How Botox is removed from the body: effective ways to speed up the process. Victims of unsuccessful Botox and how to get rid of it

Correcting age-related defects with Botox is a common procedure. Success is achieved quickly, the effect lasts for several months. Before starting interventions, special attention should be paid to the choice of the performer. An insufficiently experienced doctor can make mistakes that are difficult to quickly correct. To effectively correct any injection defects, you need to know how Botox is removed from the body. This will help you deal with emerging problems more quickly.

The essence of injection correction

The formation of the desired result with the help of Botox injections is achieved by blocking the muscles responsible for facial expressions and skin tension. Penetration of the substance into the tissue ensures reliable fixation of the area. Muscle movement is limited, the skin is leveled, and is in a static position. Wrinkles are smoothed out, new ones do not appear.

The action of Botox is based on the work of a poisonous toxin that is part of the drug. Dangerous substance in natural conditions causing fatal botulism, specially purified, included in limited quantities. Small portions of the toxin are not capable of harming the body and provide temporary muscle paralysis, necessary for medicinal and cosmetic purposes.

Immobilization of muscles occurs due to the absorption of nerve endings responsible for connecting tissues with the brain by poison. The process of impulse conduction is disrupted. The involved muscles lose manipulative control, stop contracting, and relax. The site receives temporary rest.

The effect of injection correction begins to appear after administration of the drug. Full results are visible after 2 weeks. Maximum effect lasts up to a month. Then the muscle fixation begins to weaken. After 3–9 months, complete regression occurs. Organs and tissues restore full function. Cosmetic effect may be slightly preserved due to muscle memory: facial expressions become less pronounced, wrinkles and folds do not appear as actively.

Attention! The toxin acts exclusively in the area where the drug is administered. Movement to adjacent tissues does not occur if the restrictions of the doctor’s correct manipulations are observed. The toxin contained in cosmetic preparations, does not affect the body as a whole, does not pose a health hazard.

Negative consequences of the procedure

Failure to comply with the restrictions of the recovery period, erroneous actions of the doctor: incorrect determination of the puncture zone, increased dosage, inability to work with the drug can cause lead to negative consequences:

  • asymmetry (displacement occurs individual parts faces);
  • diffusion of the substance into neighboring muscles, tissues, blood;
  • impairment of certain body functions (breathing, swallowing, blinking).

As a result of incorrect actions by a doctor, it often occurs asymmetry. Depression, elevation, curvature different parts violates the overall harmony of appearance. An unnaturally raised eyebrow or drooping corner of the mouth significantly spoils the impression.

Unplanned diffusion- the result of erroneous work with the drug, non-compliance with restrictions. Paralysis of unnecessary areas occurs. This causes asymmetry or blockage of functionally important muscles. Appearance or quality of life deteriorates.

Violation of important functions affects the functioning of the body. Health problems may arise:

  • dry eyes;
  • stomach diseases;
  • hypoxia.

Problems can only be solved by removing the toxic toxin from the body. This process requires special attention. It will not be possible to neutralize the toxin instantly. To remove the consequences, you need to make an effort.

Toxin removal methods

The process of cleansing the body of toxic substance is happening naturally. This takes several months. The effect of the poison gradually weakens, reducing the severity of the negative consequences. In some cases, you cannot wait for the toxin to be naturally eliminated.

There is no antidote that can immediately eliminate or weaken the effects of Botox. Additional efforts will have to be made to correct negative consequences. This will take time, require effort, and may involve unexpected costs.

It is advisable to deal with the problem under the supervision of a doctor. Cosmetologists remove toxin in the following ways:

  • massages;
  • physiotherapeutic procedures;
  • medicinal methods.

Massage is an excellent option for eliminating unwanted effects. The procedures are not performed immediately after injections. This may enhance negative manifestations. After 3–14 days, manipulations begin.

Areas of the face are kneaded symmetrically, paying increased attention to problem areas. The massage provides a soft, more rapid elimination The drug additionally stimulates muscle recovery.

Physiotherapeutic procedures will help speed up the elimination of the toxin. For this purpose, doctors prescribe microcurrents, myostimulation, exposure to magnets, and ultrasound. Manipulations neutralize the effect of Botox, affect the removal of poison from the body, and remove negative consequences. You can visit treatment room or use home appliances.

