How to treat cough in children in a folk way. Cabbage juice with sugar

Dry painful cough occurs in both newborns and older children. You can cope with the disease by contacting a doctor, and drinking a bunch of drugs, with side effects, or use proven folk remedies.

Features of dry cough in children, causes, forms

Before starting treatment, it is necessary to identify the cause. Very often, a cough occurs due to dry air in the room, due to dust and lack of water in the body. The room in which the child is located should be frequently ventilated and daily wet cleaning should be carried out in it. During the heating season, air humidification is necessary with special devices or a spray gun.

Children under one year old cannot cough up, so they are tormented by a dry cough. Sputum accumulates on the nasal mucosa and causes vomiting reflexdefensive reaction body to clear the airways. To help babies get rid of mucus, they should often be given water and vibration massage (the child is placed on the knees of an adult with a breast, the back is rubbed with oil and lightly tapped on it).

Advice: Vibration massage does not cause any harm to the newborn, it can be done to cleanse the lungs of the child.

Available allergic cough for dust or pollen. In the spring, you will have to protect the child from contact with flowering plants and consult a doctor for selection antihistamines. Traditional medicine for allergies is powerless.

Treatment with folk remedies is most relevant in the earliest stages. colds, do not start the disease. A huge variety of expectorant herbs will quickly relieve the child of dry cough.

With an increase in temperature or prolonged unsuccessful treatment, it is imperative to contact a pediatrician.

Dry cough can be caused by:

  • Complicated viral infection.
  • Whooping cough.
  • Flu.
  • Laryngitis.
  • Measles.
  • Bronchitis.
  • Asthma.
  • False croup.
  • Sinusitis.
  • Stress (nervous cough that torments the child during the day).

Herbal remedies: breast collection, licorice, ginger and others

For coughing, rinsing with infusions of anti-inflammatory herbs and ingesting them well help. These are chamomile, sage, mother and stepmother, oregano, thyme, etc. Pharmacists have created a chest collection from such herbs, which acts as an expectorant and tonic.

In this case, the child does not have to be awake. Coniferous oils dripped into an aroma lamp or just a container with hot water. Such inhalations strengthen the immune system and can become a daily evening ritual.

  1. Licorice is the most popular expectorant. The syrup is often prescribed for children, but do not forget that it contains alcohol and great amount Sahara. Therefore, it is better to use the dried roots of the plant and prepare a decoction or infusion on your own. Using this medicinal product allowed within a week long-term use violates water and electrolyte balance and adversely affect health.
  2. Ginger is also brewed with boiling water, infused and consumed warm with honey by a child. It has not only an expectorant, but also an immunomodulatory effect. Daily addition of a small amount of grated ginger will help resist viral infections during an exacerbation.
  3. Radish with honey antimicrobial agent: a hole is cut out in the fruit, a spoonful of honey is put in it, after 3 hours you can scoop out the juice and take it 1 tbsp. l. before meals 4 times a day. Radish is used to treat chronic diseases lungs.
  4. Boiled onions with milk, butter and honey is a popular and affordable recipe for grandmothers. It has an enveloping and mucolytic effect.

Before going to bed, it is worth using not expectorants, but soothing mucous agents:

  • Honey with milk.
  • Bananas crushed with milk.
  • Herbal tea (any anti-inflammatory and loved by the child) with milk.

It is believed that milk also tends to secrete a lot of mucus. Therefore, if the child does not sleep well and chokes on mucus, it is worth abandoning the evening portion.

When using expectorant infusions before going to bed, mucus will accumulate at night. The child will have difficulty breathing and will cough and not sleep.

Vegetable oil, cottage cheese, apple cider vinegar

The most common compress recipe is from vegetable oil, honey and alcohol, in a ratio of 1:1:1. The solution is applied to gauze, applied to the chest, wrapped with cling film. Such a compress has a warming effect, impregnates the skin and helps to thin and soften sputum. Even an hourly compress is sufficient for use; it is not necessary to leave it at night. Yes, and it is dangerous if the temperature rises.

Compress with apple cider vinegar also proved to be a good assistant in the fight against dry cough. Before applying it, it is worth smearing the child with oil so that there is no skin irritation. Then apply the soaked gauze to the area of ​​the lungs, from the side of the chest and from the back. Keep no more than 20 minutes.

Very important: At great weakness, temperature, warming compresses are contraindicated.

Another old recipe for cottage cheese with honey, it is believed that such a mass draws out old mucus and helps with running forms bronchitis. This compress lowers the temperature. Recipe: for 100 g of cottage cheese 1 tbsp. l. honey, the mass is heated in a water bath and placed on the patient, wrapped with cling film. Such a compress should be done all night.

Salt compress is also able to draw out the disease, but for delicate children's skin, it can be an irritant. After it, you need to smear the skin with a nourishing cream.

Fats: badger, bear

badger fat able to cope even with tuberculosis, and with a lingering dry cough, he will cope in one application. It will take 3 days for a full recovery. It is used in melted form, 1 tsp each. before meals. Because the kids don't like it very much. pure form, it can be mixed with honey and milk. Badger fat envelops the irritated throat, soothes it and has a strong expectorant effect.

