How to make your critical days go by faster. What is the menstrual cycle? Attention to your health

Women's destiny has never been easy. Besides huge amount responsibilities that lie on the shoulders of women, they are also haunted by many inconveniences associated with physiological processes. One of them is menstruation.

About the problem

Unfortunately, not all women have regular cycle, and accurately calculating when your periods will begin and end is quite a difficult task. Therefore, for many ladies the relevant question is: “What can I do to make my period pass faster?” After all, there are often situations when on the nose important event or a trip to the sea, and the “red days” are right there.


When considering options, you can seek help from medical drugs. So, you can drink something like “Vikasol” with milk, and also take vitamins C and A in tablets, which strengthen the walls of blood vessels, so your period can go a couple of days faster. It is worth noting that the most convenient drug in this case is a hormonal contraceptive, but it does not speed up, but postpones the periods themselves for the right time. And such drugs need to be taken in a course; you definitely won’t be able to get the desired result from one tablet.

Nettle decoction

There are several tips on what to do to make your period go faster, and folk medicine. So, the most common way is to take which is necessary in the right way cook. So, you can drink pure nettle juice, which is obtained by squeezing from the leaves of stinging nettle. You need to take one teaspoon three times a day. You can make tea from stinging nettle. For this, 3 tbsp. l. raw materials are poured with boiling water and, after a short infusion, taken orally as tea three times a day. Before you take these traditional medicines, it is better to consult your doctor first. After all, nettle decoction also has certain contraindications, for example, a tendency to thrombosis.

Pepper and shepherd's purse

More On the same principle as a decoction of nettles, a decoction is prepared from or such a plant as These herbs have a similar effect, they must be taken in the same dosage.

What can I do to get my period over without medication? The answer is simple: do yoga or stretching. This method is good because it regulates female cycle, shortening it on an ongoing basis to 4 days. Frog and cat poses are great for this, as well as exercises that help stretch the groin area.

What not to do

In search of ways to end their periods faster, women may come across inadequate advice. So, you shouldn’t listen to those people who say that they are active physical activity during menstruation they can reduce discharge due to the fact that it will be more abundant in the first couple of days. This is a myth, the discharge will indeed be stronger, but it is unlikely to be shortened. In addition, such actions can harm your own body, which is already somewhat weakened in these difficult women's days.

It would be very convenient if you could manage your periods: start them on weekends when it rains and guess when to stop them, make your own schedule...

Is it possible to reduce the length of your periods?

Of course, there are ways to speed things up, as well as ways to get closer menstrual days. But such experiments can be harmful:

No doctor would approve of such actions, and yet there are times when it is very necessary to carry out a maneuver. The main thing is not to overdo it and not to partake, only in an emergency!

Some tips:

  • Decoctions. Ideally, a nettle decoction should help normalize the disrupted menstrual cycle. During menstruation, nettle preparations increase contraction of the uterine muscle while reducing bleeding. Others have similar properties herbal infusions from: fennel, onion peel, a mixture of chamomile flowers, valerian root and mint, a decoction of burnet, shepherd's purse, water pepper. But, each of the decoctions has its own indications for use. Using decoctions to make your periods go faster today, do not be surprised if in a month your periods will be twice as heavy;
  • Sex. It has been scientifically proven that sex makes menstruation easier and shortens. There is only one condition: prolonged sexual intercourse without the use of contraception and with a pronounced orgasm. The fact is that sperm contains prostaglandin, which comes to the aid of prostaglandin in the endometrium of the uterus. With double effort this group of lipid active substances helps the body get rid of the endometrium, and menstruation passes quickly;
  • Vitamin C and E. Vitamin C strengthens the immune system, walls blood vessels, increases blood circulation in the pelvis, reduces pain. Lemon juice helps a lot. You need a glass of fresh juice to dilute boiled water in a ratio of 3:7. Starting from the third day of menstruation, drink a glass every day, but not all at once, but divide it into several times after meals, so as not to harm the stomach. Vitamin E is good antioxidant. Vitamins E and C increase the elasticity of the walls of blood vessels and increase blood flow in the woman’s genitals. To make your period end faster, you can start taking vitamins two weeks before your period. Menstrual flow will be intense and short;
  • Sports and physical activity. Athletes' periods are not heavy, they only last a couple of days, but this is the result of more than one month or more than one year of intense exercise. Their muscles are accustomed, and if you are not a professional athlete, then playing sports during your period can lead to endometriosis. With increased physical activity, the endometrium can penetrate into abdominal cavity and provoke disease.
    It is better to take a break in the first three days of menstruation. Fitness classes, yoga, callanetics, stretching generally have a positive effect on the course of menstruation: your well-being improves, their pain and duration decrease;
  • Tampons. Many reviews can be found that highly absorbent tampons significantly speed up the process. But, in fact, it takes more than one day for the endometrium to completely exfoliate, and tampons are not able to affect this procedure. They are good to use last days menstruation, when the endometrium has come out and there is only remnants of blood. Too much large size a tampon can harm the walls of the vagina, which are very sensitive during menstruation;
  • Hemoglobin. To make your period end faster, you can try to increase the level of hemoglobin in the blood: consume hematogen, fresh pomegranate juice. It's tasty and harmless;
  • Medicines. There are drugs that stop internal bleeding, but their use is very dangerous, unlike hormonal contraceptives. They normalize the frequency of menstruation, their abundance and pain. To get your period earlier, you can take OK, and then, without finishing it, quit or drink two packs without a break. Knowing such tricks, it is easy to manipulate “these” days.

