How to put lenses on your eyes. Freeing your eyes from lenses

Popova Marina Eduardovna

Reading time: 5 minutes


For many people, removing lenses is a rather unpleasant experience. It is especially difficult for beginners or in case long nails for girls.

To ensure that this issue no longer arises, it is necessary understand in detail how to remove contact lenses Right.

What to prepare before removing lenses?

In modern ophthalmology, three types of contact products are used.

Soft hydrogel and silicone - hydrogel, belonging to the corneoscleral group. Cover the cornea and slightly capture the sclera.

Hard ones, as a rule, are corneal. They cover only the cornea.

Scleral from polymacon. Covers the cornea and sclera (the white of the eye) completely.

Each type has a number of features that affect the process of removing them.

Before you start withdrawing, prepare everything you need:

  • soap;
  • disposable napkin;
  • clean storage container;
  • plastic tweezers with a silicone nozzle;
  • liquid for cleaning and storage;
  • mirror.

Attention! All lenses have different wearing modes. One-day shoots no later than 24 hours. Planned replacement lenses are removed after 12 to 16 hours of wear. When wearing them for a long time or continuously removed in a few days(months).

If this is your first time, then tune in first. Get used to the idea that you will take them off anyway. Calm down and get down to business.

How to properly remove lenses from your eyes: step-by-step instructions

To properly remove contact lenses from your eyes follow this step by step instructions:

  1. Move your hair away from your face;
  2. Wash your hands thoroughly, blot the remaining moisture with a napkin;
  3. Prepare a clean container;
  4. Open your eyelids index and thumb of one hand;
  5. With the same fingers of the other hand, grasp the edges and, pinching them, pull them down, directing your gaze upward. The film will slide outside the eye;
  6. If you have long nails, perform the same manipulations with tweezers with a soft tip;
  7. Place the products (if they are disposable, they are thrown away after use) in the appropriate compartment of the container. The cell for the right eye is marked “R”, for the left – “L”;
  8. Following steps 1 – 6, do the same with the second eye;
  9. Pour the solution so that it completely covers the edges;
  10. Screw the lids on tightly.

Quick withdrawal method

  1. Move your hair away from your face;
  2. Wash your hands thoroughly and blot away any remaining moisture with a napkin;
  3. Prepare a clean container;
  4. Pull down the lower eyelid with the middle finger of one hand;
  5. With the index finger of the same hand, “pull” it down, directing your gaze upward;
  6. Do the same with the second eye;

Features of removing hard lenses

There are three ways to remove hard products:

Method one. Let it fall out of your eye on its own. Place your head over a clean surface. Using the index finger of one hand, lightly press down on the middle of your upper eyelid. Using the same finger of your other hand, lightly press on the middle of the lower eyelid. Begin to gently move your eyelids towards each other. This will create an "air cushion" between eye shell and the lens, and it will fall out on its own.

Method two. Tilt your head over a clean surface. Use your index finger to pull outer corner eyes towards the ear. As the eyelids touch, the product will come out of the eye.

Method three. Keep your head straight and roll your eyes. Use your index finger to point downwards how it moves onto the sclera. Gently pry it with your thumb and forefinger and remove it.

Features of scleral lens removal

To remove the scleral lens, use the index finger of your comfortable hand. pull back the lower eyelid as far as possible. When you see a free edge, grab it with your thumb and forefinger and carefully move downward. Do not change the position of the product. It should seem to come out of the eye on its own.

Pay attention! The process of removing any models must begin with compliance with hygiene rules.

Suction cup for removing lenses

For beginners who remove lenses for the first time and do not yet have enough experience you can use a suction cup.

A suction cup for contact lenses (removal) is a special device for removing them by suction. Advantages of using a puller:

  • convenience– the film is securely fixed on the suction cup and stops “driving” in the eye;
  • safety– there is no need to stretch the skin of the eyelids and stick your fingers into the eye;
  • accuracy– the suction cup does not deform the product;
  • accuracy– the puller is securely attached to the chosen location.