The analogue is bear fat, which is just as common and effective. His regular use boosts immunity. In folk medicine, other animal fats are also used in the fight against dry cough: goose, pork. All of them have a softening effect.

Fat is also used in the form of compresses, for warming up and removing sputum. Apply melted, overnight, in the absence of temperature.

Badger and bear fat have special trace elements that are not found in regular fat, and therefore are more valued.

Note: At the time of buying healing fat with hands, it is necessary to check the availability of a veterinary certificate.

Contraindications for treatment

Contraindications for treatment with folk remedies are:

  • The presence of a serious disease in which it is necessary to consult a doctor.
  • Individual intolerance, which is expressed in the deterioration of health, nausea, vomiting.
  • Allergic reaction.

When treating with folk remedies, it is worth combining them, and the addition of drug treatment is also acceptable. It has been proven that these recipes are effective, do not be lazy and do them regularly, then you can do without drugs. Of course, it is easier to take a pill and become healthy, and less hassle. But everyone knows that medicines treat one thing, and cripple another. This does not mean at all that you should not consult a doctor, you just need to defeat the disease on initial stage.

Advice: If the child refuses to take useful decoction no need to force him, do not focus on the fact that this is a medicine. It is acceptable to mix decoctions (infusions) with sweet tea or milk.

Treatment of dry cough with folk remedies is not only effective and inexpensive, but also has a positive outlook. There is no need to clog the children's body with medicines that have side effects and cause an allergic reaction. Treatment of cough at the initial stage is important for health, do not neglect the first signs of the disease. Herbal anti-inflammatory teas should always be on hand. The child must use Everyday life, Then the disease will pass easier.

A prolonged intense cough in a child is a problem that all parents often face. Most adults immediately go to the pharmacy and purchase drugs, forgetting that there are many remedies offered by traditional medicine, and they are in no way inferior to chemical compounds. How quickly at home for a child, if there are no complications, and the doctor has allowed the use of herbal formulations?

Figs and milk against advanced cough

How to cure a cough quickly at home in a child, and what medicines are recommended for this? Traditional medicine offers many remedies that are not only easy to prepare, but can also be used without any fear of causing backfire. One such home remedy is a decoction of milk and figs. You can take it for various colds - pneumonia, bronchitis, even whooping cough. The only condition for a successful recovery is that the child should not be allergic to the components of the remedy.


  1. In milk (200 ml), dip a few figs, pre-washed and slightly dried.
  2. Send the container to the stove, bring the liquid to a boil.
  3. Leave to brew, be sure to close the saucepan with a lid.
  4. After an hour, take out the fruits, you can begin treatment.

Give the child a prepared medicine of only 50 ml at a time. It is necessary to take the composition four times a day - this is enough for an active effect on the most intense cough.

Every day, be sure to prepare fresh medicine - it is forbidden to store it. The very next day after preparation useful qualities disappears.

Infusion of honey and anise against cough attacks

Another wonderful remedy, which will quickly save the child from prolonged cough- an infusion made from anise seeds and a bee product. The only thing that needs to be done before curing a cough quickly at home in a child with this composition is to make sure that the small organism is not allergic to honey. Otherwise, you will have to resort to another home remedy.


  1. Mix 25 gr. good bee honey and 40 gr. anise seeds, add salt to this mixture at the tip of a knife.
  2. Mix the composition, pour boiling water (240 ml).
  3. Send the product to the fire, as soon as it boils - remove, leave to cool.

Be sure to strain the liquid, only after that you can start treatment. The child should be given only 20 ml at a time, preferably shortly after a meal. It is allowed to drink water, but there should be a minimum amount of liquid. Duration of treatment - no more than a crescent. If during this time the intensity of coughing attacks has not decreased, be sure to show the child to the doctor.

Means with honey and vanillin for active expectoration

It often happens that a child suffers from a dry cough, which is accompanied by painful sensations in the chest and irritation in the mucous membranes of the throat. Against such unpleasant symptoms you can prepare a remedy based on vanillin and honey. Mucus after a few days of taking the composition will begin to actively expectorate, and additional measures will not be needed for this.


  1. Honey send on water bath and warm up a bit.
  2. Add to bee product butter(take components in equal parts).
  3. Stir the composition, it should become homogeneous and semi-liquid.
  4. Remove from the water bath, add a few pinches of vanillin, mix.
  5. Cool completely, only after that you can start taking home medicine.

The child should take the composition hourly, only 15 gr. in one go. You can drink a little liquid after using the product - water, juice, compote. It is advisable to take the medicine before a meal - this will enhance the activity of useful components.

In the treatment with such a medicine, one should not forget that honey, not only for children, but also for adults, is considered the most powerful allergen, and every person can have a reaction to a bee product. That is why parents certainly need to monitor whether the baby will have side effects after application of the compound.

Carrot remedy for the little ones

A child who is already a year old can prepare a medicine from carrots and a bee product. Such a drink is not only tasty, but also healthy - coughing attacks lose their intensity after the first day of treatment. Another advantage of using the composition is that it strengthens the immune system and makes up for the lack of vitamins in the body, which often happens with a prolonged cold.