From medications In order for your period to start earlier, you can use Postinor. In addition to inducing menstruation, he also disrupts pregnancy after unprotected intercourse. Has very bad side effects. Duphaston can be used as alternative option. Pulsatilla gives faster results.

A large dose of ascorbic acid causes periods not as planned. To enhance the effect, you can steam your legs.

There are many methods in folk medicine. Herbs, decoctions of which cause menstruation ahead of time: oregano, bay leaf, dill, parsley, elecampane root, tansy and others. Or take a hot bath with iodine and salt and take it.

The answer to this question interests many women today. Indeed, sometimes the arrival of menstruation happens so inopportunely. There are several ways to correct the situation, and we will tell you what to do to make your period go faster.

It should be especially noted that it is forbidden to abuse such manipulations, because even the most seemingly harmless herbal decoctions and medications can cause women's health irreparable harm. They should only be used in cases where it is truly absolutely necessary.

Pharmacological ways to speed up menstruation

  • Take hormonal contraceptives. This method of interfering with the functionality of the female body is the safest. However, whether it will help you is not easy to say, because the reaction to it is completely unpredictable.
  • Take Postinor tablets or medications that contain progesterone. First of all, it should be noted that the first medicine is very strong and brings ambiguous consequences. It will really help someone, and menstruation will begin almost immediately after taking it (in half an hour to an hour), but for other women it will be completely useless or cause profuse bleeding lasting longer than usual.

Accelerating the arrival of menstruation using folk methods

  • Brew and drink oregano instead of tea. It is sold in most ordinary pharmacies.
  • You can brew three bay leaves in one mug of boiling water. Take this infusion three times a day, one glass.
  • Drink onion peel tincture at night - this will also help speed up the onset of menstruation.
  • You should brew parsley in a mug (even better with dill) and drink half a glass, once a day.

Other ways to speed up the arrival and flow of menstruation

  • Take a very hot bath with a little salt added - this should ahead of schedule induce menstruation.
  • You can thoroughly steam your feet in hot water and at the same time take a tablet or two of ascorbic acid.

Reducing your periods

Another situation can be considered. Suppose a woman needs her menstruation to end earlier. What can be done about this? Traditional medicine recommends:
  • drink water pepper tincture. Also effective is a decoction of nettle, which has hemostatic properties;
  • prepare and take a tincture of shepherd's purse herb.
There are also pills that help speed up the end of your period. True, they are intended for absolutely any purpose. For example:
  • hemostatic drug "Vikasol", five drops;
  • You should take one tablet of vitamins A and C in the morning and evening.
These are, perhaps, all the methods for inducing menstruation and reducing their duration. Experts remind you that such manipulations should not be used constantly. Intrusion into the functioning of a woman’s body is not welcome, because it can disrupt hormonal levels, and this can have serious consequences. Therefore, before using the methods described above, you should think carefully: is it worth it? It may be preferable not to risk your health and still postpone the resolution of the problems for which you are taking such desperate steps.

Sometimes there come times when you need to speed up your period and shorten your cycle. There may be several reasons for this. Someone wants to hasten their end because of a trip to the sea or a date with a loved one. And there are women who menstrual cycle lasts more than five days with scanty discharge. And they would really like to make them more abundant and shorter.

Doctors are categorical on this issue and believe that it is impossible to interfere with the cycle and regulate it yourself. But we are not talking about displacement or artificial cessation of menstruation. Let's discuss how to speed them up in order to meet the optimal three or four days.

