What eye color is the rarest in the world. Human eye color: meaning and change in eye color, eyes of different colors

Through our eyes we receive 90% of information about the world around us. They give the world the first impression of us.

Beautiful eyes, an attractive, mysterious or decisive look is what attracts the attention of your interlocutor. This is a “talking” organ that will talk about you and show everything. Therefore, we want our “ business card"played into our hands and was the best.

Structure of the eye

Eyes are compared to the universe not only because of their beauty and aesthetics. This is one of the most complex organs in its structure and functioning, consisting, like cosmic bodies, of many tiny elements.

The organ of vision consists of:

The eye, in its structure and operating principle, resembles a camera. The image passing through the refractive systems of the cornea, lens and vitreous, already inverted and reduced form ends up in the final section visual pathway- occipital lobes of the brain. There the final analysis and decoding of the image seen takes place.

Eye beauty criteria

As noted above, the structure of the eye is the same for everyone. But it is difficult to find people with completely identical eyes.

At different times, fashion dictates its own criteria of beauty. Different peoples have their own idea of ​​beauty. Fashion trends have not spared the eyes either.

The criteria by which their attractiveness is assessed:

Eye color

The color of the iris depends on the content of melanin, a high-molecular pigment contained in the anterior layer of the iris. The color is influenced by the distribution of the pigment, as well as the vessels and fibers of the iris itself.

The following eye colors are distinguished:

In addition, there are many shades and variations of primary colors. So, there are gray-blue, brown-green, gray-green, etc.

What eye color is considered the most beautiful?

There is no consensus on which eye color is the most beautiful. Even among men and women there are different preferences.

Thus, men prefer women with cool blue or bright brown eyes. If they associate the former with aristocratic elegance, the latter – with passion and inner fire. Women are more selective and consider rare, unusual colors and their combinations beautiful. If it’s blue, then it’s bright, if it’s brown, then it’s with golden splashes.

Lists of the most beautiful eyes among celebrities will speak most clearly about people's preferences.

Beautiful eyes in men

Legendary musician David Bowie– owner different colors eye. Even though the twist came after a fight, it only increased the love of the rocker’s fans.

Also among the men with the most beautiful eyes are Johnny Depp with his deep brown eyes, blue eyes Zac Efron with a pure and innocent look, Jared Leto with the endless gaze of the big ones blue eyes, and also Alain Delon.

Beautiful eyes in women

The first places in such lists for many years have been occupied by Megan Fox And Angelina Jolie. Their beautiful cut of light eyes with a predatory look slays men on the spot.

And the actress Kate Bosworth has an anomaly - one eye is blue and the other is brown.

About huge expressive eyes Indian star Aishwarya Rai For many years now they have been talking about it as something unearthly. Big eyes Zooey Deschanel also attract the attention of millions of fans of the actress.

Why is green eye color considered rare and beautiful?

One of the rarest colors of the iris is green.

It is observed in people with a small amount of melanin in the iris. Only 2% of all people have such eyes.

Perhaps the attractiveness of green eyes is partly due to prejudices and stereotypes about green-eyed people.

Coincidence or not, the vast majority of green-eyed people are girls and women. This is why the opinion that all women with green eyes are witches is true.

Nowadays, more than half of all people with green eyes live in the Netherlands, Iceland, and other Scandinavian countries and Turkey. In countries of Asia, Africa and South America Such eyes are rare. However, the same as in Russia.

The brightest and unusual shade green eyes - the actress Tilda Swinton.

Rare eye colors in the world

Although green eyes are beautiful, they are not the only rarity.

There are also other unusual eye colors:

Why do people strive to change their eye color?

People tend to strive for the beautiful and perfect. First of all, we strive to make ourselves perfect, to get closer to our ideal. The eyes did not escape this either. People change the shape of their eyes, the shape of their eyelids, and get eyelash extensions. Why do people want to change their eye color?

