What vitamins should children take in the fall? What vitamins are best to take in the fall? Vitamins in autumn: recommendations

Vitamin Manifestation of deficiency in the body
WITH Constant fatigue, bleeding gums, skin rashes, decreased immunity
B1 Pallor skin, bags under the eyes, increased irritability, trouble concentrating
B2 Dull hair color, pale skin
B6 Excessive oily skin, dandruff, dullness
B9 Deterioration of hair condition
RR (B3) An oily sheen appears on the face, and at the same time peeling occurs. Decreased sleep quality, fatigue, splitting nails
A The appearance of wrinkles, rashes, hair dulling
D Brittleness and splitting of nails, loss of sleep and appetite, constant feeling fatigue
E The skin takes on an earthy tint, pigmentation occurs, and hair becomes dull

But this is all autumn, with its melancholy and sweet gifts - the last fresh vegetables and fruits.

Find out where to look for vitamins or vitamins from separate materials.

What products do they contain?

To replenish stocks of such substances You should eat the following foods in the fall::

  • Ascorbic acid is found in large quantities in fresh and sauerkraut, citrus fruits, rose hips, peppers, pears, apples, pumpkin.
  • found in legumes, grains, and nuts.
  • B2 – in peanuts and almonds, meat (veal, lamb and pork), buckwheat, oatmeal(read more about this vitamin).
  • can be found in bran, bananas, spinach, soybeans, and avocados.
  • B9 is found in peas, cucumbers, lettuce, parsley and cabbage (where else folic acid, and we’ll also tell you about its properties).
  • found in cheese, fish, beef liver, pork, peas.
  • the maximum content is found in carrot juice; it is found in green vegetables, kidneys, liver, eggs, meat, and dairy products (more information).
  • D is produced under the influence of the sun's rays and is also found in dairy products. butter, cod liver, fish and.
  • E is found in greens, salad, quail and chicken eggs, cereals, cheese, apples, blackberries (all the richest foods in this vitamin are listed in).

Watch a video about how to help your body in the fall:

When is the best time to start taking it?

People often make the mistake of believing that they need to take vitamins in the midst of autumn colds and viruses. It is more correct to do this in advance, for example, in September or October. In addition, you need to understand that vitamins should be taken in courses of 14-21 days. And between them a break of about 2 months is required.

Drugs to enhance immunity in adults

Let's consider universal complexes for increasing protective forces body in the autumn season:

Before taking any multivitamin complex, you should definitely consult your doctor! Remember that an excess of minerals and vitamins is worse for the body than their deficiency.

Effective complexes for men

The stronger sex should take into account the age-related needs of the body when choosing a complex to take in the fall. For example, up to 40 years of age, B vitamins are important for men, because they take part in protein absorption. In addition, on sexual function and testosterone production are influenced by vitamins E, F and A.

At the age of over 40, complexes with vitamins E, A and C are already needed, which act as antioxidants, slowing down aging. To improve heart function you will need vitamin D, and vitamin H and B12 will protect the liver.

To support the body's defenses, men will need to replenish their supply of vitamins B1, B6, B5, C and B9. If they are deficient, the chance of getting a cold or viral disease increases.

Let's figure out which complexes contain the substances necessary for men:

Preparations for autumn vitamin deficiency for women and girls

A lack of vitamins always negatively affects health and appearance. It is very important for women and girls to look good, so in the fall you need to take care of your body getting all the components.

With a lack of vitamin E, the condition of hair and nails sharply worsens, and with a lack of vitamin D, weakness occurs, nails begin to peel, and sleep is disturbed. All B vitamins help fight memory impairment, lethargy and fatigue, and their deficiency is manifested by increased work sebaceous glands, cracks in the skin of the lips.

To boost immunity and maintain beauty, women and girls can take any of the following complexes in the fall:

What complexes should you give your child?

It is very important for children to receive everything they need for the growth and development of their bodies. In summer, an abundance of vegetables and fruits makes it possible to saturate the body, but in the fall it requires replenishment.

