sports section.

The best sports for children with poor posture are:

  1. Swimming will strengthen the muscle corset, relieve stress from the spine, and improve motor coordination;
  2. Gymnastics – strengthens the muscles of the body, develops joint flexibility, gently corrects a deformed spine;
  3. Equestrian sport - strengthens the muscle corset, teaches you to maintain balance, uniform load on all muscles of the body, improves blood circulation;
  4. Yoga - strengthens and stretches the back muscles, aligns the spine.

Change your child's mattress to a firmer one, preferring coconut fiber filling. Mattresses made from it are distinguished by orthopedic properties, have the necessary rigidity and elasticity, are durable and practical. The pillow should also not be too soft or high.

Choose comfortable orthopedic shoes with arch supports for your child; this will help avoid flat feet, which can also cause a curvature of posture.

Posture is something that develops from the very beginning. early childhood, therefore, you should pay special attention to children under 3 years of age:

  • Do not place or place infants on soft feather beds and mattresses; a child under 1 year of age does not need a pillow at all;
  • Do not rush physical development - do not sit down or try to teach the baby to walk when his muscles are not yet ready for this. The child must independently make his first attempts to stand up and sit down;
  • Make sure that you do not always lead your child on walks by the same hand.

All these measures will definitely give positive result, and your child will delight you with a beautiful, even posture and straight back.

Remember that timely detection problems and prevention of curvatures are the key to quick and successful treatment.

The beauty of every person is not only about facial features, figure and skin condition. This is also a beautiful walk and posture, depending on the condition of the back. It is formed precisely in adolescence, when the child’s musculoskeletal system “experiences” many changes and its active growth occurs.

Every parent should be aware that skeletal development disorders missed in childhood and adolescence are very difficult to correct in the future. adult life person. Therefore, it is very important to identify them at the beginning of their formation.

Poor posture in school-age children is common. There are many reasons for the development of such musculoskeletal disorders. They are often not always associated with hereditary predisposition or characteristics of the growing organism, i.e. with an unfavorable background.

As a rule, external factors become key in the formation of incorrect posture of the child, layering on the background condition.

The task of the human spinal column at any age, including adolescence, is:

  • maintain correct vertical body position;
  • evenly distribute the resulting load on the body;
  • help coordinate walking, running and other physical activities.

Poor posture not only leads to limited ability to work or physical activity, but also causes back pain. They often predispose to the development of a number of degenerative diseases of the spine.

By the time the child goes to school for the first time, he already has a formed spinal column, which grows and lengthens every year. It is the spine, which takes on the entire load when a person walks upright, that shapes the appearance of the back and torso when standing or walking. This is what is commonly called human posture. However, even a child’s spine is not normally a straight “rod.” Normally, it has 2 large physiological bends - in thoracic region it is directed posteriorly, and in the lumbar region it is directed anteriorly. It is thanks to such “distortions” in the form English letter S, the load that appears on the vertebrae in a vertical position of the body is distributed evenly.

Usually, before the first trip to school, the child is examined by an orthopedic traumatologist. It can identify postural disorders that have formed at this age. Most often they occur due to congenital skeletal deformities, injuries or diseases bone tissue(rickets, etc.). However, in almost 90% of children at this age (6-7 years) there are no significant curvatures of the spinal column that would require treatment or further medical supervision. But during school years, the percentage of children who develop certain postural disorders begins to grow rapidly. This is caused by both the peculiarities of sitting at a desk and a number of purely individual reasons.

Therefore, parents should not shift responsibility for the child’s health to teachers, school nurses, etc. It is necessary to independently monitor whether the musculoskeletal system in children is developing correctly. Don't ignore regular preventive examinations from an orthopedist-traumatologist, who will help identify incipient deviations in the formation of correct posture, without waiting for their advanced stage.

Causes of postural changes in children

Naturally, any change in the shape of a child’s spine does not occur on its own. There are very specific, but not always obvious reasons why normal posture changes. Unfortunately, some of them are very difficult to diagnose. They are extremely rarely detected on early stage changes in the musculoskeletal system, causing rapid development of the disease. Other reasons affect posture slowly and gradually, which causes a persistent and progressive deterioration in the condition of the child’s back.