Some medications also help eliminate the achieved result. Before taking medications, you should consult your doctor. Some medications reduce the effectiveness of Botox. There are medications that increase muscle blockage. This must be taken into account when obtaining poor-quality results. To remove Botox, antibiotics of the tetracycline group, certain hormonal, antiviral, antiherpetic drugs, and antidepressants are often used. The medications cause muscle cramps, which is the opposite of the effects of Botox.

Whether it is necessary to use the services of doctors, everyone decides for themselves. You can reduce the effect of the toxin at home. For this use:

  • steaming (hot water treatments, visiting a bathhouse, sauna);
  • physical activity;
  • alcohol consumption.

Important point! It is necessary to “treat” the consequences 1–2 weeks after the injections. Early start procedures can increase the migration of Botox into neighboring tissues, contributing to the aggravation of the situation.

Steaming, massage, hot compresses, gymnastics, and sports will have a beneficial effect on eliminating unwanted consequences. Some people use alcohol to correct the situation. Alcoholic drinks do not have a direct effect on the elimination of botulinum toxin; increased doses have a negative effect on the body.

Removing Botox from different areas

The methods and speed of removing Botox from different parts of the face depend on the details of the initial manipulation. The higher the dosage used, the more difficult it is to cope with the toxin.

Large doses of Botox are applied to the forehead area. To eliminate problems in this zone, any method is used. Massage or physical therapy are great options. Myostimulation would be an excellent solution.

It is more difficult to carry out “treatment” in the eye area. Zone small size with weak skin, close proximity important body causes inconvenience. The most acceptable solution would be medicinal method. You must take medications as prescribed by your doctor. Some drugs can enhance the paralytic effect of the poison. At home, you can perform general steaming and gentle eyelid massage.

You will also have to be careful in the mouth area. Small dosages of Botox are used to correct the lip area; they are easier to deal with. The combination of sauna and massage is an excellent solution for independent actions. The cosmetologist will offer various procedures. Use drug treatment inappropriate. The effect is noticeably weakened by moderate intervention. Exception: nasolabial folds.

If the negative consequences of Botox injections are minimal, then you can wait for the natural elimination of the substance. The process takes several months. The effect of the drug weakens gradually. Negative manifestations will become less noticeable and disappear on their own in 6–10 weeks. It will be possible to remove the toxin with the help of “treatment” in 2–4 weeks.

Prevent undesirable consequences It will work out by following all the rules and restrictions. An important aspect successful manipulation is the correct choice of the performer. Only an experienced doctor with a good reputation is able to perform the procedure according to all the rules, minimize any negative manifestations, side effects. In order not to have to eliminate undesirable consequences, you should not save: inject questionable drugs, turn to amateurs.

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Myths and reality of botulinum therapy.

Botulinum therapy for the correction of facial wrinkles.

Many people notice that in lately The effect of Botox has become shorter. Previously, the effect lasted about 6 months, now it lasts about 3. Addiction? Do cosmetologists dilute the drug more strongly? Has the composition of the drug changed?

Dermatocosmetologist Olga Ibrakova tells(Tori Clinic): “We, cosmetologists, also noticed a decrease in the duration of the Botox effect. This issue has been discussed more than once at conferences, and requests have been written to the manufacturer. The official answer is: the composition of the drug has not changed and the duration of the effect is the same, however, due to changes in the lifestyle of patients, it may decrease.”

Factors that reduce the effect of botulinum toxin

Dietary supplements, vitamins, medicines. First of all, it is influenced by the amount of medications, dietary supplements, and vitamins that many patients take. For example, drugs for blood vessels increase blood flow, improve microcirculation, regeneration - it is logical that renervation occurs faster.

Not all drugs have studies; we observe some effects from experience.

Reduce the effect of botulinum toxins:

  • aminoquinolines;
  • some groups of antidepressants (this does not apply to herbal preparations such as Novopassit);
  • Phenazepam and other drugs of the benzodiazepine group;
  • drugs that improve cerebral circulation(Mexidol, nootropics);
  • some blood pressure lowering drugs ACE inhibitors(Capoten, Captopril, etc.);
  • drugs to strengthen blood vessels (Detralex, etc.).

While taking these groups of drugs, the effect of Botox will either be initially weaker or will not last very long.

