How to pierce a child's ears at home. How to painlessly pierce your ears at home: you need tools and care

Nowadays, it is rare to meet a person, especially a girl, without pierced holes in her ears. The desire to decorate oneself and emphasize individuality has haunted people for centuries. You can carry out this procedure not only in a beauty salon, but also yourself at home, you just need to adhere to some rules that professionals advise. This article talks about when you can and when you can’t pierce your ears and how to do it correctly yourself at home.

When can you get your ear pierced?

The procedure depends primarily on the time of year. Winter is considered the most favorable season for ear piercing, since at this time the risk of infection at the piercing site is minimal. But it is worth paying attention to such an inconvenience as wearing a hat, so this point must also be taken into account. Careless movement while putting on or taking off the headgear can lead to injury to the pierced ear.

When you can’t pierce your ears - contraindications for piercing

It would seem that ear piercing is quite safe procedure, but it also has some contraindications:

  • Doctors do not recommend piercing the ears of children under three years of age.
  • Increased body temperature.
  • Exacerbation of diseases or course of viral and bacterial infections.
  • Diseases of the circulatory system.
  • Ear diseases.
  • Eczema.
  • Allergic reactions, especially to certain metals or their alloys.

Watch the video about when you can pierce children's ears.

How to properly pierce your ear yourself

To carry out the procedure, you need to stock up on medical alcohol, sterile cotton wool, a sharp needle of medium thickness and hydrogen peroxide. It is most convenient to mark the puncture points using iodine and a toothpick or, in as a last resort, use a thin felt-tip pen or pen. It is best to purchase a special sterile catheter needle at the pharmacy, which has a diameter of no more than 1 mm. Alcohol can be replaced with chlorhexidine solution during the procedure.

The puncture site must be chosen in such a way as not to damage important reflex zones. The best place for a puncture is in the center of the lobe or 0.5 mm above.

To pierce your ear, follow these step-by-step instructions:

2. Treat the ear with medical alcohol.

3. If an anesthetic (for example, lidocoine) is used, its instructions must be strictly followed. A piece of ice applied to the earlobe for a few seconds just before the puncture will also help reduce pain.

4. Using a toothpick and iodine or a pen, mark the puncture sites symmetrically on both sides of the earlobe.

5. The earring must be thoroughly washed with soap and water and treated with alcohol and peroxide. Leave it between cotton balls soaked in rubbing alcohol.

6. Heat a needle treated with alcohol over a fire. After this, treat it again with cotton wool and alcohol.

7. Place the needle against a point on the outside of the ear, while holding the earlobe with your hand. Just press on the point so that when stretching the lobe, the needle is directed to the point on its opposite side.

8. While controlling the process, insert the needle into the ear with a sharp pressing movement. In the absence of anesthesia, this method of administration is the least painless.

9. Pierce the ear and sharply withdraw the tip of the needle. It is worth paying attention to the fact that it goes at a right angle.

10. Immediately insert the earring into the lobe.

11. Carefully treat the ear with cotton wool and alcohol.

The process is repeated with the second ear.

What to consider when getting your ears pierced

If you are planning to pierce your ears yourself, you must first pay attention to the first earrings. The speed of wound healing depends on this choice. You can purchase special earrings made of medical alloy in a salon that performs this procedure.

For those who prefer their own jewelry, it is recommended to choose gold earrings. You cannot use studs or earrings with chains, as it is difficult to treat the puncture site underneath them. The bow of the product should have a classic round even bend.

After piercing, you need to take good care of your ears. Without removing the earrings, the punctures are regularly treated with alcohol or peroxide, using a separate piece of cotton wool for each ear. The earrings must be carefully moved so that they do not grow into the skin. Calendula tincture has a healing agent. It is preferable to sleep on your back, with your head on a hard pillow covered in a sterile pillowcase. It is recommended to change the pillowcase on your pillow every few days.

When the wound begins to fester, it is necessary to smear the punctures antimicrobial ointment For purulent wounds, for example, Levomekol. During this processing, the earring arch needs to be moved. To avoid unwanted particles from hair styling products, it is better to tie your hair in a ponytail until the piercings are completely healed.

Under no circumstances should you swim in open water until your pierced ear has completely healed.

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Sudden feeling of congestion, noticeable hearing loss, etc. unpleasant symptoms The formation of sulfur plugs causes a lot of inconvenience. How can you provide help if you can’t see a doctor?

The sulfur plug itself is an accumulation of mass earwax in the ear canal. This happens due to the increased production of special glands of natural lubrication, that is, earwax. During normal operation, sulfur formation occurs continuously, but a malfunction violates the principle natural system cleaning, which leads to the appearance of a compacted accumulation of sulfur masses.

The main task of sulfur is to protect against the accumulation and contact of foreign particles, such as dust, with the eardrum. The sulfur produced by the glands also serves as a kind of barrier that prevents germs and viruses from entering the eardrum. Thus, sulfur, to which particles of sebum, dust and dying cells adhere, forms a clot, the so-called plug, which over time grows and blocks the ear canal, thereby causing, to put it mildly, inconvenience and discomfort to its owner.

Ear plug

To understand how to provide help, it is necessary to find out what was the impetus for the formation of the traffic jam, and also to exclude an incorrect diagnosis. After all, by mistakenly starting the process of another, possibly more serious disease, there is a high risk of losing the ability to hear. Therefore, in order to prevent an accidental mistake, you should contact specialists who can confirm or deny the presence of an ear plug. But, if for some reason it is not possible to use the services of a doctor, it is important to familiarize yourself with all the associated characteristics inherent in the ear plug. This will help you understand as clearly as possible the principles and methods of diagnosis and choose treatment.

Signs by which you can recognize the presence of wax in the ear:

  • the ability to hear has significantly deteriorated;
  • an unpleasant resonance of one’s own voice is created during communication;
  • continuous or periodic ringing or noise in the ears;
  • it feels like there is something in the ear foreign object, bringing discomfort;
  • dizziness.

Acute, unbearable pain should be the reason for an immediate visit to an otolaryngologist, who will make an unambiguous diagnosis and, if desired, advise the patient on how to properly pierce a plug in the ear independently at home, without resorting to outside services. In any case, consultation with a specialist will make it possible to find effective method, the most effective in the current situation.