Load on children's body in the form of viruses and colds is especially strong in the autumn season. Besides proper diet It wouldn’t hurt to take ready-made vitamins, especially if the child is overeating and doesn’t eat enough.

Before you run to the pharmacy, you should understand that vitamin complexes selected by age. For example, up to a year the child needs more vitamin A and D to prevent rickets, because by autumn the number of sunny days decreases noticeably. In this situation good choice Vitamin D solutions “Aquadetrim” and “Vigantol” will become (read more about how to give vitamin D to babies). And the Baby complex from Multi-Tabs includes vitamins D, A and C.

For older children, complexes of 9 minerals and vitamins are suitable. Among them: syrup from “Pikovit”, “Multi-Tabs Baby”, as well as “Alphabet Our Baby”. From 2 years old, children can already be given Vitrum Baby..

For children over 3 years old, the choice of complexes becomes truly wide. This includes children's complexes from Complivita, Biovital, Centrum and others.

But do children really need to be given any vitamins in the fall? Here's what Dr. Komarovsky says about vitamins to boost immunity:

Autumn is a wonderful time, and in order not to overshadow it with loss of strength, colds and viral diseases you should enrich your diet the right products, as well as nourish the body with correctly selected vitamin preparations.

What are the dangers of vitamin deficiency?

Most often, a lack of vitamins is felt in autumn, winter and early spring. As a result, a person begins to get sick more often and experiences symptoms of hypovitaminosis:

  • dryness and flaking of the skin;
  • hair loss;
  • destruction of tooth enamel;
  • inflammation of the mucous membrane of the eyes;
  • the appearance of swelling on the face and eyes;
  • cramps, pain throughout the body;
  • decreased performance;
  • Bad mood, depression;
  • digestive problems;
  • loss of appetite;
  • decreased libido.

Some people believe that if you eat a lot of fresh fruits, berries and vegetables in the summer, then these symptoms are not terrible. This opinion is wrong. A person needs vitamins constantly, regardless of the time of year. So that in winter and spring you don’t feel unpleasant symptoms hypovitaminosis, you need to take care of yourself in the fall.

It’s best to discuss what vitamins to take in the fall with your doctor, since each person has individual needs.

What vitamins does a person need in the autumn?

Decrease in air temperature, unfavorable weather conditions, lack of sunlight- all these factors negatively affect the immune system. The person becomes more vulnerable to pathogenic viruses and bacteria. Therefore, you need to prepare your body for winter and decide which vitamins are best to take in the fall.

All vitamins are divided into two types:

  • Water soluble. Vitamins that dissolve in water. They are quickly excreted through sweat and urine and do not accumulate in the body.
  • Fat soluble. Vitamins that dissolve along with fat and accumulate in the fat layer.

In vegetables and fruits, to a greater extent, there are water soluble vitamins, which do not stay long in the human body. No matter how many fruits and vegetables are eaten in the summer, in the fall there will still be a lack of useful elements.

In pharmacies vitamin preparations sold in various types and dosages: tablets, capsules, syrups, etc. For more severe forms of hypovitaminosis and some diseases, the necessary vitamins are injected.

What vitamins are best to take in the fall:

  • . The body especially needs this vitamin in the fall. It improves immunity, is a powerful antioxidant and protects against cardiovascular and oncological diseases. With a lack of vitamin C, lethargy and drowsiness appear, performance decreases, gums begin to bleed, and the face becomes covered with small rash.
  • . This vitamin is also very important in the autumn-winter period, as it helps strengthen the immune system, participates in the processes of cell formation and renewal, improves vision, and prevents the development of cancerous tumors, improves skin and improves body tone.
  • . Is a powerful antioxidant that protects against cancer diseases, strengthens the immune system. A lack of vitamin affects the health of hair, skin and nails.
  • Groups B. Help stabilize nervous system, lift your mood and improve brain function. Strengthen the immune system and help in the fight against viral and colds in the autumn-winter period. With a lack of vitamins, cracks appear in the corners of the mouth and bags under the eyes, hair becomes dull and falls out, a person becomes irritable, attention decreases and memory deteriorates.
  • . It is produced in the body with the help of sunlight, which is not enough in autumn and winter. During this period, it is necessary to provide additional vitamin intake to prevent bone fragility, depression, and increased nervousness.