There may be the following reasons for this:

How can you change your eye color?

On one's own. So, maybe blue, but within a few weeks, they can change their color to gray, brown or other colors.

Also, as we get older, our iris color loses its brightness and saturation and becomes more muted. Severe stress or shock, as well as certain diseases (especially eye diseases). Short-term changes depend on mood, lighting, etc.

But how to change your eye color arbitrarily and quickly enough:

  • Cloth.
    The right color of wardrobe items can slightly adjust the color of your eyes. If you wear clothes blue for the owner of blue eyes, this will make them more saturated. And blue clothes will add the same shade to gray eyes.
  • Makeup. By emphasizing light eyes with dark shadows or a pencil, you can make the color darker and deeper. And when using certain colors, you can adjust yours, for example, with gray shadows gray-blue eyes pure gray.
  • Lighting. When the lighting changes, the eyes may change color. This is especially visible on light eyes. They can change shade from blue-gray to green.
  • . One of the most safe ways temporarily change eye color. They can change the color either dramatically or slightly adjust it.
  • Self-hypnosis. Perhaps the power of suggestion acts only on oneself, but with a certain attitude, the eyes can be seen in a different shade.
  • Meditation. Just like self-hypnosis, meditation and trances are not scientifically proven methods for changing eye color. In any case, this method will definitely not harm the body.
  • Eye drops. Prostaglandin hormones, when used as eye drops, can make the eye color darker and more saturated. But it is important to remember that first of all this is a medicine. Application without medical indications may lead to undesirable consequences and cause irreparable damage to the eyes.
  • Laser correction. During this operation, by removing melanin from the front layer of the iris, it can lighten the eyes, changing the color from brown to gray or blue. But this method is quite expensive, irreversible, and also has possible side effects.
  • Surgical intervention. There is a radical way to change. During the operation, a colored implant is inserted into the iris, which can later be removed. But such interference can lead to diseases (and blindness).

Selection of colored lenses

If the choice of how to change your eye color has settled on colored lenses, then you need to consider some selection tips:

Types of colored lenses

Colored lenses are aimed at changing eye color.

Depending on the effect that needs to be achieved, as well as on their characteristics, there are different types lenses:


Beauty is a subjective concept. And different things are considered beautiful at different times. Therefore, the criteria for eye beauty may change over the course of several years.

And large-scale changes carried out to comply with the canons and indulge momentary impulses are irreversible.

But if the desire to change something, for example, eye color, was deliberate and balanced, go for it, but choose safe methods.

After all healthy eyes- the most beautiful!

The eyes seemed to many to be a kind of mirror that opened the curtains of the soul. And the most rare color the eye is the ocean of the spirit, so people said in ancient times. This old saying remains relevant today. In the most rare eyes we see pain and mental suffering, in some there is boundless happiness and joy, and some do not carry any information at all, an emptiness of view and indifference to everything in the world. Each individual has his own (different from others) eye color. It, like fingerprints, is never repeated, although visually the eyes different people may be the same. But there are also those on Earth who have the rarest eye color. It is this point that the article will focus on.

The most common eye color: unexpected data

With our eyes we look at the reality around us. And this is no secret to anyone. Eye color begins to form even during human conception, as it is inherited by a certain gene. During the expert scientific research Doctors have found that there are only eight most common variations of eye shades. The most common eye colors among humankind are hazel and brown. Visual organs with a dark tint are mainly observed in people who permanently live in southern latitudes or in the north (or were born there). And all because it is the dark (brown) shade that is able to reflect bright daylight from the sun from the eye. In second place are blue eyes that look like a lake. Statistics: what eye color is the rarest are very few.

What determines eye color?

Ten thousand years ago, representatives primitive people on planet Earth, the shade characteristics of the eyes were practically no different from each other - everyone’s eyes were brown, sometimes their shade only changed slightly. But due to some change in the body of primitive representatives of people, something suddenly changed. There was a gene failure. Representatives of humanity have appeared with different eye shades. Eye color, like all the characteristics of an individual, depends on the triplet, which is passed from parents to child through inheritance.

