What is the best contraceptive method for a woman? There are no restrictions on the use of drugs

They are divided into several groups:
1. Abstinence from sexual intercourse. This method contraception is 100% effective;
2. A group of methods based on physiological laws and not highly reliable. These methods do not affect the body in any way, have no side effects or contraindications, and therefore can be used by all people without exception. To such physiological methods pregnancy prevention includes calendar, rhythmic, temperature methods, lactational amenorrhea and interrupted sexual intercourse;
3. A group of methods based on the use of a physical barrier for the penetration of sperm into the uterine cavity. These methods are quite effective and prevent infection with sexually transmitted diseases. This group of methods includes the use of condoms, vaginal diaphragms and caps;
4. A group of methods based on the use of chemical barriers for the penetration of sperm into the uterine cavity. These methods are highly effective and do not have a systemic effect on the human body. Currently, this group of methods includes spermicidal suppositories, gels, lubricants, sprays, tablets, etc.;
5. Hormonal contraception, highly efficient;
6. Other methods of contraception with high level effectiveness, such as intrauterine device or sterilization.

According to the mechanism and type of action, all contraceptive methods are divided into the following types:

  • Hormonal methods;
  • Intrauterine;
  • Barrier;
  • Surgical;
  • Postcoital;
  • Biological.

Hormonal methods of contraception

Hormonal methods of contraception are based on taking pills containing synthetic female sex hormones, which suppress ovulation and make pregnancy impossible. Hormonal contraceptives can be oral, injectable, implantable, or transdermal. Oral hormonal contraceptives are pills, injectable contraceptives are injections, and implantable or transdermal contraceptives are patches or implants.

Oral contraceptives are combined estrogen-progestogen and purely gestagen. Combination drugs contain two types of female sex hormones - estrogens and gestagen. And gestagenic ones, accordingly, contain only one hormone from the progesterone group. Progestin contraceptives are also called mini-pills. Currently, oral contraceptives are the most common among other hormonal methods of preventing pregnancy.

Oral contraceptives for each woman must be selected individually, taking into account existing diseases, the type of menstrual cycle, hormonal background etc. Hormonal pills prevent the development of ovulation and also change the state of the endometrium, preventing the fertilized egg from implanting in the uterus. Thanks to this action, hormonal tablets reliably protect against unwanted pregnancy. Oral contraceptives also reduce the duration and volume of blood lost during menstruation, eliminate pain and minimize the risk of developing inflammatory pathologies.

The modern oral contraceptive drug Delsia contains the most studied combination of active ingredients, ethinyl estradiol and drospirenone. This combination restores hormonal balance, helps normalize the cycle, maintain stable body weight, eliminate oily skin and hair, reduce anxiety and improve mood. The optimal regimen is one tablet for 21 days with a physiological break of 7 days.

Oral contraceptives have advantages and disadvantages over other methods. Thus, the undoubted advantages include high efficiency, ease of use and positive effect on the woman’s reproductive system. Disadvantages include side effects such as headache, nausea, irritability, mood swings, etc. In addition, combined contraceptives should not be taken by women suffering from vascular diseases (thrombophlebitis, hypertension, strokes in the past, etc.), liver, obesity, malignant tumors and bleeding. Combined contraceptives should not be taken by women over 35 years of age who smoke. Unlike combined contraceptives, gestagen mini-pills are suitable for women over 35 years of age. Mini-pills can be used during breastfeeding.

Transdermal contraceptives are a patch containing hormones that are gradually released and enter the bloodstream. This prolonged action with gradual release of hormones is also characteristic of vaginal rings.

Injectable contraceptives are injections containing synthetic hormones that provide protection against pregnancy for a long period of up to several months.

Implantable contraceptives are implants containing synthetic hormones that are injected under the skin, providing a gradual release of the active substance and a long-lasting effect.

Intrauterine contraception

Intrauterine contraception has been known since ancient times. The essence of this method is the introduction into the uterus foreign body, which prevents the fertilized egg from attaching to the endometrium. Even the ancient Egyptians inserted stones into the uterus of camels to prevent the animals from becoming pregnant. The most common method of intrauterine contraception is the IUD. The IUD can be simple or hormonal. Hormonal intrauterine devices contain small doses of hormones that are gradually released and further prevent the fertilization of the egg. IUDs are placed for 1,2 or 5 years, during which they protect women from unwanted pregnancy.

Barrier methods of contraception

Barrier methods of contraception include mechanical and chemical structures, preventing sperm from penetrating the fallopian tubes and fertilizing the egg. Barrier methods of contraception include condoms, vaginal diaphragms, cervical caps and spermicidal gels, suppositories, tablets and sprays. A condom prevents sperm from entering a woman's genital tract, and caps and diaphragms prevent them from entering the uterine cavity. Spermicides contain substances that kill sperm. Barrier methods of contraception are highly effective if used correctly.

Surgical method of contraception

Surgical method contraception is the sterilization of a man or woman. This method provides absolute reliability, since it creates artificial infertility. However surgical sterilization does not affect sexual function. Sterilization of women is carried out by ligating or cutting the fallopian tubes, and for men by pulling the vas deferens. After sterilization, it is impossible to restore the ability to bear children.

Postcoital contraception

Postcoital contraception is also called emergency contraception. The essence of this method is that within three days after unprotected sexual intercourse it is necessary to take hormonal pills that will prevent pregnancy, even if fertilization of the egg has occurred. Emergency contraception should only be used when necessary, for example, if a woman has been raped or a condom breaks, etc. Postcoital contraception cannot be used as a primary contraceptive.

Postcoital contraceptives include the drugs Escapelle, Postinor, Danazol or Mifepristone. The use of any drug for emergency contraception seriously unbalances functional state female reproductive system. The disturbance can be so severe that it can lead to ovarian dysfunction.