Causes of ear plugs

The most common causes of traffic jams are:

  • the viscosity of earwax has increased;
  • narrow ear canal;
  • particles of dust or other small particles that have entered the ear canal;
  • excessively high number of growing hairs in the auricle;
  • constant use of headphones;
  • improper implementation of hygienic procedures for cleaning the auricle;
  • inflammatory diseases;
  • water flowing into the ear canal, which contributes to swelling of the plug;
  • susceptibility to changes in atmospheric pressure;
  • instability of cholesterol levels;
  • failure of the sulfur glands due to old age.

Until the moment when the ear canal is completely clogged with a sulfur clot, you may be completely unaware of the ongoing process of compaction formation. The most noticeable appearance of sulfur clots becomes when its size increases. When it occupies at least 70% of the volume ear canal, symptoms become more pronounced and the cause discomfort becomes more obvious.

Disruption of the natural process of removing accumulated sulfur affects general well-being, which is a serious cause for concern and worsens the quality of life.

In addition, regular water procedures, for example, going to the pool, can provoke pain that appears due to the fact that when water gets into the ear canal, the plug gets wet, increases in size and comes into contact with the eardrum. This not only causes pain, but also contributes to the development pathogenic microflora, increasing the risk of other diseases due to ear plugs.

Symptoms that may indicate the presence of a traffic jam:

  • a feeling of congestion is created;
  • sudden pain reaction;
  • autophony;
  • cough;
  • nausea.

Preventing earwax accumulation

Minimizing the risk of the appearance of sulfur masses and preventing their occurrence in the future is a completely feasible task. In order to prevent a traffic jam from appearing, you should familiarize yourself with all the factors that can provoke a violation and follow recommendations regarding hygiene.

It is worth remembering that regular hygiene procedures for the auricle with cotton swabs can disrupt the normal functioning of the sulfur glands, as well as a variety of hard objects that are often used when cleaning the ears. Therefore apply cotton swabs recommended for the outer part of the ear canal. This will prevent the wax from clumping into a lump and will also prevent it from being pushed inside the ear. The more often earwax is removed, the more intensively it is produced by the glands. For this reason, doctors advise washing the ear with soap at least twice a week.

Complications in the absence of therapy to remove the plug

Untimely visit to the otolaryngologist, as well as absence necessary procedures to eliminate wax plugs, can lead to inflammation of the middle ear. Constant contact with the eardrum irritates it, which creates the preconditions for starting inflammatory process. This, in turn, will require more serious therapy compared to the simple procedure of punching the plug. But about the most common complications that can arise with improper treatment Unfortunately, not everyone knows about ear plugs.

These include: pathological processes, How:

  • deafness;
  • inflammatory processes near the cartilaginous tissues of the middle ear;
  • otitis, any form;
  • perforation eardrum;
  • tachycardia.

In children who suffer from congestion, it is not recommended to independently carry out procedures to eliminate and treat the disease. There is a risk of aggravating the situation and starting the process of inflammation of the ear canal. In order not to endanger the child, you should hire a doctor who can remove the plug without probable complications. If we talk about adults, they are able to help themselves on their own, if, of course, they know how to do it.

Types of ear plugs. Diagnostics

Depending on the structure of the plug, you can determine how intense the treatment should be and what drugs should be used in a particular case. The color and consistency of the cork are of decisive importance, and the principle of its removal depends on the structure of the clot.

Distinguish the following types ear plugs:

  • yellow pasty accumulations of earwax are easier to soften and remove than other types;
  • The sulfur mass, which is more viscous in consistency, similar to plasticine, has a pronounced brown tint and will require more effort when softening;
  • stony plugs, hardened or dry, are extremely difficult to remove. They differ from the above-mentioned plugs in their denser structure.

The diagnosis is made by an otolaryngologist using otoscopy. Taking into account the patient's complaints, the specialist, using a funnel, examines the ear canal, in which, in advanced cases, sulfur masses are clearly visible, covering the ear canal.

After studying all the collected data on the course of the disease, the doctor chooses a treatment method. The choice of therapy depends on the type of plug formation.

For example, the most in a simple way, which is used everywhere if a patient has a soft plug, is rinsing. Using a special tool, the jet warm water washes the external auditory canal, as a result of which the plug is washed out.

The thicker, more compacted cork is first softened before removal. For this, hydrogen peroxide or another effective medication is most often used.

The most serious intervention will be required when washing and softening do not bring the desired result. What can be done in this case? For this there is special tool- electric suction or it is removed manually with a hook-probe. This therapy is prescribed only in emergency cases, when the stony clot has to be practically scraped off from the walls of the ear canal. Manipulations of such complexity are performed only by a professional who is able to perform all the necessary actions without risk to the patient’s health.

Home methods

Despite the fact that there are many cases where independently interfering with the hearing organs has unpleasant consequences, most people experiencing inconvenience resort to self-treatment. Lack of free time and lack of quality help in remote areas makes people think about getting rid of ear plugs on their own.

The first method used in mild degree the formation of clots is quite simple to accomplish without outside help. To do this, you need to take, for example, a solution of furatsilin or another type of ear drops that are injected into the ear canal.

After this, you need to pull the lobe down a little. This will allow the solution to penetrate to the place where sulfur accumulates and soften the mass. After the consistency becomes homogeneous, excess wax will flow out of the ear, which must be plugged with a cotton swab.

Thus, it is enough to have simple and widely used drugs on hand, and you can easily cope with this disease.


The presence of cerumen plug is dangerous because it acts as a barrier, which accompanies the growth of pathogenic microflora around the eardrum. The spread of the inflammatory process can only be stopped by using special medicines. Products can be water-based or oil-based. Each group of medications has a sufficient number of drugs that can quickly and effectively help eliminate the problem. Therefore, choosing the right product will not be difficult.

To help break through, you should pay attention to a medicinal product such as phytosuppositories. They help soften clots, reduce pain symptoms and relieve inflammation caused ear plug. In addition, they can be made independently, if you have all the necessary components: waste products of bees (propolis and beeswax), several medicinal herbs, and also essential oils. This composition helps soften the plug, warming up the ear canal, in which a vacuum is artificially created due to the burning of a phytocandle.

But there are some contraindications for their use that should be taken into account before giving preference to phytocandles:

  • allergy,
  • the presence of pus,
  • eardrum injuries,
  • damage to the external auditory canal.

Making phytocandles yourself is not as simple as you might think. And, moreover, it does not guarantee a positive result; on the contrary, it can provoke more serious inflammation of the inside of the ear canal. Thus, if after warming up the pain worsens, you should urgently seek medical help.

