What group does the child have if his parents? How is a child’s blood type calculated if there is information about the parents’ group and Rh?

According to the currently accepted classification, blood is divided into four groups: I (0) - first, II (A) - second, III (B) - third, IV (AB) - fourth. They are distinguished by the presence or absence of certain antigens on the surface of red blood cells. If red cells do not contain any antigens, then this is the first group, if they contain only antigen A - the second, only B - the third, both antigens (A and B) - the fourth. In addition, red blood cells may contain a specific lipoprotein on their surface called Rh factor, and then the blood will be Rh positive (Rh+). Only 85% of people have this complex protein in their red cells, while others lack it. The remaining 15% have a negative Rh factor (Rh-).

It has been proven that blood is inherited according to Mendel's law, like many other traits. In most cases, it is impossible to determine the blood type of future children with 100% accuracy. You can only calculate the possible options and their probability as a percentage.

How to recognize a group in children?

Many future parents are interested in knowing what blood type their offspring will have and how this information is transmitted. Inheritance occurs according to the laws of genetics, which are well studied today. In the AB0 system, three genes are responsible for the group - A, B and 0, of which A and B are dominant, 0 is recessive. Each person receives one gene from his mother and one from his father. Genotypes in a simplified form can be represented as follows:

  • The first (I) is 00. A person will pass on only 0 to his offspring.
  • The second (II) is AA or A0. Children can get either an A or a 0.
  • Third (III) – BB or B0. Either B or 0 will be inherited.
  • Fourth (IV) – AB. Children can get either A or B.

Based on the blood type of the parents and knowledge of some simple and understandable patterns of distribution of hereditary characteristics in descendants, formulated in Mendel’s law, it is possible to calculate possible blood options for future children:

  1. If a pair has I (0), the heirs will have the same one, and there cannot be another.
  2. If one has an I (0) and the other a II (A), the children will have an I or II.
  3. If one parent has I (0) and the other has III (B), the offspring may have I or III.
  4. If one has I (0), the other has IV (AB), the children will inherit II or III.
  5. If both mother and father have II (A), the child will receive II or I.
  6. If one has II (A), the other III (B), children can have either with an equal degree of probability.
  7. If one parent has II (A) and the other IV (AB), the offspring may have II, III or IV.
  8. If both parents have III (B), the heirs will receive III or I.
  9. If one has III (B), the other has IV (B), the children will have II, III or IV.
  10. If both are IV (AB) holders, the offspring will inherit II, III or IV.

You can determine the percentage of probability of inheriting a particular blood, taking into account the combinations of genes in mom and dad. Examples:

  1. What kind of blood can a child have if the expectant mother has the second one, and the father has the fourth? In this case, a woman can have the following combinations: AA and A0, a man can have only one option - AB. The offspring can inherit the following options: in the first case - AA, AB, AA, AB, in the second - AA, AB, 0A, 0B. With a combination of AA genes in a mother, children can get the second and fourth with a 50 to 50 probability. With the A0 genotype in a woman, they will have the second with a 50% probability, the third with a 25% probability and the fourth with a 25% probability.
  2. How to determine the group of the unborn child if the mother has the first, the father the third? In this case, a woman has only one possible combination - 00, a man has two - BB and B0. The offspring can inherit the following combinations: 0B, 0B, 0B, 0B and 0B, 00, 0B, 00. Thus, if the father has the BB genotype, then the children will have blood of the third group by 100%, if the genotype is B0, then the probability of the first and the third is 50%.

The calculation results can be presented more clearly using a table.

We can talk about some patterns of inheritance:

  1. If both of the pair have no antigens on the surface of the red cells (neither A nor B), then all their children will inherit this trait, that is, they will only have group I, and no other. In this case, it is possible to determine the child’s group absolutely accurately, 100%.
  2. If one in a pair has I (0) and the other II (A), then the children will have I (0) or II (0). Similarly for a pair with I (0) and III (B) - the offspring will inherit I (0) or III (B).
  3. It is impossible to predict what kind of blood the children will have if one of the spouses has II (A) and the other III (B). In this case, any options are possible.
  4. People with IV (AB) cannot have children with I (0), no matter what kind of blood the partner has.