According to my experience and that of my colleagues, Reduxin is a weight loss drug that greatly reduces sensitivity to botulinum toxin. As soon as the drug is discontinued, after 2 weeks the injection can be repeated and the botulinum toxin will work.

Hormonal abnormalities. A number of hormonal disorders can lead to a shortened effect of Botox.

Stress. Chronic stress affects hormonal background a person in general, and in particular on the production of catecholamines (hormones that also affect muscle contractions).

Other cosmetic procedures. Many patients undergo a variety of facial treatments: laser resurfacing, microcurrent, LPG, any active massages, PRP injections, some mesotherapy drugs. All of them enhance microcirculation, which can also lead to more rapid recovery innervation.

Too frequent injections. It is imperative to observe the recommended period of time between corrections. The correction is carried out no earlier than after 2 weeks, but no later than 4.

If you break the protocol and make the correction earlier, you can get overcorrection. If you inject later than after 4 weeks (after 5-6-8 weeks), or repeat the procedure every 2 months, antibodies may develop that cause resistance to Botox, and in the future the drug will not last as well.

The procedure is repeated no earlier than after 3-4 months, regardless of the zone. Sometimes the patient says: “Two months ago they only injected my forehead, let’s do the eyes now” - this is not possible. You need to wait another 1-2 months.

This shouldn’t happen, but personally I always follow the recommended interval, so I can’t say from experience.

The main feature is the very low content of albumin, to which antibodies are produced. The botulinum toxin molecule is very unstable, it tends to disintegrate into 2 chains - short and long - and is prone to adhesion, that is, adhesion to any surface - the wall of a bottle, the wall of a syringe. Albumin acts as a stabilizer that reduces adhesion. Since there is no albumin in the composition, resistance to this drug should not arise. The manufacturer's trainers teach that if the patient has already developed resistance to botulinum toxin, sensitivity can be restored with the help of Xeomin.

Initially, Xeomin was the weakest of the drugs. Now the duration of the effect is approximately equal.

Factors that prolong the effect of botulinum toxin

There are also drugs that enhance the effect of botulinum toxin. For example, taking some antibiotics (aminoglycosides, macrolides, spectinomycins, polymyxins, tetracyclins) while visiting a cosmetologist for an injection can lead to an overdose: 100 units of botulinum toxin will give the effect of 150, and instead of moving facial expressions, the patient will receive a “stony forehead.”

In the United States, the drug Zytaze is commercially available to increase sensitivity to botulinum toxin. It contains zinc and phytase, but when these components are taken separately (for example, in the form of vitamins), a prolonged effect is not observed. Zitaza is not sold in Russia.

Statistics say that with age, sensitivity to botulinum toxin increases. Approximate formula: after 50-55 years, the dose is halved. This is a classic approach; in practice, everything is decided individually.


I have patients, about 10% of total number, in whom the drug rises well and lasts for 6-8 months. A significant part of this 10% are young girls who do not undergo other cosmetic procedures. Perhaps this is part of the answer. There is a patient who takes several drugs that reduce the effect

Recently, Botox injections have become increasingly popular and, as a result, more affordable. Currently, almost every beauty salon offers skin rejuvenation services, wrinkle smoothing and so-called beauty injections - these are Botox injections. Today’s article will tell you what Botox is, how to remove the effects of Botox, its duration of action and whether there are side effects.

So, Botox is an injection under the skin. Injections are given at the correction sites, what effect can the injections have? When Botox enters the body, it blocks nerve endings and thereby relax the facial muscles. Due to this, wrinkles are smoothed out. Botox lasts from six months to a year. It depends on the individual characteristics of the organism. It should also be noted that Botox injections are not painful procedure. Since very thin needles are used for injections. And you will see the result of the injection immediately, and after two weeks the result will become even more obvious.

But don't forget that a Botox injection can not only make your face look younger, but it can also have horrific consequences. It is important that the procedure is performed by a competent, certified specialist. Otherwise, you will have a hard time, and it is almost impossible to remove the effect of Botox.


The procedure has not only indications, but also contraindications. Botox injections are strictly prohibited if you have:

If you contacted medical center and you were not given a complete medical examination before the procedure, we recommend not to carry out the procedure in such a place, since if you do the procedure with contraindications, it can end very disastrously. And you will not get eternal youth from beauty injections, but complications that you will have to treat for a long time, and all this can even lead to death.

