How to bring hormones back to normal using folk remedies. Causes of hormonal imbalance in women

A woman’s hormonal background is responsible for her well-being, appearance and ability to have children. That is why in women, normalization of hormonal levels is a priority. First of all, you need to visit a gynecologist-endocrinologist who will tell you how to check the disorder hormonal background, and prescribe appropriate therapy.

It often happens that a woman cannot have children only because she does not know how to normalize her own hormonal levels. Therefore, any actions to restore women's health should be carried out after consultation with a doctor.

The symptoms of hormonal imbalance are quite recognizable. The woman begins to feel worse, her skin becomes dull, and her menstrual cycle is disrupted. Restoration of disturbed hormonal levels in women should be carried out good specialist, who knows how to qualitatively check a woman’s hormonal levels and how to more effectively establish hormonal levels.

Drugs to normalize hormonal levels

At the first appointment, the doctor will definitely perform an examination and prescribe tests for the main hormones: progesterone and estrogen. If it turns out that the symptoms of hormonal changes are very obvious, the specialist will prescribe a more serious examination.

Of course, it is worth checking the content of other hormones:

  • oxytocin;
  • thyroxine;
  • somatotropin.

All hormones are important because they are responsible for a woman’s youth, beauty and health. Therefore, in women, when problems arise, the hormonal levels need to be adjusted.

Hormonal imbalance in women leads to excessive weight loss, hair loss, and problems with skin and nails. Without oxytocin and somatotropin, a woman ages quickly. If hormonal levels are low, this can lead to problems with pregnancy, especially if there is an increase in estrogen, or a lack thereof.

To restore hormonal levels, synthetic types of hormones are most often used, which compensate for the deficiency of essential components in the hormonal background in women. Many representatives of the fair sex refuse to take medications, but it is worth remembering that only this will allow recovery and overcome hormonal imbalance in the body.

Also, women often think that they know how to restore hormonal levels on their own, and if hormonal levels are disrupted, they start taking dietary supplements. In fact, vitamins cannot solve the problem.

How to normalize health during hormonal imbalance

“How to restore disrupted hormonal levels” is a question quite often asked to doctors by young women and women over 50 years of age. It is during these periods of life that the most significant changes in the body. Meanwhile, female hormonal imbalances are of great danger to these categories of women.

The hormonal sphere is very fragile, but necessary, because hormones have a tremendous influence on women's health. Therefore, if there is a lack of hormones, it is prescribed hormonal drugs, designed to restore a woman’s normal hormonal levels.

To regulate hormone levels in case of excess or imbalance, it is prescribed birth control pills. Therapy should be prescribed by a doctor, since only an experienced specialist knows how to effectively and safely normalize a woman’s hormonal levels.

In addition to hormones, women often use special nutrition rich in vitamins and microelements to change hormonal levels.

If hormones are elevated, then you need to find a specialist who knows how to check your hormonal levels. An increase in a woman’s hormones is often associated with various malignant tumors.

Restoration of hormonal levels is possible only after the actual disease has been established. That is why women are usually diagnosed with various infectious and bacterial diseases requiring additional antibiotic therapy.

Among the tips on how to normalize a woman’s hormonal levels, the most popular are changing lifestyle and improving nutrition.

How to restore hormonal levels: folk remedies

There are some periods in women when hormonal imbalance does not require medical intervention. For example, hormonal levels may change during pregnancy, and hormonal levels may be disrupted after childbirth. All changes are temporary and recover on their own.

If the violations are minor and, according to analysis, there are practically no deviations from the norm, then doctors prefer not to resort to synthetic drugs, but to prescribe a special diet, lifestyle changes, and taking sedatives.

Hormonal levels during pregnancy lead to a significant increase in prolactin levels and, as a result, a decrease in estrogen production. In this regard, very often during pregnancy, drugs are prescribed to increase the level of certain hormones, since they are responsible for the preservation and development of the fetus.

A specialist should tell the woman how to establish hormonal levels; if this is not the case, then a local therapist can advise how to establish hormonal levels. To enhance therapy to restore hormonal levels, it is necessary to use herbs: wormwood, sage, chamomile, valerian, motherwort and others.

A good result with a small change in hormonal levels is given by a decoction of wormwood, which should be consumed from days 1 to 5 of the cycle. Used from days 7 to 16 of the cycle is also effective.