Biological methods of contraception

Biological methods of contraception are based on the physiological characteristics of the female body, as well as on the essence of sexual intercourse. Biological methods include temperature and calendar method s, as well as interrupted sexual intercourse. Temperature and calendar methods are based on identifying dangerous days on which pregnancy may occur. Having calculated these days, the woman needs to exclude sexual intercourse during this period. On the remaining days of the menstrual cycle, you can have sexual intercourse, since the likelihood of pregnancy is minimal. These methods can only be used by absolutely healthy women with a regular menstrual cycle.

When using the calendar method, women calculate dangerous days according to the length of your own menstrual cycle. And the use of the temperature method requires daily measurement of basal temperature (in the rectum). When the temperature rises by 0.4 - 0.5 degrees, it means ovulation has occurred. 4 - 5 days before its onset are the days on which pregnancy is most likely to occur. It is necessary to measure the temperature over several menstrual cycles and calculate, based on the chart, dangerous days on which you cannot have sexual intercourse, since the likelihood of pregnancy is maximum.

Coitus interruptus is not a very reliable method of contraception, since it is based on the fact that a man, when approaching orgasm, must remove the penis from the vagina to prevent sperm from entering the woman's genital tract. This method requires intense attention from the man. Often men do not have time to pull out their penis, and ejaculation occurs in the vagina. In addition, during sexual intercourse, small drops of sperm are released, which are quite enough for pregnancy.

Before use, you should consult a specialist.

Every representative of the fair sex strives to avoid unwanted pregnancy. Therefore, contraceptives must meet all health safety requirements. The goal of all gynecologists in the world is to combat abortion, which causes significant harm to female reproductive abilities. Nowadays, medicine and the pharmaceutical industry have achieved significant results to offer people the most modern contraceptives.

The main requirement for them is reliability, safety and efficiency. There is a large selection of such products on sale. Therefore, before choosing any of them, it is advisable for both the wife and husband to consult a specialist.

Hormonal contraceptives

Such methods of birth control are in great demand. Their particular convenience lies in the fact that they can be used at any time and can be stopped as soon as the woman wants to become a mother. Therefore this type contraception has long been popular.

The most significant advantages hormonal contraceptives are:

  • absolute reliability;
  • clear regulation;
  • significant relief of well-being during menstruation;
  • complete disappearance of acne on the face and body;
  • stabilization of ovarian function;
  • prevention of diseases of the female genital organs;
  • exclusion of ectopic pregnancy.

Hormonal contraceptives affect the entire body, regulating the content various substances in the blood and creating impossible conditions. In addition, they help stabilize menstrual cycle and relieve the condition during menstruation. Therefore they are very effective method protection.

Birth control pills

Such pharmacological agents are based on intervention in the course of a woman’s menstrual cycle. They are absolutely safe and do not affect the functioning of organs and systems.

They give you the opportunity to get pregnant at any time after they are discontinued. If the lady then decides to take a break between births or abandons the desire to become a mother again, their reception can be resumed. These drugs have had great success. They are very convenient to use and quite reliable.

There are such contraceptive pills as:

  • combined (containing estrogen and progesterone);
  • mini-pills (include only progesterone).

The second type of these drugs has an advantage, since it interferes less radically with the functioning of endocrine organs.

Vaginal ring

Very effective means protection is this type of contraceptive, which also contains estrogens.

An elastic ring is inserted into the woman's vagina and, over time, gradually releases hormones into the blood. Their increased content allows you to stop the ovulation process, which is most suitable for fertilization of the egg.

In addition, such a contraceptive prevents sperm from passing through the cervix, further protecting against unwanted pregnancy.

The great advantage of this method of protection is its safety for the functioning of internal organs. However, when inserted, it requires special precautions against spontaneous release.

Contraceptive patch

This type of contraceptive is also based on the use of estrogens. It is glued to a convenient place and released into the bloodstream as needed. This method does not reduce a woman's sex drive or her ability to experience orgasm.

You can apply it to the skin at any time, as well as remove it. Its great advantage is that it can be used even for a short time if at a certain period a woman does not want to become pregnant, although she wants to become a mother in the future.


Progesterone injections also have great influence on the course of the menstrual cycle, suppressing the ovulation phase. The validity period of such a contraceptive is ninety days.

The big advantages of injections are:

  • reliability;
  • Possibility of use during breastfeeding after forty-five days after birth;
  • dosed infusion of hormones into the bloodstream;
  • their rapid removal from the body;
  • availability of the method;
  • improvement of a woman’s general well-being;
  • minimum contraindications.

Contraceptive implant

This means of preventing unwanted pregnancy is based on the drug Norplant, which contains six silastic capsules with the progestogen levonorgestrel. Using a special technique, they are placed in subcutaneous tissue for a period of five years. Gradually, the substance from them enters the bloodstream and prevents conception.

It dissolves itself in the body and does not require subsequent extraction. This is a very reliable and convenient method of contraception. During its use, it facilitates the functioning of the uterus and ovaries. In addition, the constant presence of female sex hormones perfectly regulates the course of the menstrual cycle and helps make the period preceding the onset of menstruation less noticeable.

Intrauterine contraception - spiral

This type of contraceptive is a ring made of elastic material that includes a copper spiral. The ions coming out of it directly affect the egg, making fertilization impossible. This occurs due to changes in the chemical environment in cervical canal, which allows you to simultaneously influence the condition of the ejaculate and the composition of the mucous contents of the vagina.

It reliably protects against the penetration of sperm into the cervical area, and the action of copper prevents the egg from being reliably fixed. The effectiveness of this contraceptive is close to one hundred percent.

But, in order to install an IUD, you need to make sure there are no allergic reactions. Therefore, before using it, you must undergo a medical examination.

Barrier method of protection against pregnancy

Such methods do not allow sperm to penetrate into the cervical space.

They are divided into:

  • mechanical, which include cervical caps;
  • chemical, involving the use of spermicides;
  • combined.

In addition, the barrier method of protection is intended for both women (spermicides and cervical caps) and men (condoms). It aims to prevent the sperm and egg from meeting. This method of contraception has a dual function: it prevents conception and protects both partners from sexually transmitted diseases.

