How to care for removable teeth. Proper care of removable dentures

Prosthetics in dentistry is developing every year, offering high-quality, durable and aesthetic solutions for restoring teeth. But not everyone can afford modern implants, so various dentures do not lose their well-deserved popularity. Such structures are also durable and reliable, but they must be carefully looked after.

Most often, dental patients opt for plastic structures acrylic. The technology for their production is quite complex, but the result lives up to expectations. The acrylic construction is lightweight, but at the same time dense and durable. It retains the original color well.

Acrylic removable dentures

Acrylic prostheses are divided into the following types:

  1. Permanent or temporary structures.
  2. Removable and non-removable options.
  3. Injection or pressed production.

Molded structures are somewhat more difficult to produce than pressed ones, but the prosthesis is identical to natural teeth. It is almost impossible to distinguish by color and texture.

Care. A few simple rules

The most important rule- maintain cleanliness. Caring for removable plastic dentures at home should be regular.

This will help the structure maintain an attractive appearance and prevent various inflammatory processes gums It is advisable to spend a few minutes cleaning your dentures after each meal. It must be rinsed under running water so that small particles of food do not linger on the surface. Do not forget that the structure must be handled carefully, since it may break if dropped.

The second rule is cleanliness oral cavity. After eating, it is necessary not only to rinse the dentures, but also to clean the remaining teeth, gums, palate and tongue with a soft toothbrush and toothpaste. If there are no teeth, then the brush can be replaced with a gauze swab.

Removable dentures require careful care

Third rule information about how to care for removable dentures made of plastic must be strictly followed. Twice a day, the removable denture is thoroughly cleaned with a brush and toothpaste. Even if you rinse it after every snack, you can't skip a thorough cleaning. It is best to purchase a toothbrush with soft bristles and toothpaste for children for these purposes. At night you can clean the structure with liquid soap, as a last resort, dishwashing detergent is suitable. But after such cleaning, the denture is rinsed very thoroughly.

Any actions regarding dentures must be performed as carefully as possible. Do not bend the plastic or apply force when cleaning the clasps (retaining hooks).

How to remove tea, coffee and nicotine stains from dentures

For lovers of coffee, tea and cigarettes, it is very important to know how to whiten, how to clean dentures at home, and how to store them in order to extend the life of the structure. The appearance of dark spots on dentures of smokers is especially unpleasant. Such darkening cannot be cleaned off with ordinary pastes, but Do not use abrasive bleaches for cleaning. The point is that similar means for cleaning dentures, may damage the acrylic surface. Tooth enamel It is much more resistant to such damage, and scratches may remain on acrylic, which will become noticeable over time.

Examples effervescent tablets for cleaning dentures

It is best to go to the clinic where the prosthesis was made and have it professional whitening surfaces with ultrasonic devices. If this is not possible, then you can use special soluble tablets(for example, such companies as Corega, Protefix, Rox). They are sold without a prescription at any pharmacy. The tablet is dissolved as indicated in the instructions for the drug, a denture is placed in the solution and left for the prescribed time. The procedure not only cleanses difficult to remove dark spots, but also removes plaque from the surface, that is, deep (thorough) cleaning of dentures occurs at home. If using soluble tablets It is not possible to return the original color to the denture, then contact dental clinic for these purposes, becomes inevitable.

Folk remedies and other tricks

Wondering: how to clean dentures? Many people are looking for unconventional methods to save on clinic visits or cleansing tablets. Of course, some advice can help, but the likelihood of damaging the structure using untested methods is very high.

Doctors consider the suggestion of soaking a removable denture in vinegar to the category of “bad advice.” Even if the plaque has been removed and the dark spots have been cleaned off, the likelihood of damaging the insert structure is very high. Especially if you use this method not just once, but regularly.

Dentists are more relaxed about cleaning dental structures a mixture of tooth powder and lemon juice. This product temporarily improves the appearance of the product without damaging its surface.

Tooth and powder lemon juice for cleaning dentures

The procedure is carried out as follows:

  1. The denture is thoroughly rinsed after eating.
  2. A mixture of tooth powder and lemon juice is applied with a soft brush in a thick layer.
  3. The structure is left alone for 20-30 minutes.
  4. Dentures are cleaned with the same powder or baby paste and washed under a stream of water.

Many people try to clean out dark spots and plaque with baking soda. However, this method does not produce a noticeable effect.

