Calendula tincture application. Calendula tincture: use for mouth rinse

Dear friends! We recently talked about beneficial properties calendula. This is truly a unique plant. Today we will take a closer look at using calendula at home.

Almost everyone who has at least a small piece of land grows this plant, simply marigold flowers, some for its medicinal properties, some just for beauty, some to repel pests, like Colorado potato beetles.

In the last article we learned how to make tincture, ointment and oil from flowers. All of them have excellent healing properties, as they have anti-inflammatory and antiseptic effects. If you haven't read this article, read it by going through it. But I caution you to start using dosage forms from calendula, you still need to know accurate diagnosis, and only a doctor can do this. Of course, you can buy tincture and ointment at your nearest pharmacy; they are inexpensive. But if you have marigolds growing on your property, why not prepare them yourself and use them for your health?

Calendula tincture can be used internally and externally. Alcohol tincture, due to its anti-inflammatory and antiseptic effect eliminates any inflammatory processes and various secretions accompanying inflammation that arise as a result of damage to the skin and mucous membranes.

When using the tincture, tissue regeneration noticeably improves as a result of destruction pathogenic microflora. Active ingredients contained in the tincture active ingredients, have a detrimental effect on staphylococcus and streptococcus. These pathogenic microbes infect wound and ulcer surfaces and interfere with the rapid healing process.

Using calendula tincture internally

Let me remind you that a 2% alcohol solution of calendula is used for oral administration. I have already written how to prepare the tincture, i.e. For 100 grams of 70% alcohol take 20 grams of calendula flowers. Infuse in a dark and warm place for 2-3 weeks, then filter.

Take 20-30 drops 3 times a day. You can dilute the tincture in a small amount of water. If there are no special recommendations from a doctor, then the tincture can be taken for 3-4 weeks. Children over 12 years of age are prescribed 1 drop of tincture for each year of life.

The tincture is used for the following diseases:

  • For hypertension. Due to the diuretic effect it decreases blood pressure, and swelling is also reduced;
  • For gastritis, colitis and ulcers gastrointestinal tract outside the period of exacerbation;
  • Included complex therapy for biliary dyskinesia, cholecystitis, cholangitis. Combined calendula with yarrow and chamomile healing effect increases, this infusion increases metabolism in the liver, cholesterol and bilirubin levels decrease, and bile stagnation in the gallbladder is eliminated;
  • For insomnia and as a sedative;
  • As a general tonic and performance enhancing agent;
  • For exudative-catarrhal diathesis and eczema;
  • For colds, the tincture acts as a diaphoretic and reduces high fever.

External use of calendula tincture

Topical application involves direct contact medicine with a focus of inflammation. The tincture is used for inflammatory diseases upper respiratory tract(, tonsillitis, pharyngitis) and the oral cavity and gums (stomatitis, gingivitis) in the form of rinses.

To rinse the mouth, dilute 1 tbsp. l. liqueurs in a warm glass boiled water. Before the procedure, you must first rinse your mouth with plain water. During the day, carry out at least 6 rinsing sessions, the duration of one rinse should be at least half a minute. The course of treatment is at least 5-7 days or until complete recovery.

A good result is achieved by using bandages soaked in calendula tincture for infected shallow wounds, cuts and

For the treatment of acute external otitis, 10% calendula tincture is used. To do this, you need to instill 1-2 drops of warm alcohol tincture into the ear 2-3 times a day. In case of inflammation of the middle or inner ear Make a warm compress with the same tincture.

In gynecology, for colpitis or cervical erosion, douching with a marigold solution can be done. For this, 1 tsp. Dilute the tinctures in 1 glass of warm boiled water. Used as an additional treatment.

Also for the prevention of female inflammatory diseases with daily hygiene care You can add 1 tsp to the water for washing. tinctures per 1 liter of water.

Application of ointment - instructions for use

For the treatment of boils, eczema, minor injuries skin Calendula ointment helps very well. Applying the ointment to the problem area of ​​the skin helps relieve inflammation, relieve itching and irritation, soothes and regenerates the skin.