Virtually none side effects and contraindications.


This is the only method of male contraception. The product for it is like a cover made of dense flexible material. The width of the wall is about one millimeter, the length reaches ten centimeters, and the diameter is about three centimeters.

This method is one of the oldest and most popular. The action of the condom is very simple. It prevents ejaculate from entering the uterine space. The only thing that is required from partners is to monitor its integrity and high quality manufacturing.

Cervical cap

This convenient device has the shape of a hemisphere, compacted at the edges. It creates negative pressure and thereby prevents sperm from entering the uterine cavity. It is usually administered half an hour before the intended intimate act.

There are three main forms of cervical caps.

  1. Cervical (Prentifa) is designed for deep planting. Made of soft rubber with a tight rim and indentation for a secure fit. Inserted into the space between the cervix and vagina.
  2. Vimulya is similar in structure to a bell. It is fixed above the cervix, the other end covers the vagina.
  3. The dumasa is shaped like a dome and is made of thick rubber without a spring base.

The cervical cap can stay inside for up to nine hours, the maximum allowed period is forty-five hours. This reliable product can be used for quite a long time until its expiration date expires.


Such chemical medications are designed to completely neutralize the effect of ejaculate. This is because the mechanism of action of this drug is based on the instant destruction of the cell membrane of the sperm when colliding with active substance.

The pharmaceutical industry produces spermicides in the form of:

  • gel;
  • jelly;
  • ointments;
  • foam;
  • candle;
  • tablets, etc.

The biggest advantage of spermicides is their high efficiency of action. Before using them, you must carefully read the attached instructions for use. Particular attention should be paid to the fact that these products should be used no later than forty-five minutes before an intimate meeting. They need to be applied so deeply that they reach the surface of the cervix.

It is advisable to first consult with a gynecologist, who will show you how to behave and tell you about precautions.

Surgical method

Voluntary sterilization- the most effective way to avoid unwanted pregnancy once and for all. This operation is performed for both men and women. It is a painless, safe and highly reliable method of contraception.

Nowadays, gentle technologies have been developed that allow surgery very quickly and in the most minimally traumatic way.

  • repeated caesarean section;
  • cicatricial changes in the uterus;
  • previous oncological diseases;
  • cardiopathology;
  • significant metabolic disorders;
  • profound mental changes;
  • serious illnesses central nervous system;
  • pathologies of smooth and striated muscles;
  • unfavorable genetics, etc.

Calendar method

Can be used by any woman, even those who suffer from allergies or have contraindications to many pharmacological drugs.

To use it, you need to record the days from the first day of your last menstruation to the start of a new one. The ovulation phase is gradually revealed, when an egg is born and the process of fertilization becomes possible. It usually takes several days and occurs approximately on the twelfth day from the date of the appearance of menstruation. For those who want to avoid unwanted pregnancy, this is the most dangerous period, on other days, conception practically does not occur.

It is necessary to monitor the dates on the calendar very carefully, since any mistake can lead to sperm penetrating into the uterine cavity by the time the egg matures.

Coitus interruptus

This method of birth control was probably used back in cave times. Its essence is extremely simple. During intimate intercourse, the partner removes his penis from the woman’s vagina as soon as he feels orgasm approaching. He leaves the sperm outside her body.

Indicated in cases where the partner is unable to use hormonal or other chemical contraceptives due to the presence of contraindications.

It is an indispensable method of protection if she has:

  • liver failure;
  • exacerbation of stomach ulcers;
  • cholecystitis;
  • cholelithiasis;
  • endocrine disorders;
  • renal failure;
  • severe allergic reactions;
  • oncology.

In such cases, it is undesirable to introduce any medicinal substances. Coitus interruptus will help you maintain regular sexual activity without the risk of unwanted pregnancy.

Emergency contraception

Every woman has the right to choose the right time to become a mother. However, a completely unexpected situation may arise when urgent protection against possible fertilization is necessary. To avoid abortions, which could permanently prevent her from having children, it is better to use methods that help quickly avoid the impact of sperm on the egg.

Provides for the use of several methods of protection against unwanted pregnancy.

They include:

  • combination of gestagens and estrogens (Yuzpe method);
  • prompt installation of an IUD containing copper;
  • use of gestagen;
  • taking progesterone antagonists.

Emergency contraception, contrary to some prejudices, does not pose any threat to a woman’s health. It is especially indicated in cases where sexual contact was unplanned and, even more so, unwanted.

These means are indispensable when the condom is damaged during intimate intercourse, the cervical cap spontaneously comes out, the woman has forgotten about the next use of the contraceptive, the spermicidal substances were incorrectly administered, or the lady got confused in the calculations on the calendar.

Thus, the choice of ways to protect against unwanted pregnancy is truly great. These days modern pharmacology, gynecology and surgery provide the broadest opportunities for safe, reliable and convenient methods of contraception for both women and men. Their diversity is so great that it covers all groups of the population, the most of different ages, health status and regularity of sexual activity.

The products are mainly intended for women, but in some cases, her partner also comes into contact with her partner's contraceptive substances. Therefore, you should make sure that they are safe and convenient for both spouses.

In order to experience the fullness of love and joy from a fulfilling sex life, consultation with a specialist is necessary. In addition, you need to carefully study the instructions for use of each product in order to avoid mistakes or the development of side effects.

A reliable, correctly selected method of contraception can prevent unwanted pregnancy and at the same time get an unforgettable experience from intimacy.

The birth and raising of a child is a crucial stage in the life of a woman and a man, for which it is necessary to prepare morally and financially. Before deciding to take this serious step, young people try to get an education, make a career, and buy housing. To prevent an unwanted pregnancy from taking you by surprise and putting an end to your studies and work, you should always remember about contraception.