Before using the suction cup, sterilize it in any way convenient for you. The further technology for using the puller is quite simple:

  1. Put some drops in your eyes suitable moisturizing drops and check that nothing interferes with free movement;
  2. Hold the suction cup with one hand. Using the thumb and index finger of your other hand, open the upper and lower eyelids;
  3. Press the bulb and at a 90 degree angle attach the suction end to the eye and release the bulb;
  4. When air flows out, pull the device Push. The product will remain on the suction cup;
  5. Repeat steps 7 – 10 as for normal removal.

What to do if the lens is stuck and cannot be removed

A similar problem occurs if the rules of care were violated and operation of the product. Main reasons for sticking:

  • incorrect position– if the lens is displaced, it may “stick” in the corner of the eye;
  • excessive dryness of the mucous membrane– the degree of adhesion to the surface increases, and the product stops moving;
  • untimely withdrawal– the wet layer becomes thinner and protein deposits accumulate, acting as cement.

In the case of a soft lens

Important! If sticking of the product is accompanied sharp pain, severe redness, discharge from the eyes, etc., consult a doctor immediately.

In the case of a hard lens

  1. Determine its position. If it is in the center, then you can easily get it out with a puller;
  2. If the product is not in its place, close your eyelids and try in a circular motion eye return it to the center;
  3. If it still doesn’t work, then contact a specialist.

Do not move the product with your hands or other improvised objects - this can damage the mucous membrane and cause hemorrhage!

Useful video

In the video you will see how to remove contact lenses for the first time:

Having studied the presented material in detail, you will no longer encounter insoluble difficulties when removing lenses.

And the process of using them will not be overshadowed by unpleasant side effects.

1177 02/13/2019 6 min.

On initial stage When using contact lenses, a person has many questions regarding their wearing. Most often, beginners are interested in how to put on and how to overcome the fear of touching eyeball how uncomfortable it is and whether a contact lens can harm the eye. Where to look for answers to these questions? This article will help you find the answers to them.

What you need to know about lenses?

Contact correction has both its supporters and opponents. The former say that lenses are convenient and practical, the latter claim that lenses are the shortest route to infection.

Pros and cons

Contact lenses are easy to use and have been a good alternative to glasses for several decades, unlike them they do not fog up or break. Properly selected lenses create a clearer image than glasses. Thus, they increase visual acuity, expand the field of view, and help restore binocular vision.

Read how to choose the right glasses for your vision.

Contact lenses do not limit human activities (sports, active recreation, specific professions). In addition, the use of contact lenses reduces eye fatigue and improves visual performance.

However, even the slightest failure to comply with the rules for using contact lenses can lead to very sad consequences. Illiterately selected lenses and ignoring the rules of care create conditions for the occurrence of inflammation of the cornea. Keratitis can also be caused by a foreign body (even a microscopic speck of dust) caught between the eye and the lens. Long-term continuous wearing of lenses contributes to the development of microflora on the cornea, resulting in infection. There is one more problem: you cannot wear lenses for a long time in a gassy, ​​smoky or dusty room. Contact lenses very quickly absorb all odors and gases, which causes irritation of the cornea.

Types of lenses

There are many types of contact lenses. Generally they are all divided into two large groups: hard and soft. The former are rarely used at present, only in special cases and strictly as prescribed by the doctor. are the most popular. Mainly they differ:

  • by period of use(from 1 day to 6 months);
  • by degree of hydrophilicity(by water content);
  • by type of ametropia correction(spherical - for the correction of myopia and farsightedness, toric - for the correction of astigmatism, multifocal - for the correction of presbyopia - age-related farsightedness).

What is presbyopia will tell

There are lenses that absorb ultraviolet radiation. They are great for skiers, athletes, and motorists.

The fashion industry today dictates its own rules in the field of contact vision correction. Colorless and lightly tinted lenses have been replaced by tinted and colored models. The first ones are intended for light eyes: They impart tint or enhance color. Intensely colored lenses can dramatically change the color of both light and dark eyes. Crazy lenses - with different designs (snake eye, cat eye, chessboard etc.) - designed for people who are accustomed to shocking their surroundings. Despite such tempting options, remember that any lenses should be selected under the supervision of an ophthalmologist after a general examination.

