How to start a fishing net business. How to make money by sewing sportswear: an interview with Sergei Nikolaevich Kuchko

Often, seamstresses who previously accepted orders at home open workshops and even entire production facilities. This business is a very profitable activity, since such products are constantly in demand among customers. In this article we will consider a business plan for clothing production, advantages and disadvantages.

If you are thinking about opening a sewing workshop, then keep in mind that there is high competition in this area. In addition, sewing requires a large investment of start-up capital. Initially, you will be faced with serious expenses for renting premises, purchasing equipment, materials, raw materials and hiring workers. The payback period for investments is quite unpredictable. Everything is individual and depends on your personal strategy and the market situation.

When starting a sewing business from scratch, specialize in the production of specific products. An excellent option would be children's winter overalls or elegant dresses for girls - things that are made from a certain material and are popular with buyers. This is the optimal operating strategy.

Business plan for sewing clothing production: advantages and disadvantages

In the table below, we consider the advantages and disadvantages of opening a sewing production company that produces clothing for adults and children. It can be noted that the main target audience is people who have a need for elegant clothes, or who may not fit standard clothing sizes due to their build.

Here are some government statistics on clothing purchases. The leader is the Central Federal District (~50%) and, in particular, Moscow (~40%). Retail turnover of clothing in St. Petersburg amounted to ~3%. It is most effective to open a studio in Central federal district in Moscow, since that is where the greatest demand for purchasing clothes is. The lowest profitability will come from the clothing business in the Far Eastern and North Caucasus districts.

Regions are leaders and outsiders in the purchase of clothing (data from Gomkomstat)

Business registration

At the first stage, the sewing workshop is registered as a legal entity. To do this, choose one of two organizational forms: LLC or individual entrepreneur. When registering as an individual entrepreneur, the following package of documents is submitted to the tax authorities:

  • receipt of payment of state duty in the amount of 800 rubles;
  • application in form P21001, certified by a notary;
  • when maintaining accounting records under the simplified taxation system, an application (form 26.2-1) is submitted for the transition to the simplified tax system;
  • a copy of all pages of the Russian passport.

The provided set of documents is reviewed within 5 working days. After this period, the tax office makes a decision. In case of a positive outcome of the case, the individual entrepreneur is issued:

  • extract from the Unified State Register of Individual Entrepreneurs;
  • main state registration number of an individual entrepreneur (OGRNIP);
  • notifications confirming registration individual V tax authority and the territorial branch of the Pension Fund;
  • Rosstat certificate with a list of statistics codes provided to the organization.

At the next stage, a company seal is made (costs from 500 rubles), and a bank account is opened (this is completed within several working days and requires a cost of about 2,000 rubles).

When choosing in favor of an LLC in tax office another set of documents is submitted. It will include:

  • application completed on Form 11001;
  • a decision on the creation of a legal entity (if it has one founder) or a protocol on its opening (if there are several founders);
  • LLC charter;
  • receipt of payment of state duty 4,000 rubles;
  • passports of all founders (or copies certified by a notary);
  • application in form 26.2-1 about the transition to the simplified tax system (if accounting supposed to be conducted according to this system).

The tax office examines the documents and makes a decision within 5 working days. If the answer is positive, the founders of the LLC are issued:

  • extract from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities;
  • registration certificate;
  • charter;
  • certificate of registration of the LLC with the tax authority;
  • notifications of registration with the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation and the Territorial Compulsory Health Insurance Fund;
  • certificate from Rosstat with statistics codes assigned to the organization.

According to current legislation, the authorized capital of a limited liability company being opened should not be below the minimum limit of 10,000 rubles.

After receiving approval from the tax authorities, they register with the Pension Fund, Rosstat and the Fund social insurance. This usually takes several days. Then, within two days, the stamp is made and a bank account is opened. These procedures will take approximately three days.

For clothing production, the following OKVED codes are selected::

  • 18.2 – sewing textile clothing and accessories;
  • 18.21 – creation of workwear;
  • 18.22 – sewing outerwear;
  • 18.24 – other clothes and accessories.

In accordance with current legislation, permits from the fire service (Gospozharnadzor) and Rospotrebnadzor are obtained to conduct activities.

