How to take probiotics before or after meals. Probiotics: how to take correctly, optimal form for taking, live test, and other important points

The discovery of antibiotics in the middle of the last century provided new opportunities in the treatment of infections caused by various microorganisms. The term “antibiotic” itself means “against life”. Against pathogenic life, causing disease microbes At that time medical science Little was known about the fact that beneficial microorganisms also live in the human body, although at the beginning of the century, Russian physiologist Ilya Mechnikov published findings on the health benefits and increased life expectancy of lactic acid bacteria. Alas, antibiotics turned out to be directed against the life of beneficial microorganisms too.

Uncontrolled use has led to the creation of more and more generations of antibiotics due to microbes developing resistance to them, intolerance by individuals some of them, allergic reactions and disorders of the microbial flora in the intestines in the form of stool disorders and other organs (for example, vaginal candidiasis after taking tetracycline antibiotics).

Scientists have wondered how to preserve beneficial flora while using antibacterial therapy How to quickly eliminate dysbiosis after antibiotics. The result was the creation of drugs based on beneficial microorganisms that populate the intestinal tube. In 1965 it was given a name. In contrast to antibiotics, they were called “probiotics,” which means “in the interests of life.” The main purpose is to restore normal microflora, especially after taking antibiotics.


Probiotics are live microorganisms added to food or medicine. The most beneficial are lacto- and bifidobacteria, Saccharomycetes fungi and varieties of Escherichia coli.

The importance of probiotics comes down to the following:

  • Strengthening the immune system through the production of antibodies against certain viruses.
  • Secretion of biologically active substances that prevent inflammation.
  • Preventing pathogenic bacteria from attaching to the intestinal wall.
  • Strengthening the barrier function of the intestinal mucosa.
  • Antitoxic effect against waste products of pathogenic microbes.
  • Production of B vitamins.

Research into the role of probiotics continues. The specificity of the action of each type for a specific problem is studied, and adequate dosages are selected. Methods of “delivering” probiotics to the intestines are also being considered so that they can be preserved from destruction by the acidic environment of the stomach.

It should be noted that the beneficial microflora living in the intestines is very sensitive to various influences, including stress.

When taking antibiotics, beneficial microbacteria also die, and since nature abhors a vacuum, they are replaced by the pathogenic bacterium Clostridium, causing antibiotic-associated diarrhea. That is why, when taking antibiotics, it is urgent to replace the dead ones with new probiotics.

The current arsenal of probiotics is extensive. It's worth getting to know him better.

1st generation probiotics

If we consider the classification according to the number of bacterial strains in the preparation, then the division is into monocomponent, multicomponent, combined, recombinant. 1st generation probiotics are preparations that contain only one type of bacteria:

  • Bifidumbacterin.
  • Lactobacterin.
  • Colibacterin.

Let's look at each of these drugs, paying attention to the question of how to take them in combination with an antibiotic.


This is a dry powder (lyophysate) containing live strains of E. coli and a growing medium in the form of propolis and soy extract. The powder must be dissolved in large quantities liquids (water, juice, vegetable broth, compote) and drink on an empty stomach three times a day. The course of treatment ranges from 1 to 3 months - its duration is determined by the doctor.

Colibacterin will help reduce side effect antibiotics and stop any diarrhea that occurs.

In some cases, it is permissible to use drugs in the form of rectal microenemas. For children, Colibacterin can be prescribed with infancy in adequate dosages.

The price of the drug ranges from 200–300 rubles for 10 ampoules or bottles containing 3 doses.


Contains live acidophilus lactobacilli. Available in 3 dosage forms:

  • Powder from which a suspension is prepared for drinking and topical use.
  • Pills.
  • Vaginal suppositories.

The powder is dissolved with water at the rate of 1 tsp. per 1 dose (usually 5 doses in a bottle). The amount per dose and frequency will be prescribed by the doctor. The course is individual - from 3 to 6 weeks. We accept children under 1 year of age.

There is some peculiarity in how to properly take Lactobacterin when treating colpitis. In this case, administering probiotics with antibiotics is not recommended, since Lactobacterin suppositories can weaken the effect of the antibiotic on pathogenic flora. It will be more effective to carry out a course of Lactobacterin after the end of the main therapy.

The price of Lactobacterin is 150–250 rubles.


Contains dried live bifidobacteria and auxiliary substances that normalize intestinal microflora. Available in foil bags from 10 to 30 pieces per package, vaginal suppositories(10 pieces), tablets (30 pieces).

Designed to strengthen the immune status and restore the microflora of the intestines and vagina, improve digestion, treat diarrhea, and strengthen the resistance of formula-fed children.

Take with food, after dissolving the contents of the package with boiled water. Can be dissolved in kefir, yogurt. The frequency of administration depends on the indications and ranges from 1 to 6 times. The courses are also varied in duration - from 5–8 days for acute intestinal infection to 6 months for the prevention of acute intestinal infections.

Simultaneous administration of Bifidumbacterin and an antibiotic is allowed with a time interval of at least 2 hours.

The price is within 100 rubles.

Probiotics 2nd generation

They are also called self-eliminating antagonists, that is, spore-forming. Bacteria only temporarily colonize the gastrointestinal tract. Effectively resist pathogenic and conditionally pathogenic bacteria, normalize intestinal microflora.


Bacillus subtilis strain 534 in the form of lyophilized biomass or spores of Bacillus subtilis is the active substance of the drug Sporobacterin, aimed at eliminating loose stools and strengthening the immune system. Available in the form of a 10 ml dropper bottle based on a 7% sodium chloride solution, which explains the salty taste of the drug taken on an empty stomach.

The amount per 1 dose is 0.5 ml for children under 3 years of age, thereafter - 1 ml in the morning and evening. The course of admission is from 10 to 20 days.

Price – 300–500 rub.


Unlike Sporobacterin, in addition to Bacillus subtilis spores, the composition contains live bacteria Bacillus licheniformis.

Available in the form of tablets of 1 or 2 doses in quantities of 10, 20 and 30 pieces per package and in the form of a lyophilisate for the preparation of a suspension of 1, 2, 5 and 10 doses.

Indications are similar to previous drugs. Biosporin is taken on an empty stomach, adults 2 doses, children 1 dose. Before use, it is recommended to dilute with water in an amount of 5 ml per dose. Prescribed 2–3 times a day, course at acute infection within a week, with dysbacteriosis - up to 2 weeks.

A tampon moistened with a suspension is placed locally intravaginally for 2–3 hours, the course is 5–7 days. Treatment of colpitis is carried out after completing a course of antibiotics.

The price is within 500 rubles. Produced in Ukraine.


Gelatin capsules containing Bacillus cereus spores and excipients. Packed in blisters of 20 pieces. Having general indications with other probiotics, contraindicated in primary immunodeficiency and children of preschool age.

Usually 1-2 doses are prescribed 2-4 times a day on an empty stomach for a course of 7-10 days. Do not drink hot drinks or drink alcohol during treatment.

The drug is available with a doctor's prescription. Manufactured by the French company Sanofi. The price in Russia is within 1000 rubles.

Flovins BS

Antidiarrheal and microflora normalizing agent containing dry spores of the cereus bacillus. Available in capsules, which are taken on an empty stomach from 1 to 4 pieces per day, 2-4 times a day for 7-10 days. The same precautions apply to hot drinks and alcohol. May be taken simultaneously with antibiotics.

Product of the Republic of Montenegro.


Biocodex (France) offers a probiotic based on lyophilized Saccharomyces, packaged at 250 mg in sachets of 10, 20 and 30 or capsules of 250 mg in bottles of 30 and 50 pieces.

A special feature of the drug is that saccharomycetes are not part of the beneficial microflora, which means that after passing through the gastrointestinal tract, it is excreted from the body 2–5 days after the end of administration. Question: “Why take probiotics based on Saccharomycetes then?” – has a clear answer. The wall of Saccharomyces has the ability to attach pathogenic microorganisms to itself that disrupt the gastrointestinal tract and cause diarrhea. Thus, it leaves the human body not alone, but taking pathogenic microbes with it.

Lack of lactase, lactose intolerance, malabsorption syndrome are contraindications for use.

Adults drink 1 capsule or powder 2 times a day for no more than 10 days; for children from 1 to 3 years old, the powder is diluted in their favorite drink and given on an empty stomach. Combination with antifungal antibiotics is not recommended.

Price from 300 to 700 rubles.

Each package of probiotics must have an insert with instructions on how to take the drug. You need to familiarize yourself with it first to avoid negative consequences. But at the same time, you should adhere to the course of treatment (dosage, duration) prescribed by the doctor.