Traditional medicine

In addition to medications, there is effective and affordable treatment folk remedies. The ease of their use allows anyone who is faced with this problem to benefit.

Natural oils, onions, birch tar with correct use will bring maximum benefit, gently and painlessly eliminate the cause of the discomfort caused by the ear plug.

To the most simple methods include recipes that use soda solution or vegetable oil. In any case, use folk remedies should be a conscious decision, because self-therapy does not guarantee the desired result. In addition, such treatment can cause the formation of more complex forms of diseases of the auditory organs, provoked by traditional medicine. Therefore, before starting treatment, it is worth weighing the pros and cons.

Contraindications for use with ear plugs

When self-medicating, it is worth considering that any technique may have contraindications. Using a remedy that can become a catalyst for the development of a more complex form of disease is dangerous to health and is fraught with disastrous consequences. In addition, using drugs without thinking about it side effects, is unacceptable.

Many people use medications or traditional medicine recipes, but are predisposed to allergic reactions. Without paying due attention to contraindications, and without taking into account possible manifestation allergies to components of folk or medicine, you can cause significant harm not only to the hearing organs, but also to your general health. Therefore, the safest and an effective recipe can only be prescribed by the attending physician, who, based on general clinical indicators, can select the most effective treatment method without the risk of complications.

Today we will talk about how to pierce your ears yourself, without pain, at home. Earrings have long ceased to be considered an extravagant or amazing type of jewelry. In almost any salon, for a fee, you will get your ears pierced quickly and almost painlessly. But the flow of those who want to do this procedure on their own is not decreasing. Fortunately, ear piercing can be done at home.

In our country, the tradition of piercing the earlobe arose a long time ago. Already in ancient times, people certainly wanted to decorate with something unusual. own body. The first decorations were objects such as flowers, ivory, bright color pebbles. But our ancestors tried to decorate the body not only for aesthetic purposes. By this they wanted to ward off evil spirits and other evil spirits.

From simple decorations, under the influence of time and experience, they became more and more original, voluminous and complex. Ancient people even sought to gain strength through jewelry. Today, it is rare that any woman does not have jewelry in her ears. The desire to stand out and decorate oneself has become the norm.

How to pierce your ears yourself?

If you are planning to pierce your ears yourself, you must first understand the structure of this important body. From birth, every person has their own special individual pattern on their ears. The ear and its lobe cannot be corrected with any makeup. To correct the shape of the ears, you can only use a radical method, namely surgery.

The Chinese have their own beliefs regarding ear piercing. Their traditions are such that human ear is given the importance of an extremely important organ responsible for the energy sphere of human life. The ear itself contains many different points. These points are responsible for the full functioning of any of the human organs. It is for this reason that a puncture in the earlobe should be done very consciously and carefully. Essentially, ear piercing is a mini operation. And it should be approached with full responsibility.

  • Firstly, it is better to do without a puncture for children under three years of age.
  • People whose ears are susceptible to diseases should not have their ears pierced.
  • You should refrain from piercing your ears during periods of exacerbation of viral, as well as bactericidal infections and other diseases.
  • Some people are allergic to metal alloys. In this case, it is also better not to pierce your ears.
  • This operation is prohibited when elevated temperature bodies.

For ear piercing so that it goes without complications and negative consequences, it is important to choose the right time of year. Winter is considered the most optimal season for this. At this time, “pick up” some dangerous infection It's simply impossible. But in winter, most people wear hats. And if you make careless movements while putting it on, you can accidentally snag the earring, thereby causing injury to your ear.


To pierce your ears, you need to have a special tool, as well as auxiliary materials. The tool you have must have a catheter needle. It is sold in almost any pharmacy. You don't need a prescription to purchase it. To pierce the earlobe, the diameter of the needle should be no more than a millimeter.

Never use a regular sewing needle to pierce your ears. If you puncture with it, the wound will take a very long time to heal. This is due to the fact that sewing needles have a diameter expansion at the base.

Also, for piercing you must use only a new tool. You should not use a needle that has already been used. The instrument must be completely sterile.


If you are planning to get your ears pierced, choose the best earrings to go with them in advance. An earring that is inserted into a wound that has not yet healed should not be metal. Otherwise, with a fresh puncture, she may enter into chemical reaction and will begin to oxidize. The wound at the puncture site will begin to fester. Ideally, earrings for a fresh piercing should be gold or silver. If you don’t have money for expensive metals, then choose an earring made of medical steel.

The shape of the earring is also important. For an unhealed wound, it is better to choose earrings in the shape of a small ring or drop. With them, caring for a puncture will be easier. Earrings should not be heavy or very massive. Choose an option so that in the end the earrings cannot cling to your clothes and do not interfere with you while you sleep.

You will also need:

To pierce your ears, you will need, among other things, some rubbing alcohol. You will use it to wipe your earlobe, your hands, earrings and instruments to sterilize them. Also buy medical cotton wool or cotton pads in advance. It will be very easy to wipe the earlobe on both sides with cotton pads, and also, if necessary, to dry the protruding droplets of blood. If you are very afraid of pain, then it is appropriate to take care of pain relief.

Today, the pain reliever is sold as an ointment. But novocaine can also be used to pierce the ears. Just in case, you should also have ammonia on hand. If you feel sick, the assistant who should be next to you will have time to let you inhale its vapors so that you can come to your senses.

Before you get your ear pierced, you should understand that there are quite a lot of nerve endings concentrated in the earlobe. Naturally, hitting the nerve itself with a needle is extremely dangerous. Mark the point of the future puncture in advance with a felt-tip pen. Choose a point strictly in the center of the lobe. And remember that damage to blood vessels and nerves can have extremely serious consequences, including loss of vision.

Piercing procedure

Bring the instrument treated in alcohol to the lobe and begin to pierce it with force. You may hear a characteristic crunching sound. Don't be afraid of him. It is better to do the puncture not by weight, but by placing a slice of apple or potato under the back side. After making a puncture, immediately put on the earring, and then you should disinfect the wound again.

There is one remarkable secret related to ear piercing. To make the procedure as painless as possible, the ear should be “frozen” for a while. Regular ice will do for this. Make ice cubes ahead of time. Keep the ice in a bag and hold it against your earlobe for about three minutes before piercing. Then you can proceed to direct piercing.