Don't forget about minerals:

  • Iron . Takes part in the process of hematopoiesis, helps supply oxygen to cells, necessary to increase brain activity. Iron deficiency causes anemia, lethargy and apathy.
  • Calcium. Essential for health skeletal system, helps improve blood clotting, has anti-allergic properties. Relieves inflammation, helps cleanse the body of toxic substances. Positively affects the condition endocrine system, strengthens blood vessels, increases immunity, protects against the development of cancer. Promotes the release of female sex hormones, improves metabolism.
  • Potassium. Regulates water balance, improves condition cardiovascular system, increases brain activity, rids the body of excess salts, acids and alkalis, and reduces swelling.

Autumn hypovitaminosis leaves marks on hair, skin and nails. This especially worries women. It is necessary to pay attention to the following useful substances: vitamins B6, B12, A, C, E, D, Omega-3, Omega-6. An excess of vitamins is dangerous to health. Therefore, if a woman has injected any vitamin intravenously or intramuscularly, then further administration of the drugs must be carried out only on the recommendation of a doctor

What foods will make up for the lack of vitamins?

By eating right and eating a variety of foods, a person provides himself with all the useful substances.

The table shows foods containing essential vitamins.

Vitamin Content in food
  • fatty fish (tuna, sardine, herring);
  • liver;
  • egg yolk, milk;
  • carrots, tomatoes, dried apricots, watermelon;
  • green leafy vegetables
  • cereals, legumes;
  • potatoes, carrots, cabbage
  • citrus fruits, berries, fruits;
  • sauerkraut, bell pepper;
  • green leafy vegetables, potatoes
  • apples, plums, watermelon;
  • blueberry, chokeberry;
  • vegetable oil

The following table lists foods that contain beneficial micro- and macroelements:

To provide the body with everything essential vitamins and minerals, you need to eat at least 400 g of fresh vegetables and fruits daily. This is not always possible to achieve. Therefore it is recommended to take special drugs containing vitamins and minerals.

The best autumn vitamin complexes

In autumn, the body experiences a change in air temperature, which has a bad effect on the immune system. Therefore, it is necessary to make every effort to strengthen the body.

  • Vitrum. In the fall, it is better to choose a complex for immunity. The composition contains 14 vitamins and 17 minerals that will protect the body from viruses, pathogens and improve general condition. The Vitrum company took care of everyone - children, men, women of different ages.
  • Multitabs. Series for different age categories. In the fall, it is more advisable to take a combined complex with all the necessary vitamins and minerals.
  • Complivit. Contains essential vitamins and minerals that will protect a person from viral and colds. The series presents drugs for different ages.
  • Supradin. Created specifically for people with low immunity.
  • Duovit. The line of vitamin preparations from the Swiss manufacturer includes complexes that satisfy many needs. The big plus is affordable price and efficiency.

Adults should also pay attention to the following vitamin complexes:

  • Pharmaton, Gerimaks, Undevit.

You need to take vitamins strictly according to the instructions. It is forbidden to exceed the recommended dosage and duration of use. Such actions can cause hypervitaminosis, allergic reactions, problems with gastrointestinal tract and others side effects

What vitamins are best for children to take in the fall should be discussed with their pediatrician. The child's body reacts much more sharply to pharmaceutical drugs, therefore there is a higher likelihood of developing allergic reactions.

Below is a table listing vitamin preparations for children by age.

It is prohibited to choose your own vitamins for infants and children under one year of age. Only a pediatrician can prescribe the right remedy, taking into account the characteristics of the child’s body

A person needs a regular supply of vitamins and minerals. A varied and balanced diet will help saturate the body with essential nutrients. During the autumn period, vitamin preparations will help compensate for the lack of vitamins. When choosing a good vitamin complex for yourself and family members, you need to be careful and pay attention to the expiration date and composition.

