How to undergo a full medical examination. Why do you need a comprehensive examination of the body?

Where can I take the full course for free? medical examination in Moscow?

It is almost impossible to undergo a complete qualified medical examination in one single place, because highly specialized specialists never work in the same clinic. A therapist or cardiologist will not be able to examine the prostate gland. I agree with Valentina that the therapist will not be able to deliver accurate diagnosis, where a qualified narrow-profile examination is required. There are health centers in Moscow where you can get free consultations and recommendations:

Cancer screening is often not included in a full medical examination, but as we all know, it is very important. The RIA Novosti press service has information that consultation on oncology issues in Moscow is possible not for a limited period of time, but on an ongoing basis. Appointments must be made 1 month in advance. If someone does not fall into this time slot, there is a waiting list. And everyone will still be able to pass free examination for oncology. Those wishing to undergo such examination in mandatory must have compulsory medical insurance policy and Moscow registration.

Where can you check oncology in Moscow for free? In 2006, on the initiative of leading oncologists in our country, the non-profit partnership “Equal Right to Life” was created. It was created to draw attention to problems associated with treatment oncological diseases, with their prevention and timely diagnosis. Telephone number of the federal hotline of the NP "Equal Right to Life" (8 499 2715759). The programs carried out by this non-profit partnership have already been implemented in 106 cities of Russia. Now Muscovites can be screened for prostate, cervical, skin, breast, colon and rectal cancer. Chief oncologist Moscow Anatoly Makhson believes that awareness and early diagnosis cancer is very important factor in the fight against this disease. As the doctor notes, the equipment diagnostic centers and hospitals with modern equipment allows people to undergo free screening in in full. Free consultations with the country's leading oncologists and examinations are carried out as part of the non-profit partnership program "Equal Right to Life". You can find out about this by calling the hotline.

Not only in Moscow, various promotions are held to check your health for free. For example, you can check the spine. Usually "RIA Novosti" and " Russian newspaper covers this information in detail:
www rg ru

It will not be difficult to get a consultation with a therapist; it is much more important to get a consultation with a highly specialized specialist in a timely manner and diagnose the disease.

Queues at clinics, inattentive doctors, lack of modern instruments— there are many reasons why people avoid going to medical institutions. This approach is fundamentally wrong, doctors say. After all, by refusing examinations, people risk that many diseases that are initial stages treated quite well, they turn into incurable. Moreover, today there are many options on how you can check your health for free from highly professional specialists. Where to go and what documents you need to have with you - in the material

Women's question

It is no secret that today diseases of the female reproductive system are very common. Inflammation, neoplasms, oncological processes, infertility and much more - it is more important than ever to detect pathology on time. At the same time, many ladies know that at least for the same ultrasound there is a queue district clinics scheduled for six months, and getting to the local gynecologist is generally a difficult quest to complete. To get checked for a fee, you will have to shell out several monthly salaries at once.

It is possible to undergo the examination completely free of charge, experts say. For this purpose, there is the “White Rose” project, which was initiated by the Foundation for Socio-Cultural Initiatives. He has been working for 6 years and during this time he has provided assistance a huge number women. Today it is a network of medical centers throughout the country. Here you can undergo an examination by a specialist, get the results of a pelvic ultrasound and take a necessary tests to check for infections. Distinctive feature such a project is to create a favorable atmosphere for women so that they can positive side attitudes towards regular preventive examinations have changed. In addition, it provides psychological support for ladies who have been given a disappointing diagnosis, such as cancer. Patients in need of further examination and treatment are provided with the necessary patronage.

Registration for an appointment with a specialist opens several times a month - on the first and third Thursday. In order to make an appointment, you only need to have your passport, compulsory medical insurance policy and SNILS on hand.

Oncologist consultation

Cancer is a global threat. Cancer is getting younger, becoming more aggressive and is extremely rarely detected in the early stages. In addition, it’s no secret that getting a qualified medical care People in small towns have virtually no access to oncologists. The non-profit partnership “Equal Right to Life” decided to correct this situation. And offers people the opportunity to have online consultations with leading oncologists of the most famous scientific center named after Blokhin.

To receive advice, you should either send a fax to the center or fill out the form provided on the organization’s website. In it you must indicate your address to which the response should be sent. In addition, the following package of documents must be attached to the application:

A detailed statement of illness written by a doctor.

A clearly formulated purpose of the consultation, i.e. a question for a specialist.

Fresh blood tests - both clinical and biochemical.

X-ray of the lungs, ultrasound results abdominal cavity and the small pelvis - the research option that suits the troubling problem.