After piercing your earlobe, do not forget about the necessary care measures. The first time you put on earrings, you will feel as if your ears are literally “on fire.” It is even possible that they will swell slightly. Don't worry about it. Such negative feelings will disappear after some time.

The puncture site should be wiped twice a day with any antiseptic. Your hands must be absolutely clean. The earlobe will have to be disinfected for at least a couple of weeks. During this period, try not to lie on your side while sleeping, and also do not wear clothes that have to be put on “over your head.”

In every possible way, avoid such actions that could at least minimally injure your pierced ears. If you notice that the wound on the lobe has begun to fester, consult a doctor immediately.

In general, piercing your ears yourself is considered a rather dangerous procedure. Its direct consequences can include symptoms such as severe headache, malfunction internal organs, the occurrence of infection. Such consequences appear if the ear piercing is done in a way that deviates from the described technology, or if all disinfection and safety measures were not followed. Knowing all the intricacies of self-piercing your ears, you will make the right decision about whether to carry out this procedure at home.

Since ancient times, people have learned to pierce their ears, hanging whatever they need on them. Since they did not have the necessary “inventory” then, it is better not to know how they carried out this procedure...

Sometimes ears were lost due to inexperience or they were caught and, as a result, certain death! Today, fortunately, this process has been significantly improved, and the decorations will be more varied. For a girl (or boy), all you have to do is come to a beauty salon, where you will have this procedure painlessly performed for a fee. However, if you feel sorry for money, then you can do this without leaving your home. at home - we will tell you in this article. But first remember: you need to follow certain rules in order to avoid complications in the future!

Like at home

To prick or not to prick?

Another question related to the above procedure is at what age should your child get their ear pierced. Mostly, young mothers try to do this earlier, because small children tolerate pain more easily and calm down faster. However, doctors strongly advise against it until the age of three. The fact is that the cartilages located in this place are still forming during this period and are directly connected with the tongue, teeth and facial muscles. To avoid harming your child, leave him alone nerve endings his ears are up to three years old.

It is possible to pierce your ear at home without pain. This does not require any special devices or knowledge. The main thing is to carry out the manipulation in compliance with the rules of asepsis and antisepsis. If everything is done correctly, the ear will heal quickly and no problems will arise. In the first days after the puncture, you should wipe the wounds alcohol tincture calendulas and try not to get them wet.

Choosing a puncture site

The human ear contains many active points, which is why the location of the future puncture should be chosen especially carefully. The mark should be placed strictly in the middle of the lobe or slightly above the center. There are no active points, reflex zones or cartilage in this place, so the puncture will be relatively painless.

What is needed

To pierce your ears yourself, you should prepare the following items:

  • A sharp needle, medium thickness;
  • Vatu;
  • Hydrogen peroxide;
  • Medical alcohol;
  • Toothpick;
  • Alcohol tincture of iodine.

In addition, you must immediately prepare earrings for piercing. Preference should be given to jewelry made from precious metals- gold or silver. It is better to take earrings with an English lock, as they are easier to thread into the hole.

It is worth considering that some people are allergic to silver. If there have already been manifestations of special sensitivity to metal, then you should refuse to wear silver.

How to pierce your ears

To punch a hole in your ear at home without pain, you should follow these instructions:

  • Hair is collected at the back of the head so that it does not interfere;
  • The ears are thoroughly wiped with alcohol;
  • Dip a toothpick in iodine and put marks on the earlobes, in places of future punctures;
  • Earrings are being prepared. They are washed in hot water with soap, you can even boil the jewelry for 5 minutes. They are washed with peroxide, and then placed in a small container and filled with medical alcohol;
  • The needle is washed with alcohol, then heated over a fire and wiped again with a cotton swab dipped in an alcohol solution;
  • With one hand they pull back the earlobe, and with the other at this time they press the tip of the needle to the mark made with iodine;
  • With a sharp and confident movement, the ear is pierced with a needle. The sharper the movement, the less pain will be felt;
  • The needle is pulled out and the prepared earring is quickly inserted in its place;
  • The earlobe together with the earring is wiped with alcohol again.

You can pierce your ear with a catheter. In this case, the procedure is carried out in exactly the same way as when puncturing with a needle. It is safer to pierce the ears with a catheter, since it is of the same thickness along its entire length. This does not lead to additional soft tissue injury.

The first earrings should be made of gold, silver or a special medical alloy. You should not immediately put on studs, such earrings are inconvenient to handle, so your ears often begin to rot.

It should be taken into account that wearing earrings with bows is very problematic, so you should take jewelry models with English clasps.

How to care for your ears

To help your ears heal faster, the puncture sites should be wiped with alcohol several times a day. For this purpose, it is better to use alcohol tincture of calendula, which has anti-inflammatory and antiseptic effects. They wipe their ears without taking out the earrings. To prevent decorations from growing in, they are turned.

In order for wounds to heal quickly and without complications, you must adhere to the following recommendations:

  • Until the holes in your ears heal, you should change your pillowcase every day. Clean pillowcases must be ironed on both sides;
  • You should not wash your hair for several days after the piercing. It is dangerous to wet the wounds during this period, as they can fester;
  • You should not use hairspray until the holes have completely healed;
  • The hair is collected in a high hairstyle so that it does not cling to the ears and does not injure them.

Earrings should not be changed for 2-3 weeks. It is necessary to wait until the ears are completely healed.

You should take special care of children's ears. They need to be told that their earlobes should not be touched. with dirty hands.

If your ears start to fester

If your ears begin to fester, then you should not panic right away. In this case, you need to act like this:

  • Often wipe the earlobes with cotton wool soaked in alcohol tincture of calendula, being sure to turn the earring in different directions;
  • Twice a day, pieces of cotton wool moistened with hydrogen peroxide are applied to the ear on both sides;
  • In some cases, with severe suppuration, you have to consult a doctor. Can even be prescribed antibacterial drugs, to prevent the spread of infection.

Unfortunately, in some cases the earlobes are pierced incorrectly, which leads to severe inflammation. In this case, you have to part with the earrings and wait until the ears are completely healed. After this, you can only do the piercing again and put on jewelry.

You can treat your earlobes with Miramistin and Chlorhexidine. These drugs have a pronounced antibacterial effect.

How to get your ears pierced without pain

Nowadays there are many medications in pharmacies that can help you get a piercing at home painlessly and safely. The most common painkiller is lidocaine. It can be used as a spray or gel. The last form is the most convenient, as it does not spread.