How to determine the Rh factor?

In modern conditions, future parents have the opportunity to find out the gender of their future baby long before birth. To calculate what blood type he will have, it is enough to know simple laws about inheritance

According to this system, there are only two types: Rh-negative and Rh-positive. The Rh gene is responsible for inheritance, which can have two alleles D and d, where D is the presence of Rh, d is its absence: Rh (D) is dominant, Rh (d) is recessive. Thus, it becomes clear that a Rh-positive person has the DD or Dd gene, while a Rh-negative person has only dd. If one of the parents has the DD gene, then all children will have a positive Rh factor. If both the mother and father are Rh negative, that is, both have the dd genotype, then all children will only have Rh negative. If future parents have Rh(+), and their genes are Dd, then they can have children with both positive and negative Rh. In this case, the following combinations are possible: DD, Dd, dd.

Gender of baby based on parent's blood type

Most expectant mothers and fathers are interested in who will be born - a boy or a girl, and whether this can be determined by the blood of the parents. Such a theory indeed exists, but it has no scientific basis, so it is hardly worth trusting. It is used both at the stage of preparation for conception and after pregnancy has already occurred.

According to this technique, the probability of having children of one sex or another is as follows:

  1. A woman with the first group has a high probability of having a girl from a man with the first and third, and a boy - from a man with the second and fourth.
  2. If the mother has the second, the girl will be born in pairs with a man with the second and fourth, the boy - from the father with the first and third.
  3. A woman with a third is more likely to give birth to a girl from a man with a first. In other cases, there will most likely be a son.
  4. A mother with a fourth will have a daughter if the father becomes a man with a second; in other cases, she should expect a boy.

In a couple where one has blood II (A), the other III (B), children with any of the four groups can appear

Gender by Rh factor

This method also has no scientific confirmation. Determining gender using this indicator is very simple. As this theory states, the birth of a daughter should be expected if the parents either have a positive Rh factor, or both have a negative Rh factor. In other cases, the birth of a son is assumed.


Nowadays, you can learn a lot about future offspring even before their birth. Modern medicine allows, at the stage of pregnancy planning, to determine the likelihood of developing genetic diseases based on a blood test. In this way, future parents can avoid various unpleasant consequences and give birth to healthy babies. Determining the blood type of children by parents using existing tables cannot be considered accurate; one can only assume possible options. This information will probably only be known after laboratory research.

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You need to know your baby’s blood type already at the breastfeeding stage. The blood of the fetus and mother do not mix due to the placenta during pregnancy. But when feeding with breast milk, the conflict manifests itself in the form of hemolytic disease (jaundice, lethargy, tendency to bleed, poor reflexive development). May lead to unpleasant consequences for the baby.

A blood group is an individual set of red blood cells. Determined by various methods for identifying antigens (agglutinogens) on the surface of red blood cells and antibodies (agglutinins) in plasma.

There are two antigens that can be found in the blood: A and B, as well as antibodies alpha and beta. Depending on the compounds of these substances, four blood groups are distinguished:

І There are no antigens; plasma contains alpha and beta antibodies. Common. People with the first blood group are called universal donors, since it can be transfused to people with other groups.
ІІ Contains antigen A and agglutinin beta. It can be transfused to people with groups II or IV.
ІІІ Presence of agglutinogen B and agglutinin alpha. Suitable for transfusion to people with groups III or IV.
IV Contains antigens A and B, no antibodies. Transfusions can only be given to people with a similar group. A person with any group and Rh factor can become a donor, therefore a person with group IV is called a universal recipient (recipient).

They are determined in the following ways:

  1. Villous sampling of the embryonic part of the placenta (up to 4 months of pregnancy);
  2. Taking a sample of the liquid medium from the membranes in which the fetus is located;
  3. Taking a blood sample from the umbilical cord;
  4. Blood test of a newborn in the maternity hospital.