The ointment is applied directly to the problem area, rubbed into the skin with massaging movements and allowed to be absorbed. The ointment should be applied to clean skin 2-3 times a day until complete cure. If this is a wound surface, then it is better to make a bandage with ointment, which is then fixed with a bandage.

The ointment helps well with bruises, bone injuries, and joint diseases.

By the way, fresh leaves calendula can be applied to purulent wounds, boils and ulcers. Crushed leaves are good for calluses and warts. And fresh juice from the leaves can be used to lubricate cracked heels and toes.

Using calendula for acne on the face

For teenagers during puberty, the appearance of acne on the face is a disaster. Pimples or blackheads appear more often on oily or problematic skin. Therefore, teenagers squeeze them out, which is strictly forbidden to do, wipe and smear by various means. Calendula will perfectly help them solve this problem.

To cleanse the skin of the face, a lotion is perfect, which is moistened with a cotton pad and wiped 3 times a day. After this, you can apply ointment or oil from calendula flowers to the skin, rubbing in with light massaging movements, then allow to be absorbed. The procedure is carried out 2 times a day, morning and evening.

If you have a similar problem, you can also make masks with calendula tincture. To prepare the mask, take 1 tbsp. l. calendula tincture, about a glass of warm boiled water and 4 tbsp. l. sifted wheat flour. Mix everything thoroughly so that there are no lumps. Apply the mask to facial skin cleansed with lotion for 30-40 minutes, then rinse with warm water.

Application for hair

To strengthen your hair and get rid of dandruff, make this mask before a bath or shower. Mix 20 ml castor oil with 50 ml of calendula tincture, let the composition brew a little. Massage the mixture into the roots and apply along the entire length of the hair, wrap with a towel and leave for 20 minutes. Then rinse with warm water. Repeat the procedure 2 times a week for 2 months.

For split ends, rinse your hair every time after washing your hair with a solution: 1 tsp. spoons of alcohol solution of calendula tincture per 1 liter of water.

Application in cosmetology

If you have oily facial skin, prepare cosmetic ice. To do this, make a decoction: 1 tbsp. marigold flowers, pour 1 glass of water, bring to a boil. Cool, strain, pour into molds and place in the freezer. First lubricate the cleansed skin of the face and neck with a nourishing cream, and then rub a piece of ice along the massage lines for 10 minutes. The course is 10 days, repeat every 3 months. This procedure tones and refreshes the skin.

For whitening freckles and age spots morning and evening, wipe your face with the juice of calendula leaves.

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With wishes for good health Taisiya Filippova

What does calendula tincture help with? Let's take a closer look at this medicinal flower, which is also popularly called marigold. This is popular folk remedy many people use it in everyday life as natural antiseptic, But full list The problems that alcohol tincture helps to cope with are not known to everyone. We hope the article will help you reveal new facets of this unique medicinal plant.

Beneficial properties of calendula in alcohol

Calendula – bright representative Aster family. A light-loving flower, imbued with the energy of the sun. All parts of the plant contain to one degree or another useful substances, but the main medicinal power is concentrated in the yellow-orange inflorescences of the baskets.

The flowers contain carotenoids and flavonoids. It is these groups of substances that are of greatest interest.

The combined effect of these chemical compounds determines the main properties of marigold tincture:

  • antiseptic (antibacterial and antiviral);
  • anti-inflammatory;
  • regenerating.

The alcohol tincture has wide range applications. It is used both internally and externally.

The medicine is taken during the treatment of gastrointestinal and liver diseases.

  1. Calendula relaxes smooth muscle hollow organs (stomach, intestines).
  2. Reduces inflammation.
  3. Reduces the acidity of digestive juice.
  4. Helps create less aggressive environment, in which ulcers and erosions heal faster.

When taking the tincture orally, the sphincters of the biliary tract relax and the secretory activity of the liver increases. The flow of bile into the duodenum accelerates and food digestion improves.

When used externally, the tincture has an antimicrobial effect.