Completed written consent form for the processing of your personal data.

You can also contact the organization by calling the hotline. A consultation with an oncologist in this form can be a real salvation for a person who, for one reason or another, does not have the opportunity to go to Moscow. Free consultation An oncologist provides an excellent opportunity to get an expert opinion on the existing disease, hear the prognosis and advice on further treatment.

Comprehensive programs

All-Russian public organization The League of Nations has been conducting comprehensive health screening programs in Russian cities for several years now. True, such events are temporary, and it is worth carefully monitoring information about where and when they will take place. But at the same time, during them you can completely check your health, since the programs include such actions and projects as “Check your heart”, “Check your spine”, “Check your cholesterol levels”, “Check your hearing”, “Rinse” the nose is a barrier to viruses”, “Mobile health centers”, “Active longevity”, “Diabetes: time to act”, etc. All of them are part of one comprehensive program.

Anyone can take part in the survey.

Health centers

You can take care of yourself before a number of symptoms appear and without visiting clinics in specially created health centers. The program began its work in 2009, and today there are such centers in all regions of the country. Here you can assess your physical fitness, get help in getting rid of bad habits, analyze your diet, find out if there is a risk cardiovascular diseases, get necessary recommendations. Moreover, all this is completely free!

Any citizen of the Russian Federation over 18 years of age can apply to such health centers (there are special children's centers for children). You should have only 2 documents with you: a passport and a compulsory medical insurance policy. At the first visit, the patient is given a health card and a list necessary examinations which he will pass here. Based on the results, the doctor will give his recommendations and paint a picture of the person’s condition. If necessary, you can be observed here systematically, as well as attend classes at health schools and physical therapy rooms.


Feeling good does not always mean that a person is completely healthy. Preventive examinations help to identify diseases that lead to disability or death in advance. The treatment will be as effective as possible, since it is always easier to stop the process before it goes too far. Not everyone can afford to pay for specialist consultations, but you can take advantage of the State Medical Examination Program.

Is it possible to get a medical examination for free?

Preventive medical examinations free of charge in Russian Federation introduced since 2013. Based on the results of the examination, doctors determined that the majority of visitors to the medical centers did not know about their diseases. To take advantage of the opportunity to check your health, you need to know the rules under which the population is served.

State Medical Examination Program

The Order of the Ministry of Health “On approval of medical examination” indicates which categories of the adult population have the right to be regularly examined free of charge. The state program is designed to identify groups of diseases that account for up to ¾ of all deaths in the Russian Federation. More often to fatal outcome lead to cardiovascular, pulmonary, oncological diseases and diabetes mellitus.

According to the order of the Ministry of Health, medical examination of the population is carried out throughout the Russian Federation. For adults over 21 years of age, free examination is possible once every three years. There is an abbreviated inspection program; you can use this service once every two years. For certain categories of the population, medical examinations are carried out more often - annually.

Clinical examination 2018

People who can undergo a full medical examination free of charge according to Federal program, must have been born between 1928 and 1997. At the same time, the age of a person who can undergo medical examination at the clinic is strictly regulated. If the examination time is missed, you should wait for the next date for which the examination of people of a particular age is scheduled.

Which years of birth are subject to clinical examination in 2018?

Since not all citizens of the Russian Federation will be able to undergo a free medical examination in 2018, it is worth finding out which years of birth are included in the current list. People born in 1928, 1931, 1934 and so on until 1997 can count on a free medical examination. It does not matter the social status of the patient - employee, student, housewife.

What is included in the examination

The patient examination program is prepared individually - age, presence chronic diseases and floor. Everyone who comes receives a “route sheet”, which indicates the plan for the specialists’ rounds. The stages of medical examination are as follows:

  • Therapist. The specialist conducts initial screening - interviews the patient, measures height, weight, blood pressure. The therapist performs a number of rapid tests for cholesterol and blood sugar free of charge. Next, the doctor gives a referral for general and biochemical tests blood, general analysis urine.
  • Since 2018, a new examination has been introduced - a blood test for HIV infection.
  • Women are referred to a gynecologist. The examination includes an oncological examination - the doctor takes a smear from the cervix for cytology to detect cancer on early stage.
  • Men go to the urologist. The doctor will detect prostatitis, prostate cancer and other diseases of this type.
  • All age groups receive a referral for electrocardiography, fluorographic scanning of organs chest For early detection heart diseases and bronchopulmonary diseases. Based on the results of the studies, the patient is referred for consultation to a cardiologist or pulmonologist.
  • A vision test and consultation with an endocrinologist or dentist are prescribed.