Is it necessary to store the structure in a glass of water?

One of the terrible memories of our childhood is my grandmother's (grandfather's) jaw soaked in a glass of water on the bedside table. Previously, the material from which false jaws were made could dry out, so they were placed in water overnight. Acrylic dentures do not have such problems. They can be stored simply by wrapping them in a clean cloth. This is especially true when a person is away: on a business trip, visiting or on vacation.

At home false teeth Can be stored at night in any way that suits you best. A glass or a special container with a cleaning solution, just clean water or a cloth, it all depends on what material the orthopedic structure is made of. Full information Only your dentist can advise you on storing your removable denture after installation.

Container for storing removable dentures

What to ask at the pharmacy

Since many people have to think about how to care for dentures, in pharmacies you can find a number of drugs, devices and devices that simplify this process:

  1. Let's start with the simplest. Disinfectant storage solutions and cleaning tablets from various manufacturers. These products will help maintain the quality and appearance of the orthopedic structure, as well as avoid inflammatory processes in the oral cavity.
  2. It is very convenient to store dentures in special containers x, which can also be purchased in pharmacies. Such containers are hermetically sealed, have opaque walls, and additional compartments for special cleaning brushes. They can be of different sizes, which allows you to choose the best option.
  3. In pharmacies or medical equipment stores you can buy a small ultrasonic bath for cleaning dentures. This will allow you to regularly disinfect the orthopedic product, avoid the appearance of tartar and age spots. In addition, you can use the device to clean jewelry, baby pacifiers and other small items.
  4. Well don't forget buy a special brush with several cleaning surfaces: wide and narrow. This will facilitate the process of daily cleaning of the surfaces of the denture, and will allow you to reach the most difficult to reach places.

The main thing is not to forget that how carefully you care for the removable structure directly determines its service life.

Dentures are a good replacement for natural teeth for people who, for some reason, have lost them. But even removable teeth can lose their aesthetics due to improper care, as a result of which they may soon become unusable. To prevent this from happening, you need to know how and with what to clean dentures at home.

Why do you need to care for dentures?

There are several types of dental prostheses, differing from each other in type, material of manufacture, etc. But their common feature is that all artificial structures provide optimal conditions in the oral cavity for the development of various microorganisms. First of all, this is due to the formation of a gap between the surface of the gum and the prosthesis, where water and food debris gradually accumulate.

Incorrect or untimely cleaning of the prosthesis can lead to unpleasant consequences:

  • discoloration of dentures. It becomes duller, loses its shine and natural color, which is caused by the accumulation of food dyes and tobacco on the surface of microbial plaques;
  • the occurrence of unpleasant taste sensations, usually caused by irritation of the taste buds of the human tongue by various bacteria;
  • formation of small ulcers on the mucous membrane. First of all, this can be caused by intense stress on the oral mucosa when wearing a denture. This feeling goes away after 3-4 weeks when the body gets used to foreign body. Neglect of personal hygiene rules can provoke development (inflammatory process in the oral cavity);

  • . To put it mildly, no one is particularly happy about its appearance, so if plaque accumulates on the surface of dentures, immediate action must be taken. Otherwise, holes may appear;
  • inflammation of the gums. As a rule, this process begins with , which, in the absence of optimal treatment may develop into another disease – periodontitis;
  • bad breath(or, as doctors call it, halitosis). Bacterial activity in the oral cavity is involved in its appearance, which causes the release of toxins.

Even if in your case dentures only protect one or a few teeth, this does not mean that proper care can be neglected. Just brushing your teeth with a toothbrush and toothpaste will not be enough. Otherwise, you risk developing one of the symptoms listed above.

Removable dentures: cleaning and care

The rules for caring for dentures may vary slightly. First of all, it depends on whether you use a special fixing cream for removable dentures or not. If you are not lazy to carry out daily procedures for, then the likelihood of food particles getting under the structure decreases significantly. This is due to the improvement of the fit of the prosthesis to the gum surface.

Most patients who use special means for fixation do not have to remove their dentures several times a day after meals - it is enough to do this once a day. In other cases, the patient must regularly remove the denture and rinse it thoroughly after eating.

