How to increase the chances of IVF? Unusual sensations after a successful eco.

When it comes to IVF, we are accustomed to closely associate successful conception with the competence of a reproductive specialist. And that's right - exactly coordinated work A reproductologist and embryologist combined with progressive treatment protocols work wonders. But don’t forget about the third member of this team – you. Our doctors never tire of repeating that it is pointless to rely on medicine if the basic problems with your health and well-being have not been resolved. Therefore, today we will talk about what steps you can take on your own to increase your chances of successful IVF.

1. Exercise several times a week. The emphasis should be on aerobic exercise rather than strength exercises: your task is to expectant mother- strengthen your health and increase your body's endurance. In addition, aerobic exercise helps speed up metabolism and reduce weight.

2. Watch your weight. It must match physiological norm, since both its excess and deficiency reduce the body’s response to previous IVF drug therapy. Overweight, in addition, leads to the risk of developing metabolic syndrome, pregnancy against which is fraught dangerous complications. If the problem of weight is acute for you, visit an endocrinologist (in our clinic this is).

3. If you smoke, quit, and this applies not only to moms, but also to dads. Nicotine has a bad effect on both sperm and eggs, which approximately halves the chances of success of in vitro fertilization. The good news is that if you abstain from smoking and alcohol, the body is cleansed in just three months.

4. Consider taking a course of physiotherapeutic procedures: massage, therapeutic mud, baths - all this helps improve local blood flow in the tissues and, as a result, improves the likelihood of conception.

5. Take a blood purification course. Especially if you suffer from inflammatory diseases of the pelvic organs, have suffered surgical interventions or passed long-term treatment antibiotics. Our team will help you choose the optimal course of procedures aimed at cellular detox, rejuvenation and improvement of overall well-being.

6. Talk to a geneticist if you have not already done so. Modern genetic research will not only indicate possible reason infertility, but will also make it possible to predict the likelihood of having a child with certain hereditary diseases in your couple. It is better to undergo it before entering into an IVF puncture.

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The in vitro fertilization protocol requires good physical and mental health women. This is a very important and responsible process for which it is necessary to prepare the body in all aspects.

Most often, the question of increasing the effectiveness of the protocol is thought about when repeated IVF. And this is normal, because... Not all women have a chance to get the long-awaited offspring the first time through IVF. It depends various factors, which also concern the woman’s partner, her degree of readiness for the protocol, psychological mood and much more.

Probabilities of successful IVF with the first protocol

When deciding on an IVF procedure, you need to be prepared for the possibility that artificial insemination is about 40 percent on the first attempt. The chances of IVF depend on the woman’s age, the condition of the endometrial tissue, genetic predisposition, the presence of harmful habits and other reasons.

Traditionally, it turns out that when carrying out a repeat IVF procedure, the chances increase. It has to do with what is being done detailed analysis reasons for the failure of in vitro fertilization, the protocol program is adjusted, and all possible errors are taken into account.

How to increase the chances of IVF?

No earlier than two months after the previous protocol, the next procedure can be performed. This time is quite enough for both the doctor and the patient to improve their health and regain strength. In some cases, they are prescribed additional medications, psychological consultation of the patient. These methods are not definitive, but they give the desired effect.

To increase the chances of IVF, a woman is recommended to adjust her daily routine and diet. The need to consume vitamin D is emphasized, pay attention to the presence in the diet fish oil And chicken eggs. The success of IVF also depends on the sufficient amount of zinc in the body, which is contained in meat products, seafood, chicken, oysters.

The presence of peanuts, pineapples and protein foods in the daily diet also promotes in vitro conception.

As for bad habits, they also need to be eliminated. Moreover, this applies to both partners. Smoking reduces the chances of IVF by 40-45%, drinking alcohol - by 60 percent. Excessive indulgence in tea and coffee has a negative impact, both during primary and repeated IVF. Moreover, it is better to completely exclude the second drink from the patient’s diet.