In general, the reasons leading to a persistent change in the shape of the posture of school-age children can be presented as follows:

  1. Congenital diseases and developmental anomalies leading to deformation of the spinal column and chest. They can be a consequence of both congenital deformities of the fetus and the result of body deformations due to heart defects. When such children reach school age, there is a natural growth of body bones, which often only aggravates congenital disorders posture.
  2. A disease associated with vitamin D3 deficiency and disruption of normal calcium metabolism is rickets. As a result, there is a change in the structure of bones, including the spine. Fortunately, rickets in modern children, thanks to the high level of medicine, is diagnosed less and less often. However, it depends on the parents whether such a pathology will arise in the child, which will irreversibly affect the formation of posture at an older age. So, even in the first year of life with for preventive purposes Doctors prescribe vitamin D3 drops.
  3. Hereditary predisposition to the occurrence of spinal deformities and postural disorders. If the child’s parents suffer from severe forms of curvature of the spinal column, then such changes can often occur in the child. Most often, the true cause of such processes is various genetic syndromes, which lead to changes in the normal properties of connective, cartilage and muscle tissue.
  4. Absence special gymnastics for back muscles, exercise or breaks for physical exercise while studying at school. Exactly physical activity and taking regular breaks during lessons is a guarantee that even with a not quite ideally selected desk, the child’s posture will remain normal.
  5. Tight and uncomfortable clothing chosen by parents for their child.
  6. Regularly carrying backpacks on one shoulder or heavy briefcases in one hand without alternating. The impact of such a load on one side of the body causes compensatory muscle tension on the other side. The body seems to be trying to cope; this is fraught with curvature of the spinal column.
  7. Injury to the spine, shoulder blades or chest at this age. If, after fusion of fractures of the vertebrae, ribs or shoulder blades, small deviations along the axis of the bone fragments; in the future, as the bones grow, the deformations can only intensify. In severe cases, this threatens critical skeletal damage and cessation of bone tissue growth.

Causes of posture disorders that occur directly at school

One of the reasons for the curvature of the spine is the weakening of the muscular corset of the back. It develops against the background of prolonged uncomfortable, static body positions. It is this reason that is provoked by some features of schooling:

  • Incorrectly selected school desks, seats and tables. This forces the child into an awkward and incorrect position for writing, reading and drawing. Regular and prolonged exposure to such conditions forces the spine to adapt, but at the cost of disrupting normal posture.
  • Incorrect lighting of the workplace at the desk. Often a child is forced to study in conditions where the incident side light is blocked by his hand. This forces the student to take an incorrect position at the desk and, consequently, provokes poor posture.
  • Inadequately equipped space for homework, reading and computer work at home.
  • Constant use of gadgets (smartphones, tablets and laptops), not sitting at a table with the correct back position, but lying or sitting in bed.

The above are just the main, most common causes of poor posture in children. There are also many more rare causes development of such pathology (infections, autoimmune processes, tumors, etc.).

However, in most cases, the occurrence of curvature of the spinal column various types arises through the fault of the student himself, his parents, and the education system. She does not pay due attention to the orthopedic component of school furniture.

Types of posture disorders in school-age children

The main types of postural disorders that occur in schoolchildren are the following:

  1. Adolescent scoliosis. This is a form of lateral curvature of the spinal column, i.e. left or right. It is detected visually by a doctor by the curvature of the conditional axis drawn along the spinous processes of the vertebrae. It can also be visually diagnosed using x-rays, calculating the angle of curvature and determining the stage of the disease. There is some controversy regarding the true cause of the development of such changes in posture - whether it is caused by improper load on the spine during schooling or occurs for unknown reasons (idiopathic). At the same time, sitting in class only aggravates the course of the disease.
  2. Kyphosis is a forward curvature of the spine in the thoracic region, which is provoked by prolonged, incorrect body position. That is, exactly the condition that is observed in most schoolchildren when they sit incorrectly at their desks, read books or write for a long time. In adolescents, mobile kyphosis is most often diagnosed, which is associated with weakness of the back muscles.
  3. Lordosis of the cervical or lumbar region in teenagers. This condition is quite rare and is usually caused by spinal disease or injury.

Poor posture in children should not only be identified in a timely manner by a specialist, but also require measures to eliminate and correct such conditions. This will avoid progression of spinal curvature and complex surgical treatment in the future.

Treatment and prevention of postural disorders in school-age children

Treatment of spinal curvature in children is most often carried out conservatively. Therapeutic gymnastics and physical rehabilitation for children with the initial stages of poor posture, they allow not only to restrain the progression of the pathology, but also, by strengthening the muscular-ligamentous apparatus of the spine, to correct the curvature of its axis.

Exercise therapy for children with poor posture includes not only physical exercise, but also swimming in the pool, massage and hydromassage, wearing special corrective corsets, etc. Physical therapy for such disorders of the spinal column should become an indispensable, regular activity for the child. Existing exercise therapy complexes for children with poor posture correct use under the supervision of doctors and instructors, they allow schoolchildren to restore the beauty of their posture and forget about potential problems with my back in adulthood.