Substances contained in marigolds attack bacteria, causing inflammation of the skin and mucous membranes. IN medical experiments The activity of calendula against herpes viruses and some strains of influenza has been noted. In addition, calendula promotes tissue epithelization, rapid healing of wounds with the formation of a more delicate scar, and therefore cuts, burns, and ulcers are treated with a diluted product. As a gargle, the tincture is used in the complex treatment of throat diseases and oral cavity. For inflammation of the rectum and gynecological problems carry out irrigation.

What does it help with?

Thanks to its broad-spectrum antibacterial and regenerating abilities, marigold tincture copes well with specific problems.

For acne

The dosage form has proven itself to be an effective remedy for combating acne. Alcohol tincture for the face is used in the preparation of low-concentrated cleansing lotions. A product with a high alcohol content can only be used for spot application.

This is a popular and widespread annual plant in our area with small, bright yellow-orange flowers decorating flower beds and flower beds. People call it marigolds. Blooms from late May to October. Since ancient times, calendula has been used as a medicine - first in folk, and now in traditional medicine. It is an essential ingredient in herbal remedies for healing. large quantity ailments.

Calendula tincture: indications for use

In cosmetics and medicinal purposes marigold flowers are used. They are used to prepare steams and tinctures.

Steam: 40 g of dried inflorescences are steamed with 1 liter of boiling water overnight, tightly closed with a lid.

Tincture: available both in pharmacy kiosks and prepared independently from fresh flowers infused in alcohol (20 g of flowers per 100 ml of alcohol, 70°) for two weeks in the dark, with periodic shaking, and finally filtered through gauze or bandage.

In addition, calendula is used to prepare water infusions, oil extracts, ointments. Tincture (as tincture is called in Latin) is a convenient dosage form, since it is a concentrate, which is quite easy and quick to use.

The use of calendula tincture in folk medicine is widespread:

    as an antiseptic for cuts, wounds, burns, frostbite

    from acne, boils, ulcers, lichens, rashes

    to strengthen hair

    for eye diseases

    against inflammation of the mucous membranes of the mouth, gums (stomatitis, gingivitis), pharynx, tonsils

    for irrigation of the genitals (men and women)

Marigolds can kill infection, as well as suppress inflammatory processes and regenerate damaged areas of the skin.

Alcohol tincture of calendula has indications for oral use:

    as a choleretic agent for diseases of the liver and spleen

    for stomach cramps

    with scrofula (allergic diathesis)

    with rickets

    for the regeneration of the mucous membranes of the stomach and intestines

    for scarring and healing of ulcers and erosions

    as a means to calm the nervous system

    to normalize cardiac activity.

For a more pronounced effect, it is advisable to use marigold in combination with others that have a similar effect. medicinal plants(chamomile, St. John's wort, yarrow, calamus, etc.).

Calendula tincture: instructions for internal use

The tincture is used either directly orally (in the required dosages), washed down with warm water. boiled water(½ cup), either by first dripping sugar into a tablespoon or directly into water (½ cup). Use the tincture 20 minutes before meals or 1 hour after eating.

If the patient has a stomach ulcer or duodenum, then it is recommended to take 25 drops of the tincture in the morning and evening. It regenerates mucous membranes, and, neutralizing the effect gastric juice, heals erosions.

If there are problems with gallbladder, liver, gastrointestinal tract, tincture is drunk 3 times a day according to the following scheme: starting with 20 drops, add a few drops every day until the dosage increases to 1 tablespoon, after which each person begins to reduce the amount by a few drops until they reach the number 20 After this, the course of treatment ends.

As an antispasmodic, calendula tincture relaxes smooth muscle internal organs, stimulating the movement of bile, and improving the functioning of the pancreas and intestines.

Calendula tincture is used for (high) blood pressure for 3 weeks - 20-30 drops in the morning, lunch and evening.

The same dosage helps:

    getting rid of headaches

    sleep soundly

    increase in working capacity

    increasing immune protection

    improvement of well-being

It is given to children with rickets. And for adults - if they have arrhythmia, shortness of breath, swelling.

