How to test for coprogram. Coprogram - General stool analysis

A coprogram or scatological examination of stool is clinical analysis, in which the chemical and physical properties of feces are assessed. Based on the results of this analysis, it is possible to determine the state of human health, as well as identify possible pathologies, the main thing is to know how to donate feces so that the analysis results are as accurate as possible.

A coprogram can “tell” a lot about a person’s health. Thanks to this, this method diagnostics can be prescribed not only in preventive measures, but also if certain diseases are suspected, in order to confirm or refute the diagnosis:

  • suspicion of all types of worms
  • pancreatic problems
  • stomach diseases – gastritis, ulcers
  • other pathologies

Besides this, this analysis must be done if the following diseases have already been confirmed:

  1. liver failure
  2. liver dysfunction
  3. ulcerative colitis of varying degrees
  4. intestinal atony
  5. malabsorption in
  6. all types of gastrointestinal inflammation intestinal tract

In addition, scatological research is the most best way calculate internal bleeding.If you have diarrhea, you must have your stool tested for clinical analysis to find out the cause of your stomach upset. As a rule, helminthiasis or bacteria that disrupt the pathology of the stomach are confirmed.

Basic rules for preparing for analysis

In order for the analysis result to be accurate, several rules must be observed. simple rules to donate stool:

  1. At least two days before submitting stool for clinical analysis, it is important to avoid taking foods that can affect the color of stool. It could be tomatoes, beets, huge amount greens, iron-containing medicines, which cause stool to turn black. The thing is that color is one of the most important parameters when examining stool, so it is important to preserve the natural shade as much as possible, without artificial impurities.
  2. 72 hours before stool collection for coprogram, you must stop taking medical supplies, which can affect the odor, shape and chemical composition of biological material. It is imperative to avoid antibiotics, and regarding other medications, you should consult a specialist.
  3. Women during menstruation are not recommended to take stool for analysis, or, if absolutely necessary, do it very carefully so that blood does not get into the stool. Otherwise, during the study, blood inclusions in feces ah can be regarded as a suspicion of internal .
  4. A few days, or better yet a week before taking the test for scatological examination, specialists insist on following a diet healthy eating, based on cereals, fresh vegetables and fruits, light soups and dishes with a sufficient amount of minerals, vitamins and all necessary microelements.

By observing these simple tips You can get a high-quality result based on the characteristics of the submitted stool.

How to properly collect feces?

To collect stool, you need to purchase a special container with a spoon from the pharmacy into which the stool is collected. It is highly not recommended for these purposes to use improvised containers, such as jars. baby food, boxes, bags and others. First, stool must be collected in a sterile container to introduce various microorganisms. Secondly, the container must be hermetically sealed so that the stool does not lose its quality before it reaches the laboratory.

It is best to collect feces during the morning trip to the toilet. If for some reason this is not possible, then you can do the fence in the evening. But store biological material in a hermetically sealed container on the bottom shelf in the refrigerator.

For analysis, 1/3 of the container will be enough - this sample will be quite enough for analysis.

Very important. That the material for the coprogram should be collected through natural defecation, without an enema or other medicines.

Coprogram indicators and their interpretation

It is important to submit biological material to the laboratory no later than 12 hours after collection, subject to proper storage - in the refrigerator and in a closed container. The sample is amenable to the following studies:

  1. identification and
  2. test for the amount of proteins and carbohydrates
  3. tests to identify

For adults, the following indicators are considered normal:

  • consistency – soft
  • smell – persistent, without rot and acid
  • color – brown
  • muscle fibers - in small quantities
  • fiber – absent. Its presence may indicate the presence of diarrhea
  • connective fibers can be in the form of cartilage or tendons that come with meat food

For children, it is also important to take into account the quantity of bowel movements and their quality. In infants, the consistency of stool may be liquid, yellow or green. This is normal and does not indicate any pathology. For children under one year of age and older, feces should already be formalized, with more unpleasant smell and a color close to brown. If your baby's stool smells like sour milk, this indicates an infection in the stomach.

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In conclusion, it should be noted. That scatological research is one of the most best methods, to determine quality characteristics stool, which shows if the body has problems with the gastrointestinal tract or liver.

Depending on them. You can judge the development of diseases in the body. If the doctor has suspicions, then it is necessary to undergo further additional diagnostics to confirm the diagnosis.