Search for premises to rent

When drawing up a business plan for a clothing production, first determine the premises in which it will be located. The dimensions of the room directly depend on the planned scale of work. For example, to sew about 100 pieces of clothing daily, you will need a workshop measuring 70 m2 or more. Thus, the area of ​​the rented premises is directly proportional to the number of embroidered products.

It is better to open a sewing workshop in the industrial zone of the city. In this case, we are looking for a larger workshop at an affordable price. Before signing a lease, make sure that the premises meet the requirements of the sanitary and epidemiological station and other regulatory authorities.

Sewing is easy to organize at home. In this case, equipment for performing sewing operations is installed in the home of each seamstress. The following organizational process results: one seamstress prepares the patterns, another sews them, and the third processes the edges of the products. Rent in in this case absent, since a specialized workshop is not needed.

In order for a premises to comply with the requirements of the State Fire Supervision Authority, it must have a fire alarm and fire extinguishing equipment (fire extinguishers).

Sewing shop equipment

Before opening a sewing business, take into account the need to purchase specialized equipment in your calculations:

  • overlock;
  • sewing and cutting machines;
  • steam generator;
  • wet and heat treatment plants;
  • automatic machine, loop take-up and button machine;
  • cutting knife and cutting equipment;
  • interoperative tables;
  • consumables.

The total cost of purchasing equipment will be about 250,000 rubles. This is not an exact figure; the specific amount is estimated based on the volume of production, the number of employees and the area of ​​the workshop. To purchase accessories and fabrics you will need approximately 50,000 rubles.

Recruitment of personnel for a sewing workshop

The success of a clothing business depends on the skill level of the employees working in it. Therefore, personnel should be selected carefully. Hire experienced employees with graduate degrees. Their politeness and communication skills are also important.

If there is a lack of funds to staff a highly qualified staff, hire several experienced specialists and novice workers. There is a high probability that, having gained experience and knowledge in the workshop, they will continue to work for you in the future.

Consider the form of remuneration as follows: a percentage of revenue is added to the fixed salary. This will stimulate staff to work more efficiently. At the initial stage, you will only need seamstresses, but as the pace of production increases, hire other workers: fashion designers, seamstresses and order takers.

Starting a sewing business

Start your business with advertising and promotion. It is important to create a base of regular customers as quickly as possible. Sell ​​your products in stores, stalls and markets. Remember that business success is guaranteed only if you start producing quality products. And customers, convinced of the excellent quality of the goods, will come to you again for new purchases.

There are many suppliers of raw materials on the market. Find the manufacturers you are interested in on the Internet or at wholesale stores. Try to enter into contracts with them directly, this will avoid additional production costs.

Communicate more with those who have already started a sewing business. Let them become your mentors. If you don’t have such people around you, then watch interviews on YouTube or the Internet, where successful entrepreneurs share their experiences. This will allow you to avoid many mistakes when starting a business.

Business plan for clothing production: project risks

The main risk (marketing) is the search for orders. Success in the clothing business will depend on the number of orders.

The second risk (organizational) is the organization of production and order execution. Properly organizing production, drawing up plans and monitoring their implementation is the main task of a manager in this matter.

Interview “Clothing Business” (entrepreneur Pavel Sikin)

In an interview with Pavel Sikin, an entrepreneur with 15 years of experience, 5 of them as the owner of a successful sewing business. Expert in the development of various sewing enterprises: from tiny workshops to garment factories. Pavel actively shares his experience on the website We recommend visiting it.

Assessment of the attractiveness of a business by the magazine website

Business profitability

(3.0 out of 5)

Business attractiveness


Project payback

(3.0 out of 5)
Ease of starting a business

(3.0 out of 5)
The clothing business is a highly profitable, but at the same time competitive business. The key success factor is advertising and promotion of your sewing workshop. It is important to identify the most effective source of advertising (for example, partnerships with sales agents) and concentrate on it.

Now it is being widely promoted healthy image life, so more and more people began to play sports and monitor their health. According to statistics, in European countries and the USA the percentage of people leading a healthy lifestyle has reached 40, while in our country it is still at 10%, but continues to grow rapidly. Based on this, opening a sports store can be considered relevant and profitable business.
It is very important in this matter to choose the right concept for a new sporting goods store. There are several of them, and each option involves its own business plan and business development.