Methods of protection

Some methods of contraception came to us from the people and do not inspire much confidence, others are inventions of modern medicine and seem quite reliable. The most common methods of protection are:

  • condoms for men and women
  • hormonal birth control pills
  • intrauterine contraceptives (spirals)
  • hormone injections
  • contraceptive suppositories
  • plasters
  • douching
  • coitus interruptus
  • calculation of “dangerous” days
  • hormonal emergency contraception

IMPORTANT: No method of birth control can protect against unwanted pregnancy 100%

How to protect yourself with pills correctly?

Hormonal birth control pills are quite reliable and safe modern method contraception. Pick up contraceptive drug should be administered by a gynecologist - only in this case the product is guaranteed not to cause harm to health and will not disrupt reproductive function.

Regular use of the pill suppresses ovulation and thickens the mucus so much that sperm lose the ability to move towards the egg.

Video: Hormonal contraception

IMPORTANT: Taking birth control pills must be regular. Omissions or time shifts of receptions are unacceptable.

How to properly protect yourself from pregnancy without pills?

If taking birth control pills is impossible for some reason, you will have to choose one of the following methods to prevent unwanted pregnancy:

  • condoms– it is best to use if the partner is unstable, because in addition to pregnancy, unprotected sex is dangerous due to the possibility of contracting sexually transmitted diseases. A condom is highly likely to protect partners from all troubles. Condoms are available for men and women. If the use of a male condom does not raise any questions, then with a female condom not everything is so simple. To pick it up correct size you will have to contact a gynecologist, otherwise the likelihood of discomfort during sexual intercourse when using a female condom of the “wrong” size is guaranteed
  • hormonal injections– carried out once every 3 months, injections are made by a gynecologist. The method is suitable for women over 35 years of age who do not plan to have children in the future
  • patchhormonal agent, which is glued to the naked body and replaced every seven days. The reliability of this method is close to 99.5%. The action of the patch is similar to the action of birth control pills: hormones suppress the maturation of eggs, thereby making pregnancy impossible.
  • creams, lubricants, candles– medicinal contraceptives containing substances that destroy sperm membranes and suppress their activity
  • intrauterine devices– are established by a gynecologist and are valid from 2 to 5 years. A fairly reliable method, suitable for women who have a permanent sexual partner and do not plan to have children in the near future
  • douching- a folk method that is not suitable for regular use and does not provide a high guarantee. It consists of injecting weak acidic solutions that are harmful to sperm before or immediately after sexual intercourse.

IMPORTANT: The choice of contraception must be discussed with a gynecologist, who will select the drug taking into account the individual characteristics of the female body.

How to properly protect yourself after childbirth?

After childbirth female body completely restored and prepared for sexual activity in 4 to 6 weeks. It is generally accepted that if a woman breastfeeds a child, she will not be able to get pregnant. However, this opinion is erroneous, and young mothers who, after giving birth, are not protected from the onset of a new pregnancy in any way, are in the so-called “risk group”: 10% of them will become pregnant within 3-6 months, and 55% - after 6-8 months . At the same time, the absence of a menstrual cycle does not play a big role, because the first ovulation can occur as early as 25–30 days after birth. That is why mandatory protection after childbirth is very important for women's health.

For women who have recently given birth, the following contraceptive methods are suitable:

  • method lactational amenorrhea natural way, in which the hormone prolactin, produced in a woman’s body during lactation, suppresses ovulation and prevents the onset of a new pregnancy. An important factor, which is responsible for the reliability of this method, is the time interval between putting the baby to the breast - it should not exceed 3 hours.

IMPORTANT: If a woman often breastfeeds her baby at any time of the day and does not offer the baby anything other than breast milk products, in the first few months she will be reliably protected from pregnancy by nature itself. You need to start protecting yourself with pills or other methods with the introduction of complementary foods and a decrease in lactation.

  • oral contraceptives(contraceptive pills) - acceptable for breastfeeding from 6 weeks after birth, provided that their selection is carried out by a doctor
  • condoms– use is permitted from the beginning of the resumption of sexual activity
  • tubal ligation(female sterilization) is a surgical method performed under anesthesia. Carried out according to the indications and wishes of women who have previously given birth to 2 or more children
  • interrupted coitus- a rather unreliable, but popular method of birth control among married couples. Often leads to pregnancy
  • intrauterine devices(IUD) - compatible with breastfeeding and can be installed immediately after childbirth. However, it is best if the IUD is installed no earlier than 8 weeks after birth - this reduces the risk of it falling out. IUDs can cause discomfort in nursing women, since during lactation the uterus contracts and the spiral can change its position. The use of the IUD by women with inflammatory processes of the uterus or appendages is unacceptable.
  • natural method– abstaining from sexual intercourse on “dangerous” days. The method is 50% effective and is suitable for couples who are not against further replenishment of the family

Video: Methods of contraception after childbirth and during lactation

How to protect yourself correctly for a man?

Usually it is the woman who is more concerned about protection from unwanted pregnancy, but this is not correct - both partners should think about contraception. Besides modern medicine offers a sufficient selection of contraceptives for both women and men. The most accessible “male” means of protection are:

  • male condoms– inexpensive, easy to use, available funds, which can not only prevent unwanted pregnancy, but also protect against venereal diseases. A must have in every man's arsenal
  • male birth control pills– when taken regularly, they deprive sperm of the ability to fertilize an egg. Unlike women's oral contraceptives have a number of serious side effects
  • coitus interruptus– does not protect against pregnancy. Even before ejaculation begins, spermatozoa, which are necessarily contained in the natural male lubricant, are capable of quite successfully fulfilling their purpose
  • vasectomy(male sterilization) - ligation of the vas deferens through a small incision in the scrotum. The method is good for those men who are confident in their decision never to have children in the future.

IMPORTANT: According to statistics, 90% of modern men use condoms. Of these, 25% noted that they were personally convinced of the unreliability of interrupted sexual intercourse.

Video: Contraception in men

How to protect yourself correctly as a woman?

Every woman who is sexually active dreams of finding a reliable method of contraception, the long-term use of which will not lead to undesirable consequences. But unfortunately not universal remedy protection that would suit everyone.