Specifics of wearing mode

There are daily (disposable) soft lenses. They are worn for a day, then taken off and thrown away. Reusable (planned replacement lenses) soft lenses are removed before bed, cleaned and disinfected, and then put on in the morning.

Step-by-step process of putting on lenses

Stages of putting on the lens:

  1. Place the lens on the tip index finger right hand. Make sure it is not inside out (the edges of the lens should be facing up, not out).
  2. Pull down the lower eyelid with the middle finger of the same hand.
  3. With the index finger of your left hand, pull up upper eyelid and look up.
  4. Carefully place the lens on bottom part eyeball.
  5. Release the eyelid.
  6. Look down, then close your eyes for a few seconds to help the lens fit better. The criterion for a normal fit is increased visual acuity. Blink your eyes a few times to make sure the lens is centered.
  7. Repeat the same operations with the other lens.

How to remove lenses?

Before removing the lens, use lubricating drops to moisten the lenses. This will make it easier to remove them. Removal steps:

  1. Look up and pull down your lower eyelid with the middle finger of your right hand.
  2. Place the pad of your index finger on bottom edge lenses and slide it down to the bottom of the eyeball.
  3. Gently pinch the lens between your thumb and forefinger and remove it from your eye..
  4. Repeat the same operations with the other lens.

If the lens sticks together after removal, there is no need to try to pull it by the edges to straighten it. This can cause the lens to break. Place the lens in a container of solution and it will most likely straighten on its own. If this does not happen, then moisten the lens with the solution and gently rub it between your thumb and forefinger.

Wearing soft contact lenses

During the first 2-3 weeks of wearing the lenses, your eyes will gradually get used to them. During this time, the eye adapts to the foreign body, and tear production changes.

To make the adjustment period faster and almost unnoticeable, you can use special drops. In the first days, you should not wear lenses from morning to evening. Start with 2-3 hours, gradually increasing the wearing time. Under no circumstances should you leave lenses in overnight, even if they are silicone hydrogel.

The tolerance of soft contact lenses is affected by your health status, some chronic diseases, reception medicines etc. Do not wear soft contact lenses (use glasses at this time) if you have a cold (flu, acute respiratory infection, sore throat) or inflammatory disease eye (, blepharitis, etc.). If you visit the pool, be sure to use swimming goggles. If water gets into your eyes, remove the lenses, rinse them in the solution, and then put them back on.

If you want to use contact correction without any problems, then visit your eye doctor every six months.

You should contact your doctor immediately if you experience the following symptoms:

  • eye pain;
  • burning sensation, itching, discomfort;
  • feeling foreign body when wearing lenses;
  • unusual or more copious discharge from the eyes;
  • “blurred” vision;
  • the appearance of rainbow circles or halos;
  • the appearance of photophobia;
  • dry eyes.

If these symptoms appear, remove your contact lenses and examine them for the presence of foreign bodies, dirt, or damage. If the lenses have no visible defects, clean them, rinse them and put them back on. If unpleasant symptoms persist after this, see a doctor immediately, who will determine the need for further treatment.

What leads to the development of photophobia, see.

Proper contact lens care prevents serious illnesses eyes, some of which can cause blindness. Such care involves following the following recommendations:

  • Remove contact lenses before any contact with water: when taking a bath or shower, when swimming in a pool or swimming in a pond.
  • Be sure to wash your hands before removing and putting in your lenses. Hands should be washed with soap and dried with a towel.
  • Clean contact lenses as recommended by your eye doctor or lens manufacturer.
  • Disinfect your lenses. Ordinary saline solution and moisturizing drops are not suitable for disinfection as they do not kill bacteria. Choose special antibacterial agents for disinfection.
  • To clean and disinfect lenses, use only a fresh portion of the product.
  • Store lenses in a clean, sanitized container.
  • Do not use contact lenses for longer than the period specified in the instructions.
  • Do not lend your contact lenses or contact lens case to others.
  • If the lenses cause noticeable discomfort or even pain, remove them and consult a doctor immediately.
  • Visit your ophthalmologist regularly. This will allow you to determine how suitable your lenses are for you, as well as to notice early signs of infection or eye disease.