Currently the most popular the following types sports stores:

  • Universal ones are the majority, about 75% of all existing retail outlets.
  • Specialized - about 15%.
  • Boutiques with luxury branded items

A department store is the most expensive to open because it requires a large assortment of products. That is why beginners are not advised to start from such a retail outlet. As for boutiques, such a sports store is worth opening if there is an opportunity to become a dealer of a luxury brand and there is no similar store in the region.

The easiest place for a novice businessman to open is a specialized sporting goods store. You can focus on goods for one or two sports, you can sell only sports shoes, or you can focus on selling clothing for active time seeing off.

Who can open a sports store?

We have already found out that a highly specialized store is most promising for development, but this is provided that its owner is well versed in sports, that is, he himself is a keen skier or roller skater, for example, regularly visits gyms, often plays tennis or golf with friends, or enjoys active sports. In this case, there are always people around who are passionate about sports, and among them it is not difficult to find a partner or staff for your new sporting goods store. This allows you to avoid training employees in the specifics of selling sports equipment.

In addition, businessmen-athletes also have fame among people leading an active lifestyle, which means they will be the first clients and they will provide advertising in the circles of interest.

If you are not an athlete and you are opening a sporting goods store based on the profitability of this type of business, you will still have to understand this area in order to correctly determine the needs of potential customers. To do this, you can read specialized sports publications or chat on sports forums on the Internet. You can also attract knowledgeable person from the sports “party” and even add a marketing specialist position to the staff. This, of course, will increase initial costs, but will also allow you to more accurately determine the range of goods and avoid unnecessary expenses.

First steps

But before you draw up a business plan for a sports store, you need to clearly understand the market situation. Its 50% is held by the Sportmaster chain of stores, which is the market leader. It is simply unrealistic to displace him, especially if you start a business from scratch. But this industry shows one of the highest growth rates, so everyone has a chance to win their place in the sun. It is only important to correctly build a marketing strategy for doing business.

So, first of all, you need to analyze the market in Russia as a whole and in your region in particular. Determine who is already present on the market, what format these stores are, what assortment they sell, what their pricing policy is. The most important thing is to identify the pros and cons of their work and take them into account.

Define your target audience. To do this, it is advisable to conduct monitoring in the area where you are going to trade. Find out what type of goods people in this area need, what their ability to pay, interests, etc.

It is also important to determine an advertising strategy for business development. You can advertise in the media. Special attention look at printed publications. You can also distribute fliers with the opening promotion in advance. Don't forget to collect your clients' contact information. This will help you further form a customer base and inform them about new products and promotions.

Required Documentation

First of all, the business plan for a sporting goods store must include the stage of official registration of the company and other permitting documentation. This will take a good chunk of time and nerves. Therefore, you need to be prepared for a long, persistent journey through the authorities.


To register a sportswear and equipment store, you need to prepare the necessary constituent documents. If you are registering an LLC, you will need a charter that includes:

  • name of the organization;
  • legal address;
  • the type of her activity;
  • founders, chief accountant;
  • authorized capital and other information.

With this document, as well as with the minutes of the meeting of founders, you must register in the Unified State Register of Legal Entities, having previously selected a suitable taxation system. If all documents are completed correctly, you will be issued a certificate of registration of an LLC or individual entrepreneur, as well as a certificate of assignment of a TIN.

Then you will need to open a current account in any bank, make a stamp, register with the social insurance fund, medical and pension funds.

Store sign

To make your clothing and equipment store visible from afar, you need to hang a sign at its entrance. However, by law it is considered as advertising space. Therefore, you will need special permission for it. To do this, you need to submit a corresponding application, sketches of the sign, copies of the rental agreement and a certificate of registration. The last two documents are notarized. If you are leasing, you may be required to provide a document confirming that the placement of the sign has been agreed upon with the landlord.

Fire safety

For the normal functioning of a sportswear and equipment store, it is necessary to issue a report from the fire department. You need to submit the following documents to the fire inspectorate:

  • corresponding application;
  • premises rental agreement;
  • certificate of registration of an LLC or individual entrepreneur;
  • agreement on installation of a fire protection system;
  • BTI floor plan.