The gel is applied to the earlobe, wait for the medicine to start working, and quickly pierce the earlobe. It is necessary to act as quickly as possible, since the effect of the drug is short-lived.

If you don’t have Lidocaine spray at home, you can use improvised means. A piece of ice is applied to the earlobe for a couple of minutes, after which the ice is removed, the ear is quickly wiped with alcohol and pierced with a sharp movement. You should act very quickly, as when the earlobe warms up, sensitivity returns.

You should not pierce your earlobes yourself if you are afraid that something will be done incorrectly. In this case, it is better to leave it in the hands of professionals.


Piercing cannot be done in all cases. There are a number of contraindications to this procedure.

  • Pierce the earlobes and other parts of the body during infectious diseases and during the period of exacerbation of chronic pathologies;
  • You should not make punctures when skin diseases different etiologies;
  • You should avoid the procedure if you are allergic to metals and alloys. Although in this case the restriction does not apply to precious metals. Allergy to gold is extremely rare.

Quite often, parents ask doctors at what age can their children’s ears be pierced. Experts do not recommend doing this before 3 years of age. If parents are planning to pierce their baby’s ears earlier, then they should choose a time when the child is not sick.

You should not pierce your child's ears at home. A child's piercing should be done by a specialist.

When is the best time to get a piercing?

It is advisable to do ear piercing in spring and autumn, when the air temperature is about 15 degrees. This is due to the fact that in the heat, wounds heal poorly and often fester. You can do piercing in winter, but in this case you need to wear hats that will not injure your ears.

If you decide to pierce your ears in the summer, you should be especially careful about hygiene. After each walk outside, wipe the entire ear, changing cotton swabs several times.

Ears can be pierced at home. To do this, you should prepare a sharp needle, alcohol, cotton wool and earrings. The puncture site is preliminarily marked with iodine. You can numb the lobe with lidocaine and ice.

Before you begin piercing your ears yourself, it is important to make sure that you have everything you need to perform the procedure.

The puncture must be done with a special needle, which can be bought at the pharmacy. Choose the smallest diameter - 1 mm. The catheter must be new; do not use a used one. Also, do not use a sewing needle for piercing, because... It is not the diameter that expands towards the base, and therefore such a wound will take quite a long time to heal.

Earrings must be made of non-oxidizing metal - gold, silver or a special medical alloy. It’s good if the decoration has the shape of a ring. Then it will be convenient for you to wipe the puncture site in the first days, and the earring clasps will not interfere with you.

To disinfect the earlobe that you will pierce, as well as the instrument itself, you need to use medical alcohol or an antiseptic, for example, chlorhexidine. You can also use it to treat your hands if you do not have medical gloves.

To wipe the area of ​​skin before the procedure, you will need sterile cotton pads or cotton wool. They should also be used to wipe away blood if it comes out after you puncture the lobe.

An anesthetic or a remedy that can, if necessary, reduce pain. Such a remedy may be required if the person whose ears are pierced has a low pain threshold.

How to make ear piercing less painful

U different people different pain threshold, so some may need pain relief for the piercing process. Remember: least painful procedure will be done by an experienced master, and therefore it is advisable to contact such a specialist.

If you still want to do it yourself, place something with reverse side ear. Alternatively, you can “freeze” the lobe with ice. To do this, remove a piece of ice from the freezer, put it in a plastic bag, and then apply it to the future puncture site for a few minutes. After that you can start.

Usually, when ear piercings, pharmaceutical painkillers are not used, since this piercing site has the most. If you still want to use an anesthetic drug, consult your pharmacist - he will recommend the best option for you. For example, you can use lidocaine for pain relief. It is more convenient to use an aerosol or gel. This product has a local anesthetic effect.

In addition, you can purchase an ear piercing machine (“gun”) at a beauty salon or clinic. This device makes the piercing process faster, safer and painless.

How to pierce your ear yourself without hitting a nerve

To avoid touching the nerve, measure a place exactly in the center of the lobe or 0.5 mm above. There is no cartilage here, the puncture is easy and painless. You should not make additional punctures in other places of the ear, since the consequences can be different - from puncturing a vessel to touching a nerve and even loss of vision.

So, place a dot in the place you are going to prick (this can be done with a toothpick soaked in iodine or a ballpoint pen).
In this case, dots should be placed on both sides of the lobe. Disinfect the surface of the skin on both sides, the earring and the needle. Then the tool must be calcined with fire, and the scale must be wiped off with a cotton swab moistened with alcohol.

When using lidocaine or other painkillers, follow the instructions.

Then apply the catheter-needle to the intended point on the outside of the ear and (necessarily) at a right angle, sharply and with force, pierce this place. There will be less pain if the process is performed without anesthesia. You can hold a piece of potato or apple on the opposite side of the earlobe so as not to pierce it while hanging.

Having pierced the lobe, sharply pull out the needle. After this, immediately insert the earring into the hole you made in the lobe. Wipe your ear well with a cotton swab and alcohol. Do a similar manipulation with the second ear.

How to care for wounds after the procedure?

Without removing the earrings, regularly treat the puncture sites with hydrogen peroxide or alcohol. It is also recommended to periodically carefully move the earring. To quickly heal the wound, you can use calendula tincture. It is advisable to sleep in a supine position, on a comfortable pillow with a sterile pillowcase. on the back.

If for any reason suppuration begins, you can apply to the inflamed area antimicrobial agent for purulent wounds - for example, "Levomekol". In this case, the earring should be moved in the hole. Until the wounds heal, it is best to wear your hair in a ponytail.

And finally: if you are not sure that you can pierce your ears correctly and without pain

Piercing the ears of children and adults is one of the types of piercing, the “art” of decorating the body with piercings in different places. Today this word is fashionable among women and youth, teenagers, but in fact it is a very ancient ritual, a custom of many tribes, which indicated victories over enemies, the number of predators killed and much more. Numerous excavations of ancient tribes find earrings and jewelry that were inserted into the ears and body. But today we and our children, unfortunately, no longer chase mammoths and are not marked in this way as “messengers of the gods.” But the tradition of piercing ears, especially for girls, is widespread today.