Herbs and drugs for restoring women's health can be purchased at the pharmacy and consumed according to the instructions. Contraindications for the use of herbal therapy is the presence of an allergy to the components of certain drugs.

Thus, changes in hormonal levels in women are sufficient serious problem, requiring an immediate solution. Because of this disorder, other body systems suffer, and the most serious consequence is the inability to have children.

Women's health experts never tire of repeating that maintaining normal hormonal levels is just as important as monitoring weight, blood pressure and blood sugar. Why shouldn't you ignore this advice? Our expert helps you understand this difficult issue - Natalia Zubareva , endocrinologist, nutritionist. Member Russian society nutritionists and nutritionists.

For example, you are 40 years old or just over 40 - it doesn’t matter. And it seems like it’s a sin to complain about life: your career is successful, you’re happy with your husband, your children are fine. But still, something is missing, there is no drive, no flight, the soul does not sing, and sex does not inspire. You start to blame everything on a midlife crisis, you find a bunch of various reasons, which explain the increasing apathy every day. But this doesn't make it any better. Experts say it's time to check your hormonal levels - changing them gives all the symptoms listed and even more.

Like clockwork

Over the past two decades, the role of hormones in a woman’s life has been the subject of intense study and fierce debate among medical scientists. The most advanced research in the field of childbirth and menopause is devoted to them. Doctors are now writing books about hormones, and they are flying off bookstore shelves like hotcakes. By the way, our expert Natalya Zubareva is also the author of the bestseller “Waltz of Hormones. Weight, sleep, sex, beauty and health just like clockwork.” And it's not about making a name for yourself hot topic, but to talk about the importance of hormonal processes in a woman’s body. Let's be honest with ourselves: we remember about hormones only during critical days, when irritability goes off scale, and before the onset of menopause, when it starts to act up nervous system, plagued by headaches and insomnia.

But hormones are not only about health. Our memory, creative thinking, career advancement and, of course, relationships with men are associated with them.

Cortisol and telomeres

To further understand the relationship between health and hormonal levels, let's find out what the concept itself means. hormonal balance"and what it depends on. “In the body there are many organs and individual cell clusters capable of producing hormones and participating in endocrine regulation vital functions,” explains Natalya Zubareva. - The pituitary gland and hypothalamus are considered the most important. These glands are located in the brain and, according to their position, control all other organs endocrine system: thyroid and parathyroid glands, adrenal glands, gonads and pancreas. It is their normal work that provides us with such an important hormonal balance; I call it the “waltz of hormones.” The reasons for imbalance can be very different, and, in our opinion, ordinary person, very insignificant. Our expert gives this simple example: “A woman’s body lives according to circadian rhythms set by the planet itself, and it doesn’t care about our work schedule or habits. If you regularly go to bed after midnight and don’t get up at six or seven in the morning, when the adrenal glands release cortisol into the blood to the maximum, and later, it turns from a hormone of energy and joy into a stress hormone. Increased level cortisol leads to an increase blood pressure and sugar levels.

Another problem with excess cortisol is that it shortens our telomeres, the ends of chromosomes that do protective function. There are studies that show how excess stress and, as a result, excess cortisol shorten telomeres and reduce the activity of telomerase (an enzyme that prevents telomere shortening). The same goes for ghrelin, the hunger hormone. The more you sit on strict diets, the more actively this hormone begins to work and swing your appetite. That is, we create many problems for ourselves.”

Do without medications

But not only cortisol affects health, sexuality and ability to work. “It is very difficult to think creatively and create when you are depressed, which means it is necessary to maintain normal serotonin levels,” says Natalya Zubareva. - Advancement up the career ladder is impossible without vigor, energy and self-confidence, and for this it is necessary that norepinephrine be at the level. And our hormonal background is responsible for all this.” Unfortunately, maintaining normal hormonal levels is not so easy. After all the slightest changes our health and emotional state immediately causes him to hesitate. Age-related changes in the body also influence various diseases, and development anomalies, and even climatic and environmental conditions. You have probably noticed that in the cold season, especially when daylight hours are significantly reduced, minor deviations in well-being occur, but in the spring, on the contrary, you feel a rise, or a “hormonal explosion.” Many problems are associated with changes in hormonal levels, ranging from depression, excess hair growth, ending with infertility and the development of tumor diseases. It will not be possible to bring hormonal swings into balance with the help of a “magic” pill, no matter how much you would like. “On the contrary, treatment of hormones with hormones sometimes leads to further big problems, warns Natalya Zubareva. - But my many years of practice and thousands of happy, healthy patients confirm that hormonal imbalance can be dealt with without drugs, by changing lifestyle, nutrition and thinking. For example, every season 10–15 patients of my online school get rid of the symptoms of polycystic ovary syndrome and after a few months inform me about the long-awaited pregnancy, although conception had not occurred for many years before. On the contrary, if you mindlessly take pills, in particular COCs, eliminating (and sometimes not eliminating) the symptoms, you will not be able to determine the cause of the hormonal imbalance.”