What is the rarest eye color among representatives of humanity?

Many will be very surprised when they find out what eye color is the rarest. It is impossible to give an exact answer. Due to constant evolution, the rarest color of human eyes has constantly changed. Of the most common and famous (if you can call it that) eye shades, the rarest eye colors can be called greenish and turquoise. Green eye color is the rarest in the world. Scientists made a statement about this based on the results of their own research. Although this seems very strange to many. On planet Earth, only 2 percent of people with a greenish tint to their eyes general population. Many people think that this simply cannot happen, because green-eyed people are very common. However, this is actually a misconception. Very often, gray-eyed people are mistaken for green-eyed people due to optical illusions, light placement and other factors. For example, if a person with gray eyes is on the street, the shade of the eyes may change. Sometimes gray shades, depending on the space surrounding a person, acquire a blue or green “hint”, but in fact they are gray, and this is not the rarest eye color.

In girls, even makeup affects the variability of the gray color of their eyes. Eyes can be artificially made either green or blue.

Why are there so few people on the planet with “real” green eyes?

There can be many reasons. And which of them is reliable is almost impossible to find out. So, everyone knows that in the Middle Ages all green-eyed girls and many men with green eyes were considered witches or magicians and burned at the stake. Previously, no one even figured out whether the girl was a witch or whether she was involved in any “dirty” activities. Everyone, even those who had even a hint of a green tint, was burned at the stake. Historians know of many cases where even the king’s children were killed in such a brutal way because of the color of their eyes. Many believe that this is why the green shade (color) is currently considered rare. But what is the rarest eye color, excluding green?

But there is another, more scientific version. Melanin is responsible for the “production” of the green color of the organ of vision in the body. It is he who determines the color of the eyes. People with greenish eyes do not have enough melanin in their body. But most people have enough of this substance in their bodies, so they have a different eye color.

A rare eye color (green) can be more often found among representatives of the fairer sex. And only 5 percent strong half humanity can boast of green-eyed “eyes”. The rest are women. Therefore, to the question of what eye color is the rarest in men, you can answer with almost complete confidence – green. Again, a contradiction arises, because mostly women were killed at the stake in the Middle Ages. Green-eyed men were burned only after a serious investigation by the Inquisition. Therefore, a contradiction arises, why it is very difficult to meet a man with a rare eye color, that is, greenish. After all, men (“sorcerers”) were burned very rarely. No one can explain such a contradiction. But many suggest that, most likely, the organs of vision in men with greenish are very rare due to some kind of genetic failure.

The Netherlands leads the ranking of the most “green-eyed” countries. More than one in two of all people with green eyes live there. Another approximately 30 percent live in Iceland and the remaining 20 percent in Turkey. Moreover, in Norman countries, people with a greenish tint to their eyes can be more often found with red curls. Therefore, there was a stereotype that all red-haired people most likely have green eyes.

Despite the fact that scientists have identified as many as 8 shades of eyes, greenish is not included in this list, since it is truly the rarest eye color in humans.

But what is the rarest eye color, excluding green?

Heterochromia: what is it?

If we talk in simple words, then heterochromia is an eye disease (can be either congenital or acquired), in which the organs of vision differ in color completely or partially. Acquired heterochromia can appear as a result of a disease or due to injury.

Experts distinguish two types of heterochromia in people:

  • Full. In this case, both eyes are different in color from each other.
  • Partial (sometimes also called sector). Only some part of the eye is different. This type of heterochromia is more common in humans.

Heterochromia is considered a disease of animals (usually cats and dogs), but its manifestations can often be seen in humans. There are many “stars” who suffer from heterochromia. For example, actresses Kate Bossier and Daniela Ruah. But what eye color is rare in those who suffer from heterochromia? The question is controversial.