For example, individual allergic reactions latex makes it impossible to use condoms during sexual intercourse, and in case of untreated inflammation, the introduction of an intrauterine device is prohibited. Also, work schedule and features may prevent a woman from taking oral contraceptives regularly and strictly on schedule.

A highly effective option such as tubal ligation is not suitable for those who plan to have a child in the future. Based on such circumstances, a female contraceptive should be selected.

IMPORTANT: It is advisable that the selection of a contraceptive is carried out by a gynecologist who is previously informed about the characteristics of the woman’s body.

What is the best way to protect yourself?

If we talk about reliable protection, then you will have to choose between mechanical (condoms, coils), chemical (suppositories, creams) and hormonal (pills, injections) contraceptives. However, none of them can still guarantee one hundred percent protection.

IMPORTANT: There are only two most reliable methods of preventing unwanted pregnancy: abstinence from intimate life and sterilization.

Methods of contraception such as interrupted coitus, douching and the so-called calendar method do not deserve attention at all - they all leave quite big chance for pregnancy.

Do I need to use protection during menstruation?

The common myth that a woman cannot become pregnant during menstruation still continues to mislead young people and refuse contraception these days.

IMPORTANT: A woman can become pregnant during menstruation. However, the risk of pregnancy is still slightly lower than in ordinary days cycle.

The highest probability of becoming pregnant during “critical days” is in women with short cycle (21 – 23 days). In this case, normal ovulation occurs already on days 6–7, which means that it will exactly coincide with last days menstruation. And even if ovulation occurs a few days after the end of menstruation, there is no guarantee that a sperm that has retained its viability will not be waiting for it.

To the lucky owners long cycle Don't relax either. In the body of every woman at least once in her life, but it happens hormonal imbalance with shortening or lengthening of the menstrual cycle. And no one knows when exactly this failure will occur.

From this we can conclude: It is necessary to protect yourself during menstruation.

Emergency contraception

Emergency (postcoital) contraception is the use of special hormonal drugs or the introduction of an intrauterine contraceptive within 1 to 3 days after unprotected sexual intercourse in order to avoid pregnancy.

Oral postcoital medications Postinor, Ginepriston And Agest contain “shock” doses of the hormone levnorgestrel. These remedies are more effective the sooner they are taken after sexual intercourse. Their serious drawback is the noticeable negative influence on ovarian health and a high probability of menstrual cycle disruptions.

Indications for taking emergency oral contraceptives may be:

  • unprotected sexual intercourse
  • failed interrupted coitus
  • broken condom

Taking postcoital medications is contraindicated in women:

  • who have had uterine bleeding
  • suffering from severe headaches
  • over 35 years old
  • having a long history of smoking

IMPORTANT: Oral emergency contraception should not be used more than twice a year.

Video: Emergency contraception

Insertion of an intrauterine device within 5–7 days after unprotected contact prevents the fertilized egg from entering the implantation phase. This remedy is an abortifacient and should be used only in the absence of inflammation of the uterus and ovaries.

IMPORTANT: An intrauterine device can only be placed by a gynecologist.

Biological (or calendar) method of contraception

To use the calendar method of birth control, you need to know the exact menstrual cycle. Women with irregular cycle should focus on the last 6 - 8 months. Among these cycles, you need to choose the shortest one and subtract 18 from the number of days in it. The resulting value is the first day when protection with condoms, pills or other means of protection is mandatory. The last day of using protection is determined in a similar way: subtract 11 from the number of days of the longest cycle.

IMPORTANT: The biological method of contraception is one of the most unreliable. It is suitable only for those couples who do not mind having a child.

Prevention with folk remedies

Prevention folk remedies can be used in cases where modern means contraception is unavailable for some reason. As they say: “It’s better than nothing.” The most popular ways to avoid unwanted pregnancy using folk wisdom include:

  • douching with acidified water. Immediately after sexual intercourse, water with lemon juice, vinegar or citric acid dissolved in it is introduced into the vagina. In theory, sperm should die in an acidic environment
  • douching with your own urine. This is a rather risky method, since the risk of contracting an infection from the introduction of decay products inside is quite simple. So the desire to protect yourself from unwanted pregnancy can end in a hospital bed
  • douching with a solution of potassium permanganate. Important condition reliability of this method - the solution must be strong enough. But do not forget that a strong solution of potassium permanganate introduced into the vagina will inevitably cause a severe burn to the mucous membrane
  • hot bath for a man before sexual intercourse. A man should take a very hot bath a few minutes before intimacy. Sperm must lose their strength and ability to fertilize
  • hot bath with mustard for a woman after sexual intercourse. Pour 1 tbsp into a hot bath. dry mustard and mix the water well. A woman should sit in such water for as long as possible
  • laundry soap and tablets. Immediately before sexual intercourse, a woman inserts a piece of gray into the vagina laundry soap, and immediately after intimacy - 1 - 2 aspirin tablets
  • use of dried herb Shepherd's purse. A woman should take 1 tbsp orally daily. this crushed herb. According to popular beliefs, this remedy will protect her from pregnancy

IMPORTANT: Traditional methods of birth control not only do not provide reliable protection against unwanted pregnancy, but can also cause severe irritation and disruption of the vaginal microflora.

When choosing a particular method of contraception for yourself, think about whether its use will change your life in the near future. If the method seems quite acceptable and reliable enough to you, you can safely use it, having previously discussed the details with your partner.

Video: How not to get pregnant? Contraception

Not only men, but also women should think about and take care of protection from unwanted pregnancy during sexual intercourse. Moreover, it is she who subsequently has to make the most important decisions - to give birth or have an artificial termination of pregnancy, to get married or to remain a single mother. Therefore, it is worth knowing about all types female contraception, which are approved and recommended by official medicine.

Table of contents:

Barrier method of female contraception

The essence of barrier contraception is to prevent sperm from entering the uterus. Such a barrier can be created mechanically and/or chemically.