In order not to falsify the indicators, it is necessary to follow some rules for preparing for the test, which will help to conduct a high-quality stool examination. It is important to eat right so as not to distort the main indicators - color, shape, smell, the presence of fiber, connective tissue and other parameters.

A stool coprogram is a procedure that makes it possible to perform a physical, mechanical and chemical examination of human stool in a laboratory setting. Thanks to this type of examination, it is possible to identify the most significant indicators state of stool and, based on the information received, recognize the presence or absence of diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.

Why do you need to make a computer program?

Feces are the final processing option human body food products. The formation of feces occurs due to the movement of food debris along the entire length digestive tract, therefore its color, composition and quality make it possible to judge the condition internal organs patient. Normal level The presence of pathogenic and conditionally pathogenic elements and bacteria is quite large, it makes up about two-thirds of the total mass of feces. The rest of the feces consists of parts of incompletely digested food and pigments - special coloring substances. If problems arise related to dysfunction of the gastrointestinal tract, the coprogram of human feces can easily and quickly show deviations that provoke disorders of the body. Thanks to the coprogram, doctors are able to identify and diagnose various diseases thick and small intestine, stomach, pancreas, gall bladder. In addition, a correctly performed coprogram makes it possible to assess the level of enzyme activity and the ability of the stomach to perform its functions, the presence or absence of an evacuation function by the intestines, the state of the inflammatory process and microflora on the mucous membrane of the colon.

For what diseases should a coprogram be done?

The patient is required to undergo a coprogram if he has the following diseases:

  • inflammatory process of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • disturbances in the process of intestinal absorption;
  • spastic and ulcerative colitis;
  • changes in liver function.

For what symptoms should a coprogram be done?

A stool coprogram must be taken if the patient is sick with diarrhea, dysbacteriosis, or steatorrhea. It is very important to learn to recognize the symptoms of these diseases. If the patient feels increased nervousness, sensitivity and irritability, begins to complain of incessant headaches and migraines, severe cramps and pain in the intestines begin to appear, bloody diarrhea begins or, conversely, constipation, do not hesitate. In this case, you must promptly seek help from the nearest medical center and consult an experienced doctor.

How to do the analysis?

Every patient who is faced with the question of undergoing a detailed examination of the gastrointestinal tract has a logical question: “How to take a coprogram?” Donating stool for coprogram is not so painful, lengthy and complex process. To carry it out, feces are collected in a specially designed container with a self-closing lid and a spoon through natural defecation. Such a container can be purchased or obtained from the hospital procedure department. The volume of feces should occupy no more than one third of the container. On the top of the container you must write the patient’s last name, first name and patronymic, his date of birth, as well as the time of stool collection.

You cannot donate material for further implementation of the coprogram after diarrhea, an enema, the use of antibiotics or strong medications, since such drugs have great value to change the state of peristalsis in the body. Also refrain from conducting examinations after administration. medicinal suppositories or reception Vaseline oil. The assembly material should not contain any mucus admixture. Feces are transported into a special diagnostic center within 8-13 hours after his bowel movement.

Indications for stool examination using a coprogram include:

  • any disturbances in the functional functioning of the liver, intestines, stomach;
  • violation of enzyme and acid functions of the body;
  • the presence of increased evacuation of food debris into the intestines;
  • the presence of a general inflammatory process.

How does the test work?

After the material enters medical center, it should be stored in the refrigerator at maximum low temperatures. The container lid should not be opened until the examination begins. The initial stool assessment is aimed at determining general condition gastric and intestinal tract, as well as for diagnosing the functional activity of the pancreas. The result of scatology is delivered to the patient as soon as possible. short time, the result must indicate the name of the attending physician. If the results obtained could not fully satisfy diagnostic purposes procedure, the patient is prescribed a repeat or clarifying analysis. After the physician's conclusion, feces should be stored in a specially designated place. This is necessary so that if any controversial situations arise in the future, all issues can be clarified.

How to prepare for a copogram?

In most cases, scatological examination does not require any intensive preparation by the patient. However, here too there are some rules, ignoring which can lead to incorrect interpretation of the analyzes obtained. So, how to prepare for taking the coprogram?