The most unusual eye color in the world

It is already known that people are born with pink, reddish, sapphire, blackish and rainbow eyes. But maybe this is just a myth, what is the rarest eye color in the world in reality? These issues need to be understood very well.

Pink-violet eye shades

Many people believe that people with pinkish eyes can be seen in everyday life almost impossible or they don’t exist at all. Probably, most people believe that such shades are given to them by lenses, but such colors do not exist in nature. In fact pink eyes- this is not a myth. Pink (a rare eye color) is considered by most scientists to be the most unusual color eye in the world. Representatives of humanity with pink and lilac organs of vision really exist. Some medical workers It is believed that this eye color is associated with the presence of mutated codons in a person. Such a mutation does not affect vision in any way and is invisible to the entire organism as a whole. Some actually believe that, on the contrary, purple eyes made people happy.

Scientists believe that pink or lilac color the eye could be due to Marchesani syndrome. This is not true. Among the symptoms of the disease, the exact change in the tint characteristics of the eyes has not been identified. However, this fact cannot be excluded. Thus, pink is also, like green, a rare eye color.

Red eyes in a person

Almost everyone knows that albino people exist. But no one has seen such unusual representatives of humanity, especially with red organs of vision. And all because the red-blooded tint of the organs of vision in albinos is rather rare than commonplace. Most albinos have brown-brown eyes. blue shades. But red shades of eyes are less common than others, so red, just like pink-lilac, is a rare eye color.

The effect of bright red eye shades occurs due to a small amount of a substance in the body that regulates the shade. If there is little or no amount of it in the body, blood vessels begin to appear through the eyes, which is why the eyes acquire such an unusual shade.

Sapphire (amber) eyes

Very strange color an eye that, as most people think, cannot exist at all. But if you dig deeper, the sapphire eye color is a shade of brown. Sapphire eye color, like red, is a very rare combination. Sapphire (sometimes called amber) eyes are very bright, they have a warm, even golden, tint. The eyes, which have a sapphire tint, are compared to the gaze of a wolf. Only a few people in the whole world have this eye color, so if you meet such a person, then consider yourself very lucky.

Black eyes

Black eyes, like sapphire ones, can be called a variety of brown. Despite the fact that they are considered the rarest on earth, they are much easier to find than those described above. The black tint occurs due to a high concentration of melanin. Most often, dark-skinned representatives of humanity have such an extraordinary color of their visual organs. This is explained by their black skin color, for which, sometimes, too much melanin is produced. But there are also exceptions. Black eye color can also occur in a person with white skin. This is also not uncommon. The black color sometimes changes to brown or grayish when the body's production of the substance that determines the color of the eyes decreases. Sometimes it occurs rainbow color eye. It combines different eye shades.

What is the rarest eye color? The question, despite its simplicity, is quite complex, wouldn’t you agree? It can even be considered rhetorical. It is very difficult to give an exact answer to this, because perhaps humanity does not even know about some eye shade. The rarest eye color in humans is very controversial. It is worth taking into account such a phenomenon as heterochromia. After all, the combination of different shades of color of the organs of vision is, in fact, the rarest eye color.

But at the moment, the answer to the question of what eye color is the rarest on the planet is red.

Although this is also an ambiguous answer, since the red color of the eyes is caused by blood vessels, not melanin. That is, “red” cannot be considered a color in this case. There is a lot of subjectivity in this issue; to some, the color may seem rare, but to others it is common.

What do you think is the rarest eye color?

According to scientific research and statistical data, the rarest eye color is green. Its owners make up only 2% of the total population of the planet.

The green tint of the iris is determined by a very small amount of melanin. Its outer layer contains a yellow or very light brown pigment called lipofuscin. In the stroma, a blue or light blue tint is present and dissipated. The combination of a diffuse shade and lipofucin pigment gives green eye color.