Raise serotonin

It is also important to monitor your hormonal levels because hormones really decide everything or almost everything in our body, and therefore in life too. “Very often, ignorance about some problems with hormones leads to the fact that a woman attributes symptoms to other reasons or completely brushes them off, which ultimately leads to even greater health problems,” says Natalya Zubareva. - So, for example, it often happens with violations thyroid gland. A woman can complain about fatigue for years, cry every day because of some nonsense and not know that this signals problems with her thyroid gland. Or another example - a girl goes to the gym to lose weight and listens to a trainer who recommends that she eat five to six times a day, but at the same time she has insulin resistance, in which such a regimen is simply destructive. And no one would ever think of the simple thought of checking hormonal levels or getting tested. Instead of seeking help from a doctor, the girl continues to “rock the boat” and wait for a miracle of losing weight, but the miracle does not happen for a very clear reason.”

By the way, the example about fitness is given here for a reason. Every time you start exercising, your hormonal system is activated. The hormones released during various exercises provide an additional boost of energy, increase motivation and improve mood. You yourself have probably noticed that after a good workout you feel much freer and more confident than before. And my health is improving. Right? This is because fitness improves the functioning of the heart and lungs, delivering fuel to the muscles, and helps the body recover after hard work. But most importantly, fitness increases the level of serotonin and lowers the level of the stress hormone cortisol.

When is a doctor needed?

Don't take this as a banality, but hormonal disorders, in fact, like any disorders in the body, it is easier to prevent than to treat. “Many women naively believe that there is no need to worry about hormones until menopause,” says Natalya Zubareva, “but in fact, our hormonal levels begin to change from the age of 20. DHEA (adrenal androgen) and testosterone levels begin to fall. On the contrary, the level of cortisol may increase, which entails a decrease in the level of other hormones responsible for our sexuality. Or increased testosterone leads to polycystic ovary syndrome. Some experience decreased estrogen and/or progesterone, leading to estrogen dominance or PMS. And how many women have a low thyroid gland?

Of course, you need to monitor your hormones. From puberty and throughout life. As for ways to support the hormonal system, they are all extremely individual for each of us. And only an endocrinologist can select them.

Life hacks from the doctor

Although general recommendations still there is. It is advisable to perform them to maintain hormonal balance. One of the points is refusal bad habits. There’s nothing to talk about here, you yourself understand perfectly well why in life successful woman seeking to maintain health and attractiveness, they have no place.

And yet about negative impact We remind you once again about the hormonal background of tobacco and alcohol. Both are not useful. It is useful to control your blood pressure. You can do this yourself using a home blood pressure monitor. And a few more words about proper nutrition. Despite the fact that this topic is so vast that it requires a separate article, our expert Natalya Zubareva kindly shared her life hacks: “For hormonal balance, you need fish oil or fatty fish several times a week linseed oil(liquid or capsules) or flax-seed(for porridge, for example, ground is best), in general, any nuts or seeds (not fried, but raw). Amount - a palm per day, approximately 20–30 g. I also recommend eating half an avocado per day, in salads or simply with bread or crispbread.

Use various unrefined oils, and not only exotic ones, but also native sunflower oil. Don’t forget about cottage cheese, with a fat content of at least 2–5%, and wild sesame: unpeeled, unpolished, preferably black. It is an excellent source of bioavailable calcium for bone health, beautiful hair and strong nails."

What's for dessert?

It is always difficult to resist chocolate, eclair, cheesecake and other sweets in general. And in PMS time, severe stress, smoking cessation is beyond our women's forces. In all these cases, there is a catastrophic lack of serotonin, and sweets are the most easy way in order to replenish its supply. “But such a boost in mood comes at a cost,” our expert says in his book. - All calories eaten for the sake of serotonin replenishment go into adipose tissue specifically in the waist and abdomen area.