In addition, marigold tincture is an indispensable remedy for colds, especially of a viral nature.

Calendula tincture: external use

Unlike internal use, external use is more widespread than steamed inflorescences, as it allows you to combine the properties of alcohol and the marigolds themselves as an antiseptic.

Calendula tincture: use for the throat and ears

At purulent processes in the throat, the tonsils are smeared in the morning and evening with undiluted tincture, applying it to cotton wool wound on tweezers. The procedure should be carried out 30 minutes before meals.

Instructions for using calendula tincture for gargling:

    dilute the tincture with boiled water at room temperature - 1 tablespoon of medicine per ½ cup of liquid

    rinse for at least 3 minutes

    lower the base of your tongue while rinsing

    After rinsing, do not eat or drink for half an hour

The use of calendula tincture for gargling lasts for 7 days. A similar solution is used to rinse the nose for a runny nose.

Marigold tincture is also used to treat ear diseases. For otitis, roll up a small oblong turunda from cotton wool, soak it in undiluted tincture, squeeze it lightly, and insert it into the ear canal overnight. If a burning sensation occurs, take out the earcup and plug your ear with dry cotton wool.

To treat the middle ear, dilute the tincture in half with water, instill a few drops deep into the nose at night, and lie on your side so that the drug flows into the nose. eustachian tube connecting the middle ear to the pharynx.

Since calendula tincture is not a pain reliever, relief does not occur immediately. Continue treatment until complete healing.

Calendula tincture: use for mouth rinse

For stomatitis, inflammation of the oral mucosa, prepare a solution:

1 teaspoon of calendula per ½ cup of cooled boiling water. At dental diseases and bad breath, use tinctures of calendula and calamus, diluted in a 1:1 ratio.

During stomatitis, the ulcers are lubricated with undiluted tincture.

Using calendula tincture for skin

The use of calendula tincture on the face is useful as a drying and disinfectant. If the skin is oily, then wipe it with cotton wool with an alcohol solution (1 tablespoon per ¼ cup of water) in the morning, lunch and evening.

Calendula tincture for acne on the face is used in the form of treating problem areas with undiluted tincture. Acne, inflamed areas, boils are burned with the drug once a day for 2 weeks. This is very effective remedy, unless problematic skin is not a consequence of internal diseases.

1 tablespoon of tincture per ½ cup of liquid is a remedy that:

    rejuvenates the skin

    cleans it

    soothes inflamed areas

    exfoliates dry areas on the face


    protects against the influence of weather conditions.

A face mask made from such a solution, applied to a bandage, left for 20 minutes:

    degreases the skin

  • disinfects

For oily facial skin, make masks 2-3 times a week for 1.5-2 months.

Baths for hands or feet aqueous solution 30 minutes soften calluses, heal scratches, eliminate cracking.

Calendula tincture: use for hair

For oily hair make special compresses. To do this, mix the tincture with hot water in proportions 1:3, soak gauze in it and place it on top of the hair. Then they put on a plastic bag or a special cap, and then a sports cap. Leave for half an hour.

To reduce the amount of dandruff, the tincture is rubbed into the skin with a tampon every other day for a month. Then they give the hair a rest for 30 days, and then treat for another 1 month.

Thanks to these procedures, hair loss is reduced and hair acquires a healthy, beautiful shine.

Calendula tincture for eyes

For ophthalmology (hordeolum, conjunctivitis, inflammation of the eyelids), the eyes and eyelids are washed, followed by the use of lotions made from cotton swabs. For these purposes, the tincture (one part) is diluted with warm boiled water (ten parts). Rinsing is carried out every two hours, each time applying a moistened swab to the eyes (12 minutes).

The use of calendula tincture in gynecology and proctology

People have long treated erosion, ulcers and various discharges with deep douching with tincture diluted with liquid in proportions of 1:10.

The tincture, diluted in the same ratio, is used as a basis for enemas (for inflammation and cracks).