Probiotics 3rd generation

Unlike the drugs of the first two generations, these are multicomponent, that is, they simultaneously contain several strains of bacteria. Some of them contain special additives, the purpose of which is to enhance the growth of beneficial flora in the intestines.

3rd generation probiotics are usually classified as:

  • Acipol.
  • Linux.
  • Acylact.
  • Bifiform.
  • Bifiliz.
  • Acidolac.
  • Enterozermina.

Let's take a closer look at what bacteria are contained in each of these drugs, as well as how to take a probiotic and how to combine it with antibiotics.


The drug in capsules contains live lactobacilli in combination with kefir grain polysaccharide. This composition is freeze-dried. Packaged in 10, 20 and 30 capsules in boxes or jars. The main indication for use is dysbacteriosis and situations leading to it, as well as OKI.

Children after 3 months of age are dissolved in water or milk; children over 3 years of age are given the whole capsule to drink. The frequency of administration in children is 2-3 times with meals, in adults - up to 4 times on an empty stomach. For acute intestinal infections, it is taken for 5–8 days; approximately the same course is necessary for the treatment of dysbacteriosis.

Simultaneous treatment with an antibiotic is possible, but it is desirable to separate in time within 2 hours.

It is available without a prescription and costs about 350 rubles.


Contains 3 main components:

  • Lactobacilli.
  • Bifidobacterium infantum.
  • Enterococci.

Of course, all are alive, dried in a special way. Release form: sachets of 10 and 20 pieces, capsules of 16, 32 and 48 pieces and drops for babies of 8 ml in a bottle.

The drug is given after meals, the dosage depends on the age and severity of the disease. The instructions suggest using 1-2 capsules 3 times a day. The duration of treatment is strictly individual. Combined with antibiotics.

Manufacturer Sandoz, Switzerland. Price – 300–400 rubles.


Lactobacilli in the form of lyophilisate. Live dried bacteria are offered in 2 forms - suppositories and tablets. Tablets have found their use in dentistry, gastroenterology, vaginal suppositories complete the stage of treatment of vaginosis and vaginitis in gynecology.

Tablets are prescribed after meals, the course for acute pathology is 7 days, chronic diseases require a 14-21-day course, which is repeated up to 3 times a year with an interval of at least a month. You can combine it with an antibiotic, but not in the case of gynecology. For severe stomatitis, the course is up to 15 days, the course must be repeated 3 times, the interval is a week. The tablets should be dissolved in the mouth.

The price is pleasantly surprising - 10 tablets or suppositories for 150 rubles.


The Italian pharmaceutical company Pfizer and Ferrosan (Denmark) offer enteric capsules containing enterococcus and bifidobacteria. Capsules are packaged in pencil cases of 20, 30, 40 and 60 pieces.

Live bacteria constitute the natural flora of the human intestine. They are antagonists of pathogenic and conditionally pathogenic flora, and also indirectly exert positive impact due to stimulation of the production of immunoglobulin A and interferon. The probiotic is effective against antibiotic-associated diarrhea, acute intestinal infections, traveler's diarrhea, dysbacteriosis, complex therapy Helicobacter pylori infection.

Acute diarrhea requires taking 1 capsule 4 times until the diarrhea stops, then 2-3 capsules a day to consolidate the effect. Children are prescribed from 2 years of age, dosages are individual. You don’t have to ask your doctor how to take probiotics and antibiotics, because simultaneous use is allowed.

Price for 30 capsules is 400–500 rubles.


Bifidobacteria combined with lysozyme - this is the composition of Bifiliz powder and suppositories. Suppositories are available in rectal and vaginal form, lyophilisate is in bottles. The drug is diluted with water and taken 30 minutes before meals. Before insertion rectal suppository A cleansing enema is recommended, and before vaginal enema, vaginal hygiene is recommended.

The standard dosage - 2-3 bottles per day - may vary depending on the indications and age. The simultaneous administration of suppositories and suspension is acceptable. It is allowed to carry out a simultaneous course with antibiotics.

Price – 400–450 rubles.


Powder for oral solution contains lacto- and bifidobacteria. The contents of the sachet must be completely dissolved in boiled water(not boiling water, but at room temperature), warm tea, yogurt or milk. Taken with meals.

Dosage for dysbiosis: child 2–12 years old – 1–2 sachets 1 or 2 times a day, adults – 2–3 sachets 2 or 3 times a day. The same dosages are prescribed for the treatment of diarrhea. Only in the first case, the course of therapy lasts a week or 2 weeks, in the second – 10 days.

The average price for 10 sachets is 930 rubles.


Available in several forms: oral suspension (10 or 20 bottles of 5 ml), capsules (12 pieces in a blister).

It is recommended to use the drug in bottles according to the following scheme: for a child from 1 month to 18 years old - 1 bottle 1 or 2 times a day, for an adult - 1 bottle, but 2 or 3 times a day. The duration of treatment is determined by the doctor, based on the patient’s condition. Taken at regular intervals. To do this, shake the bottle and drink undiluted or add to water, milk, tea, juice.

Enterozermina in capsules is prescribed to adults and children over 5 years of age. The drug should be swallowed whole with water. If that doesn’t work, you need to buy a suspension. It is recommended for a child to take 1–2 capsules per day, for an adult – 2–3 capsules. The course of treatment is selected individually

Enterozermina does not interact with antibiotics, so it can be prescribed simultaneously with a course of antibiotic therapy. But the combined use of two drugs is contraindicated - a break of 2-3 hours is required.

Any probiotic has a number of contraindications (this list is insignificant), so the drug must first be agreed with a doctor. You should also not deviate from the course of treatment prescribed by the specialist.

4th generation probiotics

These are preparations that contain live bacteria immobilized on a sorbent. This group included several types of sorbed bifido-containing drugs:

  • Probiform.
  • Florin Forte.
  • Bifidumbacterin Forte.


Bifidobacteria adsorbed on activated carbon. Available in powder and capsule form. The powder is diluted in water or fermented milk product. A maximum of 6 powders or capsules are allowed to be taken at short intervals, the course is 2-3 days (this regimen is recommended for acute diarrhea; dysbacteriosis requires increasing the course to 10 days).

Powders are available in 6, 10 and 30 pieces, capsules in 10 pieces.

Price for 30 powders is 1900 rubles.

Florin Forte

Capsules and powder with live bifidobacteria and lactobacilli, enhanced with activated carbon. The effect of the drug is enhanced when taken with B vitamins. When taken during a course of antibiotics, the separation time should be at least 3-4 hours. It should be taken during or regardless of meals; it is better to combine it with kefir and other fermented milk products.

The course for acute intestinal infections is 5–7 days; for dysbacteriosis it is extended by 2 times.

The drug Florin Forte can be prescribed even to premature babies in the dosage recommended by the doctor.

You can buy it at a price of 600 rubles for 30 capsules or powders.

Bifidumbacterin Forte

Powder of live bifidobacteria deposited on particles of activated carbon and lactose. Release form: powder in sachets of 5 doses totaling 10 or 30 and capsules.

This probiotic is recommended to be taken with meals or regardless of meals, dissolved in water or fermented milk product. The course of treatment is determined by the nature and severity of the disease, but it can be carried out even on premature babies. One-time dose – 1-2 sachets, depending on age. It is recommended to repeat courses up to 2-3 times.

B vitamins enhance the effect of the probiotic, but simultaneous use with an antibiotic reduces the effect.

Price for 10 sachets or capsules is 150–180 rubles.

There is no doubt that taking antibiotics should be accompanied by taking probiotics. The question is how to take probiotics with antibiotics - at the same time or after completing a course of antibiotic therapy.

When choosing an answer, it should be taken into account that probiotics with an acid-resistant capsule containing lactobacilli, bifidobacteria and streptomycetes are more suitable for simultaneous administration.

Which probiotics should be taken along with antibiotics and which should not:

  • Parallel use of Linex and Bifiform well reduces the side effects of antibiotics on the beneficial intestinal microflora.
  • It is better to prescribe Enterol after a course of antibiotic therapy.
  • Some probiotics have been studied in light of interactions with specific antibacterial drugs. For example, it is known that Bificol is combined with rifampicin, and Linex with ampicillin, Bactisubtil with chloramphenicol and Biseptol, Lactobacterin with Doxycycline and Negram.

In general, it is worth noting that the study of this group of drugs continues, and perhaps results will be obtained that will open new horizons in the fight against infections.

