How can you remove bruises under a child’s eyes? Pathologies in which blue circles appear under the eyes of a child. Soft tissue injuries

Children's doctors almost every day have to deal with parents' anxiety due to bruises under their child's eyes. In many cases, such concern is justified, since this can be a sign of many diseases, in some cases quite serious. But sometimes blue under the eyes of a child is not alarming symptom. In any case, to establish the exact cause of this condition, the doctor must prescribe the baby necessary examinations and analyses. Let's try to figure out why bruises under a child's eyes still appear?

When dark circles under the eyes are not a sign of illness

Human skin and mucous tissues react quickly enough to all changes in the body. The skin around the eyes is thinner, so blood vessels shine through it, giving a blue tint. This is the reason that with any changes in the state of the body, the color of the skin around the eyes first changes. But you don’t always need to be scared when you see blue under your child’s eyes. There are many conditions that cause blue circles under the eyes of a baby.

  1. Genetic predisposition . A child may inherit from his parents very thin skin on his face and some features of the location of blood vessels under the skin. In this case, naturally, no treatment is needed, since this state is not a pathology, but just a feature of the baby. But this indicates increased sensitivity blood vessels and skin of the child, so in some cases the doctor may periodically prescribe vitamins and vascular tonic drugs.
  2. In children school age bruises under the eyes may appear from overwork. Modern school curriculum is very busy, schoolchildren are forced to spend a lot of time studying textbooks. Many of them attend additional classes, clubs, and sections. Often the child does not have the opportunity to fully rest throughout the working week. In addition, instead of resting, most children spend time in front of televisions and computers. All this leads to the fact that children's body overworked, does not receive enough oxygen. At the same time, the skin becomes thinner, the vessels under it begin to show through. It is important that parents determine what kind of workload will not harm their child and do not burden him with additional activities. The baby should have time to rest, and, of course, it is best if he spends it on fresh air.
  3. Violation of the daily routine can also contribute to the appearance of dark circles under the eyes. It is very important for children that a clear schedule of work, rest, and good sleep. A child under ten years old should sleep at least 9-10 hours a day, and it is better that he goes to bed at the same time. This will help you develop the habit of falling asleep at approximately the same time every day. When a child constantly does not get enough sleep, his body’s compensation mechanisms are depleted, he becomes lethargic, and bruises appear under his eyes. The quality of sleep is also very important. Parents should monitor the temperature and humidity in the child’s room and ventilate it periodically.
  4. Poor nutrition. Majority modern products, especially those that children love so much, contain little useful substances, vitamins. In addition, their production uses not only unhealthy ingredients, but often quite harmful ones. Constant use such products can lead to the development of allergies, diseases digestive system and many other pathologies. Therefore, it is necessary to ensure that the baby’s diet is as healthy as possible and contains vitamins and minerals. A child’s daily diet must include fruits and vegetables, preferably those grown in his area.

Pathological causes

Sometimes blue under the eyes of a child is a symptom of a disease. Moreover, in many cases, such a condition may be an early or the only first sign of the development of a pathology, in some cases quite dangerous.

Only a doctor can correctly answer the question of why a child has bruises under his eyes. Therefore, if this condition occurs, you should immediately contact your pediatrician.

Are you concerned that your child (1 year old) has black eyes? We will help you understand the reasons for their appearance and how to cure them and prevent their occurrence in the future.

Should you worry if your baby has blue circles under his eyes? Is this a sign of any disease? There is no clear answer in this situation. The skin and mucous membranes reflect changes that have occurred in the body. And since the skin under the eyes is very thin and delicate, it is the first to change color various reasons and the child develops bruises. There are many conditions in which they appear.