Firstly. A week before the procedure, the patient must stop using strong antibiotics, antidepressants, relaxants and psychotropic drugs, as well as from other medicines. Eliminate any laxative medications from your diet, as well as foods that contain large amounts of iron, barium, or fat. Do not overuse anal procedures, enemas, Vaseline or castor oil. If these rules are not followed, the above substances can significantly affect the external and internal view excrement and, accordingly, on the final results of the scatological examination.

Secondly. Please note own diet. Preliminary preparation for testing should include a strict diet, during which the patient is advised to eat foods containing large number proteins, carbohydrates and fats. You can take the Pevzner diet as a basis. Its essence is to enrich the body healthy food: black bread, lean meat, butter, rice or wheat porridge, fresh vegetables and fruits. Also, factors that negatively affect the final result of the study include incorrect technology for defecation and sampling of material.

What do you need to submit?

To undergo a scatological examination, you must have the material obtained as a result independent exit without the use of medications, and also without mucus or menstrual flow. Feces are collected with a special spatula into a disposable container. To conduct a full analysis, a doctor needs only one spoon of material.

Among the basic rules for submitting stool for analysis, it is necessary to highlight:

  1. The material must be eliminated from the body through natural way defecation.
  2. Material must be collected from different areas.
  3. The container is filled one third with material.
  4. The container must contain basic information about the patient.
  5. The material is transported to clinical center within 11-13 hours.

Coprogram of feces in children

A coprogram in children is carried out in case of suspected abnormalities in the gastrointestinal tract, liver or kidneys. The procedure makes it possible to find out the number of leukocytes and red blood cells contained in the body. Allowing you to diagnose a lot of diseases, the coprogram determines the content of starch, fiber and connective fibers based on the consistency, color and smell of stool. The process of taking tests in children is no different from how it happens in adults.

Normal Copogram readings?

For adults

Let's consider the main indicators of the patient's intestinal condition as a result of a procedure such as coprogram. Deciphering analyzes is a complex process that must be carried out in specially designed conditions. Stool analysis is carried out in several directions.

First, the external condition of the material is inspected. Normal stool should be of a thick consistency with a pronounced brown and a persistent smell. At first glance, there should be no mucus, blood or food elements on it. After the initial examination, the stool is examined for the presence or absence of invisible blood substances, protein and bilirubin. The material is then examined under a microscope, during which doctors can see the condition and quality of muscle fibers, fat, connective tissue, as well as simple organisms: fungi, lamblia, amoeba.

For children

As mentioned earlier, to identify and eliminate diseases of the digestive tract in early stages Their occurrence in children will be helped by a procedure called coprogram. The rate of testing depends on the age and personal characteristics of the child’s body. Let's consider the standard indicators of a scatological study in children:

Indicator In infants In children from 1 year
number of bowel movements per day: 35-45 grams 85-215 grams
stool consistency: sticky more decorated
stool color: bright gold, yellow, light brown dark brown
stool smell: sour normal unsharp
acidity of the material: 5.1-6.0 units 1.2-1.7 units
protein, mucus, blood: absent absent
ammonia and bilirubin: present none
muscle fibers and stercobilin: present none
connecting fibers: absent absent
fatty acids and soap: present none

How much does a coprogram cost?

Today, the cost of conducting a scatological study varies. The coprogram, the price of which ranges from 450 to 650 rubles, allows for a detailed diagnosis of the condition of the patient’s gastrointestinal tract.

To study the composition of feces and determine its chemical and biological properties, a coprogram is prescribed. This is an informative comprehensive analysis that allows you to identify some diseases of the gastrointestinal tract and track their dynamics. In order for the analysis to be reliable, when taking it, it is necessary to comply with the preparation conditions and correctly collect the biomaterial.

What is stool coprogram

Feces are submitted for coprogram to identify pathological conditions organs of the gastrointestinal tract (GIT). In laboratory conditions, a complete physical and chemical study is carried out, as well as testing for microbiological composition. The result of the analysis will show not only the presence of diseases, but also their location. That is, the answer to the question of what a fecal coprogram is is a general analysis of this biomaterial.

In order for the analysis for coprogram to be informative and without distortion, you need to check with your doctor before taking it how to collect feces. It is important that the process of deficiencies occurs naturally. You cannot use laxatives, empty your bowels with an enema, etc. It is permissible to eat or drink a product that has a natural laxative effect the day before.