Regarding today's problems, it is important to remember that with any reception drug therapy antibiotics before or after it, and perhaps both, it is necessary to restore the beneficial microflora with probiotics. The doctor will recommend the correct treatment regimen and individual dosages. The patient’s task is to strictly follow the doctor’s recommendations, and then healthy intestinal microflora will effectively maintain the normal state of the entire body.

If someone somewhere told you that probiotics should be taken by everyone and always, check whether this person is a probiotic seller :) I have come across many opinions on this matter and observe the following pattern: interested people tend to recommend and praise probiotics to absolutely everyone : both sick and healthy, considering them almost a panacea. Independent experts, whose well-being does not depend on the sale of dietary supplements, on the contrary, say that probiotics are not indicated for everyone and cannot always help. And some doctors do not use probiotics in their practice at all, considering them absolutely useless and needlessly advertised.

In search of information, I turned to the book “Gut Life” by Robin Chutkan, a gastroenterologist who practices a holistic approach to health. Dr. Chatkan has extensive experience in the use of probiotics for various diseases Gastrointestinal tract, chronic intestinal inflammation, urinary tract infections, acne and rosacea, etc.

Frequently Asked Questions

Who are probiotics indicated for?

The list below includes disorders for which probiotics are effective. scientifically proven. Even lower are those for which there is not yet enough clinical data, but the available information suggests that they may be just as effective.

Conditions for which probiotics have been proven to be effective

  • Antibiotic-associated diarrhea
  • Bacterial vaginosis
  • Clostridium difficile infection
  • Dysbacteriosis
  • Infectious diarrhea
  • Inflammatory bowel diseases
  • Irritable bowel syndrome
  • Leaky Gut Syndrome
  • Infectious sinusitis
  • Traveler's diarrhea
  • Urinary tract infections
  • Fungal infections

Conditions for which probiotics are likely to be effective

  • Allergies
  • Anxiety/depression
  • Autism
  • Autoimmune diseases
  • Chronic fatigue syndrome
  • Heart diseases
  • Obesity

How to choose probiotics?

When choosing a probiotic, you need to understand whether a particular product contains enough live bacteria and whether it is suitable for treating your specific disorder (and not your neighbor or friend, because these people could have completely different problems from yours).

If someone in your circle has already taken a product and received positive results, this is a good sign, but it is not a 100% guarantee that these probiotics will have the same effect on you.

While there is no one-size-fits-all probiotic, there are some general tips to consider:

  • Probiotics available on iHerb can contain anywhere from one to 200 billion colony-forming units. The required dosage is selected by a specialist, usually a doctor of naturopathy or functional medicine who practices a holistic approach.
  • If you don't have a doctor nearby, or if your doctor is not knowledgeable about probiotics, I recommend that you pick up a credible guide in book form—many reputable doctors are now publishing such guides. For example, this could be the book “Gut Life” by Robin Chutkan. These experts recommend choosing products that contain at least 50 billion CFU*. The dietary supplement must contain lactobacilli acidophilus, as well as other bacterial strains such as bifidobacteria, Lactobacillus rhamnosus, Bifidobacterium bifidum.

* Note from Marina

I think the 50 billion CFU recommendation is quite general, as I like to call it "average hospital temperature." Probiotics from Healthy Origins, containing 30 billion CFU, worked well for me and many of my relatives, and in another book by Alejandro Junger I came across a recommendation to choose probiotics of at least 15 billion CFU. So if you're already taking a probiotic that contains less than 50 billion CFU, that's okay, it's much more important in my opinion to learn how to take probiotics correctly.

  • Make sure the probiotic product contains different strains of bacteria that have been tested to interact with each other, as they all have various functions and not a single bacterial strain can replace the others and contain their full potential.
  • Check the product's shelf life, whether it requires refrigeration, and how stable the product is at room temperature.
  • The manufacturer must guarantee that the product has passed all clinical trials, is certified and contains the amount of live bacteria indicated on the label. Look for information either on the packaging itself or in the instructions for use inside.
  • Some companies claim to conduct tests and research on their products, but these studies may be “sponsored” by the product manufacturers themselves and may not be reliable. Try to rely on test data from independent companies such as ConsumerLab, for example.

Most Common Probiotic Strains

When choosing probiotics, many advanced users of dietary supplements pay attention to the names of probiotic strains in the Supplement Facts plate. But do you know what these little bacteria with complicated names do inside your body? Each of these tiny workers has their own specialization, so iHerb contains various formulations for dysbiosis, candidiasis, immunity, urinary tract infections, etc.

Lactobacillus acidophilus- ferment sugar, convert it into lactic acid and release amylase, which helps with the absorption of carbohydrates. It is one of the most popular probiotics and is used in many dairy products. The bacilli are particularly resistant to the aggressive environment of the stomach and effectively attach to the intestinal walls, preventing the spread of alternative types of bacteria. Particularly useful for restoring the natural microflora in cases of bacterial vaginosis.

Lactobacillus casei- live in the mouth and intestines, as well as in fermented vegetables, milk and meat. There is evidence that they inhibit the growth of Helicobacter pylori. In addition, they have shown their effectiveness in combination with other strains when it is necessary to relieve the symptoms of certain gastroenterological disorders (antibiotic-associated and infectious diarrhea). Lactobacillus casei can complement and promote Lactobacillus acidophilus, and also participate in the fermentation of beans and peas, reducing the concentration of gas-promoting, poorly digestible carbohydrates.

Lactobacillus rhamnosus- very “hardy” bacteria, resistant to the effects of gastric juice and bile. They live in the mouth and intestines, as well as in the vagina and urinary tract, where the spread of pathogens is prevented. Lactobacillus rhamnosus has been used successfully to treat diarrhea caused by rotavirus and some forms of atopic dermatitis. Despite the probiotic effect, in people with weakened immune systems these microbes indicate the presence of infection.

Lactobacillus salivarius suppress pathogenic bacteria and help reduce gas formation in people with irritable bowel syndrome. They may be useful for pancreatitis, as they suppress and harmful bacteria gastrointestinal tract, which threaten the pancreas.

Streptococcus thermophilus Found in fermented dairy products like yogurt, they help digest lactose in the intestines.

Bifidobacterium bifidum- an integral part of the microflora of the large intestine and, like Lactobacillus acidophilus, one of the most popular probiotics. They promote the breakdown and absorption simple sugars. Bifidobacteria have been proven to strengthen the immune system and relieve symptoms of colds, while simultaneously reducing the duration painful condition. They are also present in the vagina and help treat candidiasis and other forms of yeast overgrowth.

Bifidobacterium longum very important for the baby's body. These microorganisms thrive in the colon in low oxygen concentrations. They prevent the proliferation of pathogens by releasing lactic acid, in addition, they help increase lactose tolerance, prevent diarrhea and are useful for allergies. Bifidobacterium longum may prevent cancer development by changing acid-base balance colon, and also reduce the risk of atherosclerosis and strokes by binding free radicals. Bifidobacterium longum is often added to foods.

Bifidobacterium lactis(B. animals) help with abdominal discomfort and bloating in people with irritable bowel syndrome, the nature of which is associated with constipation. In clinical trials, they have been proven to protect the intestinal cells of patients with celiac disease from the destructive effects of gluten. Bifidobacterium lactis is widely used in dairy products.

Which probiotics to order on iHerb

When I shopped for probiotics on iHerb for the first time, I didn’t have all this information yet. But I was lucky - the first product I came across turned out to be of high quality and effective. In addition, it is very economical in price. It meets all quality criteria, tested by an independent laboratory, and is stable at room temperature.

Probiotics from Healthy Origins

Here it is, my favorite probiotic - Healthy Origins, Probiotics, 30 billion microorganisms.

This product contains 8 probiotic strains - 5 lactobacilli and 3 bifidobacteria, 30 billion colony forming units.

If you need more strains, or more CFU, then check out the following products:

  1. Renew Life, Ultimate Flora, Critical Care - 10 Probiotic Strains, 50 Billion CFU
  2. Garden of Life, Doctor Formulated Probiotics, Once Daily Women's - 16 Probiotic Strains, 50 Billion CFU
  3. Jarrow Formulas, Saccharomycetes Boulardii + MOS - contains probiotic yeast that survives the passage of stomach acid and delivers it beneficial properties to the gastrointestinal tract. These microorganisms help preserve and maintain normal intestinal microflora. They also normalize the intestinal microflora after possible violations as a result of taking medications or while traveling. MOS (mannanoligosaccharides) is an oligosaccharide from the cell walls of baker's yeast that prevents bacteria from adhering to epithelial cells and reduces their proliferation.