Side effects of Botox

The Botox injection procedure has side effects, even if you have no contraindications to the procedure, you can still encounter them. After all, side effects can occur due to the body’s reaction to the drug. Or with the Botox injection technique. Before you decide to this procedure It’s worth analyzing and weighing the pros and cons.

Side effects include the following:

  • During the procedure, your blood vessels may be damaged, which can lead to swelling, bruising, and pain. Typically, these symptoms disappear after five days. And this is the easiest side effect after Botox that is generally possible.
  • If you don't get qualified specialist, then facial asymmetry may occur, this happens from improper administration of the drug, which is why Botox is distributed unevenly. In order to fix everything, there is only one option - wait until the Botox leaves the body on its own, this will take from three to seven months.
  • Drooping of the eyelids is another side effect; if we look at statistics, one percent of patients experience this effect after Botox. It may even happen that the eyelids do not open at all, and this side effect after Botox will disappear in about three months, and after a month the eyes may begin to open slightly.

  • Muscle paralysis. This is due to an overdose of the drug; instead of beauty and youth, you can get a doll mask, a facial expression that will be unnatural and asymmetry to boot. It is necessary to carefully choose a clinic for Botox injections. Overdose, also of course with time will pass, but again, this will take at least a month.
  • There are a number of side effects after Botox, but they are mild, for example, headaches, intestinal upset, dry eyes, dizziness. You may also experience a cough, runny nose, fever, and weakness. Of course, these complications are not necessarily caused by Botox; it is possible that the person already had a cold, and the cold got worse when the drug was administered. But, nevertheless, you should be very careful about your health.

Unfortunately, it is impossible to remove the effects of Botox. Many people believe that removing the drug from the body is as simple as introducing it. This is a misconception. The drug leaves the body on its own. For several months. The effect of the drug weakens over time. If you are a victim of Botox side effects, then you just need to be patient and wait. It is also possible to do the opposite, that is, start doing everything that is not recommended after Botox and that weakens its effect. That is, visit the sauna and bathhouse, play sports, do facial massage daily, take antibiotics. But, do not forget that it is better not to self-medicate and if you want to remove the effect of Botox, then you should consult the doctor who administered the drug to you. And be patient, because in a month the symptoms will begin to go away on their own.

Cosmetologists with Botox injections promise instant results of rejuvenation and smoothing out wrinkles, but as practice shows, no one is immune from the side effects of Botox. Therefore, before deciding to undergo this procedure, think about whether it is so important to you that you are willing to risk your health. But if you still decide to get injections, then carefully choose a clinic and a specialist who will perform injections, it is better to contact clinics about which you have recommendations, do not chase a cheap service, in this case, it may happen that the greedy person pays twice. Be sure to pay attention to the clinic’s license, doctor’s certification, and find out whether the drugs used for the procedure are certified. Also, do not forget that before giving you an injection, the doctor must examine you completely and if this does not happen, we recommend that you refuse the services of this clinic. AND special attention Pay attention to the documents that they will give you to sign; there are clinics that take a receipt from their patients stating that in the event of an accident side effect The Botox clinic is not responsible. Don't risk your appearance and health.

Botulinum toxin injections to smooth out wrinkles from year to year remain the most popular service in aesthetic cosmetology, not only among women, but also among men. That is why all their side effects deserve special attention.

Swelling after Botox, Dysport or other similar drug can nullify everything positive effect from the procedure and for a long time they will be reminded of the failed attempt to erase the first age-related changes from the face.

Why do they occur, how long do they last, and in what cases should you sound the alarm? What to do with “swollen” upper eyelids and eyes? the site understands all the nuances of the problem, and eminent metropolitan cosmetologists share their own experience:

Risk factors: what you should warn your doctor about at the first consultation

Not every swelling is considered a complication/side effect of Botox or Dysport injections. In the simplest case, this is a completely normal reaction of the body to damage received from the insertion of a needle. Already on the first day it begins to subside and disappears without a trace within 2-3 days after the procedure.

More serious lymphedema (caused by impaired lymph circulation and venous blood) swelling appears on the 7-10th day - at the time when the drug “stands up”, that is, it begins to immobilize the muscles. They can last from 1-2 weeks to two or more months and require special procedures in order to quickly return to the face. healthy looking. The main diseases and conditions of the patient’s body, which are very high probability will provoke the formation of problematic swelling after botulinum toxin injections:

You should definitely inform your cosmetologist about all these nuances, who will advise the necessary preventive measures or suggest refraining from the procedure for a certain time.