Remember that one of the employees will have to be appointed responsible for fire safety.

Cash register

Your sportswear and equipment store must operate a cash register, and you must also obtain the appropriate permit for it. To do this, you will need a standard package of documents from the registration certificate and the lease agreement for the premises where the device will be installed. But in addition to these documents, you must provide:

  • certificate of registration with the Internal Revenue Service;
  • state register holograms;
  • cash register passport;
  • conclusion of a technical specialist.

This question is easiest to resolve law firms. They know all the intricacies of its solution and will charge about 30 thousand rubles for services.

Sanitary report

One of the most important conclusions is sanitary. To obtain it you need to prepare the following documents:

  • relevant statement;
  • document on registration with the Tax Inspectorate
  • employee medical records;
  • lease agreement;
  • list of products;
  • certificates for goods;
  • certificate of registration of an organization or individual entrepreneur;
  • contracts for waste removal.

Only after receiving all the permissions described above can you, with peace of mind, start designing a sportswear and equipment store and searching for suppliers.

Forming a concept

The next question that a sports store business plan must solve is to decide on the concept of the store. It can be implemented in three options:

  • specialty store;
  • company store;
  • general store.

Most of the initial funds will be needed for a department store. But there are big risks here. Firstly, you may not guess the public’s preferences and end up with large quantities of unclaimed goods. Secondly, you will have to compete with the luminaries of this niche, who, as a rule, already have more favorable agreements with suppliers. The same applies to the company store of a particular brand.

It is recommended to open a store of specialized sportswear and accessories for one or two similar sports. True, in this case it is desirable that the owner himself is passionate about these sports. Then it is easier for him to navigate the market conditions.

Place and premises

As with most commodity trading, a good location with a constant and large flow of people will ensure the success of your business. It is best to locate the store on the main street of the city or in a shopping center. But it is better to open a sports store near those establishments for which it specializes in selling goods. These could be swimming pools, gyms, sports complexes, stadiums.

You can also always consider the option of locating a store in places where people with income live.
The area is usually 50-70 square meters. meters, but if you plan to sell sports equipment, then this product category will require more space.

Then you need to pay attention to the room itself. If you plan to sell small goods, 50-70 sq. m. is enough. m. If the assortment includes large equipment, for example, inflatable boats, punching bags, trampolines, you need to look for a larger room. Also decide in advance whether you will rent or purchase it. The ideal option is to rent the premises with the option to buy. Then, if things don’t work out, you won’t have to deal with selling the premises, and if everything goes well, you can buy it back.

The premises must be zoned into a hall and warehouses. In the hall it is necessary to provide a place for a cash register and a fitting room.

Trade equipment

The type of retail equipment depends on the format in which your store will operate: self-service or trade over the counter. But in any case, it is desirable that it be combined with the interior. Although experts say that you shouldn’t think too much about interior design - you can safely save on this expense item. It is much more important to have a good selection and competent and polite staff.

At a minimum, you will need:

  • security frame for detecting goods, which is installed at the exit from the sales area - from $1,400;
  • barcode label printer – $400;
  • barcode scanner – from $100;
  • mannequins - from $200 per piece;
  • mirrors – from $50 per piece;
  • busts – from $100 per piece;
  • racks – from $90 per piece;
  • racks and hangers - from $50 each.

Product display

Pay special attention to the display of goods. Place the smaller ones on the shelves at eye level, the larger ones on the lower shelves. Oversized items must be placed separately. It is extremely important that the buyer has the opportunity to independently come up and inspect the product of interest.

If something is offered at a reduced price, the price tag should be highlighted so that it immediately catches the eye. Price tags for inexpensive goods should always be visible and strictly correspond to the product. For expensive items, you can hide the price tags a little. The point of this is to allow the buyer to get used to an expensive product while he is looking for a price for it.

The store should have good lighting so that everything can be clearly seen. Select appropriate music for the background sound in the hall.

We are looking for suitable personnel

It is important to find an honest and conscientious seller, which is not easy. He must be sociable and be able to sell the product, use various sales strategies, since a significant part of buyers do not always know exactly what they need and what they want. The seller must help the client decide on a purchase and not regret it later.