A child may have a group that is different from that of his father or mother. He receives one gene from his parents, and his group is determined by the set of genes that he combined.

The article presents tables that will help parents understand what the child’s blood type and Rh factor depend on. The information is for informational purposes only. Do not test at home. Trust the doctors, as the consequences can be dangerous for you and the child.

What does blood type depend on?

There are three types of genes: A, B, 0. There are only two of them in the blood. The group is determined depending on their combination.

The baby receives only one gene from its parents. One from mother, one from father. Depends on what set he gets:

Gen 1/Gen 2 Blood group
0/0 I
A/0 II
0/A II

Blood type of children from parents

Mom+Dad Probability of a child's blood type (%)
I+I I (100%)
І+ІІ I (50%) / II (50%)
І+ІІІ I (50%) / III (50%)
I+IV II (50%) / III (50%)
II+II I (25%) / II (75%)
ІІ+ІІІ I (25%) / II (25%) / III (25%) / IV (25%)
II+IV II (50%) / III (25%) / IV (25%)
III+III I (25%) / III (75%)
III+IV I (25%) / III (50%) / IV (25%)
IV+IV II (25%) / III (25%) / IV (50%)

What is Rh factor

An antigen protein may form on the surface of red blood cells (blood cells), but it may not exist.

If the antigen is present, the Rh factor (Rh) is positive; if it is not, it is negative.

Most of the population has a positive Rh factor. There are no differences between people with different Rh.

People with a negative score are more likely to have unusual abilities.

The Rh factor can be determined by analyzing venous blood. It does not change its meaning throughout life. There are only rare cases where, due to organ transplantation, this value could differ.

When a Rh negative foreign body enters an Rh negative body, the body perceives the protein (antigen) as an enemy and begins an attack against it. When receiving a blood transfusion or during pregnancy, the consequences can be fatal (death of the fetus or the person receiving the blood).

Rhesus conflict

Antibodies are generated in the blood and are designed to destroy a foreign body (antigen). This occurs during pregnancy or blood transfusion.

A woman who has a negative Rh factor must undergo a compatibility test with her partner before becoming pregnant.


  • If both partners have a negative indicator, there will be no conflict.
  • If the father is Rh positive, there is a risk of conflict.

In the early stages of pregnancy, it will be necessary to test for the Rh factor of the fetus. If he took Rh+ from his father, the pregnancy should be strictly under the supervision of doctors. There is a risk that the baby will be born with hearing defects, possibly anemia, and disruption of the brain. If the Rh of the fetus from the mother is negative, there will be no conflict.

The first pregnancy of an Rh- woman is mild. The second and subsequent pregnancies will be dangerous for her.

The body will have matured elements to combat the positive protein. Accordingly, rejection will begin faster. Before planning a second pregnancy, consult your doctor.

How to determine the sex of the unborn child by blood type

Mom/Dad blood types Gender of the child
І/І Girl
І/ІІ Boy
І/ІІІ Girl
I/IV Boy
ІІ/І Boy
ІІ/ІІ Girl
II/IV Girl
III/I Girl
IV/I Boy
IV/II Girl

Modern science now makes it possible to predict the character, as well as the state of the immune and nervous system of the unborn child. To do this, it is enough to determine the blood type of the parents. The comparability of Rhesus values ​​can tell a lot about the characteristics of a baby who has not even been born yet.

What blood types are possible in children?

Doctors say that it is almost impossible to predict the color of a baby’s eyes or hair, his future talents or character. However, blood type can be determined in laboratory conditions. For this purpose, special serums are used. According to the Rh factor, the modern population of the globe is divided into those with a positive and negative Rh factor. For some this indicator is present, for others it is absent. In the latter case there is no negative impact on health. True, women have a risk of Rh conflict with their unborn child. As a rule, this happens with repeated pregnancies, if the mother does not have this factor in her blood, but the baby does have it.