The material for research should not contain foreign inclusions or urine. Women should not be tested during menstruation to avoid contamination of foreign substances.

If the patient has prolonged constipation and does not know how to collect stool for analysis, then a colon massage is possible. In exceptional cases, it is allowed to use an enema. A fragment of the dense part of feces is taken for analysis.

Before collecting the analysis, you need to empty bladder, and then carry out hygienic procedures for the anal area. The feces are collected with a sterile spatula into a sterile wide container. You need no more than 1 scoop of material, but it must be taken from different sectors of the feces. The container with the material is tightly closed with a lid. U infants Feces should be collected not from a diaper, but from a sterile diaper.

You need to collect the test in the morning and immediately send it to the laboratory. If this is not possible, then it must be placed in a cold place where the air temperature does not exceed +5°C, but no longer than 8 hours. If an analysis is performed to detect protozoa or worm eggs in it, then storage in a cold place is unacceptable; the analysis must be fresh.

The container is taken from a pharmacy, sterile. You cannot take the test in non-special containers, since the test results in this case are distorted. Before delivery, the patient must prepare for the coprogram.

Coprogram - how to take it correctly

What a coprogram is, how to submit material for analysis correctly and how to prepare for it, the doctor sending you for analysis will advise you. There are several rules that must be followed before taking the test:

  1. A few days before the test you need to stop using meat dishes, green vegetables, beets, fresh tomatoes, as well as red fish, because if the test is carried out to detect blood hidden in the stool, the result may be false positive due to the use of these products.
  2. You should eat mashed potatoes, dairy products, cereals, lean meat dishes, etc.
  3. If the patient used antimicrobials, sorbents, anti-inflammatory drugs, medications for anemia, then they must be abandoned a week before the coprogram, because these drugs change the color of stool. Laxatives, suppositories rectal use should be cancelled.
  4. In some cases, a special diet is prescribed, which makes it possible to identify even small deviations in the functioning of the digestive organs. The doctor prescribes the content of carbohydrates, proteins and lipids in the diet.
  5. If the patient has had an X-ray with barium, a colonoscopy and cleansing procedures, then the feces are submitted for analysis no earlier than a week after the procedures.
  6. A temporary contraindication is bleeding hemorrhoids.

What does a stool coprogram show?

To understand what the stool coprogram shows, you need to know the designations of the elements. A microscopic examination in the laboratory evaluates the appearance and consistency of stool. Determine the presence or absence of a specific odor, foreign impurities in the form undigested food, mucus, blood or pus, assess whether the coloring is normal. At this stage, the presence or absence of mature helminths is determined. During a microscopic examination, it is determined how fully the digestion process occurs.

There are elements in the stool that indicate the presence or absence specific diseases. The laboratory technician determines their quantity and compares them with the norm:

  1. If there is an inflammatory process in the gastrointestinal tract, then protein is detected in the stool. Its presence may indicate a damaged mucous membrane, the presence of tumors and polyps.
  2. If no errors were made during the collection of biomaterial, and blood was found during the analysis, then this may indicate the presence of helminthic infestations, hidden bleeding, ulcers, polyps and tumors. Blood particles may or may not have a changed shape. In the first case, this means that the pathology formed in upper sections intestines. If the particles are not changed, then in the lower ones.
  3. The color of stool depends on the amount of stercobilin. Normally, its level is in the range of 75-350 mg. If the indicator is below normal, this may indicate obstruction bile ducts due to stones or tumors. With elevated levels, the risk of hemolytic anemia is high.
  4. The presence of bilirubin in the material indicates dysbacteriosis, since normally it is completely metabolized into stercobilin.
  5. There may be a small amount of mucus in the stool. If the indicator is high, then this indicates an acute infectious process.

In addition to these indicators, the amount of muscle fibers, starch, soaps, acids, leukocytes and red blood cells, neutral fats and fungi present in the feces is determined. Some of these elements must be completely absent (for example, yeast mushrooms and fatty acids), and for others there are quantitative standards. Deviations from these norms indicate the presence inflammatory processes And chronic diseases V digestive organs. In case of a large deviation from the norm, the doctor may prescribe an additional examination.

“is to clarify all the properties of fecal contents, including its chemical, physical and microbiological components, as well as the absence (presence) of pathological inclusions indicating any disease and characterizing the dynamics of its development.