It is advisable that your sellers be young people from 20 to 40 years old. Sports equipment and clothing are specific products, so sellers of this age group will have more confidence.

One of the most important requirements is that the seller must be passionate about the sport to which your product belongs. Then he will be able to accurately understand the buyer’s needs, explain to him all the details of the product and give the necessary recommendation.

Formation of product range

When forming an assortment of goods, you must proceed from the circle of buyers you are targeting and what their needs are. It is important to keep abreast of all the new products in your chosen niche and gradually expand the range of your offers. It’s easy to follow this if you yourself are interested in the sport you have chosen for business.

But it’s still worth relying on statistics. And she claims that T-shirts and T-shirts are the most popular. They account for 35-40% of the total sales volume of sports stores. They are followed by tracksuits with an indicator of 28.3% and sports shoes – 20-25%. Trousers and shorts account for 3-4%, jackets – 1-2%, and swimsuits – no more than a percent.

As for brands, it is better to choose leading brands that have already gained trust in the market: New Balance, Nike, Columbia, Reebok, Adidas, Puma and others. Please note that exclusive items may be overpriced. There will definitely be a buyer for them. Therefore, even with low traffic, the store can turn a profit due to such sales. The range can be expanded with sports nutrition and various additional accessories.

Financial issues

As practice shows, to open a store you will need at least 50 thousand dollars. Moreover, the bulk of it will be spent on purchasing the initial batch of goods. The only way to find that kind of money on your own is by taking out a bank loan. Alternatively, you can find a companion or several who are also passionate about this sport and willing to risk their money. The markup on goods in a store is usually set at 30-60%, so you can return your investment in just a year and a half.

However, the most an important condition successful business is the entrepreneur’s passion for this sport and excellent understanding of the market.

Sport has long entered the lives of many people and has taken a strong position there. Even in ancient times, all kinds of sports competitions were held, and today it has become fashionable to play sports again. And for comfortable activities, good and high-quality sportswear is simply necessary. Moreover, today the sports style of clothing is preferred not only by fans of any sport, but by all those who strive for convenience, a relevant and stylish appearance. For these reasons production of sportswear will always be in demand and profitable view business.

Today on the market there are huge amount a variety of brands offering a wide variety of sportswear collections. Finding something to suit your taste preferences is not difficult. However, good sportswear high quality quite often it turns out to be unaffordable for ordinary people. Clothes from well-known brands are truly beautiful and comfortable, but they are also quite expensive. But there is a clear shortage of good quality and, importantly, affordable sportswear on the market.

It is worth noting that setting up a business producing beautiful, high-quality and functional sportswear is not an easy task. It requires solving many design and production issues. However, if you manage to resolve them, there should be no further problems. The demand for sportswear is quite high, which means there are no problems with sales finished products. not easy: a lot of production and design issues need to be resolved. The main thing is to remember that high-quality sportswear is, first of all, things made from natural, “breathable” materials.

The essence of this business idea is the production of sportswear, which in its own way quality characteristics no different from its foreign counterparts.

This type of business requires the investment of quite significant funds, so its planning and organization must be approached with full responsibility and taken into account all the nuances and standard elements, among which are:

Development of the design of a sports suit;

Organizing a competition of sketch drawings of models with the involvement of fashion designers to select the best of them;

Carrying out a preliminary selection of the 20 most liked models;

Conducting a targeted audience survey, as a result of which the ten best models should be selected.

According to the selected sketch drawings it is best sew 10 tracksuits, differing in style. At the same time, for each model it is necessary to select fabric and accessories that are suitable in color, and also decorate each suit with a logo.

After sewing ten tracksuits for mass production, it is best to choose three models.

To present tracksuits to as many potential clients as possible, it makes sense to organize a show of these ten models. The show can be organized both indoors and outdoors. fresh air, which, by the way, is not only a more attractive option, but also allows you to collect larger number visitors.

During the presentation of the models, you can conduct a vote, as a result of which you can choose the three models that the people who participated in the voting liked most. At the end of this stage, you can safely begin preparing for mass production of the selected models of tracksuits.