  1. Peel the carrots, rinse well, chop using a grater.
  2. Squeeze the juice from the prepared slurry, add honey to it (take the components for the preparation of the product in equal parts).
  3. If the bee product is not fresh and has had time to sugar, first send it to a water bath, only then mix it with carrot juice.
  4. Mix the composition until smooth.

Give the baby medicine 10 ml at a time. You can give it hourly - this will significantly increase the results of treatment. You should not drink the composition - it has a more active effect in such cases. You also need to eat food no earlier than an hour after taking the medicine.

Baked radish with honey against advanced cough

It is no secret to anyone that radish can be used against colds - this root crop has wonderful qualities. Active substances rapidly liquefy mucus and promote it complete withdrawal from the respiratory organs. The only requirement that parents should not forget is that it is better to first make sure with the help of a doctor that the body does not pass inflammatory processes. With such problems, the medicine will be powerless.


  1. Rinse several root crops, peel, cut into small cubes.
  2. Pour the prepared cubes with honey (they should be completely covered).
  3. Send the container to the oven, turn on a low temperature and simmer for about 2 hours.
  4. Remove, cool, filter the medicine.
  5. Pour into a container for storage, which can be tightly closed, after complete cooling, send to the refrigerator.

child for quick release from coughing attacks, take 20 ml of the composition. You can drink it, although it is not needed - the medicine has a pleasant taste and aroma. The number of doses of syrup based on radish - up to 5 times a day. After reducing the intensity of coughing attacks, you can take the remedy 3 times a day.

Onion jam for cough

For children, you can prepare another wonderful composition that will cope with coughing attacks. Active ingredient drugs - onions. It is no secret to anyone that this particular vegetable is an excellent remedy for colds.


  1. Chop a few onions into small cubes.
  2. Pour the prepared raw materials with sugar, the onion particles should be completely covered.
  3. Put on the stove, pour in a little water so that the composition does not burn, stirring, cook for about 2 hours.
  4. Filter the syrup, cool, send to a cool place.

Give the medicine 10 ml at a time. Be sure to ensure that the composition is warm before use. The duration of treatment is only a week, usually this is enough for positive results. If necessary, you can extend the course of treatment, but only slightly - only a few days.

How to cure a cough quickly at home in a child and what is better to use to quickly alleviate the condition of the crumbs? Traditional medicine offers many remedies that not only rarely cause side effects, but also have practically no contraindications. The main thing is to ask a specialist for permission to use them.

Save the information.

You will need

  • - granulated sugar, honey, onion;
  • - black radish; granulated sugar, honey;
  • - honey, butter, 2 eggs, flour or starch;
  • - a head of garlic, granulated sugar, starch;
  • - milk, butter, soda, honey;
  • - nettle, mallow, horsetail, plantain.


Know that there are certain rules for taking folk remedies for oral administration. Firstly, you need to take them 3-4 times a day in a dosage corresponding to the age of the child. For example, people over 10 years old need 1 tbsp. l. medicines, children from 4 to 10 years old - 1 des. l, and for babies up to 4 years old - 1 tsp.

In the evening, finely chop one onion, add 2 tbsp. l. granulated sugar and set to infuse overnight. By morning, a sweet juice is formed, which tastes good. You need to give juice along with onions. Before the medicine runs out, make the next dose. This tool has a bactericidal effect, dilutes sputum, helps the child cough it up faster. With whooping cough or bronchitis, a similar drug will help, only with honey. Onion juice is squeezed out and mixed with bee product in a ratio of 1:1.


Cough is not a disease, but only a symptom of it. At the same time, this is a protective reaction of the body in order to clear the respiratory tract from mucus. To determine the diagnosis of the disease on your own is dangerous for the health of the child, so at the first sign of a cough, immediately consult a pediatrician. He will listen to the child, prescribe tests and find out the cause of the cough, which can be hidden both in ARVI and in allergies, asthma, or tuberculosis.

Keep in mind that the cough itself does not need to be eliminated, but only facilitated. For example, if the doctor prescribes an antitussive that will suppress the cough reflex or receptors. A wet cough is treated with expectorant medicines, which increase the amount of sputum and help it pass painlessly. The use of inhalations and physiotherapy prescribed by a pediatrician accelerates the cure due to the bactericidal effect.

In addition to the medicines prescribed by the doctor, give the child abundant warm drink: sour drink, alkaline mineral water. Drinking liquid helps the body get rid of toxins, dilutes sputum. Also brew and give when coughing, following the directions on the label, chest fees from herbs purchased at the pharmacy.

In addition, trust proven folk remedies. They can be used in parallel with drug treatment and greatly increase its efficiency. These can be soft chest warming compresses. For example, even for a baby, a warming compress made from flour dough mixed into a cool cake with honey is suitable, sunflower oil, dry mustard, vodka, taken 1 tbsp. l. Divide the cake into 2 parts and attach in front of the baby's chest, wrapping it with a warm scarf for the night. The compress will help you sleep peacefully without suffering from coughing fits.