Getting started cleaning

To properly clean dentures, they must be soaked in a special product before going to bed so that all stains and deposits on the surface of the teeth are successfully removed. If the dentures are clean and free of stains, then doctors strongly recommend leaving the denture in clean water overnight. Otherwise, you will have to start cleaning the structure. Fortunately, there is a lot for this medical supplies, but even more - folk remedies. Let's look at the most common method of cleaning dentures using vinegar.

Table. Cleaning dentures with vinegar.

Steps, photoDescription of actions

Mix distilled white vinegar with warm water in equal proportions. For the liquid, select a container deep enough to accommodate dentures without any problems. The same applies to the liquid itself - it must completely cover the structure.

Soak dentures daily in the prepared solution for no more than 15 minutes. This will slightly soften the deposits that form on the surface of the teeth. In this case, the vinegar solution will not damage the structure itself. If hard tartar forms, leave the dentures in the solution overnight. Just be sure to consult your doctor before doing this. Only after his consent can you leave dentures in vinegar overnight.

After a long stay in the vinegar solution, perform a visual inspection of the dentures. Check whether the solution has done its job and whether there is any softened plaque left on the surface of the teeth. The fact is that vinegar is not able to completely remove plaque; it will only soften it. Thanks to this, it will be easier to clean the surface of the dentures with a brush.

After removing your dentures from the vinegar solution, gently brush them with a regular toothbrush. To enhance the effect, the brush can be moistened in a special product made from clean water and bleach. Only after this be sure to rinse the brush. If you were not able to completely get rid of plaque the first time, then repeat this procedure again. Make sure the bristles are always wet. Also, do not press too hard on the prosthesis.

After thoroughly brushing your dentures, rinse them under the tap. Wash until all remaining tartar is washed away. Also, after vinegar, the structure may retain an unpleasant odor. It is also advisable to get rid of it so that it does not haunt you all day. Rinsing generously will help deal with this.

Upon completion of the procedure, the vinegar solution that you previously prepared must be poured out. Do not use it more than once, as it will retain particles of tartar and plaque, and therefore bacteria. Otherwise, you risk transferring old bacteria to your dentures, which will cause you a lot of trouble.

Storage Features

Usually people take off their dentures at night and place them in a glass of water, as they say, this is how they have always done it. This is due to earlier designs made of rubber, which could crack and dry out if there was a lack of moisture. When using them, it was necessary to immerse the dentures in liquid overnight. If we talk about modern designs, then nylon or acrylic is used for their manufacture, so there is no need to remove dentures from the mouth at night, as this prevents rapid adaptation.

Video: How to properly store removable dentures

Other ways

There are many options for cleaning dentures. various means and ways. Let's first consider the most popular pharmaceutical drugs. Thanks to the combination various substances(detergents, chelates, carbonates and oxidizing agents), regular use of such drugs allows you to eliminate accumulated plaque on the surface of the teeth in the shortest possible period of time.

The most common tablets for dentures include the following.

WITH pharmaceutical drugs figured it out. Now let's look at the known folk remedies.

  1. Microwave. If the structure does not have metal parts, then it can be cleaned using a microwave oven. To do this, place the dentures in some cleaning product, and place the container itself in the microwave for a few minutes (2-3). After this, all bacteria will be destroyed, and you will only have to remove food debris and plaque from the surface of the prosthesis.
  2. Add a small amount of lemon juice to the glass of water in which you usually store your dentures. Alternatively, you can use any mouthwash. This manipulation will protect the dentures from plaque accumulation, and the surface itself will remain clean for a long time.

Video: Tablets for treating dentures

How to care for fixed dentures

If you compare the care of real teeth and fixed dentures, you will not notice any difference. Try not to neglect your oral hygiene by spending 2 minutes twice a day for routine brushing. Treat all areas of the dentition, paying particular attention to special attention hard-to-reach places where the likelihood of plaque accumulation is higher. If bacteria get under the bridge structures along with food debris, this can most likely provoke the development of an inflammatory process, as well as irritation of the gums. To prevent this from happening, use regularly different infusions medicinal herbs for rinsing the mouth. You can also use store-bought mouth rinses. Fulfill this procedure should not be used instead of regular teeth brushing, but after it, so you can ensure maximum cleanliness and freshness.

Note! To clean the interdental space, use. This is a unique device that creates a powerful water jet that can wash off the surface artificial teeth plaque and food debris.

The irrigator is not contraindicated for patients who have orthodontic structures, so dentists strongly recommend using it for thorough cleaning of the oral cavity. In addition, its regular use improves blood circulation. Also, do not forget about such a device for cleaning teeth as dental floss. With its help, you can easily clean even the most inaccessible places from plaque.