Calendula tincture for children: instructions for use

The use of calendula tincture orally for children is allowed starting from the age of 12, for the same cases as for adults. The dosage is calculated based on age: 1 drop for each year of age. Be sure to dissolve the medicine in ½ cup of warm boiled water. Reception schedule: 3 times a day.

You can gargle using marigold tincture earlier, starting at age 3. Up to 7 years old, it is enough to take ½ cup of solution at one time, and after 7 years - a whole glass.

For throat diseases, gargling is carried out at least 5 times a day in the first 3 days, and then 3 times until complete recovery. This must be done in mandatory under adult supervision. It's okay if children swallow some of the rinse solution. The main thing is that they don’t choke.

Since young children often put objects from the floor into their mouths, this can cause thrush. Rinsing with marigold tincture diluted with water helps.

Contraindications to the use of calendula tincture with alcohol

Alcohol tincture of calendula, according to the instructions for use, can cause allergies (redness, rash), bitter taste in the mouth, burning pain in the stomach. If any of these symptoms occur, treatment should be stopped before consulting your doctor.

If you have gallstones, you should drink calendula tincture under the supervision of a doctor, as it can provoke a very painful movement of stones along the bile ducts.

Because marigolds are lowering blood pressure, they should not be taken by hypotensive patients with a decrease in heart rate.

It is forbidden to instill tincture not diluted with water into the ears. When rinsing the eyes with diluted tincture, a slight tingling sensation is allowed. If it bakes, you need to stop the procedure immediately.

Do not use the drug if the use of any alcohol-containing drugs is excluded. This is atherosclerosis, vegetative-vascular dystonia. Long-term use Such drugs can be addictive.

It is preferable to replace oral administration of the tincture by children, expectant and nursing mothers with treatment with decoctions or oil extracts.

Video "The healing properties of calendula tincture"

Hello friends!

Today I decided to tell you about one of my favorites medicinal products- calendula tincture.

I really love these orange sunflowers and often use them to take care of my appearance, make them and, of course, infuse them with alcohol.

The flowers need to be brewed, wait, then cooled, filtered... And the tincture is always at hand. Just a little bit! – and it’s ready, as they say!

Let's take a closer look at why calendula alcohol tincture is useful, how to prepare it at home, how to use it and in what cases.

From this article you will learn:

Alcohol tincture of calendula and its beneficial properties

Medicinal marigolds, or calendula officinalis - herbaceous plant, a species of the genus Calendula of the Asteraceae family. Wikipedia

Healing properties of the tincture:

  • An excellent anti-inflammatory, analgesic, antimicrobial, antiviral.
  • Has a significant choleretic and diuretic effect.
  • Used for cardiac and vascular pathologies, for various tumors.
  • Treats neuroses, stress, depression.
  • Effective in the treatment of menopausal syndrome.
  • Remarkably cleanses the blood and relieves inflammation of internal organs.
  • Calendula tincture is effective in the treatment of long-term non-healing ulcers, wounds, in the treatment of acne, boils, and carbuncles.
  • The tincture treats gastritis, cholecystitis, biliary dyskinesia, liver cirrhosis, and pancreatitis.
  • Using the tincture, they cleanse the skin, relieve inflammation, irritation, and get rid of age spots.
  • An excellent product for oily skin care. Gets rid of acne, tightens pores, removes oily skin.
  • They burn herpes on the lips with tincture and use it for fungal skin infections for quick healing.
  • Tincture of calendula flowers has virtually no contraindications and does not cause allergic reactions.