From a prolonged cough, radish with honey comes to the rescue. Cut off the “cap” of a fresh radish, which will serve as a lid. Then cut a recess in the root crop, which is half filled with natural honey. After half a day, a radish seed will appear in the hole. With this sweet medicine, give your baby 4 times a day, 1 tsp. after meal. children school age you can give 1 des. l. And after 12 years - 1 tbsp. l. Helps with cough burnt sugar. As well as chopped onion with sugar. After brewing, this mixture produces a sweet syrup that is in no way inferior to syrups bought at a pharmacy.

Do it at home using a special inhaler or kettle. Boil potatoes in their skins in a teapot or brew 3 tbsp for half a liter of boiling water. l. pine buds. Put a funnel on the spout of the kettle, over which the child will breathe, covering himself with a towel. For safety reasons, this procedure should be carried out for a baby only from 5-6 years old. During inhalation, watch the child so that he does not. After the procedure, the child immediately wrap him up and put him under a blanket, avoiding hypothermia.


At the same time, expectorant and antitussive drugs should not be taken. A cough usually occurs in parallel with a runny nose, and one cannot be cured without the other.

Helpful advice

Before using honey in folk remedies, exclude the child's allergy to it. At elevated temperatures, warming compresses and inhalations for children should not be done.

For a loving and caring parent, the most important thing is that his child is always healthy. Unfortunately, this is impossible, even if you tirelessly monitor your child. Children very often catch a cold, and with it there is also a cough.

Take medication. Drug treatment is recommended only if the child is over two years old. It is not recommended to give any kind of medication to younger children, as they are at increased risk of overdose. When treating with medicines, it is also worth remembering that most of them have such by-effect, like drowsiness, so it is best to give the child medication at bedtime. Now pharmacies sell enough all kinds of products for children, including suspensions, syrups, mucolytics and various expectorants. Children over four years of age can be given cough drops. However, do not forget that even if the medicine is freely available, you should still consult with your doctor before taking it.

Turn to traditional medicine. If a child's cough is caused by a viral infection and is not very strong, you can do without going to the pharmacy or supplement with funds drug treatment. The most popular method of treatment is all kinds of gargling. For example, you can gargle with water and salt or soda, adding a few drops of iodine to it. You can also add about 1 teaspoon of lemon juice to a glass of water. Rinse the child's mouth with various herbal decoctions, for example, calendula, chamomile, coltsfoot, oak bark, and so on.

An oil wrap can also be an effective treatment. To do this, you need to make a compress by rubbing the baby's chest with warm melted butter, cover it with food or plastic wrap and cotton cloth. You need to sleep with this compress all night and repeat the procedure for several nights in a row. For oral administration, prepare a honey-oil mixture: mix honey and slightly softened butter in a one-to-one ratio. Have your child take 1 tablespoon of this mixture three times a day before meals.

Cough (in children) is a protective reflex reaction of the body, manifested in the form of a quick jerky exhalation, ensuring the elimination of sputum, pathogens, foreign bodies from the respiratory tract. The regulation of this reflex is provided by the brain and local airway receptors. It is not an independent disease.

Physiological cough occurs as a result of the accumulation of mucus formed in the process of life healthy person and is considered the norm. The appearance of a pathological cough indicates the development of the disease, an allergic reaction, or respiratory system foreign object.

The presence of cough in children requires mandatory monitoring of their condition, identifying the exact cause of the cough reflex, determining its nature. Traditional medicine offers many effective ways fix this problem.

Warm drink when coughing in a child

As a result of inflammatory processes, sputum is formed, the removal of which contributes to frequent drinking. The liquid allows you to soothe a sore throat, make up for the lack of water in the body, and reduce body temperature in case of hyperthermia.

An effective remedy in the treatment of children's cough is warm milk. It is effective in infectious diseases, as well as in the cough reflex of allergic etiology. Various drinks are used to improve the condition:

  • Fruit, berry, vegetable juices, juices, kissels, compotes, fruit drinks with the addition of honey or sugar.
  • Decoction of viburnum: 10 g of berries are brewed with boiling water (200 ml) and simmered for 5 minutes on the stove. After cooling, honey is added.
  • Anise infusion: 1 tbsp. l. anise seeds mixed with a pinch of salt and pour a glass of water. The product should be boiled for 2 minutes, cool, add honey (1 tsp).
  • Tea with raspberries (dried leaves, stems, berries, in the form of jam), lemon, honey.
  • Mineral water with a slightly alkaline reaction.

Any drink should have an optimal temperature for the child's body - from 32 to 39 degrees. The amount of liquid consumed by the child significantly affects the effectiveness of liquefaction of the resulting sputum and the acceleration of its excretion.

Treatment of dry cough in children

Dry cough is characterized by the absence or a small amount of sputum and is considered unproductive. The main function of the drugs prescribed for such a cough is to convert the mucus into a liquid form to facilitate its separation.

Lack of necessary treatment can cause the accumulation of sputum and its penetration into the lower divisions respiratory system, leading to complications different nature. The use of folk recipes should be agreed with the doctor and accompanied by drug therapy.

Folk remedies for dry cough

Facilities alternative medicine effective when used on early stages development of the cough reflex. IN this case it is recommended to use products with expectorant, mucolytic properties:

  • Honey (1 tsp), soda (on the tip of a knife), butter (0.5 tsp) are dissolved in milk. The frequency of use of this drink is not limited.
  • Black radish is crushed into cubes, laid out in a jar, poured with honey and infused until isolated vegetable juice. The resulting syrup is taken up to 6 times a day at a dose of 1 tsp. for the reception. Required condition- the prepared product must be used within a day, fresh portions are prepared daily.
  • 1 st. l. coltsfoot plants are brewed with boiling water (1 cup). The cooled broth is filtered through a piece of gauze and consumed on an empty stomach up to 5 times a day at a dose of 1 tbsp. l. for the reception.

After the transition of the dry form of the cough to the wet form, the intake of these drugs must be stopped. The use of traditional medicine recipes is not allowed if the child has an allergic reaction to any of their ingredients.

Gargle for dry cough

Rinse if available unproductive cough can reduce the severity pain in the throat, eliminate dryness and perspiration, prevent further development inflammatory processes. The optimal frequency of the procedure is 4 times a day. For gargling, the following methods are used:

  • Sea salt (1 tsp) should be dissolved in a glass of boiled warm water. The resulting volume of solution is used for 1 session.
  • Soda (1 tsp) is added to a glass of warm water and stirred until completely dissolved. In this recipe, it is allowed to include 1 - 2 drops of iodine.
  • Propolis infusion (20 drops) is mixed with warm water (200 ml). The drug is contraindicated in children under 12 years of age and in case of allergic reactions to bee products.

For children younger age soda and saline solutions can be applied in the form of irrigation using a sprayer. The effectiveness of rinsing increases when optimal conditions are created: an unlimited amount of warm drinks, maintaining high humidity in the room and regular wet cleaning.

Treatment of wet cough in children

A wet cough is characterized by the release of a sufficient amount of sputum formed and is considered productive. The discharge of mucus from the respiratory tract is a sign of a decrease in their swelling and the restoration of normal rheological parameters of sputum.

The use of traditional medicine recipes in combination with physiological procedures (inhalations, compresses) against the background of successful treatment the underlying disease that caused the cough, improve well-being and significantly speed up the healing process.

Folk remedies for wet cough

As medicinal products components of natural origin are used that have an expectorant effect and help soften the throat mucosa. With a wet cough in children, the following recipes are effective:

  • Chopped onion (0.5 kg) is poured with boiling water (1 l) and infused for 3 hours. Honey (100 g) is added to the cooled broth. The finished solution is used 4 times a day at a dose of 60 ml per dose.
  • Figs (1 pc.) Are placed in milk (300 ml), boiled for 20 minutes over moderate heat and infused for at least 2 hours. The resulting remedy is taken before going to bed.
  • Dry chopped (1 tablespoon) is mixed with milk (250 ml), brought to a boil and simmered on the stove for 10 minutes. Fat (badger, pork, goose to choose from) and honey (1 tsp for each component) are dissolved in the cooled drink. The remedy is used at night for 100 g.
  • Natural juices (beetroot, carrot, cranberry, black radish juice), 100 ml of each type are mixed with aloe juice (1 tablespoon) and lemon juice (50 ml). The resulting liquid is infused overnight. Before using the medicine, add honey (2 tablespoons). It is taken three times a day at a dose of 2 tbsp. l. for the reception.
  • Crushed licorice root (10 g) is poured into boiling water (200 ml) and simmered over moderate heat for 20 minutes. The finished broth is aged for 1 hour, filtered through a gauze cut. Honey is added to the cooled solution to taste. The medicine is used for 1 tbsp. l. for taking three times a day.

The discharge of the resulting sputum will be more productive when combined with alternative medicine with water procedures, drainage massage, lungs physical activity(at good health) and regular walks in clean air.

Steam inhalation for wet cough

The main advantage of inhalation procedures is to provide a local effect on the respiratory mucosa, which accelerates the effect of the drug on the affected area, and increases the effectiveness of treatment.

The allowed duration of the procedure is 5 minutes. The temperature of the solution used should not exceed 45 degrees in order to avoid burns of the mucous membranes. Inhalation should be through the mouth, exhalation through the nasal passages. The scheme of the course of steam inhalation - three times a day for 5 days. Tools used:

  • Soda (1 tablespoon), dissolved in hot water(1 glass).
  • A decoction based on chamomile and sage: 1 tbsp. l. vegetable raw materials are brewed with boiling water (200 ml) and infused until cool. This solution is then used for gargling (if necessary).
  • Honey (1 tablespoon) and chopped (1/4 tsp) are stirred in water heated to +60 degrees (200 ml) and cooled to the optimum temperature for inhalation.
  • Mineral water with a slightly alkaline reaction.

Steam inhalation is contraindicated in case of purulent tonsillitis, elevated temperature body, pneumonia, in the presence of purulent sputum. Not recommended for those with a tendency to nosebleeds. Keep in mind that inhalation of hot water vapor causes expansion blood vessels and, as a result, increased swelling of the nasal mucosa.

Compresses for wet coughs

Taking medications has a greater healing effect when combined with compresses. Their use helps to eliminate spasms, expand the bronchi, improve blood circulation and reduce inflammation. Tools for applying compresses:

  • Mix flour, honey, mustard powder, vegetable oil, vodka in equal proportions. The mixture is laid out in a piece of fabric and placed on the chest or back, fixed with a bandage. The duration of the procedure is 2 - 8 hours (depending on the age of the child).
  • Vinegar is dissolved in water in a ratio of 1:3, honey is added (up to 2 tablespoons). In the resulting liquid, gauze is moistened and applied to the throat, chest, secured on top with polyethylene. The duration of the session is half an hour.
  • Boil and knead potatoes (3 pcs.), Add alcohol (1 tablespoon), turpentine or sunflower oil (1 tablespoon). From the finished mass, 2 cakes are formed, wrapped in a gauze cut and placed on the chest and back. The duration of the compress is 2 hours.
  • Cabbage leaves (3 - 5 pieces, depending on their size) are heated in a water bath and applied to the back area, chest. Cellophane or parchment is placed on top and covered with a towel. The duration of the session is from 2 to 7 hours.

At the end of the procedure, the skin must be wiped dry, removing the remnants of the product from it (if any), the child should be changed into clean clothes. Treatment of cough with compresses is contraindicated in case of dermatological diseases, with hyperthermia. They are forbidden to be placed on the heart area, acne, wounds, pigmented and birthmarks. Usage this method in children infancy must be agreed with the pediatrician.

Prevention of cough in children

Prevention of children's cough involves the implementation of preventive measures aimed at preventing the development of viral infectious diseases in a child. In the event of an ailment, compliance with the proposed recommendations helps to alleviate the course of the disease.

Preventive measures include:

  • A balanced diet that includes enough nutrients, vital trace elements, vitamins.
  • Regular walks in the fresh air.
  • Compliance with hygiene rules.
  • Hardening through water procedures, taking baths (air, solar).
  • Visiting sports sections, swimming pool.
  • Maintaining optimal microclimate parameters in the children's room: the recommended indoor air temperature is within +18 ... +22 degrees, humidity indicators are 55 - 70%.

If you have a cough of allergic etiology, you should regularly carry out wet cleaning, ensure the flow of fresh clean air into the room, and exclude possible contact of the child with household and food allergens. Compliance with the above recommendations makes it possible to increase children's immunity and enhance the child's resistance to pathogens.

Video: How to treat a cough in a child - Dr. Komarovsky

This video will help you figure out how to help a coughing child and prevent development serious illnesses. Dr. Komarovsky talks about the types of sputum, the mechanisms of its formation in the respiratory tract and ways to thin thick mucus. Gives recommendations on methods to improve the condition of children with cough.

Watch the video until the end to learn about the effectiveness plentiful drink and clean air in the presence of children's cough, read the information provided by foreign medical educational institutions.

The success of eliminating children's cough and the speed of recovery of the child depend on correct diagnosis and timely treatment. Traditional medicines show high efficiency when combined with medications and physiotherapy. The choice of treatment methods should be agreed with the attending physician in order to avoid aggravation of the situation and increase the effectiveness of the measures taken.

It is not always possible to avoid a viral infection during the off-season. Colds, coughs, fever are signs of an impending illness that you have to fight if you don’t take care of yourself in a timely manner. Moreover, the greatest discomfort during the course of the disease is coughing. It is different - dry, wet. Cough affects both children and adults. You can help yourself cope with the symptoms of a severe cough. different ways- from antibiotics to folk remedies. It is important to use a set of measures to combat the disease. Drugs for therapy are divided into children's and adults, but only a doctor can prescribe them. Also, do not self-medicate. folk decoctions in order to avoid allergic reactions or due to intolerance to individual components. Many are wondering how to quickly cure a cough at home in adults and children. But first things first.

How to quickly cure a cough in a child at home?

Young children are very susceptible infectious diseases. Their respiratory muscles are not as developed as in adults. Therefore, cough as a consequence of the development of a viral infection begins in them almost immediately during the illness. To combat the disease in children, the most proven means are used. It is necessary to remove mucus from the bronchi in order to avoid complications, and this is not easy to do, since the child's mucociliary clearance is still poorly developed. Step-by-step actions will help to cope with the situation.

How to quickly cure a cough in a child at home:

  • syrups and tablets will help to remove mucus from the bronchi in a child;
  • you can free the airways with the help of non-drug remedies that will help to cope with the disease from the inside;
  • physiotherapy is an excellent tool to alleviate the condition of the baby (various warm-ups, warming massages, inhalations).

How to cure a cough in an adult at home quickly

Coughing causes a lot of inconvenience to adults as well. Moreover, it should be distinguished by the nature of the course of the disease.

  • strong and exhausting
  • bronchial and prolonged,
  • obsessive (wheezing and whistling).

But from a medical point of view, cough is divided into only two types:

  • dry cough (ineffective),
  • wet cough (productive).

In the first case, a dry, strong cough is accompanied by a sore throat. Coughing fits are taken by surprise. And the doctor in such cases diagnoses acute respiratory infections or acute respiratory viral infections, pharyngitis or influenza. In addition, dry cough may be associated with allergic reactions. The second type of cough, wet, is caused by adenovirus diseases or various diseases lungs (from inflammatory processes to pneumonia and bronchitis).