Mechanisms of edema formation after “beauty injections”

For normal tissue supply nutrients and oxygen, timely removal of cell metabolic products is necessary so that blood supply, venous blood outflow and lymph outflow are balanced. Inflow arterial blood carried out thanks to the work of the heart. The outflow of venous blood, as well as lymphatic drainage, is stimulated by the following actions:

  • when inhaling, negative pressure is created in the chest cavity, due to which air enters the lungs, venous blood and lymph enter the heart;
  • during muscle contractions, venous blood and lymph are “pushed” through the vessels to the heart.

The balance between fluid entry into tissues and its removal may be disrupted:

  • decreased muscle tone and contractility;
  • the presence of diseases of the cardiovascular system, kidneys;
  • hormonal imbalance in the body, etc.

In each of these cases, the development of problematic swelling is very likely. Let's take a closer look at why this happens and what the role of botulinum toxin is:

  • The influence of muscle tone on the development of edema

When Botox or Dysport is administered, the paralyzed muscles in the target subcutaneous areas stop contracting, which in some cases can lead to stagnation of venous blood and lymph in the tissues. In this case, swelling most often forms around the eyes, most often on the upper eyelids. This is due to the structural features of the skin - here it is thinner than in other areas of the face, does not have a supporting bone frame, and lies on a layer of loose fatty tissue. And the small ones venous vessels, which are located in the eyelid area, are easily pinched by edematous tissues.

As a result, a “vicious circle” is formed: the greater the swelling, the worse the further outflow of venous blood and lymph. In particular difficult cases the described mechanism can lead to the formation of persistent or persistent (occurring from time to time) edema of the upper and/or lower eyelids, and sometimes the entire face.

  • Impact of diseases of the cardiovascular and urinary systems

The development of heart failure leads to a decrease in the heart's ability to pump blood through the vessels. This leads to overflow of the venous bed. In this case, part of the blood seeps into the tissues and accumulates there. Swelling forms, which appears from time to time, but can be permanent.

They appear on the legs and rise higher as heart problems develop. What does this have to do with face? It turns out that it is direct. Any impact that healthy person will not cause adverse changes, but may lead to complications in a patient with heart failure. If the outflow of venous blood is already weakened, after injections of Botox, Dysport or another similar drug, muscle inactivity can lead to swelling of the upper eyelids and the face as a whole.

With most diseases of the urinary system, the ability of the kidneys to remove excess fluid and mineral salts is reduced to some extent. The latter “settle” in the tissues, which also leads to the formation of edema. At renal failure swelling most often appears in the facial area. If you “turn off” the auxiliary effect of muscle contractions on the outflow of venous blood and lymph, they become stronger and more noticeable.

  • Impact of hormonal imbalance

The ability of tissues to retain fluid is influenced by female sex hormones. For many people, slight swelling of the face may appear on certain days. menstrual cycle. Almost all pregnant women experience swelling. If before the onset of menstruation the face becomes puffy, then the risk of similar problems appearing after anti-aging injections is also very high.

Where should and should not be administered Botox and Dysport?

There are certain areas of the face in which swelling is more likely to develop when botulinum toxin is injected: the forehead, with the exception of the bridge of the nose, and the crow's feet area. This does not mean that you need to give up injections. It is necessary to choose the correct injection points for the drug, since turning off some muscles will lead to the elimination of wrinkles and a change in the position of the eyebrows, while others will lead to the development of edema:

  • For example, immobilizing the upper part of the orbicularis oculi muscle has a good effect. This allows the frontalis muscle to raise the eyebrow upward and make the overall facial expression more alert and open.
  • In the area of ​​the lower eyelid, administration of the drug is possible only subcutaneously and in no case intramuscularly, using a minimum dose. With the intramuscular option, swelling around the eyes cannot be avoided.
  • In some cases, it is necessary to completely abandon injections in the forehead area, so as not to provoke the formation of edema, limiting ourselves only to turning off the facial muscles associated with the bridge of the nose. This is usually more than enough to smooth out wrinkles on the upper part of the face.