As a rule, the distribution of this color is uneven. Basically, there are a lot of shades of it. IN pure form it is extremely rare. There is an unproven theory that green eyes are linked to the red hair gene.

Why green eyes are rare

Trying to find out why green eye is a rarity today, you should seek possible reasons to the Middle Ages, namely to the time when the Holy Inquisition was a very influential institution of power. According to her doctrines, those with green eyes were accused of witchcraft, considered accomplices of dark forces and burned at the stake. This situation, which lasted for several centuries, almost completely displaced the inhabitants of Central Europe from the phenotype of the already recessive gene green iris. And since pigmentation is an inherited trait, the chance of its occurrence has decreased significantly. So green eyes became an infrequent occurrence.

Over time, the situation has leveled out somewhat, and now green-eyed ones can be found in Northern and Central Europe, and sometimes even in the southern part. Most often they can be seen in Germany, Scotland, Iceland and Holland. It is in these countries that the green eye gene predominates and, interestingly, is observed more often in women than in men.

In its pure form, namely the shade of spring grass, green is still a rarity. Mostly there are a variety of variations: gray-green and marsh.

The countries of Asia, South America and the Middle East are dominated by dark eyes, mostly .

If we talk about the distribution and predominance of individual shades of the iris on the territory of Russia, the situation is as follows: the share of owners of dark eye color accounts for 6.37%, with eyes transitional type For example, 50.17% of the population have brown-green eyes, and 43.46% have light eyes. These include all shades of green.

Eyes are the mirror of the soul. You can drown in their bottomless depths, you can pin them to a place with your gaze or captivate your heart forever... Masters of words often use such epithets. And indeed, sky blue eyes enchant, bright green ones enchant, and black ones pierce through. But how often in real life can you meet green-eyed people, and what eye color is the rarest? Read on for answers to these questions.

What eye colors are there?

In reality there are only 4 pure colors eyes - brown, gray, blue and green. But color mixing, pigmentation, amount of melanin, mesh blood vessels together they create many shades. Thanks to this effect, there are people with light brown, amber, black and even red eyes.

This is theoretically possible, but practically no one has seen it yet

Scientists who study what determines eye color, the heredity of this issue and possible mutations have experimentally determined that, theoretically, people with violet eyes should live on Earth.

Purple from a genetic point of view, it is a pigmented version of blue. In addition to scientific theories, there is evidence that in the remote corners of North Kashmir on the Hindustan Peninsula there are residents with real lilac eyes. Unfortunately, this is only oral evidence, not confirmed by photography or video, so skeptics are cold to such a statement.

However, the eyes of Elizabeth Taylor, a popular actress and queen of Hollywood, had an unusual lilac color. This is clearly visible in the film “Cleopatra”, where she brilliantly played the main role. And these could not be colored lenses, because their production began in 1983, and the film was released in 1963. Although the play of light and shadow coupled with skillful makeup sometimes works wonders...

If we discard the hypothesis about the existence of people with violet eyes on earth, then we can safely say that green is the rarest eye color on the planet. Only 2% of the world's population possess it. In this case, the following patterns are observed:

  • The vast majority of green-eyed people live in central and northern Europe, mainly in Scotland, Holland, Germany, Belgium, Norway, Iceland, and Finland. If in Iceland 40% of the total population have green eyes, then this color of the “mirror of the soul” cannot be found in Asia or South America;
  • In women, this eye color is 3 times more common than in men;
  • there is a direct relationship between green eyes and skin and hair color. Green-eyed people almost always white-skinned and most often red-haired. During the Inquisition, green-eyed, red-haired women were considered witches and burned at the stake;
  • If mom and dad are green-eyed, then the probability of having a child with the same eye color is 75%.

If only one parent is green-eyed, then the probability of having the same baby is reduced to 50%. Interestingly, if one parent has brown eyes and the other has blue eyes, then they will never have a green-eyed child. But if both parents are blue-eyed, then the child’s eyes will probably be green, and not blue color. That's genetics!