You can watch the video below about the role of vitamins in the body and how to compensate for their deficiency.

In this article:

To the surprise of many parents, the autumn period, characterized by an abundance of fruits and vegetables, cannot fully enrich the child’s body with “benefits”. Therefore, fathers and mothers begin to be at a loss as to what vitamins should be given to children in the fall. Moreover, this is not a whim of adults trying to play it safe during the season of colds and weakened immunity, but a necessity caused by a lack of vitamins, including calcium, iron, iodine, vitamin C and group B. The lack of even one of these elements weakens the immune system and reduces the level of protection against viral infections. and colds.

What vitamins protect against the flu in the fall?

To avoid being at risk, children should take vitamins. The most effective are considered multivitamin complexes, designed to maintain general health. A wide range allows you to find the drug that suits you, but the choice itself is not so simple. Therefore, it is better to do it with the help of a pediatrician, who will take into account not only the individual needs of the child’s body, but also recently suffered diseases, as well as susceptibility to certain diseases in general.

Only having this information, you can make a reasonable and right choice. It should be noted that complexes for children can also be taken by women as vitamins for conception. They contain gentle doses useful elements, which in large quantities have the opposite effect. Therefore, those who want to get pregnant should prefer children's complexes to adults.

At the same time, the most useful were, are and will be natural vitamins, which are available in food products in large quantities in the fall. Most often these are fruits and vegetables. They should be eaten in an orderly manner, controlling the elements entering the body and paying special attention to those that are missing. For example, traditional apples, cucumbers, tomatoes, pumpkins, zucchini, sweet peppers and different types cabbage

Among the elements most necessary for a child’s body, experts identify the following vitamins:

The danger of lack of nutrients in the body

Vitamin deficiency is serious illness, affecting not only immunity, but also the body’s ability to provide resistance of various kinds viruses and bacteria, especially in the fall, when the body adjusts from summer to winter.

Excessively advanced cases of vitamin deficiency in children practically do not occur, unless we are talking about children from disadvantaged families in which they can only dream of fruits and vegetables. Serious forms of vitamin deficiency can result from prolonged and regular fasting or a long-term lack of a specific microelement.

However, for many children, doctors diagnose vitamin deficiency as an autumn diagnosis, recommending parents to be more attentive to the baby’s diet. And although many adults believe that over the summer the child’s body has stocked up with a sufficient amount of “goodies,” this is not entirely true. Autumn vitamin deficiency - the same common occurrence, like spring. The only difference between them is the composition of the microelements the body lacks.

Symptoms of a lack of essential microelements:

Important point! The problem will not resolve on its own and will not disappear anywhere if you do not pay attention to it and do not take any action. The situation can only get worse, causing undesirable consequences. The most common problems resulting from vitamin deficiency are complications from viral and colds.

Which vitamin complexes are better: features of the autumn choice

What vitamins or complexes are best to take in the autumn? For an answer, it is better to contact a pediatrician and nutritionist. Specialists will diagnose the body, identify its weak points or possible violations at work, and based on the results, they will recommend medications that should be taken in the fall.

If parents want to choose vitamins for their child on their own, then, when studying the assortment of pharmacy shelves and instructions, you should pay attention to preparations with the lowest content of dyes and flavors and with maximum number necessary and beneficial microelements.

The most popular and effective vitamin complexes that experts recommend that children take for vitamin deficiency and simply to maintain immunity:

What other vitamins can you take in the fall? Only those that have proven themselves well in the country’s domestic market. Therefore, parents should listen not only to the recommendations of specialists and advertising, but also to the same parents. It is better to buy a drug that has been tested by more than one child and mother than an unknown new product that is actively advertised on television and radio.

According to research from the Institute of Nutrition of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences, in the children's age group hypovitaminosis affects 70-100% of children experiencing a lack of certain vitamins and microelements all year round. What measures should be taken to combat the violation? Take vitamins all year round, both in the correct form and healthy nutrition, and in the form of medical complexes. Vitamins are always beneficial!