You can also find probiotics for yourself and your family on the following page:

How to take probiotics correctly?

Probiotics- these are living microorganisms. It is not enough to simply drink the capsule with water for them to start working. It is also necessary to create a favorable environment for them so that they can successfully attach and settle in your intestines for a long time. What should you do to get the most benefit from probiotics?

Feed the “good” bacteria and let the “bad” ones starve!

The good news is that the beneficial and harmful bacteria that inhabit our body love different foods. The bad news is that most people don't eat enough healthy food, but overindulge in foods that make bad bacteria happy. So it turns out that we seem to be drinking an expensive and high-quality probiotic product, but we see no benefit. In most cases, beneficial bacteria die of starvation, unable to find suitable food for themselves in your intestines. And pathogens feast and gorge themselves at this time.

Choose your carbohydrates carefully

Simple carbohydrates ("bad") found in baked goods made from wheat flour, bakery products and all kinds of sweets. They are quickly digested in the small intestine and absorbed as glucose. The result is a spike in insulin. These carbohydrates are associated with weight gain, diabetes and inflammation, as well as causing changes in the composition of the microbiome and promoting the spread of yeast spores.

Sugar- this is the favorite food of bad bacteria. Constant consumption of sugar leads to accelerated growth of yeast cells and some pathogens. Sugar often begins to control your habits by increasing the population of intestinal microorganisms that feed on it. This causes sugar cravings - you need more and more sugar. Only from the point of view nutritional value, sugar is an absolutely useless product that contains nothing but empty calories.

Alcohol- I hope that it is unnecessary for you, my readers, to talk about the dangers of alcohol. But just in case, let me remind you: restoring microflora and drinking alcohol are incompatible things.

If you want to get the maximum benefit from probiotics, you will have to give up sugar and baked goods, no matter how sad it may sound to you. At least for the first time. Whether you gradually reduce your sugar intake or suddenly give it up, the result will be the same: there will come a time when the number of microbes in the intestines that feed on sugar is reduced so much that the craving for sweets will weaken - and you will no longer crave it as much.

If we do not provide our new microscopic tenants with proper nutrition and continue to eat whatever they can, they will not live long and will not be able to reproduce to maintain their population.

Complex carbohydrates (“good”), are typically rich in fiber and are found in fruits, vegetables, some grains, beans and brown rice. Due to their high fiber content, these foods do not cause increased insulin production, and from a microflora point of view, they should become the most important components of our diet, ensuring proper and sufficient nutrition for our bacteria.

Let's look at examples of “good” carbohydrates that are beneficial for the intestinal microflora.

Resistant (difficult to digest) starches- these are specific complex carbohydrates that are not absorbed in the small intestine, but move further in an almost unchanged form until they reach the large intestine, where they are fermented by bacteria and converted into short-chain carbohydrates fatty acids(KTsZhK). SCFAs are critical for maintaining colon health: they are the main source of energy for colon cells, have anti-inflammatory and anti-carcinogenic properties, and resistant starches have also been shown to promote the absorption of various minerals in the colon.

Potato flour

Foods Rich in Resistant Starches

  • Beans
  • Cashew
  • Barley
  • Lentils
  • Peas
  • Pearl barley
  • Brown rice
  • Unripe (green) banana
  • Oatmeal

Resistant starches act more like dietary fiber (fiber) in the digestive tract than regular starch. They promote the growth of beneficial microbes in the colon, acting as prebiotics (components of the nutrition of intestinal bacteria).

If the above products do not give you any appetite, you can enrich your diet with resistant starches from potato flour. Potato flour is dried and ground potatoes. 80% of this flour consists of starch, and 97.6% of this starch is resistant. It is an ideal choice for thickening sauces, soups and gravies, and for baking with gluten-free flour. If you can’t get your child to eat brown rice or barley, be sure to try potato flour in your recipes!

Potato flour on iHerb- Bob's Red Mill, Fine Potato Flour.


Inulin is another type complex carbohydrates, fructans. Like resistant starches, inulin also has prebiotic properties. By adding inulin-containing foods such as leeks to soups or stews, ripened bananas to green smoothies, and onions and garlic to all kinds of stews, you can increase the amount of inulin in your diet. And instead of harmful coffee, you can drink a drink made from chicory root, which is also rich in inulin.

Eat more plant foods

Dietary plant fiber, fiber that is not absorbed in the intestinal tract, is the main raw material for bacterial fermentation, the production of microbial nutrients and health-promoting SCFAs. The variety and quantity of plant foods affects the number and variety of beneficial bacteria in your body, so eat more plant products every day.

Lack of a sufficient amount of indigestible dietary fiber in the diet (the main nutrient medium for intestinal bacteria is main reason, why, after switching to a low-carbohydrate diet, patients with dysbiosis do not feel much improvement, even while taking probiotics.

The hard parts of plants (stems, shoot bases) are especially rich in indigestible fiber, so eat vegetables whole.

If we don't get enough fiber from food, we starve the intestinal bacteria we're trying to cultivate. According to researcher Jeff Leach, founder of the Human Food Project, when we don't get enough fiber to feed our gut bacteria, they begin to chew on us - eating away at the intestinal lining. On the contrary, well-fed intestinal bacteria produce beneficial nutrients such as SCFAs, which have a positive effect on intestinal cells.

How long should you take probiotics?

It all depends on the disease, on the degree of damage to your microbiome, on your diet, on the effectiveness of the probiotics you take, on general condition your health.

Most patients with dysbiosis experience improvements of approximately in ninety days, although it happens that the period is reduced to several weeks or increased to several months.

As a general rule, the longer you've been on antibiotics, the longer you'll need to take probiotics before symptoms appear. positive effect. Some patients suffering from long-term courses of antibiotics may require whole year to experience noticeable improvements. Since the bacteria in probiotic products do not necessarily settle in the intestines and form their own colonies there, but can transit and be eliminated from the body, you may have to take probiotics indefinitely until improvements appear.

Side effects when taking probiotics

It’s not news to anyone that antibiotics destroy the natural intestinal microflora. You should try your best to avoid taking antibiotics. Nowadays it is difficult - doctors prescribe antibiotics left and right. Therefore, you may find it useful.

If in your case the doctor has assured you that a course of antibiotics is completely justified (for example, when an infection threatens your life), then there is nothing else to do but follow the advice of a specialist. This will cause serious damage to your microbiome.

Five-day course of certain antibiotics wide range is capable of reducing the population of intestinal bacteria by a third, without any hope of further recovery.

However, you can soften the blow if you take measures to support the intestinal microflora during and after antibiotic therapy. The tips below will help you minimize losses and ensure fast recovery microflora.

  1. Take probiotics during and after antibiotic therapy. Probiotics weaken side effects(antibiotic-associated diarrhea and the development of clostridia (C. diff)), and also restore intestinal microflora. Probiotics are started in parallel with antibiotics, but at different times of the day (if you take an antibiotic twice a day - at 8 am and 8 pm, take the probiotic at 2 pm). After finishing your course of antibiotics, take probiotics for at least another month. The most useful probiotics are those containing various types of lactobacilli and bifidobacteria, as well as those containing beneficial yeast fungi Saccharomyces boulardii (500 mg daily) - These are especially important in preventing the spread of C.diff and are not as sensitive to antibiotics.
  2. Eat prebiotic foods to support the microbiome. Foods rich in fiber and resistant starches are especially important during a course of antibiotics. Not only does it provide nutrients to intestinal bacteria, but it also has a positive effect on the diversity of bacterial species.
  3. Eliminate foods rich in sugar and simple carbohydrates from your diet, - This the most important measure to restore the microbiome. Sweets, sugary drinks, and starchy foods contribute to the explosive growth of fungal cells, exacerbating microflora imbalance. If you are prone to yeast infections, follow a strict antifungal diet and avoid sweets while taking antibiotics and for another month after finishing your treatment.
  4. Eat more foods that have antifungal properties(onion, garlic, pumpkin seeds, coconut oil). Antibiotics are the main cause of yeast overgrowth, which can lead to vaginal infections and other unpleasant consequences.
  5. Drink ginger tea. Ginger has a calming effect on the digestive system and reduces gas and bloating. For best results, peel a three-centimeter (3cm) fresh ginger root, chop finely and add two cups of boiling water. Leave for 20-30 minutes. Strain before use.
  6. Use bentonite. Bentonite helps consolidate stool in antibiotic-associated diarrhea and also has antibacterial (E. coli and Staphylococcus aureus) and antifungal (Candida albicans) properties. Take one tablespoon of bentonite once or twice daily until diarrhea symptoms subside. Be sure to space out the intake of bentonite clay, antibiotics and probiotics, as they can mutually reduce each other's effectiveness. If constipation occurs, stop taking bentonite.
  7. Take care of your liver. Like most medications, antibiotics are broken down in the liver, so it is important to maintain liver health during treatment. Green vegetables will help us with this - kale, spinach, broccoli, beets and artichokes, which promote the production of bile. It is critically important not to drink alcohol, as it puts additional stress on the liver.