This is an important ear!
If we compare humans and animals, the human ear is significantly inferior and is a kind of rudiment, that is, an organ that has partially lost its functions. We do not hear as well as animals do, and our outer ear is simpler, has no muscles and cannot move (almost, there are originals who can move their ears). However, the earlobe is the pinnacle of evolution and is present only in humans. It is directly related to the activity of the brain. In ancient times, sages underwent artificial removal of the earlobe in order to achieve higher enlightenment, and the tradition of piercing the earlobe stretches like threads there - in the desire to become better and brighter.

Ancient medicine betrayed great value the ear, not only as an organ of hearing, but also as a reflexogenic zone. Today, reflexology and neurology confirm this. If certain areas of the ear are irritated, the internal organs can be irritated and stimulated. I experienced this myself, although I was skeptical about it. I was given this way to stimulate ovulation - it really works!

Therefore, if you pierce the earlobe at certain points, you can inadvertently irritate and stimulate organs that can later cause certain diseases, including infertility. The auricle and lobe are actively used by acupuncturists. In the seventies, scientists developed maps of the ear with projections of organs and it turned out that the ear is a fetus with a head on the lobe and a body folded along the curl of the ear. The lobe includes the eye, palate, jaws, tongue, inner ear area and tonsils.

So to inject or not to inject?
The most successful from an aesthetic point of view are considered to be punctures slightly lower than the middle of the lobe, slightly forward to the cheek. However, in the same zone there are points that are responsible for the development of glaucoma, myopia and conjunctivitis. Therefore, reflexologists are categorically against ear piercings. The rest of the doctors are somewhat softer in their judgments, believing that piercing the earlobes can provoke existing vision problems, especially if there are severe hereditary predisposition. Then it’s worth moving the puncture point forward or a little back.

However, if we look at the problem from the other side, it is not without reason that the traditional place for wearing earrings is the ears, or rather their lobes. They do not have many biologically active zones, there is no cartilage, and they heal quickly and calmly. Neurologists believe that if during a puncture some points are touched, they are switched off from activity, that is, they stop being stimulated and will not cause harm. In general, there is still no consensus among colleagues.

You should be careful when...
Ear piercing is the most popular type of piercing among girls of any age, from very young ladies, as well as boys and girls, young women, and even gray-haired elders sometimes sin with this! But there are some contraindications to this type of body decoration. You should not bother with ear piercing if your child has signs of eczema, crusts behind the ears, allergies or blood diseases (clotting problems, changes in the blood formula).

You should not pierce your ears or wear earrings if you are allergic to nickel alloys - these are white gold, cheap alloys, and costume jewelry. A small amount of nickel is enough to make your ears fester and your ears itch. And if a microbial infection occurs, you can get purulent abscess. There will be drainage from the ear, weeping and pain. You should not try to cure it - immediately remove the earrings and treat your ears.
Thus, it is quite possible to have your ears pierced, but it is always important for parents to determine at what age their ears are pierced, this is especially concerning for mothers of girls.

When to pierce?
Doctors' opinions differ here too, although doctors unanimously claim that ear piercing is not advisable before three years of age. Many people advise waiting until they are 10-12 years old, when the child consciously makes his choice whether to pierce his ears or not. After 12 years, ears heal more difficult, although today's technology makes this problem less serious. Child psychologists talk about ear piercing either before the age of one and a half years, when the pain is not remembered for a long time, and there is no feeling of fear, or already in adulthood, when the child consciously goes for it.

When is the best time to do it?
The best time to pierce a child’s ears is late autumn and winter; the risk of catching an infection during the healing period is minimal; there are no temptations to swim in a river or pool, because dirty water may infect the wound. In addition, there is less risk that the child will grab the earlobe with dirty hands while fiddling in the sand or soil. But the downside of winter is, of course, the need to wear hats and possible injury to the unhealed earlobe from an earring caught on the fabric of the hat. Therefore, you need to be very careful when putting on and taking off the cap during the healing period.

The best hairstyle for the period of healing of the wound on the ears would be a neat ponytail or braids; any manipulations with the hair should be as delicate as possible and not touch the ears. Hair is not sterile and there are a lot of microbes on it - they can injure and infect the ears.

How and where to pierce ears?
It is better to choose a good beauty salon with a cosmetologist or a cosmetology clinic. It is prohibited to pierce a child’s ears with gypsy needles at home! The procedure is performed with sterile instruments, skin and a gun. Earrings made of medical alloy can usually be purchased immediately in the salon - initially these are small studs with a pebble. This alloy is hypoallergenic and safe.

The salon master must have medical education, you can’t pierce your ears without it. First, the doctor examines the ears and decides whether there are any contraindications, and only after that he takes up the instruments. In your presence, the package with sterile earrings is opened, gloves are put on and the earlobe is processed, the gun is carefully processed in your presence and the earring is loaded.

The procedure itself.
Today they don’t perform punctures with medical games - it’s painful and time-consuming. Punctures are carried out with a medical pneumatic pistol - a nail-earring is inserted into it, serving as both a puncture rod and an earring. The gun is like a stapler; it snaps the earring onto your ear in a second.
Immediately after the ear is pierced and the earring is inserted, it is treated with hydrogen peroxide, usually 3%, and it is recommended to do the same at home twice a day. At the same time, the nails are moved back and forth at the puncture site so that the channel is formed well. You can scroll them in the hole, in a word, move them so that the secretion does not accumulate and granulation tissue and scars develop. This is done for about 10-15 days, until the wound is completely healed.

If there is redness at the piercing site or in another area of ​​the ear, there is pain and discharge from the ears, visit the same specialist who pierced your ears to rule out complications and infection. Usually the doctor recommends treatment with a weak solution of potassium permanganate or alcohol, the wounds will heal.

During the first five days, it is recommended not to wet your ears and not touch them with your hands. Usually the formation of the canal occurs within a month, then the wounds heal completely. This month, earrings that were placed in the clinic should not be removed; putting on new earrings can injure the channel that has not yet been formed. After complete healing, you can wear the earrings you want.

First earrings.
It’s good if the child’s first earrings are small and made of inert metals - silver or gold. All types of jewelry can cause negative reaction from the side of the ear, and massive earrings can lead to injury - the child himself or one of the other children can pull the earring and injure the ear. Massive earrings, especially those made of precious metals, can attract the attention of criminal elements, and then the child can become a victim of a crime.