Wearing special corrective corsets, the purpose of which is to restrain the process of curvature of the spine, only half solves the child’s problem. Often their effectiveness without physical exercise is low. IN difficult cases, when postural disorders progress or are associated not only with weakness of the back muscles, doctors are forced to resort to surgical treatment and stabilization of the spinal column with special metal structures. Such treatment, unfortunately, is not only long-term, reduces the functionality of the back, but also cannot be carried out until the end of vertebral growth, i.e. it is contraindicated before the age of 16-18 years.

The first impression of a person is formed, among other things, by how straight he holds his back, that is, by correct posture. In addition to the beneficial effect on others, it is also a guarantee of human health. Incorrect posture entails, in addition to excessive stress on the spine, many problems in the functioning of all systems and organs, primarily the musculoskeletal system.

People of the upper classes around the world have been very careful about the posture of children from the very beginning. early age. Today, parents pay little attention to how the child holds his back.. In the endless worries of parents, they monitor the nutrition, behavior, education of their baby, and parents learn about poor posture in preschool children from a doctor when the problem has already appeared.

The child’s body grows rapidly, so the formation of posture occurs before the age of 24. Spinal curvature in school-age children can be caused by many factors, so its health should be checked annually. Correct posture is characterized by the following characteristics:

  • The body is located vertically;
  • The chest is expanded;
  • The abdominal muscles are tightened;
  • The shoulder blades are located close to each other;
  • Shoulders abducted.

Any violation of these signs is considered pathology. Doctors distinguish three degrees of spinal curvature:

  • 1st degree - the child is able to keep his back straight and even, but forgets about it, and in a free position his posture is impaired;
  • 2nd degree - the uneven position of the spine is corrected if the child hangs on the horizontal bar and straightens the body.
  • 3rd degree - violations persist even when hanging on the crossbar.

Why does my posture deteriorate?

The causes of poor posture in children can be either congenital or acquired. Disorders detected immediately after childbirth can be caused by intrauterine abnormalities during the formation of the spinal column, birth injuries. Most often, spinal curvatures are acquired.

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The reasons why a child’s posture is impaired may be social conditions, namely:

  • Sedentary lifestyle;
  • Inconvenient furniture, its incompatibility with the child’s height;
  • Poor desk lighting;
  • Carrying a briefcase on one shoulder or using bags or bags, etc. instead.

In all of the above situations, the child develops an incorrect position in which he remains for a long time, and over time the habit persists. Also, the formation of posture in preschool children is influenced by how adults care for them in infancy.

Carrying a baby on one arm and sitting a child up to five or six are unfavorable for posture. one month old, attempts to put the baby on his feet too early, as well as the walking child constantly being on only one side of the parent when walking.

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Also, the development of correct posture is greatly hindered the following factors health:

  • Insufficient load on the muscles;
  • Excess weight;
  • Hypotrophy;
  • Irregular daily routine;
  • Insufficient dietary intake of vitamins and minerals;
  • Somatic weakness.

Consequences of poor posture

Incorrect posture in a child, when the body is still developing, inevitably leads to a lot of troubles, namely:

  • The internal organs descend, they are compressed, as a result of which diseases or disorders of all systems and organs can develop;
  • Due to disruption of normal blood circulation, it becomes worse memory, headaches and fatigue appear;
  • Lung volume decreases noticeably;
  • Pain appears in the back area, it becomes difficult for the child to sit for a long time;
  • Shortness of breath appears, a lag in physical development and more.

If the posture is disturbed with a displacement of the spinal axis to the side, this condition is called a scoliotic arch. It can only be distinguished from true scoliosis by radiography. But nevertheless, this disease is no less dangerous than scoliosis and serious curvatures entail disability.

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Girls from 11 to 14 years old are more susceptible to scoliosis than others, when it grows very quickly, and at the same time it begins puberty. This happens due to the fact that muscle mass cannot keep up with the rapid growth of the skeleton. Curvature of the spine may be accompanied by the appearance of a vertebral hump. During examination of such a child, you may notice a large protrusion in the chest area. Such children develop pain in the chest area, and it becomes difficult for them to simply lean on the back of a chair.