It is in the fall that our body usually lacks vitamins, which is why we so often feel tired and overwhelmed at this time of year. But how to deal with this?

What vitamins does the body lack in autumn?

Vitamin Symptoms of vitamin deficiency Products containing Vitamin complexes
WITH Fatigue, bleeding gums, rash, risk of infection. Very high content in pepper and cabbage (pickled and fresh). MultitabsComplete
B1 Paleness, which is accompanied by bags under the eyes, irritability, inability to concentrate. Cereals and legumes, nuts. ComplivitVitrum
B2 Pale lip shade, dull hair color. Nuts (almonds and peanuts), buckwheat, meat (lamb, pork and veal), oatmeal. ComplivitVitrum
B3 Sleep disturbance, constant fatigue, splitting of the nail plate. Liver (pork or beef), peas. B Complex
B6 Fatty skin, dandruff, constant lethargy. Soybeans, avocado, banana, spinach, bran. ComplivitVitrum
B9 Hair problems. Parsley, lettuce, cabbage, cucumber, peas. Folic Acid (Pregnancy)B Complex
RR The skin of the face becomes oily and appears flaky. Liver (beef), pork, fish, cheese. Spectrum
A The appearance of small wrinkles, rashes, hair becomes dull in color. Carrot juice (contains more than fresh carrots). MultitabsComplete
D Problems with nails such as brittleness and splitting, fatigue, insomnia, loss of appetite. In summer - under the influence of sunlight, so during this period you need to walk more often. Vitrum
E Problems with hair and nails, protruding skin age spots, and the skin on the face takes on an earthy tint. Apples, blackberries. VitrumDynamizan

Vitamin C

This is a vitamin that a person needs constantly, as vitamin C plays important role in the functioning and maintenance of immunity. This is a guarantee that your body will not succumb to stress, and infections will not be able to easily affect you. This vitamin helps remove substances that are toxic, such as copper or mercury. It is important to remember that our body does not reproduce this type of vitamin on its own and does not store it when received. Therefore, it should be replenished and maintained regularly.

Vitamins of this group help maintain immunity, as they are involved in the formation of blood composition. The group consists of 13 elements, but only 8 of them are the most common. It is difficult to talk about how much vitamin B is required per day for a person. All because of the influence various factors, such as: age, gender, season, etc. All B vitamins have their own purpose, but all affect the nervous system, and support many other functions, and this vitamin is also widely known as. It is important to note that vitamins together are much more effective than if they are taken separately from each other. If the body lacks a vitamin from this group, then this can be noticed by insomnia, changes in the skin, loss of appetite, hair problems, and so on.

By the way, we have already written about how it, like B vitamins, helps slow down skin aging.

However, you should also not go too far, because an excess of B vitamins is extremely dangerous, and the symptoms are similar to its deficiency.

We have all heard a lot about vitamins C, A, B and others, but what is vitamin PP and why is it even needed? Firstly, this vitamin is believed to have medicinal properties, so it is quite often added to medical supplies. And secondly, vitamin PP plays a special role in tissue development, lowers cholesterol levels and converts fat into energy. Also, the vitamin helps fight a number of cardiovascular diseases, and reduces the risk of their occurrence. With hypovitaminosis, a number of symptoms occur, among which the most prominent are insomnia, depression, a constant state of lethargy and problems with nutrition. Regarding daily requirement, then it all depends on the age of the person. For example: in the period from seven to ten years, you need 15 mg of the vitamin, and from ten to thirteen - already 19 mg.

Vitamin A is usually associated with carrots, and it is not surprising since it was first discovered in this vegetable. But, nevertheless, group A vitamins are also found in large quantities in fish oil, liver, butter, egg yolks and other products. Scientists often study the issue of vitamins, and it was recently found that food cannot fully replenish vitamin A. That is why it is worth taking additional complexes that will bring its content to the proper level. This vitamin helps the body perform many functions, such as:

  1. redox processes;
  2. proper formation of bones and teeth;
  3. normalizes metabolism;
  4. helps in the formation of new cells;
  5. significantly reduces the aging process.