I will share with you my bitter experience, maybe my story will save someone a precious part of the microbiome. From a young age, I was often sick - I was registered with a pediatrician with pyelonephritis, then with cystitis, then the inflammation turned to female organs. I was prescribed a lot of antibiotics at different times, including ciprofloxacin - the most dangerous enemy for the microbiome. I have suffered many inflammatory diseases which were chronic in nature.

Despite permanent treatment- I couldn’t fully recover from anything. The end point was an ectopic pregnancy, after which the last course of antibiotics reduced the health of the intestines to zero. Then I swore off taking antibiotics anymore and turned my attention to holistic medicine. As I found out, instead of killing courses of dangerous ciprofloxacin for cystitis, I could take and cure the infection without harming my microflora.

I discovered that there is an alternative approach to most diseases that doctors are used to “treating” with antibiotics. My advice to all women is to carefully weigh the pros and cons before starting a course of antibiotics.

To sum it up

  • Taking probiotics “just like that” and “for prevention” is useless.
  • In order for probiotics to bring maximum benefit, they must be well fed with resistant starches, inulin and plant fiber. Without food, they will not be able to gain a foothold in the intestines and form a colony.
  • Probiotics are live bacteria - microorganisms that live in the human body and have a positive effect on its vital functions. Probiotic preparations contain different strains of bacteria.

    There are bifido-containing, coli-containing, and lactose-containing preparations. The composition may also contain yeast-like fungi, enterococci, aerococci, depending on the manufacturer and purpose. Probiotics are available in liquid and dry form.

    Probiotics not only allow you to populate the intestines with the right microorganisms and overcome pathogenic flora that cause various unpleasant symptoms, but also provide an opportunity to increase immunity and effectively fight illnesses. In this article, we look at inexpensive yet effective gut probiotics. You will find reviews, as well as a list of drugs with prices, just below.

    When are probiotics prescribed?

    According to the American Gastroenterological Association, probiotics are currently most commonly prescribed to treat the following diseases and conditions:

    1. Infectious diarrhea, caused rotavirus infection, including in infants and young children - strains of lactobacilli of the species Lactobacillus rhamnosus and Lactobacillus casei.
    2. - probiotic strains of lactic acid bacteria Bifidobacterium infantis and Lactobacillus plantarum and fungi Sacchromyces boulardii, as well as a combination of probiotics can help with bowel movements.
    3. Antibiotic-associated diarrhea- Saccharomyces boulardii can prevent recurrences of the most dangerous and most common antibiotic-associated diarrhea caused by Clostridium difficile.

    In addition, a gastroenterologist can prescribe probiotics if the patient complains of stool problems, colic and frequent bloating and flatulence, a feeling of heaviness in the stomach, as well as other conditions.

    How to take it correctly?

    It is very important to choose the right probiotic to treat a particular condition. To select a probiotic, you can use the following simple rules:

    1. If you suspect a bacterial infection of the intestine(acute or chronic) it is recommended to take complex preparations containing lactobacilli and bifidobacteria at the same time (for example, Bacteriobalance, Bifidin, Linex, etc.).
    2. If you suspect a viral infection of the intestines(acute or chronic) it is recommended to take drugs containing lactobacilli (for example, Lactobacterin, Narine, Biobakton, Primadophilus, etc.).
    3. If you suspect a fungal infection of the intestines and genital organs (intestinal and vaginal candidiasis), it is recommended to take medications containing bifidobacteria (for example, Probiform, Biovestin, Bifidumbacterin, etc.).

    During therapy, it is recommended to first take drugs with lactobacilli, then with bifidobacteria, and only after that with colibacteria (for example, Colibacterin). You can immediately start taking complex medications that simultaneously contain bifidobacteria and lactobacilli.

    Probiotics and prebiotics: what's the difference?

    The names of these two groups of drugs are very similar, so they are often confused.

    • Probiotics are live microorganisms that belong to the normal intestinal microflora.
    • Prebiotics are organic chemicals that have the ability to create excellent conditions for the reproduction of normal intestinal microflora.

    It should be noted that the effect of both prebiotics and probiotics is similar, because each of the groups of these drugs normalizes the intestinal microflora.

    Useful properties

    Most probiotic bacteria belong to two genera: lactobacilli (Lactobacillus) and bifidobacteria (Bifidobacterium), although you should know that there are many other types of probiotic bacteria.

    These drugs are capable of:

    1. Produce substances that prevent various infections.
    2. Prevent bacteria harmful to humans from attaching to the intestinal wall and inhibit their growth.
    3. Inhibit the secretion or destroy toxins secreted by some bacteria that are “bad” for the human body.
    4. Stimulate the strengthening of the mucous layer in the intestines as a barrier against infections.
    5. Increase the effectiveness of the immune system by secreting antibodies to certain viruses.
    6. Produce B vitamins necessary for food metabolism, preventing anemia that occurs due to vitamin deficiency
    7. B6 and B12, as well as maintaining healthy skin and nervous system.

    The described effects are, to a greater or lesser extent, characteristic of all microorganisms related to probiotics. However, the mechanisms of these effects have not yet been fully elucidated.

    Probiotics for the intestines: list and prices

    To maintain intestinal health, the following medications may be prescribed:

    • Linex is one of the most famous probiotics that are common in Russia. It contains three components of microflora, which are found in various departments intestines. Price 350-500 rub.
    • . It is often used in pediatrics for conditions characterized by disturbances in the colonization of the intestinal flora, in combination with antibiotics and other drugs. Contains Bifidobacterium bifidum N1 in dry powder form. Price 350-400 rub.
    • More concentrated bifidobacteria are contained in Probifor - one sachet contains about 10 servings of bacteria that are found in Bifidumbacterin. Price 500-600 rub.
    • . In addition to probiotic strains of lacto- and bifidobacteria, it contains Escherichiacoli. Combined with antibiotic therapy, thanks to the protective capsule it easily overcomes the acidic environment of the stomach. It is one of the best capsule probiotics for adults. Price 350-400 rub.
    • Florin forte. It is a powder containing lacto- and bifidobacteria. It is prescribed for both adults, children and newborns. Thanks to the combination of bacteria, it has a complex effect, but does not combine well with some antibiotics. Price 500-550 rub.

    Depending on the time of creation and improvement, several generations of probiotics are distinguished:

    • I generation - classic monocomponent preparations, consisting of one strain of microorganisms - typical inhabitants of the intestines (bifidumbacterin, lactobacterin, etc.);
    • II generation – self-eliminating antagonists (bactisubtil, enterol, biosporin, etc.);
    • III generation - multicomponent preparations (symbiotics), consisting of several (from 2 to 30) strains of bacteria (Bifilong, etc.) or several types of bacteria (Linex, Bifikol, etc.);
    • IV generation - combined preparations (synbiotics), consisting of a strain of bacteria and ingredients that promote their growth, reproduction and metabolic activity (bifiliz, kypacid, etc.);
    • V generation – multicomponent combination preparations (synbiotics), consisting of several types of bacteria and ingredients that promote their growth, reproduction and metabolic activity (floristin, bifiform, etc.).

    In addition, the form of the probiotic must be taken into account. They are all divided into:

    • Dry probiotics(lactobacterin, bifidumbacterin, colibacterin, etc.);
    • Liquid forms (biovestin, biovestin-lacto, floristin, trilact, bifidum No. 791 BAG, liquid bifido- and lactobacterins, lactoflor, etc.);
    • Sorption forms s (ecoflor, probifor, bifidobacterin forte, bificol forte, etc.);
    • Enteric-coated capsules(Linex, Bifiform).

    And if previously liquid probiotics for the intestines were considered the best, today capsule preparations are becoming more and more common. Modern technologies make it possible to effectively preserve all the necessary bacteria in a capsule. Those who take probiotics unanimously declare that taking the drugs in capsules is much more convenient, like taking a vitamin: take it out of the package, drink it with water and forget...