This examination is especially valuable as diagnostic measure in relation to the gastrointestinal tract, since the formation of feces occurs from chyme (food bolus) throughout the patient’s digestive tract, starting from his mouth and ending with the rectum.

Indications for this study are the following pathological processes:

  • chronic or acute stage any stomach disease
  • infectious processes
  • diseases of the duodenum, small and large intestines
  • helminthic infestations
  • pancreatic disorders

A stool test is also prescribed to assess the effectiveness of the therapy. In any case, it practically never occurs in isolated form.

Preparing for the test

Along with most examinations, stool coprogram does not require any special ritual, although there are still certain rules that should be followed:

  1. 36 hours before the collection of the test material, stop taking antibiotics, medications with enzymes and such drugs that can change the motor functionality of the intestines.
  2. 24 hours before the actual collection of material, prohibit the consumption of juice and paste from tomatoes, beets, green vegetables and such products that have pronounced coloring properties.
  3. Follow a diet based on the consumption of cereals, fruits, fermented milk products and vegetables. Ideally, the menu may consist of 1-2 soft-boiled eggs, white bread With butter, mashed potatoes, cereals, milk and its derivatives, as well as a small amount of fruit.
  4. Taboo on excessive diversity and exoticism.
  5. Avoid overeating, fatty, smoked, pickled and spicy foods.

Stop taking medications with bismuth and iron. Since barium can change the properties of feces, radiography with it should be carried out no later than 7 days before the date for which the diagnosis of fecal contents is scheduled.

How to properly collect feces?

Feces can be collected only under the condition of natural defecation, that is, without taking laxatives, including rectal suppositories, and also without any stimulants, enemas or intestinal lavage. To ensure a reliable analysis, all patients should also ensure that no urine gets into their stool, and women should critical days In general, you should refrain from conducting diagnostics.

At constant constipation and the inability to achieve natural evacuation of feces, colon massage is used, and if this does not help, then the use of a cleansing enema is allowed. The densest piece of feces is taken for examination. The algorithm for collecting fecal contents is as follows:

  • The bladder is emptied.
  • A thorough toilet of the anal-genital area is carried out using warm boiled water in combination with soap that does not have any aromatic additives.
  • Material captured from several sectors of the obtained feces is collected into a sterile container equipped with a wide neck and a special pharmaceutical spatula.
  • The collected stool is covered with a lid, at the same time being identified by indicating the date of collection, the patient's name and surname.

The total amount cannot be less than a teaspoon (15-10 grams). As for the requirements for “freshness,” it is advisable to collect biomaterial in the morning and then immediately deliver it to the laboratory for research.

The accuracy and reliability of the result directly depends on this parameter, but if immediate delivery to the laboratory assistant’s desk is not possible, then theoretically the biomaterial can be stored in the refrigerator (up to 5 degrees Celsius) for up to 8 hours.

But to search for worms (ciliates, amoebas) or eggs in feces, only the latest tests are needed, which are stored in a warm place until they reach the laboratory.

It goes without saying that the dishes for this event cannot be wooden or anything other than plastic, specially designed and sold in the pharmacy chain. This refers to a disposable container with an airtight lid. The result of the coprogram has to wait from 2-3 days to 5-6 days.

Decoding the stool coprogram

Conducting microscopic examination feces, experts evaluate the following indicators:

  1. appearance and density of stool
  2. presence or absence of a specific odor
  3. staining (normal or pathological)
  4. absence and presence in their mature stage of development
  5. the presence of undigested food fragments, lumps of mucus, gallstones or pancreatic stones, purulent or bloody inclusions

The microscopic examination procedure “sheds light” on the ability to digest food.