Doctors also indicate that treating obesity and changing the environmental situation, if it leaves much to be desired, will help increase the chances of using the protocol. The spouse must also stop drinking alcoholic beverages, and this even applies to beer and white wine.

Psychological state of a woman

An important aspect when preparing for the protocol is a positive psychological attitude. Even if the procedure being performed is not the first, you need to believe that everything will end favorably and hope for a miracle. Eradicating fear, anger, practicing meditative practices, communicating with positive people, spending time in nature, loving yourself - all this can significantly increase the chances of IVF.

Hope for a better outcome positive attitude to life not only strengthens self-confidence, but also miraculously harmonizes the internal state and calms in the process of preparing for the protocol and during it. You need to cast aside all doubts and hope that everything will work out.

If you have any questions, you can always contact us and our consultants will answer them.

Our doctors never tire of repeating that it is pointless to rely on medicine if the basic problems with your health and well-being have not been resolved.

Therefore, today we will talk about what steps you can take on your own to increase your chances of successful IVF.

For men and women

  • If possible, you should stop taking any medicines. You are allowed to use only products that are vital for maintaining health. However, before using them, it is important to consult a specialist.
  • Before IVF, both partners must start taking folic acid, but only after agreement with the attending physician.
  • Several months before the procedure, you should avoid visiting saunas and taking hot water baths.
  • It is imperative that both partners stop smoking, as it leads to the development of abnormalities in the fetus and can also contribute to termination of pregnancy. Therefore, you should forget about cigarettes at least 3 months before IVF.
  • You need to give up alcoholic beverages, or at least reduce their consumption to a minimum.
  • If the partner is a carrier viral infection, then in case of exacerbation of the process or the appearance of symptoms of pathology, it is necessary to notify the specialist.
  • Exercising is very useful, but overdoing it physical activity highly not recommended. You can go for walks every day, but it is better to avoid cycling, especially for men.


  • It is very important to avoid stress, setting yourself up only for success. Researchers found that positive emotions significantly increase the chances of successfully conceiving with the help of IVF.
  • Before the procedure, it is useful to spend a vacation sunbathing on the beach or drink vitamin D. However, you should not overdo it with the course of treatment.
  • It is advisable to conduct an analysis to detect antibodies to the rubella virus in the blood. In their absence, the vaccine is given 3 months before IVF.
  • Watch your weight: being overweight or underweight reduces your chances of successfully conceiving.
  • It is worth limiting your caffeine intake, the dose of which should not exceed 200 mg per day.

Subject to availability chronic pathologies It is important to put them into a state of remission before the procedure begins, preferably 2-3 months in advance.

  • It is not recommended to go on strict diets in order to lose weight. overweight: it is necessary to observe the correct balanced diet throughout the preparation for IVF.
  • A few days before egg retrieval, you should abstain from sexual activity, not starting it until pregnancy is confirmed with the help of ultrasound examination. Next question about intimate life is decided individually with the doctor.
  • Experts recommend spending 35-40 minutes in a lying position after implantation of fertilized eggs into the uterine cavity.
  • It is highly recommended to use large number liquid, especially in the first half of the day, immediately after implantation of embryos into the uterine cavity.

For men

  • A few months before IVF, you need to give up tight trousers, jeans, and underwear. It is recommended to sleep without clothes.
  • It is very important 3-4 months before the procedure to stop putting mobile phone in your pocket, and also stop holding laptops on your lap. Studies have shown that the radiation emitted by modern gadgets negatively affects the quality of seminal fluid.
  • If during preparation for IVF it is noted elevated temperature body, or other cold symptoms, you should immediately report it to your doctor.
  • 3-5 days (but no more than 7) before donating seminal fluid, you need to abstain from sexual intercourse.

If, despite all efforts, the attempt did not lead to pregnancy, do not despair. You can always repeat the IVF protocol, and each subsequent cycle will have an increasing chance of success.