People who are 39 years old at the time of medical examination are prescribed additional research. Their list also depends on gender:

  • An ultrasound of the abdominal cavity and pelvis is performed every 6 years.
  • Ultrasound of the mammary glands for women is planned once every three years until age 50, then every other year.
  • Glaucoma is diagnosed by measuring eye pressure.
  • From the age of 45, the risk of developing colon cancer increases, so a fecal occult blood test is performed.
  • From the age of 51, the patient is sent for examination to a neurologist, and men donate blood to identify an antigen indicating prostate cancer.

The goal of the program is to identify signs of chronic non-communicable diseases, diagnose the development of oncology. Based on the results of the first stage of the examination, the therapist gives a referral for tests or consultations with specialized specialists. A medical passport of the patient is created, in which all information about the state of his health is entered. After all consultations and tests, the therapist assigns the patient one of three health groups, on the basis of which procedures, exercise therapy or treatment are prescribed.

Where to go

Institutions where you can undergo a full examination of the body are strictly regulated. You should contact the clinic to which the patient is assigned, according to his place of registration. You can get information about who the local therapist is and the doctor’s appointment time at the reception desk. In addition, information about the rules of medical examination is posted on information boards in the clinic.

How to get there

To get a free examination of the whole body, you should start by visiting your local physician. The doctor prepares a route map and informs you about where and when you can take tests and get advice from specialists. All examinations are carried out in working hours, therefore, employed citizens should contact the management of their enterprise (place of work) in order to get time off or a day off while visiting the clinic. According to the Labor Code, this day should be counted as a working day.

Is it possible to undergo medical examination in another city?

A complete examination of the body in a public clinic is carried out only if the patient is assigned to it. In order to undergo medical examination in another medical institution (in your own or another city), you must fill out the “application for attachment” form and submit documents to the registry along with your passport and medical insurance. After the administration prepares the necessary documentation for the patient, you can undergo medical examination at the new address.

Medical examination of children

There is a procedure for undergoing medical examination for minors, approved by the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation. These are the three categories of medical examination:

  • Prophylactic. This comprehensive inspection children 1, 3, 7, 10, 14, 15, 16, 17 years old. The examination includes consultations with a pediatrician, ophthalmologist, ENT specialist, endocrinologist, surgeon, orthopedist, dentist, and neurologist. Blood tests (general and biochemistry), urine tests, stool tests for worm eggs, coprogram are performed, scrapings are taken for enterobiasis. Sometimes the pediatrician prescribes additional examinations
  • Preliminary. This examination is carried out before the child enters the institution - kindergarten, school, technical school, university.
  • Periodic. Inspections are carried out annually and are organized in kindergartens and schools. The scope of research is different for each age.

All types of examinations are carried out in the children's clinic, but sometimes specialists come to the school and conduct a medical examination on the spot. Before the medical examination, the child's parents must sign a consent form. If you decide to refuse to examine the child, you must notify the medical institution. Children over 15 years of age can personally consent to a medical examination by filling out a form.

Medical examination of pensioners

The program of medical examination of the population does not have a separate article regulating the examination of pensioners. This category may pass free medical examination in the clinic on a general basis. Groups of citizens who can pass through have been identified medical examination annually, regardless of age:

  • disabled participants in combat operations, WWII;
  • WWII veterans who became disabled as a result of combat operations, general illness or injury;
  • persons who were prisoners of concentration camps during the Second World War.

Many people put off visiting doctors until something really hurts them. Even if you feel well and have no obvious symptoms, this does not mean that your body is not in danger. Timely diagnosis allows you to avoid expensive treatment, and identifying the diagnosis at an early stage will help to quickly and effectively prevent negative consequences and speed up the healing process.

Do you also put off visiting a specialist until the last minute? Find out everything about a complete diagnosis of the human body in this article, and maybe you will change your attitude towards your health!

What's happened comprehensive examination body and to whom it is indicated

At every stage of his life, a person must know what is happening with his “inner world”, and what potential dangerous diseases may overtake him. To do this, you should undergo a complete diagnosis of the body, which includes various methods: ultrasound, ECG, blood test, urine test and others. Ultrasound - the most important method diagnostics, which allows you to obtain information about the condition and size of various organs and systems, to identify malignant and benign formations.

Instrumental studies and various tests help to detect diseases at an initial stage that do not give themselves away. It depends on how timely a person turns to complex diagnostics depends on the success of the treatment!

People who are predisposed to cancer and hereditary diseases, you just need to monitor your health and undergo a full body examination at least once a year. But, of course, not only patients who are at risk, but also apparently healthy people should visit a doctor.