Such inheritance is carried out according to certain laws of genetics. Genes are passed on from the parents to the baby. They carry information about agglutinogens, their absence or presence, as well as the Rh factor.

Currently, the genotypes of people with this indicator are written as follows: the first group is 00. The baby receives one zero from the mother, and the other from the father. Consequently, a person who has the first group transmits exclusively 0. And the baby at birth already has one zero. The second is designated AA, or A0. From such a parent “zero” or “A” is transmitted. The third is designated BB or B0. The child will inherit "0" or "B". The fourth group is designated AB. Children inherit "B" or "A" accordingly.

The Rh factor is transmitted as a dominant trait, that is, it will definitely manifest itself. If both the mother and father have a negative Rh factor, then all the children in the family will also have one. When these indicators differ between parents, this will affect the child, that is, the Rh factor will be present or absent. If both parents have a positive indicator, there is a 75% chance that their heir will also have one. But the appearance of a child with negative Rh in this family is not nonsense. After all, parents can be heterozygous. This means that they have genes that are responsible for the presence or absence of the Rh factor. In practice, it is enough to simply find out this nuance by asking blood relatives.

Many parents wonder which group their children are born with. After all, they are not indifferent to the characteristics of their future baby.

You can use a special calculator on the Internet. It will help determine what blood type the child will be born with. According to the law of one Austrian biologist named Gregor Mendel, there are certain principles of inheritance of this factor. They allow you to understand the genetic characteristics of the future baby. Such principles make it possible to predict what blood type a child should have.

The essence of the law is quite simple. For example, if parents have the first group, then their children will be born without antigens B and A. The presence of the 1st or 2nd will give the children the opportunity to inherit them. The same principle applies to the first and third groups. The presence of the fourth excludes transmission of the first, but there is a high chance of conceiving children with the 4th, 3rd or 2nd blood group. If both parents are carriers of the second or third, then such an indicator in their descendant is not predicted in advance.

You can also determine the blood type of the unborn child using the following table:

Which blood groups are compatible and incompatible for conceiving a child?

The expectant mother should know her Rh and blood type. Therefore, when planning a pregnancy, it is advisable to undergo appropriate tests. Of course, the compatibility of spouses plays an important role for the birth of strong and healthy babies.

Mixing the blood of parents who have different Rh factors contributes to conflict. This is possible if the mother is Rh negative and the father is Rh positive. In this case, the health of the baby determines whose indicator is “stronger”. If a child inherits the father's blood, the content of Rh antibodies will increase daily. The problem is that when blood cells - red blood cells - penetrate inside the fetus, they are destroyed. This often leads to hemolytic disease of the baby.

If antibodies are present, doctors prescribe treatment. Such a conflict rarely arises when carrying the first child. This is due to biological reasons. Risk factors include ectopic pregnancy, previous abortions or miscarriages. Antibodies tend to accumulate. Consequently, red blood cells begin to break down earlier during subsequent pregnancies. This is fraught with serious consequences.

Diagnosis of incompatibility between the fetus and the mother begins with determining the Rh of the fetus. The combination of an Rh-positive father and an Rh-negative mother will require monthly testing of the pregnant woman's blood for antibodies. Gestation will take place without discomfort. But the mother may feel a little weak. Symptoms of incompatibility are detected only during ultrasound examination. When more antibodies increase and ultrasound shows fetal abnormalities, doctors perform an intrauterine transfusion. If there is a threat to the life of the fetus or the pregnant woman, artificial birth is performed.

The first blood group is considered the strongest. It is aggressive, typical of meat-eaters. Its owners are universal donors. The carriers of the second are vegetarians, berry lovers, gatherers; the third - admirers of cereals and bread. The fourth is the most man-made and of poor quality. But if spouses love each other, then nothing will stop them from conceiving a healthy baby. The main thing is to act decisively. Consultation with a qualified specialist will help to successfully achieve the birth of a new life, which will not be overshadowed by a disappointing doctor’s diagnosis.