All ways to use calendula tincture

  1. It is used in the treatment of stomatitis, inflammation of the gums in the form of rinses. One teaspoon is diluted in 0.5 cups of water.
  2. Taking 30 drops of tincture diluted in 50 grams of water will help stabilize blood pressure.
  3. Clear the skin of acne To get rid of acne, inflammation, boils, cauterization of inflamed areas with a healing infusion will help.
  4. To care for oily facial skin, you can dilute it in a ratio of 1 tablespoon per 50 ml. water and wipe your face with this mixture.
  5. To improve the functioning of the digestive organs, take 30 drops of tincture diluted in 100 ml once a day on an empty stomach. water.
  6. For treatment women's problems a douching solution is used - take one teaspoon per glass of water.
  7. Rubbing the face with a weak solution of the tincture rejuvenates aging skin, cleanses it, relieves irritation and peeling, whitens, soothes, protects from frost and sun, and smoothes wrinkles.
  8. Added to masks, compresses, lotions.
  9. Adding to baths for hands and feet helps heal cracks, abrasions, scratches, moisturizes the skin, softens calluses, softens the skin, preparing it for an effective pedicure.
  10. For hair care, use an infusion of calendula, sage, chamomile, birch leaves (calculation - 1 tablespoon herbal collection per glass of boiling water), which is used to rinse hair after washing.
  11. You can also rinse with just pure calendula infusion. Hair becomes stronger, acquires a healthy shine, and dandruff disappears.

How to properly collect, prepare and store calendula flowers?

  • Flowers are collected in the morning, immediately after sunrise, when the dew has dried.
  • Raw materials can be collected throughout the summer.
  • It is necessary to dry in the shade under a canopy, where there is no direct sunlight and low humidity.
  • Can be dried in a dehydrator at the lowest temperature.
  • It must be stored in fabric bags in a cool and dark place for no more than two years.

How to make alcohol tincture of calendula at home?

It's quite easy to prepare it yourself.

  • Pour dried flowers with vodka (or diluted 50/50 alcohol) so that it covers them by 0.5 cm.
  • Close tightly.
  • Infuse for 2 weeks in a cool, dark place.
  • Strain.
  • Keep refrigerated.

That's all for today, friends ☺

If this information was useful to you, write about it in the comments, I will be very grateful to you.

I also recommend everyone to try this this amazing cream with medicinal marigold and green manuka honey for all skin types, which has soothing, moisturizing and protective properties on our skin.

If you have your own recipes for using tincture from this orange flower, please share, I’m very interested!

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Here you can find a lot of interesting and useful things! ☺

Be healthy!!! See you!

In the article we discuss calendula tincture - instructions for using the drug. You will find out chemical composition remedies and what calendula tincture is used for. We will tell you how to use it to treat sore throat, ear pain, ARVI, heart disease, eye diseases, oral cavity and gastrointestinal tract. By following our tips, you will learn how to prepare calendula tincture at home, as well as masks for skin and hair based on it.

Composition of calendula tincture:

  • essential oils;
  • tannins;
  • potassium;
  • calcium;
  • magnesium;
  • copper;
  • triterpenoids;
  • carotenoids;
  • flavonoids;
  • coumarins;
  • organic acids;
  • alcohol 70%.

Useful properties and indications for use

Calendula tincture - antiseptic, which is used to disinfect wounds and mucous membranes. Let's look at what calendula tincture can be used for. Calendula tincture is good for health. The product has an anti-inflammatory effect, prevents the spread of staphylococci and streptococci in damaged layers of the epidermis and promotes tissue regeneration. The tincture is used to treat wounds, burns and frostbite. It disinfects and eliminates allergic, viral or infectious rashes.

Calendula tincture has an anti-inflammatory and analgesic effect for tonsillitis, laryngitis, and pharyngitis. The product is used to gargle.

Calendula tincture is used in dentistry. It eliminates inflammatory processes in the oral cavity and heals gums with periodontitis, stomatitis and gingivitis.

The product is used to treat vaginitis and diseases genitourinary system. Douching is done using a solution of calendula tincture.

Calendula tincture has a choleretic and antispasmodic action. It normalizes the functioning of the bile ducts, gallbladder and liver. It is taken for cholecystitis, cholangitis, gastritis and stomach ulcers.

What does calendula tincture help with?

Calendula tincture is used for cauterization, rubbing, lotions, rinsing, douching and placing tampons. Remedy in pure form Suitable for external use, such as wound treatment. In all other cases, the drug is diluted with water. Let's take a closer look at what calendula tincture with alcohol helps with.