Here are some statistics. The most common disease, breast cancer, today affects more than 50 thousand women. And every year this figure grows by 2-4%. Experts strongly recommend that young girls and women undergo examinations by a gynecologist and mammologist every six months.

As for the stronger sex, every seventh man over 50 hears terrible diagnosis- prostate cancer. In the early stages of development, the disease is quite treatable, so all you need is to regularly visit a urologist, undergo a full medical examination and get tested.

Why do you need a checkup?

A check-up is a complete medical examination in an express format. In a short time, the patient receives the necessary information about their health status, as well as recommendations for treatment or prevention.

A complete examination of the body in an express format should be carried out by healthy men and women from 25 to 30 years old every 2-3 years. And after 50 years, do an annual medical examination, which is considered a more protracted procedure.

People over 30 with uncertain health conditions also need a check-up. They seem to have no pain and everything is fine, but there is no 100% confirmation of this. After all poor nutrition, sleep disturbances, lack of physical activity, sedentary work, stress and nervous tension will one way or another affect your overall well-being. This can result in headaches, malaise, chronic fatigue, digestive problems and other symptoms. A complete examination of the body will reveal the exact cause of the disease and prevent the development of a serious illness.

What is included in a full body examination

The list of tests, consultations and studies depends on gender and age characteristics. The general standard program is aimed at diagnosing diseases of the cardiovascular and endocrine, digestive and respiratory, as well as genitourinary systems. With the help of a comprehensive program, you can identify hidden sexually transmitted infections, assess the state of metabolism, detect inflammatory processes and make assumptions about oncological pathologies.

An example of a typical checkup for women 30-40 years old includes following methods diagnostics:

  • Initial and repeated appointment with a therapist
  • Consultation with specialized specialists (gynecologist, gastroenterologist, mammologist, neurologist, etc.)
  • Ultrasound thyroid gland, pelvis and abdominal cavity, mammary glands and urinary system
  • Echocardiography and ECG
  • Gastroscopy and spirometry
  • Chest X-ray
  • General blood test, biochemical and blood test for thyroid hormones
  • Analysis for oncogenic strains
  • Detection of STIs (sexually transmitted infections)
  • Smear microscopy and cytological examination

After completing the examination, all results are given to the therapist. Based on the data obtained, the doctor gives his conclusion and recommendations on nutrition, lifestyle, and prevention of diseases to which there is a predisposition. If during the diagnosis any pathology is discovered, the therapist writes a referral for a more detailed examination to specialized specialists.

Where to get a comprehensive examination of the body and how much does it cost?

To be able to carry out a thorough examination of the body, you must have a staff qualified specialists and modern diagnostic department. Therefore, this procedure can be found in large medical centers providing a wide range of services. There are also clinical diagnostic laboratories that specialize in the complete diagnosis of the human body.

The price varies depending on the nature and quantity diagnostic measures. A basic checkup for women aged 30 and above costs 25-30 thousand rubles, for men 2-3 thousand rubles. cheaper.

With age, especially after 50 years, the risk of diseases increases, which means a wider diagnosis is required. Prices for such programs can reach 50-60 thousand rubles.

Examinations of individual organs and systems are cheaper. Thus, a small specialized package for women, aimed at detecting diseases of the sexual and endocrine systems can be purchased for 7-9 thousand rubles.

Ensure a bright future for yourself today!

Mass medical examinations of people in Russia this year showed that the vast majority of Russians had no idea about their ailments before undergoing a full medical examination. Therefore, undergoing a medical examination is extremely important to identify diseases at an early stage for quick and effective treatment.

Where to get a medical examination in Moscow and the Moscow region?

You can undergo a medical examination in Moscow and the Moscow region in both private and public medical institutions. In the capital today there are about 50 public clinics, as well as more than two hundred private clinics. This means that the patient can undergo a free medical examination in government agency, and paid in a private medical center.

Our catalog provides full list all medical institutions where you can undergo a full medical examination. We made sure that searching for information was convenient, accessible and fast.

A complete medical examination includes x-rays, ultrasound, thermography, functional and laboratory tests. What is required to undergo a medical examination? For this you need a medical insurance policy and SNILS. You can get a referral for a medical examination at the reception desk, from your local doctor or paramedic at the clinic.

Addresses and telephone numbers of clinics in Moscow and the Moscow region where you can undergo a medical examination

Practice has shown that full diagnostics takes from 5 to 7 hours, which allows you to quickly receive full picture state of the body, diagnose diseases and identify their source if present.