    Probiotics in foods

    Sources of prebiotics are: dairy products, bread, cereals, peas, cornflakes, garlic, bananas, onions, beans and some other types of products. One of the most popular foods that provides probiotic intake is yogurt.

    In addition, their sources are: most dairy products, for example, cheese, kefir, cottage cheese, buttermilk. Some other examples of probiotics include sauerkraut, kimchi, pickles, bread, wine, soy sauce.

    Probiotic (translated from Greek means “created for life”) is a class of microorganisms that normalize intestinal microflora and strengthen human immunity. The main part of microcultures are bacteria, but fungi are also found. I wonder what's in the body healthy person There are a trillion beneficial (85%) and one hundred and fifty billion pathogenic (15%) microorganisms. Throughout their lives, they wage a 24/7 battle with each other. If the balance shifts towards pathogenic bacteria, the microflora is destroyed, dysbacteriosis appears, a person’s well-being worsens, and the question arises “how to restore health.”

    You can restore your intestinal microflora naturally. The simplest method is to saturate your diet with natural sources of beneficial microcultures: fermented milk products with a shelf life of up to three days. However, this is not a quick process. To speed up the restoration of “bacterial” balance in the body, it is recommended to resort to the help of drugs containing probiotics.


    According to technology, all probiotics are divided into two categories:

    • liquid (active cells);
    • dry (capsules, tablets, powders).

    By composition:

    • monocomponent;
    • multicomponent;
    • cosymbiotics.

    By origin:

    • yeast fungi;
    • lactobacilli;
    • bifidobacteria.

    The composition of each drug differs in the type and quantity of the set of bacteria, which determines the direction of its action. Some support immune defense, others activate the passage of food through the gastrointestinal tract, and others help break down lactose if there are no special enzymes in the body.

    Types of probiotic preparations:

    1. Monocomponent products of the first generation (“Bifidumbacterin”, “Colibacterin”, “Lactobacterin”). These drugs contain one type of bacterial strain.
    2. Second generation (“Biosporin”, “Bactisutil”, “Sportobacterin”). This category is represented by a group of self-eliminating antagonists.
    3. Multicomponent products of the third generation (“Bifiliz”, “Acilact”, “Bififor”). They are analogues of the combined drug Linex. They contain several strains of bacteria that potentiate each other, which increases the effectiveness of the probiotic.
    4. Fourth generation or synbiotics (“Maxilak”, “Bifidumbacterin Forte”, “Probifor”, “Florin Forte”). This group of drugs is universal because it contains live beneficial bacteria that are part of the healthy intestinal microflora.

    Which ones are better?

    Fourth generation drugs are considered the most “adapted” for humans. In addition to beneficial bacteria, they contain additional components, which have anti-inflammatory and immunostimulating effects.

    Mass production and a wide range of products for restoring intestinal microflora confuse buyers. When purchasing a probiotic, pay attention to the type and quantitative composition of bacteria (the more, the better), and the manufacturer. Of all the tested imported dietary supplements, the drugs “Linex”, “Bifiform”, “Enterol” take the lead.

    The positive effect of probiotic preparations on the body is due to the beneficial effects of enterococci, lactobacilli, bifidobacteria, and E. coli on internal organs person.

    List of physiological functions of useful microcultures:

    1. They populate the large intestine with normal flora, neutralize pathogenic bacteria, viruses, yeast and fungi, and inhibit their growth.
    2. Prevent relapse of dysbacteriosis.
    3. Stimulate the immune response to the pathogen (produce antibodies to protect the body).
    4. Strengthen mucus layer intestines, block the synthesis of toxins by pathogenic flora.
    5. Reduce concentration in the blood (by improving the breakdown of bile salts).
    6. Normalize intestinal motor function, relieve bloating and flatulence.
    7. They supply the body with B vitamins, which support the functioning of the nervous system and health. skin, prevent the development of anemia.
    8. They improve the balance between pathogenic microorganisms and representatives of normal microflora in favor of the latter.
    9. Suppress activity Helicobacter bacteria pylori, which causes chronic gastritis and peptic ulcers.
    10. They relieve diarrhea and eliminate intoxication caused by acute intestinal infection.
    11. Prevents premature birth in women, has an anti-inflammatory effect in the third trimester of pregnancy.
    12. Helps digest food.
    13. Protects intestinal tract cells from degeneration.
    14. Regulate the absorption of vitamins, minerals, gases.
    15. They support the vaginal microflora, which is disrupted during pregnancy.
    16. Prevents the appearance of eczema, dermatitis, and bronchial asthma in the fetus in the womb.
    17. Helps overcome thrush.

    The probiotic not only compensates for the lack of beneficial bacterial flora in the body, but also has a comprehensive healing effect. It enhances the effectiveness of bacterioflanks, antibiotics, protects against carcinogens, allergens, toxins, and improves metabolic processes.


    Can probiotics harm your health?

    Like any drugs, they have side effects if you do not follow the instructions for use approved by the manufacturer. These include: allergic reactions on the components of the medication (rashes, swelling, dizziness), which most often develop when using a liquid form of probiotics or products containing bacteria, yeast, capable of sporulation. In most cases, they are harmless, you can and even need to drink them during pregnancy.

    Do not use probiotics if you are hypersensitive or genetic predisposition to an allergy to a certain type of microculture. IN in this case It is recommended to buy drugs that do not contain “bacteria-allergens”.

    An absolute contraindication to the use of probiotics is immunodeficiency conditions (oncological damage to the circulatory and lymphatic systems, AIDS, HIV). In this case, the drug increases the likelihood of infection of the body.

    Remember, probiotics should not be taken for a long time and then suddenly stopped. The dosage should be reduced gradually. Otherwise, the microflora gets used to the constant supply of beneficial bacteria, and the absence of another portion can activate pathogenic organisms.

    Strictly adhere to the prescribed treatment regimen, do not exceed the permissible dose and duration of use.

    Not all probiotics can be consumed in childhood. When choosing a drug, carefully read the manufacturer’s instructions so as not to harm the growing body.

    Probiotics after antibiotics

    Nowadays, antibacterial drugs - universal remedy treatment of diseases of bacterial origin. Namely, bronchitis, sinusitis, sinusitis, cystitis. Prescribing an antibiotic is justified if there is a bacterial pathogen in the body, otherwise such drugs will have a depressing effect on the immune system, preventing the fight against pathogens. In addition, they disrupt the digestion of food, as a result of which the intestinal microflora suffers. This is due to the fact that the spectrum of action of the antibiotic extends not only to pathogenic microorganisms, but also to beneficial bacteria. This leads to intestinal dysfunction and the development of diarrhea. To prevent this phenomenon, probiotics should be taken from the first day of antibiotic therapy. They prevent the death of normal microflora and promote the proliferation of beneficial microcultures.

    The action of probiotics is aimed at the formation of a protective membrane on the intestinal mucosa, which prevents the attachment of pathogenic bacteria that cause dysbiosis.

    Remember, the symbiotic flora, being absorbed into the blood, participates in energy and carbohydrate metabolism. As a result, human performance depends on the species composition of useful microcultures in the body.

    Before using drugs, take into account the storage rules and the expiration date after which it loses healing properties, can cause damage to health.

    How to take probiotics?

    The dosage and method of use depend on the purpose, age of the consumer, release form and quantitative composition of the drug. For babies up to one year old, liquid probiotics (biogaya) are suitable. From the age of two they switch to a dry form of release, represented by tablets, capsules, and powders.

    Rules for taking probio cultures:

    1. Take regularly every day for at least two weeks (optimally 2 months), then take a break for 30 days and repeat the course.

    Remember, probiotics do not act quickly; improvement in well-being will occur only after two weeks of continuous use.

    1. The best time to take is in the morning, on an empty stomach, 30 - 60 minutes before meals. Preparations that require dilution with water (powders) are prepared immediately before use. You cannot store ready-made mixtures, since after 15 minutes their healing properties are reduced threefold. Such products can only be diluted with cold boiled water or kefir.

    Hot liquid kills beneficial microorganisms.

    1. For infants, the probiotic is given with food or applied to the nipple before breastfeeding. The liquid drug can be added to the formula bottle if the baby is on artificial nutrition.
    2. It is recommended to take probiotics at the same time as prebiotics. What is it? Prebiotics are indigestible food components that are not absorbed in the digestive tract, while stimulating the growth and activity of the microflora of the large intestine. They create a favorable environment for the proliferation of beneficial bacteria. For better absorption, a probiotic and a prebiotic can be contained in one preparation (“Laktiale”, “Normospectrum”).
    3. For the treatment and prevention of diseases, it is recommended to give preference to multicomponent, combination drugs, since they, unlike monocomponent ones, contain a symbiosis of different strains of microcultures.
    4. Be sure to take probiotics while taking antibiotics. Preference should be given to the drug that contains live bacteria (not freeze-dried) in the largest quantity.