At the preparation stage, it is necessary to develop technological process for the production of sports suits, the main components of which are vests, trowels and trousers. After this, it is necessary to create patterns and search for a manufacturer-supplier for individual fittings.

The next step is to find production premises. It can be purchased, built or rented with existing equipment.

As for the sale of finished products, preparation for it should be worked out extremely carefully. First of all, it is necessary to determine distribution channels, an advertising campaign, and develop a pricing system.

Of course, a well-executed product presentation will already be an excellent remedy advertising, but in addition to this, it is necessary to take care of conducting a long-term advertising campaign, the main goal of which will be to create a good, favorable brand image.

Trade margin You can install not very large quantities on the products, since in comparison with sportswear produced by well-known brands, the cost will be much lower.

Depending on the pricing policy and the chosen strategy, it is necessary to select distribution channels. If the price is approximately the same as the prices set for similar products by competitors, then you can use stores and other retail outlets with the same or slightly higher prices. But if the prices are much lower than those of competitors, you can use retail outlets designed for people with lower incomes, but at the same time never sell your products on an equal basis with the goods of manufacturers from China and Turkey.

Flows of information between East and West, a passion for martial arts and Chinese, Japanese, and Thai healing methods, and the opening of many fitness centers in Russia required the development of an entire industry for making sportswear, including for martial arts.

This is a fairly profitable branch of light industry, characterized by increased demand, low costs and high profitability.

Although many craftsmen prefer clothes sewn directly in Japan, they are three times more expensive than domestic ones, and for beginners and amateurs this is a significant difference.

Before developing a business plan for sewing clothing for martial arts, you need to find out the volume of demand in your region for this kind of sports uniform. In case large quantity sports schools and fitness centers where this kind of section is practiced, and the absence of competitors with already launched production, your business will be profitable and stable.

According to the advice of knowledgeable experts, the initial market penetration should be carried out by placing orders in existing sewing workshops, and not starting to equip your own. If sales do not go well, then the losses will be minimal. When mastering an existing retail network or creating your own, you can start sewing clothes “yourself” in small batches, i.e. launch a small workshop with 5-10 places.

In the production of sportswear for martial arts, plain multi-colored synthetics or natural cotton with a density of 220-460 g/m2 are used. The pattern is quite simple, the size grid should be set from 120cm to 190cm, if you deviate from these standard sizes you should be able to sew it to order. A set of clothing of this type of traditional includes a robe (aka kimono), trousers and a belt.

Sports uniforms for each style differ from each other in cut, technology and tailoring details. At the same time, there are uniform requirements for clothing for sports - it must be loose, durable, comfortable, with double stitching. Additionally, in children's sportswear, the seams are covered from the inside with thick fabric to avoid chafing.

  • Description of goods and services
  • Production plan
  • Sales technology
  • Business efficiency calculation
        • Similar business ideas:

A sample business plan for opening a sports store selling goods for cycling and skiing.

Step-by-step plan for opening a sports store

The fashion for a healthy lifestyle is gaining momentum in our country. Recent sporting events related to the Sochi Olympics and world championships, which are increasingly being held in Russia, naturally fuel the interest of young people in playing sports. Accordingly, the demand for all kinds of sports equipment, clothing and paraphernalia is growing. It’s not for nothing that large hypermarkets selling sporting goods are opening even in places where it didn’t make sense to open for 10 years (take, for example, “Sportmaster”). It is worth noting right away that a sports market is an expensive project. To successfully compete with online players you will need:

  1. Retail area of ​​at least 150 sq. m.
  2. A wide range of products or a specific specialization on a certain product (for example, “everything for fitness” or “cycling”)
  3. Convenient location of the store, in large shopping centers (or nearby), in high-traffic areas of a solvent audience
  4. Active advertising and promotion (marketing and PR)
  5. Selection of qualified personnel

Opening a specialized store will certainly require much less investment than selling “everything.” Yes, and the area for trade may be enough in the range of 50 - 100 square meters. m. However, it is worth saying that this format will only work in large cities where a sufficient number of potential buyers live. We are talking about cities with a population of at least 500 thousand inhabitants. In this article we will briefly look at a business plan for opening a specialized store selling cycling products. To avoid the seasonality factor (such sports are not relevant in winter), in winter time year, the store will specialize in the sale of winter sports products: skis, snowboards, skates, clothing, etc. Thus, we will get a fairly competitive store, while spending much less investment.