The famous poetess Marina Tsvetaeva had eyes of a beautiful emerald shade. Demi Moore and the beautiful Angelina Jolie have irises of the rarest natural green color.

Amber or gold

These colors are varieties of brown eyes. They have monochrome yellow tint or a mixture of golden, light brown tones. Such exotic wolf-like eyes are very rare. Their amazing color is due to the presence of lipofuscin pigment.

Blue lake – blue magnet

In third place in terms of prevalence are blue eyes. They are most common among Europeans, especially in the Baltic and Northern European countries. For example, almost all Estonians (99% of the population!) and Germans (75% of the population) are blue-eyed.

This shade is quite common among residents of Iran, Afghanistan and Lebanon.

Gray and blue are shades of blue, due to the greater saturation of melanin in the iris. Gray eyes capable of changing tonality from light gray, mousey to the rich color of wet asphalt, depending on the owner’s mood and lighting.

It is known that only about 6 thousand years ago a mutation occurred at the gene level, as a result of which the first child with blue eyes was born.

Blue-eyed people have a greater need for sex and pronounced reproductive functions.


The most common eye color is brown. Depending on the saturation of melanin in the iris, eyes can be light or dark brown, almost black. Scientists are 100% sure that 10 thousand years ago, all people on the planet had brown eyes.

A variety of brown shade is black. Black-eyed inhabitants of the Earth are most often found in Asia and Africa. Scientists know that dark color skin causes dark eye color. A black man with blue eyes is the rarest phenomenon on the planet.


Deviations from the norm are red and multi-colored eyes. In the first case, the cause is albinism - a congenital absence of the coloring pigment melanin in the body. In the second - heterochromia, a congenital or acquired pathology. Since ancient times, people with with different eyes attributed magical powers.

Many people with excellent vision prefer to wear contact lenses only to have a rare iris color.

Most often, you see brown or blue eyes when you look at the people around you. But some of us get truly unique iris colors. Which ones are the rarest?

What determines eye color

Many scientists claim that your eye color is purely genetic, which is mostly true. However, little is still known about the specific genes that determine iris color in humans. We know that rarer eye color genes are recessive, so perhaps it's just a matter of having the right genes.

What many people know about the formation of iris color is that it involves two pigments: melanin (brown pigment) and lipochrome (yellow pigment). It also depends on how the visual organ scatters light. When you see someone with blue eyes, it means there is no melanin or brown pigmentation. Conversely, when you see someone with dark brown eyes, they have an abundance of melanin.

Rare eye colors and how they occur

Eye colorReasons
HeterochromiaAn increase or decrease in pigmentation in one iris or part of the iris.
AnisocoriaOne pupil is wider than the other, causing one eye to appear darker.
Red or pinkThere is little or no melanin due to albinism.
VioletThe lack of melanin is mixed with light reflected from the red blood vessels.
GreyThere is very little melanin with a high collagen content in the stroma.
GreenA little melanin large number lipochrome and Rayleigh light scattering.
AmberA little melanin with a lot of lipochrome.
WalnutMelanin concentrates in the outer part of the iris, causing a multicolored appearance that usually ranges from copper to green depending on the light.

Which color is the most unique?

It's hard to pinpoint which eye color is the least common, but if you've never seen any of the ones listed below, it's because they're unusual.

Although it may seem that only a few people have rare iris colors, the truth is that each person has their own unique color like fingerprints. No two people have the same eye shape or color. So even if you brown eyes, your color is unique.

The rarest and most beautiful eye colors in the world

1. Heterochromia and anisocoria. These conditions are sometimes mistaken for each other.

Heterochromia is rare disease organs of vision, in which the iris is different colors. There are three types of heterochromia:

  • Full: eyes of completely different colors.
  • Partial: A spot on the iris that is a completely different color than the rest of the iris due to differences in pigmentation.
  • Central: When there is an inner ring that is a different color from the outer part of the iris because melanin is concentrated around the pupil.