When visiting a dentist

For those patients who wear fixed dental appliances, it is advisable to regularly clean their teeth from hard deposits. Doctors recommend doing this 2 times a year. This need is due to the fact that any dentures, regardless of the material of manufacture or design features, create optimal conditions for the development of various bacteria. As a result, a person begins to complain about discomfort when wearing a prosthesis, as well as the appearance of unpleasant odor from the mouth. It is worth noting that these symptoms are the most harmless consequences failure to comply with personal hygiene rules. With proper care of the structure, you will not only protect yourself from unpleasant consequences in the form various diseases, but also significantly extend the service life of the denture.

Some people mistakenly believe that modern clinics doctors provide limited quantity services, namely the installation of dentures and treatment of diseased teeth. In fact, this is not the case, because many clinics can offer clients high-quality oral hygiene cleaning. Regular implementation of this relatively inexpensive procedure can provide a beautiful and snow-white smile for a long time. If we talk about the financial side, the average cost of such cleaning is 2000 rubles. As you can see, this is a very reasonable price for healthy teeth. you will find on our website.

  • Do removable dentures really require any special care, and if so, what should it consist of;
  • What products exist today for the care of dentures (hygiene with the help of toothpastes and gels, effervescent tablets, ultrasound);
  • What to do if you can’t whiten your denture at home – will you really have to change it?
  • What folk remedies for cleaning removable dentures should absolutely not be used (recommendations are given that will protect you from pointless experiments);
  • What can happen if you don’t take care of your dentures and how to store them correctly in order to maximize their service life and not spoil them ahead of time...

When it comes to using a removable denture, it is important to understand that not only its service life, but the condition of the oral cavity as a whole may depend on the care taken to care for this structure. At the same time, there is an opinion that, they say, the teeth are artificial, and the prosthesis itself is plastic - nothing will happen to it, because it cannot “rot” like natural teeth, and bacteria are unlikely to be able to destroy it.

Well, it should be noted that with full removable prosthetics(that is, when completely toothless jaws) due to such neglect of hygiene, the patient risks losing, at a minimum, money for the prosthesis, and at maximum, receives putrid smell from the mouth and difficult-to-heal ulcers on the mucous membranes. And owners of partial removable dentures, in the absence of proper care for the structure, can, in addition, quickly lose the supporting teeth for which the denture is attached in the mouth (for example, due to the development of periodontitis).

Why is this happening?

The fact is that neglect of the care of a removable denture will lead to the fact that microbial plaque will begin to accumulate in various areas of the structure (especially under the base, in places where it transitions into rows of artificial teeth, areas where clasps are attached, etc.). Yes, the artificial materials themselves will not “rot”, but will be an excellent carrier for colonies of microorganisms.


Initially, bacterial plaque on a denture is soft, friable in structure, and is relatively easy to remove with a regular toothbrush. However, in the absence of regular hygienic procedures, such plaque subsequently gradually mineralizes, becomes pigmented and thickens, often even forming tartar, which injures the gums. As a result, stained areas and stains appear on the denture, which significantly reduces aesthetics.

All this together not only creates an unpleasant odor from the mouth, but also threatens the remaining teeth with mobility (looseness), up to the need for their removal.

Bacterial plaque can form on any plastic prosthesis, whether it is an acrylic prosthesis, nylon, silicone or polyurethane.

Next, we will look at how to properly care for a denture and how to store it between wears so that the structure does not lose its functional and aesthetic characteristics and does not cause harm to the oral mucosa.

General principles of care for partial and complete removable dentures made of various materials

Regardless of the type of denture (plate acrylic, soft nylon, clasp or even compact butterfly denture), there are always areas in the structure that accumulate bacterial plaque.

Therefore, caring for a prosthesis involves the following principles:

  • Commitment. Even if it seems to you that all surfaces of the structure are perfectly clean, it is still necessary to carry out their hygienic cleaning (on initial stage bacterial plaque is only a few microns thick and is visually invisible);
  • Regularity. You need to take care of your denture every day and more than once - almost as carefully and regularly as you take care of your natural teeth;
  • An integrated approach to hygiene. A combination is needed different methods cleaning the prosthesis - starting from simple rinsing with water and ending with the periodic use of special products (they will be discussed in more detail below).