Knowledge of all such nuances forms the basis of a cosmetologist’s qualifications, so the result of the procedure will largely depend on the right choice doctor Now botulinum toxin preparations are administered both by specialists with many years of experience who know the structure and location of facial muscles under the skin, and by girls without medical education at all (sometimes even at home), who at the seminars were given a diagram of the approximate location of the injection points to obtain certain changes. Of course, the likelihood of getting certain complications, including swelling, is much higher in the second case. Risk factors also include:

  • improper preparation of the face for the procedure and non-compliance with skin care recommendations during the recovery period;
  • incorrect choice of dosage (see also article “”). A competent cosmetologist begins working with a new patient with a minimum amount of injected drug: after assessing the result and the individual reaction of the body, you can always inject a few more units, but if you receive an overdose, nothing can be done; you will have to wait several months until the effect of the already injected botulinum toxin wears off.

How can non-compliance with doctor’s recommendations affect the development of edema?

At least one day before the scheduled procedure, you will need to refuse:

  • physical activity and long stays in an inclined position;
  • massage and other procedures in which you have to lie face down;
  • alcohol.

After the procedure, the doctor gives each patient an additional list of recommendations that must be followed. Very often, swelling can appear precisely because of an underestimation of its importance or misunderstanding between the doctor and the patient. For example, the ban on bending applies not only to severe types physical labor, for example, weeding beds, but also for such simple steps, like trying on several pairs of shoes in a row, caring for pets when they are on the floor, etc. It would seem like an insignificant little thing, but it is precisely this that can cause problematic “side effects”, which you will then have to spend your time and money fighting .

How to remove swelling after botulinum toxin injections?

Depending on whether swelling is the only complication in the patient or whether there are other adverse consequences, you can choose two options:

  • purposefully eliminate stagnation of lymph and blood;
  • develop comprehensive program for the speedy restoration of normal muscle activity.

In the first case, the most effective are diuretics and cosmetic procedures with a lymphatic drainage effect (as manual massage, and hardware influences). At the same time, in some patients, due to individual characteristics and the body’s reactions to botulinum toxin, it is not possible to achieve complete muscle relaxation and eliminate wrinkles without causing swelling. These “lucky ones” will have to either stop using Botox or immediately after the injections sign up for a course of lymphatic drainage procedures.

If, in addition to swelling, other side effects appear, such as ptosis upper eyelid, squint, drooping corners of the mouth, etc., are necessary for everyone available means block the activity of the drug and restore the mobility of facial muscles. The following are best suited for this:

  • manual and hardware lymphatic drainage massage;
  • application succinic acid orally and as injections into the problem area;
  • hot compresses and masks;
  • mesotherapy using drugs such as DMAE, rutin, artichoke, hibilan, green tea, ginkgo;
  • use of neuromedin and proserin micropapularly at the injection points of Botox or Dysport;

Some forums recommend drinking alcohol when complications occur after Botox, as it supposedly promotes rapid removal of the toxin. In fact, this “methodology” only provokes the formation of new swelling on the face, which can seriously aggravate the problem.

Expert opinion

cosmetologist-dermatologist, doctor highest category, DoctorPlastic clinic:

Swelling after botulinum therapy does occur, although very rarely, mainly in people who are prone to this due to their facial structure. However, when the procedure is performed by an experienced certified specialist in a good clinic, using proven drugs, this risk is reduced to almost zero.

If the swelling is concentrated in the area between the eyebrows and/or slightly on the upper eyelid, then this can be considered as normal. It is highly likely that everything will go away within 2 weeks without additional intervention. More difficult is the area around the eyes, where problems often arise due to excess quantity drug or incorrectly selected injection points. This is primarily due to the ability of retrobulbar fiber to attract water. If a certain portion of the orbicularis oculi muscle is excessively relaxed, hernias of the lower eyelids may become more pronounced, which visually looks like swelling.

The fact is that before carrying out the procedure, the doctor must evaluate not only the depth of wrinkles, but also the presence of hernias, the severity of subcutaneous tissue, the activity of facial muscles and other individual factors. And it happens that illiterate specialists conduct such an assessment incompletely or incorrectly, as a result the patient receives a result that is completely different from what he expected. In this case, there is no need to panic; as muscle activity is restored, the face will return to normal. If the patient is unhappy and does not want to wait for gradual natural reduction this effect, you can carry out procedures that improve lymphatic drainage and stimulate muscle activation, in this way the problem is usually solved very quickly.