You can influence the course of your periods. There are several ways to do this:

In order not to harm yourself, consult a gynecologist. Perhaps he will give some advice and conduct an examination. If no deviations are detected, then it will be possible to begin adjusting the cycle. It is contraindicated to intervene during the menstrual cycle with the following deviations:

  • If he is already not stable. Intervention threatens even greater uncertainty with menstruation. It is advisable to first bring it back to normal, and only then influence the number of days.
  • In case of poisoning food products or chemicals nothing can be done until full recovery health.
  • For colds and inflammatory processes which are accompanied high temperature, you cannot experiment with the cycle.
  • It is forbidden to influence menstruation too often. If you interfere with the process every month, this will lead to hormonal imbalance.
  • For any disease genitourinary system It is prohibited to influence the course of the menstrual cycle.
  • If you decide to influence your periods with medications, be sure to consult a gynecologist.

It should be noted that if any of the methods below do not work, you should not resort to the next one until complete victory. Perhaps your body resists and does not allow it to affect the menstrual cycle for some reason. Further actions will lead to disruption endocrine system.

Means for reducing menstruation

The best medicinal herb, in order to quickly end the cycle, is nettle. It enhances the contraction of the muscles of the uterus and thus accelerates the outflow of blood, and at the same time reduces the number of days of menstruation. In addition to nettle, this effect has chamomile, mint and valerian, and the flower burnet has long been used as a hemostatic agent after childbirth. Prepare a decoction of any of the herbs listed and drink it throughout the day. It is important to consider that you cannot consume more than one liter of decoction per day. Divide it into three doses and drink one cup before meals.

Take decoctions throughout the entire cycle, and start drinking them two days before the start of menstruation. A plant called shepherd's purse, taken in equal proportion with calendula, perfectly regulates blood loss. This composition can make heavy periods moderate, and scanty discharge more intense. You can buy ready-made water pepper tincture and take it according to the instructions.

Regular ascorbic acid perfectly regulates the cycle. If your period just can’t start, you take vitamin C in a double dose and after a few hours your period starts. So you can speed up their appearance by one day if you start taking ascorbic acid three days before the usual start of menstruation.

Consume lemon during your period or squeeze lemon juice and drink. This way you will strengthen the walls of blood vessels and ensure the rapid flow of menstruation. They will become more intense, and therefore shorter.

Increase hemoglobin levels in your blood. Drink pomegranate juice or eat Hematogen.

They have a very noticeable effect on menstruation sports. For example, for female athletes, the cycle takes only two days. This result was obtained thanks to many years of training. Therefore, if you decide to actively engage in sports during menstruation, then nothing but trouble will come of it. And with significant intensification, endometriosis can even occur. Thus, draw your own conclusion. If you exercise daily or at least three times a week, your periods will be abundant, but not long.

There is quite effective way , in which menstruation ends on the penultimate day. You just need to use a tampon high degree absorbency. It is believed that it will absorb all the remaining blood and the last layers of the endometrium. This method is completely justified. So the residues can come out for another twelve hours, and thanks to the tampon they are absorbed and removed within an hour.

You can very easily adjust the cycle using birth control pills . If you need to start the cycle earlier, you simply stop taking them, and when you need to stop the cycle ahead of schedule, you start taking the pills.

Women who exercise yoga can also regulate the cycle. Only classes must be constant for three or more months.

Nutrition and diet

Eat more products with a high content of vitamin C and E. These are citrus fruits, greens and black berries. Drink as much fluid as possible and try to avoid coffee or tea. All stimulating drinks, and especially alcohol, promote a rush of blood to the genitals, and thus contribute to a long period of menstruation. In addition to tea and coffee, spicy foods stimulate blood flow; they dilate blood vessels, which causes significant blood loss.

For foods, give preference to protein foods, dairy products and nuts, but avoid fatty foods. Otherwise, you will be overcome by rapid fatigue, associated not only with blood loss, but also increased heavy food.

Sleep and rest as much as possible. Give up the difficult physical work and training. Even professional athletes do not train these days.

There are hormonal drugs who may stop menstruating within three days.

  • Pills Marvelon speed up the process to three days.
  • Hormonal drug Duphaston It acts much softer, but is more effective.
  • Often, gynecologists prescribe pills for patients with an indefinite period of time. Utrozhestan. They adjust the cycle and also shorten it a little.

The female reproductive system is a complex complex of organs that not only ensures the birth of children, but also plays a vital role in female body. Whether all the organs of a woman’s genitourinary system cope with their functions ultimately determines her well-being, mood, and in some cases, her overall health.

The most common diseases affecting women reproductive organs, include, in particular, cervical ectopia, endometriosis and uterine fibroids.

Reasons for the development of cervical ectopia

Cervical ectopia (the term “ectopia” has long replaced the outdated term “erosion”) can have different origins. This ectopia of the cervical epithelium, cervical pseudo-erosion, cervical erosion, endocervicosis. In the practice of a gynecologist, there are ectopias that are traumatic in nature, but much more often specialists have to deal with ectopia infectious origin. The most common cause of the development of cervical ectopia is viral infections(mainly human papillomavirus, HPV), less often - bacteria.