Piercing on a teenager.
It’s one thing to pierce the ears of little girls and put on stud earrings; another thing is to pierce the ears of teenage boys and girls with the insertion of terrible rings with a diameter of 1 cm or more. In addition, as a tribute, teenagers may pierce 2-3 or even more holes in their ears, putting them there huge amount earring This will most likely have a negative impact on your health, because not all earlobes are safe for piercings.

If desire is above all common sense, let this procedure take place in a doctor’s office, and not in basements and teenage hangouts, with clean, sterile instruments and performed by a professional. The question of piercing the navel, eyebrows and nose in general is a separate article. Doctors are categorically against such experiments - in case of complications, even sepsis can occur!

Piercing is the piercing of the skin and cartilage on the external parts of the body. This is one of the popular methods of body modification. Within this culture, the leading position is occupied by the piercing of the auricle and lobe. Even girls can become owners of earrings infancy. Due to the widespread nature of the procedure, many people are not afraid to do it themselves. How to pierce your ear at home correctly and without pain?

Features of puncture at home

To ensure that ear piercing goes without complications and excruciating pain, you need to listen to the advice and valuable recommendations of professionals. Simple rules will help increase the comfort of the procedure, fast healing wound.

There are many reflex zones concentrated in the auricle. Each point is responsible for the functioning of a specific internal organ, and if it is damaged, problems with health and development may occur. nervous system. The best place For a puncture, the middle of the lobe or the area located half a millimeter above it is considered. This area does not contain cartilage and biologically active points, which facilitates the rapid and painless formation of a channel for jewelry.

The best time for the procedure is considered to be the end of spring. In winter, there is a high risk of holes being damaged by warm hats and scarves. In summer, due to the heat and dust, infection can begin. In autumn, cold and winds contribute to the wound becoming cold and inflamed.

Ear piercing is contraindicated:

  • if the child has not reached 3 years of age;
  • in the presence of skin diseases;
  • during viral and infectious diseases;
  • with a tendency to diseases of the auditory organ;
  • with high sensitivity to metals, various alloys and additives;
  • at elevated body temperature.

It is advisable to carry out puncture of the ear cartilage in a beauty salon. A professional knows the location reflex points and will quickly carry out all manipulations.

Required Tools

To pierce the ears of yourself or your child or someone you know at home, you need to have a set of tools and medications in your arsenal.

  1. Disinfectant. Purchase rubbing alcohol, hydrogen peroxide, or a chlorhexidine-based solution from the pharmacy.
  2. Sterile cotton wool. Stock up on enough to last the entire procedure for treating the wound, hands and instruments.
  3. Decoration. The earring must be made of hypoallergenic materials - titanium, precious metals of the highest standard, medical steel. Never use silver to heal a fresh hole.
  4. Ammonia. If you are highly sensitive to pain, it is better to have a remedy on hand that can quickly bring you to your senses.
  5. Catheter. Sold in pharmacies. Experts recommend purchasing a catheter with a diameter of 1 mm for piercing. Homemade devices in the form of a sewing needle are not suitable for the procedure due to the presence of an expansion at the end, which contributes to tissue rupture and long-term recovery.
  6. Anesthetics. Buy painkillers to get your ear pierced at home comfortably and without pain.

Rules of procedure

In order for the holes in the ears to look beautiful, heal smoothly and quickly, it is necessary to maintain sterility during the procedure and during the healing period. It is difficult to pierce an ear on your own; professional specialists in a salon will pierce your ears with a pistol, but purchasing one for your own use will be too expensive. Therefore, the main tool is a needle.

  • First step. Sterilization of instruments.
  1. Place the needle in a pair of tongs or other gripping object and hold over an open flame for 10-15 seconds. Next, use a cotton pad soaked in medical alcohol, peroxide or chlorhexidine to wipe the surface of the needle.
  2. Place a paper towel on a table or other flat surface, place a needle and leave to dry.
  3. Hydrogen (peroxide) or alcohol is used to sterilize earrings. First release the clasp from the lock. Place the decoration in the solution for 3-5 minutes. Then remove and place on a paper towel.

These measures will help protect against bacteria, but do not provide a 100% guarantee. The best option is to purchase a special piercing kit, which contains all necessary tools and accessories that have been treated with a disinfectant.

  • Second step. How to prepare your ears for piercing at home.
  1. Soak a cotton pad in peroxide solution, vodka, chlorhexidine or rubbing alcohol.
  2. Wipe the lobe or cartilage with it 2-3 times, regularly changing the cotton wool.
  3. The skin must be thoroughly dry before inserting the needle.
  4. After processing, marking is carried out. The points are marked with a felt-tip pen or ballpoint pen.
  5. To ensure a painless earlobe or shell piercing, apply ice or anesthetic for a couple of minutes.
  • Third step. Ear puncture with a catheter.
  1. Wash your hands under running water using antibacterial soap and dry with a paper towel.
  2. Treat your hands with alcohol antiseptic. Wipe not only the skin, but also the sterile medical gloves in which you will inject.
  3. Cut a small rectangle of antibacterial soap and place it behind your ear. This will help prevent the tip of the needle from going into your neck.
  4. Place the needle with the catheter strictly perpendicular to the lobe, otherwise the hole will be asymmetrical and ugly.
  5. Insert the needle quickly, with a confident hand movement. To pierce the skin painlessly, take a deep breath.
  6. Keep the instruments inside the hole for 1 minute, rotate it clockwise, and then insert the earring into the catheter and pull it into the canal, fix it. Insert slowly, being careful not to tear the fabric.
  7. Treat the wound with a cotton pad soaked in antiseptic.

The second hole pricks in the same way.

How to make the process less painful

Is it possible to pierce your ear without experiencing pain? Thanks to modern medical drugs it became possible to significantly reduce discomfort and carry out the procedure quickly and without complications.

Lidocaine. This product allows you to make the lobe completely insensitive to any influence. It is distributed in the form of a gel or spray. The gel formula is more convenient, it does not flow and acts precisely. Apply immediately before piercing the skin with a needle, as it has a short-lasting effect. It is important to have time not only to make the hole, but also to insert the earring into it.

How can you numb your ear with improvised means? Freeze with ice. Just 2 minutes of exposure to cold significantly reduces sensitivity. Insert the needle immediately after removing the ice, until the lobe begins to warm up.

Puncture care

Carrying out the procedure yourself is dangerous. You need to know how to pierce your ears at home and how to care for the wounds to reduce the risk of infection.