Local chemicals

In medicine, such products are called spermicides and are available in various pharmacological forms– foaming tablets and suppositories, aerosols, pastes, balls for intravaginal use. These products contain substances that have a detrimental effect on sperm - for example, benzalkonium chloride, nonoxynol-9. It is believed that the effectiveness of local chemicals from the category of contraceptives is 85%.

Features of local chemicals:

  • can be used by a woman without prior examination by a gynecologist and receiving prescriptions;
  • these means of preventing unwanted pregnancy contribute to the formation of additional lubrication in the vagina;
  • It is not contraindicated to use any other contraceptives simultaneously with chemicals - this will only enhance the effect;
  • are capable of exerting a mild anti-inflammatory effect, and according to some data they even serve as a prevention of cancer of the female reproductive system.

Please note:spermicide does not begin to act instantly - it will take 15-20 minutes, so the introduction of contraceptives of this particular group should be carried out just 15-20 minutes before sexual intercourse. If several sexual acts occur in a row, then before each of them you need to administer the drug.

Mechanical methods of female contraception

Such products are considered absolutely harmless and can be used by all women without any restrictions. Moreover, a woman can refuse such contraception at any time if a decision is made to conceive a child. But doctors say that a woman will need special training in the use of mechanical contraceptives, and after childbirth or if she suddenly gains weight, she will need to change/select a new size. Mechanical methods of female contraception include:

  1. . They look like a cap with a flexible rim and are made of rubber or latex. The dome of the diaphragm covers the cervix, which makes it impossible for sperm to penetrate into the abdominal organ.

How to use it correctly: the diaphragm is inserted into the vagina immediately before sexual intercourse, but it can also be done in advance - the contraceptive in question can be left in the vagina for 6 to 24 hours. The vaginal diaphragm is used together with spermicides - they are coated with them inner side diaphragm and ring.

  1. Female condoms. They are a polyurethane bag 17 cm long and 7-8 cm in diameter with two rings at the ends. There is a thin film on one ring - it is adjacent to the cervix and prevents sperm from penetrating into the organ cavity.

How to use it correctly: the female condom is inserted simply like a regular tampon, a few hours before sexual intercourse. This product is disposable; for the next sexual intercourse you need to use a new female condom.

  1. Cervical caps. This is a soft rubber cap that is placed directly on the cervix - negative pressure is created between the cervix and the rim of the cap, which makes it impossible for sperm to penetrate. The cervical cap is smaller in size than the vaginal diaphragm, its effectiveness is 60-80%.

How to use it correctly: the cervical cap is inserted half an hour before sexual intercourse and is not removed for 6-8 hours. Before use, the contraceptive in question is treated with spermicides - they lubricate the rim.

This type of female contraception is considered one of the most effective, but it can only be used as prescribed by a doctor, and a woman will not be able to install an intrauterine device on her own. Gynecologists establish only two types of contraception in question:

  • copper-containing;
  • progestin-containing.

Intrauterine devices are made of plastic (absolutely safe), into which either copper wire or a miniature container with progestin is mounted.
Operating principle of intrauterine devices:

  • prevent the penetration of sperm into the uterus - progestin-containing IUDs significantly reduce this ability;
  • do not allow implantation (movement) of the egg into the uterine cavity;
  • counteract ovulation - this applies only to progestin-containing intrauterine devices;
  • Copper-containing products have a detrimental effect on both sperm and eggs.

The intrauterine device is installed on long time– from 2 to 5 years and usually the woman’s body reacts normally/adequately to such “intervention”. In some cases, complications may develop:

  • inflammatory processes of the cervix and appendages - according to statistics, the risk of developing such pathologies with an existing intrauterine device increases 2-3 times;
  • menstrual irregularities – the dates of monthly bleeding may shift, they become more abundant, and intermenstrual bleeding may occur;
  • discomfort during sexual intercourse - pain, burning.

Please note:If a woman notices too long bleeding from the vagina, there is intense pain in the lower abdomen, weakness and pallor of the skin appear, then you should immediately seek medical help. medical care. This condition may indicate perforation (breakthrough) of the uterine wall by the intrauterine device. This happens extremely rarely - according to statistics, 1 case in 10,000, but every woman should be aware of this complication. Advantages of using an intrauterine device:

Disadvantages of using an intrauterine device:

  • before installation, you must undergo an examination by a gynecologist;
  • Only a doctor can insert and remove an IUD;
  • after each menstruation, you need to check the presence of the tendrils of the intrauterine device - sometimes it can fall out;
  • In the first few months after installation of the IUD, increased menstrual bleeding may occur.

Contraindications to installation of an intrauterine device:

  • diagnosed cancer of the genitals or internal genital organs;
  • suspicion of a completed pregnancy;
  • acute/chronic processes of an inflammatory or infectious nature in the reproductive system (including on the external genitalia);
  • uterine bleeding of a pathological nature of unknown etiology;
  • bicornuate uterus;
  • cervical stenosis.

There are also conditional contraindications to the use of an intrauterine device as a contraceptive - that is, it is undesirable to insert an IUD with them, but the final decision is made only by a gynecologist. Conditional contraindications include:

  • history of ectopic;
  • diagnosed ;
  • absence of childbirth;
  • bleeding disorders.

Hormonal contraception

We recommend reading:

Hormonal contraceptives are products that contain chemical analogues female hormones. They prevent the onset of ovulation, which makes it impossible to conceive a child. The group of hormonal contraceptives includes pills, implants, patches, and a hormonal vaginal ring. Pills are considered the most popular, but you need to select the type of hormonal contraceptive based on your needs/capabilities:

  • Birth control pills require excellent memory, responsibility and punctuality - they should be taken at a strictly defined time and not miss a single day;
  • the patches can be used for 7-9 days in a row, that is, only 3 patches will need to be changed per month;
  • The hormonal ring has a one-month service life.