It is strictly forbidden to use regular cleaning cloth to clean a removable denture. toothpaste and, especially, whitening. The average abrasiveness of regular toothpastes is 70 (RDA 70 may be written on the packaging), while whitening ones can reach up to 200. When exposed to abrasives, microscratches are formed on the plastic, and the smooth surface of the denture becomes rough over time - such a surface is even contaminants adhere more actively.

For children's toothpastes, the RDA is usually in the range from 0 to 20.

  • Treatment of the prosthesis is recommended approximately 1-2 times a week. by special means– as a rule, they are sold in the form of effervescent tablets and contain components (proteolytic enzymes, antiseptics) that dissolve plaque and kill bacteria living on the denture. An alternative to using effervescent tablets for cleaning dentures is the use of an ultrasonic bath - with its help it is possible to clean the denture almost perfectly (plaque, odor are removed, bacteria are destroyed);
  • Approximately once every 6-12 months is recommended professional cleaning prosthesis at the dentist;
  • Most types of dentures should be stored in a humid environment, as otherwise the product may become deformed when drying. Can be used for storage plain water, or special solutions for storing dentures that are sold in pharmacies (this is the preferred option). When soaking the denture, make sure that it is completely covered with the solution (or water). The structure cannot be placed in hot water, as this may lead to its deformation;
  • If you use a partial removable denture, you should not forget about careful hygiene of the teeth remaining in the mouth.

Special hygiene products: pastes, gels, effervescent tablets and ultrasonic baths

A classic and at the same time very effective option for mechanical cleaning of removable dentures is the use of a toothbrush and paste.

In most cases, toothpastes for caring for dentures and your remaining teeth in the mouth should be different. Typically, children's toothpaste is used to care for removable structures, and regular toothpaste for adults is used to care for their teeth and gums. For the sake of economy and simplification, it is not recommended to use only baby toothpaste in both cases, since its properties may not be sufficient for complete oral hygiene for an adult.


Instead of children's toothpaste, you can use specialized products in the form of gels for daily cleaning of dentures - for example, Dentipur Gel, CURAPROX BDC, etc.

The situation is similar with toothbrushes - for the teeth remaining in the mouth, a brush that is selected taking into account the individual condition of a person’s teeth and gums is suitable (most often it is a brush with medium-hard bristles, but in the presence of gum disease, wedge-shaped defects or pathological abrasion It is better to use a brush with soft bristles). To clean the removable structure, always use a soft toothbrush(the packaging may say Soft or Sensitive).

A brush with double-sided bristles is well suited for hygiene of internal and external surfaces.

“I’ve been wearing dentures for about a month now. I had to remove 5 teeth, there were only two left on top, so there wasn’t much choice. What can I say... I thought it would be worse, but this is normal. I'm just trying to approach it with a bit of humor. After installing the jaw, I almost never remove it, just to clean it. Nobody knows that I have a prosthesis on top, not even my husband.”

Elena, Moscow

However, for proper care of the prosthesis, simple mechanical cleansing may not be enough, so today special products have been developed for additional chemical exposure. Such products are mostly represented by effervescent tablets - they are placed in water to prepare a cleaning solution.

The principle of operation of all tablets for the hygiene of removable structures is to dissolve plaque with the help of enzymes. In this case, the protein matrix of even partially mineralized plaque is destroyed, which, in combination with mechanical cleansing, gives a particularly well-pronounced effect (after soaking in the solution, it is useful to clean the structure with a toothbrush).


At home, using effervescent tablets for cleaning dentures, it is also possible to maintain a good appearance of the structure - it does not darken, and pigmented spots do not form on its various surfaces. An important contribution is made not only by proteolytic enzymes that dissolve dental plaque, but also by active oxidizing agents (usually potassium persulfate and sodium perborate), which discolor pigments due to their oxidation.

Examples of the most popular effervescent tablets for cleaning dentures today:

  • Protefix;
  • Corega;
  • ROCS;
  • Lacalut Dent.

As additional method hygiene of dentures, the use of ultrasonic baths can be noted. The principle of their operation is the detachment of dental plaque from any surfaces (acrylic plastic, nylon, metal, silicone, polyurethane, polypropylene, etc.) due to the impact of mechanical ultrasonic vibrations transmitted in a liquid medium. Due to the action of ultrasound, not only a cleansing effect is achieved, but also an antibacterial effect.