    To prevent the development of dysbiosis, the minimum dosage for children and adults is 5 billion colony-forming bacteria. After completing your antibiotic treatment, continue to consume probiotics for two to three weeks. Otherwise, symptoms of dysbacteriosis may make themselves felt within 10 days.

    1. All probiotic products are stored in the refrigerator.
    2. Follow the intake rates specified by the manufacturer. It is impossible to overdose on probiotics. When taking the drug in large quantities, “excess” unattached beneficial bacteria come out naturally without causing harm to health. Single cases of dyspeptic disorders in the form of stool disorders and heaviness in the abdominal area are possible.

    To maintain a healthy intestinal microflora, it is not enough to consume only preparations of beneficial bacteria; you should enrich your daily diet with products containing strains of these microcultures.

    Probiotics in food

    The famous ancient Greek physician Hippocrates said: “We are what we eat.” He believed that nutrition affects the body and mind of a person, it can prevent illness, maintain health, and speed up recovery, provided that the products are properly selected. The famous saying of the “father of medicine” states: “Your food should be medicine, and your medicine should be food. This statement is a fundamental postulate of nutritionology.

    Today there is erroneous opinion that probiotics are a must medicines. Live cultures of beneficial bacteria are included in medications and food products. Largest quantity Such microorganisms are concentrated in lactic acid products with a shelf life of up to 3 days. Some manufacturers, to increase the shelf life of products, expose the product heat treatment, which completely kills all beneficial strains of probiotics. It is prohibited to write “yogurt” on such products; they are labeled under the following names: “yogurt product”, “dairy dessert”, “yogurt”, “biogurt”, “cream yogurt”. Read product labels carefully and don't fall for marketing gimmicks.

    List of natural sources of beneficial bacteria:

    • sauerkraut;
    • kimchi;
    • whole milk kefir;
    • yogurt;
    • tempeh made from fermented soybeans;
    • miso soup;
    • kombucha;
    • fermented soft cheeses (Gouda, Camembert varieties);
    • dark chocolate;
    • sourdough bread;
    • milk with probiotics;
    • canned cucumbers, tomatoes, apples (without adding vinegar);
    • fermented baked milk;
    • serum;
    • curdled milk;
    • artichoke;
    • onions;
    • sour cream;
    • rye flour;
    • cottage cheese;
    • raisin.

    To maintain healthy intestinal microflora, it is not necessary to constantly take medications. Eat two or three products containing a probiotic from the list every day, and you will forget what intestinal dysfunction and dysbiosis mean.

    The largest number of beneficial microorganisms is contained in kefir made from whole milk. Fermented milk product They drink it neat or make “probiotic” dishes based on it. For example, okroshka, a cocktail of kefir and herbs, soybean soup.

    Which drugs should you prefer?

    The best probiotics for the vagina: Bifidumbacterin, Lactobacterin (vaginal suppositories), Linex (capsules for oral administration), Ginofor (vaginal tablets).

    For intestinal microflora the following are used:

    • bifidobacteria (“Bifidumbacterin”, “Bifiform”, “Probifor”, “Bifiliz”, “Bifikol”);
    • lactobacilli (“Laktobacterin”, “Acipol”, “Gastrofarm”, “Biobpakton”, “Atzilak”);
    • beneficial yeast-like fungi (“Sporobacterin”, “Baktisubtil”, “Enterol”, “Biosporin”, “Bactisporin”);
    • enterococci (“Bifiform”, “Linex”);
    • coli-containing ones (“Bifikol”, “Colibacterin”, “Bioflor”).


    Thus, probiotics normalize the microflora of the intestines and vagina, which suffer due to taking antibiotics, hormonal changes during menopause, pregnancy, and adolescence. In case of thrush, they normalize the qualitative and quantitative composition of bacteria in the body (beneficial and pathogenic), and inhibit the proliferation of yeast fungi. In addition, probiotics normalize digestion, remove toxins, and in combination with fiber, maintain normal glucose levels and provide a feeling of fullness. As a result, the production of inulin decreases, the process of gradual breakdown of fat starts, and the person loses weight.

    Probiotics activate reproduction immune cells, increase the body's resistance to infectious pathogens, accelerate recovery, provide skin protection, and prevent inflammation in the oral cavity.

    Preparations and food products containing strains of beneficial microcultures are used in cosmetology to maintain the acidic environment of the dermis and give it elasticity. Under these conditions, pathogenic bacteria lose their viability. If pathogenic flora penetrates the skin, itching occurs, irritation and rashes appear. If such phenomena occur, you should enrich your diet with probiotic cultures and immediately consult a dermatologist.

    To avoid purchasing counterfeits, give preference to proven companies producing beneficial bacteria: Dannon, Kraft, Nestle, Attune Foods, Culturelle, Procter & Gamble, Yakult, VSL, Pharmaceuticals "

    When purchasing, pay attention to the manufacturing date of the product. It is prohibited to use expired products.

    Store probiotics refrigerated.

    The beneficial properties of drugs and food products related to probiotics are possible if they are non-pathogenic and non-toxic, even if long-term use and with a high content of viable cells in them, which have a high colonization potential, and are also able to survive and maintain their vital functions in acidic environment gastrointestinal tract. The abilities of beneficial microorganisms are multifaceted, so they bring not only direct benefits (restoring the balance of bacteria in the digestive system), but are also of secondary importance.

    The benefits of probiotics for intestinal microflora

    The most important function of the gastrointestinal tract is the digestion of food, as a result of which each cell of the body receives the nutrients necessary for natural life from the foods consumed. Digestive disorders can occur due to an imbalance of microorganisms within the intestines.

    The microflora in the intestines is a large set of microorganisms, both beneficial and pathogenic. The former are involved in the digestion of food, help absorb proteins and vitamins, and also secrete lysozyme (an antibacterial substance), alcohols, and acids that slow down the growth of pathogenic bacteria. The latter - pathogenic microorganisms - feed on substances formed as a result of fermentation, and in turn produce rotting products, release toxins and other harmful elements.

    When the balance is disturbed, the number of beneficial bacteria is reduced and putrefactive microorganisms rapidly multiply. The result of this is various pathological processes in the gastrointestinal tract, which in turn, due to improper digestion, lead to the development of other pathologies in the body associated with a lack of nutrients and general intoxication.

    It is in such cases that additional consumption of probiotics is urgently needed to normalize the ratio of beneficial and harmful microorganisms. They act in several directions: they stimulate the production antibacterial substances, which suppress pathogenic flora and also give impetus to the proliferation of beneficial bacteria by creating growth-stimulating factors.

    Probiotics can be called a second liver, because they actively participate in the neutralization of many dangerous substances, which include not only metabolic products of pathogenic microflora, but also carcinogenic components, heavy metals, and antibiotics. The function of sorption and detoxification is manifested in the absorption of toxins, wastes, and some viruses by the surface of bacteria and their further removal, together with intestinal contents, from the body.

    Benefits of probiotics for immunity

    Immunity is the ability of the immune system to neutralize genetically foreign objects, necessary for the proper functioning of the body. Its quality depends on many factors involved in its formation and maintenance.

    Among other things, the microflora in the intestines is also responsible for normal immunity. The relationship is quite simple, because in the absence of pathogenic microorganisms and in the presence of a sufficient number of beneficial bacteria in the digestive system, antibodies called immunoglobulin A are synthesized.

    Immunoglobulin A is a protein that provides local immunity. In particular, it protects against infections respiratory tract, gastrointestinal tract and genitourinary system. The functions of such a protein are described by the retention of pathogenic microorganisms and the difficulty of their attachment to the cell surface.

    That is why taking probiotics can not only help the body overcome an already developing infectious disease, but also prevent its onset, i.e. it is also a preventive measure.

    Digestive Benefits of Probiotics

    Probiotics are involved in the synthesis of enzymes that the body needs in the process of digesting food. It is known that proteins and carbohydrates are sparingly soluble, but under the influence of enzymes they become easily digestible and are more quickly absorbed into the gastrointestinal tract and transported to cells.

    Enzymes are also responsible for the uninterrupted transformation of bile acids and participate in cholesterol metabolism. They regulate the absorption of gases, minerals, water, vitamins, and maintain the mucous membrane of the entire digestive tract in normal condition.