Let's first look at the reasons for the appearance of blue circles under the eyes of a child, which are not associated with pathologies of internal organs:

  • Genetic predisposition. Your baby may have thin skin under his eyes that he has inherited. Vessels are visible through the skin, which is why the skin tone is bluish or lilac.
  • Chronic fatigue, prolonged exposure to the computer or TV. Due to the weakening of the body and lack of oxygen, the skin under the eyes becomes thinner and acquires a blue tint due to translucent capillaries.
  • Lack of sleep, disruption of daily routine. There can be many reasons for sleep disturbances - snoring due to adenoids, anxiety, neurological problems- but this manifests itself in the form of blue circles under the eyes.
  • Poor nutrition. Due to chronic deficiency of vitamins, minerals and nutrients The immune system is weakened, metabolism is disrupted and the body is weakened. And as one of the manifestations of the disorders, your baby’s skin becomes thinner, including around the eyes.
You can take independent measures to eliminate the reasons that caused the appearance of blue circles under your baby's eyes. Make sure your child gets enough sleep, walks more and eats right.

Having created everything for the baby necessary conditions for proper rest, physical activity and healthy eating, you will notice significant improvements within a few weeks.

If you find blue circles under the eyes, which are accompanied by lethargy and poor health of the baby, be sure to contact your pediatrician.

Causes of dark circles under the eyes in children of different ages can be harmless and easily eliminated. But in some cases, dark circles under the eyes are symptoms of serious systemic failures in the body. If your child eats well, gets enough sleep and spends a lot of time outdoors, and the skin under his eyes remains dark, you need to make an appointment with your doctor to identify the factors that provoke this phenomenon.

Causes of bruises under the eyes in children

A number of factors can contribute to the appearance of circles or swollen bruises around the eyes of a child. Disturbed daily routine, lack of sleep and large number time spent at the computer or in front of the TV, poor unbalanced nutrition and impaired drinking regime- these are easily correctable causes, the elimination of which leads not only to the disappearance of bruises around the eyes, but also contributes to improvement general condition his health. In some cases, a change in skin color indicates the following: pathological disorders:

Genetic predisposition

Sometimes blue circles around the eyes are an appearance trait, a hereditary trait through one of the parents. It is typical for people with fair hair, deep-set eyes, and sensitive, thin skin from birth. Blood vessels that come close to the surface of the skin can also create a bruising effect. These cases should not cause concern; over time, the color of the skin around the eyes may normalize as facial features change due to the growth of the cranial bones.

Violation of the daily routine

Often the child is pale and has bruises under the eyes due to excessive fatigue with a disrupted daily routine. Overwork, chronic lack of sleep occur against a background of increased mental or physical activity when to go to bed and morning awakenings happen at different times nap is not regulated, and the time for watching cartoons and computer games not limited. Normalizing the baby’s sleep, work and rest schedule is the first point that parents should pay attention to if they discover blueness in the child’s lower eyelids.

Poor nutrition

Bruises under the eyes of a teenager or a child of preschool or primary school age can indicate not only increased fatigue, but also about metabolic disorders due to unbalanced nutrition. Darkening of the skin is caused by low-quality foods, unhealthy dishes with a large number of preservatives, additives (including fast food), calcium deficiency, vitamins B, A, D, E. A blood test helps to identify such malfunctions, after which you need to consult with a specialist for development balanced diet nutrition, including:

  • full breakfasts, lunches and dinners;
  • more vitamin-rich vegetables and fruits;
  • Having healthy snacks between main meals.

Violation water-salt balance can also cause bruising. The lack of fluid in the body is easily eliminated when the child drinks more plain water. The minimum is calculated using the formula “weight * 30”, for example, for a child weighing 25 kg, the minimum amount of liquid drunk per day is 750 ml. It is advisable to completely eliminate carbonated sweet drinks and give preference to plain clean water, natural compotes and fruit drinks, weak tea.

Iron deficiency anemia

Bruises and bags under a child's eyes may be a symptom iron deficiency anemia, especially in infancy(up to a year). A lack of hemoglobin can cause violet shade skin color around the eyes, pallor skin, weakness and dizziness, tachycardia. Iron deficiency can be diagnosed using a blood test and is recommended as treatment. special diet(enhanced nutrition).