Due to the fast pace of life, poor environmental situation, and an abundance of stress, the health of every person suffers. At the same time, in men and women, not only the general indicators health, but also the chances of becoming parents.

The statistics are disappointing: every year the number of infertile couples increases. At the same time, the richest countries suffer the most from infertility, despite well-developed medicine. In 2005-2010, on average, 2% of all women of childbearing age experienced the problem primary infertility, that is, the inability to give birth to a first child. Now about 6% of women are diagnosed with infertility in the USA, and in Europe up to 70% of couples experience difficulty conceiving and turn to a fertility specialist.

Fortunately, current state Reproductive medicine makes it possible to become parents even in seemingly the most hopeless situations. Today, various assisted reproductive technologies are successfully used: from intrauterine insemination to surrogacy.

One of the most common solutions that modern reproductive medicine offers to couples - this is IVF, or in vitro fertilization. This is a technique in which eggs are removed from a woman’s ovaries, which are then fertilized in artificial conditions, undergo the first few division cycles and are placed in the uterine cavity for implantation and further development.

What are the chances of success with IVF?

The effectiveness of artificial insemination depends on many factors, and scientists suspect that not all of them have yet been established. But now it is known for sure that the success of IVF is influenced by the age of the parents, their health conditions, the quality of sperm and eggs, the cause of infertility, the condition of the endometrium and other reasons.

The chosen clinic is of great importance for the success of artificial insemination: for example, in one clinic the success rate can be about 10%, in another about 45% for the first IVF cycle.

Since both future parents and doctors are interested in chances of getting pregnant with IVF, reproductive specialists around the world collect approximate statistics.

For women under 35 years of age chance of getting pregnant after IVF on the first attempt it is up to 60%. In Russia, this figure in 2015 was approximately 36%. But as reproductive technologies improve, the chances are steadily increasing - by about 1% annually.

The first attempt at IVF does not provide a 100% guarantee of success. Most couples need to undergo several procedures to achieve the desired pregnancy. If the first IVF cycle ends in failure, this is not a reason to give up. On the contrary, a reproductologist will take into account all the features of the first cycle, analyze each of its stages, which will allow the risks to be taken into account in subsequent cycles.

According to the laws of probability, up to 4 attempts, the chances of getting pregnant increase. However, after the fourth IVF procedure, the likelihood of getting pregnant decreases. In this case, a fertility specialist may recommend abandoning IVF or suggesting another method of treating infertility. However, these are average numbers: many couples achieved success after 5, 6 or even 10 attempts.

Reasons for IVF failure and how to increase your chances?

  1. 1. Age

One of the main reasons successful IVF– age of biological parents. The procedure for artificial insemination is most successful in women who are under 35 years old. With age, the quality of eggs and sperm decreases and changes hormonal background and the general health of partners, which reduces the chances of a successful outcome of IVF.

This means that the sooner you start planning your family, the better your chances of becoming parents. If you have been unable to conceive a child for more than 1 year, this means that you need to see a doctor now, and not wait until the problem becomes an issue.

  1. 2. Chronic diseases

Chronic diseases have a huge impact, although they are not always directly related to the reproductive system. The presence of almost any inflammatory process in a woman’s body significantly reduces the likelihood of successful IVF, since in order to bear and give birth to a child, the body must be healthy. Sometimes it is enough to cure chronic disease to achieve success with IVF.

  1. 3. Reasons that caused infertility

Exists huge amount reasons why a couple cannot have children. It is to identify these reasons that the numerous tests that a reproductologist will send you to undergo are aimed at.

The main causes of infertility in women:

The main causes of infertility in men:

Most of these conditions can be corrected. The main thing is to contact specialists.

  1. 4. Endometrial condition

For a long time, the effectiveness of the IVF procedure was 20-25%. It turned out that the problem lies not in the procedure itself, but in the woman’s body. Successful conception directly depends not only on the fertilization of the egg, but also on the quality of the interaction between the embryo and the woman’s uterus.