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Treatment and prevention

The human skeleton, including the spine, begins to form long before a person is born and continues until he grows up. Particularly important is the period up to one year, when the child very quickly learns to control his body: hold his head, sit, stand, walk. At this time, it is important not to harm the child’s spine. Some recommendations will help with this:

  • Do not teach your baby to sleep on soft things and do not sit him on pillows.
  • From birth, the baby should be periodically placed on his tummy, and after three months his waking hours should take place primarily in this position.
  • You should not lead your child by the hands until he has learned to walk. The same applies to sitting the baby down - you should not put him in a high chair, between pillows or on your lap until he has started doing this on his own.
  • You should not constantly carry your child in one arm.
  • You can monitor how correctly your baby holds his back when sitting on a chair from the age of two to three.

Particular attention must be paid to the correct posture of the student, since increased loads when sitting for a long time at a desk or at a computer, they provoke the development of postural disorders in adolescents.

Poor posture in children is noticeable to the naked eye not only to a qualified orthopedic traumatologist, but also to parents. A hunched back, asymmetrical shoulder girdle, and protruding abdomen are classic manifestations of pathology. In approximately 30% of cases, displacement vertical axis of the torso due to the presence of scoliosis (lateral deviation of the spinal column).

Posture in children is formed before the age of 24 due to the constant growth of the body. Against this background, any impact can provoke curvature of the spinal column in the horizontal and frontal planes, so it is important to annually check for curvature of the vertical axis.


  • Verticality of the body;
  • Expanded chest;
  • Abducted shoulders;
  • Close location of the shoulder blades;
  • Tight belly.

Any deviation from the above signs indicates the presence of pathology.

Types of postural disorders in the sagittal plane:

  • Stooping – lower back and increased kyphosis of the chest;
  • – smoothing of all curves of the spinal column;
  • – flattening thoracic kyphosis with normal lumbar lordosis;
  • – increased thoracic kyphosis throughout the thoracic region;
  • – increased lordosis in the lower back and kyphosis in the chest.

A scoliotic arch appears in the frontal plane. It is not a disease, unlike scoliosis (lateral curvature of the spinal axis), but only a consequence increased tone skeletal muscles in one half of the body.

1st degree – the child can, if desired, take a normal position, but in a free position, a curvature of the vertebral axis can be seen;

2nd degree - the deformation is eliminated by hanging on a horizontal bar or wall bars and straightening the body;

3rd degree - the curvature remains when the child straightens and hangs on a gymnastic barbell.

Posture in children when the spinal axis is shifted to the lateral plane is called a scoliotic arch. Without performing x-rays of the spinal column in frontal and lateral projections, it is difficult to distinguish it from true scoliosis. However, curvature of the spine in the frontal plane in degrees 3 and 4 leads to disability in children.

Types of scoliosis and postural disorders in children

  1. On initial stage external curvature of the back to the side is difficult to differentiate between scoliosis and scoliotic curve. The only sign on the x-ray that allows this to be done is the rotation of the vertebrae around their axis (torsion) in true scoliosis. The amount of curvature does not exceed 30%.
  2. A curvature of 31-60% is clearly visible during a visual examination of the child’s back and appears at stage 2 of scoliosis;
  3. Deformation of the spinal column up to 90% is characterized by a change in the shape of the vertebrae (they become wedge-shaped) and indicates stage 3 of pathology;
  4. When there is a curvature of more than 90% of the spinal column (grade 4), a pronounced curvature of the vertical axis of the body appears in the lateral plane with a disproportionate displacement of anatomical structures and internal organs.

Scoliosis is more common in girls aged 12-14 years with rapid growth and puberty. IN in this case the changes are due to the fact that the muscular-ligamentous apparatus does not have time to adapt to the rapid growth of the bone structure.

Poor posture in children can be combined with a vertebral hump. When examining the back of a child with this pathology, a large protrusion in the thoracic region is clearly visible. Children with a vertebral hump cannot lean on the back of a chair when sitting and always complain of pain in the thoracic spine.

Correct posture in children should be developed from a very young age. How to prevent spinal curvature in infants:

  • The baby should not be placed on a soft feather bed or placed on pillows;
  • When the baby turns 3 years old, he should be placed on his stomach;
  • You should not try to teach your baby to walk prematurely;
  • You can't carry children in one arm all the time;
  • When walking with a child, it is better to lead him not by the hand, but by a wide ribbon passed through the armpit area;
  • From 2-3 years old, teach children to sit correctly on a chair;
  • Try to teach them to sleep on a hard bed from an early age.

Parents should remember that all their previous efforts to develop correct posture in children can be undone by sitting incorrectly at a school desk or carrying a heavy backpack on one shoulder.