Moreover, the most important point is that vitamin A affects our vision. It contains substances that support the normal functioning of all visual processes. Like all vitamins, vitamin A is also involved in fighting infections and protecting the immune system from viruses. As for the requirement, on average an adult needs to receive 800-1000 mcg of vitamin per day.

Everyone knows that we get vitamin D under the influence ultraviolet rays. This vitamin group includes the following types: D2, D3, D4, D5 and D6. If the body enters normal amount ultraviolet radiation, in which case we do not need to replenish it. However, this option is not always possible, as several factors are important:

  1. how long is the light wave;
  2. skin color (the darker the skin, the less vitamin is produced);
  3. age;
  4. How polluted is the atmosphere and environment?

However, vitamin D can be supplemented in small quantities through animal products: dairy, fish oil or egg yolk chicken egg. But you should remember that dairy products do not always contain this vitamin, so you shouldn’t count on them too much. More in an effective way will drink a vitamin complex that contains group D.

Not many people know, but vitamin D still functions as a hormone in our body. It is formed in the kidneys and affects their functioning in the same way as the functioning of the intestines and muscles.

Since the vitamin tends to remain in the body, its overdose can cause problems. You need to be careful, as the symptoms of overdose are similar to the symptoms of excess.

This vitamin maintains a stable nervous system, dilates blood vessels, helps to quickly get rid of skin and eye diseases. And this is not the entire list, since the properties of the vitamin can be listed for a long time. Vitamin deficiency causes serious problems in the form various diseases. It is also very important for pregnant women to monitor this, since a lack of vitamin E can cause spontaneous abortion.

As you can see in the table, vitamin E is found in large quantities in apples and blackberries. However, there are many drugs in pharmacies that replenish its content in the body. Vitamin E does reproductive function, so it is quite often prescribed in the form of medication for those undergoing treatment for certain diseases. For an adult, 10-20 mg of vitamin per day is enough.

What vitamins should a man take in the fall?

Autumn is that time of year when our body lacks almost all vitamins due to a decrease in the amount of fruits and vegetables in the diet and a lack of sunlight. Therefore, you should not isolate only vitamins to improve immunity. In the fall, it is extremely important to take care of entering the body with a full range of all necessary elements.

A properly selected balanced complex can speed up metabolism, and also increase endurance, physical strength, and the ability to produce offspring.

Men's vitamins by age

Of course, in different ways age period The body's needs change, so in addition to other factors, it is necessary to take it into account.

Until the age of forty, group B compounds are very important, since they are involved in the absorption of protein, which in turn ensures an increase in muscle mass and support the production of sex hormones. Vitamins tocopherol and retinol have a good effect on testosterone production and improvement of sexual function. Also, to maintain the required level of this hormone in the body, vitamin F is needed.

People over 40 need complexes that contain vitamins E, C, and A. These vitamins are antioxidants and do a good job of slowing down the aging process. Vitamin D is important to prevent deterioration of heart function and blood pressure stability. In addition, older men will need to supply their bodies with vitamins B12 and H (which protects the liver).

Quite often, the cause of hair loss in men of any age is a lack of vitamins. Therefore, representatives of the stronger sex who are concerned about the condition of the scalp are advised not to neglect taking vitamins B, E, H, C, A, F. These elements can strengthen the hair, prevent hair loss, and also make it voluminous and beautiful.

Vitamins for sports

While playing sports or physical work, the body in any case urgently needs additional help in the form of vitamins. Scientists have identified the following list of elements that need to be supplied to a man’s body during systematic exercise. physical activity: C, B1, B2, B3, B6, B12, D, E, A. Such a complex will provide a person with all the necessary nutrients and improve metabolism. It is worth noting that these vitamins must also be taken in cases of constant unreasonable fatigue, lethargy, and fatigue. In this case, you can use the complex Wellman, which helps especially well with severe physical and mental stress. It replenishes the body with all the necessary nutrients and improves memory, but its disadvantages include the possibility of allergies.