What to do if real swelling appears, and not the visual effect that we talked about above? Our body is designed in such a way that lymphatic drainage is activated when muscles work. And when the muscle doesn’t work, lymph circulation also worsens. As I mentioned, this may be a variant of the norm, but if the swelling does not go away for a long time, then there are physiotherapeutic procedures that improve lymphatic drainage and stimulate muscle activity.

In general, the botulinum therapy procedure looks quite simple and low-traumatic for the patient, but it requires the doctor to have serious knowledge of anatomy and physiology. Therefore, we always encourage women to turn to professionals and not trust “kitchen masters”. In a reputable clinic, the patient must at least sign an informed consent for the procedure, where the specialist also signs, and in addition, the injection points and dosage are noted on a special picture form.

We at DoctorPlastic are sometimes contacted by patients who had injections “in an apartment, with a private specialist” and who received any undesirable effect. To prescribe adequate physical therapy, you need to know what was done and how exactly it was done. Therefore, I advise patients to keep their own “diary”, where they would write down when, where, in what quantity and what drugs were administered to them. If unwanted side effects or, God forbid, complications, it will be much easier for us to prescribe treatment if we know the patient’s anamnesis (history).

Consequences after Botox: what doctors are silent about, side effects from the procedure

based on 7 reviews

Do you want to experience the effects of Botox injections, but are you afraid of the consequences and complications? Have you heard a lot of scary information about the terrible side effects of this procedure? Do you want to know all the details that clinic specialists keep silent for advertising purposes? We will tell you the most interesting information on this hot topic.

What information will you find out:

What is Botox

Botox injections are prescribed only after a thorough examination of the body.

A drug called Botox consists of botulinum toxin A, obtained from the anaerobic bacteria Clostridium botulinum. It is a nerve poison that causes paralysis muscle tissue when penetrating inside its structure, however, due to low concentrations, it is not capable of causing harm to health. As a result of such actions, the muscle and the surrounding surface of the skin completely relax, which leads to the effect of smoothing and disappearing wrinkles.

Over the course of several months, this toxin is completely eliminated from the patient’s body naturally, and neuromuscular connections are restored.

Botox injections are prescribed only after a thorough examination of the body in order to identify all the patient’s contraindications. In addition, a competent specialist must correctly assess the initial state of the facial muscles in order to exclude the possibility of immobility. individual areas faces.

The skin surface requiring correction must be pre-treated with an antiseptic solution, as well as anesthetic drugs local action(if necessary). After the procedure is completed, the patient can return to his work duties and lead a normal lifestyle.

What are the contraindications for use?

If such a procedure is performed by a qualified specialist who has the necessary knowledge and solid experience, there are usually no side effects.

However, there are cases of serious complications caused by many factors.

The doctor is obliged to warn his patient about the list of contraindications to the use of Botox in order to avoid dangerous consequences and significant side effects. This list includes a ban on the procedure in the following cases:

  • pregnancy and breastfeeding;
  • glaucoma diseases;
  • the presence of infectious diseases in the body;
  • the presence of immunological disorders;
  • individual intolerance and tendency to allergic reactions;
  • the presence of dermatitis and other diseases of the epidermis;
  • increased body temperature;
  • presence of diseases of the hematopoietic system;
  • taking antibiotics and anticoagulants;
  • presence oncological processes in the body;
  • epilepsy diseases;
  • the presence of foci of inflammation in the area of ​​manipulation;
  • atony of the facial muscles (age-related weakening of muscle tissue);
  • weakened immune system of the body.

At the age of 45 - 50 years, many women experience atony of the facial muscles, associated with age-related loss of muscle strength, so additional administration of Botox in this case will lead to even greater weakening, as well as sagging due to paralysis.

The drug Botox has been in the service of medicine for many years, during which it has repeatedly undergone thorough testing and clinical trials on the subject possible appearance complications. During these experiments, the following facts were established:

  • Botulinum toxin used for injections is used in very small dosages, and therefore is not capable of causing botulism;
  • in case of individual allergic reaction– intolerance to the drug, a rejection reaction may occur, requiring therapeutic manipulation;
  • V large quantities cases after using Botox the following were observed: skin redness, swelling, inflammatory reactions.

What reasons can cause side effects?