Solution: eat more complex carbohydrates, since carbohydrate foods consumed in accordance with a properly calculated regimen will reduce the severity of ailments associated with inhibition of the serotonin system.”

Hormone imbalance causes:

increased blood glucose levels;
weight gain or sudden weight loss;
blurred vision;
weakening libido;
excess body hair growth;
low-grade fever over a long period of time;
Bad mood and increased irritability;
hand tremors;
increased sweating;
blood pressure surges.

It is one of the main problems of modern girls. In this regard, we decided to devote the presented article to this topic.

General information

Before answering the question of how to normalize a woman’s hormonal levels, it should be noted that insufficient output even one hormone can negatively affect the entire body of a representative of the fairer sex. That is why, at the first signs of a disorder, you need to immediately contact an experienced endocrinologist and gynecologist. Based on a personal examination and test data, such specialists will be able to quickly make a diagnosis and prescribe effective treatment.

Why is it necessary to normalize hormonal levels?

If a girl’s hormonal levels are disrupted, this will certainly lead to pathological changes in the body. Moreover, whether a woman can get pregnant and carry a baby normally depends on improper production.

How to normalize a woman's hormonal levels with the help of medications?

Most often normalized by taking medicines. As a rule, these include synthetic hormones that either compensate for the deficiency of their own or suppress them excess production. Only an experienced specialist should prescribe such medications. It should be especially noted that quite large number women do not immediately agree to the use of such drugs. But it should be remembered that hormonal imbalance is a rather serious problem that must be dealt with in the early stages.

How to normalize a woman's hormonal levels? Quite often, with such deviations, doctors prescribe to their patients various vitamins. It is believed that they represent the safest and relatively effective way. Although in most cases, ordinary vitamins do not solve the problem itself, but only smooth out the consequences or manifestations of imbalance. By the way, this method is most useful when hormonal levels are disrupted due to any external reasons- stress, lack of sleep, etc.

Another solution to this problem can be the use of dietary supplements. It should be noted that such drugs are often prescribed by endocrinologists and gynecologists. However, their effect is not therapeutic. Most likely, it is similar to the effect of regular vitamins. In this regard, it is not recommended to completely rely on dietary supplements alone.

Restoring hormonal balance with diets

Hormonal imbalance in women can occur for various reasons. However, these deviations should be treated in the same ways. Some doctors in such cases recommend using proper nutrition. For example, for normal production of thyroid hormones, you should more often include in your daily diet foods such as dates, spinach, various seafood, persimmons, prunes, currants, etc. In order for the sleep hormone to be produced well, it is advisable to increase the consumption of fiber, but at the same time reduce the amount caffeine and alcohol. After all, these products negatively affect human health.

Hormonal imbalance in women, or rather improper production of estradiol by the ovaries, requires additional use protein (meat, eggs, fish, etc.). It is also recommended to remove flour products and fiber from your diet. This is due to the fact that these ingredients help remove estradiol from the body. If a patient needs to eliminate progesterone deficiency, then he should more often consume black currants, rose hips and citrus fruits.

Folk remedies

How to restore hormonal balance with traditional methods? To do this, experts recommend using decoctions from plants such as chamomile, sage, nettle or calendula. If the fairer sex experiences menopause hormonal imbalance, then you should use St. John's wort, mint, lily of the valley or lemon balm. To do this, the listed plants need to be poured with boiling water and left aside for a while. It is recommended to take half a glass of the decoction twice a day.

Other methods to restore hormonal balance

To combat hormonal imbalance, you should adhere to healthy image life. First of all, you need to pay attention proper sleep. It should be calm and deep. You should sleep no less, but no more than 8 hours a day.

Among other things, experts advise using acupuncture, aromatherapy and massage methods. Despite the fact that such activities are not officially recognized as methods of treating hormonal imbalance, they still alleviate general condition girls, and also improve her well-being.

Our expert - mammologist-radiologist, candidate medical sciences Vera Semikopenko.

Secrets of secretion

Hormones are produced by the endocrine system, which includes the ovaries, thyroid and pancreas, adrenal glands and other glands internal secretion. Thus, the adrenal glands produce substances that are responsible for regulating blood pressure, fat and carbohydrate metabolism, sex hormones that determine a person’s appearance. For example, with excess male hormones Women begin to grow hair in uncharacteristic places, their voices become rougher, and their figures take on masculine features.