How much money do you need to open a sports store?

First, let's determine the approximate amount of investment in the business. In practice, for obvious reasons, investments can differ sharply from the “paper version”. But in general, this will allow us to understand what the main funds will be spent on:

  • Deposit for rent of premises for 2 months. - 119,000 rub. for 85 sq. m. (700 RUR / sq. m.)
  • Trade equipment (shelving, showcase, video surveillance, cash register etc.) - 150,000 rub.
  • Assortment of goods - 1,400,000 rub.
  • Advertising budget (sign, banners, creation of a business card website) - 120,000 rubles.
  • Business registration and other expenses - 50,000 rubles.
  • Reserve fund - 300,000 rub.

Total - 2,139,000 rub.

Description of goods and services

A characteristic advantage of sports markets over other retail projects is a high average bill. According to some reports, the average bill here is not less than 10,000 rubles. (according to PayU research). This fact is confirmed by the assortment of our store, where the bulk of the goods exceed the 10,000 rubles level (bicycles and spare parts for them are far from cheap goods). However, the average trade margin is only 35%. Therefore, the potential income from one sale will be on average 2,600 rubles. And so, the assortment of our store will include the following product items:

  • Bicycles for adults (mountain, road, women's, folding, universal)
  • Children's bicycles
  • Equipment (glasses, backpacks, gloves, helmets, T-shirts, cycling jerseys, vests, sweatshirts, T-shirts, cycling shorts, overalls, cycling underwear, shoes, socks)
  • Spare parts (children's wheels, stems, grips, inner tubes, bottom brackets, cassettes, pedals, derailleurs, tires, handlebars, saddles, brakes, chains, connecting rods, shifters, etc.)
  • Accessories (racks, bike computers, pen guards, bells, fenders, pumps, mirrors, tools, lights, covers, etc.)
  • Skis (including ski boots, poles, bindings, etc.)
  • Snowboards
  • Skates
  • Clothing and footwear for winter sports.

How much can you earn by opening a sports store?

Let's calculate potential revenue. For obvious reasons, the number of buyers in the first three months of operation will not be large. On average, taking into account advertising, we count on three buyers per day. Further, with the growing popularity of the store and word of mouth, the number of purchases will increase to 6 - 7 per day. The dynamics of purchases by each month for the first year of operation will look like this:

According to preliminary calculations, the potential income (minus goods) for the first year of operation will be 4,316,000 rubles.

Production plan

Our store will be located in a rented premises with an area of ​​85 sq. m. m. The rental rate will be 700 rubles. / m2. This room has a very good location. Firstly, this is a new microdistrict, with an abundance of new buildings and a solvent young population. Secondly, there is a busy highway and a large federal hypermarket "Lenta" nearby. Placing only one banner near the highway will allow us to attract a large audience of customers. The premises do not need major renovation. It already complies with safety standards, including the requirements of Rospotrebnadzor and Fire Supervision. We will only carry out cosmetic repairs and purchase the necessary retail equipment: shelving, a sales counter, racks for attaching bicycles. We will install good lighting and a video surveillance system. Total costs at this stage will amount to no more than 150,000 rubles. The goods are planned to be purchased from large metropolitan dealers representing leading brands of such manufacturers as Scott, Trek, Specialized, Merida. There are no problems with selecting suppliers today. Most of them will contact us themselves. Now regarding the staff. The requirements for sellers of such a store are very high. A person must not only have experience in trading, but also be “savvy” in sports. Ideally, he should have an excellent understanding of cycling and bicycle technology. But there are very few such people today (who know how to sell and understand bicycle technology). Therefore, some time will be spent finding young people with sales experience and teaching them the basics of selling bicycles, accessories and winter sports products (skis, snowboards, skates). In total, we plan to employ 2 sellers, one store administrator and a warehouse worker (and a supplier in one person). The latter’s responsibilities will include not only monitoring balances, but also working with suppliers. It is planned to register a limited liability company (LLC) as an organizational form. Optimal system taxation for a sporting goods store with an area of ​​less than 150 square meters. m. is UTII - a single tax on imputed income. Tax payments will be fixed and independent of revenue. Monthly payment will be 7500 rub.