The cough may be prolonged. How to cure a cough in an adult at home? Here are mucolytic agents that can be bought at a pharmacy to thin the accumulated mucus and remove it from the body. These agents usually have an antimicrobial effect. Dry cough is treated with syrups, special teas. All methods are good if they act envelopingly, relieve inflammation and have antiseptic properties.

How to treat dry cough at home in adults and children

Those who have experienced the effects of a dry cough know how debilitating attacks can be, especially at night, which interfere with normal sleep. However, you should be aware that a dry cough usually occurs at the beginning of the disease. It is accompanied by the release of bronchial secretions, but not sufficiently. Therefore, at this stage, a complete cleansing of the lungs, bronchi and larynx does not occur. It is necessary to treat a dry cough almost immediately with the onset of the disease. Cough suppressants block the sensitivity of nerve endings and help get rid of reflex cough.

How to treat dry cough in adults

Depending on the nature of the disease, the complexity of the course of the disease, a set of drugs for the treatment of cough is selected. The reasons for its occurrence are also taken into account. Therefore, in this case, you should use one of the following methods:

  • Libexin is used to treat bronchitis;
  • to get rid of a protracted dry cough, you can use special mint lollipops or plates, sage-based medicinal syrups, Bronholitin and its analogues;
  • dry cough with allergies can be cured antihistamines- Tavegil, Tsetrin, Chloropyramine, Zodak and the like.

It is important to remember that the treatment of dry cough with these remedies is possible subject to medical recommendations. Stronger drugs will have to be used for complications. Only a doctor can prescribe them if:

  • the symptoms of the disease do not subside even after 3-4 days;
  • if breathing is complicated for unknown reasons;
  • if you are tormented by a severe runny nose;
  • with a sharp increase in temperature;
  • at severe pain in the body (for example, in the abdomen).

We treat dry cough in children

Breathing problems in children under two years of age can only be solved together with a pediatrician. Parents can treat the child on their own if the cold is superficial. You can not give the child mucoregulatory drugs that are prescribed by adults. You can help your child by doing the following:

  • it is necessary to try to bring down the high temperature;
  • you need to use distraction therapy (from massage of the arms and legs to steam inhalation).

Treatment of older children is associated with complex therapy:

  • you need to put mustard plasters on your back, carry out inhalation (water in the nebulizer is not higher than 40 degrees);
  • you can give the child a warming and soothing chest massage (rubbing with an asterisk, honey and special ointments is also used);
  • to get rid of a dry cough, you should use daily warm baths for feet with the addition of chamomile, sage, thyme or mustard.

How to quickly cure a cough at home in adults and children with folk remedies

From time immemorial, people have been treated for colds with improvised means, herbs. In this plan ethnoscience has gained a lot of experience. It is worth taking note of the most proven ways to deal with the disease. So, consider how to treat dry cough at home.

  1. A warm drink, such as milk with honey or raspberry tea, helps in the fight against dry cough. There is a method in which honey is used with dark beer. Although this method is not for everyone.
  2. Mint, decoctions based on it or mint candies - excellent tool to get rid of dry cough for children and adults. The latter can be made at home. To do this, dissolve powdered sugar in a container with milk and add mint extract there, bring to a boil and cool.
  3. Many use alcohol tinctures from ginger or thyme, from coltsfoot or pine cones. They also use a simple propolis tincture or a turmeric remedy with milk.

Treatment of wet cough in adults and children

With a wet cough, specific secretions appear - sputum. This is the main difference from dry cough. In this case, the infection is safely excreted by mucus. Doctors consider this type of cough to be a more acceptable option for the course of the disease. To recover from a cold in this case is easier and faster. But you need to help yourself with this. How to treat cough with phlegm? There may be several treatment options here.

How to cure wet cough in adults

Coughing with phlegm causes many problems. However, this good way get rid of accumulated mucus. The body does a great job on its own. But you need to know that with a wet cough, you should stop taking medications that suppress reflex cough. Otherwise, the resulting sputum will settle on the airways. And this is a direct way for the development of malicious viruses. Means for the treatment of such a cough have an expectorant effect, thinning the mucus. How to quickly cure a cough at home in adults and children? Help in this case can:

  • various syrups (such as Prospan or Gerbion, as well as Bromhexine);
  • mucolytic tablets (for example, ACC, Dr. MOM or Mukosol);
  • expectorant effect is Stopsussin, Mukaltin or Travisil, known to many.

You need to take medication strictly according to the instructions, after prior consultation with your doctor. It is important to remember that some medications incompatible with other antibiotics. For example, this applies to drugs with codeine. You can drink tablets only with water (boiled or otherwise), you can drink mineral water after. You can not drink tablets with other liquids - hot tea, coffee, alcohol.

How to cure wet cough in children

For treatment wet cough children can use alcohol compresses. It is useful to rub the baby's chest with ointments or decoctions. This stimulates blood circulation, helping the body get rid of phlegm and lingering infections faster. To do this, you can use several tools. The recipes here are simple.