Scientists now know about 150 hormones, but the most important for female body- estrogen and progesterone. The first makes the shapes of the fairer sex round, gives melody and sonority to the voice, and softness to movements. An equally important, but hidden from external view, estrogen’s work is to prepare the egg’s “date” with the sperm, that is, conception.

Progesterone also has a lot of concerns: it regulates fat metabolism, supports immunity and heat exchange, and most importantly, when pregnancy occurs, it is responsible for the growth and development of the unborn child.

Playing with or without rules

A special rhythm of hormone level fluctuations during monthly cycle is inherent in a woman by Nature itself, and these hormonal “swings” occur in time with changes in her body, without causing sudden painful changes.

But hormone levels should not be higher or lower than acceptable values. When the balance is disturbed, the “swing” soars to dangerous heights, and hormonal imbalance occurs. Here the hormones don’t “play” according to the rules. If their level goes off scale, then the matter will not cost minor monthly ailments (for example, premenstrual syndrome arises precisely because increased output estrogen before menstruation). More serious problems may arise: pregnancy pathology, complications during childbirth, neoplasms, diseases of the endocrine system.

What causes hormonal imbalance?

Nervous and physical overload, chronic stress. The hardest thing is for responsible and active women who want to succeed in all areas: making a career, raising children, running a household.

Constant tension, haste, time pressure and, as a result, insomnia, loss of appetite, or the desire to “eat up” emotional discomfort with something tasty. At first, the body turns on all sorts of mechanisms to restore the previous balance and prevent failures at the biochemical, cellular and tissue level. But, if the difficult situation does not stop, violations join the first symptoms menstrual cycle up to the complete cessation of menstruation, pain in the mammary glands - signs of mastopathy.

How does chronic overload affect the endocrine glands? The fact is that the production of hormones begins “from the head.”

A special part of the brain - the hypothalamus - secretes neurohormones that act on the main coordinator of the entire endocrine system - the pituitary gland, and it already gives commands, starting the work of the ovaries and the thyroid gland, which is very important for a woman. So, if the nervous system is overloaded, the signals it sends are distorted, therefore, the production of hormones is disrupted and hormonal imbalance occurs.

Thyroid problems

Often, women do not even suspect that something is wrong with them in this area, and only realize it when their periods are delayed or the desired pregnancy does not occur.

Therefore, they turn to a gynecologist, who prescribes an examination of the entire reproductive system, which may take more than one month, although the diagnosis of “hypothyroidism” can be made by the level of hormones in the blood and urine. When a diagnosis is made, the doctor prescribes replacement treatment with artificial hormones in combination with potassium iodide, and after some time the woman’s reproductive system returns to normal, menstruation improves, and the opportunity to become a mother appears.

Liver dysfunction

If the liver works “under pressure”, there is a threat to the entire hormonal system. Estrogen accumulates in excess in the body, since it is the liver that breaks down these hormones to the required level. Elevated estrogen levels can lead to mastopathy and tumor processes in the mammary glands.

Most harmful to the liver fatty foods, alcohol and uncontrolled use of medications. Excess animal fats contained in sausages, sausages, fatty meat. But you can’t completely give up animal fats either, otherwise there won’t be enough building material for the production of hormones.

Lack of movement, or physical inactivity

To prevent hormones from “playing” excessively, move more! The benefit is not only that with regular physical activity excess calories are burned and muscles are strengthened, and blood vessels are freed from cholesterol deposits.

It is physical education and sports that help to quickly cope with stress and nervous tension, as the body’s tone increases and good blood flow is created to all organs.

Let's bring the balance

Hormonal balance is not only a woman’s appearance, mood and character. This is the basis of women's health, which is why it is so important to strike a balance in time. If there is a suspicion that your hormones are playing a “dishonest game,” do not allow them to dictate their own rules, do not put off visiting a gynecologist or endocrinologist.

If your hormones are acting up, this is a reason to supplement your body with vitamins. Find out the main causes and symptoms of hormonal imbalance, and what vitamins will restore it.

Contents of the article:

Hormonal levels in women are necessary condition for the normal functioning of the reproductive system. The operation of this system depends on two main female hormones: estrogen and progesterone. If their level is normal - reproductive system women, works like clockwork. But when there is a deficiency or excess of some hormone in the body, this becomes the cause hormonal imbalances. This can lead to the most various reasons and to avoid this problem, let's look at the main ones.