As you can see, contact lenses are indeed a very convenient accessory that corrects vision, but only for those who will strictly follow all the doctor’s recommendations and strictly follow the rules for wearing lenses. Use the tips presented in this article to protect your eyes from all sorts of problems associated with wearing contact lenses.

Contact lenses are completely safe for human vision, provided they are correct use and careful attention to optics. Almost all global manufacturers are trying to make the process of use, as well as putting on and taking off, as convenient as possible. But still, regardless of the optics used (whether it is ordinary or colored), it is important to follow the basic rules.

Before we know how to insert contact lenses correctly, you need to carefully remove the hair from your face (even better, pin it up at the back of your head) so that it doesn’t accidentally get into your eyes, and also be sure to wash off the makeup from your face, then wash it thoroughly and dry your hands until dry.


Contact lenses should only be put on with dry hands; Nails must be neatly cut, if they are long, then smoothly filed, so that when dressing you do not accidentally damage your eyes. It is advisable to wear hard contact lenses using one of the following methods. Lenses must be put on one at a time. Using the tip of your index finger, take the contact lens from the storage container so that the concave side of the optic faces up. Using the middle finger, we pull back the lower eyelid, and at the same moment, with the index finger, we lift the upper eyelid of the eye, after which we install the lens.

How to insert contact lenses video

After you have successfully put on both lenses, you need to determine whether you did it correctly? The main criterion for this is visual acuity. If you clearly see all objects at close and far distances, then the contact lenses are installed correctly.

How to extract

Contact lenses should be removed over a clean cloth. We tilt our head over it, press our eyelids in the area where the eyelashes are located with our fingers, as a result of which a little air will get under the lens, and it will subsequently fall out on its own. You can also remove the lens by pulling the skin in the eye area towards the ears - at this moment the eyelids will begin to close and push the lens out on their own, right onto the napkin.

All more people Those whose doctors have diagnosed myopia or farsightedness choose contact lenses to correct their vision. This tool is much more convenient and practical than glasses, but it takes time to learn how to use it. People who are encountering vision correction with lenses for the first time naturally have a question: This can be learned in a few minutes using a detailed article with illustrations. So...

Even those people who resort to using lenses for the first time in their lives quickly master the technique of putting them on.

1. When you're about to get contact lenses, don't be afraid, set yourself up for success. Wash your hands thoroughly, dry them and prepare all the necessary things for the procedure. This is, as a rule, packaging of lenses, a special liquid for washing and storing them, and an airtight container for separate storage of lenses after they are removed. The first time it is easiest to perform all the manipulations in front of a mirror, then you will understand in practice how to put on the lenses. A clean tissue can also be helpful if your eyes start to water.

2. The most difficult thing in most cases is to learn not to blink for a while, when you need to pull back the upper and lower eyelids with the ring and middle fingers of one hand, making it easier to access the eye. In this case, it should lie on the lower eyelid, and the middle one, accordingly, on the upper. Some people find it more convenient to use their index finger and middle fingers. Here a person himself must find a position that is comfortable for himself.

3. Now you can take the lens out of the package.

Make sure it is damp, this will make putting it on easier. Before putting on your contact lenses, simply place one on the tip (closest to the nail) and look at its shape. If it looks like a correctly shaped cup, it means it will be put on correctly. On several models, you can see a letter on the side, which will also help you understand whether the lens is inverted. And if it resembles a plate with edges, the mark has an inverted image, then the product is in the wrong position.

4. Pulling back your eyelids and looking up, lean the lens against the white part of the eye - the sclera. She doesn't have nerve endings, and the touch will be painless. A wet lens will stick to it. Blink gently so that it automatically moves to the center of the eye. You will understand that you did everything correctly when your vision improves.