  1. Do not remove jewelry for 1-1.5 months.
  2. Treat with an antiseptic daily.
  3. Do not touch the earring or pull it until it heals. This important condition fast healing.
  4. Periodically apply a compress to saline solution or disinfectant solution.

If little boy or a girl is asked to pierce her ear, remember that doing it yourself is dangerous. Symptoms of improper puncture include malfunction of internal organs, headache and infection. Similar consequences arise when technology and sanitary standards are violated. Experts recommend having your piercing done by a professional who has knowledge in reflexology.

Piercing of the earlobe or cartilage

Ear piercing is carried out in two ways, with a special needle or a so-called pistol. This or that method causes pain, especially when getting your ears pierced for the first time in your life. But after testing this transformation method on yourself, you understand that it’s not that painful, which is why even the youngest girls, one might say from the cradle, already wear earrings.

When parents agree to have their ears pierced, they are very concerned about the child’s health, as they may be damaged. soft fabrics, and there is a high probability of getting infection due to poor sterility, as well as pain after the procedure. And as practice shows, these fears are not justified. Instruments must be sterile mandatory, if it is a reputable salon and qualified workers, then infection is out of the question. The child immediately forgets about the pain and becomes the owner of beautiful gold jewelry. Also, after piercing, the main thing is to observe the rules of hygiene and follow the recommendations of specialists.

An ear piercing is a hole made by a specialist using a disposable needle or a gun with a second movement. At the client's request, not only the earlobe, but also the cartilage can be pierced. Holes are made in the ears for wearing jewelry, which is chosen from inexpensive and precious metals different types and forms. The desire to decorate ourselves in this way has come to us since ancient times, evidence of this was the excavation of the mummy of Ötzi, which is more than 5,000 years old. And this leads to only one result - earrings will never go out of fashion.

Harm of ear piercing

Earrings in the ears are always beautiful, harmonious with the image, attractive, and you can find a thousand such arguments. Many people believe that ear piercing is very dangerous. Others are convinced that there are certain points on the lobe that are responsible for our main feelings. In Japan there is a whole legend about this.

Whether or not to get ear piercings is a personal decision, the only thing you absolutely cannot do is go to dubious salons or unqualified specialists.

Best age to get your ears pierced

Today it has become fashionable to pierce the ears of girls with early age and accustom children to fashion from infancy. But in order not to harm your child, you should listen to specialists. According to psychologists, a child will experience the least stress and unmemorable moments of pain between the ages of 1 and 1.5 years. But pediatricians advise something completely different - the age of 8-11 years, and the period of autumn or spring, when there is a lower probability of developing an infection and healing will not be interfered with by a hat like in winter.

Piercing in the ear

Before piercing the ear cartilage, you need to decide on the type of piercing. The simplest and most applicable is a puncture of the lobe. Any such procedure is carried out under sterile conditions with a disposable needle and a specialist who understands his field. Helix piercing, the most common type of ear piercing, is also called a helix piercing. The deis method is complex in terms of technique. To wear straight jewelry, ask for industrial jewelry; here, two piercings are made at once. Puncture of the tragus (tragus) or antitragus (antitragus), tunnels, the process of stretching which takes more than one year.

Choosing earrings

High quality earrings used for ear piercing have simplified the process of making holes for wearing jewelry. The material for their production is titanium, which is hypoallergenic, or special medical steel. To decorate and improve the appearance, pearls and various stones of different values ​​are used.

Titanium or steel jewelry acts as a needle, which simplifies the process, where there is no need to perform additional uncomfortable and unpleasant manipulations with the installation of earrings. Punching the hole is done instantly, painlessly and the stud decorations look elegant in the ear.


The cost of the service depends on the method of ear piercing and the type (value) of the earring. If the procedure is carried out with a pistol, the jewelry is selected and purchased exactly in the place where the puncture is planned. Regardless of the choice of salon or specialist, the procedure consists of several stages:

Disinfection. The puncture site is marked with a special marker, instruments and jewelry are disinfected with alcohol or another similar product. The master puts on gloves or treats his hands with antiseptic.

Piercing. Only a disposable needle and device is used. A hollow needle is used to make a hole in the helix of the auricle, neck or tragus, after which an earring is inserted.

If the procedure is performed using a gun, the jewelry is fixed on the instrument and after the piercing the earring remains in the ear.

Using an ear piercing gun

Most often, clients, and even the masters themselves, are inclined towards this method of ear piercing. After a second, sharp blow, the jewelry remains in the ear. At the same time, they offer a wide range of stud earrings to choose from. If the procedure is carried out by a professional master, everything will be painless and silent. This manipulation will not scare even a child, and after just a few seconds he will forget about what is happening. The main thing that parents and adults should remember is sterility. In your presence, everything should be treated with alcohol, and the technician should work only with gloves.

Piercing with a needle

Sometimes using a disposable needle is the only way to make a piercing in the desired location. Everything is done with a regular or hollow needle (empty inside), the second one is most often used at home, any of them must be disposable and sterile.

How to pierce the cartilage in the ear at home? It makes no difference where the procedure will be performed, the main thing is that it is carried out qualified specialist, knowledgeable in puncture techniques and aesthetics. It is also important to know the exact location of acupuncture points. A cosmetologist and acupuncturist definitely have this knowledge, so it’s better not to tempt fate and turn to trusted individuals.

What to do after ear piercing?

After the procedure, the main thing is to follow the specialist’s recommendations. Correct and ongoing care until complete healing will not lead to inflammation cartilage tissue, her swelling, dizziness, pain, suppuration and other infectious infections. To warn undesirable consequences, necessary:

  1. For three days after the manipulation, do not visit baths, saunas, or swimming pools. Do not swim in open waters if it is summer.
  2. For a week, treat the wound and jewelry with an antiseptic without removing the earring, scrolling it, do this procedure twice a day. At the same time, you need to remember to keep your hands clean.
  3. Additional treatment procedures should be carried out after a walk, taking a bath, sports activities, or contact with animals.

At proper care the wound heals within two weeks.

If these are the ears of a child, the jewelry should be changed only after six months. Here it takes time for the body (lobes) to get used to the foreign object, its weight, and size. At the same time, it is also worthwhile to treat the wound carefully, but also more carefully. If at the time of healing there is redness, the child is capricious when touching the earlobe and pus is released from the wound, treatment should be immediate. The first antiseptic when pus appears can be hydrogen peroxide. You cannot use it often, as even such a harmless antiseptic can cause a burn.