The most common causes of complications after the Botox procedure are considered to be medical errors

The consequences of using Botox are conditionally divided into 3 groups, depending on the root cause of their occurrence:

  1. Unqualified actions of a specialist/doctor.
  2. Ignoring compliance with special rules by the patient himself.
  3. Individual reaction of the body to botulinum toxin.

What mistakes can a doctor make?

The most common causes of complications after the Botox procedure are considered to be medical errors. They are:

  • injection of the drug into inappropriate areas of the face that respond inadequately to the process of complete relaxation, resulting in asymmetry of the oval and contours;
  • selection deviations correct dosage, that is, with a smaller amount of botulinum toxin administered, there will be no visible effects from the manipulation, while a slight excess of the dose can turn the face into a motionless mask;
  • ignorance or ignoring the rules for subcutaneous/muscular diffusion, which can provoke migration of the drug to neighboring facial tissues, leading to their ptosis (drooping). Known cases of local accumulation active substance under the skin in the eye area, which leads to swelling and local overdose;
  • incompetence of the specialist who carried out the procedure with gross violations, which may result in: drooping of the upper eyelid, distortion of facial expressions and facial expressions, drying of the mucous membrane of the eyes due to impaired blinking, bags in the eye area, swelling of the face, asymmetric changes in proportions, paralysis of the circular muscles of the oral area leading to difficulties while eating;
  • failure to comply with the temperature conditions of storage of the drug, leading to the loss of its basic properties.

In the process of metabolic removal of botulinum toxin molecules, most side effects are eliminated, but there are cases of long-term accumulation of the drug, which can bring a lot of trouble and disappointment.

What can patients do wrong?

A large proportion of problems and complications are associated with patients ignoring the conditions of the rehabilitation regime and the strict regulations of actions that must be observed. They are:

  • the need to hold the head level and refuse a horizontal position during the first hours after the manipulation;
  • prohibition on prolonged bending of the body associated with lowering the head down;
  • excluding any procedures associated with an increase in skin temperature (baths, saunas, massages, sports events);
  • prohibition of drinking any alcoholic beverages;
  • avoiding rubbing the face, especially in the eye area and injection sites;
  • taboo on taking special medications (for example, strong antibiotics).

What may be the individual reaction of the body?

Capable of causing rejection/intolerance reactions associated with the individual susceptibility of the body. They are divided into 2 main groups. The first is associated with the occurrence of complex inflammatory reactions that form at the sites of drug administration, and the second includes hypersensitivity reactions to the toxin, expressed in severe swelling and the development of anaphylactic shock.

In order to prevent such complications, it is necessary to first test for the body's sensitivity to the Botox toxin, and also categorically not to carry out manipulation during the course of acute infectious diseases and weakening of the immune system.

Possible long-term consequences of the procedure

For a long period of time, there was an opinion that Botox drugs did not have long-term side effects, but in the process thorough research it turned out that this was not the case.

It is known that in some cases complications may appear in the patient after a long period of time that has passed since the procedure, without any pain. These consequences may include:

  • total change and disruption of facial expressions caused by redistribution muscle load And motor activity separate zones;
  • atony, general weakness of the entire muscular system of the face;
  • loss of elasticity and the appearance of excessive dryness of the epidermis as a result of trophic changes occurring in the tissues.

In most cases, the above complications are rarely eliminated and are practically impossible to correct.

In addition, complications from the use of Botox may occur in the form of:

  • spasm of the eyelids;
  • drooping eyebrow arches;
  • subcutaneous hemorrhages;
  • impaired lip mobility (when it is inserted deep under the skin);
  • headaches;
  • severe swelling of the places where the drug was administered.

Unpleasant sensations and side effects are possible in cases of rapid injection of botulinum toxin under the skin, as well as repeating the procedure more than once a year.

What are the disadvantages of Botox?

This drug is demanding vocational training a specialist who administers it and does not tolerate amateurs who engage in such business solely to increase personal profit and do not care about the consequences for each patient.

The identified disadvantages of the drug include:

  • inability to eliminate deep-lying wrinkles;
  • low effectiveness in relation to folds located in the chin and cheeks, associated with their non-facial nature;
  • limited validity period of the procedure, lasting in each case individually - from 3 to 6 months from the date of execution.

Video: The first Botox - author's review! Shock!

Only after carefully assessing all the pros and cons can you resort to Botox injections. We wish you success!