The cost of high-quality ultrasonic baths starts from 3,000 rubles.

Professional hygiene methods for removable dentures

If you properly clean your removable dentures and provide them with proper care, you can keep them in excellent condition for a long time. Despite this, at least once a year it is recommended to have the condition of the structure assessed by a professional (orthopedic dentist), who can objectively assess whether the level of hygiene meets the required level.

This is especially true for people who have bad habits, leading to rapid, persistent staining of dental plaque (smoking, frequent consumption of coffee, wine). It can be problematic to whiten artificial teeth (and other surfaces of the structure) that have turned yellow during the use of a removable denture at home, and in this case it is better to carry out this process in the dentist’s office (or in a dental laboratory).

It should be understood that darkened removable dentures not only look unsightly, but can also provoke inflammatory processes in the oral cavity - for example, from the mucous membrane on which the structure rests. This can result in pain, burning, swelling, and ulcers.

To prevent unfavorable outcome, you should promptly contact your dentist to remove plaque and tartar from all surfaces of the denture. Typically, the dental laboratory performs grinding and polishing of the structure, as well as cleaning using ultrasonic instruments.

Folk remedies for caring for dentures: which options should absolutely not be used

What folk remedies for cleaning dentures are not tried at home: from vinegar and lemon juice to hydrogen peroxide and alcohol-containing liquids.

This is interesting

An example of one of the most ridiculous tips for caring for dentures is the recommendation to “soak” them in kefir.

However, not all folk recipes harmless - there is often a risk of irreparably damaging the structure.

To protect you from pointless experiments in advance, below are those that may pose the greatest danger to the condition of the prosthesis:

Do not use metal objects to remove food debris from parts of the prosthesis - this can lead to scratches and chips.

In general, many traditional methods of cleaning dentures not only fail to cope with their task, but simply dissolve, corrode, stain or deform the structure, rendering it unusable.

What are the consequences of not taking care of your dentures?

Not just mindless use traditional methods may cause problems for owners of removable dentures. Numerous troubles that complicate life can also provoke non-compliance or complete refusal of hygiene.

When hygiene levels are insufficient, the following problems most often arise:

  • Inflammatory phenomena such as gingivitis, periodontitis, stomatitis (there is even such a thing as prosthetic stomatitis);
  • Ulcerative formations in the area of ​​constant stress or trauma against the background of dental plaque;
  • Putrid odor from the mouth;
  • The development of caries and its complications on the teeth preserved in the oral cavity due to the accumulation of dental plaque on them;
  • Loosening of supporting teeth due to periodontitis;
  • Impaired sense of taste ( bad taste in the oral cavity);
  • The appearance of pigment spots on the prosthesis due to staining of bacterial plaque with food dyes;

As you understand, we are talking not only about the aesthetic side of the issue, which is, of course, important for any owner of a removable denture. If you do not follow the rules of hygiene, then pathological processes may even lead to the appearance malignant tumor in the area of ​​chronic mucosal injury.

After handing over the prosthesis, the orthopedic dentist gives a reminder on how to care for the product or simply gives valuable instructions - you should not neglect them.

How to properly store a removable denture in order to extend its service life and not spoil it ahead of time

Most removable dentures manufactured today must be stored in a damp environment - drying out the plastic elements can lead to their deformation, which is not always restored when the product is re-wetted.

After removal (for example, at night), the prosthesis is lowered into a special antiseptic solution for dentures (can be bought at any pharmacy), or just in water. It is important to ensure that all parts of the structure are completely immersed in liquid.


Most experts do not recommend removing a newly made prosthesis at night due to the fact that getting used to it in this case is much faster. To do this, for about 2 weeks you will have to walk with a removable structure in your mouth almost all the time, only removing it briefly. However, in the future, the removable denture still needs to be removed regularly so that the mucous membranes in contact with it can rest (at least 6 hours a day).

If you have experience using removable dentures, share it by leaving a review at the bottom of this page.