Before starting to use hormonal contraceptives you need to visit a gynecologist, undergo an examination and make a choice in favor of one remedy or another. There are also clearly defined contraindications to the use of this type of contraceptive:

  • you are breastfeeding and less than 6 months have passed since giving birth;
  • There is no breastfeeding, but less than 3 weeks have passed since birth;
  • history of stroke, coronary heart disease, pulmonary hypertension, bacterial endocarditis;
  • thrombophlebitis was previously diagnosed;
  • are strong and your age is 35 years or older;
  • in the recent past the woman suffered (less than 3 months ago);
  • liver cirrhosis and other pathologies of this organ were previously diagnosed;
  • a history of diseases of the gallbladder and biliary tract that require constant use of medications;
  • breast cancer (even after complete healing);
  • increased blood clotting;
  • The doctor has prescribed and is constantly taking anticonvulsants and/or antituberculosis drugs.

Please note:If at least one of the above factors occurs, then taking hormonal contraceptives is strictly prohibited.

Female surgical contraception

We are talking about sterilization - an irreversible process that is considered the most effective for preventing unwanted pregnancy. Indications for sterilization of a woman are only the desire to stop the possibility of conception. But this issue should be approached extremely carefully - the process is irreversible, although there are expensive microsurgical operations that can “turn back time.” Often, surgical contraception is used for medical reasons - for example, a woman has severe malformations of the cardiovascular, respiratory, urinary systems, blood diseases, malignant neoplasms. Contraindications to sterilization are:

  • spicy inflammatory diseases pelvic organs;
  • infection of generalized or focal localization;
  • benign tumors developing in the pelvis;
  • severe cachexia;
  • diabetes mellitus/diabetes insipidus;
  • adhesive disease of the pelvic organs and/or abdominal cavity;
  • umbilical hernia – applies only to surgical contraception using the laparoscopic method.

Please note:There is still debate about sterilization of women with diagnosed mental disorders, mental retardation– these pathologies are not a medical indicator for surgical contraception.

Now this is the most popular method of surgical contraception - the method has many advantages. For example, after such surgical intervention no scar remains on the skin, the rehabilitation period is very short, patients tolerate such an intervention well. Please note:it is possible to perform laparoscopic tubal ligation in outpatient setting- they do it to a woman local anesthesia, and 2 hours after completion of the procedure and in the absence of any visible changes in health for the worse, the patient can go home.

A miniature incision is made in the anterior abdominal wall - the size does not exceed 6 cm. The advantages of this method of surgical contraception are that there is no need to use expensive equipment and quick rehabilitation.

The rectal uterine space is opened with scissors and the fallopian tube is removed into the resulting wound until its fimbria appears. The suture is placed in the middle of the fallopian tube, but somewhat closer to the fimbria. Then they tie the tube with a thread and pull it closer to the surgeon, then the tube is crushed and ligated. The same algorithm of actions is used for the second fallopian tube. Please note:the ends of all suture threads are cut only after the surgeon has finished working on two fallopian tubes. The incision is closed with a mattress suture. Advantages of sterilization with colpotomy access:

  • can be performed in any gynecological hospital;
  • there are no cosmetic defects on the anterior abdominal wall;
  • there is no need to use expensive equipment and specific tools;
  • the pursued goal (sterilization) is achieved immediately after surgery.

Very often, a sterilization operation is performed during a cesarean section - there is no additional stress on the body, the woman’s well-being does not change, the periods of lactation and recovery after childbirth pass without changes, and the hormonal levels do not change. Timing for surgical contraception:

  • in the second phase of the menstrual cycle - delayed sterilization;
  • 6 weeks after birth naturally;
  • immediately after an artificial termination of pregnancy, but only if the abortion was without complications.

It is strictly contraindicated to carry out sterilization after childbirth if acute infectious disease during childbirth or even during pregnancy, if the anhydrous period of labor exceeded 24 hours. Possible complications in the postoperative period:

  • bleeding;
  • intestinal damage;
  • postoperative infection.

These complications are rare events, but a woman who consents to the procedure should be aware of them. surgical contraception. Please note:Doctors warn that in the first 10 years after sterilization surgery, the probability of pregnancy remains within 2%. Female contraception – a wide choice, wide possibilities. It is necessary not only to independently decide on the choice of means of protection against unwanted pregnancy, but also to obtain competent advice from a gynecologist.

Maria Sokolova

Reading time: 12 minutes


Most modern methods of contraception do not provide a 100% guarantee, especially since more than a third of women become pregnant when using one method or another.

What methods for preventing pregnancy are considered the least reliable?

Calendar method and calculation of safe days - does it make sense?

Basis of the method– calculation of safe days. How to determine these safe days? The viability of sperm is about three days, fertilization of the egg occurs within two days after ovulation . Thus, two days should be added to the day of ovulation (in both directions): for a cycle of thirty days it will be the fifteenth day, for a cycle of twenty-eight days it will be the thirteenth. It is believed that it is on these days that there is a risk of getting pregnant, but on the rest you can “not worry.”


The main disadvantage is that the method good only for ideal cycle . But are there many women who can boast of this? After all, the time of ovulation is influenced by many factors:

  • Weather
  • Chronic diseases
  • Stress
  • Other factors

Not to mention the fact that there are women who become pregnant during what seems to be a safe period. Therefore, before using this method, you must at least study your cycle for a whole year . According to statistics, every fourth woman becomes pregnant after using the calendar method.

Does the temperature method of protection work?

The basis of the temperature method of contraception
A woman’s temperature (measured rectally) changes according to the stage of egg maturation: below 37 degrees – before ovulation, above 37 – after . Safe days are determined as follows: the temperature is measured every morning for six months to a year (right in bed, for at least five to ten minutes). Next, the results obtained are compared, the day of ovulation is identified, and the period dangerous for pregnancy is calculated. It usually starts 4 days before ovulation and ends four days after.


Just like the calendar, this method applicable only if the menstrual cycle is ideal . In addition, it is very complex in its calculations.

Coitus interruptus

Basis of the method known to everyone - interruption of sexual intercourse before ejaculation.