Kidney diseases

Pathological processes due to circulatory disorders, malfunctions of the lymphatic and urinary systems, they can cause blueness in the child’s eyes. The first organ examined is the kidneys - an ultrasound is prescribed, general tests urine and blood. Additional signs of kidney disease are morning swelling of the face, the formation of “bags” (edema), pain in the lumbar region, and frequent urination. If this set of symptoms appears, you can consult a nephrologist.


Endocrine pathologies

In addition to kidney diseases, the formation of bruises can be caused by hormonal disorders and diseases endocrine system. Functional disorders thyroid gland, adrenal glands and pancreas provoke disruptions in the production and transportation of hormones to the tissues and cells of the body, changes in their metabolism. If other symptoms (neurological, metabolic or somatic) appear, you need to show the child to an endocrinologist.

Color of dark circles under the eyes

Depending on the color of the skin of bruises under the eyes, experts make assumptions about the nature of the disorder and the location of the pathology in the body. The following are likely clinical cases:

  • Saturated blue skin may be a symptom of heart problems. Arises due to oxygen starvation, developing due to vascular disorders.
  • Red, blue-pink and blue shades indicate allergic reaction.
  • Purple bags under the eyes are a symptom of anemia.
  • Brown and yellow-brown bruises occur with hepatitis, liver and thyroid diseases.

The reason for the appearance dark bruises may become weakened immune system, especially after antibacterial therapy(due to violation intestinal microflora), taking immunosuppressants or having a history of surgical intervention. In such situations, the symptom goes away after passing rehabilitation period, complex immunorestorative therapy.

Bruises under the eyes of a baby

In the first year of life, bruises in the eye area in a child may appear against the background of a deficiency of vitamins or iron in the body (for example, with inadequate composition of breast milk), due to disrupted wakefulness and sleep patterns, against the background of the development of serious systemic violations and pathologies. Must pass comprehensive examination, identify the reasons, causing symptom, get recommendations on nutrition and daily routine from your pediatrician.

When immediate medical attention is needed

IN extreme cases, which does not happen very often, may occur acute condition accompanied by the appearance of dark bruises on lower eyelids. Ambulance medical care should be called in following situations:

  • The appearance of bruises is accompanied by breathing problems, severe weakness, and the child’s facial features become sharper. These symptoms are typical for acute cardiovascular problems, the child may require emergency hospitalization.
  • Bruising is preceded by prolonged diarrhea or severe, prolonged vomiting. Circles around the eyes in these situations indicate the onset of acute dehydration (dehydration), which is very dangerous for the health of young children.


Girls, whose children had bruises... today I rushed to the doctor... but they didn’t get it, they made an appointment in a week... luckily I found this article... we have a daughter like our dad... his eyes are deep set, he’s like an owlet, and my daughter has the same problem ... it’s just that yesterday and today it seemed to become brighter and began to catch my eye... so I was worried... but the fact that my husband and I have this problem, maybe it was genetically passed on to the child = (I’ll go buy some vitamins... maybe that will change... and also She doesn’t drink water, just juices, maybe that’s why I need to remove these juices and give her water, she doesn’t want water, that means she doesn’t want to drink...

Bruises under the eyes of a child

Unfortunately, today many mothers are faced with such a problem as bruises under the eyes of their children. The reasons for this problem can be completely different. But before you panic and urgently run to the doctor, let's try to figure out what causes circles under the eyes of children and how to avoid it.

Quite often, the appearance of swelling under the eyes in children indicates an individual characteristic. subcutaneous tissue. If one of the parents has circles under the eyes, then their presence in your baby is a hereditary phenomenon. When a child is not bothered by anything, he does not suffer from a lack of appetite and looks cheerful and healthy - you have no reason to worry. Light massages can slightly relieve the swelling under the child's eyes, but it will not be possible to completely get rid of the bruises.