Which OKVED code to indicate when registering a business?

Retail trade in clothing - OKVED 52.42. And also 52.48.39 - Specialized retail other non-food products, or 52.48.3 - Specialized retail trade in non-food products. Depending on the range of goods.

What documents are needed to open a store?

You will need to register an individual entrepreneur or LLC. For this you need: a passport, an application for state registration, a receipt for payment of the state duty, as well as a copy of the TIN certificate.

Which taxation system to choose for business registration

A single imputed income tax or a simplified taxation system is suitable for such a store.

Do I need permission to open?

To open a sporting goods store you will need the following permits and agreements:

  • sanitary epidemiological conclusion on the compliance of the store premises with the current rules and regulations of the SES;
  • permission to locate from Rospotrebnadzor - gives the right to start the activities of the enterprise;
  • the presence of PPK (sanitary production control program) ensures compliance with the dignity. norms and rules;
  • disposal contracts fluorescent lamps and disinfection of vehicles;
  • agreements for the provision of deratization, disinfection, disinfestation work, laundry and dry cleaning services for washing workwear;
  • economic contracts for cleaning ventilation and air conditioners;
  • contract for the removal of solid waste and other garbage.
  • fire inspection report;
  • registering a cash register.

Sales technology

Sales technology depends on the range of goods, the specialization of the store, its location and clientele. The store can be focused on winter or water recreation areas, or extreme sports. It is possible to tailor the range of products to suit the clientele of fitness rooms or lovers of sports jogging, cycling or skating.

Marketing and store promotion

The number of cycling enthusiasts in our city is growing. Reconstruction of parks, construction of sidewalks and bicycle sharing areas contribute to the development of this sport. By and large, we will try to make the advertising of our store targeted. That is, to be located where there is a potential audience. Firstly, this is cooperation with bicycle sharing organizations. Secondly, this is advertising in parks, near sports facilities. Thirdly, this is advertising on the Internet, through your own website, contextual advertising and groups in social networks. It is planned to regularly distribute flyers and booklets in places where young people gather. Let's not lose sight of the adult audience of buyers who can buy bicycles, skis and other sports equipment not only for themselves, but also for their children. To do this, you can carry out all kinds of promotions, place advertisements near large shopping centers. In winter, when ski season arrives, our store will be advertised at ski resorts. Special attention will be paid to creating a bright advertising sign. Proper placement of the sign is 50% of success in attracting new visitors. It should not only be bright, but also clearly visible.

Business efficiency calculation

The final point of the business plan is to calculate the efficiency of the sporting goods store. First, let's calculate your fixed monthly expenses:

  • Rent - 59,500 rub.
  • Salary of 2 salespeople (salary + percentage of sales) - 60,000 rubles.
  • Salary of administrator and warehouse worker - 50,000 rubles.
  • Strass deductions for employees - 33,000 rubles.
  • Accounting and cleaning (outsourcing) - 11,000 rub.
  • Taxes (UTII) - 7500 rub.
  • Utility bills - 10,000 rub.
  • Expenses for security of the facility - 18,000 rubles.
  • Advertising - 15,000 rub.
  • Other unforeseen expenses - 25,000 rubles.

Total - 289,000 rub. Annual expenses will thus amount to 3,468,000 rubles. We know the revenue and expenses. Now you can calculate the net profit of the business: 4,316,000 - 3,468,000 = 848,000 rubles. per year. Profitability is 24%. It is worth noting that these calculations are typical for the first year of operation, when the store has not yet gained popularity. Revenues, as well as profits, will certainly grow in the coming years. With such indicators, we expect a return on investment in 30 - 35 months.

This is a full-fledged finished project, which you will not find in the public domain. Contents of the business plan: 1. Confidentiality 2. Summary 3. Stages of project implementation 4. Characteristics of the object 5. Marketing plan 6. Technical and economic data of the equipment 7. Financial plan 8. Risk assessment 9. Financial and economic justification of investments 10. Conclusions