Calendula tincture for sore throat

Calendula tincture effectively eliminates the source of infection in sore throat. The product is used to gargle. To do this, dilute 1 tablespoon of calendula alcohol tincture in a glass of water. Gargle with the resulting solution 5-6 times a day.

For treatment purulent sore throat The tincture is not diluted. They soak it in cotton swab and process sore tonsils up to 5 times a day. After the procedure, you should refrain from eating and drinking for 20-30 minutes.

Calendula tincture for ear pain

Calendula tincture is used to treat otitis media. The product eliminates infectious agents and reduces the area of ​​inflammation. Before use, the alcohol tincture is diluted with water in a 1:1 ratio.

For otitis media of the middle ear, the resulting solution is instilled into the nose, 1-2 drops in each nostril. To treat the external form of otitis, turundas and compresses with diluted calendula tincture are used. Turundas are soaked in the product, inserted into the ear canal and left overnight. Warm compresses are applied 2-3 times a day.

Calendula tincture for colds, acute respiratory infections and acute respiratory viral infections

Calendula tincture is used to treat acute respiratory infections and acute respiratory viral infections. At the first signs of a cold, prepare a solution - 3 drops of the product per 50 ml of water and use it to gargle. If you have a runny nose, drop 1 drop of the solution into your nose.

Treat chickenpox rash

Calendula tincture is used to cauterize blisters for chickenpox. The procedure is carried out twice a day - morning and evening. This reduces itching and burning and prevents pathogenic bacteria from entering and spreading the infection to other people.

Calendula for eye diseases

Calendula tincture is used to treat eye diseases: conjunctivitis, blepharitis. One teaspoon of the product is dissolved in 500 ml of water. The resulting solution is used for eye rinsing and lotions. Procedures are carried out every 2-3 hours. Calendula tincture provides necessary nutrition eye tissue and significantly improves vision.

Disinfection of the oral cavity

Calendula tincture is used in dentistry. With its help it is eliminated bad smell from the mouth, inflammation of the gums and periodontal tissues. For rinsing, prepare a solution of alcohol tincture and water in a 1:1 ratio. Daily rinsing of the mouth with this product prevents the formation of caries. To cauterize ulcers for stomatitis, use undiluted product.

Calendula tincture for heart disease

Calendula tincture is used for the treatment and prevention of diseases cardiovascular system. She normalizes heart rate, strengthens the heart muscle and cleanses blood vessels. Take 30 drops of the product 3 times a day for a month. Disappears with regular use headache, performance increases.

Calendula tincture for the stomach

Calendula tincture is used orally to treat diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. The product treats gastritis, stomach and duodenal ulcers, colitis, enteritis. The tincture has an astringent, antiseptic and healing effect. Before use, the product is diluted with water in a 1:1 ratio.

Calendula tincture in cosmetology

Calendula tincture is used in cosmetology. Calendula with alcohol is used in cosmetology for skin and hair care. The product is used as a component for masks, lotions and compresses. Let's take a closer look at why calendula tincture is needed in cosmetology.

Calendula tincture in face masks

Alcohol tincture of calendula is suitable for problematic and oily skin. The product tightens pores and reduces sebum production. It is used for spot cauterization of acne and wiping the skin. Consider the recipe for a face mask.


  1. Calendula tincture - 10 ml.
  2. Aloe juice - 10 ml.
  3. Flour - 2 tablespoons.
  4. Water - 100 ml.

How to cook: Mix all ingredients to a paste consistency.

How to use: Distribute the mask over damp facial skin with massage movements. After 10 minutes, rinse off with warm water.

Result: The mask cleanses and tightens pores, eliminates inflammation and disinfects the skin. Those with dry skin types should refrain from using the mask to avoid causing peeling.

For healthy hair and dandruff

Calendula tincture stimulates hair growth, eliminates oily shine and treats dandruff on the scalp. The product is rubbed into the scalp in pure form or added to hair masks.