Medical principles for correcting a child’s spine

Incorrect posture in children requires mandatory registration at a dispensary. In this case, the orthopedic traumatologist will determine the optimal correction methods:

  • For progressive scoliosis of 3-4 degrees, which is detected in 0.6-0.7% of children, it is required hospital treatment: traction, underwater massage, special exercises;
  • Non-progressive scoliosis is treated in outpatient setting until the end of the growth process of children;
  • When correcting pathology, it is carried out with corrective gymnastics in a physical therapy group;
  • 2-3 degree displacement of the spinal axis in the lateral plane requires a careful approach to treatment. Such children are assigned classes physical therapy in a medical institution or medical and physical education clinic.

With a stooped, flat and round back, it is necessary to guide children to exercise regularly (at least 3 times a week).

Before performing therapeutic exercises, it is necessary to work out the correct posture. Place your child near a wall and place a book on his head. It is necessary to hold it for as long as possible. With the help of this training, the correct posture is subconsciously reinforced.

To prevent back curvature, you should pay attention to the following features:

  • Helps prevent functional shortening of the limb correct selection shoes If you have congenital flat feet, you must wear special shoes;
  • To sleep, your child needs to purchase a hard mattress;
  • Strict adherence to the daily routine;
  • Refuse some bad habits: wearing a backpack, incorrect position of the body at a school desk, throwing one leg over the other.

We draw the attention of parents to the fact that common cause Poor posture in children is flat feet. Unfortunately, the incorrect formation of the arch of the baby’s foot does not alarm parents. However, when a child with flat feet walks, the body weight falls on the joints and spine, and the shock-absorbing function of the latter is impaired.

Since flat feet in children do not initially hurt, the problem does not cause discomfort. Pain syndrome will occur only when calcium salts are deposited in the bones, and the human body does not have enough strength to ensure the function of movement.

Over time, after flat feet, varicose veins of the lower extremities will appear due to the load on circulatory system legs

Due to rapid development complications, doctors try to treat postural disorders immediately after detection. The effectiveness of therapy directly depends on the patient’s interest in the correctness, regularity and duration of following the doctor’s recommendations.

Strengthening the muscle corset

Exercises for poor posture can strengthen the muscular corset of the back, improve the dynamic properties of skeletal muscles and prevent further displacement of the spine.

A course of therapeutic exercises must be carried out regularly and for a long time. The systematicity of performing exercises should not be less than 3 times a week.

Gymnastic exercises for, depending on the mechanism of action, are classified into 2 types:

  • Static;
  • Dynamic.

Static exercises are designed to strengthen “slow” muscle groups. These fibers are often in a tonic state and relax very slowly. When the spinal axis is bent, the “slow” muscles on one side of the body are in spasm. To prevent it, static exercises are prescribed.

Dynamic skeletal muscle training is aimed at increasing its elasticity. In this case, the “fast” muscle fibers are strengthened. They are able to quickly contract and relax. Activated by active physical movements.

Gymnastic exercises can be divided into 3 types based on the characteristics of their impact on muscles:

  • Symmetrical;
  • Asymmetrical;
  • Mixed.

Symmetrical exercises work symmetrical muscle groups on both sides of the body. Asymmetrical - aimed at strengthening individual muscle fibers. Combined options include both of the above groups.

Gymnastic exercises

Here is an approximate list of exercises that are used to correct spinal deformities in children:

  • Perform straight leg raises in a standing position. At the same time, on each count, try to reach the toe of your foot with the palm of your hand;
  • If you do the “bicycle” exercise every day, you can quickly strengthen your abdominal muscles. It involves simulating riding a bicycle while sitting on a chair;
  • Raise your legs to a height of 40 cm above the floor and constantly change the height of your lower limbs. In this case, one leg should move up and the other down;
  • Stretch your legs straight and place your arms along your body. In this position, raise your legs and fix them for 30 seconds at an angle of 30 degrees;
  • If the previous exercise is easy to perform, you can use a more complicated version: raise your legs at an angle of 45 degrees;
  • Lie on your back and perform scissoring exercises about 30 times (alternately placing one leg behind the other in an elevated position);
  • While lying down, raise and lower your legs behind your head 10-15 times;
  • Sitting on a chair, secure your legs under a support (it can be a chair). Place your hands behind your head. Unbend and lower yourself slowly;
  • Perform hanging from a bar. Raise your legs straight up right angle. The number of repetitions is 10-15 within 10 seconds;
  • Pull your knees towards your stomach supine position. The number of repetitions is based on how you feel.

Parents can also perform the above exercises for children. They are convenient because they do not require long repetitions and strengthen the back muscle corset.

In conclusion, I would like to remind you that there are no medications that would make the muscles strong and the ligaments elastic. Only therapeutic exercises can lead to royal posture.