Useful video: how to care for dentures and live fully with them

Dentures are structures that require constant care. Only then will they remain snow-white and last longer. But using just a brush and paste is not enough for this. For these purposes, cleaning with special means will be required. Dentures

Features of cleaning dentures

Artificial teeth will last a long time if you clean them regularly. Moreover, it does not matter at all what the structures are made of - plastic or nylon. There are certain recommendations:

  1. Clean the structure 2 times a day. Use a soft-bristled brush and toothpaste. It must not contain abrasive substances.
  2. Clean the entire denture, and especially those places that come into contact with the mucous membrane. All manipulations must be careful, without pressure.
  3. If there is heavy plaque, then use special disinfectant solutions or tablets to remove it.
  4. From time to time dental structure take it to the dental office for cleaning. They use more modern methods that cope with serious plaque and tartar.

How to clean dental structures from dark plaque and nicotine

When consumed coloring drinks or products, plaque will accumulate on the surface of artificial teeth. It spoils the appearance of your smile and creates an unpleasant impression. You should not ignore it, as this problem will begin to affect natural teeth.

  1. Treat the denture with extreme care, paying special attention to difficult areas. The duration of cleaning will be 10 minutes. Auxiliary cleaners and brushes will also help in the work.
  2. In pharmacies you can buy tablets used to prepare the solution. They clean the dental structure from accumulated microorganisms, while whitening the surface of artificial teeth.

If the plaque is strong and persistent, and it is not possible to remove it using the above methods, then you will have to visit the dental office, where more effective means are used.

How and with what to clean dentures at home


The pharmacy can offer the following effective drugs:

  1. Corega Tabs. The tablets contain a silicone polymer that prevents microorganisms from settling on the surface of the teeth. The substance forms a durable film that protects against plaque and bacteria. The design retains its original appearance and cleanliness for a long time.
  2. Dentipur. Active components act only on plaque without damaging the prosthesis itself. The composition contains citric acid and sodium and chloride compounds.
  3. Dentipur Cleansing Tablets. The tablets effectively deal with plaque and traces left behind. After cleaning, the structure returns to its previous appearance, and the material is not damaged.
  4. Dontodent Intensiv-Reiniger Tab s. The drug not only stops plaque, but also gives the structure a fresh, minty smell. And a similar effect is achieved due to the action of active oxygen.
  5. MyoClean. The drug successfully fights bacteria, preventing the formation of plaque and dark deposits on the surface of the prosthesis. Effectively copes with unpleasant odors.
  6. President. The drug is different high efficiency and speed of action in the fight against deposits.
  7. ROCS. The tablets contain substances that not only stop plaque, but also prevent the growth of bacteria and cope with stomatitis caused by wearing a prosthesis. With the help of the drug, staining and unpleasant odor disappear. Does not have a harmful effect on metal clasps.
  8. VITIS Orthodontic. They effectively cope with plaque and stains of various origins, and perfectly disinfect the surface of dentures.
  9. Paro Care. The active components of the tablets prevent plaque formation. Thanks to them, you are not afraid of developing caries, since the drug contains tin and zinc fluorides.
  10. Protefix. Due to the incoming active oxygen, all microorganisms are destroyed, even in the most inaccessible places, without damaging the structure itself.
  11. Lacalut Dent. The solution disinfects, dissolves food debris and dark plaque on dentures. A pleasant bonus is the relief of infection in the oral cavity.
  12. Polident. This drug has unique composition, which can be used to dissolve tea and coffee stains. Since there are no abrasive particles, this ensures the safety of the surface of the structure and guarantees high-quality cleaning.

Protefix denture cleaning tablets

Cleaning solution

To prepare the solution, you can use the above preparations in tablet form. The most effective are considered:

  • Corega;
  • Dentipur;
  • Rocks;
  • Dontodent;
  • Fittydent;
  • President.

A doctor can help determine the appropriate drug, based on its composition and the material used to make the prosthesis.

To prepare the solution, you need to put 1 tablet of the drug in a glass of water, and then the dental structure. The active components will begin their work, and the prosthesis will be disinfected and brightened. After removing it, clean the solution thoroughly with toothpaste. You cannot use this method every day, once a week is enough.

Ultrasonic baths

On sale you can find a special device that effectively cleans dentures at home. But most often such events are carried out in a dental office.

Under the influence of ultrasound, small bubbles appear. They seep into the interdental space and into the pores artificial material. Thanks to this, all bacteria and the resulting pigment can be removed.