5. You already understand how to put lenses on the second eye, you just need to repeat points 2, 3 and 4.

6. If you feel discomfort, pain or any other discomfort in the eyes after the procedure, remove the lenses, soak them in the rinsing liquid for a few minutes, and then put them back on.

7. Fuzzy vision after using contact lenses may be a result of their improper placement on the eye. To avoid this, check their shape before putting on your lenses. This sensation also happens to beginners who have never had their vision corrected. Over time, the eye will get used to the contact lenses and the quality of vision will improve. It is also necessary to check in which part of the eye the lens is located. If it is located on the sclera, blink or gently move it towards the center of the eye.

Everyone who wears them should know how to put on contact lenses correctly so that there is no inconvenience when using them.

In addition, lenses can completely correct vision problems and make a person’s life easier. They are actively used by athletes, travelers and ordinary people, all those who welcome technology.

How to put on lenses for the first time

Using lenses for the first time can cause some fear in the patient. This is due to the fact that there will be foreign object. It is important that the first experience is successful and does not cause discomfort or diseases of the eye organs.

Wearing for the first time:

  1. Before using lenses, you must take care of your personal hygiene. Hands should be washed well with soap with a neutral pH level. It is important that there are no traces of dirt, cream or other cosmetics. Hands are wiped dry with a towel without large lint. Flint may remain on the skin and get under the lens. If you don’t have soap and water at hand, you can treat your hands with wet wipes with a disinfecting effect.
  2. Lens extraction devices. Everyone who uses lenses should have safety-tipped tweezers. With their help, the lens is removed from the blister and placed on the finger. There are plastic models with rubberized protective tips or silicone tweezers on sale.
  3. Integrity testing. Before putting on the lens for the first time, it must be checked for integrity and defects. It is important that it is not damaged or scratched. You should also check for deposits. If they are present on the lens, then it should be washed with a special solution. Its edges should be directed upward, and the implant itself should have the correct hemispherical shape.
  4. Check that the sides are correct. The left lens should be installed only in the left eye, the right - in the right. This is especially important for those whose eyes have different levels of vision. There is a marking on the container that shows which lens it contains.
  5. If the lens is clean and without damage, then it can be put on, following the rules for putting on lenses. If discomfort is felt after placing it in the eye, it means that mistakes were made. It is necessary to remove the lens, check again for debris, scratches and other damage, and repeat the putting process.
  6. For right-handers, it is recommended to insert the right lens first, then the left. The procedure is performed at a fixed upper eyelid and a slightly tilted head. The lens is in close contact with the eye. Then you need to move the lens up and down and to the sides. Close and open your eye. The lens will fall into place, and your vision will be clear.

Using color devices for the first time

In some cases, people want to radically change their image and eye color. This can be done using colored lenses. Such lenses can be with diopters for vision correction or decorative.

Colored lenses vary in type. Tinted lenses They give the eyes a slight tint, making the natural color brighter, deeper, and more interesting. They are often characterized complex circuit color changes from the middle to the edge.

Tinted lenses allow you to radically change your eye color. Their material is distinguished by a denser degree of tint, but even such lenses will slightly let through the natural shade.

There are decorative lenses with a pattern. They allow you not only to change the color, but to give your eyes a certain pattern. Such lenses are carnival and are used only on occasion.

Due to the multilayer manufacturing system, colored lenses are denser. They allow air to pass through the eyes worse, so they are not recommended to be worn long time. It is optimal if the day mode is used, with a total operating time of no more than 8 hours. When using colored lenses, it is not recommended to drive or be in dusty rooms with dry air.

For regular use of colored lenses, you should carry moisturizing drops with you. They will solve the problem of discomfort due to dry eyes. It is also important to note that lenses should not be worn before applying makeup. You must first complete all procedures, then insert the lens. To dress them, it is important to take care of the cleanliness of your hands.

Learning how to quickly put on and take off night devices

To correct poor eyesight It is possible not only through surgery. Doctors have developed night lenses. They have a rigid structure. Thanks to their action, the cells of the epithelial layer of the cornea are redistributed.