Especially for -Nikolay Arsentiev

What blood type will the future baby inherit? - this question worries many couples who are “waiting for a miracle.” To find out, we will tell you what blood type and Rh factor are, and whether it is possible to predict in advance what they will be like in a child.

What is blood?

Blood is nothing more than a liquid tissue that circulates inside the human body and maintains proper metabolism.

It consists of:

  • liquid part, that is, plasma and cellular elements;
  • erythrocytes and leukocytes;
  • platelets;
  • gas (nitrogen, oxygen and carbon dioxide);
  • from organic substances, which include proteins, carbohydrates, fats and nitrogenous compounds.

What are the different blood types?

Blood type is nothing more than a difference in the structure of proteins. As an indicator, it cannot change under any circumstances. Therefore, blood group can be considered a constant value.

It was discovered by the scientist Karl Landsteiner at the dawn of the 19th century, who stood at the origins of the definition of the ABO system.

According to this system, blood is divided into 4 known groups:

  • I (0) - group in which antigens A and B are absent (molecules involved in the formation of immunological memory);
  • II (A) - blood with antigen A in its composition;
  • III (B) - blood with antigen B;
  • IV (AB) - this group contains two antigens, A and B.

The unique ABO (blood group) system changed scientists’ understanding of the composition and nature of blood and, most importantly, helped to avoid errors during transfusion that occurred as a result of incompatibility of the patient’s blood with the donor’s.

Rh factor - what is it?

The Rh factor is a protein antigen found on the surface of red blood cells. Scientists first discovered it back in 1919 in monkeys and a little later confirmed the existence of the Rh factor in humans.

The Rh factor includes more than 40 antigens, which are designated using numbers and letters. The most common Rh antigens found in nature are D (85%), C (70%), E (30%) and E (80%).

According to statistics, 85% of Europeans become carriers of a positive Rh factor, and the remaining 15% - negative.

Rh factor mixing

Surely you have heard that when mixing the blood of parents with different Rh factors, a conflict often occurs. This happens if the mother is Rh negative and the father is Rh positive. In this case, the child’s health depends primarily on whose rhesus turns out to be “stronger.”

If the future baby decides to inherit the father’s blood, then the mother’s blood will “increase” the content of Rh antibodies every day. The problem is that, penetrating inside the fetus, they will destroy red blood cells, then the body itself, which ultimately can lead to hemolytic disease of the baby.

What are Mendel's laws?

The laws of Gregor Mendel, an Austrian biologist, which geneticists and doctors rely on, are nothing more than a clear description of the principles of the transmission of certain characteristics by inheritance.

They served as a strong basis for the subsequent emergence of the science of genetics, and it is on them that one should rely when predicting the blood type of a child.

Principles of inheritance of blood groups according to Mendel

  1. According to the laws of Gregor Mendel, if parents have blood type 1, they will have children without antigens A and B.
  2. If the parents of the unborn baby have blood groups 1 and 2, then the children will inherit them. The same applies to groups 1 and 3.
  3. Blood group 4 is a chance to conceive children with group 2, 3 or 4, excluding the first.
  4. The child’s blood type is not predicted in advance if his parents are carriers of groups 2 and 3.

The “Bombay phenomenon” became an exception to these rules that have not changed over the years. We are talking about people whose phenotype contains A and B antigens, but for some reason they do not manifest themselves in any way. This situation occurs very rarely and most often among Indians.

How is the Rh factor inherited?

The Rh factor is designated by the letters Rh. Being positive, it carries the prefix “plus”, and negative – the sign “minus”.

It is possible to guess its type with 100% accuracy only in the case when both parents are Rh negative; in all other cases, Rh will be different.

Inheritance system

The positive Rh factor, which is determined by the D gene, has different alleles in its structure: dominant (D) and recessive (d). In other words, a person with the Rh(+) type can carry both the DD and Dd genotypes. A person with Rh(-) Rhesus is a carrier of type dd.