Denture in a glass

Folk remedies

The following folk remedies will help make the surface of the structure clean and white:

  1. Dilute in equal proportions warm water with vinegar. Dip the prosthesis into the solution. In the morning, clean it with toothpaste. Do not use water that is too hot, otherwise the structure may become deformed. It is also not recommended to use the vinegar solution often, only in rare cases.
  2. Squeeze the juice from a lemon directly into the tooth powder or toothpaste used to clean your dentures. Place the resulting mixture on the structure and wait 20 minutes, then rinse thoroughly with water using a brush.
  3. Take any mouthwash and add lemon juice to it. The prosthesis can be stored in this solution.

Some people resort to using it. Baking soda and hydrogen peroxide for cleaning artificial teeth. It is not recommended to do this, since there will be no effect, but aggressive influence can damage the structure.

You can clean plaque from your dentures at home if the contamination is minor. But when choosing suitable remedy you need to take into account the material from which the structure is made. Each of them has its own drugs and recipes. Otherwise, the prosthesis can be severely damaged, and it will be impossible to restore it.

Just like regular teeth, dentures need ongoing care. If you forget about hygiene, your artificial teeth will become covered with plaque and your breath will smell. Eventually the smile will lose its aesthetic appearance. It's unpleasant, isn't it? Let's find out how to prevent this.

Cleaning dentures: care products and tablets

The cause of all troubles is bacteria. You can deal with them using different methods.


After eating, the artificial teeth are washed with water. Ideally, boiled.

Using a brush to clean at home

If possible, after rinsing the denture in water, it is recommended to carry out mechanical cleaning.

To do this, you need a soft brush and a paste with low abrasiveness (you can use children's gentle pastes).


To ensure that food residues (and fixation cream, if used) are removed, it is recommended to periodically immerse the structure in an antiseptic (for example, VITIS Orthodontic or any rinses that contain chlorhexidine).

Disinfectant liquid can also be obtained by dissolving in water special tablets(Efferdent, Corega, Lacalut, President, Dentipur, Dontodent and others) for disinfection of dentures. The procedure allows you to completely get rid of bacteria that cause diseases of the teeth and gums.

Using an ultrasonic cleaning device

designs. During this procedure, hard and soft deposits are removed, pigmented plaque is removed, and unpleasant odor is eliminated.

Important rules when cleaning

In order not to damage the prosthesis when putting on, taking off and during cleaning, it is recommended to carry out all procedures in front of a mirror and over a sink, placing a soft towel in it. If the structure slips out of your hands, it will not break.

Caring for dentures

At first, doctors advise not to take off the dentures at night and sleep in them, but after getting used to it, you should take them out every day for at least six hours - this is the time that the tissues of the prosthetic bed need to rest. It is important that the structure is kept in a moist environment all the time - in the mouth, in water or a special solution.

In order not to worsen the fixation, you need to abandon chewing gum, toffees and similar foods. From coffee, tea and smoking, dentures, like real teeth, become covered with plaque. Let's look at the features of caring for different prostheses.

Plastic dentures

Acrylic plastic structures need to be cared for in the same way as teeth - twice daily brushing with a brush and toothpaste, rinsing after meals, disinfection. Acrylic structures should only be stored dry.

A special feature of caring for polyurethane dentures made of flexible plastic is the categorical prohibition of using abrasive pastes for cleaning.

Care of silicone dentures

Silicone structures require special care. For cleaning, you can use dishwashing detergent or liquid soap: They do not contain abrasives and work well against bacteria. At night, dentures should be removed and placed in an antiseptic liquid. The structure should not dry out or come into contact with hot water– this leads to deformation.

How to care for nylon dentures

The material is easy to scratch, so when cleaning you should use only non-abrasive pastes and soft brushes. Due to the fact that nylon absorbs foreign odors and can be stained by food and drinks, special attention must be paid to disinfection. Dentures should be soaked in dental nylon fluids (eg Fittydent).

Metal ceramic prostheses

Brushing your cermet teeth should be done in the morning and evening, as well as after meals. At night they are removed: wiped dry and stored until the morning, or dipped for a while in a special liquid for dentures.

To prevent the formation of metal-ceramic teeth cracks, it is advisable to avoid very hot and very cold food and drinks, and do not alternate foods with a large temperature difference while eating.

Clasp dentures

These structures are made of metal-ceramics, plastic and other materials.

The features of caring for them depend on this. Rinsing, cleaning and disinfection should be carried out as often as with other dentures.

On our website you can find detailed information about caring for different types removable dentures and get acquainted with the recommendations of experienced orthopedic dentists.