This is a rather unusual type of coloration for the eyes, and although some people use contact lenses to make the iris color more even, I think this rare beauty must be on display! Less than 1% of people have aniscoria or heterochromia.

Anisocoria is a condition in which one of the pupils is significantly larger than the other and the difference is several millimeters. This creates the illusion that the eyes are different colors.

Anisocoria may be congenital or the result of nerve palsy or traumatic injury eyes, which can lead to much larger differences in pupil size. Because of this, an organ of vision with a dilated pupil appears much darker than another with a normal pupil.

2. Less than 1% of the world's population has red, pink and purple eyes. Two main conditions cause a red or pinkish color: albinism and blood in the iris. Although albinos usually have very light blue eyes Due to a lack of pigment, some forms of albinism can cause the iris to appear red or pink.

The purple-blue color is also found only in people with albinism. Scientists believe that you cannot have purple eyes unless you are an albino.

3. Gray eyes can sometimes be mistaken for blue. It is believed that what causes the iris to appear gray rather than blue is related to the amount of collagen present in the stroma. This interferes with Rayleigh scattering, causing the light to reflect gray rather than blue. Less than 1% of people have gray eyes.

4. Green eyes. Low melanin content, lipochrome burst, and Rayleigh scattering of light reflected from the yellow stroma can create various shades green. Only 2% of the world's population has green eyes. This is definitely rare!

5. Amber eyes. This amazingly beautiful golden color is often confused with nutty. The difference is that hazel eyes are green and brown shades, while amber ones have a solid, uniform color. With minimal melanin and lots of lipochrome, eyes in this shade almost glow! Many animals have this iris color, but it is very rare for humans. No more than 5% of the population are born with this color.

6. Hazel eyes may seem quite common, but only about 5% of the world's population is born with this color. In hazel eyes, melanin is concentrated on the outer side of the iris, giving them a multicolored appearance.

Are there really black eyes?

Some people think that black is one of the rarest iris colors. Have you ever seen a person with eyes that appear black as night? Although they look black, they are actually very dark brown, which is caused by the abundance of melanin. You can only identify the pupil by the iris when a bright light is pointed at the eyes! About 70% of the population of our planet have a brown iris.

It is believed that the human race began with brown eyes, and due to genetic mutations, other colors appeared. Perhaps that's why brown is the most common (but no less beautiful)!

The rarest combinations of hair and eyes

Despite the lack of research, many sources claim that the most a rare combination is the presence of blue eyes with red hair.

Melanoma may look like partial heterochromia at first glance

If you have any of these symptoms, consult your doctor as soon as possible:

  • Feeling flashes or specks of dust in your vision (floating objects).
  • Growing dark spot on the iris.
  • Changing the shape of the dark circle (pupil) in the center of your eye.
  • Poor or blurry vision in one organ of vision.
  • Loss of peripheral vision.

Is it possible to change eye color permanently?

There is a way to do brown eyes blue. Using a laser, your doctor can remove melanin from your vision, resulting in a clearer stroma that allows light to scatter differently so your iris appears blue. Some doctors use silicone implants to permanently change the color.

Constant change comes with risk, as do most operations. One risk is that melanin can cause a blockage in the fluid coming out of the eye, causing excess pressure or glaucoma. A silicone implant can also create blockages and high blood pressure, causing inflammation and damage to structures visual organ. As a result of these operations, some patients became completely or partially blind.

If you want to change the color of your eyes, your best and safest choice is colored contact lenses.

Explanation of terms:

    Melanin: A dark brown or black pigment found in the hair, skin, and iris of the eyes in humans and animals.

    Lipochrome: A fat-soluble pigment that gives the natural yellow color to butter, eggs, yolks, and yellow corn.

    Rayleigh scattering: Scattering of light without changing wavelength. This is what makes the sky blue because blue light scatters more easily than red light.