  1. Calendula tincture - 10 ml.
  2. Burdock oil - 50 ml.
  3. Egg yolk - 1 pc.

How to cook: Heat in a water bath burdock oil to a temperature of 37 degrees, remove from heat, stir in the egg yolk. Add calendula tincture and stir until smooth.

How to use: Apply the mask to the scalp and distribute through the hair. Wrap your head in a towel. After 30 minutes, rinse off the product with regular shampoo. Repeat the procedure every other day for 1 month. If you need to repeat the course, take a break for 4 weeks.

Result: The mask reduces the oiliness of the scalp and eliminates dandruff.

For more information about the use of calendula tincture in cosmetology, watch the video:

Is it possible to drink calendula tincture?

Calendula tincture is taken orally to treat diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. The product is used only for the treatment of adults.

At peptic ulcer Prescribe 20-30 drops of tincture 2 times a day. To stimulate the bile ducts - 15 drops 3 times a day. Before use, the product is diluted in 100 ml of water.

Calendula tincture for women

Calendula tincture is used to treat gynecological diseases. It is used for douching and lotions in diluted form. The product relieves itching and burning, relieves inflammation and destroys pathogenic bacteria in the area of ​​female genital organs.

The instructions for using calendula tincture indicate that to prepare the solution you need to dilute 5 drops of the product in 1 liter of water. The resulting product is used for douching.

Before starting treatment with calendula tincture, consult a specialist. Douching with a tincture solution is contraindicated after childbirth, abortion and during pregnancy.

Calendula tincture does not eliminate the cause of the disease, but only alleviates the course of the disease and reduces the manifestation of symptoms. For effective treatment it is necessary to use the product in combination with other medicines prescribed by a doctor.

How to make calendula tincture at home

Calendula tincture can be prepared at home. Calendula tincture can be purchased at any pharmacy or prepared at home. Calendula flowers are infused with vodka or diluted alcohol in a 1:1 ratio. Consider a recipe based on vodka.


  1. Calendula flowers - 4 tablespoons.
  2. Vodka - 250 ml.

How to cook: Grind the calendula flowers, pour them into a glass jar, fill with vodka and close the lid tightly. Leave the product at room temperature for 1 week. Ready product strain and store in the refrigerator.

How to use: Dilute 20-30 drops of tincture in 100 ml of boiled water and take the solution twice a day.

Result: Alcohol solution Calendula is effective for colitis, inflammatory diseases of the stomach and duodenum. Has a choleretic effect.

Other forms of calendula tincture

At the pharmacy you can buy not only alcohol tincture of calendula, but also other dosage forms, for example, calendula solution and its extract. These products have a similar spectrum useful actions and scope.

Calendula solution

Alcohol tincture of calendula in its pure form is suitable only for external use. For oral administration, it is diluted with water and a calendula solution is obtained. The product is used for douching, lotions, gargling and mouth rinsing.

Calendula extract

Calendula extract is an orange powder with a bitter herbaceous taste. Before use, it is dissolved in water. The product is used as an antimicrobial and wound-healing drug.

Calendula extract is widely used in cosmetology. It is added to creams, lotions, balms, gels and made with it herbal baths, dissolving 10 g. powder in a filled bath. This procedure softens and moisturizes the skin, giving it elasticity.


Calendula tincture - contraindications:

  • period of pregnancy and lactation;
  • children under 12 years of age;
  • low blood pressure;
  • acute phase of gastrointestinal diseases;
  • individual intolerance.

You should not use calendula tincture in combination with sedatives, it significantly enhances their effect. The tincture reduces blood pressure and heart rate, which in combination with sedatives may have a negative impact on your well-being.

What to remember

  1. Calendula tincture is an antiseptic that is used to treat diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, cardiovascular and respiratory systems, organs of vision and skin.
  2. The product has anti-inflammatory, soothing, disinfectant and wound-healing effects.
  3. Calendula tincture should not be used in combination with sedatives, as it significantly enhances their effect.