  1. You need to take 2 tbsp. l. olive oil, adding 2-3 drops of mint or eucalyptus oil to the consistency. This oil mixture is suitable for application on the chest. In this case, you need to apply the product with soft massaging movements. After that, the baby is wrapped warmly and allowed to sleep.
  2. You can heat 1 glass of vodka in the microwave, add 1 tsp to it. honey. The rubbing will be ready when the mixture does not stick to your hands. After the procedure, the baby should also be wrapped up for the night.

Means for the treatment of wet cough

For the treatment of such a cough and the removal of sputum, it is necessary to use only proven means. It can be homemade preparations in the form of decoctions and ointments based on herbs. In addition, during illness, the patient should receive more drink, which improves the excretion of mucus from the bronchi. important to do steam inhalation with the addition of lysine salt (2 g of salt per 1 liter of water). If the temperature is not very high, then you can organize a steam room for the patient or make a bath with eucalyptus extract.

Treatment of wet cough folk remedies

The experience of previous generations will help to cope with wet cough V short term. For this, such means as: licorice root or marshmallow, thyme, oregano, plantain, thermopsis are suitable. During viral disease Onions and garlic work well. natural properties These plants help in the treatment of various viral diseases. Based on them, you can prepare useful products with antimicrobial and antiseptic action. For greater effect, onions are passed through a meat grinder, and garlic through a press. The resulting slurry is mixed with honey and consumed 1 tbsp. l. (usually after a meal).

Effective cough medicines

Today in pharmacies you can see a lot different means and drugs for the treatment of colds. They equally effectively affect the body, eliminating viral infections. It is not recommended to use such drugs for self-medication.

So, which of these drugs can prescribe a doctor.

How to cure a severe wet cough

The cough may be severe and affect the chest or throat. In this case, a complex of drugs is used to treat cough. combined type with expectorant action. When dry strong cough drugs that depress the cough center are prescribed. But not always it can be special lozenges and syrups. But folk remedies are used with great success.

Which folk recipes can help?

For example, this recipe. Lungwort, dry nettle, mullein flowers and marshmallow rhizome are taken in equal proportions. An infusion is brewed from the collection (4 tablespoons per 1 liter of boiling water). The remedy is infused for an hour, then decanted through cheesecloth. You can take an infusion of a quarter cup three times a day. In a decoction or infusion, you can add a little honey.

What else can help with a wet cough

With such a cough, milk decoction, to which oat grains are added, helps well. Let's see how to cook it. You need to boil 1 cup of oats in 2 cups of milk. It is important that the grains boil, after which the broth is set aside and filtered. You can add a little honey to the finished mixture to taste. The product can be taken warm 6 times a day.

We treat bronchial cough

With the usual acute respiratory disease, the doctor prescribes a course of treatment with antitussives, without the use of antibiotics. If the doctor has identified bronchitis or beginning pneumonia, then treatment will be carried out using antibiotics first, and then expectorants. Treat bronchial cough folk remedies are not always effective. These will help here effective drugs for cough like: Libexin, Stoptussin, Glaucine, Sinekod, Halixol or Bromhexine.

How to treat a severe dry cough

Allergies can be the cause of a severe dry cough. Therefore, before starting treatment, it is important to identify the source of the disease. Allergy usually has external causes development. In this case, it is necessary to eliminate the allergen, and then remove the symptoms of the disease with antihistamines. Pills and physiotherapy, as well as other treatments, will help to cure a cold and dry cough.

What means can help in this case?

  1. By using ultraviolet irradiation you can get rid of swelling. In addition, it will help speed up the discharge of sputum.
  2. You can fight otitis with the help of electromagnetic therapy.
  3. The doctor may prescribe KUF therapy, which can be used to kill the infection bacteria in the bronchi.

Treatment for a persistent cough

prolonged illness with lingering cough able to permanently unsettle even a hardened person. Therefore, you should not delay the treatment of such a cough, but it is better to use the following tips and methods.

  1. It is important to monitor indoor air quality. To do this, today you can purchase a special air cleaner. It will help in the fight against dust and microparticles, as well as fungus and viruses.
  2. When processing the room with a steam cleaner, all corners and niches, as well as pipe joints, should be passed. This will help get rid of fungal growths. Such a procedure is usually performed several times a year, for example, every season.
  3. Be sure to weekly (and during illness, every day) you need to carry out wet cleaning of the room, ventilate the room. The patient at this time should not be indoors.
  4. Moistening the throat with water or mineral water at night, or tea during the day (with the addition of raspberries or currants) will help to alleviate the symptoms of a cough.
  5. Preventive measures will always help to strengthen the immune system and general state body, then cough treatment will be quick and without complications.

With the modern pace of life, it is not always possible to recognize an impending cold in time. Then the treatment is postponed indefinitely, until the body reminds of itself with brittleness and fever, as well as a suffocating cough. The disease comes into its own very quickly. Therefore, the main forces must be thrown into the fight against fever and cough. The main thing to remember is how to quickly cure a cough at home in adults and children. And use proven tools.

How to quickly cure a cough at home: video

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