In addition to a congenital feature, the appearance of circles under the eyes of your baby may be due to a recent illness or seasonal lack of vitamins. Also, the main reasons for the appearance of bags or swelling under the eyes of a child include fatigue and chronic lack of sleep. Let's give it to the child more vitamins and try to spend a lot of time walking in the fresh air. The appearance of bags under the eyes in children is also due to a lack of iron in the growing body. Replace if possible junk food and fast food, foods containing large amounts of iron.

When your child has a good rest, gets enough sleep and starts eating healthy, rich in vitamins food, you will most likely say goodbye to this problem for a long time. In the above cases, the appearance of circles under the eyes in children is a kind of indicator of the general condition of the child’s body. And if you quickly respond to this signal, you can not only prevent the appearance of bruises under your child’s eyes, but also improve children’s health.

When the treatment is completed, remember that right now the child’s body is weakened and increased care for the child is the key to a quick recovery. Spend more time with your baby in the fresh air, diversify the diet, increase the amount of fresh vegetables and fruits daily. Remember that the likelihood of recurrence of bruises under the eyes in children remains high for several months. Pay attention to any red spots and circles under your child's eyes.

Of course, the most important thing for every mother is to hear the healthy laughter of her child, to see his blush and happy smile. Proper nutrition, fresh air, physical activity- these are the components that minimize the appearance of bruises under the eyes in children and any other diseases.

A child with bruises under his eyes looks sick and exhausted, because of which parents begin to worry and panic.

The problem of dark circles under the eyes can occur at any age, even in an infant.

When it appears, you need to figure out in what case need to visit a pediatrician and hand over everything necessary tests, and in which - simply streamline your daily routine and diet.

Concept and characteristics

The skin under the eyes is very thin and lacks sebaceous glands, but under it blood vessels are located close together.

This place has thin layer subcutaneous fat, which absorbs intoxication products from poisoning and diseases.

Therefore, in case of malfunctions in the body systems, the skin under the eyes reacts first- bruises and swelling.

Also the culprit dark circles is hormone cortisone, formed due to overwork and lack of sleep. This increases blood circulation in the vessels, which leads to the formation of bruises under the eyes.


In infants under one year old and newborns, bruises are the first low hemoglobin signal, that is, anemia. But there may be other reasons:

  • allergies (, complementary foods, etc.);
  • bad dream.

If dark circles under the eyes appear simultaneously with bags and morning swelling of the face, then you should urgently visit a pediatrician.

Possibly in a baby problems with the kidneys or lymphatic system.

In a child of any age, bruises under the eyes can appear due to the following: harmless reasons:

  • genetic predisposition;
  • violation of the daily routine, sedentary lifestyle;
  • eye fatigue (computer, TV);
  • poor nutrition.

Hereditary dark circles may disappear with age, but in all other cases it is enough to streamline your diet and rest regime, strictly limiting the time you spend in front of the monitor.

But in 30% of cases, bruises are a consequence of intoxication of the body as a result of a disease or circulatory disorders due to metabolic problems.

What diseases can be caused?

First of all, blue under the eyes may be a consequence of injury in the nose area. In this case, the baby will react painfully to pressure at the site of impact (bridge of the nose, nasal septum).

In this case, along with bruises, other symptoms- nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, dry mouth.

  • And . With these diseases, the baby is characterized by a slightly open mouth and a drooping chin;
  • hepatitis C and other liver diseases;
  • inflammation of the thyroid gland;

Blue circles may appear as a result oxygen starvation at:

  • heart failure;

Various allergic reactions and dehydration of the body can also provoke the appearance of bruises in the eye area.

What do red bruises mean?

Red spots under a baby's eyes most often mean allergic reaction. This is especially true for infants when changing formula milk or switching from natural feeding to artificial feeding.

Seasonal allergies to flowers and poplar fluff can also be accompanied by red bruises, but they may still itch.

A similar problem also occurs in inflammatory processes:

A reddish-brown tint indicates problems with the baby's liver.

In infants, red bruises may indicate lack of hemoglobin in the blood. This happens when there is insufficient intake of iron from food ( breast milk, formula milk) or late complementary feeding.