Knowing this pattern of inheritance, it is quite possible to predict the future Rh factor in a child who has not yet been born. If the mother is negative with the dd genotype, and the father is positive (DD or Dd), then the baby can inherit any of the possible variants. This is clearly demonstrated by the following table:

Thus, if the father carries the DD type, the offspring of the couple will receive Rh-positive Rhesus, and if he has the Dd type, then this probability is reduced to 50%.

What else can a baby inherit?

Of course, parents are concerned not only about what blood type their child will have. They are also wildly curious whether the baby will inherit, for example, their eye or hair color.

Dominants and recessives

Such intriguing questions are answered by genetics, and this is done through its knowledge of two types of genes: dominant and recessive. The former always precede the latter and suppress them.

Overwhelming, dominant signs include such appearance features as blood type, freckles or dark skin, dimples, fluffy eyelashes, a hump on the nose, myopia or early graying.

So, for example, if the father has brown eyes and the mother has blue eyes, the toddler will have dark eyes.

Traits that are inherited

The following can be inherited:

  • blood type and Rh factor (as we found out earlier);
  • skin color;
  • vision features (myopia or strabismus and other defects);
  • height (short or tall);
  • individual structural features of the arms and legs;
  • hearing characteristics (musical hearing, normal or deafness);
  • facial features (including freckles and dimples);
  • shape of the mouth, nose and ears;
  • hair color;
  • diseases (for example, diabetes and hemophilia).

But it is quite difficult to predict the baby’s character based on these signs. If only you try to determine the psychotype of personality to which the child will belong.

What about IQ?

Of course, a child can take not only the blood type and external signs from his parents. However, the IQ value, which expectant mothers and fathers are also often worried about, does not greatly depend on heredity.

Oddly enough, for the development of a child’s intelligence and brain, a favorable family environment and early communication bring much greater benefit than heredity.

At the same time, according to experts, women who constantly exercise during pregnancy can give birth to a gifted child. It also stimulates the child’s mental activity and breastfeeding (increases IQ by 6 units).

Health issue

As for diseases, everything has been known for a long time that, unfortunately, along with eye and hair color, a bunch of various diseases can be transmitted to us from our parents, including allergies, schizophrenia and even mental retardation.

But there is good news: today a person can receive his own individual genetic passport in order to find out about the dangers that threaten him. You can get it by contacting a medical laboratory that deals with DNA tests and genetic studies (and not just standard tests such as blood type and Rh factor).

Having done such an analysis, you will receive a personal “decoding” of the body’s characteristics, which will indicate a tendency to certain diseases, an attitude towards sports, a list of foods undesirable for consumption, and even a list of climatic conditions unfavorable for living.

A newborn baby's blood type is inherited from his mother and father. It is impossible to plan what it will be, but modern medicine allows us to calculate “options”. What blood type does the child have from his parents, a table with the Rh factor, the compatibility of a man with a woman when planning a pregnancy, the problem of Rh conflict - all this and much more will be discussed below.

How many blood types are there?

It would seem that all blood looks the same, but no, it contains specific red blood cell antigens, called A and B, due to which the main body fluid has special differences and is divided into types. Let's look at what blood types are:

  • the first (0) – does not contain specific antigens;
  • the second (A) – has only antigen A;
  • third (B) – has only antigen B;
  • the fourth (AB) – “can boast” of containing two antigens A and B.

What is the Rh factor (Rh)? This term refers to the protein lipoprotein, which is located on the surface of red blood cells. Based on its presence or absence, blood groups are divided into positive (Rh+) and negative (Rh-). Medical statistics show that only 15% of people have negative Rhesus, all the rest live with the positive group.

So, how many blood types does a person have? In the case of directly identifying general types, there are four of them, but if we take into account the fact that each of them can have both a positive and a negative indicator, then human blood can be divided into 8 subgroups.