The endometrium is the inner lining of the uterus to which the embryo must attach. If the endometrium is too thin, the embryo simply cannot attach to it, and as a result, pregnancy never occurs.

The success of IVF is directly influenced by the receptivity of the endometrium: these are many factors that ensure a close relationship between the embryo and the endometrium. Embryo implantation is possible only within 6-10 days after ovulation (this period is called the “implantation window”), and directly depends on the quality of the endometrium.

According to research, for pregnancy to occur, the optimal thickness of the endometrium during the “implantation window” should be 8-12 mm. At the same time, ideally for normal conception The endometrium must be three-layered: it must have pronounced layers and sufficient thickness.

Research shows that to improve the quality and thickness of the endometrium, it is advisable to include a comprehensive non-hormonal drug, which contains vitamins, minerals, the amino acid L-arginine and chasteberry extract (tree of Abraham). These substances help normalize the functioning of the female reproductive system and help establish optimal endometrial thickness. In preparation for an IVF cycle, it helps increase the chances of pregnancy, on average by 15-20%.

  1. 5. Egg quality

As women age, their eggs experience more and more internal cellular damage. This leads to the fact that the fertilized cell does not begin to divide, or initial stages the embryo stops dividing or cannot implant in the endometrium. This is why women over 38 years of age are less likely to have successful IVF.

However, age is not the main factor affecting egg quality. Habits and lifestyle are no less important. general condition woman's health and her hormonal levels. The eggs take about 100 days to mature. Any negative impact during the period of egg maturation, including lack of nutrition or inflammatory disease, could be fatal for them.

One of effective ways increase the number and quality of eggs - this is a drug. It was created to help restore the functioning of the female reproductive system after serious stress, stress, taking contraceptives and other factors affecting residents of the metropolis.

In addition, inclusion in comprehensive preparation for IVF allows you to reduce concentration hormonal drugs to stimulate the ovaries. This will reduce the risk of pregnancy complications and increase the chances of IVF success.

A reproductive specialist will definitely ask about the health status of your immediate family. This is necessary to find out whether one of the partners has genetic diseases. Genetic diseases are not always noticeable: sometimes they can be passed on from generation to generation, while outwardly the person will be completely healthy, but genetic disorders will prevent conception.

  1. 7. Lifestyle

Significantly increases chance for successful IVF the right way of life. If a woman constantly sits on strict diets, sleeps little, constantly experiences stress, then her body is simply not ready for pregnancy, its forces are aimed at survival, and not at procreation. Also, the chances of IVF are reduced by bad habits - smoking, love of alcoholic drinks, sedentary lifestyle, overeating.

They can help in such a situation vitamins before IVF, giving up bad habits and taking a little vacation.

  1. 8. Psychological factors

There is such a diagnosis as “infertility unknown origin" This means that the couple is physiologically completely healthy, but they are unable to conceive a child. Most often, reproductive specialists attribute this to a psychological factor.

In this case, a professional psychologist can help cope with infertility, whose consultations will help overcome anxiety and increase chance of getting pregnant with IVF.

Men's health also contributes to the outcome of IVF. Bad habits, poor nutrition, diseases, constant stress and poor environmental conditions have a very bad effect on the quality, motility and viability of sperm and, as a result, on their ability to fertilize an egg.

Therefore, at the stage of preparation for IVF, it is important for a man to improve the quality of sperm. A reproductive specialist can recommend a drug to enhance male fertility.

Studies have shown that it increases sperm motility, viability and concentration, and also reduces the number of defective sperm. As a result of use, the likelihood of conception increases by 15%.

The likelihood of pregnancy during an IVF protocol depends on many factors. It is in your power to improve your chances of a successful procedure and “help” your body. Although not all stages of this process can be controlled, you will know that you did everything possible to get closer to your goal!