Causes of hormonal imbalance

  1. Pregnancy. This is the period when the body begins to work differently, because for 9 months it needs to function for two. Therefore, the previous balance of hormones is disturbed and this does not go away unnoticed.
  2. Stress. It is known that stress negatively affects a person. Therefore, it is also a cause of hormonal imbalance. Constant nervous tension can have a bad effect on a woman’s overall health.
  3. Sudden weight change. Stress can also cause sudden weight changes, but there are also people who “eat up” strong anxiety, which becomes the reason excess weight. This all leads to a slowdown in metabolism due to hormonal imbalance, which leads to weight loss.
  4. Poor nutrition. A lack of vitamins in the body has a very bad effect on its functioning. As a result, hormonal imbalance is also disrupted.
  5. Bad habits. Large and frequent consumption of alcohol, and especially energy drinks, also poisons the body tobacco smoke In general, it has a detrimental effect on the entire body.
  6. Taking hormonal medications. Such drugs increase the level of hormones in the body. When taking them, you need to be careful and use them only as prescribed by a doctor. After all, the wrong drug can harm your health.
  7. Climax. This period occurs once in the life of every woman. It is also called “menopause” - the physiological process of extinction of female sexual functions. All this does not leave its mark on the female body and hormonal functions are disrupted.
  8. Transitional age. At this time, adolescents are intensively finishing their formation of all organs and systems. In this regard, the active production of a number of hormones also begins.

Symptoms of a hormonal disorder

  • acne on different areas skin;
  • constant irritability and nervousness;
  • menstrual irregularities;
  • frequent headaches;
  • excessive hair loss.

Vitamins to normalize hormonal balance

When diagnosed hormonal imbalance“It is necessary to begin treatment immediately. First of all, you need to find out the true cause of hormonal imbalance and, if possible, eliminate it. Helps effectively restore hormone balance drug treatment. Only your attending gynecologist can prescribe such treatment. These drugs contain synthetic hormones that control the level of production of all hormones in the body. Among the main vitamins that are responsible for women's health are:
  1. Vitamin A. Plays an important role in the synthesis of sex hormones. Controls the level of progesterone in the female body.
  2. Vitamin C. A sufficient amount of this vitamin in the body stimulates the functioning of the adrenal cortex hormone. This helps to resist stress and improves the functioning of the nervous system.
  3. Vitamin E. Thanks to it, the body’s reserves are restored thyroid-stimulating hormone who are responsible for normal work thyroid gland.
  4. B vitamins. Prevents the appearance of various gynecological diseases: endomitriosis, mastopathy, etc. Taking neurovitamins and Magne B6 will help.
  5. The stock should also be restored folic acid . In case of hormonal imbalance, doctors recommend taking it 3 times a day, 1 tablet.
By following all the rules, you can easily restore hormonal levels with the help of vitamins. Of course, the period of restoration of hormonal levels with vitamins takes much longer than taking medications. But, as is known, such treatment can negatively affect some body functions. In addition, the use of medications that improve hormonal imbalance in the body necessarily contain a large amount of hormones, which can have a lot of side effects.

Diet to restore hormonal levels

Often when severe symptoms Due to hormonal imbalance, doctors recommend adhering to certain dietary restrictions. Or vice versa - they recommend certain products to restore it. For example, if after the examination the tests showed low level thyroid hormones - it is necessary to include more seafood, dried fruits, raspberries, and spinach in the diet.

Be sure to avoid drinking alcohol and coffee. Vitamin C will help replenish the supply of progesterone in the body. It is recommended to drink teas from rose hips, raspberries, currants, and you can also eat fresh berries.

One of the important female hormones is the hormone estradiol, which is produced by the ovaries. To maintain normal level estradiol, it is important for the body to eat meat and sea ​​fish. In this case, you should completely abandon flour, because it removes this hormone from the body.

Despite all the above advice, it is necessary to treat hormonal imbalance only according to the prescriptions of your doctor. After all, hormonal imbalance is a disruption of sexual functions in a woman, which manifests itself individually in each person. Therefore, it is advisable to accept everything essential vitamins and then you will not encounter this unpleasant problem.

For more information on how to normalize female hormonal levels, watch this video: