How to serve in the army with poor eyesight. With what kind of vision are they not accepted into the army? Vision correction and the army

Military service involves significant physical activity, so young men must pass medical examination. Availability ophthalmological diseases weak and moderate degree is not an indication for removal from the army. However, there are a number of eye diseases that prohibit military service due to possible visual impairment.

Military service is prohibited if the young man has serious eye diseases, which, with strong physical exertion, can lead to deterioration of vision or even its complete loss. In turn, young people with mild or moderate refractive errors, such as nearsightedness or farsightedness, can serve - fully or with some restrictions, depending on the decision made by the ophthalmologist of the military commission. In some situations, the doctor indicates the need to reduce physical activity for a conscript or his enlistment in a certain branch of the military.

What vision limits military service?

Many people are interested in what eye diseases and no matter how much vision they have, they don’t take them into the army. There are a number of serious ophthalmological diseases that prohibit military service. With strong physical exertion, they can progress and cause serious complications, up to retinal detachment and loss of vision. Their list is indicated in a special document “Schedule of Diseases”, which is used by doctors when deciding on the suitability or unsuitability of a conscript. It specifically states the conditions for which vision is not accepted into the army. Often, a conscript with serious eye diseases, in which there is a significant risk of vision loss, is considered completely unfit for service.

Diseases for which treatment cannot be performed:

Visual acuity less than 0.09 in one eye, as well as blindness in one eye and acuity less than 0.3 in the other;
Any retinal abnormalities;
Impaired functioning of the eye muscles;
Diseases tear ducts;
Eye injuries;
Chronic conjunctivitis;
Colorblindness (incorrect color perception);
Anatomical deformation of the eyes (congenital);
Any progressive ophthalmological diseases.
Vision suitability categories

If a conscript has a weak or moderate degree of refractive error or some features of the eyelids and conjunctiva, according to the “Schedule of Diseases,” he is fit for service (category A).

Conscripts with chronic non-progressive diseases of the iris, cornea, retina, lens and optic nerve, as well as diseases eye muscles and glaucoma on early stages, as a rule, are considered suitable, but with some restrictions (categories “B” and “C”). They are sent to serve in certain type troops. When we talk about special conditions, it means a reduced level of physical activity, a more favorable climate and other factors.

In some cases, a young man may receive a temporary deferment from the army, for example, in case of exacerbation of an ophthalmological disease or in postoperative period when rehabilitation is required (category D). The regulations on military medical medicine also define a list of diseases, the presence of which allows one to assert complete unfitness for service. Some of them can be diagnosed immediately, and some - after a certain time set regulatory documents. In this case, the young man is considered unfit for service.

“A” - fit for service (weak or moderate degree of refractive error, minor conjunctivitis, eyelid features);
“B” and “C” - fit for service with restrictions or limited fit (non-progressive chronic diseases of the iris, cornea, etc.);
"G" - temporarily unsuitable ( acute stage eye diseases, postoperative condition);
"D" - unfit for service ( serious illnesses indicated in the section “Schedule of illnesses”).

What kind of vision is not accepted into the army: norms and deviations

Some of the most common refractive errors are myopia and farsightedness. With these pathologies, the lens is partially deformed, as a result of which the focus of the refraction of rays is lost (located in front of the retina or behind it), and the person does not clearly see objects located far and near, respectively.


In case of myopia, suitability for service is regulated by Article 34 “Schedule of Diseases”. According to this document, the young man receives category A (suitable) with myopia from -1 to -5 diopters. It is believed that such a refractive error will not negatively affect military service. Conscripts with myopia from -6 to -12 diopters will be able to receive a military ID with the mark “fit for service with some restrictions” or “limitedly fit”. For myopia more than -12 diopters young man will not be accepted into the army.

It should also be noted that if, during service, vision rapidly begins to deteriorate, in this case an unscheduled examination is performed by an ophthalmologist, on the basis of which a final decision is made.

Suitability categories for myopia:
“A” - suitable for service (from -1 to -5 diopters);
“B” and “C” - can serve, but with restrictions (from -6 to -12 diopters);
“D” - unsuitable (more than -12 diopters).


Conscripts with farsightedness of up to 8 diopters are considered fit for military service. According to experts, in this case, strong physical activity cannot adversely affect general condition visual system. If visual impairment due to hypermetropia ranges from 8 to 12 diopters, the young man will most likely receive a military ID with category “B” and “C”, indicating the possibility of serving with restrictions. If the deviation is more than 12 diopters, the ophthalmologist imposes a ban on any physical activity, which makes it impossible to stay in the army.

Suitability categories for farsightedness:
“A” - suitable for service (from 1 to 8 diopters);
“B” and “C” - can serve, but with restrictions (from 8 to 12 diopters);
“D” - cannot serve (more than 12 diopters).

What kind of vision do they have when they are recruited into the army if they have astigmatism?

Astigmatism is a common disease that occurs due to the curvature of the cornea or lens. IN in this case it is difficult for the patient to clearly focus on objects; he sees them as blurry and distorted. In ophthalmology, there are several types of astigmatism: simple, complex and mixed. However, this does not play any role when passing the commission, since doctors take into account not the type of pathology, but its degree. Article 34 of the “Schedule of Diseases” states that category “D”, that is, complete unfitness for service, corresponds to severe astigmatism, when the difference in refraction along two meridians is 6 diopters or more. In turn, with an average degree of the disease (the difference along the meridians is from 3 to 6 diopters), the ophthalmologist can assign a category with restrictions (“B” or “C”). In the presence of mild astigmatism (up to 3 diopters), there are no special features. With such vision they are recruited into the army.

“A” - suitable for service (up to 3 diopters);
“B” and “C” - can serve with restrictions (from 3 to 6 diopters);
“D” - cannot serve (more than 6 diopters).

Other diseases

If during the examination the ophthalmologist of the medical commission discovers any damage to the retina, then the young man at least receives a deferment from the army for long time. This is necessary to establish the cause of the disease (inflammation, eye injury, exacerbation of the disease, etc.). In this case, the conscript will most likely need surgery with long period rehabilitation. Most often, if problems with the retina are detected, the ophthalmologist gives a complete exemption from service.

Young people who have reached the age of majority can be officially drafted into the army. Very often it is vision problems that cause unfitness. A common cause is myopia.

Myopia refers to a certain eye disease that is characterized by focusing the image in front of the retina. At the same time, a person sees perfectly those objects that are located at a close distance, and poorly considers the outlines in the distance. Objects located in the distance appear blurry and indistinct. Very often, young people with this disease ask themselves the question: “Are people with myopia recruited into the army?” The answer to this question can be found in this article.

Myopia is a disorder of the eye characterized by focusing of the image in front of the retina.

The most common cause of myopia is hereditary factor. If one of the parents suffers from myopia, then there is a high probability that the child will be born with this pathology.

As a rule, this pathology develops in those people whose work involves frequent eye strain, namely dentists, surgeons, accountants, people conducting for a long time at the computer and others. Incorrect placement of the workplace, incorrect seating at the table, insufficient lighting, light falling from the wrong side - all this has a detrimental effect on a person’s vision. Therefore, when planning a workplace, it is necessary to take into account tips for arranging a workplace.

If the first signs of myopia are noticed, it is necessary to immediately correct your vision. It is important to contact an ophthalmologist immediately. Only a doctor can advise, diagnose, and prescribe necessary therapy.

The danger of myopia for a soldier

The most common cause of myopia in most people is hereditary factors.

A future soldier must be in excellent physical shape and in excellent health. Every soldier must unquestioningly follow the army regulations. Visual impairment can lead to accidents as well as death of a soldier.

To prevent negative consequences a commission is created from medical workers who examine and give a conclusion. The ophthalmologist’s verdict is very important, because vision is very important not only for service, but also for normal life person.

Possible situations that may occur with visual impairment:

  • Gunshot wound, or hit by a shrapnel.
  • Carelessness and harm to other soldiers.
  • Worsening and progression of the disease.
  • Overvoltage and stressful situations.
  • As a rule, wearing glasses is very disruptive in the army.

It all depends on what the visual acuity is and how much the disease has progressed. Very often when small deviations Doctors do not prohibit serving in the army. But at the same time, the soldier must make it a habit to carefully monitor his health, and consult a doctor at the first changes.

Existing categories of suitability for military service.

Excellent health is the basis required by an employee.

Existing degrees of myopia:

  • Weak degree with vision deviation up to 3 diopters,
  • Average degree with a deviation from 3 to 6 diopters,
  • High degree with a deviation of more than 6 diopters,

In cases where the underlying disease is supplemented by strabismus or astigmatism, then there is a high probability of the young person being unsuitable.

Inspection and suitability categories in different countries

Today, each country has its own legal categories of suitability for military service. This is related to legislative framework state and the need to protect its borders.

In Russia, in addition to the main ones, there is another subcategory - B-3. This includes young people who have a high degree of pathology. At the same time, they are called up for service, but perform other duties, namely:

  • Perform kitchen duties.
  • They are cleaning the premises.
  • They do programming and so on.

IN individual countries There is a law in which the summons comes several times. If a person is unfit, the doctor advises and suggests undergoing laser correction. After laser treatment, after some time, the potential soldier receives another summons. After passing the commission, the ophthalmologist re-examines him, and if improvements are detected, the person is sent to the army.

Methods for treating myopia

  1. The use of glasses is the most widely used method. But when wearing glasses, there are a lot of inconveniences: the glasses fog up, get dirty, and fall off. Only properly selected glasses can correct your vision.
  2. Contact lenses– they have a number of advantages over glasses. But they also have a number of disadvantages. Most people cannot get used to having a foreign object in the eye. Emergence allergic reactions.
  3. The use of photorefractive keratectomy methods, in which vision correction is carried out using lasers.
  4. Laser correction. This type The operation does not cause any discomfort for the patient. There is a high probability that after a short period of time, vision is completely restored.

Dec 27, 2016 Doc

What kind of vision is not accepted into the army? Today there are fewer and fewer patriots in our country. Opinions about military service are constantly divided. Someone argues this way: it is the duty of every man to protect. Other citizens consider the army a relic of the past. Accordingly, conscripts try to find everything more reasons so as not to become military personnel. There are many ways you can avoid service. But in this article we'll talk about how to avoid the army due to vision.

Today this topic is very relevant, as there has been a surge in ophthalmological diseases among the country's population. Vision plays a huge role in our lives, and if it is poor from birth, then why not try to take advantage of it and avoid the hated service? So, with what kind of vision are they not accepted into the army?

Categories of suitability for military service

For those who do not know whether they are fit for conscription due to eye health, this article will be a guide. To understand what kind of vision people are not accepted into the army with, it is necessary to understand the concept of fitness category. There are five groups of eligibility for military service:

- “A” means the young man is fit.

- “B” - meets the requirements, but with minor restrictions.

- “B” - the conscript is of limited or “conditional” suitability.

- “G” - temporarily (for a certain time) does not meet the requirements of the medical commission.

- “D” is what conscripts need so much: the young man is unfit.

Now let’s apply all this to the condition of the eyes in order to understand who is entitled to a deferment from the army due to their eyesight, and who may be able to avoid service altogether.

Category “A” or satisfactory condition

This group includes if the conscript has minor anatomical changes in the position of the eyelids, minor diseases of the conjunctiva, myopia (one or both eyes 3-6 diopters), developed farsightedness (one or both eyes 6-8 diopters). This list also includes progressive astigmatism (more than 2 diopters to 4 diopters), regardless of which eye is affected by this disease. Here is the answer for conscripts wondering what kind of vision they are not allowed into the army with: with the diseases listed above, there is a direct path to the parade ground with a machine gun.

Category “B” or “I qualify, but with restrictions”

This group includes conscripts with mild, non-developing diseases of the iris, optic nerve, lens and retina. This also includes glaucoma initial stage one or both eyes, some diseases of the muscles of the visual apparatus (with clarity of vision of one of the eyes - 0.4, the other - 0.3-0.1). These conscripts are no longer fit for everything, but only for certain ones.

Category “B” or “limitedly suitable”

This includes conscripts with the same eye diseases as in category “B”. But deviations from the norm that occur in a more severe form make it possible to place the young man in this subgroup. In addition to the above diseases, this includes rupture in one or both eyes, apoplexy of the motor muscles eyeball, myopia (more than 6 diopters, up to 8 diopters). Having fallen into this category of suitability, a serviceman is exempt from conscription, he is issued and from that moment he is in the reserve of the Armed Forces.

Category “G” or deferment from the army due to vision

In what situations can you get a deferment? In cases where the conscript's vision is functional disorders temporary after any acute or exacerbation chronic disease, consequences surgical treatment. What happens in this case? In this situation, the young man receives a deferment for the period of treatment of these consequences, after which he is obliged to report to the military registration and enlistment office for service in the Armed Forces.

Category “D”, or “They won’t take me into the army”

This group lists the most significant and pronounced cases in which a conscript can be discharged. These include clearly anatomically expressed diseases of the lacrimal ducts, conjunctiva, eyelids and orbits with significant deformations of the visual or motor abilities of both eyes. The list of exceptions that exempt a young man from military service is supplemented by glaucoma (complexity above the initial stage), nearsightedness or farsightedness of one or both eyes (over 12 diopters), astigmatism (more than 6 diopters), low vision, blindness. As well as diseases included in other categories, but occurring in a more severe form. In this case, the conscript is exempt from military service and receives a military ID.

In any case, every conscript who has a vision problem should undergo a full examination by qualified specialist. Only an ophthalmologist will be able to tell what deficiencies or diseases a young person has. Also, you should not try to simulate such deviations in health - this is impossible. Even an inexperienced ophthalmologist will quickly recognize deception.

Having learned with what vision they are not accepted into the army, every young man will be able to analyze whether he can go to serve or not. After all, for some it will be a “school of life” for a real man who will stoically overcome all obstacles and receive his treasured military ID. But for some, service is a waste of time, bad habits, cruelty. Everyone has a choice. The main thing is that he does not diverge from male principles and does not cause disappointment within himself.

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They are drafted into the army from poor eyesight? We will help you!
The relevance of the question “With what kind of vision are they not accepted into the army?” no doubt, because recent years There is a noticeable trend towards a reduction in the number of absolutely healthy young people with perfect vision. Spending most of the time at the computer, physical inactivity, stress, poor nutrition, bad habits- all these factors negatively affect the state of the visual sensory system, rapidly accelerating its physiological aging.

The result of going to the military registration and enlistment office and the determination depends on the following factors:

    legal literacy of the conscript, studying useful information

    the correctness of building tactics for passing conscription events, strict adherence to the developed algorithm of actions

    thoroughness and timeliness preparatory stage after passing all necessary medical examinations

    efficiency of collecting a full package of documents and obtaining medical reports reflecting the state of health

    mandatory availability of epicrisis (in the presence of chronic diseases) from the place of location on the dispensary register

    determination and perseverance when controversial situations arise, willingness to go through additional medical examinations to obtain objective results

How to determine the prospects for exemption from military service and get legally? Comprehensive information is contained in a special regulatory document - "" - on which members of the medical commission rely when determining suitability for service.

If a young man wants to find out what his chances are, then he needs to correlate his diagnosis with the main guidelines in this matter - articles No. 29 - 36 of the section “Diseases of the eye and its subsidiary bodies». Each article is devoted to a specific problem in the functioning of the visual sensory system. In order for the conscript not to be tormented by vague doubts, he should take a critical look at his existing “reserve” of diseases and undergo medical examinations that will determine accurate diagnoses and category of suitability for military service.

Among the most “popular” non-life-threatening diseases and disorders are the following: glaucoma, retinal detachment, myopathy.

To category "D"These include extremely severe, chronic, untreatable or difficult to treat, progressive functional disorders of the visual sensory system that do not allow a young person to serve in the army.

High degree anomalies of refraction and accommodation, expressed in myopia, farsightedness (right or left eye in one of the meridians over 12 diopters) and astigmatism (any type in the right or left eye with a refractive difference in the two main meridians over 6 diopters).

A very important parameter is visual acuity. Category “D” is assigned when indicators are equal to 0.09 and further in decline relative to one eye or its blindness with visual acuity of the other eye equal to 0.3 and further in decline, as well as in the absence of an eyeball with visual acuity of the other eye equal to 0, 3 or less or with visual acuity of both eyes 0.2 and further decreasing values.

If serious deformations are detected not only in the perceptive part of the visual sensory system - the eyeball - but also in the conductive part (optic nerve), as well as auxiliary elements (eyelids, eyelashes, conjunctiva, orbit), the medical commission issues a negative verdict.

A conscript with such diagnoses is given a military ID with a mark of military unfitness, since such pathologies of the visual sensory system are incompatible with military service.

If a young person is diagnosed with temporary functional disorders visual sensory system, which are a consequence traumas suffered, acute illness, chronic disease in the acute phase or surgical intervention, then the conscript is considered temporarily unfit in accordance with Article 36 of the “Schedule of Diseases” and is assignedcategory "G"with a deferment from the army from six to 12 months.

A young man is not called up for service, but is listed in the reserves if assignedcategory “B” – limited use. This means that in the future, in the event of hostilities, he may be called up as a second priority. Most conscripts dream of getting this particular fitness category.

[ su_note note_color=”#D7EBFA” text_color=”#333333″ radius=”3″ class=””] correspond to moderately pronounced anatomical changes in the visual apparatus.

In the case of diagnosing weak, minor pathologies in the structure of the visual organs, which are not reflected in a significant disruption of the functioning of the visual sensory system, the suitability of a young man for military service is assessed in accordance with Articles 29-35 of the “Schedule of Diseases”.

Myopia is the most “popular” non-vocational diagnosis.Ophthalmologists distinguish three degrees of myopia:

  • weak – up to 3 diopters;
  • average – from 3 to 6 diopters;
  • high – more than 6 diopters.

To be exempt from myopia, vision of more than 6 diopters is required - this corresponds to a “non-conscription” diagnosis in accordance with the requirements of Article 34 of the “Schedule of Diseases”.

A young person with vision of 6 diopters or less is subject to conscription. Exactly 6 diopters along the main meridians is the border of failure - the dividing line between the conscription category “B” () and the non-conscription category “B”. If a conscript “falls short” of the required values, then you should think about whether there is something else in the “reserve” of diseases that would prevent conscription.

The result is valid under conditions of cycloplegia (with “instillation”). Drops are needed to relieve spasm of the eye muscles and then the result will be true.

Category "B"the conscript is recognized as fit for service, but with certain restrictions

This means that service is only permitted in certain forces. classified into 4 groups, taking into account vision limitations, the degree of importance for the service of certain pathologies of the development of the visual sensory system.

When assigned category “B2”, conscripts diagnosed with dichromasia and color weakness of III – II degrees are allowed to serve in tank or naval forces, or on submarines.

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When assigned category “B3”, conscripts who have slightly pronounced, moderate, non-progressive anatomical changes in the eyelids, orbits or conjunctiva are allowed to serve as crew members and drivers on armored personnel carriers, on infantry fighting vehicles, on launchers (missile) launchers; service in units of the Ministry of Internal Affairs; in chemical units and as specialists in the storage and refueling of flammable substances, as well as in the Marine Corps, Airborne Forces; in guard units.

When assigning category "B4" to conscripts who are diagnosed with friendly strabismus in the absence binocular vision, persistent paralysis of the motor muscles of the eyeball in the absence of diplopia, service in radio engineering units (communication units) and in the protection of missile systems is permitted.

There is no need to despair, panic or aggravate conflict situation. For example, a doctor at a clinic diagnosed a conscript with PTOS. upper eyelid, revealing that when the frontal muscle relaxes, the eyelid closes almost the entire pupil. And the doctor at the military registration and enlistment office sees less than half a century. What should a conscript do in this case, what tactics should he choose?

Firstly, be guided by Article 29 of the “Schedule of Diseases”, which directly states that PTOZ of the upper eyelid of any eye, covering almost the entire pupil, is category “B”. Secondly, you should require a referral for examination according to the act so that a third doctor can objectively judge the dispute that has arisen.

If it seems extremely difficult to achieve a deferment with this specific wording, then the conscript should look for other medical reasons.

You should also pay attention to the fact that the incorrectly filled in direction to additional examination may lead to being sent to military service, even if the conscript has a “non-conscription” disease. Therefore, it is important to control the process of organizing recruitment events and be able to do it in a timely manner.

If it was not possible to establish the degree of suitability of a conscript for service, he may be sent to undergo an additional medical commission for a re-examination, and then based on this a final verdict will be made.

A deferment from the army or complete exemption from service is possible only with full readiness and the availability of documented examination results confirming the compliance of the established diagnosis with the “Schedule of Diseases”.

The phrase “poor vision” can imply completely different degrees of damage to the visual apparatus. It is these subtle nuances that influence the diagnosis and the final verdict.

In view of the special importance of the visual system for military service, a conscript should be competent in both the legal and medical aspects of this topic. Carefully study articles 29-36 of the section “Diseases of the eye and its auxiliary organs” and compare what you read with your chances.

It would not be amiss to refresh your knowledge in the field of anatomy, physiology, prevention and hygiene of this sensory system by opening a school (including electronic) biology textbook. Such concepts as “farsightedness”, “myopia”, “color blindness”, “astigmatism” are presented there in an easy to understand form. Illustrations and dynamic models will help you clearly understand the optics of the eye.

At the very least, having more or less mastery of terminology, a young man will be able to consciously undergo all medical examinations, procedures and manipulations. If necessary, do not hesitate, without fear of looking completely confused and funny, ask the doctor a clarifying question.