Such lenses should only be worn at night when a person is resting. They should be removed immediately after waking up. During the day, patients note clearer vision. But it may get worse by the end of the day.

Constant positive effect observed only with regular use of night lenses. This method prevention and treatment of myopia showed good results in school-age patients.

Night lenses differ in the structure of the internal part. It is designed to create pressure on the ocular surface, causing deformation of the cornea.

The advantages of night lenses include:

  • safety;
  • improving the quality of vision;
  • absence harmful effects by eye;
  • improving the functioning of the lacrimal gland;
  • good gas permeability.

Among the disadvantages are:

  • the period of continuous use is 3 years;
  • lenses must be used every night;
  • meet negative consequences in the form of astigmatism, corneal edema;
  • After stopping use, the positive effect quickly wears off.

Night lenses are worn only before bed, when all work is completed and makeup is removed. For convenience, you can use a cosmetic mirror. The technology for putting on night lenses does not differ from the generally accepted one. The main thing is that the eyes feel comfortable in the lenses; when closing the eyelids, there is no feeling of a foreign body or discomfort.

Take off night lens necessary immediately after waking up. To do this, rinse your hands with water and dry thoroughly. Then both eyelids are slightly pulled back and fixed. The lens must be taken by the lower edge and pulled down parallel to the face. It is important not to catch the edges with your nails or squeeze it.

What to Know and Check Before Using Lenses

Regular use of lenses requires certain knowledge and skills. First of all, you should consult an ophthalmologist. Only a specialist can give permission to use lenses and prescribe the right recipe for their purchase.

Information to consider when using lenses:

  1. There is an adaptation period when using lenses. This time is necessary for the eyes to adapt to the new load and get used to the foreign body. On the first day, wearing lenses should not exceed 3 hours. Over the course of a week, this time gradually increases. If your eyes respond well to the lenses, there is no irritation or increased fatigue, then you can use them according to the regimen indicated on the package.
  2. To prevent lenses from causing eye diseases, you should follow the care recommendations and learn how to use them correctly. This means that you can only put on lenses with clean hands. They must be stored in a special container with a solution. The container must close tightly. It is recommended to rinse the lenses with the solution before removing and putting them on. It will remove any debris that has reached the surface. Deep cleaning of lenses is performed once a week. It allows you to remove deep deposits.
  3. You should not wear lenses for too long without removing them. Despite the fact that some manufacturers indicate continuous mode wearing for up to 7 days, the maximum time for using lenses is 10-12 hours. This is the time during which no harm is done to the eyes. At night, it is recommended to sleep without lenses. The exception is medicinal night products.
  4. When using lenses, it is not recommended to use cosmetic products with large amounts of preservatives and fragrances. Mascara should be changed every 3 months. It is better to prefer a soft pencil and dry shadows to liquid eyeliners.

Useful video on the topic

Features of putting on scleral lenses

Scleral lenses are distinguished by the presence of a rigid rim along the periphery. It is responsible for sealing the lens tightly to the eye and holding it in front of the cornea. Such lenses cover the surface of not only the cornea, but also the sclera.

Such lenses are necessary for the treatment and prevention of keratoconus. The principle of operation of scleral lenses is mechanical action and action due to tear fluid, which accumulates between the lens and the cornea on the eye.

Scleral lenses are a type of therapeutic lens. When choosing them, it is necessary to take into account the height of the cone; at a small height, vision correction is carried out very effectively.

The second parameter is the centering of the cone. For most, the top of the cone is located clearly in the center, but there are other options. The third parameter is corneal opacity.

Scleral lenses are different increased density. They have through pores, which promote better oxygen penetration. Such lenses have shown high efficiency for the treatment of keratoconus. Their main disadvantage is their high price. There are some tips to keep in mind when putting on scleral lenses. Facial cosmetics should be chosen with the image of the eye. This indicates a safe composition and the absence of harmful chemicals in it.

Scleral lenses are resistant to temperature changes. They behave well in cold and hot weather. But they are not recommended for use in a sauna or bathhouse.