Vitamins that improve immunity

To maintain protective function body and increase resistance to various infections and diseases, it is necessary to regularly replenish the internal supply of immunostimulating nutrients. These vitamins include: C, B1, B5, B6, B9. If there is no need for these elements, the likelihood of illness decreases and the healing process accelerates.

What complexes does a guy need to drink?

The Alphabet for men has all of the above properties. It energizes, banishes drowsiness, and has a very positive effect on immune system. Its peculiarity is the division of the active elements into three doses, which allows you to most effectively combine all the necessary vitamins. Duovit for men it also does an excellent job of replenishing the body’s vitamin balance. It improves metabolism, increases performance, and also slows down aging. Besides all this, Duovit has a good effect on human sexual function, and in case of prostatitis it reduces the severity of symptoms. Vatrum « Life" And Complete « Men's Formula"can also be classified as one of the most effective complexes vitamins, because they contain all necessary substances, which are so necessary for men, especially in the fall.

What vitamins should a woman take in the fall?

In the fall, the possibility of obtaining all the necessary elements with food comes to an end, and, as you know, for the most part, the condition of not only women's health, but also appearance in general. The problem of vitamin deficiency is easier to prevent than to treat, so it is recommended to take suitable complexes.

How does a lack of vitamins affect a woman?

The absence of each vitamin can affect a woman’s condition in its own way.

For example, vitamin C is responsible for increasing resistance to colds, so its presence in the complex in the autumn season is extremely important.

If the body lacks vitamin E, the health and beauty of hair and nails can deteriorate sharply.

Symptoms of vitamin D deficiency include weakness and splitting of nails, as well as disturbed sleep.

All B vitamins can improve memory function, so if minor problems with it become noticeable, then we can draw conclusions about a lack of essential nutrients.

In addition, a lack of B vitamins in the body can be determined by cracks on the lips, increased activity of the sebaceous glands on the face and head, as well as general lethargy and fatigue.

Which vitamins to choose?

There are three types of vitamins you can find in pharmacies: single drugs, multivitamins, And vitamin and mineral complexes. The former contain only one vitamin. They should be taken only if a doctor diagnoses a deficiency of a specific vitamin. Multivitamins are already a kind of complex of vitamins that are necessary female body. And vitamin-mineral complexes, in turn, in addition to vitamin substances, also contain necessary for women minerals such as calcium, etc.

What vitamins should a girl take?

When choosing among vitamins, for the autumn period you can note Complivit And Vitrum. They contain all the substances necessary to maintain women's health and beauty even in unfavorable seasonal conditions.

What vitamins should a child take in the fall?

IN childhood it is very important to get what you need for active development and growth of the substance in sufficient quantities. The abundance of fruits and vegetables in the summer diet allows you to saturate your body with everything necessary vitamins, however, in the fall they become insufficient. There is, of course, the opportunity to select available products in such a way as to minimize the lack of useful elements, but what if the child is a picky eater? In this case, the time comes for additional vitamin complexes. It is important for children to have strong immunity, since in a kindergarten, school, amusement park and other crowded places, they are most susceptible to respiratory diseases.

When and how to drink?

A common mistake is that many people start taking vitamin supplements only at the height of the cold season. It is best to start early, for example in September or October. You should also understand that you need to take vitamins in courses of 2-3 weeks, between which there should be a break of at least two months.

What vitamins should I choose at the pharmacy?

It is necessary to select vitamin preparations primarily according to the age of the child. Children under one year old need an abundance of vitamins D and A, which can prevent rickets and increase overall resistance to respiratory diseases. On the shelves you can see such vitamin D solutions as Vigantol And Aquadetrim. Multi-Tabs Baby is a complex of vitamins D and A, as well as ascorbic acid.

Children from one year old it is already possible to give complexes containing more than 9 important vitamins and minerals. These are drugs such as Multi-Tabs Baby, Pikovit syrup, And Alphabet “Our Baby”.

Children from two years old, in addition to the previous complexes, you can give the following drugs: Vitrub Baby And Virum Junior.