Treatment of ectopia

The main difficulty in treating diseases of this group is timely diagnosis: Unfortunately, despite the abundance of information about the importance of regular visits to the gynecologist, many patients still skip annual preventive examinations, applying for medical care only on late stages diseases.

Prevalence of cervical ectopia

The problem of cervical ectopia is extremely common: one or another disease from this group is found in every second woman who goes to the gynecologist with complaints of discomfort, pain during sexual intercourse, bloody discharge during sexual intercourse (the so-called contact discharge). The latter already indicates that the process is neglected. If the cause of ectopia is infectious process, then the woman is worried about the discharge.

What tests need to be taken?

If cervical ectopia is suspected, a PCR test is performed to detect the human papillomavirus, as well as bacterial culture to detect staphylococcus, streptococcus, e. coli and other bacteria that can cause inflammation of the cervix - endocervicitis. Patients are also checked for the presence cytomegalovirus infection and herpes virus. All these tests can be performed in the Zdorovye network of clinics, as well as transvaginal ultrasound examination. It is advisable for patients with ectopia to undergo extended colposcopy with various tests to exclude malignant changes in the cervix.

Consequences of HPV

When HPV of high oncogenic risk is detected, patients are necessarily prescribed treatment to prevent the development of cancer. However, cervical cancer is not the only problem associated with ectopia: patients often complain of decreased fertility and libido (sex drive), so cervical diseases must be treated regardless of the presence or absence of a risk of developing cancer due to ectopia. If necessary, doctors at clinics in the Zdorovye network perform cauterization of ectopia using electrocoagulation and pharmaceuticals.

Endometriosis: symptoms

Another extremely common gynecological problem is endometriosis, a condition clinically manifested by chronic nagging pain in the lower abdomen. The pain may be constant. Endometriosis is also characterized by the presence of brown spotting discharge before and after menstruation. Sami menstrual bleeding against the background of endometriosis, they become abundant and painful.

Causes of endometriosis development

Endometriosis is a consequence varicose veins pelvic veins, circulatory disorders in the pelvis. That is why endometriosis is often detected in professional athletes, young and practically healthy women: intense physical activity can provoke poor circulation, which, in turn, can lead to endometriosis.

Diagnosis of endometriosis at the Zdorovye clinic

To diagnose endometriosis, the Zdorovye network of clinics performs an ultrasound examination, in which the doctor usually detects an enlarged uterus with characteristic growths.

How to prevent endometriosis?

You can prevent the development of endometriosis by limiting physical activity and avoiding activities that require excessive effort. Such prevention is especially important for women whose relatives suffer from endometriosis: it has been proven that a predisposition to this disease is inherited.

To treat endometriosis, the Zdorovye clinic network uses drugs that relax the uterus. If endometriosis develops against the background of inflammation, we also treat the cause of the inflammation, and in the later stages of endometriosis we use hormonal drugs. However, it is better to organize treatment in such a way that the need for prescription hormonal drugs did not arise.

Consequences of untreated endometriosis

Untreated endometriosis can cause infertility or uterine fibroids. The latter is a fairly common complication nodal shape endometriosis, but can also develop as an independent disease.

Uterine fibroids: symptoms

In general, uterine fibroids are benign tumor, arising in the muscular layer of the uterus, myometrium. Characteristic manifestations of fibroids are pain in the lower abdomen, intermenstrual bleeding, heavy and prolonged periods and pain during bowel movements.

When should you visit a doctor?

Uterine fibroids often develop in young girls, including those who have not given birth and are not sexually active, as well as in adult women aged 25 years or more. Since it is impossible to predict the appearance of fibroids, all women, starting from the moment their menstruation appears, should regularly visit a gynecologist and undergo all necessary examinations, including ultrasonic ones.

Treatment of uterine fibroids

If a fibroid is detected, we begin to monitor it. Signs of active tumor growth are an indication for use. medicines, including drugs that cause a reversible condition similar to menopause. Since the growth of fibroids depends on female sex hormones, it stops during artificial menopause.

Consequences of an advanced disease

In advanced cases, the myomatous node can become necrotic and cause septic conditions, which can be fatal. dangerous condition. But even in the absence of such serious complications fibroids can significantly worsen the quality of life, for example, causing infertility.

How to avoid female diseases?

Prevention, diagnosis and treatment gynecological diseases should become an integral part of life modern woman who takes care of herself and values ​​her health. That is why you should not put off visiting a gynecologist, even if there is no reason to worry.