What to do?

If dark circles are not accompanied painful symptoms, then the child first needs to be allowed to sleep peacefully, and then organize the daily routine so that he moves more in the fresh air and sits less in front of the computer monitor (TV screen).

It is very important to reconsider if bruises appear under the eyes. diet, including fresh fruits and vegetables, beef liver, red meat, fish and cottage cheese.

To prevent anemia, children of any age can be given pomegranate juice.

If the bruises have not gone away after a week, then you need to contact your pediatrician. for examination baby's body.

Which specialist should I contact?

The child must first be examined by a pediatrician.

After a general examination he gives referral for tests blood, urine and feces, and also advises visiting a dentist.

If helminths are detected, the baby is prescribed appropriate medications (Pyrantel and analogues). If bad analysis urine - referred to a urologist and nephropathologist.

Inflammatory processes are treated by the pediatrician himself. At normal results For tests, you need to visit a cardiologist (cardiogram), and then an allergist and endocrinologist.

Doctors consider bruises under the eyes as serious symptom, requiring a comprehensive examination.

Komarovsky's opinion

Well-known pediatrician E.O. Komarovsky believes that in most cases, bruises under the eyes in children are a consequence of disruption of the daily routine and poor nutrition . However, he asks that you pay attention to the following:

  1. Intense blueness is a signal of acute oxygen starvation, that is, heart disease.
  2. Dark, almost black, circles occur with adenoids.
  3. Yellow ones indicate hematopoietic problems.
  4. Red ones indicate an allergic reaction to irritants.

Ambulance If bruises under the eyes occur, it is necessary to call if:

  • sunken eyes;
  • facial features sharpened;
  • having problems breathing (rapid or uneven);
  • weakness appeared.

It is very likely here heart problems. And in combination with vomiting and diarrhea, the described symptoms mean acute dehydration, which is very dangerous for young children.

How to remove blue stains at home?

Dark circles can be treated externally with lotions(compresses) on the area under the eyes. For this use:

  • cold tea leaves (without sugar);
  • herbal decoctions (chamomile, plantain, parsley);
  • fresh potato juice;
  • potatoes boiled in milk;
  • cucumber juice.

Moisten the halves of a cotton pad with the liquid and apply it to the blue for 10-15 minutes. This should be done in the morning and evening.

Ice in the area around the eyes is contraindicated for children, as hypothermia can inflame the facial nerve.

If bruising is a problem in the wrong daily routine, then drinking warm milk with honey at night will help get rid of them. You can also brew it with milk linden blossom(3 g of dried flowers per 200 ml), mint or lemon balm.

How to treat a bruise from a blow?

Immediately after the appearance of a bruise under the eye, you need to moisten a napkin (cotton swab) cold salt water(10 g per 100 ml) and apply to the injury site for 15 minutes, changing as it warms up.

Then buy it at the pharmacy bodyagi powder, dilute it with water in a 1:1 ratio, spread on the bruise.

Keep for 20 minutes, rinse. Treat in this way two to three times a day. In two days the hematoma will resolve.

When carrying out procedures, you need to ensure that salt water and bodyagi paste didn't get into your eyes. If this happens, rinse with plain water.

If the eyes begin to swim, show the baby to the surgeon, since the injury could damage the nasal septum.

Preventive measures

To prevent dark circles under the eyes in children necessary:

  1. Organize your daily routine, especially sleep.
  2. Strengthen the nervous and circulatory system(sports, water procedures).
  3. Organize healthy, nutritious meals.
  4. Limit eye strain (computer, TV).

This is not easy to do, but the reward will be the baby’s good health and the ability to maintain it in the future.

Bruises under the eyes of a child are not just a cosmetic flaw. They can be a signal of overwork and lack of sleep, as well as a symptom of serious diseases.

Why did the child have bruises under his eyes? Find out from the video:

We kindly ask you not to self-medicate. Make an appointment with a doctor!