For children aged three years and older The choice of vitamins is much larger. To series of drugs Vitrum, Multi-Tabs, Pikovit And Alphabet are added Biovital, Complivit, Cetrum, and many others.

Autumn time corrects many things that concern our body and largely dictates its own laws. A fairly common belief is that vitamins that accumulate in summer period, are a satisfactory supply for the winter, this is a myth.

In autumn, as in other seasons, it requires vitamins to maintain immunity and simply wellness. Remember that many of them are not stockpiled. So, with a high degree of probability, we can say that taking vitamins in the autumn is not just desirable, but necessary.

Of course, you need to pay attention to the fact that vitaminization is more effective in spring and autumn. What vitamins should you take in the fall? Many people are interested in this issue. However, first we should still talk about the natural accumulation and replenishment of vitamins in the human body.

To saturate the body with the necessary vitamins, you should take about four hundred grams, of course, more is possible, of raw fruits and vegetables. In the fall, you need to eat traditional apples, tomatoes, cucumbers, sweet peppers, pumpkins, zucchini, and, of course, cabbage of various types.

Vitamin C

Constantly necessary for humans, it is found in large quantities in peppers and cabbage, both fresh and sauerkraut.

Vitamin A

There's a lot of it in carrot juice. By the way, there is much more of it than in the vegetable itself. And it is known to prevent the formation of tumors, makes better color facial skin, and in general strengthens and maintains the tone of the human body.

Vitamin E

Widely known for its antioxidant properties. Its replenishment is required constantly, because it does not have the ability to accumulate. This is where the usual apples and freshly squeezed apple juice, as well as blackberries, will help best.

Vitamin B

They are rich in legumes, potatoes, and cabbage. By consuming them in the fall, you can strengthen your immune system and improve your mental abilities.

Vitamin D

Its accumulation requires special attention. Winter and autumn naturally This is not easy to do, because it is produced under the influence of sunlight. If this vitamin is not enough, then this is fraught with brittle bones, nervousness and even depression. Take the time to walk on sunny days, accumulating vitamin D in your body.

Don’t forget about microelements, which are also vital for humans. Potassium and copper, for example, can be replenished by eating zucchini and pumpkins. Dishes made from them are tasty, satisfying and healthy.

Video from the Internet

The best vitamin and mineral complexes for autumn

Dynamic modern society dictates its conditions of existence. Often, in the flow of everyday worries and responsibilities, there is chronically insufficient time to provide balanced nutrition. The question increasingly arises of what vitamins to take in the fall in order to better supply the body with everything it needs. This is where the use of vitamin-mineral complexes comes to the rescue.

When taking these medications, remember that vitamins cannot be taken continuously for a long time. You should not forget that in front of you is still medicines. Without a medical recommendation, one course is taken with a break of six months or a year.
Here are the most effective and healthy vitamin complexes that you can take in the fall.


It contains 17 minerals and 14 vitamins. It is very important that this complex helps the body fight colds, which begin to “attack” a person in the fall. Vitrum Centuri will prolong active longevity and strengthen the immune system for people over fifty. But beauty, health and youth at any time of the year will be supported by Vitrum Beauty, because this complex best promotes normal metabolism, strengthens nails and hair, and improves the health of the skin.


This combination drug, which contains necessary for a person minerals and vitamins. Thus, vitamins A and C in its composition help increase the body’s resistance to “attacks” by various infections. Needless to say, this is very important in the fall. Magnesium ensures normal heart function metabolic processes regulates copper, etc. in the body. The “Multitabs Baby” complex has been specially developed in the form of sweet drops for babies and “Multitabs Baby” in the form of chewing candies.


This drug also has various complexes. The important thing is that it is designed taking into account the characteristic features of Russian nutrition. And minerals and vitamins are contained in one tablet for ease of use.
Do not forget that taking a vitamin-mineral complex even with the most good recommendations This is possible only after consultation with a doctor. Self-administration Vitamin deficiency can lead to allergies and hypervitaminosis, which is certainly dangerous to health.