Some statistics in percentages about people by blood type

As we have already found out, human plasma has 8 subgroups. An interesting fact is that the percentage of people by blood type differs significantly and has the following form:

Analyzing the statistics, we can say that a positive Rh factor is predominant and is present in 85% of the population. As for blood plasma, the first group is dominant in both the positive and negative subgroups. It is type I that is the main one, because it can be used for all other groups, although such blood itself does not accept any other subgroup.

The same table answers the question of which blood group is the rarest in the world. This is the fourth negative, which flows in the veins of only 0.4% of the world's population.

Parental compatibility, or what is meant by Rh conflict

It turns out that in order to conceive a child, potential parents must be compatible in blood type and Rh factor. Quite often, medical practice uses such a concept as parental incompatibility. What is it?

Incompatible parents

Many couples face such a problem as the lack of children. The examination reveals the incompatibility of a man and a woman, due to which the long-awaited first-born “does not work out.” To conceive a child, ideally the same Rh should be present, since otherwise, the course of labor may end in the following tragedies:

  1. If the woman is (-) and the man is (+), then the development of Rh conflict and fetal rejection with subsequent miscarriage is possible.
  2. When the woman is (+) and the man is (-), pregnancy is difficult, but if a miracle occurs, pregnancy continues without interruption.

Rhesus conflict, how not to lose a child

Typically, women with Rh- suffer from Rh conflict, since when conceived from an Rh+ owner, in 80% of cases the child receives the paternal Rh positive. And the immune system of a “minus” pregnant woman regards an embryo with a plus factor as pathogenic foreign cells and puts up active resistance, in every possible way excluding its presence in the female body. The fetus's red blood cells are attacked by the antibodies produced by the pregnant woman, leading to the loss of red blood cells.

The embryo, fighting for life, produces new ones, which leads to an enlargement of the spleen and liver. Such rapid growth causes oxygen deprivation, leading to brain damage and, as a consequence, the death of the unborn child.

An expectant mother who is Rh negative should be under constant supervision of a gynecologist. She needs to be constantly tested for the presence and amount of antibodies produced.

The newborn's blood is immediately taken to determine the Rh factor. If he is Rh positive, then the “minus” woman is given anti-Rh immunoglobulin as quickly as possible. This is done in order to be able to bear and give birth to another healthy toddler in the future. Anti-Rhesus immunoglobulin is also administered if a pregnancy with Rh-conflict ends in miscarriage or artificial birth in the later stages.

Blood type of the child from the parents, table with Rh factor

Blood type is a genetically inherited factor that is inherited from mom and dad. What blood type the child will have can be calculated. How? Now we'll explain everything.
Table of the possible blood type of a newborn based on the parents’ indicators:

The table clearly shows how specific erythrocyte antigens A and B are distributed. It should be noted that a parent with the first group cannot have a child with indicators of both A and B, even if the second parent has two of these antibodies. But those with IV(AB) will never get a child with group I(0). The most unpredictable are the results for parents who have all three types of indicators (A, B, 0) between them, for example, the mother has (A0), and the father (AB), here the child can inherit any of the four groups.

As for the Rh factor, it is inherited in a recessive-dominant manner. Rhesus positive is considered dominant, and rhesus minus is considered to be recessive, so if one of the parents has Rh+, then in up to 90% of cases the toddler will be born “positive”. Let's imagine the blood types of a child from his parents, in the form of a table with Rh factors.

Mother's Rh factor Dad's Rh factor Possible Rh factor of the child in %
Rh+ Rh+ (Rh+) – 75%, (Rh-) – 25%
Rh+ Rh- (Rh+) – 50%, (Rh-) – 50%
Rh- Rh+ (Rh+) – 50%, (Rh-) – 50%
Rh- Rh- (Rh-) – 100%

The times when mother III(B0) and father II(A0) born child IV(AB) were considered “fed up” have sunk into oblivion, today science has proven that human blood is inherited from parents, and its subgroup can be unpredictable and differ from parental. People preparing to become parents are simply obliged to know their Rhesus, since the compatibility of these indicators directly affects whether you will become happy parents or not.