Scleral lenses, like other lenses, should not be rinsed with running water. Only special compounds should be used. You can insert the lenses with clean hands, fixing the eyelids. The eyelids should be spread as wide as possible. The lens is then aligned with the eye and the eyelids are closed. If the lens is installed correctly, your vision will become clear and there will be no discomfort.

Signs of improperly worn lenses

Lenses are foreign bodies that we insert into the eye to achieve maximum clear vision. Although they are made from soft, breathable materials, they can be uncomfortable.

The main discomfort is associated with improper dressing.

  1. The lens is turned inside out. This situation occurs most often. When removing the lenses, the sides were mixed up, the lenses were put on inside out. In this case, a feeling of discomfort will immediately appear and there will be no clear image. The lens should be removed and unscrewed.
  2. There are specks on the lens. Improper storage and use of lenses can lead to dust, hair and other debris sticking to them. If the lenses are not rinsed when putting them on. It hits the cornea. The presence of debris under the lens causes lacrimation, pain, and discomfort. The lens must be removed and washed. Large specks can damage the cornea and lead to inflammation.
  3. The lens has damage, scratches, and torn edges. Such a lens will immediately cause visual impairment when used. The picture will not be clear. There will be a stinging, pain in the eyes, increased fatigue. Damaged lenses lead to a general deterioration in vision. They must be replaced immediately.

We put contact lenses on a child

The lenses are comfortable to use at any age. Ophthalmologists allow them to be worn by children. It is believed that optimal age child to use lenses – 14 years old. This is the period when the child can take care of himself proper care for lenses, take them off and put them on.

If the benefit is obvious, doctors may prescribe the use of lenses for children 6-7 years of age. But the small age of the child imposes its own characteristics of their exploitation. First of all, lenses must be ordered with a special prescription.

There are no small models in optical stores. In addition, you should constantly ensure that the child does not go to bed wearing lenses and does not touch his eyes with dirty hands.

Lenses for children cannot be used if the child has inflammatory processes in the eyes or allergic reactions of various nature.

If lenses are used by children over the age of 14, they can be taught to put on independently. IN in this case All basic rules apply. If the child is still small and cannot cope independently, an adult puts on the lenses for him.

When putting on lenses, children should adhere to the following basic rules:

  • wash your hands well;
  • place the lens with the front side on your finger;
  • the child is in front of the adult, his head is slightly tilted down;
  • an adult fixes the child’s upper eyelid and places the lens in the eye;
  • the child blinks his eye several times, making sure that the lens is seated correctly.

To simplify the procedure for using lenses, it is recommended to choose daily lenses for children. They do not require use special solutions and disinfection. Daily lenses minimize the risk of infection.

Learn to use devices for astigmatism

The purpose of astigmatic lenses is to correct vision in case of violations of the sphericity of the cornea. Most patients with this condition do not risk using lenses. But modern technologies We have created a wide range of implants that completely correct vision and are easy to use.

The most common daily use astigmatic lenses on the market. You can also find colored toric lenses. They are designed to change the shade of the eye partially or completely.

In order to put on an astigmatic lens, you need to wash your hands well. You need to make sure there are no debris or dust on the skin. The lens is removed from the packaging and placed on the pad of the index finger.

The difference in dressing is that you need to pull down the lower eyelid and fix it. Then place the bottom edge of the lens on the sclera under the cornea. After this, the rest of the lens surface will come into contact with the gas.

Do not apply pressure during the procedure. Before removing your finger, look up, down and to the sides. Blink your eyes a few times. The lens will be put on.

Consequences to the eyes of wearing incorrectly worn devices

Lenses not only make your vision clear, but can also cause various diseases organs of the eye. Most often, vision problems from lenses arise due to improper wearing of them or violation of the technique of their use.

Wrong dressed lens it immediately makes itself felt, it causes discomfort in a person. It manifests itself in the form of a sensation of a foreign body in the eye, and it is not even possible to blink normally.

The most common problem when putting on a lens is that the edge has turned up. In this case, the person will not receive a clear image, he will constantly feel uncomfortable. If the problem is not corrected, rapid eye fatigue will occur, irritation and redness will appear.