    One of the functions of beneficial microorganisms in the intestines is the synthesis of substances such as vitamins, without which the normal functioning of body cells is impossible. The product of the work of probiotics is also the formation of antitumor substances, processing of food products with the formation essential amino acids and release of antioxidants.

    Allergens enter the body in different ways - through the skin, mucous membranes, through digestive tract or respiratory system. To avoid their penetration into the blood with food, it is necessary to maintain normal microflora in the intestines, because in the presence of pathogenic flora, allergens enter the blood unchanged and cause unwanted reactions body. All this occurs due to the lack of enzymes for their digestion, as well as the weakness of local immunity.

    Effective probiotics in cosmetology

    In cosmetology, probiotics are often used against acne. There are many creams and serums containing beneficial bacteria.

    The effect of beneficial microorganisms on the skin is manifested as follows:

    • Antimicrobial effect. Some metabolic products of probiotics fight pathogenic microbes. This makes it possible to use them in the fight against certain inflammatory processes in the skin.
    • Anti-aging effect. Achieved by stimulating collagen production inside skin cells by beneficial bacteria, additional hydration and increased protective functions, in particular from ultraviolet radiation.
    • Calming effect. It manifests itself due to the close contact of beneficial microorganisms with skin cells, resulting in a reduced immunological response in the form of acne or rosacea.
    In this light, probiotics go through the stage of research and search for the most effective strains of microorganisms in cosmetology.

    It is believed that probiotics are contraindicated only in the presence of individual intolerance. However, in inept hands and with the wrong selection of the drug, serious complications can occur. These include urolithiasis, allergic reactions, cholelithiasis, obesity and cytokine imbalance. Not recommended for children long-term use beneficial microorganisms, because there is a danger of chronic imbalance, because the body ceases to independently regulate the microflora and the environment for its existence.

    Main types of probiotics

    The number of microorganisms, drugs, and food products that fall under the definition of “probiotics” is quite extensive, so there are several options for their classification. Let's look at the most famous ones.

    Probiotic composition

    The composition of probiotics is responsible for their therapeutic activity and potential applications. Based on their composition, drugs are divided into several groups:
    1. Monocomponent drugs are those that contain one specific type of microorganism.
    2. Multicomponent - products and products that include more than two types of beneficial bacteria.
    3. Combined - drugs that, along with beneficial microorganisms, contain other substances, for example, complex immunoglobulin.
    4. Recombinant - products consisting of microorganisms synthesized using genetic modifications.

    Forms of probiotics: liquid and dry

    All existing probiotics come in two main forms:
    • Liquid. They differ in that they contain full-fledged living microorganisms that have not undergone any changes, which are in a physiologically active state and, after entering the gastrointestinal tract, immediately begin to actively participate in intraintestinal processes. Liquid probiotics contain a special nutrient medium to support the vital activity of beneficial bacteria, as well as the products of their functioning - the so-called metabolites.
    • Dry. This type of probiotics contains microorganisms that have been freeze-dried, i.e. drying, as a result of which they do not die, but fall into suspended animation, the so-called dormant state. They are available in the form of powder, tablets or capsules. The auxiliary binder most often is gelatin. After entering the aggressive environment of the intestine, 1 to 4 hours pass before these microorganisms begin active life. This form is considered less effective because Most microorganisms die without ever beginning to be beneficial.

    How to Choose the Most Effective Probiotics

    It is known that different probiotics have a similar mechanism of action, but may have different degrees of effectiveness and scope of application, which is why it is important to approach the choice of drugs and products with full responsibility.

    There are several recommendations for choosing that will allow you to buy the right probiotic that can improve your health, improve digestion and local immunity. Let us describe the most significant recommendations:
    • . A qualified medical specialist is able to fully determine the nature of disorders in the body after interviewing the patient, examining and laboratory research. Only a complete microflora analysis can provide data on the composition of the intestinal flora, and self-medication very often leads to undesirable consequences.
    • Survival. It is liquid probiotics that have the greatest survival rate and effectiveness, because... they are not subjected to artificial drying and continue to function during storage. However, in some forms, for example, as part of kefir, there is no guarantee of their long-term storage even for the period established by the manufacturer. It should be borne in mind that many beneficial bacteria die under the influence of gastric juice, so the most preferable form is when the probiotic is enclosed in an acid-resistant shell. Unprotected microorganisms are most effective in children under 1 year of age, because They produce insufficient hydrochloric acid.
    • Compliance with requirements proven by randomized trials. The studies must prove that the drug contains Bifidobacterium bifidum, longum, infantis, Lactobacillus acidophylus or Lactobacillus GG, Enterococcus faecium, is antibiotic- and acid-resistant, and contains bacteria that support the vital activity of other beneficial bacteria.

    Pharmaceutical preparations with probiotics

    Let us describe which probiotic preparations are most often recommended by doctors for certain health conditions:
    1. In case of viral infection of the intestines, drugs with lactobacilli are prescribed, for example, Narine, Lactobacterin, Primadophilus, Biobakton.
    2. Fungal infections of the mucous membranes of the genital organs or intestines include bifidobacteria, which are contained in Biovestin, Probiform, and Bifidumbacterin, as the most effective microorganisms.
    3. In the presence of bacterial damage to the intestines in any form, acute or chronic, it is recommended to take complex preparations that contain both lactobacilli and bifidobacteria. Drugs in this group include Bifidin, Bacteriobalance, Linex.
    4. The presence of intestinal dysbiosis requires the initial use of lactobacilli with the subsequent change of the drug to a product containing bifidobacteria.

    Products containing probiotics

    You can replenish the number of beneficial microorganisms in the intestines not only with drugs sold in pharmacies. An important source of probiotics are some foods that are familiar to every person.

    These include: dairy products (kefir, cheese, cottage cheese, yogurt, bio-ryazhenka, bio-yogurt), cereals, corn flakes, peas and beans, bread, garlic and onions, artichoke, bananas, sauerkraut, pickled tomatoes and cucumbers, pickled apples, soy sauce, wine and other products.

    How to take probiotics

    Although probiotics are largely dietary supplements, they have a number of rules for use. We will describe an approximate treatment plan, possible restrictions and some recommendations.

    How to take probiotics

    Basic rules for taking probiotics:

    • Course of treatment. This type of drug does not belong to those drugs that are designed only to eliminate certain symptoms and therefore can be used once. The minimum course is 2 weeks, the maximum is about 2 months. Between courses it is necessary to take breaks, the duration of which is from 1.5 months. The first improvements in the condition can often be noticed only on days 9-10.
    • Appointment time. Consumption of food or preparations containing beneficial bacteria should be done some time before the main meal, i.e. on an empty stomach. In some cases, you can take the drug 30-40 minutes after eating.
    • Preparation of the drug. Probiotic products in dry form require dilution with clean boiled water. After preparation, the solution from the lyophilisate must be taken immediately, because Storage in this form leads to the death of bacteria.
    • Dosage. The volume of consumed dose of probiotics depends on the age and complexity of the pathological process. The dosage and frequency of administration are determined by the attending physician.
    • Type of therapy. To increase the effectiveness and survival of beneficial bacteria, doctors recommend complex treatment with preliminary intake of prebiotics, which create an environment favorable for the growth of healthy intestinal flora.
    • Application options. The use case depends on the disease. In addition to oral administration, the drugs can be used rectally, vaginally, for rinsing the mouth, externally both on the skin and on the scalp, as drops in the nose, ears.
    The use of probiotics in cosmetology

    External use of beneficial microorganisms requires preliminary cleaning of the skin in the places where application is intended. The greatest effect can be achieved with preliminary peeling, because it has the best cleansing effect and normalizes blood supply, which triggers the process of cell renewal, accelerating intracellular metabolism.

    Instructions for probiotics for hyperacidity

    There are some peculiarities of using probiotics in case of high acidity due to the high risk of their premature death. Doctors recommend changing oral administration to the rectal route. As another option, the following scheme is practiced: preliminary intake of mineral waters or antacids to reduce the level of acids in the stomach, subsequent intake of beneficial bacteria orally 30 minutes before meals.

    How probiotics act on the human body - watch the video:

    Effective probiotics are always living microorganisms. Currently, many manufacturers of food products and dietary supplements position their individual products as containing beneficial microorganisms and claim that they can have a beneficial effect on the intestinal microflora. But before you believe, you should familiarize yourself with the composition, because the presence of preservatives and dyes always has a detrimental effect on any living organisms, including beneficial bacteria. Therefore, it is better to avoid consuming products that contain many auxiliary ingredients and have a long shelf life.