You should carefully consider the list of elements set out below that can be found in feces, which may indicate the presence of dangerous pathologies:

  • . It may end up in biomaterial as a companion to inflammatory processes in the gastrointestinal tract, ulcerative changes in the mucosa, oncological and polypous formations. Ideally, there should be no protein in stool.
  • Blood. It is a signal of hidden bleeding accompanying ulcers, helminthic infestations, and tumors. If the detected blood particles have a changed shape, then the symptoms indicate that dangerous processes are localized exclusively in the upper sectors of the intestine, and vice versa.
  • . We are talking about a pigment (a derivative of bilirubin) that gives stool its specific color. The formation of a minimum of 75 and a maximum of 350 mg of stercobilin per day is considered standard. With a significant increase in indicators, there is a high probability of presence hemolytic anemias. If its amount is too low, it is a reason to check the degree of patency of the bile ducts caused by a tumor or stones.
  • . Typically, it should be metabolized into stercobilin. If this does not happen, then the doctor has the right to interpret such an analysis as a signal about the acceleration of the digestion process, which is characteristic of dysbiosis.
  • . Because she performs for the intestines protective function, mucus may be present in the stool, but its increased content indicates, alas, acute infection: dysentery, etc.

Useful video: what does blood in stool indicate?

  • Iodophilic flora. Such an environment is pathological and can only be characteristic of dysbiosis.
  • Detritus (intestinal epithelial cells in a destroyed state). An underestimated amount is a symptom of indigestion.
  • Neutral fats. There should not be too many of them, otherwise the situation indicates a critically low production of bile or poor absorption.
  • . They appear unchanged either with serious ailments of the pancreas, or with a disturbed composition of the digestive juice that digests meat foods.
  • Starch. Ideally, it breaks down, but its presence raises suspicions about the accelerated passage of chyme, which means malabsorption syndrome or chronic pancreatitis.
  • Soapy substances. Small concentrations are quite possible. Increased performance- a symptom of a disorder thin section intestines, stomach, duodenum, as well as gallstone disease.
  • . Any appearance of them indicates inflammation.
  • Fatty acids. They appear in feces only during accelerated intestinal activity, problems with the outflow of bile, digestive, and enzymatic insufficiency.
  • Plant fiber. There are so-called insoluble and soluble fibers. The first (the shell of fruits, legumes, vegetables and grains) is the contents of any healthy intestine, removing poisons, undigested substances and cholesterol from it. Second – negative symptoms, indicating too little hydrochloric acid.
  • Connective tissue. Normally it should not be detected. Exception: antacid gastritis, characterized by a significant decrease in acidity gastric juice; pancreatitis, enzyme deficiency and reduced production of hydrochloric gastric acid.
  • Ammonia. Normal stool may contain this substance in a concentration of no more than 40 mol/kg. With elevated parameters, a person is usually diagnosed with intestinal inflammation.
  • Pathological (conditionally pathological) flora. It occurs in feces during dysbacteriosis.

is an additional informative method used in conjunction with other diagnostic measures.

Analysis of stool for coprogram (coprogram, general stool analysis, clinical stool analysis) is laboratory test bowel movements, during which the condition can be assessed digestive system person. The coprogram includes the definition physical properties stool (macroscopic examination), its chemical composition and microscopic examination.

Feces are a collection of undigested food residues, as well as waste products of the body, which are excreted in external environment from distal sections intestines during the act of defecation. The specific smell of feces is explained by the presence of volatile substances in them (hydrogen sulfide, indole, skatole, etc.). The color of stool is due to the presence of stercobilin and other bile pigments. Approximately 30% of the dry weight of feces is occupied by microorganisms that belong to normal microflora intestines.

The coprogram is not prescribed in the presence of bleeding hemorrhoids, after colonoscopy and radiological examination, or for women during menstruation.

Coprogram can be carried out in for preventive purposes(for example, during pregnancy), in the composition complex diagnostics diseases of the digestive system, as well as to evaluate the treatment. The analysis is part of a set of studies that are carried out for children with diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.

How to properly submit feces for coprogram

You should consult your doctor before taking the test. The specialist will explain how to properly prepare and collect the material, what this analysis shows, how long it is valid, and how long it will take for the result to be ready. Conditions for preparation and delivery, as well as the amount of material required for analysis, may vary in different laboratories.

Before the study, it may be necessary to stop taking medications (laxatives, iron, bismuth, enzymes, barium sulfate, rectal suppositories etc.). You should also consult with the doctor who prescribed the test in this regard.

The coprogram is not prescribed in the presence of bleeding hemorrhoids, after colonoscopy and radiological examination, or for women during menstruation.

You cannot collect material for research after an enema or laxatives.



Bilirubin can be detected in stool when increased peristalsis intestines, accelerated evacuation of intestinal contents, dysbacteriosis.

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