Disadvantage of the method:

The unreliability of this method occurs even with the man’s complete self-control. Why? A separate amount of sperm may be released from the very beginning of sexual intercourse . Moreover, it remains unnoticed by both partners.

Also, the low effectiveness of the method can be explained by the presence of sperm in the urethra, preserved from the previous ejaculation. Out of one hundred women using this method, thirty become pregnant.

Douching after intercourse

Basis of the method– douching of the vagina with potassium permanganate, your own urine, herbal decoctions and other liquids.

Disadvantage of the method:

This method is dangerous not only due to pregnancy, which you did not plan at all, but also with such consequences as:

  • Violation of the vaginal microflora.
  • Infection in the vagina.
  • Vaginitis.

There was no evidence of the effectiveness of the douching method, and no. It does not protect against pregnancy.

Spermicidal lubricants - how reliable is the method?

Basis of the method– use of creams, suppositories, jellies and foams with spermicides. These products have a double effect:

  • Filler creates mechanical boundary .
  • Special component eliminates sperm .


Of one hundred percent of women who use spermicides, one in three becomes pregnant. That is, the method is not 100% effective. The following disadvantages of the method should also be noted:

  • Certain types of spermicides lose effectiveness with regular use due to the habituation of the organisms of both partners to them.
  • Spermicides considered hazardous due to nonoxynol-9 content which causes destruction skin. And cracks in the genitals are a direct path for infection.
  • Violation of instructions for the use of spermicides multiplies the risk of pregnancy .

When do oral contraceptives fail?

Basis of the method– regular intake hormonal drugs (tablets). Typically, out of one hundred percent of women who practice this method of protection against pregnancy, five percent become pregnant.

Disadvantage of the method:

  • Poor memory often causes pregnancy: you forgot to take a pill, and the concentration in the body of a substance necessary for protection decreases. And by the way, you need to drink them constantly and for a very long time .
  • It is also impossible not to note the main disadvantage of such tablets. Namely - consequences for the body , even if these are fourth generation hormones. Possible consequences - metabolic disorders, weight gain,...
  • In parallel.
  • Many medicines reduce or even completely eliminate efficiency this protection against pregnancy.
  • This method of contraception does not protect against sexually transmitted diseases .

Our people have always been cunning in their invention, as a result of which, since ancient times, the people have had many of their own “home” methods of contraception, which, of course, are absolutely useless.

The most unreliable and dangerous contraception - traditional methods

  • A tampon in the vagina during sexual intercourse. Ineffective and dangerous: disruption of the vaginal microflora, risk of injury, and there is no question of dubious pleasure for both partners. As for the effect, a tampon will not protect against pregnancy.
  • Breastfeeding. It is believed that it is impossible to get pregnant during this period. Of course, given that the menstrual cycle does not improve immediately after childbirth, the risk of becoming pregnant is reduced, but it is certainly not excluded. And guess if yours has already woken up reproductive system- impossible. Many nursing mothers, naively believing that they were “protected by lactation,” became pregnant within a couple of months after giving birth. Therefore, hoping that you will be “carried away” is, at a minimum, imprudent.
  • Gynecological diseases. This is another mythical “protection” against pregnancy. In fact, only one female disease eliminates the risk of becoming pregnant - this is.
  • Vaginal douche. Another fairy tale that the strong pressure of water, which is used to wash the vagina after sexual intercourse, can “wash away” sperm. Don't believe it. While you were running from the bed to the bathroom, the sperm could already have “jumped” to the treasured egg.
  • Lemon inside. The myth that creation in the vagina acidic environment ensures the death of sperm. What naive women don’t use: lemon peels, powdered citric acid, and boric acid, and even ascorbic acid! The only effect of this procedure is an internal burn of the mucous membrane due to an overdose of acid.
  • Herbal decoctions.“And my grandmother (friend...) advised me...” This folk method is not even worth commenting on. Can you imagine how much you need to drink this (any) decoction, and what concentration it must be in order to “drown” all the sperm in it? This also includes the infusion bay leaf after sex and beet juice- gastronomic, but useless.
  • A remnant of laundry soap inserted into the vagina. Likewise. No effect, except for microflora disruption, bacterial vaginosis and other “joys”.
  • Douching. As a rule, this method is used by young inventors, using Pepsi-Cola, urine, potassium permanganate, etc. as a protective agent. The use of Pepsi-Cola (which, by the way, can descale a kettle) leads to vaginal diseases. This is quite strong chemical substance, which does not prevent pregnancy. Urine also has no contraceptive properties. But there is a possibility of introducing an infection along with urine. As for potassium permanganate, its contraceptive effect is so small that such douching will not help against pregnancy. A strong concentration of potassium permanganate will cause a very serious burn to the mucous membrane.
  • An aspirin tablet inserted into the vagina after sex. Extremely low efficiency of the method. Equivalent to the method with potassium permanganate.
  • Jumping after sex. You might as well drink a cup of coffee and smoke after sex. Sperm are not dice and cannot be shaken out of the vagina. And their speed of movement, by the way, is three millimeters per minute.
  • Steam the legs in mustard. An absolutely pointless procedure. And it’s hard to imagine how a girl, after an act of love, rushes for a basin to soak her feet.
  • Rubbing the head of the penis with cologne before sexual intercourse. Ineffective. In addition, you should remember about those “unforgettable” sensations that await a man after this procedure.
  • “You can’t get pregnant on your period!” Absolutely untrue. No, for many women, menstruation is indeed a period during which it is impossible to get pregnant. But there are so many exceptions that it is at least unreasonable to consider menstruation a protection. Moreover, taking into account the fact that the survival rate of sperm in the uterine mucosa is up to three days. These “tailed ones” are very, very tenacious.

In such a matter as protection against unwanted pregnancy, trust dubious traditional methods not worth it.

We do not live in ancient times, and today every woman has the opportunity go for a consultation with a specialist and choose the ideal contraception option for yourself .